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Created January 27, 2014 09:09
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// level0 project main.go
package main
import (
var dic map[string]bool
var file_contents_split [][]byte
var working_dir string
var files_contents []byte
var byte_dic []byte
var lookup_table []uint32
var stdin []byte
func main() {
func copy_words() {
defer un(trace("Copying word list"))
byte_dic = words
func parse() {
defer un(trace("Parse"))
split := find_split()
c1 := make(chan []byte)
c2 := make(chan []byte)
go byte_parse_input_byte(stdin[0:split], c1)
go byte_parse_input_byte(stdin[split:], c2)
out1, out2 := <-c1, <-c2
func find_split() int {
split := int(math.Floor(float64(len(stdin) / 2)))
for i := 0; i < 24; i++ {
if stdin[split+i] == byte('\n') || stdin[split+i] == byte(' ') {
split += i
return split
func load_words() {
defer un(trace("Loading words"))
var err error
byte_dic, err = ioutil.ReadFile("words_pruned")
if err != nil {
func load_lookup_unsafe() {
defer un(trace("Load lookup unsafe"))
//raw, err := ioutil.ReadFile("lookup")
//if err != nil {
// panic(err.Error())
header := *(*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&raw_lookup))
header.Len /= 4
header.Cap /= 4
lookup_table = *(*[]uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(&header))
func load_stdin() {
var err error
stdin, err = ioutil.ReadAll(os.Stdin)
if err != nil {
func byte_parse_input_byte(input []byte, c chan []byte) {
defer un(trace("Byte parse input"))
var buffer bytes.Buffer
var slice = input
checkpoint := 0
for i := 0; i < len(slice); i++ {
if slice[i] == byte('.') {
buffer.Write(encase_word(slice[checkpoint : i+1]))
checkpoint = i + 1
} else if slice[i] == byte(' ') || slice[i] == byte('\n') {
if checkpoint == i {
checkpoint = i + 1
} else {
if slice[i] == byte(' ') || slice[i] == byte('\n') {
checkpoint = i + 1
} else if i+1 == len(slice) {
buffer.Write(byte_replace_byte(slice[checkpoint : i+1]))
c <- buffer.Bytes()
//func needle_lookup(needle string) bool {
// byte_needle := []byte(needle)
// i := sort.Search(len(file_contents_split), func(i int) bool {
// return bytes.Compare(file_contents_split[i], byte_needle) >= 0
// })
// if i < len(file_contents_split) && bytes.Equal(file_contents_split[i], byte_needle) {
// return true
// } else {
// return false
// }
//func byte_needle_lookup(byte_needle []byte) bool {
// i := sort.Search(len(file_contents_split), func(i int) bool {
// return bytes.Compare(file_contents_split[i], byte_needle) >= 0
// })
// if i < len(file_contents_split) && bytes.Equal(file_contents_split[i], byte_needle) {
// return true
// } else {
// return false
// }
func lookup_needle_lookup(byte_needle []byte) bool {
i := sort.Search(int(len(lookup_table)), func(i int) bool {
return bytes.Compare(slice_for_needle(i, byte_needle), byte_needle) >= 0
//if i < len(lookup_table) && bytes.Equal(file_contents_split[i], byte_needle) {
// return true
if i < len(lookup_table) && bytes.Equal(slice_for_needle(i, byte_needle), byte_needle) {
return true
} else {
return false
func slice_for_needle(index int, needle []byte) []byte {
seek := int(lookup_table[index])
scan := seek + len(needle)
if scan >= len(byte_dic) {
scan = len(byte_dic) - 1
if byte_dic[scan] != byte('\n') {
scan += 1
dic_slice := byte_dic[seek:scan]
//fmt.Println("Comparing <", needle, "> to <", dic_slice, ">")
return dic_slice
func replace(in string) string {
in_lower := strings.ToLower(in)
if dic[in_lower] == true {
return in
} else {
return "<" + in + ">"
//func byte_replace(in string) string {
// if needle_lookup(strings.ToLower(in)) {
// return in
// } else {
// return "<" + in + ">"
// }
func byte_replace_byte(in []byte) []byte {
if lookup_needle_lookup(bytes.ToLower(in)) {
return in
} else {
return encase_word(in)
func encase_word(in []byte) []byte {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
return buffer.Bytes()
func trace(s string) (string, time.Time) {
log.Println("START:", s)
return s, time.Now()
func un(s string, startTime time.Time) {
endTime := time.Now()
log.Println(" END:", s, "ElapsedTime in seconds:", endTime.Sub(startTime))
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