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Last active April 13, 2018 11:28
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Updated on 26-May-16 10:29:38 by Prateek Singh
Function Get-Synonym
If($_ -match "^[a-zA-Z]+$"){
Throw "$_ is not a valid Word or contains something beyond Alphabets A-Z or a-z"
] $Word
Function Get-FullWord ($Abbreviation)
$Table = @{
$FullWord=$Table | %{ if($_.containskey($Abbreviation)){$_.get_item($Abbreviation)}else{$Abbreviation} }
Return $FullWord
$webpage = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$Word&key=qFTNpXBBp8xiNR0LdGCt&language=en_US" -UseBasicParsing -ErrorVariable ErrVar
$Word = (Get-Culture).textinfo.totitlecase($Word)
# Capturing the HTML output
$content = $webpage.Content
$Category = (Select-Xml -content $content -xpath '//list/category').node.InnerText
$Category = $Category | %{$str=$_;(Get-Culture).textinfo.totitlecase($str.Substring(1,$str.Length-2))}
$Data = ((Select-Xml -content $content -xpath '//list/synonyms').node.InnerText)
$Object = @()
if($Category.count -gt 1)
For($i=0;$i -lt $($Category.Count);$i++)
$synonyms = (Get-Culture).textinfo.totitlecase($Data[$i]).Split('|')
For($j=0;$j -lt $($synonyms.Count);$j++)
$Object += New-Object psobject -Property @{Word=$Word;Category=Get-FullWord($Category[$i]);Synonym=$synonyms[$j]}
Return $Object
$synonyms = (Get-Culture).textinfo.totitlecase($Data).Split('|')
For($j=0;$j -lt $($synonyms.Count);$j++)
$Object += New-Object psobject -Property @{Word=$Word;Category=Get-FullWord($Category);Synonym=$synonyms[$j]}
Return $Object
Write-Host $_.exception.message -ForegroundColor Yellow
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