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Last active October 4, 2020 10:03
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A "MeshStyle" for Starling that allows batching of multiple textures in one draw call.
// =================================================================================================
// Starling Framework
// Copyright Gamua GmbH. All Rights Reserved.
// This program is free software. You can redistribute and/or modify it
// in accordance with the terms of the accompanying license agreement.
// =================================================================================================
package starling.extensions
import flash.geom.Matrix;
import starling.display.Mesh;
import starling.rendering.MeshEffect;
import starling.rendering.RenderState;
import starling.rendering.VertexData;
import starling.rendering.VertexDataFormat;
import starling.styles.MeshStyle;
import starling.textures.Texture;
public class MultiTextureStyle extends MeshStyle
public static const VERTEX_FORMAT:VertexDataFormat =
public static const MAX_NUM_TEXTURES:int = 4;
private var _textures:Vector.<Texture>;
private static var sTextureIndexMap:Array = [];
public function MultiTextureStyle()
_textures = new <Texture>[];
override public function createEffect():MeshEffect
return new MultiTextureEffect();
override public function updateEffect(effect:MeshEffect, state:RenderState):void
var targetEffect:MultiTextureEffect = effect as MultiTextureEffect;
var numTextures:int = _textures.length;
super.updateEffect(effect, state);
for (var i:int=0; i<numTextures; ++i)
targetEffect.setTextureAt(i, _textures[i]);
override public function canBatchWith(meshStyle:MeshStyle):Boolean
var mtStyle:MultiTextureStyle = meshStyle as MultiTextureStyle;
if (mtStyle)
var i:int;
var numTexturesToAdd:int = _textures.length;
if (mtStyle.numTextures + numTexturesToAdd > MAX_NUM_TEXTURES)
var numSharedTextures:int = 0;
for (i=0; i<numTexturesToAdd; ++i)
if (mtStyle.getTextureIndex(_textures[i]) != -1)
return mtStyle.numTextures + numTexturesToAdd - numSharedTextures
else return true;
return false;
override public function batchVertexData(target:MeshStyle, targetVertexID:int = 0,
matrix:Matrix = null, vertexID:int = 0,
numVertices:int = -1):void
super.batchVertexData(target, targetVertexID, matrix, vertexID, numVertices);
var mtTarget:MultiTextureStyle = target as MultiTextureStyle;
if (mtTarget)
var targetVertexData:VertexData = mtTarget.vertexData;
var sourceVertexData:VertexData = this.vertexData;
var numTextures:int = _textures.length;
var sourceTexID:int, targetTexID:int;
var i:int;
if (numVertices < 0)
numVertices = vertexData.numVertices - vertexID;
if (targetVertexID == 0)
mtTarget._textures.length = 0;
for (i = 0; i < numTextures; ++i)
var texture:Texture = _textures[i];
var textureIndexOnTarget:int = mtTarget.getTextureIndex(texture);
if (textureIndexOnTarget == -1)
textureIndexOnTarget = mtTarget.numTextures;
mtTarget.setTextureAt(texture, textureIndexOnTarget);
sTextureIndexMap[i] = textureIndexOnTarget;
for (i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i)
// we could make this more efficient by storing the regions in which certain
// textures are used in a separate data structure, instead of accessing the
// vertex data over and over.
if (numTextures == 0) sourceTexID = -1;
else sourceTexID = sourceVertexData.getFloat(vertexID + i, "texture");
if (sourceTexID == -1) targetTexID = -1;
else targetTexID = sTextureIndexMap[sourceTexID];
if (sourceTexID == -1 || sourceTexID != targetTexID)
targetVertexData.setFloat(targetVertexID + i, "texture", targetTexID);
sTextureIndexMap.length = 0;
override protected function onTargetAssigned(target:Mesh):void
_textures.length = 0;
if (target.texture) _textures[0] = target.texture;
override public function get vertexFormat():VertexDataFormat
override public function set texture(value:Texture):void
if (value) _textures[0] = value;
super.texture = value;
private function setTextureAt(texture:Texture, index:int):void
_textures[index] = texture;
private function getTextureIndex(texture:Texture):int
var numTextures:int = _textures.length;
for (var i:int=0; i<numTextures; ++i)
if (_textures[i].base == texture.base) return i;
return -1;
private function get numTextures():int { return _textures.length; }
import flash.display3D.Context3D;
import flash.display3D.Context3DProgramType;
import starling.core.Starling;
import starling.rendering.MeshEffect;
import starling.rendering.Program;
import starling.rendering.VertexDataFormat;
import starling.styles.MultiTextureStyle;
import starling.textures.Texture;
import starling.utils.RenderUtil;
class MultiTextureEffect extends MeshEffect
private var _textures:Vector.<Texture>;
private static const sTextureIndices:Vector.<Number> = new <Number>[0, 1, 2, 3];
private static const sOnes:Vector.<Number> = new <Number>[1, 1, 1, 1];
public function MultiTextureEffect()
_textures = new <Texture>[];
override protected function createProgram():Program
var vertexShader:Array = [
"m44 op, va0, vc0", // 4x4 matrix transform to output clip-space
"mov v0, va1 ", // pass texture coordinates to fragment program
"mul v1, va2, vc4", // multiply alpha (vc4) with color (va2), pass to fp
"mov v2, va3 " // pass texture sampler index to fp
// fc0 = [0, 1, 2, 3]
// fc1 = [1, 1, 1, 1]
var isBaseline:Boolean = Starling.current.profile.indexOf("baseline") != -1;
var agalVersion:uint = isBaseline ? 1 : 2;
var fragmentShader:Array = isBaseline ?
createFragmentShaderForBaselineProfile(numTextures) :
return Program.fromSource(vertexShader.join("\n"), fragmentShader.join("\n"), agalVersion);
private function createFragmentShaderForBaselineProfile(numTextures:int):Array
// In baseline profile, if-statements are not available. Instead,
// we sample all textures and multiply all but the active one with "zero".
var fragmentShader:Array = [];
if (numTextures == 0)
fragmentShader.push("mov ft4, fc0.xxxx"); // init with zero
if (numTextures > 0)
tex("ft0", "v0", 0, _textures[0]),
"seq ft1, v2.x, fc0.x",
"mul ft4, ft1, ft0"
if (numTextures > 1)
tex("ft0", "v0", 1, _textures[1]),
"seq ft1, v2.x, fc0.y",
"mul ft0, ft1, ft0",
"add ft4, ft4, ft0"
if (numTextures > 2)
tex("ft0", "v0", 2, _textures[2]),
"seq ft1, v2.x, fc0.z",
"mul ft0, ft1, ft0",
"add ft4, ft4, ft0"
if (numTextures > 3)
tex("ft0", "v0", 3, _textures[3]),
"seq ft1, v2.x, fc0.w",
"mul ft0, ft1, ft0",
"add ft4, ft4, ft0"
"slt ft0, v2.x, fc0.x", // no texture => v2.x < 0
"add ft4, ft4, ft0",
"mul oc, ft4, v1" // multiply color with texel color
return fragmentShader;
private function createFragmentShaderForStandardProfile(numTextures:int):Array
// In standard profile, we can actually choose the correct texture via an if-operation,
// which should be more efficient (fewer texture look-ups).
var fragmentShader:Array = [
"mov ft0, fc1" // init with white (used when no texture is assigned)
if (numTextures > 0)
"ife v2.x, fc0.x",
tex("ft0", "v0", 0, _textures[0]),
if (numTextures > 1)
"ife v2.x, fc0.y",
tex("ft0", "v0", 1, _textures[1]),
if (numTextures > 2)
"ife v2.x, fc0.z",
tex("ft0", "v0", 2, _textures[2]),
if (numTextures > 3)
"ife v2.x, fc0.w",
tex("ft0", "v0", 3, _textures[3]),
fragmentShader.push("mul oc, ft0, v1"); // multiply color with texel color
return fragmentShader;
override protected function beforeDraw(context:Context3D):void
context.setProgramConstantsFromVector(Context3DProgramType.FRAGMENT, 0, sTextureIndices);
context.setProgramConstantsFromVector(Context3DProgramType.FRAGMENT, 1, sOnes);
vertexFormat.setVertexBufferAt(1, vertexBuffer, "texCoords");
vertexFormat.setVertexBufferAt(3, vertexBuffer, "texture");
for (var i:int=0; i<numTextures; ++i)
var texture:Texture = _textures[i];
RenderUtil.setSamplerStateAt(i, texture.mipMapping, textureSmoothing, textureRepeat);
context.setTextureAt(i, texture.base);
override protected function afterDraw(context:Context3D):void
for (var i:int=0; i<numTextures; ++i)
context.setTextureAt(i, null);
context.setVertexBufferAt(1, null);
context.setVertexBufferAt(3, null);
override public function get vertexFormat():VertexDataFormat
return MultiTextureStyle.VERTEX_FORMAT;
override protected function get programVariantName():uint
var numTextures:int = _textures.length;
var bits:uint = 0;
for (var i:int=0; i<numTextures; ++i)
bits |= RenderUtil.getTextureVariantBits(_textures[i]) << (4 * i);
return bits;
override public function set texture(value:Texture):void
if (value) _textures[0] = value;
super.texture = value;
public function setTextureAt(index:int, texture:Texture):void
_textures[index] = texture;
public function clearTextures():void
_textures.length = 0;
public function get numTextures():int { return _textures.length; }
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The reason this doesn't work on all hardware is that the GPU interpolation hardware that computes the varying registers from the vertices is not always completely accurate, as GPUs usually trade speed for accuracy. So even though you set the "texture" vertices to, say 1, the v2.x value won't always be exactly 1, it will sometimes be a little off. So testing for strict equality won't always work.

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Ah, I totally forgot about this extension! Thanks, @johnridges — you are right, that seems extremely likely. I will modify the code to a "floating point-safe" way. After all, this mesh style will still be useful in some cases!

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