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Created July 27, 2016 00:41
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This dataset People_Art is used for person detection in a large variety of image styles.
There are 43 styles, 1483 images with person, 3148 images without person.
The first 41 styles come from Wikipainting;
Style 'catoon' images are from google search;
Style 'photo' images are from PASCAL VOC2007 trainval.
**Files in this folder
Annotations/ -- Annotation files (***.jpg.xml). The format is the same as those in PASCAL VOC.
Note: if the image is a background image (without person annotation),
there is no annotation file for it.
Four ground-truth text files are also included.
Each line: [image_name gt_label]
JPEGImages/ -- All image files. In each style folder, there is a ground-truth file to
indicate if the image contains person or not: gt.txt.
Each line: [image_name gt_label]
matlab_func/ -- matlab functions for reading, writing xml files, and evaluating
the detection performance
train.txt -- the training set (The same set as in person_train.txt, except no gt_label here)
val.txt -- the validation set
trainval.txt -- the training and validation set
test.txt -- the test set
trainval_only_fg_ims.txt -- the training and validation set, excluding all the background images
**Annotated postures
1483 non-difficult images, 3487 objects annotated, 1412 are truncated
id_style [R]ight,[L]eft,[F]rontal,r[E]ar,l[Y]ing, Unsp, Trunc/All, Style name
*id 1: 15 19 71 14 3 0 43/122 Academicism
*id 2: 7 11 92 3 1 4 51/118 AnalyticalRealism
*id 3: 8 7 48 9 6 1 31/ 79 ArtDeco
*id 4: 11 16 41 4 2 1 26/ 75 ArtNouveau(Modern)
*id 5: 23 25 57 20 2 0 25/127 Biedermeier
*id 6: 26 34 103 23 18 0 67/204 Classicism
*id 7: 17 3 39 2 1 0 4/ 62 Constructivism
*id 8: 1 5 40 2 4 0 27/ 52 Cubism
*id 9: 6 11 36 2 0 0 17/ 55 Cubo-Futurism
*id10: 14 18 12 3 0 0 23/ 47 Divisionism
*id11: 9 10 9 8 0 0 5/ 36 EnvironmentalArt
*id12: 4 6 41 2 6 1 32/ 60 FantasticRealism
*id13: 7 7 58 4 7 2 40/ 85 FeministArt
*id14: 13 15 51 4 2 1 39/ 86 HighRenaissance
*id15: 9 17 39 11 1 0 19/ 77 Impressionism
*id16: 20 13 59 2 5 0 31/ 99 InternationalGothic
*id17: 7 5 45 8 1 0 25/ 66 Japonism
*id18: 5 3 23 7 3 1 15/ 42 LowbrowArt
*id19: 4 8 32 4 3 1 35/ 52 MagicRealism
*id20: 8 23 42 2 0 0 50/ 75 MechanisticCubism
*id21: 13 19 47 13 4 1 52/ 97 Muralism
*id22: 22 23 47 10 1 0 49/103 Naturalism
*id23: 6 2 19 2 3 1 19/ 33 Neo-FigurativeArt
*id24: 13 18 14 2 2 1 31/ 50 Neo-Rococo
*id25: 10 10 35 18 14 2 32/ 89 Neo-baroque
*id26: 5 6 31 10 1 1 31/ 54 NewEuropeanPainting
*id27: 30 22 31 6 5 0 30/ 94 NorthernRenaissance
*id28: 7 0 29 1 0 0 28/ 37 Outsiderart
*id29: 23 19 24 3 2 5 29/ 76 Photorealism
*id30: 22 9 38 2 7 1 36/ 79 PopArt
*id31: 7 4 37 1 6 2 40/ 57 PosterArtRealism
*id32: 56 49 41 1 5 0 69/152 ProtoRenaissance
*id33: 10 11 38 10 2 3 31/ 74 Realism
*id34: 20 14 58 9 4 0 43/105 Rococo
*id35: 7 8 16 13 0 0 24/ 44 Shin-hanga
*id36: 28 10 42 5 2 0 40/ 87 SocialistRealism
*id37: 5 5 52 6 1 2 21/ 71 Suprematism
*id38: 11 17 39 5 8 0 33/ 80 Symbolism
*id39: 23 18 39 28 3 3 48/114 Synthetism
*id40: 10 7 16 14 0 2 8/ 49 Tonalism
*id41: 13 8 27 3 3 5 13/ 59 Ukiyo-e
*id42: 32 27 86 14 3 0 40/162 cartoon
*id43: 20 7 62 13 0 0 60/102 photo
*Total: 607 569 1806 323 141 41 1412/3487
**Split of training, validation and test sets
id_style n_tr_im n_tr_obj | n_val_im n_val_obj | n_te_im n_te_obj | n_bg_im style_name
id 1: 13 46 | 11 48 | 14 28 | 28 Academicism
id 2: 12 38 | 10 30 | 11 50 | 22 AnalyticalRealism
id 3: 14 35 | 12 14 | 14 30 | 25 ArtDeco
id 4: 13 19 | 11 20 | 13 36 | 99 ArtNouveau(Modern)
id 5: 12 47 | 11 40 | 12 40 | 10 Biedermeier
id 6: 12 86 | 10 69 | 12 49 | 2 Classicism
id 7: 14 21 | 12 19 | 13 22 | 199 Constructivism
id 8: 13 20 | 11 16 | 13 16 | 190 Cubism
id 9: 13 19 | 11 18 | 12 18 | 98 Cubo-Futurism
id10: 11 11 | 9 18 | 11 18 | 190 Divisionism
id11: 5 20 | 4 9 | 4 7 | 11 EnvironmentalArt
id12: 13 19 | 11 16 | 14 25 | 58 FantasticRealism
id13: 13 43 | 11 22 | 13 20 | 47 FeministArt
id14: 13 40 | 11 29 | 14 17 | 30 HighRenaissance
id15: 11 31 | 9 11 | 11 35 | 200 Impressionism
id16: 10 37 | 8 34 | 10 28 | 2 InternationalGothic
id17: 13 27 | 11 17 | 13 22 | 13 Japonism
id18: 7 12 | 6 16 | 7 14 | 13 LowbrowArt
id19: 13 16 | 11 17 | 13 19 | 198 MagicRealism
id20: 14 31 | 12 18 | 14 26 | 3 MechanisticCubism
id21: 7 33 | 6 39 | 7 25 | 18 Muralism
id22: 14 38 | 12 32 | 14 33 | 178 Naturalism
id23: 7 9 | 6 13 | 6 11 | 11 Neo-FigurativeArt
id24: 14 17 | 12 18 | 14 15 | 0 Neo-Rococo
id25: 14 44 | 12 22 | 14 23 | 32 Neo-baroque
id26: 14 21 | 12 16 | 14 17 | 88 NewEuropeanPainting
id27: 13 45 | 11 18 | 14 31 | 56 NorthernRenaissance
id28: 11 17 | 9 9 | 10 11 | 23 Outsiderart
id29: 9 29 | 8 17 | 10 30 | 86 Photorealism
id30: 13 28 | 11 25 | 12 26 | 184 PopArt
id31: 14 20 | 12 18 | 14 19 | 0 PosterArtRealism
id32: 12 43 | 11 67 | 12 42 | 1 ProtoRenaissance
id33: 12 45 | 10 13 | 12 16 | 178 Realism
id34: 13 37 | 11 34 | 14 34 | 37 Rococo
id35: 13 17 | 11 15 | 13 12 | 175 Shin-hanga
id36: 11 24 | 9 40 | 10 23 | 9 SocialistRealism
id37: 14 31 | 12 22 | 14 18 | 97 Suprematism
id38: 13 39 | 11 24 | 13 17 | 199 Symbolism
id39: 13 37 | 11 44 | 14 33 | 10 Synthetism
id40: 11 15 | 9 18 | 10 16 | 82 Tonalism
id41: 13 26 | 11 11 | 13 22 | 110 Ukiyo-e
id42: 13 57 | 11 54 | 14 51 | 36 cartoon
id43: 14 34 | 12 30 | 14 38 | 100 photo
Total: 521 1324 | 442 1080 | 520 1083 | 3148
Training images: 1627 (person ims 521 + Non-person ims 1106)
Validation images: 1387 (person ims 442 + Non-person ims 945)
Test images: 1617 (person ims 520 + Non-person ims 1097)
**Comparision of datasets
People_Art PASCAL voc2007 PASCAL voc2012
Train: n_fg_im 521 1025 1994
n_obj 1324 2358 4194
Val: n_fg_im 442 983 2093
n_obj 1080 2332 4372
Test: n_fg_im 520 2007 --
n_obj 1083 -- --
Train: n_bg_im 1106 1476 3723
Val: n_bg_im 945 1527 3730
Test: n_bg_im 1097 2855 --
Thank you very much for using this dataset.
If any question, please contact Hongping Cai via
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