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Created April 26, 2016 08:11
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import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
public class Main {
static long INF=Long.MAX_VALUE/4-1;
public static String left="QWERTYASDFGHZXCVB";
public static String right="OPKL";
public static void main(String[] args) {
FastScanner sc=new FastScanner();
long a,b,c,min,max;
long res=b-a;
if(a<0 && b>0)res--;
return ;
class FastScanner {
private final InputStream in =;
private final byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
private int ptr = 0;
private int buflen = 0;
private boolean hasNextByte() {
if (ptr < buflen) {
return true;
ptr = 0;
try {
buflen =;
} catch (IOException e) {
if (buflen <= 0) {
return false;
return true;
private int readByte() { if (hasNextByte()) return buffer[ptr++]; else return -1;}
private boolean isPrintableChar(int c) { return 33 <= c && c <= 126;}
private void skipUnprintable() { while(hasNextByte() && !isPrintableChar(buffer[ptr])) ptr++;}
public boolean hasNext() { skipUnprintable(); return hasNextByte();}
public String next() {
if (!hasNext()) throw new NoSuchElementException();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int b = readByte();
while(isPrintableChar(b)) {
b = readByte();
return sb.toString();
public long nextLong() {
if (!hasNext()) throw new NoSuchElementException();
long n = 0;
boolean minus = false;
int b = readByte();
if (b == '-') {
minus = true;
b = readByte();
if (b < '0' || '9' < b) {
throw new NumberFormatException();
if ('0' <= b && b <= '9') {
n *= 10;
n += b - '0';
}else if(b == -1 || !isPrintableChar(b)){
return minus ? -n : n;
throw new NumberFormatException();
b = readByte();
public int nextInt() {
if (!hasNext()) throw new NoSuchElementException();
int n = 0;
boolean minus = false;
int b = readByte();
if (b == '-') {
minus = true;
b = readByte();
if (b < '0' || '9' < b) {
throw new NumberFormatException();
if ('0' <= b && b <= '9') {
n *= 10;
n += b - '0';
}else if(b == -1 || !isPrintableChar(b)){
return minus ? -n : n;
throw new NumberFormatException();
b = readByte();
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