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Last active April 22, 2020 06:09
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  • Save PredatorMF/8dbf6b1772d5afdf6699ee31057beb12 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save PredatorMF/8dbf6b1772d5afdf6699ee31057beb12 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Urho3D UIOption
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<attribute name="Hover Image Offset" value="16 -16" />
<element type="Text">
<attribute name="Name" value="LblName" />
<attribute name="Min Anchor" value="0 0.5" />
<attribute name="Max Anchor" value="0 0.5" />
<attribute name="Pivot" value="0 0.5" />
<attribute name="Color" value="0.7 0.7 0.7 1" />
<attribute name="Top Left Color" value="0.7 0.7 0.7 1" />
<attribute name="Top Right Color" value="0.7 0.7 0.7 1" />
<attribute name="Bottom Left Color" value="0.7 0.7 0.7 1" />
<attribute name="Bottom Right Color" value="0.7 0.7 0.7 1" />
<attribute name="Font" value="Font;Fonts/Roboto-Bold.ttf" />
<attribute name="Font Size" value="12" />
<attribute name="Text" value="Display Mode" />
<attribute name="Text Effect" value="Stroke" />
<attribute name="Min Size" value="0 40" />
<attribute name="Max Size" value="9999 40" />
<attribute name="Min Anchor" value="0 0.5" />
<attribute name="Max Anchor" value="0 0.5" />
<attribute name="Pivot" value="0 0.5" />
<attribute name="Layout Mode" value="Horizontal" />
<attribute name="Layout Spacing" value="4" />
<element type="Button">
<attribute name="Name" value="BtnLeft" />
<attribute name="Min Size" value="32 32" />
<attribute name="Max Size" value="32 32" />
<attribute name="Min Anchor" value="0 0.5" />
<attribute name="Max Anchor" value="0 0.5" />
<attribute name="Pivot" value="0 0.5" />
<attribute name="Focus Mode" value="NotFocusable" />
<attribute name="Layout Mode" value="Horizontal" />
<attribute name="Texture" value="Texture2D;ui/ui_flat.png" />
<attribute name="Image Rect" value="0 16 16 32" />
<attribute name="Border" value="4 4 4 4" />
<attribute name="Hover Image Offset" value="16 0" />
<attribute name="Pressed Image Offset" value="-16 -16" />
<attribute name="Pressed Child Offset" value="-1 1" />
<element type="Text">
<attribute name="Pivot" value="0 0" />
<attribute name="Top Left Color" value="0.85 0.85 0.85 1" />
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<attribute name="Bottom Right Color" value="0.85 0.85 0.85 1" />
<attribute name="Font" value="Font;Fonts/Roboto-Bold.ttf" />
<attribute name="Font Size" value="18" />
<attribute name="Text" value="&lt;" />
<attribute name="Text Alignment" value="Center" />
<attribute name="Text Effect" value="Stroke" />
<element type="BorderImage">
<attribute name="Min Size" value="64 32" />
<attribute name="Max Size" value="9999 32" />
<attribute name="Min Anchor" value="0 0.5" />
<attribute name="Max Anchor" value="0 0.5" />
<attribute name="Pivot" value="0 0.5" />
<attribute name="Layout Mode" value="Horizontal" />
<attribute name="Texture" value="Texture2D;ui/ui_flat.png" />
<attribute name="Image Rect" value="0 16 16 32" />
<attribute name="Image Border" value="2 2 2 2" />
<element type="Text">
<attribute name="Name" value="LblValue" />
<attribute name="Min Anchor" value="0 0.5" />
<attribute name="Max Anchor" value="0 0.5" />
<attribute name="Pivot" value="0 0.5" />
<attribute name="Top Left Color" value="0.85 0.85 0.85 1" />
<attribute name="Top Right Color" value="0.85 0.85 0.85 1" />
<attribute name="Bottom Left Color" value="0.85 0.85 0.85 1" />
<attribute name="Bottom Right Color" value="0.85 0.85 0.85 1" />
<attribute name="Font" value="Font;Fonts/Roboto-Bold.ttf" />
<attribute name="Font Size" value="12" />
<attribute name="Text" value="Full Screen" />
<attribute name="Text Alignment" value="Center" />
<attribute name="Text Effect" value="Stroke" />
<element type="Button">
<attribute name="Name" value="BtnRight" />
<attribute name="Min Size" value="32 32" />
<attribute name="Max Size" value="32 32" />
<attribute name="Min Anchor" value="0 0.5" />
<attribute name="Max Anchor" value="0 0.5" />
<attribute name="Pivot" value="0 0.5" />
<attribute name="Focus Mode" value="NotFocusable" />
<attribute name="Layout Mode" value="Horizontal" />
<attribute name="Texture" value="Texture2D;ui/ui_flat.png" />
<attribute name="Image Rect" value="0 16 16 32" />
<attribute name="Border" value="4 4 4 4" />
<attribute name="Hover Image Offset" value="16 0" />
<attribute name="Pressed Image Offset" value="-16 -16" />
<attribute name="Pressed Child Offset" value="-1 1" />
<element type="Text">
<attribute name="Pivot" value="0 0" />
<attribute name="Top Left Color" value="0.85 0.85 0.85 1" />
<attribute name="Top Right Color" value="0.85 0.85 0.85 1" />
<attribute name="Bottom Left Color" value="0.85 0.85 0.85 1" />
<attribute name="Bottom Right Color" value="0.85 0.85 0.85 1" />
<attribute name="Is Editable" value="false" />
<attribute name="Font" value="Font;Fonts/Roboto-Bold.ttf" />
<attribute name="Font Size" value="18" />
<attribute name="Text" value="&gt;" />
<attribute name="Text Alignment" value="Center" />
<attribute name="Text Effect" value="Stroke" />
#include "ui_option.h"
#include <Urho3D/Core/Context.h>
#include <Urho3D/Resource/ResourceCache.h>
#include <Urho3D/UI/UI.h>
#include <Urho3D/UI/Text.h>
#include <Urho3D/UI/UIEvents.h>
#include <Urho3D/Input/InputEvents.h>
namespace Urho3D {
extern const char* UI_CATEGORY;
// static
void UITemplateElement::RegisterObject(Context* context) {
URHO3D_MIXED_ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE("Template", GetTemplate, SetTemplate, ResourceRef, ResourceRef(XMLFile::GetTypeStatic()), AM_DEFAULT);
UITemplateElement::UITemplateElement(Context* context)
: BorderImage(context) {
UITemplateElement::~UITemplateElement() {
void UITemplateElement::SetTemplate(const ResourceRef& xmltemplate) {
if (template_ == xmltemplate.name_)
template_ = xmltemplate.name_;
// load template
if (template_.Empty())
auto ui = GetSubsystem<UI>();
auto cache = GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>();
auto xml = cache->GetResource<XMLFile>(template_);
if (!xml)
auto name = GetName();
LoadXML(xml->GetRoot(), 0);
//auto child = CreateChild<BorderImage>();
//child->LoadXML(xml->GetRoot(), 0);
auto child = GetChild(0);
if (child) child->SetInternal(true);
PODVector<UIElement*> children;
GetChildren(children, true);
for (auto c : children) {
ResourceRef UITemplateElement::GetTemplate() const {
return ResourceRef(XMLFile::GetTypeStatic(), template_);
// static
void UIOption::RegisterObject(Context* context) {
URHO3D_MIXED_ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE("Option Name", GetOptionName, SetOptionName, String, "", AM_DEFAULT);
UIOption::UIOption(Context* context): UITemplateElement(context) {
UIOption::~UIOption() {
void UIOption::SetOptionName(const String& name) {
option_name_ = name;
auto label = GetChildDynamicCast<Text>("LblName", true);
if (label) label->SetText(option_name_);
void UIOption::OnTemplateLoaded() {
auto label = GetChildDynamicCast<Text>("LblName", true);
if (label) label->SetText(option_name_);
void UIOption::OnChanged() {
Urho3D::VariantMap& eventData = GetEventDataMap();
using namespace UIOptionChanged;
eventData[P_OPTION] = this;
SendEvent(E_UIOPTION_CHANGED, eventData);
void UIOption::OnKey(Key key, MouseButtonFlags buttons, QualifierFlags qualifiers) {
if (key == KEY_UP || key == KEY_DOWN) {
using namespace KeyDown;
VariantMap& eventData = GetEventDataMap();
eventData[P_KEY] = KEY_TAB;
eventData[P_BUTTONS] = (unsigned)buttons;
eventData[P_QUALIFIERS] = key == KEY_UP ? QUAL_SHIFT : 0;
SendEvent(E_KEYDOWN, eventData);
// static
void UIBoolOption::RegisterObject(Context* context) {
URHO3D_MIXED_ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE("Option Name", GetOptionName, SetOptionName, String, "", AM_DEFAULT);
URHO3D_MIXED_ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE("Option Value", GetOptionValue, SetOptionValue, bool, false, AM_DEFAULT);
UIBoolOption::UIBoolOption(Context* context)
: UIOption(context), value_(false), subscribed_(false) {
UIBoolOption::~UIBoolOption() {
void UIBoolOption::SetOptionValue(bool value) {
bool old_val = value_;
value_ = value;
if (old_val != value_) {
void UIBoolOption::OnTemplateLoaded() {
auto button_left = GetChild("BtnLeft", true);
if (button_left) {
SubscribeToEvent(button_left, E_RELEASED, URHO3D_HANDLER(UIBoolOption, HandleButton));
auto button_right = GetChild("BtnRight", true);
if (button_right) {
SubscribeToEvent(button_right, E_RELEASED, URHO3D_HANDLER(UIBoolOption, HandleButton));
void UIBoolOption::HandleButton(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData) {
using namespace Released;
auto element = static_cast<UIElement*>(eventData[P_ELEMENT].GetPtr());
if (element->GetName() == "BtnLeft") {
} else if (element->GetName() == "BtnRight") {
void UIBoolOption::SetOptionLabel(bool state, const String& text) {
auto label = GetChildDynamicCast<Text>(state ? "LblLeft" : "LblRight", true);
if (label)
String UIBoolOption::GetOptionLabel(bool state) const {
auto label = GetChildDynamicCast<Text>(state ? "LblLeft" : "LblRight", true);
if (label)
return label->GetText();
return "";
void UIBoolOption::OnKey(Key key, MouseButtonFlags buttons, QualifierFlags qualifiers) {
if (key == KEY_LEFT) {
} else if (key == KEY_RIGHT) {
UIOption::OnKey(key, buttons, qualifiers);
void UIBoolOption::UpdateValue() {
auto button_left = GetChild("BtnLeft", true);
if (button_left) {
auto status = button_left->GetChild("Status", true);
if (status) {
auto button_right = GetChild("BtnRight", true);
if (button_right) {
auto status = button_right->GetChild("Status", true);
if (status) {
static const StringVector optionsVectorNames =
"Option Count",
" Text",
// static
void UIMultiOption::RegisterObject(Context* context) {
URHO3D_MIXED_ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE("Option Name", GetOptionName, SetOptionName, String, "", AM_DEFAULT);
URHO3D_MIXED_ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE("Option Index", GetOptionIndex, SetOptionIndex, int, -1, AM_DEFAULT);
URHO3D_MIXED_ACCESSOR_ATTRIBUTE("Option Strings", GetOptionsAttr, SetOptionsAttr, VariantVector, Variant::emptyVariantVector, AM_DEFAULT)
.SetMetadata(AttributeMetadata::P_VECTOR_STRUCT_ELEMENTS, optionsVectorNames);
UIMultiOption::UIMultiOption(Context* context)
: UIOption(context), index_(0), options_count_(0), subscribed_(false) {
UIMultiOption::~UIMultiOption() {
void UIMultiOption::SetOptionIndex(int value) {
int old_val = index_;
index_ = value;
if (index_ < 0)
index_ = 0;
if (index_ >= options_count_)
index_ = options_count_ - 1;
if (old_val != index_) {
void UIMultiOption::SetNumberOfOptions(int count) {
options_count_ = count;
void UIMultiOption::SetStrings(const StringVector& strings) {
strings_ = strings;
options_count_ = strings_.Size();
void UIMultiOption::SetOptionsAttr(const VariantVector& options) {
unsigned index = 0;
options_count_ = index < options.Size() ? options[index++].GetUInt() : 0;
// Prevent negative value being assigned from the editor
if (options_count_ > M_MAX_INT)
options_count_ = 0;
for (auto it = strings_.Begin(); it != strings_.End() && index < options.Size(); ++it) {
*it = options[index++].GetString();
VariantVector UIMultiOption::GetOptionsAttr() const {
VariantVector ret;
ret.Reserve(options_count_ + 1);
for (auto it = strings_.Begin(); it != strings_.End(); ++it) {
return ret;
String UIMultiOption::GetValue() const {
if (strings_.Empty())
return "";
if (index_ >= 0 && index_ < (int)strings_.Size())
return strings_[index_];
return "";
void UIMultiOption::OnTemplateLoaded() {
auto button_left = GetChild("BtnLeft", true);
if (button_left) {
SubscribeToEvent(button_left, E_RELEASED, URHO3D_HANDLER(UIMultiOption, HandleButton));
auto button_right = GetChild("BtnRight", true);
if (button_right) {
SubscribeToEvent(button_right, E_RELEASED, URHO3D_HANDLER(UIMultiOption, HandleButton));
if (options_count_ > 0 && index_ >= 0 && index_ < options_count_) {
auto lbl_value = GetChildDynamicCast<Text>("LblValue", true);
if (lbl_value)
void UIMultiOption::HandleButton(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData) {
using namespace Released;
if (options_count_ <= 0)
auto element = static_cast<UIElement*>(eventData[P_ELEMENT].GetPtr());
if (element->GetName() == "BtnLeft") {
SetOptionIndex(index_ - 1);
} else if (element->GetName() == "BtnRight") {
SetOptionIndex(index_ + 1);
void UIMultiOption::OnKey(Key key, MouseButtonFlags buttons, QualifierFlags qualifiers) {
if (key == KEY_LEFT) {
SetOptionIndex(index_ - 1);
} else if (key == KEY_RIGHT) {
SetOptionIndex(index_ + 1);
UIOption::OnKey(key, buttons, qualifiers);
} // namespace Urho3D
#ifndef __ENGINE_UI_OPTION_H__
#define __ENGINE_UI_OPTION_H__
#pragma once
#include <Urho3D/UI/UIElement.h>
#include <Urho3D/UI/BorderImage.h>
#include <Urho3D/Core/Object.h>
namespace Urho3D {
/// UI button was pressed, then released.
URHO3D_PARAM(P_OPTION, Option); // UITemplateElement pointer
class UITemplateElement : public BorderImage {
URHO3D_OBJECT(UITemplateElement, BorderImage)
/// Construct.
explicit UITemplateElement(Context* context);
/// Destruct.
~UITemplateElement() override;
/// Register object factory.
static void RegisterObject(Context* context);
void SetTemplate(const ResourceRef& xmltemplate);
ResourceRef GetTemplate() const;
String template_;
virtual void OnTemplateLoaded() {}
class UIOption : public UITemplateElement {
URHO3D_OBJECT(UIOption, UITemplateElement)
/// Construct.
explicit UIOption(Context* context);
/// Destruct.
~UIOption() override;
/// Register object factory.
static void RegisterObject(Context* context);
void SetOptionName(const String& name);
String GetOptionName() const { return option_name_; }
String option_name_;
virtual void OnTemplateLoaded();
void OnChanged();
void OnKey(Key key, MouseButtonFlags buttons, QualifierFlags qualifiers) override;
class UIBoolOption : public UIOption {
URHO3D_OBJECT(UIBoolOption, UIOption)
UIBoolOption(Context* context);
~UIBoolOption() override;
/// Register object factory.
static void RegisterObject(Context* context);
void SetOptionValue(bool value);
bool GetOptionValue() const { return value_; }
void SetOptionLabel(bool state, const String& text);
String GetOptionLabel(bool state) const;
bool value_;
bool subscribed_;
void OnTemplateLoaded() override;
void HandleButton(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData);
void OnKey(Key key, MouseButtonFlags buttons, QualifierFlags qualifiers) override;
void UpdateValue();
class UIMultiOption : public UIOption {
URHO3D_OBJECT(UIMultiOption, UIOption)
UIMultiOption(Context* context);
~UIMultiOption() override;
/// Register object factory.
static void RegisterObject(Context* context);
void SetOptionIndex(int value);
int GetOptionIndex() const { return index_; }
void SetNumberOfOptions(int count);
int GetNumberOfOptions() const { return options_count_; }
void SetOptionsAttr(const VariantVector& strings);
VariantVector GetOptionsAttr() const;
void SetStrings(const StringVector& strings);
StringVector GetStrings() const { return strings_; }
String GetValue() const;
int options_count_;
Vector<String> strings_;
int index_;
bool subscribed_;
void OnTemplateLoaded() override;
void HandleButton(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData);
void OnKey(Key key, MouseButtonFlags buttons, QualifierFlags qualifiers) override;
} // namespace Urho3D
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