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Installing SGX on Ubuntu 16.04
//instructions are taken from:
//Installing SGX driver:
git clone
//Check if matching Kernel headers are installed:
dpkg-query -s linux-headers-$(uname -r)
//If not run:
sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)
//In order to build:
sudo apt install make gcc
cd linux-sgx-driver
//isgx.ko should be created in the current directory
//To install the Intel(R) SGX driver, enter the following command with root privilege:
sudo mkdir -p "/lib/modules/"`uname -r`"/kernel/drivers/intel/sgx"
sudo cp isgx.ko "/lib/modules/"`uname -r`"/kernel/drivers/intel/sgx"
sudo sh -c "cat /etc/modules | grep -Fxq isgx || echo isgx >> /etc/modules"
sudo /sbin/depmod
sudo /sbin/modprobe isgx
//Installing SGX PSW:
//Use the following command(s) to install the required tools to build the Intel(R) SGX SDK:
sudo apt-get install build-essential ocaml automake autoconf libtool wget python
//Use the following command to install additional required tools to build the Intel(R) SGX PSW:
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev protobuf-compiler libprotobuf-dev
//clone the PSW repo:
git clone
//Use the script inside source code package to download prebuilt binaries to prebuilt folder
cd linux-sgx
//To build both Intel(R) SGX SDK and PSW with default configuration, enter the following command:
// To build Intel(R) SGX SDK and PSW with debug information, enter the following command:
// $ make DEBUG=1
// To clean the files generated by previous make command, enter the following command:
// $ make clean
//To build the Intel(R) SGX SDK installer, enter the following command:
make sdk_install_pkg
//To build the Intel(R) SGX SDK Installer with debug information kept in the tools and libraries, enter the following command:
//make sdk_install_pkg DEBUG=1
//To build the Intel(R) SGX PSW installer, enter the following command:
make psw_install_pkg
//To install the Intel(R) SGX SDK, invoke the installer, as follows:
cd linux/installer/bin
//For PSW, install the library using the following command: linux-sgx/linux/installer/bin
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libprotobuf-dev
//To use Trusted Platform Service functions:
//Ensure mei_me driver is enabled and /dev/mei0 exists.
//Download iclsClient (from here:
//and install it using the following commands:
sudo apt-get install alien
cd /home/ubuntu/Downloads/
sudo alien --scripts iclsClient-1.45.449.12-1.x86_64.rpm
sudo dpkg -i iclsclient_1.45.449.12-2_amd64.deb
//To install the Intel(R) SGX PSW, invoke the installer with root privilege:
cd linux-sgx/linux/installer/bin
sudo ./sgx_linux_x64_psw_${version}.bin
//Running Sample Code
//If you use an Intel SGX hardware enabled machine, you can run the code samples in Hardware mode
//Compile and run each code sample in Hardware mode, Debug build, as follows:
cd SampleCode/LocalAttestation
//setting up the environment variables:
source /home/ubuntu/SGX/linux-sgx/linux/installer/bin/sgxsdk/environment
//Start or Stop aesmd Service
//The Intel(R) SGX PSW installer installs an aesmd service in your machine, which is running in a special linux account aesmd.
//To stop the service: $ sudo service aesmd stop
//To start the service: $ sudo service aesmd start
//To restart the service: $ sudo service aesmd restart
Sealing sample app does not work. i've installed JHI and got another error. this time it seems i have to reinstall Intel's ME. should i do that??
//Whenever kernel version changes, need to re-make driver, soft link it from the correct kernel folder and start it:
cd /home/ubuntu/SGX/linux-sgx-driver
sudo ln -s /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/intel/sgx/isgx.ko isgx.ko
sudo depmod -a
sudo modprobe isgx
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