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Last active July 11, 2017 19:11
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Script to setup environment for working with research project training on Florida Poly's machines
# Download executable file from the internet and run it
def run_online_exe(url, dir, exe, run=True):
# "Sanitize" input
if exe[-4:] != '.exe':
exe += '.exe'
# Download file as zip
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
zip_file_dir = exe.split('/')[-1][:-4] + '.zip'
urlretrieve(url, zip_file_dir)
# Unzip file
from zipfile import ZipFile
with ZipFile(zip_file_dir, 'r') as zf:
# Run executable
if run:
run_cmd(dir + '/' + exe)
# Run an arbitrary command in the OS's shell
def run_cmd(cmd):
from subprocess import Popen
if type(cmd) is str: # As opposed to a list
cmd = [cmd]
Popen(cmd, shell=False)
# Download and run caffeine
run_online_exe(url='', dir='caffeine', exe='caffeine.exe')
# Download and run cmder
run_online_exe(url='', dir='cmder', exe='Cmder.exe')
# Download notepad++, but don't run it quite yet
run_online_exe(url='', dir='npp', exe='notepad++.exe', run=False)
# Download and run Eclipse Oxygen
run_online_exe(url='', dir='eclipse', exe='eclipse/eclipse.exe')
# Configure git with my username and the repository
from os import system
system('git config --global "Hutchison" & ' \
'git config --global "" & ' \
'git clone & ' \
'cd test-dl4j & ' \
'git checkout overtraining')
# Open file in notepad++ with additional instructions
text_file_dir = 'instructions.txt'
text_file_contents = 'Next steps:\n' \
'Eclipse use default workspace\n' \
'File > Open projects from file\n' \
'Click "Directory"\n' \
'Choose test-dl4j\n' \
'Click the \'x\' next to the "Welcome" tab\n' \
'In Project Explorer, find and double-click choose testdl4j/src/main/java/testld4j/\n' \
'Click the green arrow ("Run") button\n'
with open(text_file_dir, 'w') as text_file:
system(r'start npp\notepad++.exe ' + text_file_dir)
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