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Created September 10, 2013 06:25
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  • Save ProLoser/6505661 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ProLoser/6505661 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. scraper written in PHP
$con = mysqli_connect("localhost","root","","password");
if(isset($_GET['scan'])) {
$string = file_get_contents(''.$i);
preg_match_all('/<p class="quote"><a href="\?(\d+)".*?>\((-?\d+)\)<.*?<p class="qt">(.*?)<\/p>/si',$string,$matches);
echo '<br>Page '.$i.':';
echo ' '.$j;
//echo "INSERT INTO bash (id, rank, contents) VALUES (".$matches[1][$j].",".$matches[2][$j].",'".ereg_replace('<br />','',$matches[3][$j])."')";
mysqli_query($con,"INSERT INTO bash (id, created, rank, contents) VALUES (".$matches[1][$j].",NOW(),".$matches[2][$j].",'".ereg_replace('<br />','',$matches[3][$j])."')");
mysqli_query($con,"DELETE FROM `bash` WHERE `bash`.`id` =".$_GET['d']);
if (!isset($_GET['i'])) $_GET['i'] = 200;
$result = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT id, rank, contents FROM bash ORDER BY rank ASC LIMIT ".$_GET['i']);
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
echo '<p><a style="color:red" href="?d='.$row['id'].'">[X]</a> #'.$i.' ID ['.$row['id'].'] RANK ['.$row['rank'].']<br>'.preg_replace('/\n/','<br>',$row['contents']).'</p>';
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