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Last active September 30, 2022 21:49
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#Fetch the data file from GitHub repository:
#Import the required libraries:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#Read the data file:
data = pd.read_csv("Advertising.csv")
#Define the feature and target variables:
X = data[["TV","radio","newspaper"]]
Y = data["sales"]
#Reshape the data in Y:
Y = np.asarray(Y)
Y = np.reshape(Y,(Y.shape[0],1))
#Normalize the data:
X = (X - X.mean())/X.std()
Y = Y - Y.mean()/Y.std()
#Function to get intial weights and bias:
def initialize_weights(n_features):
bias = np.random.random(1)
weights = np.random.random(n_features)
#Reshape the bias and weights:
bias = np.reshape(bias,(1,1))
weights = np.reshape(weights, (1,X.shape[1]))
return bias,weights
#Predict the value of target variable based on the random weights:
def predict(bias, weights, X):
predicted_value =,weights.T)
return predicted_value
#Calculate the cost:
def calculate_cost(Y, Y_pred):
error = Y_pred - Y
cost = np.sum((error)**2)/len(error)
return cost
#Update the parameter values:
def update_parameters(X,Y,Y_pred,bias,weights,lr):
#Calculating the gradients:
db = (np.sum(Y_pred-Y)*2)/len(Y)
dw = (,X)*2)/len(Y)
#Updating the parameters:
bias = bias - lr*db
weights = weights - lr*dw
#Return the updated parameters:
return bias, weights
#The main function to run the gradient descent algorithm:
def run_batch_gradient_descent(X,Y,lr,iter):
#Create an empty list to store cost values:
cost_list = []
#Get the initial values of weights and bias:
bias, weights = initialize_weights(X.shape[1])
for i in range(iter):
#Predict the value of the target variable:
Y_pred = predict(bias, weights, X)
#Calculate the cost associated with prediction:
cost = calculate_cost(Y, Y_pred)
#Append the cost to the list:
#Update the parameters using gradient descent:
bias, weights = update_parameters(X,Y,Y_pred,bias,weights,lr)
#Return the cost list:
return bias,weights,cost_list
#Run the gradient descent algorithm:
bias,weights,cost = run_batch_gradient_descent(X,Y,lr=0.01,iter=200)
#Print the final values of weights:
#Print the final value of bias:
#Plot the graph of iter. vs cost:
plt.title("Iterations vs. Cost")
plt.ylabel("MSE cost")
plt.plot(cost,label="Batch Gradient Descent")
#Run the gradient descent algorithm:
bias1, weights1, cost1 = run_batch_gradient_descent(X,Y,lr=0.01,iter=1000)
bias2, weights2, cost2 = run_batch_gradient_descent(X,Y,lr=0.001,iter=1000)
#Plot the graphs:
plt.title("Iterations vs. Cost")
plt.ylabel("MSE cost")
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