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Last active December 21, 2019 19:47
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neural-style-pt with histogram transfer and loss

The code here is based on Neural-Tools.

Histogram Transfer

Users can specify an image for which the histogram will be transfer from to either the content image, style image(s), or both.

Histogram Loss Layers

Each histogram loss layer stores the style image's histogram as a target, and then uses that compute the difference to the image being stylized.


Basic usage:

python -style_image <image.jpg> -content_image <image.jpg>

Baisc Options:

  • -eps: Epsilon value used when matching histograms. Default is 1e-5.

Histogram Transfer Options:

  • -transfer_mode: The histogram transfer algorithm to use for preprocessing; pca, sym, or chol; default is pca.
  • -hist_image: The source image to transfer the histogram from.
  • -hist_target: The target of preprocessing histogram transfer; content, style, or content,style; default is content.

Histogram Loss Options:

  • -hist_mode: The histogram transfer algorithm to use for histogram matching loss; pca, sym, or chol; default is chol.
  • -hist_weight: How much to weight the histogram reconstruction term. Default is 1e2.
  • -hist_layers: Comma-separated list of layer names to use for histogram reconstruction.
import os
import copy
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.optim as optim
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
from PIL import Image
from CaffeLoader import loadCaffemodel, ModelParallel
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
# Basic options
parser.add_argument("-style_image", help="Style target image", default='examples/inputs/seated-nude.jpg')
parser.add_argument("-style_blend_weights", default=None)
parser.add_argument("-content_image", help="Content target image", default='examples/inputs/tubingen.jpg')
parser.add_argument("-image_size", help="Maximum height / width of generated image", type=int, default=512)
parser.add_argument("-gpu", help="Zero-indexed ID of the GPU to use; for CPU mode set -gpu = c", default=0)
# Optimization options
parser.add_argument("-content_weight", type=float, default=5e0)
parser.add_argument("-style_weight", type=float, default=1e2)
parser.add_argument("-normalize_weights", action='store_true')
parser.add_argument("-hist_weight", type=float, default=1e2)
parser.add_argument("-tv_weight", type=float, default=1e-3)
parser.add_argument("-num_iterations", type=int, default=1000)
parser.add_argument("-init", choices=['random', 'image'], default='random')
parser.add_argument("-init_image", default=None)
parser.add_argument("-optimizer", choices=['lbfgs', 'adam'], default='lbfgs')
parser.add_argument("-learning_rate", type=float, default=1e0)
parser.add_argument("-lbfgs_num_correction", type=int, default=100)
# Output options
parser.add_argument("-print_iter", type=int, default=50)
parser.add_argument("-save_iter", type=int, default=100)
parser.add_argument("-output_image", default='out.png')
# Other options
parser.add_argument("-style_scale", type=float, default=1.0)
parser.add_argument("-original_colors", type=int, choices=[0, 1], default=0)
parser.add_argument("-pooling", choices=['avg', 'max'], default='max')
parser.add_argument("-model_file", type=str, default='models/vgg19-d01eb7cb.pth')
parser.add_argument("-disable_check", action='store_true')
parser.add_argument("-backend", choices=['nn', 'cudnn', 'mkl', 'mkldnn', 'openmp', 'mkl,cudnn', 'cudnn,mkl'], default='nn')
parser.add_argument("-cudnn_autotune", action='store_true')
parser.add_argument("-seed", type=int, default=-1)
parser.add_argument("-content_layers", help="layers for content", default='relu4_2')
parser.add_argument("-style_layers", help="layers for style", default='relu1_1,relu2_1,relu3_1,relu4_1,relu5_1')
parser.add_argument("-multidevice_strategy", default='4,7,29')
parser.add_argument("-hist_layers", help="layers for histogram", default='')
parser.add_argument("-eps", type=float, default=1e-5)
parser.add_argument("-hist_mode", choices=['pca', 'sym', 'chol'], default='chol')
parser.add_argument("-transfer_mode", choices=['pca', 'sym', 'chol'], default='pca')
parser.add_argument("-hist_image", default=None)
parser.add_argument("-hist_target", choices=['content', 'style', 'content,style'], default='content')
params = parser.parse_args()
Image.MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS = 1000000000 # Support gigapixel images
def main():
dtype, multidevice, backward_device = setup_gpu()
cnn, layerList = loadCaffemodel(params.model_file, params.pooling, params.gpu, params.disable_check)
content_image = preprocess(params.content_image, params.image_size).type(dtype)
style_image_input = params.style_image.split(',')
style_image_list, ext = [], [".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".tiff"]
for image in style_image_input:
if os.path.isdir(image):
images = (image + "/" + file for file in os.listdir(image)
if os.path.splitext(file)[1].lower() in ext)
style_images_caffe = []
for image in style_image_list:
style_size = int(params.image_size * params.style_scale)
img_caffe = preprocess(image, style_size).type(dtype)
if params.init_image != None:
image_size = (content_image.size(2), content_image.size(3))
init_image = preprocess(params.init_image, image_size).type(dtype)
if params.hist_image != None:
MH = MatchHistogram(params.eps, params.transfer_mode)
if 'content' in params.hist_target:
image_size = (content_image.size(2), content_image.size(3))
hist_image = preprocess(params.hist_image, image_size).type(dtype)
content_image = MH.match(content_image, hist_image)
if params.init_image != None:
init_image = MH.match(init_image, hist_image)
if 'style' in params.hist_target:
for i, image in enumerate(style_images_caffe):
image_size = (style_images_caffe[i].size(2), style_images_caffe[i].size(3))
hist_image = preprocess(params.hist_image, image_size).type(dtype)
style_images_caffe[i] = MH.match(style_images_caffe[i], hist_image)
# Handle style blending weights for multiple style inputs
style_blend_weights = []
if params.style_blend_weights == None:
# Style blending not specified, so use equal weighting
for i in style_image_list:
for i, blend_weights in enumerate(style_blend_weights):
style_blend_weights[i] = int(style_blend_weights[i])
style_blend_weights = params.style_blend_weights.split(',')
assert len(style_blend_weights) == len(style_image_list), \
"-style_blend_weights and -style_images must have the same number of elements!"
# Normalize the style blending weights so they sum to 1
style_blend_sum = 0
for i, blend_weights in enumerate(style_blend_weights):
style_blend_weights[i] = float(style_blend_weights[i])
style_blend_sum = float(style_blend_sum) + style_blend_weights[i]
for i, blend_weights in enumerate(style_blend_weights):
style_blend_weights[i] = float(style_blend_weights[i]) / float(style_blend_sum)
content_layers = params.content_layers.split(',')
style_layers = params.style_layers.split(',')
hist_layers = params.hist_layers.split(',')
# Set up the network, inserting style and content loss modules
cnn = copy.deepcopy(cnn)
content_losses, style_losses, tv_losses, hist_losses = [], [], [], []
next_content_idx, next_style_idx, next_hist_idx = 1, 1, 1
net = nn.Sequential()
c, r = 0, 0
if params.tv_weight > 0:
tv_mod = TVLoss(params.tv_weight).type(dtype)
net.add_module(str(len(net)), tv_mod)
for i, layer in enumerate(list(cnn), 1):
if next_content_idx <= len(content_layers) or next_style_idx <= len(style_layers) or next_hist_idx <= len(hist_layers):
if isinstance(layer, nn.Conv2d):
net.add_module(str(len(net)), layer)
if layerList['C'][c] in content_layers:
print("Setting up content layer " + str(i) + ": " + str(layerList['C'][c]))
loss_module = ContentLoss(params.content_weight)
net.add_module(str(len(net)), loss_module)
if layerList['C'][c] in style_layers:
print("Setting up style layer " + str(i) + ": " + str(layerList['C'][c]))
loss_module = StyleLoss(params.style_weight)
net.add_module(str(len(net)), loss_module)
if isinstance(layer, nn.ReLU):
net.add_module(str(len(net)), layer)
if layerList['R'][r] in content_layers:
print("Setting up content layer " + str(i) + ": " + str(layerList['R'][r]))
loss_module = ContentLoss(params.content_weight)
net.add_module(str(len(net)), loss_module)
next_content_idx += 1
if layerList['R'][r] in style_layers:
print("Setting up style layer " + str(i) + ": " + str(layerList['R'][r]))
loss_module = StyleLoss(params.style_weight)
net.add_module(str(len(net)), loss_module)
next_style_idx += 1
if layerList['R'][r] in hist_layers:
print("Setting up histogram layer " + str(i) + ": " + str(layerList['R'][r]))
loss_module = HistLoss(params.hist_weight, params.eps, params.hist_mode)
net.add_module(str(len(net)), loss_module)
next_hist_idx +=1
if isinstance(layer, nn.MaxPool2d) or isinstance(layer, nn.AvgPool2d):
net.add_module(str(len(net)), layer)
if multidevice:
net = setup_multi_device(net)
print("Capturing histogram targets")
for i in hist_losses:
i.mode = 'captureS'
for i in hist_losses:
i.mode = 'None'
# Capture content targets
for i in content_losses:
i.mode = 'capture'
print("Capturing content targets")
print_torch(net, multidevice)
# Capture style targets
for i in content_losses:
i.mode = 'None'
for i, image in enumerate(style_images_caffe):
print("Capturing style target " + str(i+1))
for j in style_losses:
j.mode = 'capture'
j.blend_weight = style_blend_weights[i]
# Set all loss modules to loss mode
for i in content_losses:
i.mode = 'loss'
for i in style_losses:
i.mode = 'loss'
for i in hist_losses:
i.mode = 'loss'
# Maybe normalize content and style weights
if params.normalize_weights:
normalize_weights(content_losses, style_losses, hist_losses)
# Freeze the network in order to prevent
# unnecessary gradient calculations
for param in net.parameters():
param.requires_grad = False
# Initialize the image
if params.seed >= 0:
if params.init == 'random':
B, C, H, W = content_image.size()
img = torch.randn(C, H, W).mul(0.001).unsqueeze(0).type(dtype)
elif params.init == 'image':
if params.init_image != None:
img = init_image.clone()
img = content_image.clone()
img = nn.Parameter(img)
def maybe_print(t, loss):
if params.print_iter > 0 and t % params.print_iter == 0:
print("Iteration " + str(t) + " / "+ str(params.num_iterations))
for i, loss_module in enumerate(content_losses):
print(" Content " + str(i+1) + " loss: " + str(loss_module.loss.item()))
for i, loss_module in enumerate(style_losses):
print(" Style " + str(i+1) + " loss: " + str(loss_module.loss.item()))
for i, loss_module in enumerate(hist_losses):
print(" Histogram " + str(i+1) + " loss: " + str(loss_module.loss.item()))
print(" Total loss: " + str(loss.item()))
def maybe_save(t):
should_save = params.save_iter > 0 and t % params.save_iter == 0
should_save = should_save or t == params.num_iterations
if should_save:
output_filename, file_extension = os.path.splitext(params.output_image)
if t == params.num_iterations:
filename = output_filename + str(file_extension)
filename = str(output_filename) + "_" + str(t) + str(file_extension)
disp = deprocess(img.clone())
# Maybe perform postprocessing for color-independent style transfer
if params.original_colors == 1:
disp = original_colors(deprocess(content_image.clone()), disp)
# Function to evaluate loss and gradient. We run the net forward and
# backward to get the gradient, and sum up losses from the loss modules.
# optim.lbfgs internally handles iteration and calls this function many
# times, so we manually count the number of iterations to handle printing
# and saving intermediate results.
num_calls = [0]
def feval():
num_calls[0] += 1
loss = 0
for mod in content_losses:
loss +=
for mod in style_losses:
loss +=
if params.tv_weight > 0:
for mod in tv_losses:
loss +=
for mod in hist_losses:
loss +=
maybe_print(num_calls[0], loss)
return loss
optimizer, loopVal = setup_optimizer(img)
while num_calls[0] <= loopVal:
# Configure the optimizer
def setup_optimizer(img):
if params.optimizer == 'lbfgs':
print("Running optimization with L-BFGS")
optim_state = {
'max_iter': params.num_iterations,
'tolerance_change': -1,
'tolerance_grad': -1,
if params.lbfgs_num_correction != 100:
optim_state['history_size'] = params.lbfgs_num_correction
optimizer = optim.LBFGS([img], **optim_state)
loopVal = 1
elif params.optimizer == 'adam':
print("Running optimization with ADAM")
optimizer = optim.Adam([img], lr = params.learning_rate)
loopVal = params.num_iterations - 1
return optimizer, loopVal
def setup_gpu():
def setup_cuda():
if 'cudnn' in params.backend:
torch.backends.cudnn.enabled = True
if params.cudnn_autotune:
torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True
torch.backends.cudnn.enabled = False
def setup_cpu():
if 'mkl' in params.backend and 'mkldnn' not in params.backend:
torch.backends.mkl.enabled = True
elif 'mkldnn' in params.backend:
raise ValueError("MKL-DNN is not supported yet.")
elif 'openmp' in params.backend:
torch.backends.openmp.enabled = True
multidevice = False
if "," in str(params.gpu):
devices = params.gpu.split(',')
multidevice = True
if 'c' in str(devices[0]).lower():
backward_device = "cpu"
setup_cuda(), setup_cpu()
backward_device = "cuda:" + devices[0]
dtype = torch.FloatTensor
elif "c" not in str(params.gpu).lower():
dtype, backward_device = torch.cuda.FloatTensor, "cuda:" + str(params.gpu)
dtype, backward_device = torch.FloatTensor, "cpu"
return dtype, multidevice, backward_device
def setup_multi_device(net):
assert len(params.gpu.split(',')) - 1 == len(params.multidevice_strategy.split(',')), \
"The number of -multidevice_strategy layer indices minus 1, must be equal to the number of -gpu devices."
new_net = ModelParallel(net, params.gpu, params.multidevice_strategy)
return new_net
# Preprocess an image before passing it to a model.
# We need to rescale from [0, 1] to [0, 255], convert from RGB to BGR,
# and subtract the mean pixel.
def preprocess(image_name, image_size):
image ='RGB')
if type(image_size) is not tuple:
image_size = tuple([int((float(image_size) / max(image.size))*x) for x in (image.height, image.width)])
Loader = transforms.Compose([transforms.Resize(image_size), transforms.ToTensor()])
rgb2bgr = transforms.Compose([transforms.Lambda(lambda x: x[torch.LongTensor([2,1,0])])])
Normalize = transforms.Compose([transforms.Normalize(mean=[103.939, 116.779, 123.68], std=[1,1,1])])
tensor = Normalize(rgb2bgr(Loader(image) * 256)).unsqueeze(0)
return tensor
# Undo the above preprocessing.
def deprocess(output_tensor):
Normalize = transforms.Compose([transforms.Normalize(mean=[-103.939, -116.779, -123.68], std=[1,1,1])])
bgr2rgb = transforms.Compose([transforms.Lambda(lambda x: x[torch.LongTensor([2,1,0])])])
output_tensor = bgr2rgb(Normalize(output_tensor.squeeze(0).cpu())) / 256
output_tensor.clamp_(0, 1)
Image2PIL = transforms.ToPILImage()
image = Image2PIL(output_tensor.cpu())
return image
# Combine the Y channel of the generated image and the UV/CbCr channels of the
# content image to perform color-independent style transfer.
def original_colors(content, generated):
content_channels = list(content.convert('YCbCr').split())
generated_channels = list(generated.convert('YCbCr').split())
content_channels[0] = generated_channels[0]
return Image.merge('YCbCr', content_channels).convert('RGB')
# Print like Lua/Torch7
def print_torch(net, multidevice):
if multidevice:
simplelist = ""
for i, layer in enumerate(net, 1):
simplelist = simplelist + "(" + str(i) + ") -> "
print("nn.Sequential ( \n [input -> " + simplelist + "output]")
def strip(x):
return str(x).replace(", ",',').replace("(",'').replace(")",'') + ", "
def n():
return " (" + str(i) + "): " + "nn." + str(l).split("(", 1)[0]
for i, l in enumerate(net, 1):
if "2d" in str(l):
ks, st, pd = strip(l.kernel_size), strip(l.stride), strip(l.padding)
if "Conv2d" in str(l):
ch = str(l.in_channels) + " -> " + str(l.out_channels)
print(n() + "(" + ch + ", " + (ks).replace(",",'x', 1) + st + pd.replace(", ",')'))
elif "Pool2d" in str(l):
st = st.replace(" ",' ') + st.replace(", ",')')
print(n() + "(" + ((ks).replace(",",'x' + ks, 1) + st).replace(", ",','))
# Divide weights by channel size
def normalize_weights(content_losses, style_losses, hist_losses=None):
for n, i in enumerate(content_losses):
i.strength = i.strength / max(
for n, i in enumerate(style_losses):
i.strength = i.strength / max(
if hist_losses != None:
for n, i in enumerate(hist_losses):
i.strength = i.strength / max(
# Define an nn Module to compute content loss
class ContentLoss(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, strength):
super(ContentLoss, self).__init__()
self.strength = strength
self.crit = nn.MSELoss()
self.mode = 'None'
def forward(self, input):
if self.mode == 'loss':
self.loss = self.crit(input, * self.strength
elif self.mode == 'capture': = input.detach()
return input
class GramMatrix(nn.Module):
def forward(self, input):
B, C, H, W = input.size()
x_flat = input.view(C, H * W)
return, x_flat.t())
# Define an nn Module to compute style loss
class StyleLoss(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, strength):
super(StyleLoss, self).__init__() = torch.Tensor()
self.strength = strength
self.gram = GramMatrix()
self.crit = nn.MSELoss()
self.mode = 'None'
self.blend_weight = None
def forward(self, input):
self.G = self.gram(input)
self.G = self.G.div(input.nelement())
if self.mode == 'capture':
if self.blend_weight == None: = self.G.detach()
elif == 0: = self.G.detach().mul(self.blend_weight)
else: =, self.G.detach())
elif self.mode == 'loss':
self.loss = self.strength * self.crit(self.G,
return input
class TVLoss(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, strength):
super(TVLoss, self).__init__()
self.strength = strength
def forward(self, input):
self.x_diff = input[:,:,1:,:] - input[:,:,:-1,:]
self.y_diff = input[:,:,:,1:] - input[:,:,:,:-1]
self.loss = self.strength * (torch.sum(torch.abs(self.x_diff)) + torch.sum(torch.abs(self.y_diff)))
return input
# Define a module to match histograms
class MatchHistogram(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, eps=1e-5, mode='pca'):
super(MatchHistogram, self).__init__()
self.eps = eps or 1e-5
self.mode = mode or 'pca'
self.dim_val = 3
def get_histogram(self, tensor):
m = tensor.mean(0).mean(0)
h = (tensor - m).permute(2,0,1).reshape(tensor.size(2),-1)
if h.is_cuda:
ch =, h.T) / h.shape[1] + self.eps * torch.eye(h.shape[0], device=h.get_device())
ch =, h.T) / h.shape[1] + self.eps * torch.eye(h.shape[0])
return m, h, ch
def convert_tensor(self, tensor):
if tensor.dim() == 4:
tensor = tensor.squeeze(0).permute(2, 1, 0)
self.dim_val = 4
elif tensor.dim() == 3 and self.dim_val != 4:
tensor = tensor.permute(2, 1, 0)
elif tensor.dim() == 3 and self.dim_val == 4:
tensor = tensor.permute(2, 1, 0).unsqueeze(0)
return tensor
def nan2zero(self, tensor):
tensor[tensor != tensor] = 0
return tensor
def chol(self, t, c, s):
chol_t, chol_s = torch.cholesky(c), torch.cholesky(s)
return, torch.inverse(chol_t)), t)
def sym(self, t, c, s):
p = self.pca(t, c)
psp =, s), p)
eval_psp, evec_psp = torch.symeig(psp, eigenvectors=True, upper=True)
e = self.nan2zero(torch.sqrt(torch.diagflat(eval_psp)))
evec_mm =, e), evec_psp.T)
return, evec_mm), torch.inverse(p)), t)
def pca(self, t, c):
eval_t, evec_t = torch.symeig(c, eigenvectors=True, upper=True)
e = self.nan2zero(torch.sqrt(torch.diagflat(eval_t)))
return, e), evec_t.T)
def match(self, target_tensor, source_tensor):
source_tensor = self.convert_tensor(source_tensor)
target_tensor = self.convert_tensor(target_tensor)
_, t, ct = self.get_histogram(target_tensor)
ms, s, cs = self.get_histogram(source_tensor)
if self.mode == 'pca':
mt =, cs), torch.inverse(self.pca(t, ct))), t)
elif self.mode == 'sym':
mt = self.sym(t, ct, cs)
elif self.mode == 'chol':
mt = self.chol(t, ct, cs)
matched_tensor = mt.reshape(*target_tensor.permute(2,0,1).shape).permute(1,2,0) + ms
return self.convert_tensor(matched_tensor)
def forward(self, input, source_tensor):
return self.match(input, source_tensor)
# Define an nn Module to compute histogram loss
class HistLoss(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, strength, eps=1e-5, mode='pca'):
super(HistLoss, self).__init__() = torch.Tensor()
self.crit = nn.MSELoss()
self.mode = 'None'
self.strength = strength
self.matchHist = MatchHistogram(eps, mode)
def forward(self, input):
if self.mode == 'captureS': = input.detach()
elif self.mode == 'loss':
target_hist = self.matchHist(input.detach(),
self.loss = 0.01 * self.strength * self.crit(input, target_hist)
return input
if __name__ == "__main__":
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