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Last active March 14, 2018 21:05
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Poisson Disc Sampling for Unity3D
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Problematic.Toolkit {
public static class PoissonDiscSampler {
const int SAMPLE_LIMIT = 30;
public static IEnumerable<Vector2> Sample<T> (QuadTree<T> quadTree, float minSeparation, System.Func<Vector2, T> CreateSample, System.Func<Vector2, QuadTree<T>, float, bool> IsCandidateValid) where T : IQuadTreeObject{
var initialSample = new Vector2(
Random.Range(quadTree.Bounds.xMin, quadTree.Bounds.xMax),
Random.Range(quadTree.Bounds.yMin, quadTree.Bounds.yMax)
int initialIndex = 0;
var samples = new List<Vector2>();
var activeSamples = new List<int>();
while (activeSamples.Count > 0) {
int index = activeSamples.Sample();
var center = samples[index];
var found = false;
for (int i = 0; i < SAMPLE_LIMIT; i++) {
Vector2 candidate = GenerateCandidateAround(center, minSeparation);
if (IsCandidateValid(candidate, quadTree, minSeparation)) {
found = true;
int newIndex = samples.Count;
if (!found) {
return samples;
public static IEnumerable<Vector2> Sample<T> (QuadTree<T> quadTree, float minSeparation, System.Func<Vector2, T> CreateSample) where T : IQuadTreeObject {
return Sample(quadTree, minSeparation, CreateSample, IsCandidateValid);
static Vector2 GenerateCandidateAround (Vector2 center, float minSeparation) {
var sep2 = minSeparation * minSeparation;
var k = (sep2 * sep2) - sep2;
var a = Random.value * 2 * Mathf.PI;
var r = Mathf.Sqrt(Random.value * k + sep2);
return center + new Vector2(r * Mathf.Cos(a), r * Mathf.Sin(a));
public static bool IsCandidateValid<T> (Vector2 candidate, QuadTree<T> quadTree, float minSeparation) where T : IQuadTreeObject {
if (!quadTree.ContainsLocation(candidate)) {
return false;
var area = new Rect(0, 0, minSeparation * 4, minSeparation * 4); = candidate;
var nearby = quadTree.RetrieveObjectsInArea(area);
foreach (var sample in nearby) {
if ((sample.GetPosition() - candidate).sqrMagnitude < minSeparation * minSeparation) {
return false;
return true;
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