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Last active June 12, 2019 17:07
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Trying to understand pointers in Golang while going through Golang Tour
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
a := 200
b := &a // Point to memory address of variable a
fmt.Println("Initial value of variable a:", a)
fmt.Println("b := &a, hence value of b:", b)
fmt.Println("Value of *b:", *b) // You can access the value in memory location to whicht he value points using asterisk before the variable name
// Let us increment the value in the memory to which variable b points.
*b++ // this is called deferencing b (i.e. follow the pointer from b to a)
fmt.Println("Value of *b after running *b++:", *b)
// Since *b++ incremented the value in the memory location to which variable b points, any other variable that points to same memory location should also now have the new value same as that of "*b"
fmt.Println("Value of variable a:", a)
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