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Created September 13, 2022 20:23
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import java.util.*
import kotlin.math.pow
* @author Preyea R. Regmi
* Entry point to the division operation
* 1) Takes input from CLI as string and parse into decimal format.
* 2) Converts the input and divisor into binary string
* 3) Performs division on binary representation
* 4) Prints Quotient and Remainder in both binary and decimal format
fun main() {
while(true) {
val console = Scanner(System.`in`)
println("Enter dividend number")
val dividend = console.nextInt()
println("Enter divisor number")
val divisor = console.nextInt()
val inputBinaryString: String = toBinaryString(dividend)
val divisorBinaryString: String = toBinaryString(divisor)
println("Dividend Binary: $inputBinaryString")
println("Divisor Binary: $divisorBinaryString")
val divResult = divideBinary(inputBinaryString, divisorBinaryString)
println("Quotient Binary: " + divResult.first)
println("Remainder Binary: " + divResult.second)
println("Quotient Decimal: " + divResult.first.toDecimal())
println("Remainder Decimal: " + divResult.second.toDecimal())
* Recursive division function for binary representation
* @param x Input binary string
* @param y Divisor binary string
* @return Quotient and Remainder as a Pair
fun divideBinary(x:String, y:String):Pair<String,String>
return Pair(Integer.toBinaryString(0), Integer.toBinaryString(0));
val quotientRemainderPair= divideBinary(x.divideBy2(),y)
var qPrime= quotientRemainderPair.first.multiplyBy2()
var rPrime = quotientRemainderPair.second.multiplyBy2()
if(rPrime.greaterOrEqualTo(y)) {
rPrime = rPrime.subtractWith(y)
qPrime = qPrime.addWith("1")
return Pair(qPrime,rPrime)
* Extension function on String type compare with another binary string.
fun String.greaterOrEqualTo(x:String):Boolean
val b1=Integer.parseInt(this)
val b2=Integer.parseInt(x)
return b1-b2>=0
* Extension function on String type that perfrom division by 2 for binary String.
* Division by 2 is essentially a logical right shift operation for binary numbers.
* Since the binary representation is expressed as String which is array of characters,
* right shifting is just removing the last character in the array.
fun String.divideBy2():String
return "0";
return this.substring(0,this.length-1)
* Division by 2 is essentially a logical left shift operation for binary numbers
* Since the binary representation is expressed as String which is array of characters,
* left shifting is just appending '0' in the array.
fun String.multiplyBy2():String{
return this+"0";
* Extension function on String type to perform binary addition.
* Since it was allowed to use std library for add operation.
fun String.addWith(input:String):String
val b1=Integer.parseInt(this,2)
val b2=Integer.parseInt(input,2)
return Integer.toBinaryString(b1+b2)
* Extension function on String type to perform binary subtraction
* Since it was allowed to use std library for subtract operation.
fun String.subtractWith(input:String):String
val b1=Integer.parseInt(this,2)
val b2=Integer.parseInt(input,2)
return Integer.toBinaryString(b1-b2)
* Extension function on String type to check if binary string is zero or not
* If all the character in bit string is zero, it has zero value in decimal form.
fun String.isZero():Boolean
for(bit in this)
return false
return true
* Extension function on String type to check if binary string is odd or not
* If the last bit of binary string is '1' then it is odd o
fun String.isOdd():Boolean
return (this[this.length-1]=='1')
* Extension function on String type to check if binary string is even or not
* If the last bit of binary string is '0' then it is even
fun String.isEven():Boolean
return !this.isOdd()
* Recursive function to convert int to binary string.
fun toBinaryString(num: Int): String {
return if (num == 0) "" else toBinaryString(num / 2 ) + num % 2
* Extension function on String type to convert binary string to decimal.
fun String.toDecimal():Int
var convertedDouble:Double=0.0
for (i in 0 until this.length) {
if (this[i] == '1') {
val len: Int = this.length - 1 - i
convertedDouble += 2.0.pow(len.toDouble())
return convertedDouble.toInt()
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