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Created May 27, 2021 05:32
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Save PrincessOfEvil/10723e043438c89eea2abe98454db864 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Modified XML coder file for Akelpad
; Coder plugin syntax file ;
; Color need to be in #RRGGBB or #RGB format.
; If color equal to zero, then color ignored.
;Font styles
; 0 ignored.
; 1 normal.
; 2 bold.
; 3 italic.
; 4 bold italic.
;For comfort file viewing/editing set tab size to 8.
;File types
;--XML based types--
;--Visual Studio projects--
;--Windows Installer XML (WiX)--
;--Free Pascal Lazarus Project--
;--Delphi Project--
;--MAC OS--
; HighLight ;
;Flags (sum of the members)
; 1 case sensitive.
; 2 word is a composition of characters ("Words:" section only). Example: "0123456789" - highlight words that contain only digits.
; 4 quote end required ("Quotes:" section only).
; 8 quote start string is ignored and last meet delimiter used as quote start ("Quotes:" section only).
; 16 quote end string is ignored and first meet delimiter used as quote end ("Quotes:" section only).
; 32 don't highlight quote start ("Quotes:" section only).
; 64 don't highlight quote end ("Quotes:" section only).
; 128 don't catch and don't highlight quote start ("Quotes:" section only).
; 256 don't catch and don't highlight quote end ("Quotes:" section only).
; 512 quote start, delimiter or word located at line start.
; 1024 quote end, delimiter or word located at line end.
; 2048 quote start is surrounded with delimiters ("Quotes:" section only).
; 4096 quote end is surrounded with delimiters ("Quotes:" section only).
; 8192 quote doesn't contain delimiters ("Quotes:" section only).
; 16384 only quote start string is catched ("Quotes:" section only).
; 32768 quote doesn't contain any character ("Quotes:" section only).
;FontStyle FontSize FaceName
${HighLight_FontStyle} ${HighLight_FontSize} ${HighLight_FaceName}
;BasicTextColor BasicBkColor SelTextColor SelBkColor LineTextColor LineBkColor LineBorderColor AltTextColor AltBkColor AltBorderColor ColumnColor MarkerColor CaretColor UrlColor ActiveUrlColor VisitUrlColor
${HighLight_BasicTextColor} ${HighLight_BasicBkColor} ${HighLight_SelTextColor} ${HighLight_SelBkColor} ${HighLight_LineTextColor} ${HighLight_LineBkColor} ${HighLight_LineBorderColor} ${HighLight_AltTextColor} ${HighLight_AltBkColor} ${HighLight_AltBorderColor} ${HighLight_ColumnColor} ${HighLight_MarkerColor} ${HighLight_CaretColor} ${HighLight_UrlColor} ${HighLight_ActiveUrlColor} ${HighLight_VisitUrlColor}
;BkImageFile BkImageAlpha
${HighLight_BkImageFile} ${HighLight_BkImageAlpha}
;AutoMarkFlags AutoMarkFontStyle AutoMarkTextColor AutoMarkBkColor
${HighLight_AutoMarkFlags} ${HighLight_AutoMarkFontStyle} ${HighLight_AutoMarkTextColor} ${HighLight_AutoMarkBkColor}
;Flags Font Color Color Quote Quote Escape Quote Quote Parent Rule
; style text bkgrnd start end char include exclude ID ID
389 0 ${TAG} 0 "</" ">" "" "" "" 0 3
401 0 ${AREA} 0 "<" "" "" "" "" 0 3
5 3 ${STR} 0 `"` `"` "" "" "" 2 4
5 3 ${STR} 0 "'" "'" "" "" "" 2 4
389 0 ${TYPE} 0 ">" "<" "" "" "" 0 4
397 0 ${OP} 0 "" "=" "" "" "" 2 0
401 0 ${STR} 0 "=" "" "" "" "" 2 4
5 0 ${VAR} 0 "&" ";" "" "" "" 0 0
;Flags Pattern \BackRef=(FontStyle,ColorText,ColorBk) \BackRef=... ParentID RuleID
0 "(-?(?:\d+)(?:\.\d+)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?)" "\1=(0,${NUM},0)" 4 0
0 "(true|false)" "\1=(0,${TAG},0)" 4 0
;Flags Font Color Color Char(s) Parent
; style text bkgrnd ID
1 0 0 0 " " 0
1 0 0 0 " " 0
1 0 0 0 `"` 0
1 0 0 0 "'" 0
1 0 ${DEL1} 0 </ 0
1 0 ${DEL1} 0 /> 0
1 0 ${DEL1} 0 < 0
1 0 ${DEL1} 0 > 0
1 0 ${DEL2} 0 = 2
1 0 ${DEL2} 0 ! 0
;Flags Font Color Color Word Parent
; style text bkgrnd ID
; CodeFold ;
;Flags (sum of the members)
; 1 case sensitive.
; 2 force get fold name for function list from left at the fold start ("Folds:" section only).
; 4 force get fold name for function list from right at the fold start, including fold start ("Folds:" section only).
; 8 fold start ("Folds:" section) or skip start ("Skips:" section) located at line start.
; 16 fold start ("Folds:" section) or skip start ("Skips:" section) located at line end.
; 32 fold end ("Folds:" section) or skip end ("Skips:" section) located at line start.
; 64 fold end ("Folds:" section) or skip end ("Skips:" section) located at line end.
; 128 don't catch fold end ("Folds:" section) or skip end ("Skips:" section).
; 256 additional to 128 flag - more priority is given to sibling level instead of parent level ("Folds:" section only).
; 512 comment fold - fold ignore any other folds and skips inside ("Folds:" section only).
; 1024 reserved.
; 2048 deny fold - founded fold will be ignored ("Folds:" section only).
; 4096 xml fold - "<tag" and "</tag>", "<single" and "/>", "<single" and ">" ("Folds:" section only).
; 8192 don't check delimiters from left of fold start ("Folds:" section only).
; 16384 don't check delimiters from right of fold start ("Folds:" section only).
; 32768 don't check delimiters from left of fold end ("Folds:" section only).
; 65536 don't check delimiters from right of fold end ("Folds:" section only).
; 131072 deny delimiters ("Folds:" section only).
; 262144 don't show fold in list ("Folds:" section only).
; 1048576 regular expression in fold start ("Folds:" section) or skip start ("Skips:" section).
; 2097152 regular expression in fold end ("Folds:" section) or skip end ("Skips:" section). Backreference \101 matches \1 in fold start, \102 matches \2 and so on.
;PanelFirstBkColor PanelSecondBkColor PanelNormalFoldColor PanelActiveFoldColor PanelNormalNodeOpenBkColor PanelNormalNodeCloseBkColor PanelActiveNodeOpenBkColor PanelActiveNodeCloseBkColor PanelNormalNodeOpenSignColor PanelNormalNodeCloseSignColor PanelActiveNodeOpenSignColor PanelActiveNodeCloseSignColor
${CodeFold_PanelFirstBkColor} ${CodeFold_PanelSecondBkColor} ${CodeFold_PanelNormalFoldColor} ${CodeFold_PanelActiveFoldColor} ${CodeFold_PanelNormalNodeOpenBkColor} ${CodeFold_PanelNormalNodeCloseBkColor} ${CodeFold_PanelActiveNodeOpenBkColor} ${CodeFold_PanelActiveNodeCloseBkColor} ${CodeFold_PanelNormalNodeOpenSignColor} ${CodeFold_PanelNormalNodeCloseSignColor} ${CodeFold_PanelActiveNodeOpenSignColor} ${CodeFold_PanelActiveNodeCloseSignColor}
;ListTextColor ListBkColor
${CodeFold_ListTextColor} ${CodeFold_ListBkColor}
;TagMarkFlags TagMarkFontStyle TagMarkTextColor TagMarkBkColor
${CodeFold_TagMarkFlags} ${CodeFold_TagMarkFontStyle} ${CodeFold_TagMarkTextColor} ${CodeFold_TagMarkBkColor}
;Flags Skip Skip Escape
; start end char
;Flags Font Color Color Fold Fold Deli Parent Rule Rule
; style text bkgrnd start end miters ID ID file
;2049 0 0 0 "<!--" "--->" "" 0 0
517 3 ${COMM} 0 "<!--" "-->" "" 0 0
517 0 0 0 "<![CDATA[" "]]>" "" 0 0
2049 0 0 0 "</" "" "" 0 0
5 0 0 0 "<?" "?>" "" 0 1
4101 0 0 0 "<!" ">" "" 0 1
4101 0 0 0 "<" "</" "" 0 1
4101 0 0 0 "<" "/>" "" 0 1
3412609 0 0 0 "\s" "[/?]?>" "" 1 2
; AutoComplete ;
;Flags (sum of the members)
; 1 force case sensitive.
; 2 force case insensitive.
; 4 regular expression (only for "$="). Scan starts from caret line beginning and metacharacters \a or \z specified caret position.
; 8 Don't show in listbox.
;ListFontStyle ListFontSize ListFaceName ListLineGap ListBlockIcon `"C:\1.dll", 0` ListBlockIconMargins "left;right" ListHlBaseIcon `"C:\1.dll", 0` ListHlBaseIconMargins "left;right" ListDocWordIcon `"C:\1.dll", 0` ListDocWordIconMargins "left;right" ListBasicTextColor ListBasicBkColor ListSelTextColor ListSelBkColor
${AutoComplete_ListFontStyle} ${AutoComplete_ListFontSize} ${AutoComplete_ListFaceName} ${AutoComplete_ListLineGap} ${AutoComplete_ListBlockIcon} ${AutoComplete_ListBlockIconMargins} ${AutoComplete_ListHlBaseIcon} ${AutoComplete_ListHlBaseIconMargins} ${AutoComplete_ListDocWordIcon} ${AutoComplete_ListDocWordIconMargins} ${AutoComplete_ListBasicTextColor} ${AutoComplete_ListBasicBkColor} ${AutoComplete_ListSelTextColor} ${AutoComplete_ListSelBkColor}
;Abbreviations and blocks
; $~abbr normal abbreviation.
; $(flags)~abbr normal abbreviation with flags.
; $=abbr exact abbreviation. May contain delimiters.
; $(flags)=abbr exact abbreviation with flags. May contain delimiters.
; $[] set caret to this position. Can be multiple (hot spots).
; $[text] select text. Can be multiple (hot spots).
; $$ symbol $.
; $\] escape symbol ]. Can be used in $[text] block: $[One [1$\] ].
; ${VAR} variable assigned from Coder::Settings.
; $; comment line.
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