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Last active August 29, 2021 13:59
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import os, glob
import numpy as np
from pyrsgis import raster
# Change the working directory
imageDirectory = r"E:\CNN_Builtup\ImageChips"
# Get the number of files in the directory
nFiles = len(glob.glob('*.tif'))
# Get basic information about the image chips
ds, tempArr =[0])
nBands, rows, cols = ds.RasterCount, ds.RasterXSize, ds.RasterYSize
# Create empty arrays to store data later
features = np.empty((nFiles, nBands, rows, cols))
labels = np.empty((nFiles, ))
# Loop through the files, read and stack
for n, file in enumerate(glob.glob('*.tif')):
ds, tempArr =
# Get filename without extension, split by underscore and get the label
tempLabel = os.path.splitext(file)[0].split('_')[-1]
features[n, :, :, :] = tempArr
labels[n] = tempLabel
# check for irrelevant values (we are interested in 1s and non-1s)
labels = (labels == 1).astype(int) # added on 29 Aug 2021
print('Input features shape:', features.shape)
print('\nInput labels shape:', labels.shape)
print('Values in input features, min: %d & max: %d' % (features.min(), features.max()))
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