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Created March 15, 2018 04:21
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import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torchvision
from torch.autograd import Variable
# Define an nn Module to compute content loss in-place
class ContentLoss(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, strength, normalize):
super(ContentLoss, self).__init__()
self.strength = strength = torch.Tensor()
self.gradInput = torch.Tensor()
self.normalize = 'false'
self.loss = 0
self.crit = nn.MSELoss()
self.mode = None
def forward(self, input):
if self.mode == 'loss':
self.targetP = nn.Parameter(,requires_grad=False)
self.loss = self.crit.forward(input, self.targetP) * self.strength #Forward
elif self.mode == 'capture':
self.output = input
return self.output
def backward(self, input, gradOutput):
if self.mode == 'loss':
if input.nelement() ==
self.gradInput = self.crit.backward(input, #Backward
if self.normalize:
self.gradInput.div(torch.norm(self.gradInput, 1) + 1e-8) # Normalize Gradients
return self.gradInput
class GramMatrix(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(GramMatrix, self).__init__()
self.output = torch.Tensor()
def forward(self, input):
#assert input.dim() == 3
B, C, H, W = input.size(0), input.size(1), input.size(2), input.size(3)
x_flat = input.view(C, H * W)
self.output.resize_(C, C)
self.output =, x_flat.t())
return self.output
def backward(self, input, gradOutput):
assert input.dim() == 3 and input.size(0)
C, H, W = input.size(0), input.size(1), input.size(2)
x_flat = input.view(C, H * W)
#self.gradInput.resize(C, H * W).mm(gradOutput, x_flat)
self.gradInput.resize_(C, H * W), x_flat)
self.gradInput =, x_flat) #, out=self.gradInput
self.gradInput.addmm(gradOutput.t(), x_flat)
self.gradInput = self.gradInput.view(C, H, W)
return self.gradInput
# Define an nn Module to compute style loss in-place
class StyleLoss(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, strength, normalize):
super(StyleLoss, self).__init__()
self.normalize = 'false'
self.strength = strength = torch.Tensor()
self.mode = None
self.loss = 0
self.gram = GramMatrix()
self.blend_weight = None
self.G = None
self.crit = nn.MSELoss()
def forward(self, input):
self.G = self.gram.forward( # Forward Gram
self.G.div(input.nelement()) #Lua (Fix): self.G:div(input:nElement())
if self.mode == 'capture':
if self.blend_weight == None:
elif == 0:
else:, self.G)
elif self.mode == 'loss':
self.GP = nn.Parameter(self.G,requires_grad=True)
self.targetP = nn.Parameter(,requires_grad=False)
self.loss = self.strength * self.crit.forward(self.GP, self.targetP) #Forward
self.output = input.clone()
return self.output
def backward(self, input, gradOutput):
if self.mode == 'loss':
dG = self.crit.backward(self.G, # Backward
self.gradInput = self.gram.backward(input, dG) # Gram Backward
if self.normalize:
self.gradInput.div(torch.norm(self.gradInput, 1) + 1e-8) # Normalize Gradients
self.gradInput = gradOutput
return self.gradInput
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torchvision
import torchvision.models as models
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
from torch.autograd import Variable, Function
import torch.optim as optim
from PIL import Image
from LossModules import ContentLoss
from LossModules import StyleLoss
from LossModules import GramMatrix
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
# Basic options
parser.add_argument("-style_image", help="Style target image", default='examples/inputs/seated-nude.jpg')
parser.add_argument("-content_image", help="Content target image", default='examples/inputs/tubingen.jpg')
parser.add_argument("-image_size", help="Maximum height / width of generated image", type=int, default=512)
# Optimization options
parser.add_argument("-num_iterations", help="iterations", type=int, default=1000)
parser.add_argument("-optimizer", help="optimiser", default="lbfgs", choices=["lbfgs", "adam"])
params = parser.parse_args()
use_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available()
dtype = torch.cuda.FloatTensor if use_cuda else torch.FloatTensor
def ImageSetup(image_name, image_size):
image =
image = image.convert('RGB')
loader = transforms.Compose([transforms.Resize((image_size)), transforms.ToTensor()]) # resize and convert to tensor
image = Variable(loader(image))
image = image.unsqueeze(0)
return image
def SaveImage(output_img, output_name):
torchvision.utils.save_image(output_img, output_name, nrow=8, padding=2, normalize=False, range=None, scale_each=False, pad_value=0)
content_image = ImageSetup(params.content_image, params.image_size)
style_image = ImageSetup(params.style_image, params.image_size)
# Separate names for layers
VGG19_Layer_List = ['conv1_1', 'relu1_1', 'conv1_2', 'relu1_2', 'pool1', 'conv2_1', 'relu2_1', 'conv2_2', 'relu2_2', 'pool2', 'conv3_1', 'relu3_1', 'conv3_2', 'relu3_2', 'conv3_3', 'relu3_3', 'conv3_4', 'relu3_4', 'pool3', 'conv4_1', 'relu4_1', 'conv4_2', 'relu4_2', 'conv4_3', 'relu4_3', 'conv4_4', 'relu4_4', 'pool4', 'conv5_1', 'relu5_1', 'conv5_2', 'relu5_2', 'conv5_3', 'relu5_3', 'conv5_4', 'relu5_4', 'pool5', 'torch_view', 'fc6', 'relu6', 'drop6', 'fc7', 'relu7', 'drop7', 'fc8', 'prob']
VGG16_layer_List = ['conv1_1', 'relu1_1', 'conv1_2', 'relu1_2', 'pool1', 'conv2_1', 'relu2_1', 'conv2_2', 'relu2_2', 'pool2', 'conv3_1', 'relu3_1', 'conv3_2', 'relu3_2', 'conv3_3', 'relu3_3', 'pool3', 'conv4_1', 'relu4_1', 'conv4_2', 'relu4_2', 'conv4_3', 'relu4_3', 'pool4', 'conv5_1', 'relu5_1', 'conv5_2', 'relu5_2', 'conv5_3', 'relu5_3', 'pool5', 'torch_view', 'fc6', 'relu6', 'drop6', 'fc7', 'relu7', 'drop7', 'fc8', 'prob']
NIN_Layer_List = ['conv1', 'relu0', 'cccp1', 'relu1', 'cccp2', 'relu2', 'pool0', 'conv2', 'relu3', 'cccp3', 'relu5', 'cccp4', 'relu6', 'pool2', 'conv3', 'relu7', 'cccp5', 'relu8', 'cccp6', 'relu9', 'pool3', 'drop', 'conv4-1024', 'relu10', 'cccp7-1024', 'relu11', 'cccp8-1024', 'relu12', 'pool4', 'loss']
def ModelSetup(cnn, style_weight, content_weight, Layer_List, content_layers, style_layers, normalize_gradients):
content_losses = []
style_losses = []
next_content_idx = 1
next_style_idx = 1
net = nn.Sequential()
i = 0
for layer in list(cnn):
l = int(i)
layer_name = Layer_List[l]
if "conv" in layer_name:
net.add_module(layer_name, layer)
if layer_name in content_layers:
print("Setting up content layer " + str(i) + ": " + str(layer_name))
norm = normalize_gradients
loss_module = ContentLoss(content_weight, norm)
net.add_module(layer_name, loss_module)
next_content_idx = next_content_idx + 1
if layer_name in style_layers:
print("Setting up style layer " + str(i) + ": " + str(layer_name))
norm = normalize_gradients
loss_module = StyleLoss(style_weight, norm)#.type(dtype)
net.add_module(layer_name, loss_module)
next_style_idx = next_style_idx + 1
if "relu" in layer_name:
net.add_module(layer_name, layer)
if layer_name in content_layers:
print("Setting up content layer " + str(i) + ": " + str(layer_name))
norm = normalize_gradients
loss_module = ContentLoss(content_weight, norm)
net.add_module(layer_name, loss_module)
next_content_idx = next_content_idx + 1
if layer_name in style_layers:
print("Setting up style layer " + str(i) + ": " + str(layer_name))
norm = normalize_gradients
loss_module = StyleLoss(style_weight, norm)
net.add_module(layer_name, loss_module)
next_style_idx = next_style_idx + 1
if "pool" in layer_name:
net.add_module(layer_name, layer) # ***
i = i + 1
cnn = None
return net, style_losses, content_losses
model_type ='vgg19' # Default value for testing
style_weight = 1000 # Default value for testing
content_weight = 100 # Default value for testing
normalize_gradients = 'False' # Default value for testing
content_layers = ['relu4_2'] # Default value for testing
style_layers = ['relu1_1', 'relu2_1', 'relu3_1', 'relu4_1', 'relu5_1'] # Default value for testing
max_iter = 1000 # Default value for testing
cnn = None
Layer_List = []
if model_type == 'vgg19':
cnn = models.vgg19(pretrained=True).features
Layer_List = VGG19_Layer_List
elif model_type == 'vgg16':
cnn = models.vgg16(pretrained=True).features
Layer_List = VGG16_Layer_List
# Figure out what layer setup to use:
# Build the style transfer model:
net, style_losses, content_losses = ModelSetup(cnn, style_weight, content_weight, Layer_List, content_layers, style_layers, normalize_gradients)
img = content_image.clone()
img = nn.Parameter(,requires_grad=True)
content_image = nn.Parameter(,requires_grad=True)
style_image = nn.Parameter(,requires_grad=True)
# Capture content targets
for i in content_losses:
i.mode = 'capture'
print("Capturing content targets")
# Capture style targets
for i in content_losses:
i.mode = None
for j in style_losses:
j.mode = 'capture'
#j.blend_weight = style_blend_weights[i]
# Set all loss modules to loss mode
for i in content_losses:
i.mode = 'loss'
for i in style_losses:
i.mode = 'loss'
optim_state = None
if params.optimizer == 'lbfgs':
optim_state = {
"max_iter": params.num_iterations,
"tolerance_change": -1,
"tolerance_grad": -1,
elif params.optimizer == 'adam':
optim_state = {
"lr": 1,
optimizer = None
# Run optimization.
if params.optimizer == 'lbfgs':
print("Running optimization with L-BFGS")
optimizer = optim.LBFGS([img], optim_state)
elif params.optimizer == 'adam':
print("Running optimization with ADAM")
for t in xrange(params.num_iterations):
optimizer = optim.Adam([img], optim_state)
y = net(img)
dy = Variable(
num_calls = [0]
while num_calls[0] <= params.num_iterations:
def feval():
num_calls[0] += 1, 1)
x = net(img)
for mod in content_losses:
loss = loss + mod.loss
for mod in style_losses:
loss = loss + mod.loss
#maybe_print(num_calls[0], loss)
# optim.lbfgs expects a vector for gradients
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