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CLIENT SIDE cvar list
sm_cvarlist /file
_autosave : cmd : : Autosave
_autosavedangerous : cmd : : AutoSaveDangerous
_bugreporter_restart : cmd : : Restarts bug reporter .dll
_fov : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Automates fov command to server.
_record : cmd : , "norecord" : Record a demo incrementally.
_resetgamestats : cmd : , "sv" : Erases current game stats and writes out a blank stats file
_restart : cmd : : Shutdown and restart the engine.
achievement_debug : 0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Turn on achievement debug msgs.
achievement_disable : 0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Turn off achievements.
achievement_evaluate : cmd : , "cl", "launcher" : <internal name> Causes failable achievement to be evaluated
achievement_mark_dirty : cmd : , "cl", "launcher" : Mark achievement data as dirty
achievement_notification_test : cmd : , "cheat", "cl", "launcher" : Test the hud notification UI
achievement_reset : cmd : , "cl", "launcher" : <internal name> Clears specified achievement
achievement_reset_all : cmd : , "cl", "launcher" : Clears all achievements
achievement_status : cmd : , "cl", "launcher" : Shows status of all achievement
achievement_test_clan_count : cmd : , "cl", "launcher" : Determines if specified # of teammates belong to same clan w/local player
achievement_test_friend_count : cmd : , "cl", "launcher" : Counts the # of teammates on local player's friends list
achievement_unlock : cmd : , "cl", "launcher" : <internal name> Unlocks achievement
achievement_unlock_all : cmd : , "cl", "launcher" : Unlocks all achievements
action_progress_reset_interval : 1.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
addip : cmd : : Add an IP address to the ban list.
addons_eclipse_content : FORCERELOAD : , "matsys", "launcher" :
adrenaline_backpack_speedup : 0.5 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Percent of normal backpack item use duration to use when affected by Adrenaline
adrenaline_duration : 15.0f : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
adrenaline_health_buffer : 25 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
adrenaline_revive_speedup : 0.5 : , "sv", "cheat" : Percent of normal revive duration to use when affected by Adrenaline
adrenaline_run_speed : 260 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
adsp_alley_min : 122 : , "launcher" :
adsp_courtyard_min : 126 : , "launcher" :
adsp_debug : 0 : , "a" :
adsp_door_height : 112 : , "launcher" :
adsp_duct_min : 106 : , "launcher" :
adsp_hall_min : 110 : , "launcher" :
adsp_low_ceiling : 108 : , "launcher" :
adsp_opencourtyard_min : 126 : , "launcher" :
adsp_openspace_min : 130 : , "launcher" :
adsp_openstreet_min : 118 : , "launcher" :
adsp_openwall_min : 130 : , "launcher" :
adsp_room_min : 102 : , "launcher" :
adsp_street_min : 118 : , "launcher" :
adsp_tunnel_min : 114 : , "launcher" :
adsp_wall_height : 128 : , "launcher" :
ai_debug_los : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : NPC Line-Of-Sight debug mode. If 1, solid entities that block NPC LOC will be highlighted with white bounding boxes. If 2, it'll show non-solid entities that would do it if they were solid.
ai_debug_ragdoll_magnets : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
ai_debug_shoot_positions : 0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
ai_debug_speech : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
ai_expression_frametime : 0.05 : , "sv", "launcher" : Maximum frametime to still play background expressions.
ai_expression_optimization : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Disable npc background expressions when you can't see them.
ai_force_serverside_ragdoll : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
ai_LOS_mode : 0 : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" :
ai_post_frame_navigation : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
ai_sequence_debug : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
ai_setupbones_debug : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Shows that bones that are setup every think
ai_shot_bias_max : 1.0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ai_shot_bias_min : -1.0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ai_show_hull_attacks : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
ai_talk_idle_enabled : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" : Set to 0 to disable TLK_IDLEs on survivors
ai_use_visibility_cache : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
air_density : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Changes the density of air for drag computations.
alias : cmd : : Alias a command.
allow_all_bot_survivor_team : : , "sv", "launcher" : Allow a survivor team of nothing but bots. Human players are still required for the game to be active.
allow_weapon_fire_to_use : 0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
+alt1 : cmd : , "cl" :
-alt1 : cmd : , "cl" :
+alt2 : cmd : , "cl" :
-alt2 : cmd : , "cl" :
ammo_adrenaline_max : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ammo_ammo_pack_max : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ammo_assaultrifle_max : 360 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ammo_autoshotgun_max : 90 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ammo_chainsaw_max : 20 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ammo_firstaid_max : -1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ammo_grenadelauncher_max : 30 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ammo_huntingrifle_max : 150 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ammo_m60_max : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ammo_minigun_max : 800 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ammo_molotov_max : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ammo_pack_use_duration : 3 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
ammo_painpills_max : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ammo_pipebomb_max : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ammo_pistol_max : -2 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ammo_shotgun_max : 56 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ammo_smg_max : 650 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ammo_sniperrifle_max : 180 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ammo_turret_infected_damage : 15 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Turret damage per shot against the horde (turret fires at 10Hz)
ammo_turret_max : 300 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ammo_turret_pz_damage : 8 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Turret damage per shot against player zombies (turret fires at 10Hz)
ammo_turret_survivor_damage : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Turret damage per shot against survivors (turret fires at 10Hz)
ammo_turret_tank_damage : 40 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Turret damage per shot against tanks (turret fires at 10Hz)
ammo_turret_witch_damage : 16 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Turret damage per shot against witches (turret fires at 10Hz)
ammo_vomitjar_max : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
anim_3wayblend : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Toggle the 3-way animation blending code.
anim_dumpstate : cmd : , "cheat", "cl", "launcher" : Dump the animation state for all the player classes.
anim_showmainactivity : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" : Show the idle, walk, run, and/or sprint activities.
anim_showstate : -1 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Show the (client) animation state for the specified entity (-1 for none).
anim_showstatelog : 0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl", "launcher" : 1 to output anim_showstate to Msg(). 2 to store in AnimState.log. 3 for both.
askconnect_accept : cmd : , "norecord" : Accept a redirect request by the server.
async_allow_held_files : 1 : , "launcher" : Allow AsyncBegin/EndRead()
async_mode : 0 : , "launcher" : Set the async filesystem mode (0 = async, 1 = synchronous)
async_resume : cmd : :
async_serialize : 0 : , "launcher" : Force async reads to serialize for profiling
async_simulate_delay : 0 : , "launcher" : Simulate a delay of up to a set msec per file operation
async_suspend : cmd : :
+attack : cmd : , "cl" :
-attack : cmd : , "cl" :
+attack2 : cmd : , "cl" :
-attack2 : cmd : , "cl" :
audit_save_in_memory : cmd : : Audit the memory usage and files in the save-to-memory system
autoaim_max_deflect : 0.99 : , "sv", "launcher" :
autoaim_max_dist : 2160 : , "sv", "launcher" :
autoaim_viewing_client : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
autosave : cmd : : Autosave
autosavedangerous : cmd : : AutoSaveDangerous
autosavedangerousissafe : cmd : :
+back : cmd : , "cl" :
-back : cmd : , "cl" :
banid : cmd : : Add a user ID to the ban list.
banip : cmd : : Add an IP address to the ban list.
bench_end : cmd : , "cheat" : Ends gathering of info.
bench_start : cmd : , "cheat" : Starts gathering of info. Arguments: filename to write results into
bench_upload : cmd : , "cheat" : Uploads most recent benchmark stats to the Valve servers.
benchframe : cmd : : Takes a snapshot of a particular frame in a time demo.
bind : cmd : : Bind a key.
BindToggle : cmd : : Performs a bind <key> "increment var <cvar> 0 1 1"
blackbox : 1 : , "launcher" :
blackbox_dump : cmd : , "norecord" : Dump the contents of the blackbox
blackbox_record : cmd : , "norecord" : Record an entry into the blackbox
BlendBonesMode : 2 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
blink_duration : 0.2 : , "cl", "launcher" : How many seconds an eye blink will last.
boomer_exposed_time_tolerance : 1.0 : , "sv", "cheat" : How long an out-of-range Boomer will tolerate being visible before fleeing
boomer_leaker_chance : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
boomer_pz_claw_dmg : 4 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Amount of damage done by a PZ boomer's regular melee attack
boomer_vomit_delay : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" : How long the Boomer waits before he vomits on his target on Normal difficulty
bot_crouch : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
bot_freeze : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
bot_mimic : 0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
bot_mimic_spec_buttons : 1 : , "cheat", "cl" : +attack, +jump etc are used for spectator control instead of being passed on to spectated bot
bot_mimic_yaw_offset : 180 : , "sv", "cheat" :
box : cmd : , "cheat" : Draw a debug box.
+break : cmd : , "cl" :
-break : cmd : , "cl" :
breakable_disable_gib_limit : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
breakable_multiplayer : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
buddha : 0 : , "sv", "cheat", "nf" : Survivors take damage but won't die
budget_averages_window : 30 : , "a" : number of frames to look at when figuring out average frametimes
budget_background_alpha : 128 : , "a" : how translucent the budget panel is
budget_bargraph_background_alpha : 128 : , "a" : how translucent the budget panel is
budget_bargraph_range_ms : 16.6666666667 : , "a" : budget bargraph range in milliseconds
budget_history_numsamplesvisible : 100 : , "a" : number of samples to draw in the budget history window. The lower the better as far as rendering overhead of the budget panel
budget_history_range_ms : 66.666666667 : , "a" : budget history range in milliseconds
budget_panel_bottom_of_history_fraction : .25 : , "a" : number between 0 and 1
budget_panel_height : 384 : , "a" : height in pixels of the budget panel
budget_panel_width : 512 : , "a" : width in pixels of the budget panel
budget_panel_x : 0 : , "a" : number of pixels from the left side of the game screen to draw the budget panel
budget_panel_y : 50 : , "a" : number of pixels from the top side of the game screen to draw the budget panel
budget_peaks_window : 30 : , "a" : number of frames to look at when figuring out peak frametimes
budget_show_averages : 0 : , "a" : enable/disable averages in the budget panel
budget_show_history : 1 : , "a" : turn history graph off and on. . good to turn off on low end
budget_show_peaks : 1 : , "a" : enable/disable peaks in the budget panel
budget_toggle_group : cmd : : Turn a budget group on/off
bug : cmd : , "norecord" : Show the bug reporting UI.
bug_swap : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Automatically swaps the current weapon for the bug bait and back again.
bugreporter_console_bytes : 15000 : , "launcher" : Max # of console bytes to put into bug report body (full text still attached).
bugreporter_includebsp : 1 : , "launcher" : Include .bsp for internal bug submissions.
bugreporter_snapshot_delay : 15 : , "launcher" : Frames to delay before taking snapshot
bugreporter_uploadasync : 0 : , "a" : Upload attachments asynchronously
bugreporter_username : : , "a" : Username to use for bugreporter
buildcubemaps : cmd : : Rebuild cubemaps.
building_cubemaps : 0 : , "launcher" :
bullet_ff_through_walls : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
c_maxdistance : 200 : , "a", "cheat", "cl" :
c_maxpitch : 90 : , "a", "cl" :
c_maxyaw : 135 : , "a", "cl" :
c_mindistance : 30 : , "a", "cheat", "cl" :
c_minpitch : 0 : , "a", "cl" :
c_minyaw : -135 : , "a", "cl" :
c_orthoheight : 100 : , "a", "cl" :
c_orthowidth : 100 : , "a", "cl" :
c_thirdpersonshoulder : false : , "a", "cheat", "cl" :
c_thirdpersonshoulderaimdist : 120.0 : , "a", "cheat", "cl" :
c_thirdpersonshoulderdist : 40.0 : , "a", "cheat", "cl" :
c_thirdpersonshoulderheight : 5.0 : , "a", "cheat", "cl" :
c_thirdpersonshoulderoffset : 20.0 : , "a", "cheat", "cl" :
cache_print : cmd : : cache_print [section] Print out contents of cache memory.
cache_print_lru : cmd : : cache_print_lru [section] Print out contents of cache memory.
cache_print_summary : cmd : : cache_print_summary [section] Print out a summary contents of cache memory.
callvote : cmd : , "sv" : Start a vote on an issue.
cam_collision : 1 : , "a", "cheat", "cl" : When in thirdperson and cam_collision is set to 1, an attempt is made to keep the camera from passing though walls.
cam_command : cmd : , "cheat", "cl" : Tells camera to change modes
cam_idealdelta : 4.0 : , "a", "cl" : Controls the speed when matching offset to ideal angles in thirdperson view
cam_idealdist : 150 : , "a", "cl" :
cam_ideallag : 4.0 : , "a", "cl" : Amount of lag used when matching offset to ideal angles in thirdperson view
cam_idealpitch : 0 : , "a", "cl" :
cam_idealyaw : 0 : , "a", "cl" :
cam_showangles : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" : When in thirdperson, print viewangles/idealangles/cameraoffsets to the console.
cam_snapto : 0 : , "a", "cl" :
+camdistance : cmd : , "cl" :
-camdistance : cmd : , "cl" :
+camin : cmd : , "cl" :
-camin : cmd : , "cl" :
+cammousemove : cmd : , "cl" :
-cammousemove : cmd : , "cl" :
camortho : cmd : , "cheat", "cl" : Switch to orthographic camera.
+camout : cmd : , "cl" :
-camout : cmd : , "cl" :
+campitchdown : cmd : , "cl" :
-campitchdown : cmd : , "cl" :
+campitchup : cmd : , "cl" :
-campitchup : cmd : , "cl" :
+camyawleft : cmd : , "cl" :
-camyawleft : cmd : , "cl" :
+camyawright : cmd : , "cl" :
-camyawright : cmd : , "cl" :
cancelselect : cmd : , "server_can_execute", "cl" :
car_alarm_chirp_distance : 350 : , "sv", "launcher" :
car_alarm_chirp_duration : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
car_alarm_chirp_interval : 3 : , "sv", "launcher" :
car_alarm_distance : 750 : , "sv", "launcher" :
car_alarm_duration : 15 : , "sv", "launcher" :
cast_hull : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Tests hull collision detection
cast_ray : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Tests collision detection
cc_captiontrace : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Show missing closecaptions (0 = no, 1 = devconsole, 2 = show in hud)
cc_emit : cmd : , "cl" : Emits a closed caption
cc_findsound : cmd : , "cl" : Searches for soundname which emits specified text.
cc_flush : cmd : , "cl" : Flushes async'd captions.
cc_lang : : , "a", "cl" : Current close caption language (emtpy = use game UI language)
cc_linger_time : 1.0 : , "a", "cl" : Close caption linger time.
cc_minvisibleitems : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Minimum number of caption items to show.
cc_norepeat : 5 : , "sv", "launcher" : In multiplayer games, don't repeat captions more often than this many seconds.
cc_predisplay_time : 0.25 : , "a", "cl" : Close caption delay before showing caption.
cc_random : cmd : , "cl" : Emits a random caption
cc_sentencecaptionnorepeat : 4 : , "cl", "launcher" : How often a sentence can repeat.
cc_showblocks : cmd : , "cl" : Toggles showing which blocks are pending/loaded async.
cc_showmissing : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Show missing closecaption entries.
cc_subtitles : 0 : , "a", "cl" : If set, don't show sound effect captions, just voice overs (i.e., won't help hearing impaired players).
centerview : cmd : , "cl" :
ch_createairboat : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Spawn airboat in front of the player.
ch_createjeep : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Spawn jeep in front of the player.
chainsaw_attack_cone : 30.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
chainsaw_attack_distance : 50.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
chainsaw_attack_force : 400.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
chainsaw_attract_distance : 500.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
chainsaw_damage : 100.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
chainsaw_debug : 0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
chainsaw_hit_interval : 0.1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
chainsaw_startup_fadeout_time : 0.1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
changelevel : cmd : , "norecord" : Change server to the specified map
changelevel2 : cmd : , "norecord" : Transition to the specified map in single player
changelevel_inhibit : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
changelevel_pause_interval : 8 : , "sv", "cheat" :
chet_debug_idle : 0 : , "a", "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : If set one, many debug prints to help track down the TLK_IDLE issue. Set two for super verbose info
chooseteam : cmd : , "cl" : Choose a new team
cl__ragdoll_max_remove_per_frame : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_addon_debug : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_addon_fade_max : 1000 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_addon_fade_min : 800 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_aggregate_particles : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_allowdownload : 1 : , "a" : Client downloads customization files
cl_allowupload : 1 : , "a" : Client uploads customization files
cl_anglespeedkey : 0.67 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_animationinfo : cmd : , "cl" : Hud element to examine.
cl_autohelp : 1 : , "a", "user", "cl" : Auto-help
cl_benchmark_particle_system : cmd : , "cl" : Measure simulation time for a named particle system
cl_blurClearAlpha : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : 0-255, but 0 has errors at the moment
cl_blurDebug : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_blurPasses : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_blurTapSize : 0.5 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_bob : 0.002 : , "cheat", "cl" :
cl_bobcycle : 0.8 : , "cheat", "cl" :
cl_bobup : 0.5 : , "cheat", "cl" :
cl_burninggibs : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : A burning player that gibs has burning gibs.
cl_buy_favorite : cmd : , "clientcmd_can_execute", "cl" : Purchase a favorite weapon/equipment loadout
cl_buy_favorite_nowarn : 0 : , "a", "clientcmd_can_execute", "cl" : Skips the error prompt when saving an invalid buy favorite
cl_buy_favorite_quiet : 0 : , "a", "clientcmd_can_execute", "cl" : Skips the prompt when saving a buy favorite in the buy menu
cl_buy_favorite_reset : cmd : , "clientcmd_can_execute", "cl" : Reset favorite loadouts to the default
cl_buy_favorite_set : cmd : , "clientcmd_can_execute", "cl" : Saves the current loadout as a favorite
cl_c4dynamiclight : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Draw dynamic light when planted c4 flashes
cl_camera_follow_bone_index : -2 : , "cheat", "cl" : Index of the bone to follow. -2 == disabled. -1 == root bone. 0+ is bone index.
cl_chat_active : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_chat_wipehistory : 0 : , "a", "cl" : Wipes chat history after all chat text faded out
cl_chatfilters : 31 : , "a", "cl" : Stores the chat filter settings
cl_cinematiclight_b : 0.05 : , "cheat", "cl" :
cl_cinematiclight_g : 0.3 : , "cheat", "cl" :
cl_cinematiclight_r : 3.0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
cl_cinematiclight_scale : 7.0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
cl_cinematiclight_tonemap : 0.4 : , "cheat", "cl" :
cl_clearhinthistory : cmd : , "cl" : Clear memory of client side hints displayed to the player.
cl_clientmenudistancecap : 10 : , "cl", "launcher" : Furthest the client menu will think the mouse has gone.
cl_clientmenuscalefactor : 0.05 : , "cl", "launcher" : Multiplier to the mouse's units to get the client menu's units.
cl_clock_correction : 1 : , "cheat" : Enable/disable clock correction on the client.
cl_clock_correction_adjustment_max_amount : 200 : , "cheat" : Sets the maximum number of milliseconds per second it is allowed to correct the client clock. It will only correct this amount if the difference between the client and server clock is equal to or larger than cl_clock_correction_adjustment_max_offset.
cl_clock_correction_adjustment_max_offset : 90 : , "cheat" : As the clock offset goes from cl_clock_correction_adjustment_min_offset to this value (in milliseconds), it moves towards applying cl_clock_correction_adjustment_max_amount of adjustment. That way, the response is small when the offset is small.
cl_clock_correction_adjustment_min_offset : 10 : , "cheat" : If the clock offset is less than this amount (in milliseconds), then no clock correction is applied.
cl_clock_correction_force_server_tick : 999 : , "cheat" : Force clock correction to match the server tick + this offset (-999 disables it).
cl_clock_showdebuginfo : 0 : , "cheat" : Show debugging info about the clock drift.
cl_clockdrift_max_ms : 150 : , "cheat" : Maximum number of milliseconds the clock is allowed to drift before the client snaps its clock to the server's.
cl_clockdrift_max_ms_threadmode : 0 : , "cheat" : Maximum number of milliseconds the clock is allowed to drift before the client snaps its clock to the server's.
cl_cloud_settings : 0 : , "matsys", "launcher" : Cloud enabled from (from HKCU\Software\Valve\Steam\Apps\appid\Cloud)
cl_cmdrate : 30 : , "a", "user" : Max number of command packets sent to server per second
cl_color_survivor : 138 182 220 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_color_zombie : 209 199 151 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_colorblind : 0 : , "a", "cl" : Set to 1 for high contrast crosshairs. Set to 2 for specific color changes intended to help common types of color blindness.
cl_colorfastpath : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_consistencycheck : cmd : , "server_can_execute", "matsys" : Triggers the client to perform a consistency check
cl_consistencycheck_interval : 180.0 : , "rep", "launcher" : Perform a consistency check after this amount of time (seconds) has passed since the last.
cl_crash : cmd : , "cheat", "cl" : Causes a client crash for testing
cl_create_server : cmd : , "cl" :
cl_crosshair_alpha : 255 : , "a", "cl" : Crosshair alpha
cl_crosshair_blue : 220 : , "a", "cl" : Crosshair blue component
cl_crosshair_circle_alpha : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Crosshair circle alpha
cl_crosshair_circle_mode : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Crosshair circle mode (0=actual aim error + pellet scatter, 1=green is aim error, red is pellet scatter, 2=inside of crosshair lines
cl_crosshair_dynamic : 1 : , "a", "cl" : Crosshair scales based on accuracy
cl_crosshair_green : 182 : , "a", "cl" : Crosshair green component
cl_crosshair_red : 138 : , "a", "cl" : Crosshair red component
cl_crosshair_thickness : 2 : , "a", "cl" : Crosshair thickness in pixels
cl_customsounds : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Enable customized player sound playback
cl_cycle_latch_tolerance : 0.125 : , "cl", "launcher" : How close an incoming Cycle reminder can be for us to ignore the input and trust the value we have.
cl_debug_entity : : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_debug_player_use : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Visualizes +use logic for the given range. Green cross=trace success, Red cross=trace too far, Green box=radius success
cl_demoviewoverride : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Override view during demo playback
cl_destroy_ragdolls : cmd : , "cl" : Destroys all client-side ragdolls
cl_detail_avoid_force : 0 : , "a", "cl" : force with which to avoid players ( in units, percentage of the width of the detail sprite )
cl_detail_avoid_radius : 0 : , "a", "cl" : radius around detail sprite to avoid players
cl_detail_avoid_recover_speed : 0 : , "a", "cl" : how fast to recover position after avoiding players
cl_detail_max_sway : 0 : , "a", "cl" : Amplitude of the detail prop sway
cl_detail_multiplier : 1 : , "cheat", "cl" : extra details to create
cl_detaildist : 400 : , "cl", "launcher" : Distance at which detail props are no longer visible
cl_detailfade : 250 : , "cl", "launcher" : Distance across which detail props fade in
cl_disable_ragdolls : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
cl_downloadfilter : all : , "a" : Determines which files can be downloaded from the server (all, none, nosounds)
cl_drawescaperoute : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_drawhud : 1 : , "cheat", "cl" : Enable the rendering of the hud
cl_drawleaf : -1 : , "cheat", "cl" :
cl_drawmaterial : : , "cheat", "cl" : Draw a particular material over the frame
cl_drawmonitors : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_drawprogressbar : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Draw progress bar when healing
cl_drawshadowtexture : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
cl_dump_particle_stats : cmd : , "cl" : dump particle profiling info to particle_profile.csv
cl_dumpplayer : cmd : , "cheat", "cl" : Dumps info about a player
cl_dumpsplithacks : cmd : , "cl" : Dump split screen workarounds.
cl_ejectbrass : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_elevator_physics : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_engine_reload_rosetta : cmd : , "cl" :
cl_ent_absbox : cmd : , "cheat", "cl" : Displays the client's absbox for the entity under the crosshair.
cl_ent_bbox : cmd : , "cheat", "cl" : Displays the client's bounding box for the entity under the crosshair.
cl_ent_rbox : cmd : , "cheat", "cl" : Displays the client's render box for the entity under the crosshair.
cl_entityreport : 0 : , "cheat" : For debugging, draw entity states to console
cl_extrapolate : 1 : , "cheat", "cl" : Enable/disable extrapolation if interpolation history runs out.
cl_extrapolate_amount : 0.25 : , "cheat", "cl" : Set how many seconds the client will extrapolate entities for.
cl_failremoteconnections : 0 : , "launcher" : Force connection attempts to time out
cl_fastdetailsprites : 1 : , "cheat", "cl" : whether to use new detail sprite system
cl_fastradial : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : If 1, releasing the button on a radial menu executes the highlighted button
cl_fasttempentcollision : 5 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_find_ent : cmd : , "cheat", "cl" : Find and list all client entities with classnames that contain the specified substring. Format: cl_find_ent <substring>
cl_find_ent_index : cmd : , "cheat", "cl" : Display data for clientside entity matching specified index. Format: cl_find_ent_index <index>
cl_flesh_sound_frequency : 0.120 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_flushentitypacket : 0 : , "cheat" : For debugging. Force the engine to flush an entity packet.
cl_footstep_fx : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_force_3rd_strike : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
cl_forcepreload : 0 : , "a" : Whether we should force preloading.
cl_foundry_ShowEntityHighlights : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_fov : 90 : , "cl", "launcher" : Client-side fov control that is global for all splitscreen players on this machine. This gets overriden via splitscreen_config.txt for splitscreen.
cl_fullupdate : cmd : , "cheat" : Forces the server to send a full update packet
cl_glow_ability_b : 0.0 : , "cl" : Color of ability glow
cl_glow_ability_colorblind_b : 1.0 : , "cl" : Color of ability glow
cl_glow_ability_colorblind_g : 1.0 : , "cl" : Color of ability glow
cl_glow_ability_colorblind_r : 0.3 : , "cl" : Color of ability glow
cl_glow_ability_g : 0.0 : , "cl" : Color of ability glow
cl_glow_ability_r : 1.0 : , "cl" : Color of ability glow
cl_glow_blur_scale : 3 : , "cheat", "cl" : Controls the size of the halo shown around players and usable items
cl_glow_brightness : 1 : , "cheat", "cl" : Brightness of player halos
cl_glow_debug : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_glow_force : 255 : , "cheat", "cl" : Forces glows on
cl_glow_ghost_infected_b : 1.0 : , "cl" : Color of infected ghost glow
cl_glow_ghost_infected_g : 0.4 : , "cl" : Color of infected ghost glow
cl_glow_ghost_infected_r : 0.3 : , "cl" : Color of infected ghost glow
cl_glow_infected_b : 1.0 : , "cl" : Color of infected glow
cl_glow_infected_g : 0.4 : , "cl" : Color of infected glow
cl_glow_infected_r : 0.3 : , "cl" : Color of infected glow
cl_glow_infected_vomit_b : 0.72 : , "cl" : Color the PZs see the IT victim glow
cl_glow_infected_vomit_g : 0.07 : , "cl" : Color the PZs see the IT victim glow
cl_glow_infected_vomit_r : 0.79 : , "cl" : Color the PZs see the IT victim glow
cl_glow_it_timer_ratio_reduction : 0.08 : , "cheat", "cl" : Shortens the IT time remaining ratio that's applied to glow visibility by this amount.
cl_glow_item_b : 1.0 : , "cl" :
cl_glow_item_far_b : 1.0 : , "cl" :
cl_glow_item_far_g : 0.4 : , "cl" :
cl_glow_item_far_r : 0.3 : , "cl" :
cl_glow_item_g : 0.7 : , "cl" :
cl_glow_item_r : 0.7 : , "cl" :
cl_glow_los_delay : 0.0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Time out of sight before a survivor friend shows up through a wall to a survivor.
cl_glow_los_fade_in_time : 0.5 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Time after cl_glow_los_delay before a survivor friend shows up fully through wall.
cl_glow_los_fade_out_time : 0.5 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Time after cl_glow_los_delay before a survivor friend goes away
cl_glow_physics_props : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_glow_range_end : 1500 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_glow_range_exp : 1.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_glow_range_start : 100 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_glow_survivor_b : 1.0 : , "cl" : Color of survivor team mate glow
cl_glow_survivor_g : 0.4 : , "cl" : Color of survivor team mate glow
cl_glow_survivor_health_high_b : 0.196 : , "cl" : Color the Infected see Survivors when their health is high
cl_glow_survivor_health_high_colorblind_b : 0.392 : , "cl" : Color the Infected see Survivors when their health is high
cl_glow_survivor_health_high_colorblind_g : 0.694 : , "cl" : Color the Infected see Survivors when their health is high
cl_glow_survivor_health_high_colorblind_r : 0.047 : , "cl" : Color the Infected see Survivors when their health is high
cl_glow_survivor_health_high_g : 0.69 : , "cl" : Color the Infected see Survivors when their health is high
cl_glow_survivor_health_high_r : 0.039 : , "cl" : Color the Infected see Survivors when their health is high
cl_glow_survivor_health_low_b : 0.098 : , "cl" : Color the Infected see Survivors when their health is low
cl_glow_survivor_health_low_colorblind_b : 0.807 : , "cl" : Color the Infected see Survivors when their health is low
cl_glow_survivor_health_low_colorblind_g : 0.807 : , "cl" : Color the Infected see Survivors when their health is low
cl_glow_survivor_health_low_colorblind_r : 0.047 : , "cl" : Color the Infected see Survivors when their health is low
cl_glow_survivor_health_low_g : 0.098 : , "cl" : Color the Infected see Survivors when their health is low
cl_glow_survivor_health_low_r : 0.63 : , "cl" : Color the Infected see Survivors when their health is low
cl_glow_survivor_health_med_b : 0.032 : , "cl" : Color the Infected see Survivors when their health is medium
cl_glow_survivor_health_med_colorblind_b : 0.098 : , "cl" : Color the Infected see Survivors when their health is medium
cl_glow_survivor_health_med_colorblind_g : 0.573 : , "cl" : Color the Infected see Survivors when their health is medium
cl_glow_survivor_health_med_colorblind_r : 0.694 : , "cl" : Color the Infected see Survivors when their health is medium
cl_glow_survivor_health_med_g : 0.4 : , "cl" : Color the Infected see Survivors when their health is medium
cl_glow_survivor_health_med_r : 0.59 : , "cl" : Color the Infected see Survivors when their health is medium
cl_glow_survivor_hurt_b : 0.0 : , "cl" : Color of survivor team mate glow when incapacitated
cl_glow_survivor_hurt_g : 0.4 : , "cl" : Color of survivor team mate glow when incapacitated
cl_glow_survivor_hurt_r : 1.0 : , "cl" : Color of survivor team mate glow when incapacitated
cl_glow_survivor_r : 0.3 : , "cl" : Color of survivor team mate glow
cl_glow_survivor_vomit_b : 0.0 : , "cl" : Color the Survivors see the IT victim glow
cl_glow_survivor_vomit_g : 0.4 : , "cl" : Color the Survivors see the IT victim glow
cl_glow_survivor_vomit_r : 1.0 : , "cl" : Color the Survivors see the IT victim glow
cl_glow_thirdstrike_item_b : 0.0 : , "cl" :
cl_glow_thirdstrike_item_colorblind_b : 1.0 : , "cl" :
cl_glow_thirdstrike_item_colorblind_g : 1.0 : , "cl" :
cl_glow_thirdstrike_item_colorblind_r : 0.3 : , "cl" :
cl_glow_thirdstrike_item_g : 0.0 : , "cl" :
cl_glow_thirdstrike_item_r : 1.0 : , "cl" :
cl_ideal_spec_mode : 5 : , "user", "server_can_execute", "cl" : desired spectator mode (4 = in-eye, 5 = chase, 6 = roaming)
cl_idealpitchscale : 0.8 : , "a", "cl" :
cl_ignore_vpk_assocation : 0 : , "a", "cl" : Do not ask to set vpk assocation
cl_ignorepackets : 0 : , "cheat" : Force client to ignore packets (for debugging).
cl_impacteffects : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_impacteffects_limit_exit : 3 : , "cl", "launcher" : Limits the number of exit impact effects per frame
cl_impacteffects_limit_general : 10 : , "cl", "launcher" : Limits the number of impact effects per frame
cl_impacteffects_limit_water : 2 : , "cl", "launcher" : Limits the number of water impact effects per frame
cl_infected_animinsim : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_interp : 0.1 : , "user", "cl" : Sets the interpolation amount (bounded on low side by server interp ratio settings).
cl_interp_all : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Disable interpolation list optimizations.
cl_interp_npcs : 0.0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Interpolate NPC positions starting this many seconds in past (or cl_interp, if greater)
cl_interp_ratio : 2.0 : , "user", "cl" : Sets the interpolation amount (final amount is cl_interp_ratio / cl_updaterate).
cl_interp_threadmodeticks : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Additional interpolation ticks to use when interpolating with threaded engine mode set.
cl_interpolate : 1.0 : , "user", "launcher" : Interpolate entities on the client.
cl_jiggle_bone_debug : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" : Display physics-based 'jiggle bone' debugging information
cl_jiggle_bone_debug_pitch_constraints : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" : Display physics-based 'jiggle bone' debugging information
cl_jiggle_bone_debug_yaw_constraints : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" : Display physics-based 'jiggle bone' debugging information
cl_jiggle_bone_invert : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
cl_jiggle_bone_sanity : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Prevent jiggle bones from pointing directly away from their target in case of numerical instability.
cl_lagcomp_errorcheck : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Player index of other player to check for position errors.
cl_lagcompensation : 1 : , "user", "cl" : Perform server side lag compensation of weapon firing events.
cl_language : english : , "user" : Language (from HKCU\Software\Valve\Steam\Language)
cl_leafsystemvis : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
cl_left_hand_ik : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Attach player's left hand to rifle with IK.
cl_leveloverview : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
cl_leveloverviewmarker : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
cl_localnetworkbackdoor : 1 : , "launcher" : Enable network optimizations for single player games.
cl_logofile : materials/vgui/logos/spray_bullseye.vtf : , "a" : Spraypoint logo decal.
cl_max_shadow_renderable_dist : 3000 : , "cheat", "cl" : Max distance from the camera at which things will be rendered for shadows
cl_menuduration : 10 : , "a", "cl" : Client menus will hide after this many seconds (-1 disables)
cl_modelfastpath : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_mouseenable : 1 : , "cl" :
cl_mouselook : 1 : , "a", "user", "cl", "ss", "notconnected" : Set to 1 to use mouse for look, 0 for keyboard look. Cannot be set while connected to a server.
cl_mouselook2 : 1 : , "a", "user", "cl", "ss_added", "notconnected" : Set to 1 to use mouse for look, 0 for keyboard look. Cannot be set while connected to a server.
cl_music_debug : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_names_debug : 0 : , "launcher" :
cl_new_impact_effects : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_observercrosshair : 1 : , "a", "cl" :
cl_overdraw_test : 0 : , "cheat", "numeric", "cl" :
cl_panelanimation : cmd : , "cl" : Shows panel animation variables: <panelname | blank for all panels>.
cl_particle_batch_mode : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_particle_fallback_base : 3 : , "cl", "launcher" : Base for falling back to cheaper effects under load.
cl_particle_fallback_multiplier : 2 : , "cl", "launcher" : Multiplier for falling back to cheaper effects under load.
cl_particle_max_count : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_particle_retire_cost : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
cl_particle_sim_fallback_base_multiplier : 5 : , "cl", "launcher" : How aggressive the switch to fallbacks will be depending on how far over the cl_particle_sim_fallback_threshold_ms the sim time is. Higher numbers are more aggressive.
cl_particle_sim_fallback_threshold_ms : 6.0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Amount of simulation time that can elapse before new systems start falling back to cheaper versions
cl_particles_dump_effects : cmd : , "cl" :
cl_particles_dumplist : cmd : , "cl" : Dump all new particles, optional name substring.
cl_particles_show_bbox : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
cl_pclass : : , "cheat", "cl" : Dump entity by prediction classname.
cl_pdump : -1 : , "cheat", "cl" : Dump info about this entity to screen.
cl_perf_wizard_enable : 1 : , "a", "cl" : Enables a performance-tuning wizard
cl_phys2_stats : cmd : , "cheat", "cl" : Dumps client physics stats
cl_phys_block_dist : 1.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_phys_block_fraction : 0.1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_phys_maxticks : 2 : , "cl", "launcher" : Sets the max number of physics ticks allowed for client-side physics (ragdolls)
cl_phys_timescale : 1.0 : , "cheat", "cl" : Sets the scale of time for client-side physics (ragdolls)
cl_pitchdown : 89 : , "cheat", "cl" :
cl_pitchspeed : 225 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_pitchup : 89 : , "cheat", "cl" :
cl_playback_screenshots : 0 : , "launcher" : Allows the client to playback screenshot and jpeg commands in demos.
cl_player_max_decal_count : 4 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_player_max_separation_force : 500 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_player_shadow_dist : 1000 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_playerspraydisable : 0 : , "a", "cl" : Disable player sprays.
cl_precacheinfo : cmd : : Show precache info (client).
cl_pred_checkstuck : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Perform the additional 'stuck' traces on the client side during prediction.
cl_pred_doresetlatch : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_pred_error_verbose : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Show more field info when spewing prediction errors.
cl_pred_optimize : 2 : , "cl", "launcher" : Optimize for not copying data if didn't receive a network update (1), and also for not repredicting if there were no errors (2).
cl_pred_track : cmd : , "cl" : <entindex> <fieldname>: Track changes to entity index entindex, for field fieldname.
cl_predict : 1.0 : , "cheat", "user", "cl" : Perform client side prediction.
cl_predictioncopy_describe : cmd : , "cl" : Describe datamap_t for entindex
cl_predictionlist : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" : Show which entities are predicting
cl_predictweapons : 1 : , "user", "cl" : Perform client side prediction of weapon effects.
cl_print_consistency_list : cmd : : Display's the contents and flags of the current consistency list
cl_querycache_stats : cmd : , "cheat", "cl" : Display status of the query cache (client only)
cl_quick_join_panel_accel : 0.025 : , "cl", "launcher" : Acceleration for the y position of the panel when items are added or removed.
cl_quick_join_panel_fakecount : -1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_quick_join_panel_tall : 18 : , "cl", "launcher" : The spacing between panels.
cl_quick_join_scroll_max : 4 : , "cl", "launcher" : Max players shown in the friend scrolling ticker.
cl_quick_join_scroll_offset : 16 : , "cl", "launcher" : Offset of the friend scrolling ticker from the title.
cl_quick_join_scroll_rate : 90 : , "cl", "launcher" : Rate of the friend scrolling ticker.
cl_quick_join_scroll_start : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Number of players available to start friend scrolling ticker.
cl_ragdoll_default_scale : 1.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_ragdoll_force_multiplier : 8 : , "cl", "launcher" : Multiplies the damage force applied to new ragdolls
cl_ragdoll_gravity : 386 : , "cheat", "cl" : Sets the gravity client-side ragdolls
cl_ragdoll_limit : 20 : , "a", "cl" : Maximum number of ragdolls to show (-1 disables limit)
cl_ragdoll_maxcount : 80 : , "cl", "launcher" : Clients will only show this many ragdolls overall
cl_ragdoll_maxcount_boss : 3 : , "cl", "launcher" : Clients will only show this many boss ragdolls
cl_ragdoll_maxcount_generic : 60 : , "cl", "launcher" : Clients will only show this many generic infected ragdolls
cl_ragdoll_maxcount_gib : 30 : , "cl", "launcher" : Clients will only show this many gib ragdolls
cl_ragdoll_maxcount_special : 12 : , "cl", "launcher" : Clients will only show this many special ragdolls
cl_ragdoll_maxcount_survivor : 3 : , "cl", "launcher" : Clients will only show this many survivor ragdolls
cl_ragdoll_physics_enable : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Enable/disable ragdoll physics.
cl_ragdoll_reload : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_ragdoll_version : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_reloadpostprocessparams : cmd : , "cheat", "cl" :
cl_rematch_vote_in_progress : : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_removedecals : cmd : , "cheat", "cl" : Remove the decals from the entity under the crosshair.
cl_report_soundpatch : cmd : , "cl" : reports client-side sound patch count
cl_resend : 6 : : Delay in seconds before the client will resend the 'connect' attempt
cl_retire_low_priority_lights : 0 : , "launcher" : Low priority dlights are replaced by high priority ones
cl_ricochet_percent : 3 : , "cl", "launcher" : Percent chance a bullet will create a ricochet tracer (0..10)
cl_ricochet_percent_shotgun : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Percent chance a shotgun pellet will create a ricochet tracer (0..10)
cl_rosetta_debug : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_rosetta_line_inner_radius : 25 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_rosetta_line_outer_radius : 45 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_sceneentity_debug : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Display all thinking scene entities and its data.
cl_screenshotname : : , "launcher" : Custom Screenshot name
cl_session : : , "user", "server_can_execute", "matsys", "launcher" :
cl_SetupAllBones : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_shadowtextureoverlaysize : 256 : , "cheat", "cl" :
cl_show_bounds_errors : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_show_path : 1 : , "a", "cl" :
cl_show_splashes : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_show_tickets : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_showanimstate : -1 : , "cheat", "cl" : Show the (client) animation state for the specified entity (-1 for none).
cl_showanimstate_activities : 1 : , "cheat", "cl" : Show activities in the (client) animation state display.
cl_showanimstate_log : 0 : , "cheat", "cl", "launcher" : 1 to output cl_showanimstate to Msg(). 2 to store in AnimStateClient.log. 3 for both.
cl_ShowBoneSetupEnts : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Show which entities are having their bones setup each frame.
cl_showdemooverlay : 0 : , "launcher" : How often to flash demo recording/playback overlay (0 - disable overlay, -1 - show always)
cl_showents : cmd : , "cheat" : Dump entity list to console.
cl_showerror : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Show prediction errors, 2 for above plus detailed field deltas.
cl_showevents : 0 : , "cheat" : Print event firing info in the console
cl_showfps : 0 : , "cl" : Draw fps meter at top of screen (1 = fps, 2 = smooth fps, 3 = server MS, 4 = Show FPS and Log to file )
cl_showhelp : 1 : , "a", "cl" : Set to 0 to not show on-screen help
cl_showpausedimage : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Show the 'Paused' image when game is paused.
cl_showpluginmessages : 1 : , "a" : Allow plugins to display messages to you
cl_showpos : 0 : , "cl" : Draw current position at top of screen
cl_ShowSunVectors : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_showtextmsg : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Enable/disable text messages printing on the screen.
cl_simdbones : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Use SIMD bone setup.
cl_skipfastpath : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" : Set to 1 to stop all models that go through the model fast path from rendering
cl_skipslowpath : 0 : , "cheat" : Set to 1 to skip any models that don't go through the model fast path
cl_smoke_alpha : 0.4 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_smoke_color_percent : 0.5 : , "cheat", "cl" :
cl_smoke_far : 150 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_smoke_fog_percent : 0 : , "cheat", "cl", "launcher" :
cl_smoke_near : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_smooth : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Smooth view/eye origin after prediction errors
cl_smoothtime : 0.1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Smooth client's view after prediction error over this many seconds
cl_soundemitter_reload : cmd : , "cl" : Flushes the sounds.txt system
cl_soundfile : : , "a" : Jingle sound file.
cl_soundscape_flush : cmd : , "cheat", "server_can_execute", "cl" : Flushes the client side soundscapes
cl_soundscape_printdebuginfo : cmd : , "cl" : print soundscapes
cl_spoof_official_ip : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Used to spoof connecting to an official IP address
cl_sporeclipdistance : 512 : , "cheat", "cl" :
cl_ss_origin : cmd : , "cl" : print origin in script format
cl_sun_decay_rate : 0.05 : , "cheat", "cl" :
cl_survivor_light_brightness : 4 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_survivor_light_cone : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_survivor_light_debug : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_survivor_light_enable : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_survivor_light_offset_x : 5 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_survivor_light_offset_y : 2 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_survivor_light_offset_z : 5 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_survivor_light_radius : 12 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_survivor_light_rot : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_temp_health_fade : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : temp health fades top to bottom
cl_temp_health_pulse_incap : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : incap health pulses in the same fashion as temp health
cl_temp_health_pulse_rate : 2.5 : , "cl", "launcher" : temp health pulses this many times per second
cl_threaded_bone_setup : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Enable parallel processing of C_BaseAnimating::SetupBones()
cl_threaded_init : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_timeout : 30 : , "a" : After this many seconds without receiving a packet from the server, the client will disconnect itself
cl_tlucfastpath : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_tracer_whiz_distance : 72 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_tracers : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_transition_blur_fade_time : 2.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_updaterate : 20 : , "a", "user" : Number of packets per second of updates you are requesting from the server
cl_updatevisibility : cmd : , "cl" : Updates visibility bits.
cl_upspeed : 320 : , "cheat", "cl" :
cl_use_simd_bones : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : 1 use SIMD bones 0 use scalar bones.
cl_use_update_interval : .2 : , "cheat", "cl" : Time between use target updates
cl_view : cmd : , "cheat" : Set the view entity index.
cl_viewbob : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : enables view bob
cl_viewbob_cyclerate_duck : 0.6 : , "cl", "launcher" : Speed of view bob while ducked
cl_viewbob_cyclerate_run : 0.4 : , "cl", "launcher" : Speed of view bob while running
cl_viewbob_cyclerate_walk : 0.8 : , "cl", "launcher" : Speed of view bob while walking
cl_viewbob_scale : 0.01 : , "cl", "launcher" : Size of view bob
cl_viewbob_scale_duck : 0.02 : , "cl", "launcher" : Size of view bob while ducked
cl_viewbob_up : 0.5 : , "cl", "launcher" : Percent of view bob that is above the eye pos
cl_viewmodelfovboomer : 50 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_viewmodelfovhunter : 50 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_viewmodelfovsmoker : 50 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_viewmodelfovsurvivor : 51 : , "a", "cl" :
cl_viewmodelfovtank : 50 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_viewmodelsclonedasworld : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_viewtarget_clamp : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_viewtarget_debug : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
cl_viewtarget_offset : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
cl_viewtarget_player : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" : Lock 3rd person spec looking into target's eyes
cl_voice_filter : : , "launcher" : Filter voice by name substring
cl_vote_active : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_winddir : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" : Weather effects wind direction angle
cl_windspeed : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" : Weather effects wind speed scalar
cl_witch_glow_angry_b : 0 : , "cl" : Color of angry witch glow
cl_witch_glow_angry_g : 0 : , "cl" : Color of angry witch glow
cl_witch_glow_angry_r : 1.0 : , "cl" : Color of angry witch glow
cl_witch_glow_idle_b : 0.2 : , "cl" : Color of idle witch glow
cl_witch_glow_idle_g : 0.4 : , "cl" : Color of idle witch glow
cl_witch_glow_idle_r : 0.2 : , "cl" : Color of idle witch glow
cl_witch_glow_range : 1500 : , "cl" : Distance at which the witch stops glowing
cl_witch_light_brightness : 5 : , "cheat", "cl" :
cl_witch_light_color_b : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
cl_witch_light_color_g : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
cl_witch_light_color_r : 255 : , "cheat", "cl" :
cl_witch_light_cone : 45 : , "cheat", "cl" :
cl_witch_light_debug : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
cl_witch_light_enable : 1 : , "cheat", "cl" :
cl_witch_light_offset_x : 10 : , "cheat", "cl" :
cl_witch_light_offset_y : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
cl_witch_light_offset_z : 35 : , "cheat", "cl" :
cl_witch_light_offset_z_max : 30 : , "cheat", "cl" :
cl_witch_light_radius : 60 : , "cheat", "cl" :
cl_wpn_sway_interp : 0.1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_wpn_sway_scale : 1.0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
cl_yawspeed : 210 : , "cl", "launcher" :
claw_force : 240 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Force with witch the claw shoves other zombies away
claw_range : 52 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Range of the Claw weapon
claw_range_down : 70 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Range of the Claw weapon when looking straight down, so it can reach your feet from your eyes.
claw_swing_duration : 0.2 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
claw_swing_interval : 1 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
claw_swing_miss_interval : 0.5 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
clear : cmd : , "norecord" : Clear all console output.
clear_attribute : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Remove given attribute from all areas in the selected set.
clear_debug_overlays : cmd : , "sv" : clears debug overlays
clientport : 27005 : : Host game client port
closecaption : 0 : , "a", "user" : Enable close captioning.
cmd : cmd : : Forward command to server.
cmd1 : cmd : : sets userinfo string for split screen player in slot 1
cmd2 : cmd : : sets userinfo string for split screen player in slot 2
cmd3 : cmd : : sets userinfo string for split screen player in slot 3
cmd4 : cmd : : sets userinfo string for split screen player in slot 4
cola_bottles_use_duration : 1.95 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
cola_bottles_use_range : 75 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
cola_bottles_use_tolerance : 0.1 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
collect_entity_model_name : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Collect model names of the entities you're pointing at
collision_shake_amp : 0.2 : , "sv", "launcher" :
collision_shake_freq : 0.5 : , "sv", "launcher" :
collision_shake_time : 0.5 : , "sv", "launcher" :
collision_test : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Tests collision system
colorcorrectionui : cmd : , "cheat" : Show/hide the color correction tools UI.
+commandermousemove : cmd : , "cl" :
-commandermousemove : cmd : , "cl" :
commentary_available : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" : Automatically set by the game when a commentary file is available for the current map.
commentary_cvarsnotchanging : cmd : , "sv" :
commentary_finishnode : cmd : , "sv" :
commentary_showmodelviewer : cmd : , "cl" : Display the commentary model viewer. Usage: commentary_showmodelviewer <model name> <optional attached model name>
common_dps_spew : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
common_dps_window : 2.0f : , "sv", "launcher" :
con_drawnotify : 1 : , "launcher" : Disables drawing of notification area (for taking screenshots).
con_enable : 0 : , "a" : Allows the console to be activated.
con_filter_enable : 0 : , "launcher" : Filters console output based on the setting of con_filter_text. 1 filters completely, 2 displays filtered text brighter than other text.
con_filter_text : : , "launcher" : Text with which to filter console spew. Set con_filter_enable 1 or 2 to activate.
con_filter_text_out : : , "launcher" : Text with which to filter OUT of console spew. Set con_filter_enable 1 or 2 to activate.
con_logfile : : , "launcher" : Console output gets written to this file
con_notifytime : 8 : , "launcher" : How long to display recent console text to the upper part of the game window
con_nprint_bgalpha : 50 : , "launcher" : Con_NPrint background alpha.
con_nprint_bgborder : 5 : , "launcher" : Con_NPrint border size.
con_timestamp : 0 : , "launcher" : Prefix console.log entries with timestamps
con_trace : 0 : , "launcher" : Print console text to low level printout.
condump : cmd : , "cl" : dump the text currently in the console to condumpXX.log
connect : cmd : , "norecord" : Connect to specified server.
connect_lobby : : , "cl", "matsys", "launcher" : Sets the lobby ID to connect to on start.
connect_splitscreen : cmd : , "norecord", "matsys" : Connect to specified server with multiple players.
contimes : 8 : , "launcher" : Number of console lines to overlay for debugging.
coop : 0 : , "nf", "launcher" : Cooperative play.
cpu_level : 2 : , "launcher" : CPU Level - Default: High
crash : cmd : , "cheat" : Cause the engine to crash (Debug!!)
create_flashlight : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" :
CreateHairball : cmd : , "cheat", "cl", "launcher" :
CreatePredictionError : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Create a prediction error
crosshair : 1 : , "a", "cl" :
cs_make_vip : cmd : , "sv" : Marks a player as the VIP
cs_ShowStateTransitions : -2 : , "sv", "cheat" : cs_ShowStateTransitions <ent index or -1 for all>. Show player state transitions.
current_flow_distance : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Reports the flow distance for the local player
cvarlist : cmd : : Show the list of convars/concommands.
datacachesize : 32 : , "launcher" : Size in MB.
dbghist_addline : cmd : , "sv" : Add a line to the debug history. Format: <category id> <line>
dbghist_dump : cmd : , "sv" : Dump the debug history to the console. Format: <category id> Categories: 0: Entity I/O 1: AI Decisions 2: Scene Print 3: Alyx Blind 4: Log of damage done to player
deathmatch : 1 : , "nf", "launcher" : Running a deathmatch server.
debug_l4dverbose : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" : Add more l4d specific data to the bug report.
debug_materialmodifycontrol : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
debug_materialmodifycontrol_client : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
debug_overlay_fullposition : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
debug_physimpact : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
debug_touchlinks : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Spew touch link activity
debug_visibility_monitor : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
debug_zombie_panel : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" : -1 = Too Far 1 = Tank 2 = Someone else tank
debugsystemui : cmd : , "cheat" : Show/hide the debug system UI.
decalfrequency : 10 : , "sv", "nf", "launcher" :
default_fov : 90 : , "cheat", "cl" :
defibrillator_return_to_life_time : 3.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
defibrillator_use_duration : 3 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
demo_avellimit : 2000 : , "launcher" : Angular velocity limit before eyes considered snapped for demo playback.
demo_campaign_name : L4D2C5 : , "cl", "launcher" : Short name of campaign (i.e. L4D2C5), used to show correct poster in demo mode.
demo_connect_string : : , "cl", "launcher" : Connect string for demo UI
demo_debug : 0 : , "launcher" : Demo debug info.
demo_fastforwardfinalspeed : 20 : , "launcher" : Go this fast when starting to hold FF button.
demo_fastforwardramptime : 5 : , "launcher" : How many seconds it takes to get to full FF speed.
demo_fastforwardstartspeed : 2 : , "launcher" : Go this fast when starting to hold FF button.
demo_gototick : cmd : : Skips to a tick in demo.
demo_interplimit : 4000 : , "launcher" : How much origin velocity before it's considered to have 'teleported' causing interpolation to reset.
demo_interpolateview : 1 : , "launcher" : Do view interpolation during dem playback.
demo_legacy_rollback : 1 : , "launcher" : Use legacy view interpolation rollback amount in demo playback.
demo_pause : cmd : : Pauses demo playback.
demo_pauseatservertick : 0 : , "launcher" : Pauses demo playback at server tick
demo_quitafterplayback : 0 : , "launcher" : Quits game after demo playback.
demo_recordcommands : 1 : , "cheat" : Record commands typed at console into .dem files.
demo_resume : cmd : : Resumes demo playback.
demo_returntolobby : cmd : , "cl", "matsys" :
demo_timescale : cmd : : Sets demo replay speed.
demo_togglepause : cmd : : Toggles demo playback.
demo_ui_enable : : , "cl", "launcher" : Suffix for the demo UI
demolist : cmd : : Print demo sequence list.
demos : cmd : : Demo demo file sequence.
demoui : cmd : , "norecord" : Show/hide the demo player UI.
demoui2 : cmd : , "norecord" : Show/hide the advanced demo player UI (demoui2).
+demoui2 : cmd : , "norecord" : Bring the advanced demo player UI (demoui2) to foreground.
-demoui2 : cmd : , "norecord" : Send the advanced demo player UI (demoui2) to background.
developer : 0 : , "launcher" : Set developer message level
devshots_nextmap : cmd : : Used by the devshots system to go to the next map in the devshots maplist.
devshots_screenshot : cmd : , "norecord" : Used by the -makedevshots system to take a screenshot. For taking your own screenshots, use the 'screenshot' command instead.
differences : cmd : : Show all convars which are not at their default values.
director_adrenaline_density : 6.48 : , "sv", "cheat" : Items per 100 yards square
director_afk_timeout : 45 : , "sv", "nf", "launcher" : Humans idle longer than this many seconds will be forced to spectator mode
director_ai_tanks : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
director_always_allow_wanderers : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
director_ammo_density : 6.48 : , "sv", "cheat" : Items per 100 yards square
director_begin_script : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Begin a director script
director_build_up_min_interval : 15 : , "sv", "cheat" :
director_configurable_weapon_spawn_density : -1.0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Items per 100 yards square (-1 to spawn all)
director_convert_pills : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
director_convert_pills_critical_health : 50 : , "sv", "cheat" :
director_convert_pills_to_defib_health : 25 : , "sv", "cheat" :
director_custom_finale_tank_spacing : 10.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
director_debug : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
director_debug_revisit : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
director_debug_scavenge_items : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
director_debug_threat_placement : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
director_defibrillator_density : 6.48 : , "sv", "cheat" : Items per 100 yards square
director_end_script : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : End a director script
director_finale_item_cluster_count : 3 : , "sv", "cheat" : How many clusters of items will be populated in the finale
director_finale_panic_waves : 2 : , "sv", "cheat" :
director_finale_stage_delay : 5 : , "sv", "cheat" :
director_force_background : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Forces background map population logic for testing
director_force_panic_event : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Forces a 'PanicEvent' to occur
director_force_scripted_panic_event : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Force the specified scripted panic event to happen
director_force_tank : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
director_force_versus_start : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Force start the versus game, so PZs can spawn even if survivors are still in the safe room
director_force_witch : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
director_gas_can_density : 6.48 : , "sv", "cheat" : Items per 100 yards square
director_gauntlet_movement_bonus : 5.0 : , "sv", "cheat" : If you don't cross the movement threshold in DirectorGauntletMovementTimer seconds, you will get this much bonus time added between mobs.
director_gauntlet_movement_bonus_max : 30.0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Maximum amount of bonus time you can accumulate from not moving.
director_gauntlet_movement_threshold : 500.0 : , "sv", "cheat" : If you move less than this in DirectorGauntletMovementTimer seconds, you will get an increasing break between mobs.
director_gauntlet_movement_timer_length : 10.0 : , "sv", "cheat" : If you don't cross the movement threshold in this amount of time, you get increasing break time added between mobs.
director_gauntlet_tank_kite_distance : 3000.0 : , "sv", "cheat" : How far you have to progress after a gauntlet tank spawn before the horde fires up again.
director_ingress_range : 3000 : , "sv", "cheat" :
director_intensity_relax_allow_wanderers_threshold : 0.3 : , "sv", "cheat" : All survivors must be below this intensity during RELAX for wandering zombies to be spawned
director_intensity_relax_allow_wanderers_threshold_expert : 0.8 : , "sv", "cheat" : All survivors must be below this intensity during RELAX for wandering zombies to be spawned
director_intensity_relax_allow_wanderers_threshold_hard : 0.5 : , "sv", "cheat" : All survivors must be below this intensity during RELAX for wandering zombies to be spawned
director_intensity_relax_threshold : 0.9 : , "sv", "cheat" : All survivors must be below this intensity before a Peak is allowed to switch to Relax (in addition to the normal peak timer)
director_intensity_threshold : 0.9 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
director_item_cluster_range : 50 : , "sv", "cheat" : Scavenge items of the same kind that are this close to each other are considered a single 'cluster' for population purposes
director_item_placement_method : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" : Which scavenge item placement method to use (0 = old, 1 = new)
director_item_placement_spew : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Whether director item placement should spew a bunch of stats about what it did.
director_log_scavenge_items : cmd : , "sv", "launcher" : Writes out a log of the scavenge items on this map (for debugging)
director_magnum_spawn_density : -1.0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Items per 100 yards square (-1 to spawn all)
director_max_threat_areas : 4 : , "sv", "cheat" :
director_melee_weapon_density : 6.48 : , "sv", "cheat" : Items per 100 yards square
director_min_start_players : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" : Freezes players until this # of players have joined, then starts mission
director_molotov_density : 6.48 : , "sv", "cheat" : Items per 100 yards square
director_music_dynamic_mob_size : 25 : , "sv", "cheat" : Spawning a mob this large can play music
director_music_dynamic_mobstop_size : 8 : , "sv", "cheat" : When a mob gets to this size we think about stopping the music
director_music_dynamic_scanmobstop_size : 3 : , "sv", "cheat" : When see less than this many of a mob, music stops
director_must_create_all_scavenge_items : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
director_no_bosses : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Disable boss spawns
director_no_death_check : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Disable survivor team death ending scenario
director_no_mobs : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Disable mob rushes
director_no_specials : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Disable PZ spawns
director_no_survivor_bots : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Disable filling out the survivor team with bots
director_num_reserved_wanderers : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
director_output_population_visit : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
director_oxygen_tank_density : 6.48 : , "sv", "cheat" : Items per 100 yards square
director_pain_pill_density : 6.48 : , "sv", "cheat" : Items per 100 yards square
director_panic_forever : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Panic events never end
director_panic_wave_pause_max : 7 : , "sv", "cheat" :
director_panic_wave_pause_min : 5 : , "sv", "cheat" :
director_per_map_weapon_upgrade_chance : 0.25 : , "sv", "cheat" :
director_pipe_bomb_density : 6.48 : , "sv", "cheat" : Items per 100 yards square
director_pistol_density : 4 : , "sv", "cheat" : Items per 100 yards square
director_print_player_counts : cmd : , "sv" : Prints out counts of connected players and transitioning players (for debugging)
director_propane_tank_density : 6.48 : , "sv", "cheat" : Items per 100 yards square
director_ready_duration : 60 : , "sv", "cheat" : If nonzero, survivor team has this amount of time to get ready before starting out
director_ready_radius : 300 : , "sv", "cheat" : The distance survivors can move from the starting weapons during the ready period
director_relax_max_flow_travel : 3000 : , "sv", "cheat" :
director_relax_max_interval : 45 : , "sv", "cheat" :
director_relax_min_interval : 30 : , "sv", "cheat" :
director_report : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Prints a snapshot of the director's state
director_report_scavenge_items : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Dump to the log all the scavengable items
director_report_screen_delay : 10 : , "sv", "launcher" :
director_scavenge_item_override : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Override map-specified item densities with cvar values for tuning
director_short_finale : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Short finale for testing escape vehicles
director_show_intensity : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
director_solve_item_density : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Pass the number of items you'd want in this map and this spits out the map density value
director_special_battlefield_respawn_interval : 10 : , "sv", "cheat" :
director_special_finale_offer_length : 10 : , "sv", "cheat" : How long is given to a player to accept the offer of a special zombie during the finale.
director_special_initial_spawn_delay_max : 60 : , "sv", "cheat" :
director_special_initial_spawn_delay_max_extra : 180 : , "sv", "cheat" :
director_special_initial_spawn_delay_min : 30 : , "sv", "cheat" :
director_special_original_offer_length : 30 : , "sv", "cheat" : How long is given to the first player to accept the offer of a special zombie.
director_special_respawn_interval : 45 : , "sv", "cheat" :
director_spectate_specials : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Allow spectating zombies
director_start : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Restores spawning of all wanderers, mobs, specials, and bosses
director_stop : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Shuts off all wanderers, mobs, specials, and bosses
director_super_weapon_density : 6.48 : , "sv", "cheat" : Items per 100 yards square
director_survival_setup_time : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Time limit to set up before the round auto-starts.
director_survivor_movement_window : 10.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
director_sustain_peak_max_time : 5 : , "sv", "cheat" :
director_sustain_peak_min_time : 3 : , "sv", "cheat" :
director_tank_bypass_max_flow_travel : 1500 : , "sv", "cheat" :
director_tank_checkpoint_interval : 15 : , "sv", "cheat" : Min time after leaving a checkpoint that a tank can spawn
director_tank_force_offer : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Forces the director to offer a tank
director_tank_lottery_entry_time : 0.1 : , "sv", "cheat" : Time it takes for entry into the tank lottery
director_tank_lottery_selection_time : 4 : , "sv", "cheat" : Time it takes for selection in the tank lottery
director_tank_max_interval : 500 : , "sv", "cheat" :
director_tank_min_interval : 350 : , "sv", "cheat" :
director_tank_offer_debug : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
director_test_loop : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Allow a team of nothing but bots, advance through maps and loop back to start
director_test_loop_restarts_before_rotate : 4 : , "sv", "cheat" : When looping and rotating, how many times to restart before moving to next campaign
director_test_loop_rotate_maps : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" : When looping, advance to the next map when reach end of campaign
director_test_loop_time : 3 : , "sv", "cheat" : When looping, stay in each map for at most the amount of time, in minutes, specified
director_threat_clear_radius : 500 : , "sv", "cheat" : Prevent wandering zombies within this radius of threats
director_threat_max_separation : 5000 : , "sv", "cheat" :
director_threat_min_separation : 5000 : , "sv", "cheat" :
director_threat_radius : 1000 : , "sv", "cheat" :
director_transition_timeout : 120 : , "sv", "cheat" : Duration (in seconds) to wait for survivors to transition across changelevels
director_unfreeze_time : 55 : , "sv", "cheat" : Duration (in seconds) to wait to unfreeze a team after the first player has connected
director_upgradepack_density : 6.48 : , "sv", "cheat" : Items per 100 yards square
director_vomitjar_density : 6.48 : , "sv", "cheat" : Items per 100 yards square
director_vs_convert_pills : 0.5 : , "sv", "launcher" : What fraction of pain pills should be converted to health kits in vs mode
director_weapon_cluster_range : 100 : , "sv", "cheat" : Scavenge weapons within this range are selected to be of the same tier, and not contain duplicate types
disable_dynamic_prop_loading : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : If non-zero when a map loads, dynamic props won't be loaded
disable_static_prop_loading : 0 : , "cheat" : If non-zero when a map loads, static props won't be loaded
disconnect : cmd : : Disconnect game from server.
dismount : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Dismounts a survivor as a jockey
disp_dynamic : 0 : , "launcher" :
dispcoll_drawplane : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
display_elapsedtime : cmd : , "cheat" : Displays how much time has elapsed since the game started
display_game_events : 0 : , "cheat" :
displaysoundlist : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
dlc_bypass_ownership_check : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
dlight_debug : cmd : , "cheat", "cl" : Creates a dlight in front of the player
drawcross : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Draws a cross at the given location Arguments: x y z
drawline : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Draws line between two 3D Points. Green if no collision Red is collides with something Arguments: x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2
dsp_automatic : 0 : , "demo", "launcher" :
dsp_db_min : 80 : , "demo", "launcher" :
dsp_db_mixdrop : 0.5 : , "demo", "launcher" :
dsp_dist_max : 1440.0 : , "cheat", "demo" :
dsp_dist_min : 0.0 : , "cheat", "demo" :
dsp_enhance_stereo : 0 : , "a" :
dsp_facingaway : 0 : , "demo", "launcher" :
dsp_mix_max : 0.8 : , "demo", "launcher" :
dsp_mix_min : 0.2 : , "demo", "launcher" :
dsp_off : 0 : , "cheat" :
dsp_player : 0 : , "demo", "server_can_execute" :
dsp_reload : cmd : :
dsp_room : 0 : , "demo", "launcher" :
dsp_slow_cpu : 0 : , "a", "demo" :
dsp_spatial : 0 : , "demo", "launcher" :
dsp_speaker : 0 : , "demo", "launcher" :
dsp_vol_2ch : 1.0 : , "demo", "launcher" :
dsp_vol_4ch : 0.5 : , "demo", "launcher" :
dsp_vol_5ch : 0.5 : , "demo", "launcher" :
dsp_volume : 0.8 : , "a", "demo" :
dsp_water : 0 : , "demo", "launcher" :
dt_ShowPartialChangeEnts : 0 : , "launcher" : (SP only) - show entities that were copied using small optimized lists (FL_EDICT_PARTIAL_CHANGE).
dt_UsePartialChangeEnts : 1 : , "launcher" : (SP only) - enable FL_EDICT_PARTIAL_CHANGE optimization.
dti_flush : cmd : : Write out the datatable instrumentation files (you must run with -dti for this to work).
dtwarning : 0 : , "launcher" : Print data table warnings?
dtwatchclass : : , "launcher" : Watch all fields encoded with this table.
dtwatchent : -1 : , "launcher" : Watch this entities data table encoding.
dtwatchvar : : , "launcher" : Watch the named variable.
+duck : cmd : , "cl" :
-duck : cmd : , "cl" :
dump_avatar_info : cmd : , "sv" : Print out avatar info of each plaeyr
dump_entity_sizes : cmd : , "sv" : Print sizeof(entclass)
dump_globals : cmd : , "sv" : Dump all global entities/states
dump_pz_data : cmd : , "sv" : Dump PZ data
dump_server_demo : cmd : , "sv" : dump_sever_demo <filename>
dumpentityfactories : cmd : , "sv" : Lists all entity factory names.
dumpeventqueue : cmd : , "sv" : Dump the contents of the Entity I/O event queue to the console.
dumpgamestringtable : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Dump the contents of the game string table to the console.
dumpsavedir : cmd : : List the contents of the save directory in memory
dumpstringtables : cmd : : Print string tables to console.
echo : cmd : , "server_can_execute" : Echo text to console.
editdemo : cmd : : Edit a recorded demo file (.dem ).
editor_toggle : cmd : , "cheat" : Disables the simulation and returns focus to the editor
elevator_movedelay : 0.75 : , "sv", "launcher" : Time delay for elevator movement start.
enable_debug_overlays : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" : Enable rendering of debug overlays
enable_skeleton_draw : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" : Render skeletons in wireframe
endmovie : cmd : , "norecord" : Stop recording movie frames.
endround : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : End the current round.
english : 1 : , "user", "cl" : If set to 1, running the english language set of assets.
ent_absbox : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Displays the total bounding box for the given entity(s) in green. Some entites will also display entity specific overlays. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks what player is looking at
ent_attachments : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Displays the attachment points on an entity. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks what player is looking at
ent_autoaim : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Displays the entity's autoaim radius. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks what player is looking at
ent_bbox : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Displays the movement bounding box for the given entity(ies) in orange. Some entites will also display entity specific overlays. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks what player is looking at
ent_cancelpendingentfires : cmd : , "sv" : Cancels all ent_fire created outputs that are currently waiting for their delay to expire.
ent_create : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Creates an entity of the given type where the player is looking.
ent_debugkeys : : , "sv", "launcher" :
ent_dump : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Usage: ent_dump <entity name>
ent_fire : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Usage: ent_fire <target> [action] [value] [delay]
ent_info : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Usage: ent_info <class name>
ent_keyvalue : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Applies the comma delimited key=value pairs to the entity with the given Hammer ID. Format: ent_keyvalue <entity id> <key1>=<value1>,<key2>=<value2>,...,<keyN>=<valueN>
ent_messages : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Toggles input/output message display for the selected entity(ies). The name of the entity will be displayed as well as any messages that it sends or receives. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks what player is looking at
ent_messages_draw : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Visualizes all entity input/output activity.
ent_name : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" :
ent_orient : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Orient the specified entity to match the player's angles. By default, only orients target entity's YAW. Use the 'allangles' option to orient on all axis. Format: ent_orient <entity name> <optional: allangles>
ent_pause : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Toggles pausing of input/output message processing for entities. When turned on processing of all message will stop. Any messages displayed with 'ent_messages' will stop fading and be displayed indefinitely. To step through the messages one by one use 'ent_step'.
ent_pivot : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Displays the pivot for the given entity(ies). (y=up=green, z=forward=blue, x=left=red). Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks what player is looking at
ent_rbox : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Displays the total bounding box for the given entity(s) in green. Some entites will also display entity specific overlays. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks what player is looking at
ent_remove : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Removes the given entity(s) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks what player is looking at
ent_remove_all : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Removes all entities of the specified type Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name}
ent_rotate : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Rotates an entity by a specified # of degrees
ent_script_dump : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Dumps the names and values of this entity's script scope to the console Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks what player is looking at
ent_setang : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Set entity angles
ent_setname : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Sets the targetname of the given entity(s) Arguments: {new entity name} {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks what player is looking at
ent_setpos : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Move entity to position
ent_show_contexts : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Show entity contexts in ent_text display
ent_show_response_criteria : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Print, to the console, an entity's current criteria set used to select responses. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks what player is looking at
ent_steadystate_batchsize : 20 : , "sv", "launcher" : Max number of entities to transmit to player
ent_steadystate_cooldown : 5.0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Time in seconds after player state changes before steady state changes can occur.
ent_steadystate_delay : 5 : , "sv", "launcher" : Time in seconds without network state changes until an entity is considered for trickle updates
ent_steadystate_enable : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
ent_steadystate_interval : 0.1 : , "sv", "launcher" : Rate at which entities can be trickled to players
ent_step : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : When 'ent_pause' is set this will step through one waiting input / output message at a time.
ent_teleport : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Teleport the specified entity to where the player is looking. Format: ent_teleport <entity name>
ent_text : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Displays text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks what player is looking at
ent_viewoffset : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Displays the eye position for the given entity(ies) in red. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks what player is looking at
envmap : cmd : :
er_colwidth : 100 : , "launcher" :
er_graphwidthfrac : 0.2 : , "launcher" :
er_maxname : 14 : , "launcher" :
escape : cmd : , "clientcmd_can_execute" : Escape key pressed.
exec : cmd : : Execute script file.
exit : cmd : : Exit the engine.
explode : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Kills the player with explosive damage
explodevector : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Kills a player applying an explosive force. Usage: explodevector <player> <x value> <y value> <z value>
fade_crosshair : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Fades the prop being looked at
fade_immediately : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
fadein : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : fadein {time r g b}: Fades the screen in from black or from the specified color over the given number of seconds.
fadeout : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : fadeout {time r g b}: Fades the screen to black or to the specified color over the given number of seconds.
fall_speed_fatal : 720 : , "sv", "launcher" :
fall_speed_safe : 560 : , "sv", "launcher" :
fast_fogvolume : 0 : , "launcher" :
fidget_max_interval : 20 : , "sv", "launcher" :
fidget_min_interval : 10 : , "sv", "launcher" :
filesystem_buffer_size : 0 : , "launcher" : Size of per file buffers. 0 for none
filesystem_max_stdio_read : 16 : , "launcher" :
filesystem_native : 1 : , "launcher" : Use native FS or STDIO
filesystem_report_buffered_io : 0 : , "launcher" :
filesystem_unbuffered_io : 1 : , "launcher" :
filesystem_use_overlapped_io : 1 : , "launcher" :
find : cmd : : Find concommands with the specified string in their name/help text.
find_ent : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Find and list all entities with classnames or targetnames that contain the specified substring. Format: find_ent <substring>
find_ent_index : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Display data for entity matching specified index. Format: find_ent_index <index>
findflags : cmd : : Find concommands by flags.
fire_absorbrate : 3 : , "sv", "launcher" :
fire_dmgbase : 3 : , "sv", "launcher" :
fire_dmginterval : 1.0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
fire_dmgscale : 0.1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
fire_extabsorb : 5 : , "sv", "launcher" :
fire_extscale : 12 : , "sv", "launcher" :
fire_growthrate : 1.0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
fire_heatscale : 1.0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
fire_incomingheatscale : 0.1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
fire_maxabsorb : 50 : , "sv", "launcher" :
firetarget : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" :
first_aid_heal_percent : 0.8 : , "sv", "cheat" : Percent of injuries to heal
first_aid_kit_max_heal : 100 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
first_aid_kit_use_duration : 5 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
first_aid_kit_view_duration : 0.5 : , "cl", "launcher" : time it takes to rotate the view when healing others
firstperson : cmd : , "cl" : Switch to firstperson camera.
fish_debug : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" : Show debug info for fish
fish_dormant : 0 : , "sv", "cheat", "rep" : Turns off interactive fish behavior. Fish become immobile and unresponsive.
flex_expression : - : , "sv", "launcher" :
flex_rules : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Allow flex animation rules to run.
flex_smooth : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Applies smoothing/decay curve to flex animation controller changes.
flex_talk : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
flush : cmd : , "cheat" : Flush unlocked cache memory.
flush_locked : cmd : , "cheat" : Flush unlocked and locked cache memory.
fly_add_keyframe : cmd : , "cl" :
fly_clear_all_keyframes : cmd : , "cl" :
fly_show_path : cmd : , "cl" :
fly_speed : 200 : , "cl", "launcher" :
fly_start : cmd : , "cl" :
fog_2dskyboxfogfactor : -1 : , "cheat", "cl" :
fog_color : -1 -1 -1 : , "cheat", "cl" :
fog_colorskybox : -1 -1 -1 : , "cheat", "cl" :
fog_enable : 1 : , "cheat", "cl" :
fog_enable_water_fog : 1 : , "cheat" :
fog_enableskybox : 1 : , "cheat", "cl" :
fog_end : -1 : , "cheat", "cl" :
fog_endskybox : -1 : , "cheat", "cl" :
fog_hdrcolorscale : -1 : , "cheat", "cl" :
fog_hdrcolorscaleskybox : -1 : , "cheat", "cl" :
fog_max_brightness_after_tonemapping : 1.0 : , "launcher" :
fog_maxdensity : -1 : , "cheat", "cl" :
fog_maxdensityskybox : -1 : , "cheat", "cl" :
fog_override : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" : Overrides the map's fog settings (-1 populates fog_ vars with map's values)
fog_start : -1 : , "cheat", "cl" :
fog_startskybox : -1 : , "cheat", "cl" :
fogui : cmd : , "norecord" : Show/hide fog control UI.
force_centerview : cmd : , "cl" :
force_disablex360 : 0 : , "cheat" :
forcebind : cmd : : Bind a command to an available key. (forcebind command opt:suggestedKey)
+forward : cmd : , "cl" :
-forward : cmd : , "cl" :
foundry_engine_get_mouse_control : cmd : , "sv" : Give the engine control of the mouse.
foundry_engine_release_mouse_control : cmd : , "sv" : Give the control of the mouse back to Hammer.
foundry_select_entity : cmd : , "sv" : Select the entity under the crosshair or select entities with the specified name.
foundry_sync_hammer_view : cmd : , "sv" : Move Hammer's 3D view to the same position as the engine's 3D view.
foundry_update_entity : cmd : , "sv" : Updates the entity's position/angles when in edit mode
fov_desired : 90 : , "user", "cl", "ss" : Sets the base field-of-view.
fov_desired2 : 90 : , "user", "cl", "ss_added" : Sets the base field-of-view.
fps_max : 300 : , "launcher" : Frame rate limiter
fps_max_splitscreen : 300 : , "launcher" : Frame rate limiter, splitscreen
fs_monitor_read_from_pack : 0 : , "launcher" : 0:Off, 1:Any, 2:Sync only
fs_printopenfiles : cmd : : Show all files currently opened by the engine.
fs_report_sync_opens : 0 : , "launcher" : 0:Off, 1:Always, 2:Not during load
fs_syncdvddevcache : cmd : : Force the 360 to get updated files that are in your p4 changelist(s) from the host PC when running with -dvddev.
fs_warning_level : cmd : : Set the filesystem warning level.
fs_warning_mode : 0 : , "launcher" : 0:Off, 1:Warn main thread, 2:Warn other threads
fuel_barrel_damage_amount : 25 : , "sv", "cheat" :
fuel_barrel_damage_radius : 400 : , "sv", "cheat" :
fuel_barrel_debug : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
fuel_barrel_flame_instances : 8 : , "sv", "cheat" :
fuel_barrel_health : 20 : , "sv", "cheat" :
fuel_barrel_screen_shake_amplitude : 20 : , "sv", "cheat" :
fuel_barrel_screen_shake_duration : 1.5 : , "sv", "cheat" :
fuel_barrel_screen_shake_frequency : 2.5 : , "sv", "cheat" :
fuel_barrel_screen_shake_radius : 1000 : , "sv", "cheat" :
func_break_max_pieces : 15 : , "a", "rep", "cl" :
func_break_reduction_factor : .5 : , "sv", "launcher" :
func_breakdmg_bullet : 0.5 : , "sv", "launcher" :
func_breakdmg_club : 1.5 : , "sv", "launcher" :
func_breakdmg_explosive : 1.25 : , "sv", "launcher" :
fx_drawimpactdebris : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Draw impact debris effects.
fx_drawimpactdust : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Draw impact dust effects.
fx_drawmetalspark : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Draw metal spark effects.
fx_glass_velocity_cap : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Maximum downwards speed of shattered glass particles
g15_dumpplayer : cmd : , "cl" : Spew player data.
g15_reload : cmd : , "cl" : Reloads the Logitech G-15 Keyboard configs.
g15_update_msec : 250 : , "a", "cl" : Logitech G-15 Keyboard update interval.
g_cv_phys2_freeze_ragdolls : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
g_debug_constraint_sounds : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Enable debug printing about constraint sounds.
g_debug_doors : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
g_debug_npc_vehicle_roles : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
g_debug_physcannon : 0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
g_debug_ragdoll_removal : 0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
g_debug_ragdoll_visualize : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
g_debug_transitions : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Set to 1 and restart the map to be warned if the map has no trigger_transition volumes. Set to 2 to see a dump of all entities & associated results during a transition.
g_debug_vehiclebase : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
g_debug_vehicleexit : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
g_debug_vehiclesound : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
g_Language : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
g_ragdoll_fadespeed : 600 : , "cl", "launcher" :
g_ragdoll_lvfadespeed : 100 : , "cl", "launcher" :
g_ragdoll_max_fps : 30 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Clients with framerates less than this will reduce the ideal number of ragdolls to display
g_ragdoll_min_fps : 10 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Clients with framerates less than this will only show 1 ragdoll of each type
gameinstructor_dump_open_lessons : cmd : , "cheat", "cl" : Gives a list of all currently open lessons.
gameinstructor_enable : 1 : , "a", "cl" : Display in game lessons that teach new players.
gameinstructor_find_errors : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" : Set to 1 and the game instructor will run EVERY scripted command to uncover errors.
gameinstructor_reload_lessons : cmd : , "cl" : Shuts down all open lessons and reloads them from the script file.
gameinstructor_reset_counts : cmd : , "cl" : Resets all display and success counts to zero.
gameinstructor_start_sound_cooldown : 4.0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Number of seconds forced between similar lesson start sounds.
gameinstructor_verbose : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" : Set to 1 for standard debugging or 2 (in combo with gameinstructor_verbose_lesson) to show update actions.
gameinstructor_verbose_lesson : : , "cheat", "cl" : Display more verbose information for lessons have this name.
gameui_activate : cmd : : Shows the game UI
gameui_allowescape : cmd : : Escape key allowed to hide game UI
gameui_allowescapetoshow : cmd : : Escape key allowed to show game UI
gameui_hide : cmd : : Hides the game UI
gameui_ingame_menu_active : : , "cl", "launcher" : Holds the state of the in game menu. Do not set this manually.
gameui_preventescape : cmd : : Escape key doesn't hide game UI
gameui_preventescapetoshow : cmd : : Escape key doesn't show game UI
gameui_xbox : 0 : , "launcher" :
gas_can_use_duration : 2 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
gascan_spit_time : 2.9 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Gascans can survive this long in spit before they ignite.
gascan_throw_force : 32 : , "sv", "cheat" :
gascan_use_range : 65 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
gascan_use_tolerance : 0.1 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
getpos : cmd : , "cl" : dump position and angles to the console
getpos_exact : cmd : , "cl" : dump origin and angles to the console
give : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Give item to player. Arguments: <item_name>
givecurrentammo : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Give a supply of ammo for current weapon..
gl_clear : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
gl_clear_gray : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" : Clear the back buffer to gray every frame.
gl_clear_randomcolor : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" : Clear the back buffer to random colors every frame. Helps spot open seams in geometry.
global_set : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : global_set <globalname> <state>: Sets the state of the given env_global (0 = OFF, 1 = ON, 2 = DEAD).
glow_use_tolerance : 0.85 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
go_away_from_keyboard : cmd : , "sv" : Go away from the keyboard so a bot will take over.
god : 0 : , "sv", "cheat", "nf" : Survivors don't take damage
gpu_level : 1 : , "launcher" : GPU Level - Default: High
gpu_mem_level : 2 : , "launcher" : Memory Level - Default: High
+graph : cmd : , "cl" :
-graph : cmd : , "cl" :
+grenade1 : cmd : , "cl" :
-grenade1 : cmd : , "cl" :
+grenade2 : cmd : , "cl" :
-grenade2 : cmd : , "cl" :
grenadelauncher_damage : 400 : , "sv", "cheat" :
grenadelauncher_ff_scale : 0.12 : , "sv", "cheat" : ff scale for grenade launcher damage to other players
grenadelauncher_ff_scale_self : 0.12 : , "sv", "cheat" : ff scale for grenade launcher damage to other players
grenadelauncher_force_kill : 2000.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
grenadelauncher_radius_kill : 180 : , "sv", "cheat" :
grenadelauncher_radius_stumble : 250 : , "sv", "cheat" :
grenadelauncher_show_radius : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
grenadelauncher_startpos_forward : 16.0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
grenadelauncher_startpos_right : 4.0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
grenadelauncher_startpos_up : 0.0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
grenadelauncher_vel_up : 100.0f : , "sv", "launcher" :
grenadelauncher_vel_variance : 10.0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
grenadelauncher_velocity : 1200 : , "sv", "cheat" :
groundlist : cmd : , "sv" : Display ground entity list <index>
hack_elevator_z_offset : 10 : , "sv", "cheat" :
hammer_update_entity : cmd : , "sv" : Updates the entity's position/angles when in edit mode
hammer_update_safe_entities : cmd : , "sv" : Updates entities in the map that can safely be updated (don't have parents or are affected by constraints). Also excludes entities mentioned in any hammer_updateignorelist objects in this map.
heartbeat : cmd : : Force heartbeat of master servers
help : cmd : : Find help about a convar/concommand.
helping_hand_debug : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
hide_message_panel : cmd : , "cl" : Hides the message panel
hideconsole : cmd : , "norecord" : Hide the console.
hidehud : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" : bitmask: 1=weapon selection, 2=flashlight, 4=all, 8=health, 16=player dead, 32=needssuit, 64=misc, 128=chat, 256=crosshair, 512=vehicle crosshair, 1024=in vehicle
hidepanel : cmd : , "cl" : Hides a viewport panel <name>
hl2_episodic : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
host_flush_threshold : 14 : : Memory threshold below which the host should flush caches between server instances
host_framerate : 0 : : Set to lock per-frame time elapse.
host_limitlocal : 0 : , "launcher" : Apply cl_cmdrate and cl_updaterate to loopback connection
host_map : c1m1_hotel.bsp : : Current map name.
host_profile : 0 : , "launcher" :
host_runofftime : cmd : : Run off some time without rendering/updating sounds
host_showcachemiss : 0 : , "launcher" : Print a debug message when the client or server cache is missed.
host_ShowIPCCallCount : 0 : , "launcher" : Print # of IPC calls this number of times per second. If set to -1, the # of IPC calls is shown every frame.
host_sleep : 0 : , "cheat" : Force the host to sleep a certain number of milliseconds each frame.
host_speeds : 0 : , "launcher" : Show general system running times.
host_syncfps : 0 : , "launcher" : Synchronize real render time to host_framerate if possible.
host_thread_mode : 0 : , "launcher" : Run the host in threaded mode, (0 == off, 1 == if multicore, 2 == force)
host_threaded_sound : 0 : , "launcher" : Run the sound on a thread (independent of mix)
host_timescale : 1.0 : , "cheat", "rep" : Prescale the clock by this amount.
host_writeconfig : cmd : : Store current settings to config.cfg (or specified .cfg file).
host_writeconfig_ss : cmd : : Store current settings to config.cfg (or specified .cfg file) with first param as splitscreen index.
host_xbox_e3_restart : 15 : : E3 Demo Restart interval (in minutes).
hostfile : host.txt : , "sv" : The HOST file to load.
hostip : -1062731518 : : Host game server ip
hostname : step : : Hostname for server.
hostport : 27015 : : Host game server port
hud_autoreloadscript : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Automatically reloads the animation script each time one is ran
hud_classautokill : 1 : , "a", "cl" : Automatically kill player after choosing a new playerclass.
hud_deathnotice_bots : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Show death notices for bots
hud_deathnotice_threats : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Show death notices for Tanks and Threats
hud_dmgrecord_persisttime_deaths : 4.0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Time to show death related lines in the damage record.
hud_dmgrecord_persisttime_other : 2.0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Time to show non-death related lines in the damage record.
hud_drawhistory_time : 5 : , "cl", "launcher" :
hud_reloadscheme : cmd : , "cl" : Reloads hud layout and animation scripts.
hud_saytext_time : 12 : , "cl", "launcher" :
hud_scavenge_timer_warning_range : 10 : , "cl", "launcher" :
hud_showtargetid : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
hud_survival_target_time_range : 5 : , "cl", "launcher" :
hud_takesshots : 0 : , "a", "cl" : Auto-save a scoreboard screenshot at the end of a map.
hud_targetid_health : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
hud_targetid_name_height : 12 : , "cl", "launcher" : Player names are this many inches over player eye positions
hud_targetid_name_height_boomer : 12 : , "cl", "launcher" : Player names are this many inches over player eye positions
hud_targetid_name_height_hunter : 10 : , "cl", "launcher" : Player names are this many inches over player eye positions
hud_targetid_name_height_smoker : 25 : , "cl", "launcher" : Player names are this many inches over player eye positions
hud_targetid_name_height_tank : 12 : , "cl", "launcher" : Player names are this many inches over player eye positions
hud_targetid_player_view_cone : 0.92 : , "cl", "launcher" : View cone for survivors seeing names of other survivors
hud_targetid_pz_ss_view_cone : 0.98 : , "cl", "launcher" : View cone for seeing player names as a PZ in splitscreen
hud_targetid_rangefinder : : , "cheat", "cl" : shows range for different masks
hud_targetid_skill : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
hud_targetid_upgrades : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
hud_winpanel_scoreanim_chingdelay : 0.2 : , "cl", "launcher" :
hud_winpanel_scoreanim_effectdelay : 1.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
hud_winpanel_scoreanim_effectdelay_mult : 0.7 : , "cl", "launcher" :
hud_winpanel_scoreanim_scoredelay : 1.8 : , "cl", "launcher" :
hud_winpanel_tiebreak_anim : 2.5 : , "cl", "launcher" :
hud_winpanel_tiebreak_intro : 0.5 : , "cl", "launcher" :
hud_winpanel_tiebreak_outro : 1.5 : , "cl", "launcher" :
hud_zombieteam : 1 : , "cl" : Show infected team status on the HUD
hud_zombieteam_showself : 0 : , "cl" : Show your own status in the zombie team display
hunk_print_allocations : cmd : , "cheat" :
hunk_track_allocation_types : 0 : , "cheat" :
hunter_committed_attack_range : 75 : , "sv", "cheat" :
hunter_leap_away_give_up_range : 1000 : , "sv", "cheat" :
hunter_pounce_air_speed : 700 : , "sv", "cheat" :
hunter_pounce_loft_rate : .035 : , "sv", "cheat" : Hunter adds this angle/distance when pouncing
hunter_pounce_max_loft_angle : 45 : , "sv", "cheat" : Maximum loft angle for Hunter Pounce angle adjustment
hunter_pounce_ready_range : 500 : , "sv", "cheat" : If victim is this close, crouch and get ready
hunter_pz_claw_dmg : 6 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Amount of damage done by a PZ hunter's regular melee attack
hurtme : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Hurts the player. Arguments: <health to lose>
IgnoreReflectGlassFrustumCheck : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
impulse : cmd : , "cl" :
in_forceuser : 0 : , "cheat" : Force user input to this split screen player.
in_usekeyboardsampletime : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Use keyboard sample time smoothing.
incendiary_ammo_burn_time : 4.0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Time to burn when hit by incendiary ammo
incrementvar : cmd : , "norecord" : Increment specified convar value.
inferno_acid_spawn_angle : 120 : , "sv", "cheat" : Angular change from parent
inferno_child_spawn_interval_multiplier : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" : Amount spawn interval increases for each child
inferno_child_spawn_max_depth : 4 : , "sv", "cheat" :
inferno_damage : 40 : , "sv", "cheat" : Damage per second
inferno_debug : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
inferno_dlight_spacing : 200 : , "cheat", "cl" : Inferno dlights are at least this far apart
inferno_dlights : 30 : , "cl", "launcher" : Min FPS at which molotov dlights will be created
inferno_entity_flame_scale : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
inferno_fire : 2 : , "cl", "launcher" :
inferno_flame_lifetime : 15 : , "sv", "cheat" : Average lifetime of each flame in seconds
inferno_flame_spacing : 50 : , "sv", "cheat" : Minimum distance between separate flame spawns
inferno_forward_reduction_factor : 0.9 : , "sv", "cheat" :
inferno_friendly_fire_duration : 6 : , "sv", "cheat" : For this long, FF is credited back to the thrower.
inferno_initial_spawn_interval : 0.05 : , "sv", "cheat" : Time between spawning flames for first fire
inferno_max_child_spawn_interval : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" : Largest time interval for child flame spawning
inferno_max_flames : 32 : , "sv", "cheat" : Maximum number of flames that can be created
inferno_max_range : 500 : , "sv", "cheat" : Maximum distance flames can spread from their initial ignition point
inferno_max_trace_per_tick : 16 : , "sv", "launcher" :
inferno_per_flame_spawn_duration : 5 : , "sv", "cheat" : Duration each new flame will attempt to spawn new flames
inferno_scorch_decals : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
inferno_spawn_angle : 45 : , "sv", "cheat" : Angular change from parent
inferno_surface_offset : 20 : , "sv", "cheat" :
inferno_velocity_decay_factor : 0.2 : , "sv", "cheat" :
inferno_velocity_factor : 0.003 : , "sv", "cheat" :
inferno_velocity_normal_factor : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
intensity_averaged_following_decay : 20 : , "sv", "cheat" : Seconds for the 'time averaged intensity' to meet the baseline intensity
intensity_decay_time : 30 : , "sv", "cheat" : Seconds to decay full intensity to zero
intensity_enemy_death_far_range : 500 : , "sv", "cheat" :
intensity_enemy_death_near_range : 150 : , "sv", "cheat" :
intensity_factor : 0.25 : , "sv", "cheat" : How quickly intensity increases
intensity_lock : -1 : , "sv", "cheat" : Lock players' intensities at this value
+invaction : cmd : , "cl" :
-invaction : cmd : , "cl" :
invnext : cmd : , "server_can_execute", "cl" :
invprev : cmd : , "server_can_execute", "cl" :
ip : localhost : : Overrides IP for multihomed hosts
ipc_console_disable : cmd : , "norecord", "clientcmd_can_execute" : Disable IPC console(s)
ipc_console_disable_all : cmd : , "norecord", "clientcmd_can_execute" : Disable all IPC consoles
ipc_console_enable : cmd : , "cheat", "norecord", "clientcmd_can_execute" : Enable IPC console
ipc_console_show : cmd : , "norecord", "clientcmd_can_execute" : Show status of IPC consoles
+jlook : cmd : , "cl" :
-jlook : cmd : , "cl" :
jockey : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Giddyup.
jockey_pounce_air_speed : 700 : , "sv", "cheat" :
jockey_pounce_loft_rate : .035 : , "sv", "cheat" : Jockey adds this angle/distance when pouncing
jockey_pounce_max_loft_angle : 45 : , "sv", "cheat" : Maximum loft angle for Jockey Pounce angle adjustment
jockey_pz_claw_dmg : 4 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Amount of damage done by a PZ jockey's regular melee attack
jockeyme : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Giddyup.
joy_accel_filter : 0.2 : , "cl", "launcher" :
joy_accelmax : 1.0 : , "a", "cl" :
joy_accelscale : 0.6 : , "a", "cl" :
joy_advanced : 0 : , "a", "cl" :
joy_advaxisr : 0 : , "a", "cl" :
joy_advaxisu : 0 : , "a", "cl" :
joy_advaxisv : 0 : , "a", "cl" :
joy_advaxisx : 0 : , "a", "cl" :
joy_advaxisy : 0 : , "a", "cl" :
joy_advaxisz : 0 : , "a", "cl" :
joy_autoaimdampen : 0 : , "a", "user", "cl" : How much to scale user stick input when the gun is pointing at a valid target.
joy_autoaimdampenrange : 0 : , "a", "cl" : The stick range where autoaim dampening is applied. 0 = off
joy_autosprint : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Automatically sprint when moving with an analog joystick
joy_axisbutton_threshold : 0.3 : , "a" : Analog axis range before a button press is registered.
joy_cfg_preset : 0 : , "cl", "ss", "launcher" :
joy_cfg_preset2 : 0 : , "cl", "ss_added", "launcher" :
joy_circle_correct : 1 : , "a", "cl" :
joy_diagonalpov : 0 : , "a", "cl" : POV manipulator operates on diagonal axes, too.
joy_display_input : 0 : , "a", "cl" :
joy_forwardsensitivity : -1 : , "a", "cl" :
joy_forwardthreshold : 0.15 : , "a", "cl" :
joy_inverty : 0 : , "a", "cl", "ss" : Whether to invert the Y axis of the joystick for looking.
joy_inverty2 : 0 : , "a", "cl", "ss_added" : Whether to invert the Y axis of the joystick for looking.
joy_legacy : 0 : , "a", "cl", "ss" : Turn on/off 'Legacy' mapping for control sticks.
joy_legacy2 : 0 : , "a", "cl", "ss_added" : Turn on/off 'Legacy' mapping for control sticks.
joy_lookspin_default : 0.35 : , "cl", "launcher" :
joy_lowend : 1 : , "a", "cl" :
joy_lowmap : 1 : , "a", "cl" :
joy_movement_stick : 0 : , "a", "cl", "ss" : Which stick controls movement (0 is left stick)
joy_movement_stick2 : 0 : , "a", "cl", "ss_added" : Which stick controls movement (0 is left stick)
joy_name : joystick : , "a", "cl" :
joy_pegged : 0.75 : , "cl", "launcher" :
joy_pitchsensitivity : 1 : , "a", "cl", "ss" :
joy_pitchsensitivity2 : 1 : , "a", "cl", "ss_added" :
joy_pitchsensitivity_default : -1.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
joy_pitchthreshold : 0.15 : , "a", "cl" :
joy_response_look : 0 : , "a", "cl" : 'Look' stick response mode: 0=Default, 1=Acceleration Promotion
joy_response_move : 1 : , "a", "cl" : 'Movement' stick response mode: 0=Linear, 1=quadratic, 2=cubic, 3=quadratic extreme, 4=power function(i.e., pow(x,1/sensitivity)), 5=two-stage
joy_response_move_vehicle : 6 : , "cl", "launcher" :
joy_sensitive_step0 : 0.1 : , "a", "cl" :
joy_sensitive_step1 : 0.4 : , "a", "cl" :
joy_sensitive_step2 : 0.90 : , "a", "cl" :
joy_sidesensitivity : 1 : , "a", "cl" :
joy_sidethreshold : 0.15 : , "a", "cl" :
joy_variable_frametime : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
joy_vehicle_turn_lowend : 0.7 : , "cl", "launcher" :
joy_vehicle_turn_lowmap : 0.4 : , "cl", "launcher" :
joy_virtual_peg : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
joy_wingmanwarrior_centerhack : 0 : , "a" : Wingman warrior centering hack.
joy_wingmanwarrior_turnhack : 0 : , "a", "cl" : Wingman warrior hack related to turn axes.
joy_xcontroller_cfg_loaded : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : If 0, the 360controller.cfg file will be executed on startup & option changes.
joy_xcontroller_found : 0 : , "launcher" : Automatically set to 1 if an xcontroller has been detected.
joy_yawsensitivity : -1 : , "a", "cl", "ss" :
joy_yawsensitivity2 : -1 : , "a", "cl", "ss_added" :
joy_yawsensitivity_default : -1.25 : , "cl", "launcher" :
joy_yawthreshold : 0.15 : , "a", "cl" :
joyadvancedupdate : cmd : , "clientcmd_can_execute", "cl" :
joystick : 0 : , "a", "cl" :
jpeg : cmd : : Take a jpeg screenshot: jpeg <filename> <quality 1-100>.
jpeg_quality : 90 : , "launcher" : jpeg screenshot quality.
+jump : cmd : , "cl" :
-jump : cmd : , "cl" :
kdtree_test : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Tests spatial partition for entities queries.
key_findbinding : cmd : : Find key bound to specified command string.
key_listboundkeys : cmd : : List bound keys with bindings.
key_updatelayout : cmd : : Updates game keyboard layout to current windows keyboard setting.
kick : cmd : : Kick a player by name.
kick_transitioning : cmd : , "sv" : Kick a transitioning player by userID
kickid : cmd : : Kick a player by userid or uniqueid, with a message.
kill : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Kills the player with generic damage
killserver : cmd : : Shutdown the server.
killvector : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Kills a player applying force. Usage: killvector <player> <x value> <y value> <z value>
+klook : cmd : , "cl" :
-klook : cmd : , "cl" :
l4d1_survivor_give_item : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
l4d2_snd_adrenaline : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" :
l4d_show_incapupdate : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
l4d_show_weaponequip : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
l4d_stats_nogameplaycheck : 0 : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" : Disable normal check for valid gameplay, send stats regardless.
l4d_stats_track : 1 : , "sv", "matsys", "launcher" : Turn on//off L4D stats tracking.
ladder_autocenter : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Auto-center players on ladders.
ladder_console_controls : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Use absolute (up is always up and down always down) ladder controls.
ladder_horizon : -0.3 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
lastinv : cmd : , "server_can_execute", "cl" :
leaderboard_duplicate_entries : 1 : , "cheat", "cl" :
leaderboard_force_rank_show_interval : 10 : , "cl", "launcher" :
+left : cmd : , "cl" :
-left : cmd : , "cl" :
light_crosshair : cmd : , "cheat" : Show texture color at crosshair
lightcache_maxmiss : 2 : , "cheat" :
lightprobe : cmd : : Samples the lighting environment. Creates a cubemap and a file indicating the local lighting in a subdirectory called 'materials/lightprobes' .The lightprobe command requires you specify a base file name.
linefile : cmd : , "cheat" : Parses map leak data from .lin file
listdemo : cmd : : List demo file contents.
listid : cmd : : Lists banned users.
listip : cmd : : List IP addresses on the ban list.
listissues : cmd : , "sv" : List all the issues that can be voted on.
listmodels : cmd : : List loaded models.
listRecentNPCSpeech : cmd : , "sv", "norecord" : Displays a list of the last 5 lines of speech from NPCs.
load : cmd : : Load a saved game.
loadcommentary : cmd : , "cl" :
loader_defer_non_critical_jobs : 0 : , "launcher" :
loader_dump_table : cmd : :
loader_spew_info : 0 : , "launcher" : 0:Off, 1:Timing, 2:Completions, 3:Late Completions, 4:Creations/Purges, -1:All
loader_throttle_io : 1 : , "launcher" :
locator_fade_time : 0.3 : , "cl", "launcher" : Number of seconds it takes for a lesson to fully fade in/out.
locator_lerp_rest : 2.25f : , "cl", "launcher" : Number of seconds before moving from the center.
locator_lerp_speed : 5.0f : , "cl", "launcher" : Speed that static lessons move along the Y axis.
locator_lerp_time : 1.75f : , "cl", "launcher" : Number of seconds to lerp before reaching final destination
locator_pulse_time : 1.0f : , "cl", "launcher" : Number of seconds to pulse after changing icon or position
locator_split_len : 0.5f : , "cheat", "cl" :
locator_split_maxwide_percent : 0.80f : , "cheat", "cl" :
log : cmd : : Enables logging to file, console, and udp < on | off >.
log_dumpchannels : cmd : , "norecord" : Dumps information about all logging channels.
log_level : cmd : , "norecord" : Set the spew level of a logging channel.
logaddress_add : cmd : : Set address and port for remote host <ip:port>.
logaddress_del : cmd : : Remove address and port for remote host <ip:port>.
logaddress_delall : cmd : : Remove all udp addresses being logged to
logaddress_list : cmd : : List all addresses currently being used by logaddress.
+lookdown : cmd : , "cl" :
-lookdown : cmd : , "cl" :
+lookspin : cmd : , "cl" :
-lookspin : cmd : , "cl" :
lookspring : 0 : , "a", "cl" :
lookstrafe : 0 : , "a", "cl" :
+lookup : cmd : , "cl" :
-lookup : cmd : , "cl" :
lower_body : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
lower_body_debug : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
lower_body_hulk_layers : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
lservercfgfile : listenserver.cfg : , "sv", "launcher" :
m_customaccel : 0 : , "a", "cl" : Custom mouse acceleration (0 disable, 1 to enable, 2 enable with separate yaw/pitch rescale). Formula: mousesensitivity = ( rawmousedelta^m_customaccel_exponent ) * m_customaccel_scale + sensitivity If mode is 2, then x and y sensitivity are scaled by m_pitch and m_yaw respectively.
m_customaccel_exponent : 1 : , "a", "cl" : Mouse move is raised to this power before being scaled by scale factor.
m_customaccel_max : 0 : , "a", "cl" : Max mouse move scale factor, 0 for no limit
m_customaccel_scale : 0.04 : , "a", "cl" : Custom mouse acceleration value.
m_filter : 0 : , "a", "cl", "ss" : Mouse filtering (set this to 1 to average the mouse over 2 frames).
m_filter2 : 0 : , "a", "cl", "ss_added" : Mouse filtering (set this to 1 to average the mouse over 2 frames).
m_forward : 1 : , "a", "cl" : Mouse forward factor.
m_mouseaccel1 : 0 : , "a", "cl" : Windows mouse acceleration initial threshold (2x movement).
m_mouseaccel2 : 0 : , "a", "cl" : Windows mouse acceleration secondary threshold (4x movement).
m_mousespeed : 1 : , "a", "cl" : Windows mouse speed factor (range 1 to 20).
m_pitch : 0.022000 : , "a", "cl", "ss" : Mouse pitch factor.
m_pitch2 : 0.022 : , "a", "cl", "ss_added" : Mouse pitch factor.
m_side : 0.8 : , "a", "cl" : Mouse side factor.
m_yaw : 0.022 : , "a", "cl" : Mouse yaw factor.
map : cmd : , "norecord" : Start playing on specified map.
map_background : cmd : , "norecord" : Runs a map as the background to the main menu.
map_commentary : cmd : , "norecord" : Start playing, with commentary, on a specified map.
map_edit : cmd : :
map_noareas : 0 : , "launcher" : Disable area to area connection testing.
map_showspawnpoints : cmd : , "sv" : Shows player spawn points (red=invalid)
mapcyclefile : mapcycle.txt : , "sv", "launcher" : Name of the .txt file used to cycle the maps on multiplayer servers
maps : cmd : : Displays list of maps.
mark : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Set attribute of selected area.
mat_360_aa_override : 0.0 : , "launcher" :
mat_aaquality : 2 : , "launcher" :
mat_accelerate_adjust_exposure_down : 3.0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
mat_alphacoverage : 1 : , "launcher" :
mat_antialias : 4 : , "launcher" :
mat_autoexposure_max : 8 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_autoexposure_min : 0.1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_bloom_scalefactor_scalar : .5 : , "cl" :
mat_bloomamount_rate : 0.05f : , "cheat", "cl" :
mat_bloomscale : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_bufferprimitives : 1 : , "launcher" :
mat_bumpbasis : 0 : , "cheat" :
mat_bumpmap : 0 : , "launcher" :
mat_camerarendertargetoverlaysize : 128 : , "cheat", "cl" :
mat_clipz : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_colcorrection_disableentities : 0 : , "launcher" : Disable map color-correction entities
mat_colcorrection_editor : 0 : , "launcher" :
mat_colcorrection_forceentitiesclientside : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" : Forces color correction entities to be updated on the client
mat_colorcorrection : 1 : , "launcher" :
mat_compressedtextures : 1 : , "launcher" :
mat_configcurrent : cmd : : show the current video control panel config for the material system
mat_crosshair : cmd : , "cheat" : Display the name of the material under the crosshair
mat_crosshair_edit : cmd : , "cheat" : open the material under the crosshair in the editor defined by mat_crosshair_edit_editor
mat_crosshair_explorer : cmd : , "cheat" : open the material under the crosshair in explorer and highlight the vmt file
mat_crosshair_printmaterial : cmd : , "cheat" : print the material under the crosshair
mat_crosshair_reloadmaterial : cmd : , "cheat" : reload the material under the crosshair
mat_debug : cmd : , "cheat" : Activates debugging spew for a specific material.
mat_debug_bloom : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
mat_debug_postprocessing_effects : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : 0 = off, 1 = show post-processing passes in quadrants of the screen, 2 = only apply post-processing to the centre of the screen
mat_debugalttab : 0 : , "cheat" :
mat_debugdepth : 0 : , "launcher" :
mat_debugdepthmode : 0 : , "launcher" :
mat_debugdepthval : 128.0f : , "launcher" :
mat_debugdepthvalmax : 256.0f : , "launcher" :
mat_depthbias_decal : -262144 : , "cheat", "launcher" :
mat_depthbias_normal : 0.0f : , "cheat", "launcher" :
mat_depthbias_shadowmap : 0.002 : , "cheat", "launcher" :
mat_depthfeather_enable : 0 : , "launcher" :
mat_diffuse : 1 : , "launcher" :
mat_disable_bloom : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_disable_fancy_blending : 0 : , "launcher" :
mat_disable_lightwarp : 0 : , "launcher" :
mat_disablehwmorph : 1 : , "launcher" : Disables HW morphing for particular mods
mat_dof_enabled : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_dof_far_blur_depth : 1000.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_dof_far_blur_radius : 5.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_dof_far_focus_depth : 250.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_dof_max_blur_radius : 10 : , "launcher" :
mat_dof_near_blur_depth : 20.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_dof_near_blur_radius : 10.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_dof_near_focus_depth : 100.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_dof_override : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_dof_quality : 0 : , "launcher" :
mat_drawflat : 0 : , "cheat" :
mat_drawTexture : : , "cl", "launcher" : Enable debug view texture
mat_drawTextureScale : 1.0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Debug view texture scale
mat_drawTitleSafe : 0 : , "launcher" : Enable title safe overlay
mat_drawwater : 1 : , "cheat", "cl" :
mat_dump_rts : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_dxlevel : 100 : , "launcher" :
mat_dynamic_tonemapping : 1 : , "cheat" :
mat_dynamiclightmaps : 0 : , "cheat" :
mat_edit : cmd : , "cheat" : Bring up the material under the crosshair in the editor
mat_envmapsize : 128 : , "launcher" :
mat_envmaptgasize : 32.0 : , "launcher" :
mat_excludetextures : 0 : , "launcher" :
mat_exposure_center_region_x : 0.9 : , "cheat", "cl" :
mat_exposure_center_region_y : 0.85 : , "cheat", "cl" :
mat_fastclip : 0 : , "cheat" :
mat_fastnobump : 0 : , "cheat" :
mat_fastspecular : 1 : , "launcher" : Enable/Disable specularity for visual testing. Will not reload materials and will not affect perf.
mat_fillrate : 0 : , "cheat" :
mat_filterlightmaps : 1 : , "launcher" :
mat_filtertextures : 1 : , "launcher" :
mat_force_bloom : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
mat_force_tonemap_min_avglum : -1 : , "cheat", "cl" : Override. Old default was 3.0
mat_force_tonemap_percent_bright_pixels : -1 : , "cheat", "cl" : Override. Old value was 1.0
mat_force_tonemap_percent_target : -1 : , "cheat", "cl" : Override. Old default was 45.
mat_force_tonemap_scale : 0.0 : , "cheat" :
mat_force_vertexfog : 1 : , "launcher" :
mat_forceaniso : 8 : , "launcher" :
mat_forcedynamic : 0 : , "cheat" :
mat_forcehardwaresync : 1 : , "launcher" :
mat_forcemanagedtextureintohardware : 0 : , "cheat", "launcher" :
mat_frame_sync_enable : 1 : , "cheat" :
mat_frame_sync_force_texture : 0 : , "cheat" : Force frame syncing to lock a managed texture.
mat_framebuffercopyoverlaysize : 128 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_fullbright : 0 : , "cheat" :
mat_grain_enable : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_grain_scale_override : 0 : , "a" :
mat_hdr_enabled : cmd : : Report if HDR is enabled for debugging
mat_hdr_level : 2 : , "launcher" : Set to 0 for no HDR, 1 for LDR+bloom on HDR maps, and 2 for full HDR on HDR maps.
mat_hdr_manual_tonemap_rate : 1.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_hdr_tonemapscale : 1.0 : , "sv", "cheat" : The HDR tonemap scale. 1 = Use autoexposure, 0 = eyes fully closed, 16 = eyes wide open.
mat_hdr_uncapexposure : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
mat_hsv : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
mat_info : cmd : : Shows material system info
mat_leafvis : 0 : , "cheat" : Draw wireframe of current leaf
mat_leafvisforceleaf : -1 : , "cheat", "launcher" : Force the leaf used by mat_leafvis to a particular leaf number.
mat_levelflush : 1 : , "launcher" :
mat_lightmap_pfms : 0 : , "launcher" : Outputs .pfm files containing lightmap data for each lightmap page when a level exits.
mat_loadtextures : 1 : , "cheat" :
mat_local_contrast_edge_scale_override : -1000.0 : , "launcher" :
mat_local_contrast_enable : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_local_contrast_midtone_mask_override : -1.0 : , "launcher" :
mat_local_contrast_scale_override : 0.0 : , "launcher" :
mat_local_contrast_vignette_end_override : -1.0 : , "launcher" :
mat_local_contrast_vignette_start_override : -1.0 : , "launcher" :
mat_lpreview_mode : -1 : , "cheat", "cl" :
mat_luxels : 0 : , "cheat" :
mat_max_worldmesh_vertices : 65536 : , "launcher" :
mat_maxframelatency : 1 : , "launcher" :
mat_measurefillrate : 0 : , "cheat" :
mat_mipmaptextures : 1 : , "launcher" :
mat_monitorgamma : 1.800000 : , "a" : monitor gamma (typically 2.2 for CRT and 1.7 for LCD)
mat_monitorgamma_tv_enabled : 0 : , "a" :
mat_monitorgamma_tv_exp : 2.5 : , "launcher" :
mat_monitorgamma_tv_range_max : 255 : , "launcher" :
mat_monitorgamma_tv_range_min : 16 : , "launcher" :
mat_morphstats : 0 : , "cheat" :
mat_motion_blur_enabled : 0 : , "launcher" :
mat_motion_blur_falling_intensity : 1.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_motion_blur_falling_max : 20.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_motion_blur_falling_min : 10.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_motion_blur_forward_enabled : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_motion_blur_percent_of_screen_max : 4.0 : , "launcher" :
mat_motion_blur_rotation_intensity : 1.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_motion_blur_strength : 1.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_non_hdr_bloom_scalefactor : .3 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_norendering : 0 : , "cheat" :
mat_normalmaps : 0 : , "cheat" :
mat_normals : 0 : , "cheat" :
mat_parallaxmap : 1 : , "launcher" :
mat_parallaxmapsamplesmax : 50 : , "launcher" :
mat_parallaxmapsamplesmin : 12 : , "launcher" :
mat_phong : 0 : , "launcher" :
mat_picmip : -1 : , "launcher" :
mat_postprocess_enable : 1 : , "cheat", "cl" :
mat_postprocess_x : 4 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_postprocess_y : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_proxy : 0 : , "cheat" :
mat_queue_mode : -1 : , "launcher" : The queue/thread mode the material system should use: -1=default, 0=synchronous single thread, 1=queued single thread, 2=queued multithreaded
mat_queue_priority : 1 : :
mat_reducefillrate : 0 : , "launcher" :
mat_reduceparticles : 0 : , "launcher" :
mat_reloadallmaterials : cmd : , "cheat" : Reloads all materials
mat_reloadmaterial : cmd : , "cheat" : Reloads a single material
mat_reloadtextures : cmd : , "cheat" : Reloads all textures
mat_remoteshadercompile : 0 : , "cheat" :
mat_report_queue_status : 0 : , "launcher" :
mat_reporthwmorphmemory : cmd : , "cheat" : Reports the amount of size in bytes taken up by hardware morph textures.
mat_reversedepth : 0 : , "cheat" :
mat_savechanges : cmd : : saves current video configuration to the registry
mat_setvideomode : cmd : : sets the width, height, windowed state of the material system
mat_shadercount : cmd : : display count of all shaders and reset that count
mat_shadowstate : 1 : , "launcher" :
mat_show_ab_hdr_hudelement : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : HDR Demo HUD Element toggle.
mat_show_histogram : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_show_texture_memory_usage : 0 : , "cheat", "numeric" : Display the texture memory usage on the HUD.
mat_showcamerarendertarget : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
mat_showenvmapmask : 0 : , "launcher" :
mat_showframebuffertexture : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
mat_showlightmappage : -1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_showlowresimage : 0 : , "cheat" :
mat_showmaterials : cmd : : Show materials.
mat_showmaterialsverbose : cmd : : Show materials (verbose version).
mat_showmiplevels : 0 : , "cheat" : color-code miplevels 2: normalmaps, 1: everything else
mat_showtextures : cmd : : Show used textures.
mat_showwatertextures : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
mat_skybox_reflection_clip : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_skybox_water_reflection : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_slopescaledepthbias_decal : -0.5 : , "cheat", "launcher" :
mat_slopescaledepthbias_normal : 0.0f : , "cheat", "launcher" :
mat_slopescaledepthbias_shadowmap : 8 : , "cheat", "launcher" :
mat_software_aa_blur_one_pixel_lines : 0.5 : , "cl", "launcher" : How much software AA should blur one-pixel thick lines: (0.0 - none), (1.0 - lots)
mat_software_aa_debug : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Software AA debug mode: (0 - off), (1 - show number of 'unlike' samples: 0->black, 1->red, 2->green, 3->blue), (2 - show anti-alias blend strength), (3 - show averaged 'unlike' colour)
mat_software_aa_edge_threshold : 1.0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Software AA - adjusts the sensitivity of the software AA shader's edge detection (default 1.0 - a lower value will soften more edges, a higher value will soften fewer)
mat_software_aa_quality : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Software AA quality mode: (0 - 5-tap filter), (1 - 9-tap filter)
mat_software_aa_strength : -1.0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Software AA - perform a software anti-aliasing post-process (an alternative/supplement to MSAA). This value sets the strength of the effect: (0.0 - off), (1.0 - full)
mat_software_aa_strength_vgui : -1.0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Same as mat_software_aa_strength, but forced to this value when called by the post vgui AA pass.
mat_software_aa_tap_offset : 1.0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Software AA - adjusts the displacement of the taps used by the software AA shader (default 1.0 - a lower value will make the image sharper, higher will make it blurrier)
mat_softwarelighting : 0 : , "launcher" :
mat_softwareskin : 0 : , "cheat" :
mat_specular : 0 : , "launcher" : Enable/Disable specularity for perf testing. Will cause a material reload upon change.
mat_spew_long_frames : 0 : , "launcher" : warn about frames that go over 66ms for CERT purposes.
mat_spewalloc : 0 : , "a" :
mat_spewvertexandpixelshaders : cmd : : Print all vertex and pixel shaders currently loaded to the console
mat_stub : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
mat_supportflashlight : 1 : , "cheat", "launcher" : 0 - do not support flashlight (don't load flashlight shader combos), 1 - flashlight is supported
mat_suppress : cmd : , "cheat" : Supress a material from drawing
mat_surfaceid : 0 : , "cheat" :
mat_surfacemat : 0 : , "cheat" :
mat_tessellation_accgeometrytangents : 0 : , "cheat" :
mat_tessellation_cornertangents : 1 : , "cheat" :
mat_tessellation_update_buffers : 1 : , "cheat" :
mat_tessellationlevel : 4.99 : , "cheat" :
mat_tessellationmode : 1 : , "cheat" :
mat_texture_limit : -1 : , "numeric", "launcher" : If this value is not -1, the material system will limit the amount of texture memory it uses in a frame. Useful for identifying performance cliffs. The value is in kilobytes.
mat_texture_list : 0 : , "launcher" : For debugging, show a list of used textures per frame
+mat_texture_list : cmd : :
-mat_texture_list : cmd : :
mat_texture_list_all : 0 : , "numeric", "launcher" : If this is nonzero, then the texture list panel will show all currently-loaded textures.
mat_texture_list_all_frames : 2 : , "launcher" : How many frames to sample texture memory for all textures.
mat_texture_list_content_path : : , "a" : The content path to the materialsrc directory. If left unset, it'll assume your content directory is next to the currently running game dir.
mat_texture_list_exclude : cmd : , "norecord" : 'load' - loads the exclude list file, 'reset' - resets all loaded exclude information, 'save' - saves exclude list file
mat_texture_list_exclude_editing : 0 : , "launcher" :
mat_texture_list_txlod : cmd : , "norecord" : Adjust LOD of the last viewed texture +1 to inc resolution, -1 to dec resolution
mat_texture_list_txlod_sync : cmd : , "norecord" : 'reset' - resets all run-time changes to LOD overrides, 'save' - saves all changes to material content files
mat_texture_list_view : 1 : , "numeric", "launcher" : If this is nonzero, then the texture list panel will render thumbnails of currently-loaded textures.
mat_tonemap_algorithm : 1 : , "cheat", "cl" : 0 = Original Algorithm 1 = New Algorithm
mat_tonemapping_occlusion_use_stencil : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_treesway : 0 : , "launcher" : Enable/disable vertex shader tree sway
mat_triplebuffered : 1 : , "launcher" : This means we want triple buffering if we are fullscreen and vsync'd
mat_use_compressed_hdr_textures : 1 : , "launcher" :
mat_viewportscale : 1.0 : , "cheat", "cl" : Scale down the main viewport (to reduce GPU impact on CPU profiling)
mat_vignette_enable : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_vsync : 1 : , "launcher" : Force sync to vertical retrace
mat_wateroverlaysize : 128 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_wireframe : 0 : , "cheat" :
mat_yuv : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
maxplayers : cmd : : Change the maximum number of players allowed on this server.
melee_collateral_shove_count : 16 : , "sv", "cheat" :
melee_combo_reset_time : 1.2 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Seconds after a swing until we reset the combo activities
melee_dump_weapons : cmd : , "cheat", "cl" : Spew the melee weapon infos that are currently loaded
melee_dump_weapons_server : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Spew the melee weapon infos that are currently loaded
melee_force_scalar : 20 : , "sv", "cheat", "rep" :
melee_force_scalar_combat_character : 5 : , "sv", "cheat", "rep" :
melee_range : 70 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
melee_reload_info : cmd : , "cheat", "cl" : Reloads Melee weapon scripts to the MeleeWeaponInfoStore
melee_reload_info_server : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Reloads Melee weapon scripts to the MeleeWeaponInfoStore
melee_show_swing : 0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
mem_compact : cmd : :
mem_dump : cmd : : Dump memory stats to text file.
mem_dumpstats : 0 : , "launcher" : Dump current and max heap usage info to console at end of frame ( set to 2 for continuous output )
mem_dumpvballocs : cmd : , "cheat" : Dump VB memory allocation stats.
mem_eat : cmd : :
mem_force_flush : 0 : , "launcher" : Force cache flush of unlocked resources on every alloc
mem_force_flush_section : : , "launcher" : Cache section to restrict mem_force_flush
mem_incremental_compact : cmd : :
mem_incremental_compact_rate : .5 : , "cheat" : Rate at which to attempt internal heap compation
mem_level : 2 : , "launcher" : Memory Level - Default: High
mem_max_heapsize : 256 : , "launcher" : Maximum amount of memory to dedicate to engine hunk and datacache (in mb)
mem_max_heapsize_dedicated : 64 : , "launcher" : Maximum amount of memory to dedicate to engine hunk and datacache, for dedicated server (in mb)
mem_min_heapsize : 48 : , "launcher" : Minimum amount of memory to dedicate to engine hunk and datacache (in mb)
mem_periodicdumps : 0 : , "launcher" : Write periodic memstats dumps every n seconds.
mem_test : cmd : :
mem_test_each_frame : 0 : , "launcher" : Run heap check at end of every frame
mem_test_every_n_seconds : 0 : , "launcher" : Run heap check at a specified interval
mem_test_quiet : 0 : , "launcher" : Don't print stats when memtesting
mem_vcollide : cmd : : Dumps the memory used by vcollides
memory : cmd : : Print memory stats.
memory_diff : cmd : , "cheat" : show memory stats relative to snapshot
memory_list : cmd : , "cheat" : dump memory list (linux only)
memory_mark : cmd : , "cheat" : snapshot current allocation status
memory_status : cmd : , "cheat" : show memory stats (linux only)
+menuAccept : cmd : , "cl" :
-menuAccept : cmd : , "cl" :
+menuDown : cmd : , "cl" :
-menuDown : cmd : , "cl" :
menuselect : cmd : , "clientcmd_can_execute", "cl" : menuselect
+menuUp : cmd : , "cl" :
-menuUp : cmd : , "cl" :
meta : cmd : : Metamod:Source control options
metamod_version : 1.8.3V : , "sp", "nf" : Metamod:Source Version
miniprofiler_dump : 0 : , "launcher" :
minisave : cmd : , "norecord" : Saves game (for current level only!)
mission_debug_print : cmd : , "launcher" : Print all mission metadata
mission_reload : cmd : : Reload mission metadata
mix_dynamic_cull_max_CI_emitters : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
mix_dynamic_debug_CI : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
mix_dynamic_max_CI_emitters : 30 : , "sv", "cheat" :
mix_dynamic_num_attack_vox_CI : 2 : , "sv", "cheat" :
mm_basedir : addons\metamod : , "sp" : Metamod:Source Base Folder
mm_datacenter_debugprint : cmd : : Shows information retrieved from data center
mm_datacenter_delay_mount_frames : 6 : , "launcher" : How many frames to delay before attempting to mount the xlsp patch.
mm_datacenter_query_delay : 5 : , "launcher" : Delay after datacenter update is enabled before data is actually queried.
mm_datacenter_report_version : 5 : , "launcher" : Data version to report to DC.
mm_datacenter_retry_infochunks_attempts : 3 : , "launcher" : How many times can we retry retrieving each info chunk before failing.
mm_datacenter_retry_interval : 75 : , "launcher" : Interval between datacenter stats retries.
mm_datacenter_update_interval : 3600 : , "launcher" : Interval between datacenter stats updates.
mm_debugprint : cmd : : Show debug information about current matchmaking session
mm_dedicated_allow : 1 : , "launcher" : 1 = allow searches for dedicated servers
mm_dedicated_fake : 0 : , "launcher" : 1 = pretend like search is going, but abort after some time
mm_dedicated_force_servers : : : Comma delimited list of ip:port of servers used to search for dedicated servers instead of searching for public servers. Use syntax `publicip1:port|privateip1:port,publicip2:port|privateip2:port` if your server is behind NAT. If the server is behind NAT, you can specify `|privateip:port` and if server port is in the list of `mm_server_search_lan_ports` its public address should be automatically detected.
mm_dedicated_ip : : , "launcher" : IP address of dedicated servers to consider available
mm_dedicated_min_request_time : 4 : , "launcher" :
mm_dedicated_search_maxping : 150 : : Longest preferred ping to dedicated servers for games
mm_dedicated_search_maxresults : 75 : , "launcher" :
mm_dedicated_timeout_request : 20 : , "launcher" :
mm_dlcs_mask_extras : : , "launcher" :
mm_dlcs_mask_fake : : , "launcher" :
mm_events_listeners_validation : 0 : , "launcher" :
mm_heartbeat_seconds : 300 : , "launcher" :
mm_heartbeat_seconds_xlsp : 60 : , "launcher" :
mm_heartbeat_timeout : 10 : , "launcher" :
mm_heartbeat_timeout_legacy : 15 : , "launcher" :
mm_ignored_sessions_forget_pass : 2 : , "launcher" :
mm_ignored_sessions_forget_time : 120 : , "launcher" :
mm_match_search_update_interval : 10 : , "launcher" : Interval between matchsearcher updates.
mm_matchmaking_dlcsquery : 2 : , "launcher" :
mm_matchmaking_version : 10 : , "launcher" :
mm_player_search_count : 5 : , "launcher" :
mm_player_search_lan_ping_duration : 3.5 : , "launcher" : Duration of LAN discovery ping phase.
mm_player_search_lan_ping_interval : 0.5 : , "launcher" : Interval between LAN discovery pings.
mm_player_search_update_interval : 10 : , "launcher" : Interval between players searches.
mm_pluginsfile : addons\metamod\metaplugins.ini : , "sp" : Metamod:Source Plugins File
mm_server_search_inet_ping_interval : 1.0 : , "launcher" : How long to wait between pinging internet server details.
mm_server_search_inet_ping_refresh : 15 : , "launcher" : How often to refresh a listed server.
mm_server_search_inet_ping_timeout : 3.0 : , "launcher" : How long to wait for internet server details.
mm_server_search_inet_ping_window : 10 : , "launcher" : How many servers can be pinged for server details in a batch.
mm_server_search_lan_ping_duration : 1.0 : , "launcher" : Duration of LAN discovery ping phase.
mm_server_search_lan_ping_interval : 0.4 : , "launcher" : Interval between LAN discovery pings.
mm_server_search_lan_ports : 27015,27016,27017,27018,27019,27020 : , "a" : Ports to scan during LAN games discovery. Also used to discover and correctly connect to dedicated LAN servers behind NATs.
mm_server_search_server_lifetime : 180 : , "launcher" : How long until a server is no longer returned by the master till we remove it.
mm_server_search_update_interval : 60 : , "launcher" : Interval between servers updates.
mm_session_search_num_results : 50 : , "launcher" :
mm_session_search_ping_limit : 200 : , "launcher" :
mm_session_search_qos_timeout : 8.0 : , "launcher" :
mm_session_sys_delay_create : 0 : , "launcher" :
mm_session_sys_timeout : 3 : , "launcher" :
mm_teamsearch_errortime : 3.0 : , "launcher" : Time team search is in error state until it self-cancels
mm_teamsearch_nostart : 0 : , "launcher" : Team search will fake cancel before searching for server
mm_tu_string : 00000000 : , "launcher" :
mod_check_vcollide : 0 : , "launcher" : Check all vcollides on load
mod_dont_load_vertices : 0 : , "launcher" : For the dedicated server, supress loading model vertex data
mod_forcedata : 1 : , "launcher" : Forces all model file data into cache on model load.
mod_forcetouchdata : 1 : , "launcher" : Forces all model file data into cache on model load.
mod_load_anims_async : 0 : , "launcher" :
mod_load_fakestall : 0 : , "launcher" : Forces all ANI file loading to stall for specified ms
mod_load_mesh_async : 0 : , "launcher" :
mod_load_showstall : 0 : , "launcher" : 1 - show hitches , 2 - show stalls
mod_load_vcollide_async : 0 : , "launcher" :
mod_lock_mdls_on_load : 1 : , "launcher" :
mod_lock_meshes_on_load : 1 : , "launcher" :
mod_test_mesh_not_available : 0 : , "launcher" :
mod_test_not_available : 0 : , "launcher" :
mod_test_verts_not_available : 0 : , "launcher" :
mod_touchalldata : 1 : , "launcher" : Touch model data during level startup
mod_trace_load : 0 : , "launcher" :
morph_debug : 0 : , "launcher" :
morph_path : 7 : , "launcher" :
motd : cmd : :
motd_enabled : 1 : , "sv" : Toggles whether or not to show the MOTD to clients when they connect.
motd_intros : 0 : , "a", "cl" :
motdfile : motd.txt : , "sv" : The MOTD file to load.
mounted_gun_cooldown_time : 60 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Mounted gun cooldown time
mounted_gun_mount_cooldown_time : 0.5 : , "sv", "cheat" :
mounted_gun_overheat_penalty_time : 60 : , "sv", "cheat" :
mounted_gun_overheat_time : 15 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Mouted gun overheat time
mounted_gun_rate_of_fire : 8 : , "sv", "cheat" :
+mouse_menu : cmd : , "cl" : Opens a menu while held
-mouse_menu : cmd : , "cl" : Executes the highlighted button on the radial menu (if cl_fastradial is 1)
+movedown : cmd : , "cl" :
-movedown : cmd : , "cl" :
+moveleft : cmd : , "cl" :
-moveleft : cmd : , "cl" :
+moveright : cmd : , "cl" :
-moveright : cmd : , "cl" :
+moveup : cmd : , "cl" :
-moveup : cmd : , "cl" :
movie_fixwave : cmd : : Fixup corrupted .wav file if engine crashed during startmovie/endmovie, etc.
mp_allowNPCs : 1 : , "sv", "nf", "launcher" :
mp_allowspectators : 1.0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : toggles whether the server allows spectator mode or not
mp_autocrosshair : 1 : , "sv", "nf", "launcher" :
mp_autokick : 0 : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" : Kick idle/team-killing players
mp_autoteambalance : 1 : , "sv", "nf", "launcher" :
mp_blockstyle : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Sets the style of capture point blocking used. 0 = Blocks break captures completely. 1 = Blocks only pause captures.
mp_bonusroundtime : 15 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Time after round win until round restarts
mp_buytime : 1.5 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : How many minutes after round start players can buy items for.
mp_c4timer : 45 : , "sv", "nf", "rep", "launcher" : how long from when the C4 is armed until it blows
mp_capdeteriorate_time : 90.0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Time it takes for a full capture point to deteriorate.
mp_capstyle : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Sets the style of capture points used. 0 = Fixed players required to cap. 1 = More players cap faster, but longer cap times.
mp_chattime : 10 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : amount of time players can chat after the game is over
mp_clan_ready_signal : ready : , "sv", "launcher" : Text that team leader from each team must speak for the match to begin
mp_clan_readyrestart : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : If non-zero, game will restart once someone from each team gives the ready signal
mp_defaultteam : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
mp_disable_autokick : cmd : , "sv" : Prevents a userid from being auto-kicked
mp_disable_respawn_times : 0 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_enableroundwaittime : 1 : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" : Enable timers to wait between rounds.
mp_facefronttime : 2 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : After this amount of time of standing in place but aiming to one side, go ahead and move feet to face upper body.
mp_fadetoblack : 0 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" : fade a player's screen to black when he dies
mp_falldamage : 0 : , "sv", "nf", "launcher" :
mp_feetmaxyawrate : 100.0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
mp_feetyawrate : 180 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : How many degrees per second that we can turn our feet or upper body.
mp_feetyawrate_max : 360 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : How many degrees per second that we can turn our feet or upper body when we're outside the max body yaw.
mp_flashlight : 1 : , "sv", "nf", "launcher" :
mp_footsteps : 1 : , "sv", "nf", "launcher" :
mp_forcecamera : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Restricts spectator modes for dead players
mp_forcerespawn : 1 : , "sv", "nf", "launcher" :
mp_forcerespawnplayers : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Force all players to respawn.
mp_forcewin : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Forces team to win
mp_fraglimit : 0 : , "sv", "nf", "launcher" :
mp_freezetime : 6 : , "sv", "nf", "rep", "launcher" : how many seconds to keep players frozen when the round starts
mp_friendlyfire : 1 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Allows team members to injure other members of their team
mp_gamemode : coop : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Current game mode, acceptable values are coop, realism, versus, survival, and scavenge; changed using map command, eg: map mapname versus
mp_humanteam : any : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" : Restricts human players to a single team {any, CT, T}
mp_ik : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Use IK on in-place turns.
mp_limitteams : 2 : , "sv", "nf", "rep", "launcher" : Max # of players 1 team can have over another (0 disables check)
mp_logdetail : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Logs attacks. Values are: 0=off, 1=enemy, 2=teammate, 3=both)
mp_maxrounds : 0 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" : max number of rounds to play before server changes maps
mp_playerid : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Controls what information player see in the status bar: 0 all names; 1 team names; 2 no names
mp_playerid_delay : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Number of seconds to delay showing information in the status bar
mp_playerid_hold : 0.25 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Number of seconds to keep showing old information in the status bar
mp_restartgame : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : If non-zero, game will restart in the specified number of seconds
mp_roundlimit : 3 : , "sv" : Maximum number of rounds
mp_roundtime : 5 : , "sv", "nf", "rep", "launcher" : How many minutes each round takes.
mp_scrambleteams : cmd : , "sv" : Scramble the teams and restart the game
mp_showcleanedupents : 0 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Show entities that are removed on round respawn.
mp_showgestureslots : 0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Show multiplayer client/server gesture slot information for the specified player index (-1 for no one).
mp_showroundtransitions : 0 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Show gamestate round transitions.
mp_slammoveyaw : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Force movement yaw along an animation path.
mp_spawnprotectiontime : 5 : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" : Kick players who team-kill within this many seconds of a round restart.
mp_stalemate_at_timelimit : 0 : , "sv", "nf", "launcher" : Allow the match to end when mp_timelimit hits instead of waiting for the end of the current round.
mp_stalemate_enable : 0 : , "sv", "nf", "launcher" : Enable/Disable stalemate mode.
mp_stalemate_timelimit : 240 : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" : Timelimit (in seconds) of the stalemate round.
mp_startmoney : 800 : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" : amount of money each player gets when they reset
mp_switchteams : cmd : , "sv" : Switch teams and restart the game
mp_teamlist : hgrunt;scientist : , "sv", "nf", "launcher" :
mp_teamoverride : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
mp_teamplay : 0 : , "sv", "nf", "launcher" :
mp_teams_unbalance_limit : 1 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Teams are unbalanced when one team has this many more players than the other team. (0 disables check)
mp_timelimit : 0 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" : game time per map in minutes
mp_tkpunish : 0 : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" : Will a TK'er be punished in the next round? {0=no, 1=yes}
mp_tournament : 0 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_tournament_restart : cmd : , "sv" : Restart Tournament Mode on the current level.
mp_usehwmmodels : -1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Enable the use of the hw morph models. (-1 = never, 1 = always, 0 = based upon GPU)
mp_usehwmvcds : -1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Enable the use of the hw morph vcd(s). (-1 = never, 1 = always, 0 = based upon GPU)
mp_waitingforplayers_cancel : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Set to 1 to end the WaitingForPlayers period.
mp_waitingforplayers_restart : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Set to 1 to start or restart the WaitingForPlayers period.
mp_waitingforplayers_time : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : WaitingForPlayers time length in seconds
mp_weapon_ak47_price : 2500 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_aug_price : 3500 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_awp_price : 4750 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_deagle_price : 650 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_elite_price : 800 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_famas_price : 2250 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_fiveseven_price : 750 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_g3sg1_price : 5000 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_galil_price : 2000 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_glock_price : 400 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_m249_price : 5750 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_m3_price : 1700 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_m4a1_price : 3100 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_mac10_price : 1400 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_mp5navy_price : 1500 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_p228_price : 600 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_p90_price : 2350 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_scout_price : 2750 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_sg550_price : 4200 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_sg552_price : 3500 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_tmp_price : 1250 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_ump45_price : 1700 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_usp_price : 500 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_xm1014_price : 3000 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weaponstay : 0 : , "sv", "nf", "launcher" :
mp_winlimit : 0 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Max score one team can reach before server changes maps
multiplayerendgame : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Take all of the connected clients and take them to the end game state.
multvar : cmd : , "norecord" : Multiply specified convar value.
music_bank_max_duration : 900 : , "sv", "launcher" :
music_bank_min_duration : 900 : , "sv", "launcher" :
music_calm_min_interval : 45 : , "sv", "cheat" : Minimum time between DisturbingAtmosphere performances
music_dynamic_action_decay : 10 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_ambient_decay : 7 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_ambient_in_max : .8 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_ambient_in_min : .5 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_ambient_out_max : 1.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_ambient_out_min : 0.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_ambient_vol_min_alert : 0.4 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_attack_CI_close_decay : .2 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_attack_CI_close_distmax : 600 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_attack_CI_distmax : 2400 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_attack_CI_near_decay : .2 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_attack_CI_near_distmax : 300 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_attack_CI_num : 30 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_attack_CI_veryclose_decay : .2 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_attack_CI_veryclose_distmax : 94 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_calm_decay : 15 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_CI_sight_decay : 8 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_damage_decay : 10.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_damage_duck_damage_max : 1.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_damage_duck_damage_min : 0.5 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_damage_duck_max : 0.37 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_damage_duck_min : 0.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_damage_increment : .1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_debug : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Draw parameter meters
music_dynamic_dodamage_decay : 4 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_dodamage_increment : .02 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_gunfire_decay : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_gunfire_increment : .4 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_gunfireslow_decay : 3 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_gunfireslow_increment : .3 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_mob_action_close_max : 0.42 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_mob_action_close_min : 0.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_mob_action_decay : 15 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_mob_action_increment : .1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_mob_action_max : 1.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_mob_action_min : 0.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_mob_choir_BPM : 90 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_mob_choir_interval_beats : 16 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_mob_choir_interval_randmultmax : 3 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_mob_damage_max : 1.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_mob_damage_min : 0.6 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_mob_decay : 15 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_mob_increment : .1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_mob_large : 49 : , "sv", "cheat" : Spawning a large mob
music_dynamic_mob_max : 1.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_mob_med : 29 : , "sv", "cheat" : Spawning a med mob
music_dynamic_mob_min : 0.5 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_mob_small : 20 : , "sv", "cheat" : Spawning a small mob
music_dynamic_on : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_play : cmd : , "cl" :
music_dynamic_PZ_BPM : 80 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_PZ_interval_randmultmax : 5 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_scavenge_beat : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" : play beat music during scavenge mode
music_dynamic_SI_close_distmax : 1200 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_SI_far_distmin : 1800 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_SI_inrange_distmax : 2400 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_solosuccess_damagemin : .3 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_solosuccess_decay : 4 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_solosuccess_increment : 1.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_specials_interval_beats : 5 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_stop_playing : cmd : , "cl" :
music_dynamic_threat_decay : 6 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_update_interval : .1 : , "sv", "cheat" : interval between music status/action update
music_dynamic_witch_alert_interval : 37 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_witch_near_max : 1800 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_dynamic_witch_near_min : 360 : , "sv", "cheat" :
music_intensity_override : -1 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Overrides the player's music intensity track for testing
music_intensity_threshold : 0.3 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
music_large_area_reveal_repeat_threshold : 60 : , "sv", "cheat" : The minimum time in seconds between performances of this music
music_large_area_reveal_threshold : 500000 : , "sv", "cheat" : How much new area must be revealed to trigger the reveal music
music_manager : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" : Using the new music manager system.
music_master_debug : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
music_master_latency_report : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
music_master_spew : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
music_master_tag_threshold : 0.0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
music_min_pending_threat_time : 10 : , "sv", "cheat" : Minimum time until the next mob or boss. Used when deciding to play MomentOfSilence
music_min_safe_time : 3 : , "sv", "cheat" : Minimum time that we haven't seen a threat or been injured. Used when deciding to play MomentOfSilence
music_moment_of_silence_repeat_interval : 600 : , "sv", "cheat" : Minimum time between successive MomentOfSilence performances
music_moment_of_silence_start_delay : 60 : , "sv", "cheat" : Minimum time before we can play a MomentOfSilence after leaving a Checkpoint
music_print : cmd : , "cl" : client
muzzleflash_light : 1 : , "a", "cl" :
name : step : , "a", "user", "print", "server_can_execute", "ss" : Current user name
name2 : unnamed : , "a", "user", "print", "server_can_execute", "ss_added" : Current user name
nav_add_to_selected_set : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Add current area to the selected set.
nav_add_to_selected_set_by_id : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Add specified area id to the selected set.
nav_analyze : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Re-analyze the current Navigation Mesh and save it to disk.
nav_analyze_scripted : cmd : , "sv", "cheat", "matsys" : commandline hook to run a nav_analyze and then quit.
nav_area_bgcolor : 0 0 0 30 : , "sv", "cheat" : RGBA color to draw as the background color for nav areas while editing.
nav_area_max_size : 50 : , "sv", "cheat" : Max area size created in nav generation
nav_auto_build_area : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Build out high-precision areas around the edit cursor and create them.
nav_avoid : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Toggles the 'avoid this area when possible' flag used by the AI system.
nav_begin_area : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Defines a corner of a new Area or Ladder. To complete the Area or Ladder, drag the opposite corner to the desired location and issue a 'nav_end_area' command.
nav_begin_deselecting : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Start continuously removing from the selected set.
nav_begin_drag_deselecting : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Start dragging a selection area.
nav_begin_drag_selecting : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Start dragging a selection area.
nav_begin_selecting : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Start continuously adding to the selected set.
nav_begin_shift_xy : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Begin shifting the Selected Set.
nav_blockers_can_affect_flow : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nav_build_ladder : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Attempts to build a nav ladder on the climbable surface under the cursor.
nav_check_file_consistency : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Scans the maps directory and reports any missing/out-of-date navigation files.
nav_check_floor : cmd : , "sv" : Updates the blocked/unblocked status for every nav area.
nav_check_stairs : cmd : , "sv" : Update the nav mesh STAIRS attribute
nav_chop_selected : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Chops all selected areas into their component 1x1 areas
nav_clear_attribute : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Remove given nav attribute from all areas in the selected set.
nav_clear_selected_set : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Clear the selected set.
nav_clear_walkable_marks : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Erase any previously placed walkable positions.
nav_compress_id : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Re-orders area and ladder ID's so they are continuous.
nav_connect : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : To connect two Areas, mark the first Area, highlight the second Area, then invoke the connect command. Note that this creates a ONE-WAY connection from the first to the second Area. To make a two-way connection, also connect the second area to the first.
nav_coplanar_slope_limit : 0.99 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nav_coplanar_slope_limit_displacement : 0.7 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nav_corner_adjust_adjacent : 18 : , "sv", "cheat" : radius used to raise/lower corners in nearby areas when raising/lowering corners.
nav_corner_lower : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Lower the selected corner of the currently marked Area.
nav_corner_place_on_ground : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Places the selected corner of the currently marked Area on the ground.
nav_corner_raise : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Raise the selected corner of the currently marked Area.
nav_corner_select : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Select a corner of the currently marked Area. Use multiple times to access all four corners.
nav_create_area_at_feet : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Anchor nav_begin_area Z to editing player's feet
nav_create_place_on_ground : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : If true, nav areas will be placed flush with the ground when created by hand.
nav_crouch : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Toggles the 'must crouch in this area' flag used by the AI system.
nav_debug_blocked : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nav_debug_finale_area : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Show extents of finale area and selected finale center
nav_delete : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Deletes the currently highlighted Area.
nav_delete_marked : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Deletes the currently marked Area (if any).
nav_disconnect : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : To disconnect two Areas, mark an Area, highlight a second Area, then invoke the disconnect command. This will remove all connections between the two Areas.
nav_displacement_test : 10000 : , "sv", "cheat" : Checks for nodes embedded in displacements (useful for in-development maps)
nav_dont_hide : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Toggles the 'area is not suitable for hiding spots' flag used by the AI system.
nav_drag_selection_volume_zmax_offset : 32 : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" : The offset of the nav drag volume top from center
nav_drag_selection_volume_zmin_offset : 32 : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" : The offset of the nav drag volume bottom from center
nav_draw_limit : 500 : , "sv", "cheat" : The maximum number of areas to draw in edit mode
nav_edit : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Set to one to interactively edit the Navigation Mesh. Set to zero to leave edit mode.
nav_end_area : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Defines the second corner of a new Area or Ladder and creates it.
nav_end_deselecting : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Stop continuously removing from the selected set.
nav_end_drag_deselecting : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Stop dragging a selection area.
nav_end_drag_selecting : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Stop dragging a selection area.
nav_end_selecting : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Stop continuously adding to the selected set.
nav_end_shift_xy : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Finish shifting the Selected Set.
nav_fix_playerclips : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Fixup nodes marked with NAV_PLAYERCLIP.
nav_flood_select : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Selects the current Area and all Areas connected to it, recursively. To clear a selection, use this command again.
nav_flood_select_tolerance : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Allowable z distance of selectable areas from the start area.
nav_flow_max_survivor_climb_height : 66 : , "sv", "cheat" : Maximum Survivor climb-up height used during flow computation
nav_flow_max_survivor_drop_height : 240 : , "sv", "cheat" : Maximum Survivor drop-down height used during flow computation
nav_fog_edit : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nav_fog_mark : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Sets fog value for selected areas.
nav_fog_pick : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Sets fog value for selected areas.
nav_fog_print_used : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Prints out the list of fog names used in the map.
nav_fog_replace : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Replaces the first fog name with the second in the map.
nav_fog_select_place : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Selects all areas with the given fog place.
nav_fog_set : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : If used without arguments, all available Fog values will be listed. If a Fog argument is given, the current Fog is set.
nav_gen_cliffs_approx : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Mark cliff areas, post-processing approximation
nav_generate : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Generate a Navigation Mesh for the current map and save it to disk.
nav_generate_fencetops : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" : Autogenerate nav areas on fence and obstacle tops
nav_generate_fixup_jump_areas : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" : Convert obsolete jump areas into 2-way connections
nav_generate_incremental : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Generate a Navigation Mesh for the current map and save it to disk.
nav_generate_incremental_range : 2000 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nav_generate_incremental_tolerance : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Z tolerance for adding new nav areas.
nav_gui : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Opens the nav editing GUI
nav_gui_rebuild : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Rebuilds the nav ui windows from scratch every time they're opened
nav_jump : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Toggles the 'traverse this area by jumping' flag used by the AI system.
nav_ladder_flip : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Flips the selected ladder's direction.
nav_load : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Loads the Navigation Mesh for the current map.
nav_lower_drag_volume_max : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Lower the top of the drag select volume.
nav_lower_drag_volume_min : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Lower the bottom of the drag select volume.
nav_lying_down_percent : 50 : , "sv", "cheat" : Chance that wandering infected will be lying down in a SPAWN_LYINGDOWN area.
nav_make_sniper_spots : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Chops the marked area into disconnected sub-areas suitable for sniper spots.
nav_mark : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Marks the Area or Ladder under the cursor for manipulation by subsequent editing commands.
nav_mark_attribute : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Set nav attribute for all areas in the selected set.
nav_mark_unnamed : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Mark an Area with no Place name. Useful for finding stray areas missed when Place Painting.
nav_mark_walkable : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Mark the current location as a walkable position. These positions are used as seed locations when sampling the map to generate a Navigation Mesh.
nav_max_auto_area_size : 16384 : , "sv", "cheat" : Max size in x/y of any auto-generated nav area
nav_max_view_distance : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Maximum range for precomputed nav mesh visibility (0 = default 1500 units)
nav_max_vis_delta_list_length : 64 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nav_merge : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : To merge two Areas into one, mark the first Area, highlight the second by pointing your cursor at it, and invoke the merge command.
nav_merge_mesh : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Merges a saved selected set into the current mesh.
nav_no_hostages : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Toggles the 'hostages cannot use this area' flag used by the AI system.
nav_no_jump : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Toggles the 'dont jump in this area' flag used by the AI system.
nav_obscure_range : 400 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nav_place_floodfill : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Sets the Place of the Area under the cursor to the curent Place, and 'flood-fills' the Place to all adjacent Areas. Flood-filling stops when it hits an Area with the same Place, or a different Place than that of the initial Area.
nav_place_list : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Lists all place names used in the map.
nav_place_pick : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Sets the current Place to the Place of the Area under the cursor.
nav_place_replace : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Replaces all instances of the first place with the second place.
nav_place_set : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Sets the Place of all selected areas to the current Place.
nav_potentially_visible_dot_tolerance : 0.98 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nav_precise : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Toggles the 'dont avoid obstacles' flag used by the AI system.
nav_print_visibility_info : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Dumps some visibility-related data to the console.
nav_print_visible_set_counts : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Outputs the sizes of the visible sets
nav_quicksave : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" : Set to one to skip the time consuming phases of the analysis. Useful for data collection and testing.
nav_raise_drag_volume_max : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Raise the top of the drag select volume.
nav_raise_drag_volume_min : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Raise the bottom of the drag select volume.
nav_recall_selected_set : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Re-selects the stored selected set.
nav_recompute_flow : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Recomputes flow distance
nav_recompute_flow_optimization : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nav_remove_from_selected_set : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Remove current area from the selected set.
nav_remove_jump_areas : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Removes legacy jump areas, replacing them with connections.
nav_run : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Toggles the 'traverse this area by running' flag used by the AI system.
nav_save : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Saves the current Navigation Mesh to disk.
nav_save_history : 10 : , "sv", "launcher" : Keep this many backup copies of nav files.
nav_save_selected : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Writes the selected set to disk for merging into another mesh via nav_merge_mesh.
nav_select_blocked_areas : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Adds all blocked areas to the selected set
nav_select_completely_visible : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Selects all areas completely visible to the selected area.
nav_select_damaging_areas : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Adds all damaging areas to the selected set
nav_select_half_space : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Selects any areas that intersect the given half-space.
nav_select_invalid_areas : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Adds all invalid areas to the Selected Set.
nav_select_obstructed_areas : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Adds all obstructed areas to the selected set
nav_select_overlapping : cmd : , "sv" : Selects nav areas that are overlapping others.
nav_select_partially_visible : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Selects all areas at least partially visible to the selected area.
nav_select_radius : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Adds all areas in a radius to the selection set
nav_select_stairs : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Adds all stairway areas to the selected set
nav_select_threat : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Selects all threat areas
nav_select_view_distance : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Selects all areas within nav_max_view_distance.
nav_select_visible_set_size : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Selects all areas with visible sets this size or greater.
nav_selected_set_border_color : 100 100 0 255 : , "sv", "cheat" : Color used to draw the selected set borders while editing.
nav_selected_set_color : 255 255 200 96 : , "sv", "cheat" : Color used to draw the selected set background while editing.
nav_set_place_mode : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Sets the editor into or out of Place mode. Place mode allows labelling of Area with Place names.
nav_shift : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Shifts the selected areas by the specified amount
nav_show_approach_points : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Show Approach Points in the Navigation Mesh.
nav_show_area_info : 0.5 : , "a", "sv", "cheat" : Duration in seconds to show nav area ID and attributes while editing. (-1 = never hide)
nav_show_compass : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nav_show_connectionblockers : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Debug: Show connection blocker models.
nav_show_danger : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Show current 'danger' levels.
nav_show_ladder_bounds : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Draws the bounding boxes of all func_ladders in the map.
nav_show_light_intensity : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nav_show_node_grid : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nav_show_node_id : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nav_show_nodes : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nav_show_player_area : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Draws the last known area for the given entindex
nav_show_player_counts : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Show current player counts in each area.
nav_simplify_selected : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Chops all selected areas into their component 1x1 areas and re-merges them together into larger areas
nav_slope_limit : 0.7 : , "sv", "cheat" : The ground unit normal's Z component must be greater than this for nav areas to be generated.
nav_slope_tolerance : 0.1 : , "sv", "cheat" : The ground unit normal's Z component must be this close to the nav area's Z component to be generated.
nav_snap_to_grid : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Snap to the nav generation grid when creating new nav areas
nav_solid_props : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Make props solid to nav generation/editing
nav_splice : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : To splice, mark an area, highlight a second area, then invoke the splice command to create a new, connected area between them.
nav_split : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : To split an Area into two, align the split line using your cursor and invoke the split command.
nav_split_place_on_ground : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : If true, nav areas will be placed flush with the ground when split.
nav_stand : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Toggles the 'stand while hiding' flag used by the AI system.
nav_stop : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Toggles the 'must stop when entering this area' flag used by the AI system.
nav_store_selected_set : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Stores the current selected set for later retrieval.
nav_strip : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Strips all Hiding Spots, Approach Points, and Encounter Spots from the current Area.
nav_subdivide : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Subdivides all selected areas.
nav_test_node : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nav_test_node_crouch : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nav_test_node_crouch_dir : 4 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nav_test_stairs : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Test the selected set for being on stairs
nav_test_visibility : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Tests visibility from the selected area to the one under the cursor.
nav_toggle_deselecting : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Start or stop continuously removing from the selected set.
nav_toggle_in_selected_set : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Remove current area from the selected set.
nav_toggle_place_mode : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Toggle the editor into and out of Place mode. Place mode allows labelling of Area with Place names.
nav_toggle_place_painting : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Toggles Place Painting mode. When Place Painting, pointing at an Area will 'paint' it with the current Place.
nav_toggle_selected_set : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Toggles all areas into/out of the selected set.
nav_toggle_selecting : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Start or stop continuously adding to the selected set.
nav_transient : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Toggles the 'area is transient and may become blocked' flag used by the AI system.
nav_trouble_report : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Selects areas that may be breaking the map checklist for inspection
nav_trouble_report_corner_to_corner : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Selects areas that can break game mechanics
nav_trouble_report_invalid : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Selects areas that can break game mechanics
nav_trouble_report_suggestions : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Selects areas that do not have a population set, only if any area has a population
nav_trouble_test_area : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : If nonzero, tests will be run against this areaID only
nav_trouble_test_debug_duration : 10 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nav_trouble_walkable_backtrace : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nav_unmark : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Clears the marked Area or Ladder.
nav_update_blocked : cmd : , "sv" : Updates the blocked/unblocked status for every nav area.
nav_update_lighting : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Recomputes lighting values
nav_update_visibility_on_edit : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : If nonzero editing the mesh will incrementally recompue visibility
nav_use_place : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : If used without arguments, all available Places will be listed. If a Place argument is given, the current Place is set.
nav_walk : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Toggles the 'traverse this area by walking' flag used by the AI system.
nav_warp_to_mark : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Warps the player to the marked area.
nav_world_center : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Centers the nav mesh in the world
nb_acceleration : 500 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nb_allow_avoiding : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nb_allow_climbing : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nb_allow_gap_jumping : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nb_avoid : 2 : , "sv", "launcher" : 0=no avoidance, 1=avoid nearest, 2=avoid all
nb_avoid_interval : 0.5 : , "sv", "launcher" : Interval to update nearest for avoidance
nb_blind : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Disable vision
nb_chase_lead_time : 2.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nb_command : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Sends a command string to all bots
nb_debug : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Debug NextBots. Categories are: BEHAVIOR, LOOK_AT, PATH, ANIMATION, LOCOMOTION, VISION, HEARING, EVENTS, ERRORS.
nb_debug_climbing : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nb_debug_filter : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Add items to the NextBot debug filter. Items can be entindexes or part of the indentifier of one or more bots.
nb_debug_history : 1 : , "sv" : If true, each bot keeps a history of debug output in memory
nb_delete_all : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Delete all non-player NextBot entities.
nb_direct_chase_nav_check : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" : Set to zero to stop bots that use the direct chase path follower from performing a 2D check through the nav to validate a direct chase.
nb_dump_debug_history : cmd : , "sv" : Dumps debug history for the bot under the cursor to the blackbox
nb_force_look_at : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Force selected bot to look at the local player's position
nb_friction_forward : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nb_friction_sideways : 3 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nb_goal_look_ahead_range : 50 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nb_gravity : 1000 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nb_head_aim_settle_duration : 0.3 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nb_head_aim_steady_max_rate : 100 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nb_ladder_align_range : 50 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nb_lean_forward_accel : 100 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nb_lean_max_angle : 30 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nb_lean_rate : 3 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nb_move_to_cursor : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Tell all NextBots to move to the cursor position
nb_move_to_position : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Tell all NextBots to move to the specified absolute position
nb_path_draw_inc : 100 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nb_path_segment_influence_radius : 100 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nb_player_crouch : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Force bots to crouch
nb_player_move : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" : Prevents bots from moving
nb_player_move_direct : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
nb_player_stop : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Stop all NextBotPlayers from updating
nb_player_walk : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Force bots to walk
nb_rush : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Causes all infected to rush the survivors.
nb_saccade_speed : 1000 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nb_saccade_time : 0.1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nb_select : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Select the bot you are aiming at for further debug operations.
nb_shadow_blobby_dist : 400 : , "cl", "launcher" :
nb_shadow_cull_dist : 1600 : , "cl", "launcher" :
nb_speed_look_ahead_range : 150 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nb_stop : 0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Stop all NextBots
nb_stuck_dump_display : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Given a bot stuck dump filename, display the stuck locations in the environment
nb_stuck_dump_filter_entindex : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : If nonzero, only display stuck data for entities with the given entindex
nb_stuck_dump_filter_identifier : : , "sv", "cheat" : Only display stuck data for entities whose identifier matches this substring
nb_stuck_dump_filter_min_duration : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Only display stuck data for entities who were stuck longer than this duration
nb_stuck_dump_filter_time_end : 99999 : , "sv", "cheat" : Do not display stuck data with a timestamp greater than this value
nb_stuck_dump_filter_time_start : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Do not display stuck data with a timestamp less than this value
nb_stuck_dump_show_details : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : If nonzero, include more data in stuck display
nb_stuck_dump_threshold : -1 : , "sv" : If a bot is stuck equal to or longer than this value in seconds, dump debug data to console and logfile. -1 to disable
nb_update_debug : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nb_update_framelimit : 15 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nb_update_frequency : .1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nb_update_maxslide : 2 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nb_vision_ignore_survivors : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nb_vision_notice_hidden_range : 50 : , "sv", "cheat" :
nb_warp_selected_here : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Teleport the selected bot to your cursor position
nb_yaw_rate : 250 : , "sv", "cheat" :
net_allow_multicast : 1 : , "a" :
net_allow_syslink : 1 : , "launcher" :
net_blockmsg : none : , "cheat" : Discards incoming message: <0|1|name>
net_channels : cmd : : Shows net channel info
net_chokeloop : 0 : , "launcher" : Apply bandwidth choke to loopback packets
net_compresspackets : 1 : , "launcher" : Use lz compression on game packets.
net_compresspackets_minsize : 1000 : , "launcher" : Don't bother compressing packets below this size.
net_compressvoice : 0 : , "launcher" : Attempt to compress out of band voice payloads (360 only).
net_drawslider : 0 : , "launcher" : Draw completion slider during signon
net_droppackets : 0 : , "cheat" : Drops next n packets on client
net_dumpeventstats : cmd : : Dumps out a report of game event network usage
net_dumptest : 0 : , "launcher" :
net_fakejitter : 0 : , "cheat" : Jitter fakelag packet time
net_fakelag : 0 : , "cheat" : Lag all incoming network data (including loopback) by this many milliseconds.
net_fakeloss : 0 : , "cheat" : Simulate packet loss as a percentage (negative means drop 1/n packets)
net_graph : 0 : , "a", "cl" : Draw the network usage graph, = 2 draws data on payload, = 3 draws payload legend.
net_graphheight : 64 : , "a", "cl" : Height of netgraph panel
net_graphmsecs : 400 : , "a", "cl" : The latency graph represents this many milliseconds.
net_graphpos : 1 : , "a", "cl" :
net_graphproportionalfont : 1 : , "a", "cl" : Determines whether netgraph font is proportional or not
net_graphshowinterp : 1 : , "a", "cl" : Draw the interpolation graph.
net_graphshowlatency : 1 : , "a", "cl" : Draw the ping/packet loss graph.
net_graphsolid : 1 : , "a", "cl" :
net_graphtext : 1 : , "a", "cl" : Draw text fields
net_maxcleartime : 4.0 : , "launcher" : Max # of seconds we can wait for next packets to be sent based on rate setting (0 == no limit).
net_maxfilesize : 16 : , "launcher" : Maximum allowed file size for uploading in MB
net_maxfragments : 1200 : , "launcher" : Max fragment bytes per packet
net_maxroutable : 1200 : , "a", "user" : Requested max packet size before packets are 'split'.
net_megasnapshot : 1 : , "launcher" :
net_minroutable : 16 : , "launcher" : Forces larger payloads.
net_paranoid : 1 : , "launcher" :
net_public_adr : : : For servers behind NAT/DHCP meant to be exposed to the public internet, this is the public facing ip address string: ("x.x.x.x" )
net_queue_trace : 0 : , "launcher" :
net_queued_packet_thread : 1 : , "launcher" : Use a high priority thread to send queued packets out instead of sending them each frame.
net_reloadgameevents : cmd : , "launcher" : Reload the game events
net_scale : 5 : , "a", "cl" :
net_showdrop : 0 : , "launcher" : Show dropped packets in console
net_showeventlisteners : 0 : , "launcher" : Show listening addition/removals
net_showevents : 0 : , "launcher" : Dump game events to console (1=client only, 2=all).
net_showfragments : 0 : , "launcher" : Show netchannel fragments
net_showmsg : 0 : , "launcher" : Show incoming message: <0|1|name>
net_showpeaks : 0 : , "launcher" : Show messages for large packets only: <size>
net_showreliablesounds : 0 : , "cheat" :
net_showsplits : 0 : : Show info about packet splits
net_showtcp : 0 : , "launcher" : Dump TCP stream summary to console
net_showudp : 0 : : Dump UDP packets summary to console
net_showudp_remoteonly : 0 : : Dump non-loopback udp only
net_showusercmd : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Show user command encoding
net_showusermessages : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
net_splitpacket_maxrate : 15000 : : Max bytes per second when queueing splitpacket chunks
net_splitrate : 1 : : Number of fragments for a splitpacket that can be sent per frame
net_start : cmd : : Inits multiplayer network sockets
net_status : cmd : : Shows current network status
net_steamcnx_allowrelay : 1 : , "a" : Allow steam connections to attempt to use relay servers as fallback (best if specified on command line: +net_steamcnx_allowrelay 1)
net_steamcnx_debug : 1 : , "launcher" : Show debug spew for steam based connections, 2 shows all network traffic for steam sockets.
net_steamcnx_enabled : 1 : : Use steam connections on listen server as a fallback, 2 forces use of steam connections instead of raw UDP.
net_steamcnx_status : cmd : : Print status of steam connection sockets.
net_usesocketsforloopback : 0 : , "launcher" : Use network sockets layer even for listen server local player's packets (multiplayer only).
next : 0 : , "cheat" : Set to 1 to advance to next frame ( when singlestep == 1 )
next_scavenge_cluster : cmd : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : spawn the next scavenge cluster
next_weapon_timer : 1.25 : , "a", "cl" :
nextdemo : cmd : : Play next demo in sequence.
nextlevel : : , "sv", "nf", "launcher" : If set to a valid map name, will trigger a changelevel to the specified map at the end of the round
nextmap : cmd : :
noclip : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Toggle. Player becomes non-solid and flies. Optional argument of 0 or 1 to force enable/disable
noclip_fixup : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
notarget : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Toggle. Player becomes hidden to NPCs.
npc_height_adjust : 1 : , "a", "sv" : Enable test mode for ik height adjustment
npc_vphysics : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
old_radiusdamage : 0.0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
openserverbrowser : cmd : , "cl" : Opens server browser
outtro_stats_done : cmd : , "sv", "matsys" : Fire an output when the outtro stats are finished
overview_alpha : 1.0 : , "a", "clientcmd_can_execute", "cl" : Overview map translucency.
overview_health : 1 : , "a", "clientcmd_can_execute", "cl" : Show player's health in map overview.
overview_locked : 1 : , "a", "clientcmd_can_execute", "cl" : Locks map angle, doesn't follow view angle.
overview_mode : cmd : , "cl" : Sets overview map mode off,small,large: <0|1|2>
overview_names : 1 : , "a", "clientcmd_can_execute", "cl" : Show player's names in map overview.
overview_tracks : 1 : , "a", "clientcmd_can_execute", "cl" : Show player's tracks in map overview.
overview_zoom : cmd : , "cl" : Sets overview map zoom: <zoom> [<time>] [rel]
pain_pills_decay_rate : 0.27 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
pain_pills_health_threshold : 99 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Pills can't be used unless total health is less than this amount
pain_pills_health_value : 50 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
panel_test_title_safe : 0 : , "cheat" : Test vgui panel positioning with title safe indentation
particle_sim_alt_cores : 2 : , "cl", "launcher" :
particle_simulateoverflow : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" : Used for stress-testing particle systems. Randomly denies creation of particles.
particle_test_attach_attachment : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Attachment index for attachment mode
particle_test_attach_mode : follow_attachment : , "sv", "cheat" : Possible Values: 'start_at_attachment', 'follow_attachment', 'start_at_origin', 'follow_origin'
particle_test_file : : , "sv", "cheat" : Name of the particle system to dynamically spawn
particle_test_start : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Dispatches the test particle system with the parameters specified in particle_test_file, particle_test_attach_mode and particle_test_attach_param on the entity the player is looking at. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks what player is looking at
particle_test_stop : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Stops all particle systems on the selected entities. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks what player is looking at
password : : , "a", "norecord" : Current server access password
path : cmd : : Show the engine filesystem path.
pause : cmd : : Toggle the server pause state.
perf_fire_bullet_firstpredictedonly : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Only do effects tracing, etc., first time a CUserCmd is predicted.
perf_fire_bullet_single : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
perfui : cmd : , "cheat" : Show/hide the level performance tools UI.
perfvisualbenchmark : cmd : , "cl" :
perfvisualbenchmark_abort : cmd : , "cl" :
peril_notice_timer : 5.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
personalstats : cmd : , "cl" : Shows the player stats dialog
phonemedelay : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Phoneme delay to account for sound system latency.
phonemefilter : 0.08 : , "cl", "launcher" : Time duration of box filter to pass over phonemes.
phonemesnap : 2 : , "cl", "launcher" : Lod at level at which visemes stops always considering two phonemes, regardless of duration.
phys2_air_density : 2 : , "launcher" :
phys2_angular_damping : 0.05 : , "launcher" :
phys2_angular_damping_in_water : 0.5 : , "launcher" :
phys2_artificial_acceleration : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_async : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_async_server : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_buoyancy_damping : 0.5 : , "launcher" :
phys2_buoyancy_factor : 1.2 : , "launcher" :
phys2_buoyancy_version : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_buoyant_damping_multiplier : 50 : , "launcher" :
phys2_buoyant_sleep_energy_threshold : 0.5 : , "launcher" :
phys2_ccd_epsilon : 0.01 : , "launcher" :
phys2_clamp_velocity : 10 : , "launcher" :
phys2_cmodels : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_contact_report_threshold : 1000 : , "launcher" :
phys2_continuous_cd : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_debug_draw : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
phys2_debug_draw_scale : 1.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
phys2_debug_dump_entities : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
phys2_debug_traceray : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_debug_wakeup : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_debug_wireframe : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" : Render Phys2 collision models in wireframe
phys2_dedicated_thread_pool : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_default_friction : 0.75 : , "launcher" :
phys2_default_max_velocity : 40 : , "cheat" : max object velocity, m/s
phys2_default_wakeup_counter : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_dump_exclude_list : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_dump_ray_counts : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_dump_runtime_sizes : 0 : , "cheat", "rep" :
phys2_enable : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_enable_breakable_constraints : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_enable_buoyancy : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_enable_deferred_calls : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_enable_drives : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_enable_energy_sleep_test : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_enable_sap_multi : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_enable_variable_timestep : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_expensive_sync_warning : 320000 : , "launcher" :
phys2_force_apply_magnitude : 1.0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_global_ccd_motion_threshold_multiplier : 0.5 : , "launcher" :
phys2_global_skin_width_multiplier : 1.0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_hack_ignore_level_collision : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_hack_ignore_models : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_hack_ignore_rays : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_hack_print_rays : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_hack_replace_bboxes : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_level_prefer_polytopes : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_linear_damping : 0.0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_linear_damping_in_water : 0.5 : , "launcher" :
phys2_load : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Saves physics SDK state
phys2_mass_exponent : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_max_angular_velocity : 25 : , "launcher" :
phys2_max_length_constraint_anchor : 0.3 : , "cheat" :
phys2_max_substeps : 2 : , "launcher" :
phys2_max_timestep : 0.02 : , "launcher" :
phys2_mem_debug : 0 : , "cheat", "rep" :
phys2_merge_static_props : 1 : , "rep", "launcher" :
phys2_num_threads : 4 : , "launcher" :
phys2_preload_models : 1 : , "cheat", "rep" :
phys2_ragdoll_ccd : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_ragdoll_clamp_angular_velocity : 30 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
phys2_ragdoll_clamp_linear_velocity : 600 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
phys2_ragdoll_convert_to_capsules : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_ragdoll_create_constraints : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
phys2_ragdoll_default_friction : 0.2 : , "launcher" :
phys2_ragdoll_drive_damping : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_ragdoll_drive_spring : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_ragdoll_drive_type : 1 : , "cheat" : joint PhysX drive type: 0 is none, 1 is position, 2 is velocity, 3 is both
phys2_ragdoll_force_magnitude : 5 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
phys2_ragdoll_iterations : 4 : , "launcher" :
phys2_ragdoll_joint_damping : 0.01 : , "launcher" :
phys2_ragdoll_joint_or : 1.2 : , "launcher" :
phys2_ragdoll_log : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
phys2_ragdoll_projection_angle : 0.05 : , "launcher" :
phys2_ragdoll_projection_distance : 0.1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_ragdoll_projection_mode : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_ragdoll_self_collision : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_ragdoll_torque_magnitude : 0.03 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
phys2_ragdoll_use_boxes : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_ragdoll_use_d6_joints : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_ragdoll_velocity : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
phys2_report_asserts : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_report_errors : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_report_messages : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_report_warnings : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_res_mgr_break : : , "launcher" :
phys2_save : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Saves physics SDK state
phys2_save_client : cmd : , "cheat", "cl" : Saves client physics scene
phys2_save_server : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Saves server physics scene
phys2_scheduler_enable : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_scheduler_manual_pools : 0 : , "cheat", "launcher" : 0 - auto-balance heuristic, frame sync points aware 1024 - sync-execute +1 - use thread 1 pool +2 - use main thread pool +4 - use alternate pool +8 - always allow all pools, don't mind frame sync points
phys2_scheduler_stats : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_scheduler_yield : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_shadow_port : 1 : , "cheat" : Use the ported version of physics shadow controller?
phys2_shoot : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Shoots a phys2 object.
phys2_shoot_speed : 250 : , "sv", "launcher" :
phys2_sim_hw : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_sim_thread_mask_client : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_sim_thread_mask_server : 4 : , "launcher" :
phys2_sim_thread_stack : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_sleep_angular_velocity : 0.1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_sleep_damping : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_sleep_energy_threshold : 0.02 : , "launcher" :
phys2_sleep_linear_velocity : 0.1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_solver_batch_size : 16 : , "launcher" :
phys2_stats : cmd : , "cheat", "cl" : Dumps physics stats
phys2_support_level : 3 : , "launcher" :
phys2_thread_mask_client : 3 : , "launcher" :
phys2_thread_mask_server : 6 : , "launcher" :
phys2_thread_stack : 256000 : , "launcher" :
phys2_vdb : 0 : , "cheat" :
phys2_vdb_host : localhost : , "cheat" :
phys2_version : Version 2.2 (w/scheduler), built Oct 1 2010 11:25:53 : , "launcher" :
phys2_visualize : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_water_density_multiplier : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_water_single_actor : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_water_wakeup_counter : 0.4 : , "launcher" :
phys2_xbox_scheduler : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_xbox_scheduler_thread_mask : 62 : , "launcher" :
phys2_xbox_sim_thread_priority : 2 : , "launcher" : 0 is high, 2 is normal, 4 is low
phys2ui : cmd : , "cheat" : Show/hide the phys2 UI.
phys2ui_mouse_wheel_scale : 10 : , "launcher" :
phys_debug_check_contacts : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
phys_enable_experimental_optimizations : 0 : , "launcher" : enable some experimental SIMD/VMX128 optimizations in physics and collision
phys_enable_PIX_counters : 1 : , "cheat", "launcher" : enable PIX counters
phys_enable_query_cache : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys_enable_simd_optimizations : 1 : , "launcher" : enable some additional SIMD/VMX128 optimizations in physics and collision
phys_explosion_force : 7.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
phys_impactforcescale : 1.0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
phys_penetration_error_time : 10 : , "sv", "launcher" : Controls the duration of vphysics penetration error boxes.
phys_pushscale : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
phys_ragdoll_force_magnitude : 0.3 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
phys_shoot : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Shoots a phys object.
phys_shoot_torque : 100000000 : , "sv", "launcher" :
phys_speeds : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
phys_stressbodyweights : 5.0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
phys_timescale : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" : Scale time for physics
phys_upimpactforcescale : 0.375 : , "sv", "launcher" :
physics2_polytope_radius_factor : 1 : , "launcher" :
physics_budget : cmd : , "sv" : Times the cost of each active object
physics_constraints : cmd : , "sv" : Highlights constraint system graph for an entity
physics_debug_entity : cmd : , "sv" : Dumps debug info for an entity
physics_highlight_active : cmd : , "sv" : Turns on the absbox for all active physics objects
physics_report_active : cmd : , "sv" : Lists all active physics objects
physics_select : cmd : , "sv" : Dumps debug info for an entity
physicsshadowupdate_render : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
PhysPMC : 0 : , "launcher" :
physx_debug_dll : 0 : , "cheat" :
physx_subdir : : , "launcher" :
physx_valve_dll : 0 : , "cheat" :
picker : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Toggles 'picker' mode. When picker is on, the bounding box, pivot and debugging text is displayed for whatever entity the player is looking at. Arguments: full - enables all debug information
ping : cmd : : Display ping to server.
ping_max_green : 70 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ping_max_red : 250 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ping_max_yellow : 140 : , "cl", "launcher" :
pingserver : cmd : : Ping a server for info
pipe_bomb_beep_interval_delta : 0.025 : , "sv", "launcher" :
pipe_bomb_beep_min_interval : 0.1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
pipe_bomb_initial_beep_interval : 0.5 : , "sv", "launcher" :
pipe_bomb_shake_amplitude : 50 : , "sv", "launcher" :
pipe_bomb_shake_radius : 750 : , "sv", "launcher" :
pipe_bomb_timer_duration : 6 : , "sv", "launcher" :
pipeline_static_props : 1 : , "launcher" :
pixelvis_debug : cmd : , "cl" : Dump debug info
play : cmd : , "server_can_execute" : Play a sound.
playdemo : cmd : : Play a recorded demo file (.dem ).
player_debug_print_damage : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : When true, print amount and type of all damage received by player to console.
player_incap_use_radius : 96 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
player_old_armor : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
player_throwforce : 2000 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
player_use_radius : 96 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
playflush : cmd : : Play a sound, reloading from disk in case of changes.
playgamesound : cmd : , "server_can_execute", "clientcmd_can_execute", "cl" : Play a sound from the game sounds txt file
playsoundscape : cmd : , "cheat", "cl" : Forces a soundscape to play
playvideo : cmd : , "cl" : Plays a video: <filename> [width height]
playvideo_exitcommand : cmd : , "cl" : Plays a video and fires and exit command when it is stopped or finishes: <filename> <exit command>
playvol : cmd : : Play a sound at a specified volume.
plugin_load : cmd : : plugin_load <filename> : loads a plugin
plugin_pause : cmd : : plugin_pause <index> : pauses a loaded plugin
plugin_pause_all : cmd : : pauses all loaded plugins
plugin_print : cmd : : Prints details about loaded plugins
plugin_unload : cmd : : plugin_unload <index> : unloads a plugin
plugin_unpause : cmd : : plugin_unpause <index> : unpauses a disabled plugin
plugin_unpause_all : cmd : : unpauses all disabled plugins
+posedebug : cmd : , "cheat", "cl" : Turn on pose debugger or add ents to pose debugger UI
-posedebug : cmd : , "cheat", "cl" : Turn off pose debugger or hide ents from pose debugger UI
precache_all_survivors : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
print_colorcorrection : cmd : , "cheat" : Display the color correction layer information.
Print_Steam_Stats : cmd : , "cl", "launcher" : Prints the current state of the steam stats to file.
progress_enable : cmd : :
prop_active_gib_limit : 999999 : , "sv", "launcher" :
prop_active_gib_max_fade_time : 999999 : , "sv", "launcher" :
prop_crosshair : cmd : , "cheat" : Shows name for prop looking at
prop_debug : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Toggle prop debug mode. If on, props will show colorcoded bounding boxes. Red means ignore all damage. White means respond physically to damage but never break. Green maps health in the range of 100 down to 1.
prop_dynamic_create : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Creates a dynamic prop with a specific .mdl aimed away from where the player is looking. Arguments: {.mdl name}
prop_physics_create : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Creates a physics prop with a specific .mdl aimed away from where the player is looking. Arguments: {.mdl name}
prop_use : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
props_break_max_pieces : 50 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Maximum prop breakable piece count (-1 = model default)
props_break_max_pieces_perframe : -1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Maximum prop breakable piece count per frame (-1 = model default)
punch_angle_decay_rate : 20 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
pwatchent : -1 : , "cheat", "cl" : Entity to watch for prediction system changes.
pwatchvar : : , "cheat", "cl" : Entity variable to watch in prediction system for changes.
pz_damages : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : List player zombie damages
quit : cmd : : Exit the engine.
r_3dsky : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Enable the rendering of 3d sky boxes
r_3dskyonly : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" : Only draw the 3d skybox. . skip the rest of the world.
r_AirboatViewDampenDamp : 1.0 : , "cheat", "nf", "rep", "cl" :
r_AirboatViewDampenFreq : 7.0 : , "cheat", "nf", "rep", "cl" :
r_AirboatViewZHeight : 0.0 : , "cheat", "nf", "rep", "cl" :
r_ambientboost : 1 : , "launcher" : Set to boost ambient term if it is totally swamped by local lights
r_ambientfactor : 5 : , "launcher" : Boost ambient cube by no more than this factor
r_ambientfraction : 0.2 : , "cheat" : Fraction of direct lighting used to boost lighting when model requests
r_ambientlightingonly : 0 : , "cheat" : Set this to 1 to light models with only ambient lighting (and no static lighting).
r_ambientmin : 0.3 : , "launcher" : Threshold above which ambient cube will not boost (i.e. it's already sufficiently bright
r_aspectratio : 0 : , "launcher" :
r_avglight : 1 : , "cheat" :
r_avglightmap : 0 : , "cheat" :
r_bloomtintb : 0.11 : , "launcher" :
r_bloomtintexponent : 2.2 : , "launcher" :
r_bloomtintexponent_ghost : 0.1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_bloomtintg : 0.59 : , "launcher" :
r_bloomtintr : 0.3 : , "launcher" :
r_cheapwaterend : cmd : , "cl" :
r_cheapwaterstart : cmd : , "cl" :
r_cleardecals : cmd : , "clientcmd_can_execute" : Usage r_cleardecals <permanent>.
r_clip3Dskyboxneartoworldfar : -1 : , "cheat", "cl", "launcher" : -1: do whatever the sky_camera clip_3D_skybox_near_to_world_far says, 0: force no clip, 1: force clip
r_clip3Dskyboxneartoworldfarfudge : 0.0 : , "cheat", "cl", "launcher" : offset to pull the near clip plane in for the 3dskybox when using r_clip3Dskyboxneartoworldfar. This ensures that there is some overlap between the 3dskybox and the world, PROFIT!
r_ClipAreaPortals : 1 : , "cheat" :
r_colorstaticprops : 0 : , "cheat" :
r_debug_sequencesets : -2 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_debugcheapwater : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_debugrandomstaticlighting : 0 : , "cheat" : Set to 1 to randomize static lighting for debugging. Must restart for change to take affect.
r_decal_cover_count : 4 : , "launcher" :
r_decal_overlap_area : 0.4 : , "launcher" :
r_decal_overlap_count : 1 : , "launcher" :
r_decals : 512 : , "launcher" :
r_decalstaticprops : 1 : , "launcher" : Decal static props test
r_depthoverlay : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" : Replaces opaque objects with their grayscaled depth values. r_showz_power scales the output.
r_DispBuildable : 0 : , "cheat" :
r_DispWalkable : 0 : , "cheat" :
r_dopixelvisibility : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_draw_flashlight_3rd_person : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Draw flashlight beams for other players
r_draw_lasersight_1st_person : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Draw laser sight for the local player
r_draw_lasersight_3rd_person : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Draw laser sights for other players
r_drawallrenderables : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" : Draw all renderables, even ones inside solid leaves.
r_drawbatchdecals : 1 : , "launcher" : Render decals batched.
r_DrawBeams : 1 : , "cheat" : 0=Off, 1=Normal, 2=Wireframe
r_drawbrushmodels : 1 : , "cheat" : Render brush models. 0=Off, 1=Normal, 2=Wireframe
r_drawclipbrushes : 0 : , "cheat" : Draw clip brushes (red=NPC+player, pink=player, purple=NPC)
r_drawdecals : 1 : , "cheat" : Render decals.
r_DrawDetailProps : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : 0=Off, 1=Normal, 2=Wireframe
r_DrawDisp : 1 : , "cheat" : Toggles rendering of displacment maps
r_drawentities : 1 : , "cheat" :
r_drawflecks : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_drawfuncdetail : 1 : , "cheat" : Render func_detail
r_drawleaf : -1 : , "cheat" : Draw the specified leaf.
r_drawlightcache : 0 : , "cheat" : 0: off 1: draw light cache entries 2: draw rays
r_drawlightinfo : 0 : , "cheat" :
r_drawlights : 0 : , "cheat" :
r_drawmodeldecals : 1 : , "launcher" :
r_DrawModelLightOrigin : 0 : , "cheat" :
r_drawmodelstatsoverlay : 0 : , "cheat" :
r_drawmodelstatsoverlaydistance : 500 : , "cheat" :
r_drawmodelstatsoverlaymax : 1.5 : , "a" : time in milliseconds beyond which a model overlay is fully red in r_drawmodelstatsoverlay 2
r_drawmodelstatsoverlaymin : 0.1 : , "a" : time in milliseconds that a model must take to render before showing an overlay in r_drawmodelstatsoverlay 2
r_drawopaquerenderables : 1 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_drawopaqueworld : 1 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_drawothermodels : 1 : , "cheat", "cl" : 0=Off, 1=Normal, 2=Wireframe
r_drawparticles : 1 : , "cheat", "cl" : Enable/disable particle rendering
r_drawpixelvisibility : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Show the occlusion proxies
r_DrawPortals : 0 : , "cheat" :
r_DrawRain : 1 : , "cheat", "cl" : Enable/disable rain rendering.
r_drawrenderboxes : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_drawropes : 1 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_drawskybox : 1 : , "cheat" :
r_DrawSpecificStaticProp : -1 : , "launcher" :
r_drawsprites : 1 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_drawstaticprops : 1 : , "cheat" : 0=Off, 1=Normal, 2=Wireframe
r_drawtracers : 1 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_drawtracers_firstperson : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_drawtranslucentrenderables : 1 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_drawtranslucentworld : 1 : , "cheat" :
r_drawunderwaterfogblocker : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_drawvgui : 1 : , "cheat" : Enable the rendering of vgui panels
r_drawviewmodel : 1 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_drawworld : 1 : , "cheat" : Render the world.
r_dscale_basefov : 90 : , "cheat" :
r_dscale_fardist : 2000 : , "cheat" :
r_dscale_farscale : 4 : , "cheat" :
r_dscale_neardist : 100 : , "cheat" :
r_dscale_nearscale : 1 : , "cheat" :
r_dynamic : 1 : :
r_dynamiclighting : 1 : , "cheat" :
r_emulategl : 0 : , "launcher" :
r_entity : -1 : , "cheat", "launcher" :
r_entityclips : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_eyeglintlodpixels : 20.0 : , "launcher" : The number of pixels wide an eyeball has to be before rendering an eyeglint. Is a floating point value.
r_eyemove : 1 : , "a" :
r_eyes : 1 : , "launcher" :
r_eyeshift_x : 0 : , "a" :
r_eyeshift_y : 0 : , "a" :
r_eyeshift_z : 0 : , "a" :
r_eyesize : 0 : , "a" :
r_eyewaterepsilon : 7.0f : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_fade360style : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_farz : -1 : , "cheat", "cl" : Override the far clipping plane. -1 means to use the value in env_fog_controller.
r_fastzreject : 0 : , "launcher" : Activate/deactivates a fast z-setting algorithm to take advantage of hardware with fast z reject. Use -1 to default to hardware settings
r_fastzrejectdisp : 0 : , "launcher" : Activates/deactivates fast z rejection on displacements (360 only). Only active when r_fastzreject is on.
r_flashlight_3rd_person_range : 60 : , "cl", "launcher" : Distance to draw flashlight beams for other players
r_flashlight_attach_to_viewmodel : 1 : , "cheat", "cl" : Attach the flashlight effect to the viewmodel
r_flashlight_topdown : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_flashlightambient : 0.0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_flashlightbacktraceoffset : 0.4 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_flashlightbrightness : 0.25 : , "cheat" :
r_flashlightclip : 0 : , "cheat" :
r_flashlightconstant : 0.0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_flashlightculldepth : 1 : , "launcher" :
r_flashlightdepthres : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_flashlightdepthtexture : 0 : , "launcher" :
r_FlashlightDetailProps : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Enable a flashlight drawing pass on detail props. 0 = off, 1 = single pass, 2 = multipass (multipass is PC ONLY)
r_flashlightdrawclip : 0 : , "cheat" :
r_flashlightdrawdepth : 0 : , "launcher" :
r_flashlightdrawfrustum : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_flashlightdrawfrustumbbox : 0 : , "launcher" :
r_flashlightdrawsweptbbox : 0 : , "launcher" :
r_flashlightfar : 750.0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_flashlightfov : 53.0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_flashlightinfectedfar : 750 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_flashlightinfectedfov : 90 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_flashlightinfectedlinear : 100 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_flashlightinfectedshadows : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_flashlightinfectedtexture : effects/flashlight001_infected : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_flashlightladderdist : 40.0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_flashlightlinear : 100.0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_flashlightlockposition : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_flashlightmodels : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_flashlightmuzzleflash : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_flashlightmuzzleflashfov : 120 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_flashlightnear : 4.0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_flashlightnearoffsetscale : 0.3 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_flashlightnodraw : 0 : , "launcher" :
r_flashlightoffsetforward : 0.0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_flashlightoffsetforward_low : 0.0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_flashlightoffsetright : 5.0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_flashlightoffsetright_low : 10.0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_flashlightoffsetup : -5.0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_flashlightoffsetup_low : -16.0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_flashlightquadratic : 0.0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_flashlightrender : 1 : , "launcher" :
r_flashlightrendermodels : 1 : , "launcher" :
r_flashlightrenderworld : 1 : , "launcher" :
r_flashlightscissor : 1 : , "launcher" :
r_flashlightshadowatten : 0.35 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_flashlighttracedistcutoff : 32 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_flashlighttracedistwatercutoff : 80 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_flashlightupdatedepth : 1 : , "launcher" :
r_flashlightvisualizetrace : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_flashlightvolumetrics : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_flashlightvolumetricsdrawnatend : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_flex : 1 : , "launcher" :
r_flushlod : cmd : : Flush and reload LODs.
r_ForceRestore : 0 : , "launcher" :
r_ForceWaterLeaf : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Enable for optimization to water - considers view in leaf under water for purposes of culling
r_frustumcullworld : 1 : , "launcher" :
r_glint_alwaysdraw : 0 : , "launcher" :
r_glint_procedural : 0 : , "launcher" :
r_hunkalloclightmaps : 1 : , "launcher" :
r_hwmorph : 0 : , "cheat" :
r_impactparticles : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_itemblinkmax : .3 : , "cheat" :
r_itemblinkrate : 4.5 : , "cheat" :
r_JeepFOV : 90 : , "sv", "cheat", "rep" :
r_JeepViewBlendTo : 1 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_JeepViewBlendToScale : 0.03 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_JeepViewBlendToTime : 1.5 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_JeepViewDampenDamp : 1.0 : , "cheat", "nf", "rep", "cl" :
r_JeepViewDampenFreq : 7.0 : , "cheat", "nf", "rep", "cl" :
r_JeepViewZHeight : 10.0 : , "cheat", "nf", "rep", "cl" :
r_jiggle_bones : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_lightaverage : 1 : , "launcher" : Activates/deactivate light averaging
r_lightcache_invalidate : cmd : , "cheat" :
r_lightcache_numambientsamples : 162 : , "cheat" : number of random directions to fire rays when computing ambient lighting
r_lightcache_radiusfactor : 1 : , "cheat" : Allow lights to influence lightcaches beyond the lights' radii
r_lightcache_zbuffercache : 0 : , "launcher" :
r_lightcachecenter : 1 : , "cheat" :
r_lightcachemodel : -1 : , "cheat" :
r_lightinterp : 5 : , "cheat" : Controls the speed of light interpolation, 0 turns off interpolation
r_lightmap : -1 : , "cheat" :
r_lightstyle : -1 : , "cheat" :
r_lightwarpidentity : 0 : , "cheat" :
r_lockpvs : 0 : , "cheat" : Lock the PVS so you can fly around and inspect what is being drawn.
r_lod : -1 : , "launcher" :
r_mapextents : 16384 : , "cheat", "cl" : Set the max dimension for the map. This determines the far clipping plane
r_maxdlights : 32 : , "launcher" :
r_maxmodeldecal : 50 : , "launcher" :
r_maxnewsamples : 6 : , "launcher" :
r_maxsampledist : 128 : , "launcher" :
r_minlightmap : 0 : , "launcher" :
r_minnewsamples : 3 : , "launcher" :
r_modelwireframedecal : 0 : , "cheat" :
r_nohw : 0 : , "cheat" :
r_norefresh : 0 : , "launcher" :
r_nosw : 0 : , "cheat" :
r_novis : 0 : , "cheat" : Turn off the PVS.
r_occludeemaxarea : 0 : , "launcher" : Prevents occlusion testing for entities that take up more than X% of the screen. 0 means use whatever the level said to use.
r_occluderminarea : 0 : , "launcher" : Prevents this occluder from being used if it takes up less than X% of the screen. 0 means use whatever the level said to use.
r_occludermincount : 0 : , "launcher" : At least this many occluders will be used, no matter how big they are.
r_occlusion : 1 : , "launcher" : Activate/deactivate the occlusion system.
r_occlusionspew : 0 : , "cheat" : Activate/deactivates spew about what the occlusion system is doing.
r_oldlightselection : 0 : , "cheat" : Set this to revert to HL2's method of selecting lights
r_overlayfadeenable : 0 : , "launcher" :
r_overlayfademax : 2000 : , "launcher" :
r_overlayfademin : 1750 : , "launcher" :
r_overlaywireframe : 0 : , "launcher" :
r_particle_sim_spike_threshold_ms : 5 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_particle_timescale : 1.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_partition_level : -1 : , "cheat" : Displays a particular level of the spatial partition system. Use -1 to disable it.
r_PhysPropStaticLighting : 0 : , "cl" :
r_pix_recordframes : 0 : , "launcher" :
r_pix_start : 0 : , "launcher" :
r_pixelfog : 1 : , "launcher" :
r_pixelvisibility_partial : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_pixelvisibility_spew : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_portalscloseall : 0 : , "launcher" :
r_portalsopenall : 0 : , "cheat" : Open all portals
r_PortalTestEnts : 1 : , "cheat", "cl" : Clip entities against portal frustums.
r_printdecalinfo : cmd : :
r_proplightingfromdisk : 1 : , "launcher" : 0=Off, 1=On, 2=Show Errors
r_proplightingpooling : -1.0 : , "cheat" : 0 - off, 1 - static prop color meshes are allocated from a single shared vertex buffer (on hardware that supports stream offset)
r_propsmaxdist : 1200 : , "cl", "launcher" : Maximum visible distance
r_queued_decals : 0 : , "launcher" : Offloads a bit of decal rendering setup work to the material system queue when enabled.
r_queued_post_processing : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_queued_ropes : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_radiosity : 4 : , "cheat" : 0: no radiosity 1: radiosity with ambient cube (6 samples) 2: radiosity with 162 samples 3: 162 samples for static props, 6 samples for everything else
r_RainAllowInSplitScreen : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Allows rain in splitscreen
r_rainalpha : 0.4 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_rainalphapow : 0.8 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_RainCheck : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" : Enable/disable IsInAir() check for rain drops?
r_RainDebugDuration : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" : Shows rain tracelines for this many seconds (0 disables)
r_raindensity : 0.001 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_RainHack : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_rainlength : 0.1f : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_RainParticleDensity : 0.300000 : , "cl", "launcher" : Density of Particle Rain 0-1
r_RainProfile : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" : Enable/disable rain profiling.
r_RainRadius : 1500 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_RainSideVel : 10 : , "cheat", "cl" : How much sideways velocity rain gets.
r_RainSimulate : 1 : , "cheat", "cl" : Enable/disable rain simulation.
r_rainspeed : 600.0f : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_RainSplashPercentage : 20 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_rainwidth : 0.5 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_randomflex : 0 : , "cheat" :
r_renderoverlayfragment : 1 : , "launcher" :
r_rootlod : 0 : , "launcher" : Root LOD
r_ropetranslucent : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_screenoverlay : cmd : , "cheat", "server_can_execute", "cl" : Draw specified material as an overlay
r_sequence_debug : : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_shader_srgb : 0 : , "launcher" : -1 = use hardware caps. 0 = use hardware srgb. 1 = use shader srgb(software lookup)
r_shadow_debug_spew : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_shadow_half_update_rate : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Updates shadows at half the framerate
r_shadow_lightpos_lerptime : 0.5 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_shadow_shortenfactor : 2 : , "cl", "launcher" : Makes shadows cast from local lights shorter
r_shadowangles : cmd : , "cheat", "cl" : Set shadow angles
r_shadowblobbycutoff : cmd : , "cheat", "cl" : some shadow stuff
r_shadowcolor : cmd : , "cheat", "cl" : Set shadow color
r_shadowdir : cmd : , "cheat", "cl" : Set shadow direction
r_shadowdist : cmd : , "cheat", "cl" : Set shadow distance
r_shadowfromanyworldlight : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_shadowfromworldlights : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Enable shadowing from world lights
r_shadowfromworldlights_debug : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_shadowids : 0 : , "cheat" :
r_shadowlod : -1 : , "launcher" :
r_shadowlodbias : 2 : , "launcher" :
r_shadowmaxrendered : 64 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_shadowrendertotexture : 1 : , "launcher" :
r_shadows : 1 : , "launcher" :
r_shadows_gamecontrol : -1 : , "cheat" :
r_shadows_on_renderables_enable : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Support casting RTT shadows onto other renderables
r_shadowwireframe : 0 : , "cheat" :
r_showenvcubemap : 0 : , "cheat" :
r_ShowViewerArea : 0 : , "launcher" :
r_showz_power : 1.0f : , "cheat" :
r_skin : 0 : , "cheat" :
r_skybox : 1 : , "cheat", "cl" : Enable the rendering of sky boxes
r_skyboxfogfactor : cmd : , "cl" : Lerp between 2D skybox rendering and fog color. 0.0 means regular 2D skybox rendering, 1.0 is fully fog color.
r_slowpathwireframe : 0 : , "cheat" :
r_snapportal : -1 : , "launcher" :
r_SnowColorBlue : 200 : , "cheat", "cl" : Snow.
r_SnowColorGreen : 175 : , "cheat", "cl" : Snow.
r_SnowColorRed : 150 : , "cheat", "cl" : Snow.
r_SnowDebugBox : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" : Snow Debug Boxes.
r_SnowEnable : 1 : , "cheat", "cl" : Snow Enable
r_SnowEndAlpha : 255 : , "cheat", "cl" : Snow.
r_SnowEndSize : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" : Snow.
r_SnowFallSpeed : 1.5 : , "cheat", "cl" : Snow fall speed scale.
r_SnowInsideRadius : 256 : , "cheat", "cl" : Snow.
r_SnowOutsideRadius : 1024 : , "cheat", "cl" : Snow.
r_SnowParticles : 500 : , "cheat", "cl" : Snow.
r_SnowPosScale : 1 : , "cheat", "cl" : Snow.
r_SnowRayEnable : 1 : , "cheat", "cl" : Snow.
r_SnowRayLength : 8192.0f : , "cheat", "cl" : Snow.
r_SnowRayRadius : 256 : , "cheat", "cl" : Snow.
r_SnowSpeedScale : 1 : , "cheat", "cl" : Snow.
r_SnowStartAlpha : 25 : , "cheat", "cl" : Snow.
r_SnowStartSize : 1 : , "cheat", "cl" : Snow.
r_SnowWindScale : 0.0035 : , "cheat", "cl" : Snow.
r_SnowZoomOffset : 384.0f : , "cheat", "cl" : Snow.
r_SnowZoomRadius : 512.0f : , "cheat", "cl" : Snow.
r_spray_lifetime : 10 : , "launcher" : Number of rounds player sprays are visible
r_staticlight_streams : 1 : , "launcher" :
r_staticprop_lod : -1 : , "launcher" :
r_staticpropinfo : 0 : , "launcher" :
r_swingflashlight : 1 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_teeth : 1 : , "launcher" :
r_threaded_particles : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_threaded_shadow_clip : 0 : , "launcher" :
r_threadeddetailprops : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : enable threading of detail prop drawing
r_unlimitedrefract : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_unloadlightmaps : 0 : , "launcher" :
r_updaterefracttexture : 1 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_vehicleBrakeRate : 1.5 : , "sv", "cheat" :
r_VehicleViewClamp : 1 : , "cheat", "cl" :
r_VehicleViewDampen : 1 : , "cheat", "nf", "rep", "cl" :
r_visambient : 0 : , "launcher" : Draw leaf ambient lighting samples. Needs mat_leafvis 1 to work
r_visocclusion : 0 : , "cheat" : Activate/deactivate wireframe rendering of what the occlusion system is doing.
r_visualizelighttraces : 0 : , "cheat" :
r_visualizelighttracesshowfulltrace : 0 : , "cheat" :
r_visualizeproplightcaching : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_visualizetraces : 0 : , "cheat" :
r_WaterDrawReflection : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Enable water reflection
r_WaterDrawRefraction : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Enable water refraction
r_waterforceexpensive : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_waterforcereflectentities : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_worldlightmin : 0.000200 : , "launcher" :
r_worldlights : 2 : , "launcher" : number of world lights to use per vertex
r_worldlistcache : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
radialmenu : cmd : , "cl" : Opens a radial menu
radius_damage_show_hits : 0 : , "sv", "cheat", "rep" :
ragdoll_collide : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ragdoll_door_uncollide_time : 4.0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ragdoll_force_to_sleep_time : 10 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ragdoll_self_collision : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ragdoll_sleepaftertime : 5 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : After this many seconds of being basically stationary, the ragdoll will go to sleep.
ragdoll_slowdown : 1.0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ragdoll_slowdown_time : 5.0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ragdoll_velocity_multiplier : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" : Acceleration to last living velocity given to new ragdolls
rangefinder : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Measures distance along a ray
rate : 30000 : , "user" : Max bytes/sec the host can receive data
rcon : cmd : , "norecord" : Issue an rcon command.
rcon_address : : , "norecord", "launcher" : Address of remote server if sending unconnected rcon commands (format x.x.x.x:p)
rcon_password : : , "norecord" : remote console password.
recompute_speed : cmd : , "cheat" : Recomputes clock speed (for debugging purposes).
record : cmd : , "norecord" : Record a demo.
reload : cmd : : Reload the most recent saved game (add setpos to jump to current view position on reload).
+reload : cmd : , "cl" :
-reload : cmd : , "cl" :
reload_materials : 0 : , "launcher" :
removeid : cmd : : Remove a user ID from the ban list.
removeip : cmd : : Remove an IP address from the ban list.
report : cmd : , "sv" :
report_cliententitysim : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" : List all clientside simulations and time - will report and turn itself off.
report_clientthinklist : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" : List all clientside entities thinking and time - will report and turn itself off.
report_entities : cmd : , "sv" : Lists all entities
report_simthinklist : cmd : , "sv" : Lists all simulating/thinking entities
report_soundpatch : cmd : , "sv" : reports sound patch count
report_touchlinks : cmd : , "sv" : Lists all touchlinks
res_restrict_access : 0 : , "launcher" :
rescue_distance : 4500 : , "sv", "cheat" : Living survivors must travel this far past a dead survivor's corpse to be able to rescue him
rescue_finale_ignore_distance : 4000 : , "sv", "cheat" : If living survivors are this far past a rescuable survivor, he stops calling for help
rescue_finale_spawn_range : 4000 : , "sv", "cheat" : info_survivor_rescue ents will be considered if they are this close to the leading survivor
rescue_ignore_distance : 2000 : , "sv", "cheat" : If living survivors are this far past a rescuable survivor, he stops calling for help
rescue_interval : 2.5 : , "sv", "cheat" : Dead survivors are checked to start calling for help this often
rescue_min_dead_time : 60 : , "sv", "cheat" : Duration in seconds a survivor must be dead before being rescuable
rescue_range : 1000 : , "sv", "cheat" : if a survivor gets this close to an active info_survivor_rescue, it will be triggered
rescue_show : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Shows debugging info for info_survivor_rescue ents
rescue_show_blocked : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Shows bboxes for blocked info_survivor_rescue ents
rescue_spawn_flow : 400 : , "sv", "cheat" : info_survivor_rescue ents will be considered if they are no more than this far ahead in flow distance from the leading survivor
rescue_spawn_range : 2000 : , "sv", "cheat" : info_survivor_rescue ents will be considered if they are this close to the leading survivor
rescue_update_nav : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Updates RESCUE_CLOSET nav flags
rescue_yell_delay : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" : Delay before yelling when activating
rescue_yell_interval : 6 : , "sv", "cheat" : Interval at which an info_survivor_rescue yells for help
reset_gameconvars : cmd : , "cheat" : Reset a bunch of game convars to default values
reset_spawnmenu_counts : cmd : , "cl" :
Reset_Steam_Stats : cmd : , "cl", "launcher" : Resets your currently signed in Steam stats!!!
respawn_entities : cmd : , "sp", "sv", "cheat" : Respawn all the entities in the map.
restart : cmd : : Restart the game on the same level (add setpos to jump to current view position on restart).
retry : cmd : , "norecord", "server_can_execute", "clientcmd_can_execute" : Retry connection to last server.
+right : cmd : , "cl" :
-right : cmd : , "cl" :
room_type : 0 : , "demo", "launcher" :
rope_averagelight : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Makes ropes use average of cubemap lighting instead of max intensity.
rope_collide : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Collide rope with the world
rope_min_pixel_diameter : 2.0 : , "cheat" :
rope_rendersolid : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
rope_shake : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
rope_smooth : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Do an antialiasing effect on ropes
rope_smooth_enlarge : 1.4 : , "cl", "launcher" : How much to enlarge ropes in screen space for antialiasing effect
rope_smooth_maxalpha : 0.5 : , "cl", "launcher" : Alpha for rope antialiasing effect
rope_smooth_maxalphawidth : 1.75 : , "cl", "launcher" :
rope_smooth_minalpha : 0.2 : , "cl", "launcher" : Alpha for rope antialiasing effect
rope_smooth_minwidth : 0.3 : , "cl", "launcher" : When using smoothing, this is the min screenspace width it lets a rope shrink to
rope_solid_maxalpha : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
rope_solid_maxwidth : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
rope_solid_minalpha : 0.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
rope_solid_minwidth : 0.3 : , "cl", "launcher" :
rope_subdiv : 2 : , "cl", "launcher" : Rope subdivision amount
rope_wind_dist : 1000 : , "cl", "launcher" : Don't use CPU applying small wind gusts to ropes when they're past this distance.
rpt : cmd : , "norecord", "matsys" : Issue an rpt command.
rpt_client_enable : cmd : , "norecord", "clientcmd_can_execute", "matsys" :
rpt_connect : cmd : , "norecord", "server_can_execute", "matsys" :
rpt_download_log : cmd : , "norecord", "matsys" :
rpt_end : cmd : , "norecord", "matsys" :
rpt_password : cmd : , "norecord", "matsys" :
rpt_screenshot : cmd : , "norecord", "matsys" :
rpt_server_enable : cmd : , "norecord", "clientcmd_can_execute", "matsys" :
rpt_start : cmd : , "norecord", "matsys" :
rpt_vprof_time : 0.25 : , "norecord", "matsys", "launcher" :
rr_debugplayer : -1 : , "sv", "launcher" : Player entindex for which to print speech attempts (0 for all)
rr_debugresponseconcept : : , "sv", "launcher" : If set, rr_debugresponses will print only responses testing for the specified concept
rr_debugresponseconcept_exclude : cmd : , "sv" : Set a list of concepts to exclude from rr_debugresponseconcept. Separate multiple concepts with spaces. Call with no arguments to see current list. Call 'rr_debug_responseconcept_exclude !' to reset.
rr_debugresponses : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Show verbose matching output (1 for simple, 2 for rule scoring, 3 for noisy). If set to 4, it will only show response success/failure for npc_selected NPCs.
rr_debugrule : : , "sv", "launcher" : If set to the name of the rule, that rule's score will be shown whenever a concept is passed into the response rules system.
rr_dumpresponses : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Dump all response_rules.txt and rules (requires restart)
rr_followup_maxdist : 1800 : , "sv", "cheat" : 'then ANY' or 'then ALL' response followups will be dispatched only to characters within this distance.
rr_forceconcept : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : fire a response concept directly at a given character. USAGE: rr_forceconcept <target> <concept> "criteria1:value1,criteria2:value2,..." criteria values are optional. target may also be 'any', 'all', etc.
rr_reloadresponsesystems : cmd : , "sv" : Reload all response system scripts.
rr_remarkable_maxdist : 1500 : , "sv", "cheat" : info_remarkables more distant than this from a player will not even be tested to see if a rule matches them.
rr_remarkable_world_entities_replay_limit : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" : TLK_REMARKs will be dispatched no more than this many times for any given info_remarkable
rr_thenany_score_slop : 0.0 : , "a", "sv", "cheat" : When computing respondents for a 'THEN ANY' rule, all rule-matching scores within this much of the best score will be considered.
save : cmd : , "norecord" : Saves current game.
save_async : 1 : , "launcher" :
save_asyncdelay : 0 : , "launcher" : For testing, adds this many milliseconds of delay to the save operation.
save_console : 0 : , "launcher" : Autosave on the PC behaves like it does on the consoles.
save_disable : 0 : , "launcher" :
save_finish_async : cmd : :
save_history_count : 1 : , "launcher" : Keep this many old copies in history of autosaves and quicksaves.
save_huddelayframes : 1 : , "launcher" : Number of frames to defer for drawing the Saving message.
save_in_memory : 0 : , "launcher" : Set to 1 to save to memory instead of disk (Xbox 360)
save_noxsave : 0 : , "launcher" :
save_screenshot : 1 : , "launcher" : 0 = none, 1 = non-autosave, 2 = always
save_spew : 0 : , "launcher" :
say : cmd : , "sv" : Display player message
say_team : cmd : , "sv" : Display player message to team
sb_add : cmd : , "sv" : Add a Survivor Bot.
sb_all_bot_game : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Allow a server of nothing but bots
sb_allow_leading : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : If nonzero, SurvivorBots can take the lead and won't always wait behind the lead human player
sb_allow_shoot_through_survivors : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" : Allow survivorbots to shoot through fellow survivors
sb_battlestation_give_up_range_from_human : 1500 : , "sv", "cheat" :
sb_battlestation_human_hold_time : 4 : , "sv", "cheat" : How long the nearest human must hold their place before SurvivorBots will re-evaluate their Battlestations
sb_close_checkpoint_door_interval : 2 : , "sv", "cheat" :
sb_close_threat_range : 200 : , "sv", "cheat" :
sb_combat_saccade_speed : 1000 : , "sv", "cheat" :
sb_crouch : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Forces survivor bots to crouch
sb_debug_apoproach_wait_time : 5 : , "sv", "cheat" : How long a SurvivorBot waits once it reaches its debug move-to spot
sb_debug_buddy : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
sb_debug_locomotion : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
sb_debug_retreat : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
sb_debug_team_avoidance : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
sb_dont_bash : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Force SurvivorBots to not bash
sb_dont_shoot : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Force SurvivorBots to not fire their weapons
sb_enforce_proximity_lookat_timeout : 10 : , "sv", "cheat" :
sb_enforce_proximity_range : 1500 : , "sv", "cheat" :
sb_escort : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
sb_far_hearing_range : 1500 : , "sv", "cheat" :
sb_firstopentime : 0 : , "launcher" : Indicates the time the server browser was first opened.
sb_flashlight : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Forces survivor bots to use flashlights (-1 to force off)
sb_follow_stress_factor : 0.5 : , "sv", "cheat" :
sb_force_max_intensity : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Force intensity of selected SurvivorBot to maximum level.
sb_friend_immobilized_reaction_time_expert : 0.5 : , "sv", "cheat" : How quickly a SurvivorBot realizes a friend has been Pounced or Tongued
sb_friend_immobilized_reaction_time_hard : 1.0 : , "sv", "cheat" : How quickly a SurvivorBot realizes a friend has been Pounced or Tongued
sb_friend_immobilized_reaction_time_normal : 2.0 : , "sv", "cheat" : How quickly a SurvivorBot realizes a friend has been Pounced or Tongued
sb_friend_immobilized_reaction_time_vs : 0.5 : , "sv", "cheat" : How quickly a SurvivorBot realizes a friend has been Pounced or Tongued
sb_friendlyfire : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
sb_give : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Give an item to each Survivor bot
sb_give_random_weapon : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Give a random weapon to each Survivor bot
sb_hindrance_range : 150 : , "sv", "cheat" :
sb_hold_position : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Force SurvivorBots to stand still
sb_l4d1_survivor_behavior : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
sb_locomotion_wait_threshold : 10 : , "sv", "cheat" :
sb_max_battlestation_range_from_human : 750 : , "sv", "cheat" :
sb_max_scavenge_separation : 750 : , "sv", "cheat" : SurvivorBots won't scavenge items farther away from the group than this
sb_max_team_melee_weapons : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : The total number of melee weapons allowed on the team. 0 = bots never use melee
sb_melee_approach_victim : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
sb_min_attention_notice_time : 0.5 : , "sv", "cheat" : If someone looks at me longer than this, I'll notice
sb_min_orphan_time_to_cover : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
sb_minigun_distance : 30.0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
sb_move : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" : Stop all SurvivorBots from moving
sb_move_to_cursor : cmd : , "sv" : Sends survivor bots to cursor target
sb_narrow_corridor_width : 100 : , "sv", "cheat" :
sb_near_hearing_range : 500 : , "sv", "cheat" :
sb_neighbor_range : 300 : , "sv", "cheat" : How close a friend needs to be to feel safe
sb_normal_saccade_speed : 350 : , "sv", "cheat" :
sb_numtimesopened : 0 : , "launcher" : Indicates the number of times the server browser was opened this session.
sb_open_fire : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Forces survivor bots to fire continuously
sb_path_lookahead_range : 200 : , "sv", "cheat" :
sb_perf_collect : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Collect perf for Steam stats
sb_perf_crawl : 0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : If true, survivor bot will be doing a perf-crawl walk through the map
sb_perf_crawl_ang : 5 : , "sv", "cheat" : Rotation angles at perf-crawl snapshots in the map
sb_perf_crawl_dist : 128 : , "sv", "cheat" : Distance between perf-crawl snapshots in the map
sb_perf_crawl_time : 1.0 : , "sv", "cheat" : How much time is spent at each perf-crawl spot/ang in the map
sb_perf_dump : 0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : If true, low perf places will be dumped
sb_perf_dump_bots : : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Which bots to use for dumping: namvet, girl, biker, manager
sb_perf_dump_low : 40 : , "cl", "launcher" : Low perf threshold
sb_perf_dump_low_dist : 64 : , "cl", "launcher" : Dump low perf points at least this distance apart
sb_pushscale : 1.0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
sb_reachability_cache_lifetime : 3 : , "sv", "cheat" :
sb_reachable_cache_paranoia : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
sb_replacement_interval : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Force SurvivorBots to be replaced after this many seconds for stress testing
sb_rescue_vehicle_loading_range : 300 : , "sv", "cheat" : How close to the arrival point of the rescue vehicle SurvivorBots try to get
sb_revive_friend_distance : 125.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
sb_separation_danger_max_range : 600 : , "sv", "cheat" : A Survivor teammate this far away needs to be gathered back into the group
sb_separation_danger_min_range : 200 : , "sv", "cheat" : A Survivor teammate this far away is straying from the group
sb_separation_range : 200 : , "sv", "cheat" : Desired distance between Survivors
sb_show_threat_areas : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
sb_sidestep_for_horde : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Allow sidestepping left/right to acquire common infected targets
sb_skill : survivor : , "sv", "launcher" :
sb_stop : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Forces survivor bots to stand still
sb_takecontrol : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Take control of a bot.
sb_temp_health_consider_factor : 0.5 : , "sv", "launcher" : Temporary health is multiplied by this when SurvivorBots consider who needs healing
sb_threat_close_range : 150 : , "sv", "cheat" : Very close range for threats
sb_threat_exposure_stop : 200000 : , "sv", "cheat" :
sb_threat_exposure_walk : 50000 : , "sv", "cheat" :
sb_threat_far_range : 600 : , "sv", "cheat" : Close enough to be a threat if near several other threats
sb_threat_medium_range : 300 : , "sv", "cheat" : Too close for comfort, even when neutral
sb_threat_very_close_range : 150 : , "sv", "cheat" :
sb_threat_very_far_range : 1500 : , "sv", "cheat" : Too far to be a threat, even for boss infected
sb_toughness_buffer : 15 : , "sv", "launcher" : How much more SurvivorBots must be hurt to conider themselves equally valid as a healing target
sb_transition : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" : If true, survivor bots will be used as placeholders for survivors who are still changing levels
sb_unstick : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
sb_use_button_range : 1000 : , "sv", "cheat" :
sb_use_upgrades : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
sb_vomit_blind_time : 5 : , "sv", "cheat" : How long Boomer vomit/explosion gore blinds us
scavenge_cluster_bonus_time : 15 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Time added to the clock every time a cluster is cleared (in linear scavenge)
scavenge_cluster_range_squared : 100000 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Cans closer than this range will be combined into a single cluster.
scavenge_cluster_remove_on_pour : 1 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" :
scavenge_increment_score : cmd : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Increment the scavenge team score
scavenge_item_respawn_delay : 20 : , "sv", "cheat" : After being destroyed, time until a scavenge item will respawn
scavenge_match_finished_delay : 5 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : After a match ends, move on to post-round state after this many seconds.
scavenge_overtime_grace_time : 1 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : How long survivors can go without a scavenge item before overtime will end.
scavenge_round_initial_time : 90 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Initial time on the clock when a scavenge round starts
scavenge_round_restart_delay : 10 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : After a round, restart the round after this many seconds.
scavenge_round_restart_delay_tied : 15 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : After a tie, restart the round after this many seconds.
scavenge_round_setup_time : 45 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Setup time before the round starts
scavenge_score_bonus_time : 20 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Time added to the clock every time a team scores
scavenge_scoreboard_round_sound_effect_interval : 0.1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
scavenge_scoreboard_round_time_effect_delay : 0.05 : , "cl", "launcher" :
scavenge_scoreboard_round_time_effect_duration : 3.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
scavenge_scoreboard_survivor_score_effect_delay : 0.25 : , "cl", "launcher" :
scavenge_set_round_limit : cmd : , "sv" : Set the number of rounds for a scavenge match
scavenge_start : cmd : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Force the scavenge round to start
scavenge_wanderer_respawn_chance : 3 : , "sv", "cheat" : Percent chance that a new wanderer will spawn in a cleared nav area.
scenario_end : cmd : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Force the current scenario to end
scene_async_prefetch_spew : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Display async .ani file loading info.
scene_clientflex : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Do client side flex animation.
scene_clientplayback : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" : Play all vcds on the clients.
scene_flush : cmd : , "sv" : Flush all .vcds from the cache and reload from disk.
scene_forcecombined : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : When playing back, force use of combined .wav files even in english.
scene_maxcaptionradius : 1200 : , "sv", "launcher" : Only show closed captions if recipient is within this many units of speaking actor (0==disabled).
scene_print : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : When playing back a scene, print timing and event info to console.
scene_showlook : 0 : , "a", "sv" : When playing back, show the directions of look events.
scene_showmoveto : 0 : , "a", "sv" : When moving, show the end location.
scene_showunlock : 0 : , "a", "sv" : Show when a vcd is playing but normal AI is running.
scene_vcdautosave : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Create a savegame before VCD playback
+score : cmd : , "cl" :
-score : cmd : , "cl" :
scr_centertime : 2 : , "cl", "launcher" :
screenfademaxsize : cmd : , "cheat", "cl", "launcher" : Modify global screen fade max size in pixels
screenfademinsize : cmd : , "cheat", "cl", "launcher" : Modify global screen fade min size in pixels
screenshot : cmd : , "clientcmd_can_execute" : Take a screenshot.
script : cmd : , "sv" : Run the text as a script
script_debug : cmd : , "sv" : Connect the vscript VM to the script debugger
script_dump_all : cmd : , "sv" : Dump the state of the VM to the console
script_execute : cmd : , "sv" : Run a vscript file
script_help : cmd : , "sv" : Output help for script functions, optionally with a search string
script_reload_code : cmd : , "sv" : Execute a vscript file, replacing existing functions with the functions in the run script
script_reload_enity_code : cmd : , "sv" : Execute all of this entity's VScripts, replacing existing functions with the functions in the run scripts
script_reload_think : cmd : , "sv" : Execute an activation script, replacing existing functions with the functions in the run script
select_cliff : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Selects all NAV_MESH_CLIFF areas.
select_invalid_finale_nospawn : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Selects all FINALE_NOSPAWN areas that aren't also FINALE.
select_with_attribute : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Selects areas with the given attribute.
sensitivity : 3 : , "a", "cl" : Mouse sensitivity.
server_game_time : cmd : , "sv" : Gives the game time in seconds (server's curtime)
servercfgfile : server.cfg : , "sv", "launcher" :
setang : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Snap player eyes to specified pitch yaw <roll:optional> (must have sv_cheats).
setang_exact : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Snap player eyes and orientation to specified pitch yaw <roll:optional> (must have sv_cheats).
setinfo : cmd : , "clientcmd_can_execute" : Adds a new user info value
setmaster : cmd : : add/remove/enable/disable master servers
setmodel : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Changes's player's model
setpause : cmd : : Set the pause state of the server.
setpos : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Move player to specified origin (must have sv_cheats).
setpos_exact : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Move player to an exact specified origin (must have sv_cheats).
setpos_player : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Move specified player to specified origin (must have sv_cheats).
sfm_record_hz : 30 : , "cl", "launcher" :
shake : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Shake the screen.
shake_show : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Displays a list of the active screen shakes.
shake_stop : cmd : , "cheat", "cl" : Stops all active screen shakes.
shotgun_reload_cancel_delay : 0.5 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : On reload from empty, time before a fire command is recognized to cancel the reload.
shout_going_to_die_interval : 20 : , "sv", "cheat" :
shout_make_way_interval : 2 : , "sv", "cheat" :
shout_max_warn_range : 2000 : , "sv", "cheat" :
shout_min_special_warn_interval : 5 : , "sv", "cheat" :
shout_min_use_range : 200 : , "sv", "cheat" :
shout_min_warn_interval : 10 : , "sv", "cheat" :
shout_threat_range : 500 : , "sv", "cheat" :
shout_view_motion_threshold : 0.01 : , "sv", "cheat" :
shout_view_target_threahold : 0.01 : , "sv", "cheat" :
show_addon_load_order : cmd : : Display's the load order for custom addon files.
show_menu : cmd : , "cl" : Opens a menu
+showbudget : cmd : , "cheat" :
-showbudget : cmd : , "cheat" :
showbudget_texture : 0 : , "cheat" : Enable the texture budget panel.
+showbudget_texture : cmd : , "cheat" :
-showbudget_texture : cmd : , "cheat" :
+showbudget_texture_global : cmd : , "cheat" :
-showbudget_texture_global : cmd : , "cheat" :
showbudget_texture_global_dumpstats : cmd : : Dump all items in +showbudget_texture_global in a text form
showbudget_texture_global_sum : 0.0f : , "launcher" :
showconsole : cmd : , "norecord" : Show the console.
showGameSettings : cmd : , "cl" :
showinfo : cmd : , "cl" : Shows a info panel: <type> <title> <message> [<command>]
showpanel : cmd : , "cl" : Shows a viewport panel <name>
showparticlecounts : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Display number of particles drawn per frame
+showscores : cmd : , "cl" :
-showscores : cmd : , "cl" :
+showstats : cmd : , "cl", "launcher" :
-showstats : cmd : , "cl", "launcher" :
ShowSteamStatsSessionID : cmd : , "cl", "launcher" : Prints out the client and server session ID's (developer convar must be set to non-zero).
showtriggers : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Shows trigger brushes
showtriggers_toggle : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Toggle show triggers
+showvprof : cmd : :
-showvprof : cmd : :
singlestep : 0 : , "cheat" : Run engine in single step mode ( set next to 1 to advance a frame )
sk_autoaim_mode : 1 : , "a", "rep", "cl" :
sk_player_arm : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
sk_player_chest : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
sk_player_head : 2 : , "sv", "launcher" :
sk_player_leg : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
sk_player_stomach : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
skill : 1.000000 : , "a" : Game skill level (1-3).
slot0 : cmd : , "server_can_execute", "cl" :
slot1 : cmd : , "server_can_execute", "cl" :
slot10 : cmd : , "server_can_execute", "cl" :
slot2 : cmd : , "server_can_execute", "cl" :
slot3 : cmd : , "server_can_execute", "cl" :
slot4 : cmd : , "server_can_execute", "cl" :
slot5 : cmd : , "server_can_execute", "cl" :
slot6 : cmd : , "server_can_execute", "cl" :
slot7 : cmd : , "server_can_execute", "cl" :
slot8 : cmd : , "server_can_execute", "cl" :
slot9 : cmd : , "server_can_execute", "cl" :
sm : cmd : : SourceMod Menu
sm_addban : cmd : : sm_addban <time> <steamid> [reason]
sm_admin : cmd : : Displays the admin menu
sm_ban : cmd : : sm_ban <#userid|name> <minutes|0> [reason]
sm_banip : cmd : : sm_banip <ip|#userid|name> <time> [reason]
sm_basepath : addons\sourcemod : : SourceMod base path (set via command line)
sm_beacon : cmd : : sm_beacon <#userid|name> [0/1]
sm_beacon_radius : 375 : : Sets the radius for beacon's light rings.
sm_blind : cmd : : sm_blind <#userid|name> [amount] - Leave amount off to reset.
sm_burn : cmd : : sm_burn <#userid|name> [time]
sm_burn_duration : 20.0 : : Sets the default duration of sm_burn and firebomb victims.
sm_cancelvote : cmd : : sm_cancelvote
sm_chat : cmd : : sm_chat <message> - sends message to admins
sm_chat_mode : 1 : : Allows player's to send messages to admin chat.
sm_cookies : cmd : : sm_cookies <name> [value]
sm_corecfgfile : addons\sourcemod\configs\core.cfg : : SourceMod core configuration file
sm_csay : cmd : : sm_csay <message> - sends centered message to all players
sm_cvar : cmd : : sm_cvar <cvar> [value]
sm_cvarlist : cmd : , "ss_added" : sm_cvarlist <search strings> [/listed] or [/unlisted] [/file]
sm_cvarlist_version : 1.0 : , "sp", "nf", "ss_added" : sm_cvarlist version
sm_datetime_format : %m/%d/%Y - %H:%M:%S : : Default formatting time rules
sm_deadtalk : 0 : : Controls how dead communicate. 0 - Off. 1 - Dead players ignore teams. 2 - Dead players talk to living teammates.
sm_drug : cmd : : sm_drug <#userid|name> [0/1]
sm_dump_admcache : cmd : : Dumps the admin cache for debugging
sm_dump_classes : cmd : : Dumps the class list as a text file
sm_dump_datamaps : cmd : : Dumps the data map list as a text file
sm_dump_handles : cmd : : Dumps Handle usage to a file for finding Handle leaks
sm_dump_netprops : cmd : : Dumps the networkable property table as a text file
sm_dump_netprops_xml : cmd : : Dumps the networkable property table as an XML file
sm_dump_teprops : cmd : : Dumps tempentity props to a file
sm_execcfg : cmd : : sm_execcfg <filename>
sm_firebomb : cmd : : sm_firebomb <#userid|name> [0/1]
sm_firebomb_mode : 0 : : Who is targetted by the FireBomb? 0 = Target only, 1 = Target's team, 2 = Everyone
sm_firebomb_radius : 600 : : Sets the bomb blast radius.
sm_firebomb_ticks : 10.0 : : Sets how long the FireBomb fuse is.
sm_flood_time : 0.75 : : Amount of time allowed between chat messages
sm_freeze : cmd : : sm_freeze <#userid|name> [time]
sm_freeze_duration : 10.0 : : Sets the default duration for sm_freeze and freezebomb victims
sm_freezebomb : cmd : : sm_freezebomb <#userid|name> [0/1]
sm_freezebomb_mode : 0 : : Who is targetted by the freezebomb? 0 = Target only, 1 = Target's team, 2 = Everyone
sm_freezebomb_radius : 600 : : Sets the freezebomb blast radius.
sm_freezebomb_ticks : 10.0 : : Sets how long the freezebomb fuse is.
sm_gag : cmd : : sm_gag <player> - Removes a player's ability to use chat.
sm_gravity : cmd : : sm_gravity <#userid|name> [amount] - Leave amount off to reset. Amount is 0.0 through 5.0
sm_help : cmd : : Displays SourceMod commands and descriptions
sm_hide_slots : 0 : : If set to 1, reserved slots will hidden (subtracted from the max slot count)
sm_hsay : cmd : : sm_hsay <message> - sends hint message to all players
sm_immunity_mode : 1 : , "sp" : Mode for deciding immunity protection
sm_kick : cmd : : sm_kick <#userid|name> [reason]
sm_map : cmd : : sm_map <map>
sm_menu_sounds : 1 : : Sets whether SourceMod menus play trigger sounds
sm_msay : cmd : : sm_msay <message> - sends message as a menu panel
sm_mute : cmd : : sm_mute <player> - Removes a player's ability to use voice.
sm_nextmap : : , "nf" :
sm_noclip : cmd : : sm_noclip <#userid|name>
sm_play : cmd : : sm_play <#userid|name> <filename>
sm_print_telist : cmd : : Prints the temp entity list
sm_psay : cmd : : sm_psay <name or #userid> <message> - sends private message
sm_rcon : cmd : : sm_rcon <args>
sm_reloadadmins : cmd : : sm_reloadadmins
sm_rename : cmd : : sm_rename <#userid|name>
sm_reserve_kicktype : 0 : : How to select a client to kick (if appropriate)
sm_reserve_maxadmins : 1 : : Maximum amount of admins to let in the server with reserve type 2
sm_reserve_type : 0 : : Method of reserving slots
sm_reserved_slots : 0 : : Number of reserved player slots
sm_resetcvar : cmd : : sm_resetcvar <cvar>
sm_revote : cmd : :
sm_say : cmd : : sm_say <message> - sends message to all players
sm_searchcmd : cmd : : Searches SourceMod commands
sm_settings : cmd : :
sm_show_activity : 13 : , "sp" : Activity display setting (see sourcemod.cfg)
sm_silence : cmd : : sm_silence <player> - Removes a player's ability to use voice or chat.
sm_slap : cmd : : sm_slap <#userid|name> [damage]
sm_slay : cmd : : sm_slay <#userid|name>
sm_time_adjustment : 0 : : Adjusts the server time in seconds
sm_timebomb : cmd : : sm_timebomb <#userid|name> [0/1]
sm_timebomb_mode : 0 : : Who is killed by the timebomb? 0 = Target only, 1 = Target's team, 2 = Everyone
sm_timebomb_radius : 600 : : Sets the bomb blast radius.
sm_timebomb_ticks : 10.0 : : Sets how long the timebomb fuse is.
sm_timeleft_interval : 0.0 : : Display timeleft every x seconds. Default 0.
sm_trigger_show : 1 : : Display triggers message to all players? (0 off, 1 on, def. 1)
sm_tsay : cmd : : sm_tsay [color] <message> - sends top-left message to all players
sm_unban : cmd : : sm_unban <steamid|ip>
sm_ungag : cmd : : sm_ungag <player> - Restores a player's ability to use chat.
sm_unmute : cmd : : sm_unmute <player> - Restores a player's ability to use voice.
sm_unsilence : cmd : : sm_unsilence <player> - Restores a player's ability to use voice and chat.
sm_vote : cmd : : sm_vote <question> [Answer1] [Answer2] ... [Answer5]
sm_vote_alltalk : 0.60 : : percent required for successful alltalk vote.
sm_vote_ban : 0.60 : : percent required for successful ban vote.
sm_vote_burn : 0.60 : : percent required for successful burn vote.
sm_vote_delay : 30 : : Sets the recommended time in between public votes
sm_vote_ff : 0.60 : : percent required for successful friendly fire vote.
sm_vote_gravity : 0.60 : : percent required for successful gravity vote.
sm_vote_kick : 0.60 : : percent required for successful kick vote.
sm_vote_map : 0.60 : : percent required for successful map vote.
sm_vote_progress_chat : 0 : : Show current vote progress as chat messages
sm_vote_progress_client_console : 0 : : Show current vote progress as console messages to clients
sm_vote_progress_console : 0 : : Show current vote progress as console messages
sm_vote_progress_hintbox : 0 : : Show current vote progress in a hint box
sm_vote_slay : 0.60 : : percent required for successful slay vote.
sm_votealltalk : cmd : : sm_votealltalk
sm_voteban : cmd : : sm_voteban <player> [reason]
sm_voteburn : cmd : : sm_voteburn <player>
sm_voteff : cmd : : sm_voteff
sm_votegravity : cmd : : sm_votegravity <amount> [amount2] ... [amount5]
sm_votekick : cmd : : sm_votekick <player> [reason]
sm_votemap : cmd : : sm_votemap <mapname> [mapname2] ... [mapname5]
sm_voteslay : cmd : : sm_voteslay <player>
sm_who : cmd : : sm_who [#userid|name]
Smoker_escape_range : 750 : , "sv", "cheat" :
smoker_pz_claw_dmg : 4 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Amount of damage done by a PZ smoker's regular melee attack
smoker_tongue_delay : 1.5 : , "sv", "cheat" :
smoothstairs : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Smooth player eye z coordinate when traversing stairs.
snapto : cmd : , "cl" :
snd_async_flush : cmd : : Flush all unlocked async audio data
snd_async_fullyasync : 1 : , "launcher" : All playback is fully async (sound doesn't play until data arrives).
snd_async_minsize : 262144 : , "launcher" :
snd_async_showmem : cmd : : Show async memory stats
snd_async_showmem_music : cmd : : Show async memory stats for just non-streamed music
snd_async_showmem_summary : cmd : : Show brief async memory stats
snd_async_spew_blocking : 0 : , "launcher" : Spew message to console any time async sound loading blocks on file i/o.
snd_async_stream_fail : 0 : , "launcher" : Spew stream pool failures.
snd_async_stream_spew : 0 : , "launcher" : Spew streaming info ( 0=Off, 1=streams, 2=buffers
snd_buildsoundcachefordirectory : cmd : : rebuild sound.cache for full path to directory ending with a sound/ folder
snd_cull_duplicates : 0 : , "launcher" : If nonzero, aggressively cull duplicate sounds during mixing. The number specifies the number of duplicates allowed to be played.
snd_debug_gaincurve : 0 : , "launcher" : Visualize sound gain fall off
snd_debug_gaincurvevol : 1.0 : , "launcher" : Visualize sound gain fall off
snd_defer_trace : 1 : , "launcher" :
snd_delay_sound_shift : 0.03 : , "launcher" :
snd_disable_mixer_duck : 0 : , "launcher" :
snd_disable_mixer_solo : 0 : , "launcher" :
snd_duckerattacktime : 0.5 : , "a" :
snd_duckerreleasetime : 2.5 : , "a" :
snd_duckerthreshold : 0.15 : , "a" :
snd_ducktovolume : 0.55 : , "a" :
snd_dump_filepaths : cmd : :
snd_dumpclientsounds : cmd : : Dump sounds to console
snd_filter : : , "cheat" :
snd_foliage_db_loss : 4 : , "cheat" : foliage dB loss per 1200 units
snd_gain : 1 : , "cheat" :
snd_gain_max : 1 : , "cheat" :
snd_gain_min : 0.01 : , "cheat" :
snd_getmixer : cmd : : Get data related to mix group matching string
snd_legacy_surround : 0 : , "a" :
snd_list : : , "launcher" :
snd_list_mix_groups : cmd : : List all mix groups to dev console.
snd_list_mixers : cmd : : List all mixers to dev console.
snd_lockpartial : 1 : , "launcher" :
snd_max_same_sounds : 4 : , "launcher" :
snd_max_same_weapon_sounds : 3 : , "launcher" :
snd_mergemethod : 1 : , "launcher" : Sound merge method (0 == sum and clip, 1 == max, 2 == avg).
snd_mix_async : 0 : , "launcher" :
snd_mix_minframetime : 0.010 : , "launcher" :
snd_mixahead : 0.1 : , "a" :
snd_mixer_master_dsp : 1.0 : , "launcher" :
snd_mixer_master_level : 1.0 : , "launcher" :
snd_moviefix : 1 : , "launcher" : Defer sound recording until next tick when laying off movies.
snd_musicvolume : 1 : , "a", "user" : Music volume
snd_noextraupdate : 0 : , "launcher" :
snd_obscured_gain_dB : -2.70 : , "cheat" :
snd_pitchquality : 1 : , "a" :
snd_play_in_out : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Plays one of two sounds from entity depending on players in/out location
snd_playsounds : cmd : , "server_can_execute", "clientcmd_can_execute", "cl" : Play sounds from the game sounds txt file at a given location
snd_pre_gain_dist_falloff : 1 : , "cheat" :
snd_prefetch_common : 1 : : Prefetch common sounds from directories specified in scripts/sound_prefetch.txt
snd_profile : 0 : , "demo", "launcher" :
snd_rebuildaudiocache : cmd : : rebuild audio cache
snd_rebuildlocalizedaudiocache : cmd : : rebuild audio cache for all localization
snd_refdb : 60 : , "cheat" : Reference dB at snd_refdist
snd_refdist : 36 : , "cheat" : Reference distance for snd_refdb
snd_restart : cmd : : Restart sound system.
snd_set_custom_zombat_suffix : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Overrides the per campaign zombat music suffix
snd_setmixer : cmd : : Set named Mixgroup of current mixer to mix vol, mute, solo.
snd_setmixlayer : cmd : : Set named Mixgroup of named mix layer to mix vol, mute, solo.
snd_setmixlayer_amount : cmd : : Set named mix layer mix amount.
snd_setsoundparam : cmd : , "server_can_execute", "clientcmd_can_execute", "cl" : Set a sound paramater
snd_show : 0 : , "launcher" : Show sounds info
snd_showclassname : 0 : , "launcher" :
snd_showmixer : 0 : , "launcher" :
snd_showstart : 0 : , "cheat" :
snd_ShowThreadFrameTime : 0 : , "launcher" :
snd_soundmixer : Default_Mix : , "launcher" :
snd_soundmixer_flush : cmd : : Reload soundmixers.txt file.
snd_soundmixer_parse_debug : 0 : , "launcher" :
snd_soundmixer_version : 2 : , "launcher" :
snd_spatialize_roundrobin : 0 : , "launcher" : Lowend optimization: if nonzero, spatialize only a fraction of sound channels each frame. 1/2^x of channels will be spatialized per frame.
snd_store_filepaths : 0 : , "launcher" :
snd_surround_speakers : 2 : , "launcher" :
snd_updateaudiocache : cmd : : checks _master.cache based on file sizes and rebuilds any change/new entries
snd_visualize : 0 : , "cheat" : Show sounds location in world
snd_vox_captiontrace : 0 : , "launcher" : Shows sentence name for sentences which are set not to show captions.
snd_vox_globaltimeout : 300 : , "launcher" :
snd_vox_sectimetout : 300 : , "launcher" :
snd_vox_seqtimetout : 300 : , "launcher" :
snd_writemanifest : cmd : : If running a game, outputs the precache manifest for the current level
sndplaydelay : cmd : :
soundfade : cmd : , "server_can_execute" : Fade client volume.
soundinfo : cmd : : Describe the current sound device.
soundlist : cmd : : List all known sounds.
soundpatch_captionlength : 2.0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : How long looping soundpatch captions should display for.
soundscape_debug : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : When on, draws lines to all env_soundscape entities. Green lines show the active soundscape, red lines show soundscapes that aren't in range, and white lines show soundscapes that are in range, but not the active soundscape.
soundscape_dumpclient : cmd : , "cheat", "cl" : Dumps the client's soundscape data.
soundscape_fadetime : 3.0 : , "cheat", "cl" : Time to crossfade sound effects between soundscapes
soundscape_flush : cmd : , "sv" : Flushes the server & client side soundscapes
soundscape_message : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
soundscape_radius_debug : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" : Prints current volume of radius sounds
sourcemod_version : 1.3.4 : , "sp", "nf", "rep" : SourceMod Version
spawn_behind_survivors_distance : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
spawnboomermenu : cmd : , "cl" : Show the Spawn Mode menu for boomers
spawnchargermenu : cmd : , "cl" : Show the Spawn Mode menu for chargers
spawnhuntermenu : cmd : , "cl" : Show the Spawn Mode menu for hunters
spawnjockeymenu : cmd : , "cl" : Show the Spawn Mode menu for jockeys
spawnmodemenu : cmd : , "cl" : Show the Spawn Mode menu
spawnsmokermenu : cmd : , "cl" : Show the Spawn Mode menu for smokers
spawnspittermenu : cmd : , "cl" : Show the Spawn Mode menu for spitters
speak : cmd : : Play a constructed sentence.
spec_allowroaming : 0 : , "a", "user", "cl" :
spec_autodirector : 1 : , "clientcmd_can_execute", "cl", "launcher" : Auto-director chooses best view modes while spectating
spec_centerchasecam : 0 : , "a", "cl" : Looks at the target player's center, instead of his eye position, in chase came mode
spec_chasedistance : 96 : , "cl", "launcher" : Chase cam's ideal distance from target
spec_chasedistancestep : 10 : , "a", "cl" : Amount to adjust the chase cam's distance on a zoom request
spec_cinematic : 0 : , "a", "user", "cl" :
spec_closeup_range : 10 : , "cl", "launcher" : Range at which we framing the head of our subject
spec_filter : any : , "sv", "launcher" : Spectate a subset of all players (any|human|bot|survivor|infected)
spec_filter_infected : any : , "sv", "launcher" : Spectate filter for infected players (any|human|bot|survivor|infected)
spec_filter_survivors : survivor : , "sv", "launcher" : Spectate filter for survivor players (any|human|bot|survivor|infected)
spec_freeze_distance_max : 200 : , "cheat", "cl" : Maximum random distance from the target to stop when framing them in observer freeze cam.
spec_freeze_distance_min : 96 : , "cheat", "cl" : Minimum random distance from the target to stop when framing them in observer freeze cam.
spec_freeze_time : 4.0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Time spend frozen in observer freeze cam.
spec_freeze_traveltime : 0.4 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Time taken to zoom in to frame a target in observer freeze cam.
spec_help : cmd : , "clientcmd_can_execute", "cl" : Show spectator help screen
spec_keep_team_cc : 1 : , "cheat", "cl" : Use team color correction even when spectating in vs mode
spec_keep_team_glows : 1 : , "cheat", "cl" : Use team glows even when spectating in vs mode
spec_lockedchasecam : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Spectator chase camera centers behind the spectated player
spec_lockedchasecam_center_speed : 1.5 : , "cl", "launcher" : Controls rate that camera is centered on the target
spec_lockedchasecam_delay : 3 : , "cl", "launcher" : Locked chasecam doesn't auto-center this many seconds after mouse movement
spec_lockedchasecam_pitch : 15 : , "cl", "launcher" :
spec_lockedchasecam_yaw : 15 : , "cl", "launcher" :
spec_longshot_range : 75 : , "cl", "launcher" : Range at which we framing the whole body of our subject
spec_max_tracking_error : 1000 : , "cl", "launcher" :
spec_menu : cmd : , "clientcmd_can_execute", "cl" : Activates spectator menu
spec_mode : cmd : , "clientcmd_can_execute", "cl" : Set spectator mode
spec_next : cmd : , "clientcmd_can_execute", "cl" : Spectate next player
spec_player : cmd : , "clientcmd_can_execute", "cl" : Spectate player by name
spec_pos : cmd : , "cl" : dump position and angles to the console
spec_prev : cmd : , "clientcmd_can_execute", "cl" : Spectate previous player
spec_scoreboard : 0 : , "a", "cl" :
spec_target : cmd : , "sv" :
spec_target_clear : cmd : , "sv" :
spec_track : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Tracks an entity in spec mode
spec_tracking_power : 5 : , "cl", "launcher" :
+speed : cmd : , "cl" :
-speed : cmd : , "cl" :
spike : cmd : , "cheat" : generates a fake spike
spit_scaling_min_scale : 0.35 : , "sv" : minimum scale to apply to spit damage when common dps is near max
spitter_pz_claw_dmg : 4 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Amount of damage done by a PZ spitter's regular melee attack
ss_connect : cmd : , "launcher" : If connected with available split screen slots, connects a split screen player to this machine.
ss_debug_draw_player : -1 : , "cheat", "cl", "launcher" :
ss_disconnect : cmd : , "launcher" : If connected with available split screen slots, connects a split screen player to this machine.
ss_map : cmd : , "norecord" : Start playing on specified map with max allowed splitscreen players.
ss_mimic : 0 : , "cheat", "cl", "launcher" : Split screen users mimic base player's CUserCmds
ss_splitmode : 0 : , "a", "cl" : Two player split screen mode (0 - recommended settings base on the width, 1 - horizontal, 2 - vertical (only allowed in widescreen)
ss_teleport : cmd : , "cheat", "cl", "launcher" : Teleport other splitscreen player to my location.
ss_verticalsplit : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Two player split screen uses vertical split (do not set this directly, use ss_splitmode instead).
ss_voice_hearpartner : 0 : , "launcher" : Route voice between splitscreen players on same system.
star_memory : cmd : : Dump memory stats
startdemos : cmd : : Play demos in demo sequence.
startmovie : cmd : , "norecord" : Start recording movie frames.
startupmenu : cmd : : Opens initial menu screen and loads the background bsp, but only if no other level is being loaded, and we're not in developer mode.
stats : cmd : : Prints server performance variables
stats_highlight_interval : 10 : , "cl", "launcher" : Interval between hightlight screens in the transition stats panel
stats_nexthighlight : cmd : , "cl" :
stats_show_empty : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
status : cmd : : Display map and connection status.
steam_stats_write_to_keyvalue : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : If enabled, steam stats will be written to a keyvalue.
steamworks_client_sessionid : 0 : , "cl", "matsys", "launcher" : The client session ID for the new steam works gamestats.
steamworks_immediate_upload : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "matsys", "launcher" : If set to zero the stats will only be uploaded at the end of the session. If set to non-zero, stats will immediately be uploaded.
steamworks_server_sessionid : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "matsys", "launcher" : The server session ID for the new steam works gamestats.
steamworks_show_uploads : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : If set to non-zero, will show when submitting tables.
steamworks_stats_disable : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "matsys", "launcher" : If set to non-zero then no steam works game stats will be used.
step_spline : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
still_vel_limit : 5 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : if player velocity is lower than this, he is 'still'
still_view_accel_limit : 1500 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : if player's view is accelerating less than this, his view is 'still'
stop : cmd : : Finish recording demo.
stopdemo : cmd : , "norecord" : Stop playing back a demo.
stopsound : cmd : , "cheat" :
stopsoundscape : cmd : , "cheat", "cl" : Stops all soundscape processing and fades current looping sounds
+strafe : cmd : , "cl" :
-strafe : cmd : , "cl" :
stringtable_alwaysrebuilddictionaries : 0 : , "launcher" : Rebuild dictionary file on every level load
stringtable_usedictionaries : 1 : , "launcher" : Use dictionaries for string table networking
stringtabledictionary : cmd : : Create dictionary for current strings.
studio_queue_mode : 1 : , "launcher" :
stuffcmds : cmd : : Parses and stuffs command line + commands to command buffer.
suitvolume : 0.25 : , "a", "sv" :
surfaceprop : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Reports the surface properties at the cursor
survival_boomer_limit_increase : 0 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : After each special wave, increase max boomers by this amount.
survival_charger_limit_increase : 0 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : After each special wave, increase max chargers by this amount.
survival_generate_fake_times : 1 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
survival_horde_stage_interval : 60 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Seconds between horde attacks
survival_horde_stage_interval_decay : 2 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : After each horde attack, reduce the interval by this many seconds
survival_hunter_limit_increase : 1 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : After each special wave, increase max hunters by this amount.
survival_jockey_limit_increase : 1 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : After each special wave, increase max jockeys by this amount.
survival_lull_time : 15 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Lull duration between survival waves.
survival_lull_time_increment : 15 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Increment for the lull time per wave.
survival_lull_time_max : 60 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Max lull duration.
survival_max_boomers : 2 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Max boomers alive at one time.
survival_max_chargers : 2 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Max chargers alive at one time.
survival_max_hunters : 3 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Max hunters alive at one time.
survival_max_jockeys : 2 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Max jockeys alive at one time.
survival_max_smokers : 4 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Max smokers alive at one time.
survival_max_specials : 8 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Max number of special zombies alive at one time.
survival_max_spitters : 3 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Max spitters alive at one time.
survival_round_restart_delay : 15 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : After a loss, restart the round after this many seconds.
survival_smoker_limit_increase : 1 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : After each special wave, increase max smokers by this amount.
survival_special_limit_increase : 1 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : After each special wave, increase max specials by this amount.
survival_special_spawn_interval : 20 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Seconds between special spawn waves
survival_special_spawn_interval_decay : 1 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : After each special wave, reduce the spawn interval by this many seconds
survival_special_stage_interval : 60 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : After this many seconds, increase special zombie limits
survival_spitter_limit_increase : 1 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : After each special wave, increase max spitters by this amount.
survival_start : cmd : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Force the survival round to start
survival_tank_multiple_spawn_delay : 10 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Delay between the two tanks during double spawns.
survival_tank_stage_interval : 80 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Seconds between tank attacks
survival_tank_stage_interval_decay : 20 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : After some number of waves, reduce the interval by this many seconds
survivor_accuracy_upgrade_factor : 0.5 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
survivor_allow_crawling : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
survivor_autolook_voc_delay : 1 : , "cheat", "cl" : After staring an object for this many seconds, a survivor will say a smartlook concept for it if available.
survivor_burn_factor_easy : 0.2 : , "sv", "cheat" : Flame damage multiplier
survivor_burn_factor_expert : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" : Flame damage multiplier
survivor_burn_factor_hard : 0.4 : , "sv", "cheat" : Flame damage multiplier
survivor_burn_factor_normal : 0.2 : , "sv", "cheat" : Flame damage multiplier
survivor_calm_damage_delay : 5 : , "sv", "cheat" : survivors are not calm for this many seconds after taking damage
survivor_calm_deploy_delay : 2 : , "sv", "cheat" : survivors are not calm for this many seconds after switching weapons
survivor_calm_intensity : 0.25 : , "sv", "cheat" : survivors are not calm if their intensity level is above this point
survivor_calm_no_flashlight : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" : survivors are not calm if they have their flashlight on, to keep the weapon pointing along the flashlight beam
survivor_calm_recent_enemy_delay : 5 : , "sv", "cheat" : survivors are not calm for this many seconds after seeing an enemy
survivor_calm_weapon_delay : 5 : , "sv", "cheat" : survivors are not calm for this many seconds after firing
survivor_crawl_speed : 15 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
survivor_crouch_speed : 75 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
survivor_damage_speed_factor : 0.25f : , "sv", "cheat" : How much a Survivor is slowed when hit by an Infected
survivor_death_anims : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
survivor_debug_active_area_set : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
survivor_debug_in_combat : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
survivor_debug_visibility : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
survivor_drag_continuous_fire : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Survivors need to hold +attack2 to drag incapacitated survivors
survivor_drag_speed_multiplier : .5 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Multiplier to speed when we are dragging somebody.
survivor_drag_type : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : 0: no dragging, 1: short tug, 2: continuous drag
survivor_expressions : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
survivor_expressions_anger : -1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
survivor_expressions_fear : -1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
survivor_ff_avoidance : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
survivor_ff_avoidance_pitch : 20 : , "sv", "cheat" :
survivor_ff_avoidance_yaw : 10 : , "sv", "cheat" :
survivor_ff_tolerance : 26 : , "sv", "cheat" :
survivor_fog_vocalize_percent : .23 : , "sv", "cheat" : The percent of the fog end distance that stops vocalizations.
survivor_friendly_fire_factor_easy : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
survivor_friendly_fire_factor_expert : 0.5 : , "sv", "cheat" :
survivor_friendly_fire_factor_hard : 0.3 : , "sv", "cheat" :
survivor_friendly_fire_factor_normal : 0.1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
survivor_fumes_walk_speed : 85 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
survivor_give_attract_timeout : 12 : , "sv", "cheat" : How long to try and attract a recipient for an item give before giving up
survivor_hanging_eye_height : 85 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
survivor_hanging_from_tongue_eye_height : 40 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
survivor_helping_hand_inhibit_duration : 1 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
survivor_hitsound_interval_timer : 0.1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
survivor_incap_decay_rate : 3 : , "sv", "launcher" :
survivor_incap_health : 300 : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" :
survivor_incap_hopeless_decay_rate : 12 : , "sv", "launcher" : If all survivors are incapacitated, their health decays at this speed
survivor_incap_max_fall_damage : 200 : , "sv", "launcher" : Taking falling damage greater than this will kill survivors outright instead of incapacitating them
survivor_incap_tongued_decay_rate : 12 : , "sv", "launcher" :
survivor_incapacitated_accuracy_penalty : 0.4 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Penalty given for shooting while incapacitated.
survivor_incapacitated_cycle_time : 0.3 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : New cycle time (RoF) used when incapacitated, overriding weapon.
survivor_incapacitated_dizzy_severity : 2.0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : From negative to positive this, how much bump we add to a incap'd player's mouse.
survivor_incapacitated_dizzy_timer : 2.5 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : How often our incap'd dizzy-drift changes directions.
survivor_incapacitated_eye_height : 24 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
survivor_incapacitated_reload_multiplier : 1.25 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Multiplier to reload time when incapacitated.
survivor_incapacitated_roll : 20 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
survivor_intensity_decay_threat_range : 750 : , "sv", "cheat" :
survivor_intensity_recent_enemy_duration : 5 : , "sv", "cheat" :
survivor_it_duration : 20 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
survivor_it_fade_in_interval : 0.2 : , "cl", "launcher" :
survivor_it_fade_out_interval : 2 : , "cl", "launcher" :
survivor_knockdown_roll : -20 : , "sv", "cheat" :
survivor_lazy_active_set : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
survivor_lean : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
survivor_ledge_grab_ground_check_time : 3.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
survivor_ledge_grab_health : 300 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
survivor_ledge_scales_health : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
survivor_limit : 4 : , "sv", "nf", "launcher" : Max # of survivors
survivor_limp_health : 40 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
survivor_limp_walk_speed : 85 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
survivor_max_incapacitated_count : 2 : , "sv", "cheat" : How many times you can be incapacitated instead of killed between health kits.
survivor_max_lunge_stagger_distance : 30 : , "sv", "cheat" : Max distance a stationary, crouched survivor can stagger after being lunged.
survivor_max_lunge_stagger_speed : 220 : , "sv", "cheat" : Hunters lunging this fast stagger survivors with full power.
survivor_max_tongue_stagger_distance : 200 : , "sv", "cheat" :
survivor_max_tongue_stagger_duration : 1.5 : , "sv", "cheat" :
survivor_max_tug_distance : 300 : , "sv", "cheat" :
survivor_max_tug_duration : 1.5 : , "sv", "cheat" :
survivor_min_lunge_stagger_speed : 50 : , "sv", "cheat" : Hunters must be lunging this fast to stagger a survivor.
survivor_model_selection : -1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
survivor_no_pounce_or_hang : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
survivor_pounce_victim_eye_height : 12 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
survivor_push : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
survivor_respawn_with_guns : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" : 0: Just a pistol, 1: Downgrade of last primary weapon, 2: Last primary weapon.
survivor_revive_after_drag : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Standing still after dragging someone will start reviving him
survivor_revive_continuous_fire : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Players need to hold +attack to revive
survivor_revive_duration : 5 : , "sv", "cheat" :
survivor_revive_health : 30 : , "sv", "cheat" : How much temp health you get revived with.
survivor_shove_teammates : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
survivor_speed : 210 : , "sv", "cheat" :
survivor_speed_boost_factor : 1.2 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Speed boost from upgrade
survivor_sprint_multiplier : 1.5 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
survivor_stun_immunity_duration : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
survivor_team_hit_pitch_max : 10 : , "sv", "cheat" :
survivor_team_hit_pitch_min : -10 : , "sv", "cheat" :
survivor_team_hit_yaw_max : 10 : , "sv", "cheat" :
survivor_team_hit_yaw_min : -10 : , "sv", "cheat" :
survivor_teammatefocus_enabled : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Enable or disable focusing on teammates via the use key
survivor_teammatefocus_speed : 10.0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Scalar speed for locking on a teammate in focus
survivor_teammatefocus_stickyness : 5 : , "cl", "launcher" : Amount the look controller must move before unlocking a teammate in focus
survivor_unstoppable_speed : 150 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
survivor_upgrade_reload_duration : 0.5 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Upgraded survivors reload in this fraction of the base time.
survivor_vision_range : 1500 : , "sv", "cheat" :
survivor_vision_range_obscured : 750 : , "sv", "cheat" :
sv__ragdoll_max_remove_per_frame : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
sv_accelerate : 5 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
sv_airaccelerate : 10 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
sv_allow_lobby_connect_only : 1 : : If set, players may only join this server from matchmaking lobby, may not connect directly.
sv_allow_votes : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" : Allow voting? (Requires mod's support first.)
sv_allow_wait_command : 1 : , "rep" : Allow or disallow the wait command on clients connected to this server.
sv_allowdownload : 1 : , "launcher" : Allow clients to download files
sv_allowupload : 1 : , "launcher" : Allow clients to upload customizations files
sv_alltalk : 0 : , "sv", "nf" : Players can hear all other players' voice communication, no team restrictions
sv_alternateticks : 0 : , "sp" : If set, server only simulates entities on even numbered ticks.
sv_always_full_flush : 0 : , "cheat" :
sv_anim_dumpstate : cmd : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Dump the animation state for all the player classes.
sv_autosave : 1 : , "launcher" : Set to 1 to autosave game on level transition. Does not affect autosave triggers.
sv_backspeed : 0.6 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : How much to slow down backwards motion
sv_banid_dev_enabled : 0 : , "launcher" :
sv_banid_enabled : 1 : : Whether server supports banid command
sv_benchmark_autovprofrecord : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : If running a benchmark and this is set, it will record a vprof file over the duration of the benchmark with filename benchmark.vprof.
sv_benchmark_force_start : cmd : , "sv" : Force start the benchmark. This is only for debugging. It's better to set sv_benchmark to 1 and restart the level.
sv_benchmark_numticks : 3300 : , "sv", "launcher" : If > 0, then it only runs the benchmark for this # of ticks.
sv_bonus_challenge : 0 : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" : Set to values other than 0 to select a bonus map challenge type.
sv_bounce : 0 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Bounce multiplier for when physically simulated objects collide with other objects.
sv_cacheencodedents : 1 : , "launcher" : If set to 1, does an optimization to prevent extra SendTable_Encode calls.
sv_cheats : 0 : , "nf", "rep" : Allow cheats on server
sv_clearhinthistory : cmd : , "sv" : Clear memory of server side hints displayed to the player.
sv_client_cmdrate_difference : 20 : , "rep", "launcher" : cl_cmdrate is moved to within sv_client_cmdrate_difference units of cl_updaterate before it is clamped between sv_mincmdrate and sv_maxcmdrate.
sv_client_max_interp_ratio : 5 : , "rep", "launcher" : This can be used to limit the value of cl_interp_ratio for connected clients (only while they are connected). If sv_client_min_interp_ratio is -1, then this cvar has no effect.
sv_client_min_interp_ratio : 1 : , "rep", "launcher" : This can be used to limit the value of cl_interp_ratio for connected clients (only while they are connected). -1 = let clients set cl_interp_ratio to anything any other value = set minimum value for cl_interp_ratio
sv_client_predict : -1 : , "rep", "launcher" : This can be used to force the value of cl_predict for connected clients (only while they are connected). -1 = let clients set cl_predict to anything 0 = force cl_predict to 0 1 = force cl_predict to 1
sv_clockcorrection_msecs : 60 : , "sv", "launcher" : The server tries to keep each player's m_nTickBase withing this many msecs of the server absolute tickcount
sv_consistency : 1 : , "rep" : Whether the server enforces file consistency for critical files
sv_contact : : , "nf" : Contact email for server sysop
sv_crash : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Causes a server crash for testing
sv_creationtickcheck : 1 : , "cheat", "launcher" : Do extended check for encoding of timestamps against tickcount
sv_cycle_latch_timer : 0.2 : , "sv", "cheat" : How often to transmit our cycle to the client for corrections.
sv_debug_entity : : , "sv", "launcher" :
sv_debug_player_use : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Visualizes +use logic. Green cross=trace success, Red cross=trace too far, Green box=radius success
sv_debugmanualmode : 0 : , "launcher" : Make sure entities correctly report whether or not their network data has changed.
sv_debugtempentities : 0 : , "launcher" : Show temp entity bandwidth usage.
sv_deltaprint : 0 : , "launcher" : Print accumulated CalcDelta profiling data (only if sv_deltatime is on)
sv_deltatime : 0 : , "launcher" : Enable profiling of CalcDelta calls
sv_demo_entity_record_rate : 30 : , "sp", "sv", "cheat" : Set the server demo record rate for entities.
sv_disable_glow_faritems : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Disable glows around items that are too far away to pickup.
sv_disable_glow_survivors : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Disable glows around Survivors.
sv_disable_querycache : 0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl", "launcher" : debug - disable trace query cache
sv_doors_push_players : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : If true, a door will push players out of the way as it opens and closes.
sv_downloadurl : : , "rep" : Location from which clients can download missing files
sv_dumpstringtables : 0 : , "cheat" :
sv_enableoldqueries : 0 : , "launcher" : Enable support for old style (HL1) server queries
sv_extra_client_connect_time : 15.0 : , "launcher" : Seconds after client connect during which extra frames are buffered to prevent non-delta'd update
sv_fallen_survivor_health_multiplier : 20.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
sv_filterban : 1 : , "launcher" : Set packet filtering by IP mode
sv_findsoundname : cmd : , "sv", "launcher" : Find sound names which reference the specified wave files.
sv_footstepinterval : 0.22 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
sv_footsteps : 1 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Play footstep sound for players
sv_force_time_of_day : -1 : , "sv", "cheat" : 0 - midnight, 3 - afternoon
sv_force_transmit_ents : 0 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Will transmit all entities to client, regardless of PVS conditions (will still skip based on transmit flags, however).
sv_forcepreload : 0 : , "a" : Force server side preloading.
sv_friction : 4 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" : World friction.
sv_gameinstructor_disable : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Force all clients to disable their game instructors.
sv_gametypes : coop,realism,survival,versus,scavenge : , "sv" : Allowable game types, usually set on server launch command line.
sv_glowenable : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Turns on and off the terror glow highlight effects
sv_gravity : 800 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" : World gravity.
sv_healing_gnome_replenish_rate : 1.5 : , "sv", "cheat" :
sv_hibernate_ms : 20 : , "launcher" : # of milliseconds to sleep per frame while hibernating
sv_hibernate_ms_vgui : 20 : , "launcher" : # of milliseconds to sleep per frame while hibernating but running the vgui dedicated server frontend
sv_hibernate_postgame_delay : 5 : , "launcher" : # of seconds to wait after final client leaves before hibernating.
sv_hibernate_when_empty : 1 : , "launcher" : Puts the server into extremely low CPU usage mode when no clients connected
sv_hosting_lobby : 0 : , "rep", "launcher" :
sv_infected_ceda_vomitjar_probability : 0.1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
sv_infected_riot_control_tonfa_probability : 0.15 : , "sv", "cheat" :
sv_infected_scale_max : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
sv_infected_scale_min : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
sv_infinite_ammo : 0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Player's active weapon will never run out of ammo
sv_infinite_primary_ammo : 0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Player's primary weapon will never run out of ammo
sv_instancebaselines : 1 : , "launcher" : Enable instanced baselines. Saves network overhead.
sv_lagcompensationforcerestore : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" : Don't test validity of a lag comp restore, just do it.
sv_lagflushbonecache : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" : Flushes entity bone cache on lag compensation
sv_lagpushticks : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Push computed lag compensation amount by this many ticks.
sv_lan : 0 : : Server is a lan server ( no heartbeat, no authentication, no non-class C addresses )
sv_log_onefile : 0 : , "a" : Log server information to only one file.
sv_logbans : 0 : , "a" : Log server bans in the server logs.
sv_logblocks : 0 : , "launcher" : If true when log when a query is blocked (can cause very large log files)
sv_logdownloadlist : 0 : , "launcher" :
sv_logecho : 1 : , "a" : Echo log information to the console.
sv_logfile : 1 : , "a" : Log server information in the log file.
sv_logflush : 0 : , "a" : Flush the log file to disk on each write (slow).
sv_logsdir : logs : , "a" : Folder in the game directory where server logs will be stored.
sv_massreport : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
sv_master_legacy_mode : 0 : , "launcher" : Use (outside-of-Steam) code to communicate with master servers.
sv_master_share_game_socket : 1 : , "launcher" : Use the game's socket to communicate to the master server. If this is 0, then it will create a socket on -steamport + 1 to communicate to the master server on.
sv_max_queries_sec : 3.0 : , "launcher" : Maximum queries per second to respond to from a single IP address.
sv_max_queries_sec_global : 60 : , "launcher" : Maximum queries per second to respond to from anywhere.
sv_max_queries_window : 30 : , "launcher" : Window over which to average queries per second averages.
sv_max_usercmd_future_ticks : 8 : , "sv", "launcher" : Prevents clients from running usercmds too far in the future. Prevents speed hacks.
sv_maxclientframes : 128 : , "launcher" :
sv_maxcmdrate : 40 : , "rep" : (If sv_mincmdrate is > 0), this sets the maximum value for cl_cmdrate.
sv_maxrate : 0 : , "rep" : Max bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 == unlimited
sv_maxreplay : 0 : , "launcher" : Maximum replay time in seconds
sv_maxroutable : 1200 : , "launcher" : Server upper bound on net_maxroutable that a client can use.
sv_maxspeed : 1000.000000 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
sv_maxunlag : 1.0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Maximum lag compensation in seconds
sv_maxupdaterate : 60 : , "rep", "launcher" : Maximum updates per second that the server will allow
sv_maxvelocity : 3500 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Maximum speed any ballistically moving object is allowed to attain per axis.
sv_memlimit : 0 : , "cheat" : If set, whenever a game ends, if the total memory used by the server is greater than this # of megabytes, the server will exit.
sv_mincmdrate : 0 : , "rep" : This sets the minimum value for cl_cmdrate. 0 == unlimited.
sv_minrate : 5000 : , "rep" : Min bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 == unlimited
sv_minupdaterate : 10 : , "rep", "launcher" : Minimum updates per second that the server will allow
sv_multiplayer_maxtempentities : 32 : , "launcher" :
sv_multiplayer_sounds : 20 : , "launcher" :
sv_music_debug : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
sv_netvisdist : 10000 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Test networking visibility distance
sv_new_delta_bits : 1 : , "launcher" :
sv_no_navmesh : 0 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Block loading of the navmesh. Unplayable, only used for memory sampling.
sv_noclipaccelerate : 5 : , "a", "nf", "rep", "cl" :
sv_noclipduringpause : 0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : If cheats are enabled, then you can noclip with the game paused (for doing screenshots, etc.).
sv_noclipfriction : 4 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Friction during noclip move.
sv_noclipspeed : 5 : , "a", "nf", "rep", "cl" :
sv_optimizedmovement : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
sv_parallel_packentities : 1 : , "launcher" :
sv_parallel_sendsnapshot : 1 : , "launcher" :
sv_password : : , "nf", "prot", "norecord" : Server password for entry into multiplayer games
sv_pausable : 0 : : Is the server pausable.
sv_pausable_dev : 1 : , "launcher" : Whether listen server is pausable when running -dev and playing solo against bots
sv_pausable_dev_ds : 0 : , "launcher" : Whether dedicated server is pausable when running -dev and playing solo against bots
sv_permawipe : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : If set, the campaign will restart fully if the Survivors die.
sv_phys2_stats : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Dumps server physics stats
sv_play_music : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Play some music through the music engine
sv_player_max_separation_force : 500 : , "sv", "launcher" :
sv_player_stuck_tolerance : 10 : , "sv", "cheat" :
sv_playerperfhistorycount : 20 : , "sv", "launcher" : Number of samples to maintain in player perf history
sv_precacheinfo : cmd : : Show precache info.
sv_prop_door_max_close_attempts : 8 : , "sv", "cheat" : Number of times blocked doors will try to close before becoming non-solid and forcing a close.
sv_pure : cmd : : Show user data.
sv_pure_kick_clients : 1 : : If set to 1, the server will kick clients with mismatching files. Otherwise, it will issue a warning to the client.
sv_pure_trace : 0 : : If set to 1, the server will print a message whenever a client is verifying a CRC for a file.
sv_pushaway_clientside : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Clientside physics push away (0=off, 1=only localplayer, 1=all players)
sv_pushaway_clientside_size : 15 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Minimum size of pushback objects
sv_pushaway_force : 300000 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : How hard physics objects are pushed away from the players on the server.
sv_pushaway_max_force : 2000 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Maximum amount of force applied to physics objects by players.
sv_pushaway_max_player_force : 10000 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Maximum of how hard the player is pushed away from physics objects.
sv_pushaway_min_force : 500 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Minimum amount of force applied to physics objects by players.
sv_pushaway_min_player_speed : 75 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : If a player is moving slower than this, don't push away physics objects (enables ducking behind things).
sv_pushaway_player_force : 200000 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl", "launcher" : How hard the player is pushed away from physics objects (falls off with inverse square of distance).
sv_pvsskipanimation : 1 : , "a", "sv" : Skips SetupBones when npc's are outside the PVS
sv_pz_endgame_vote_period : 12 : , "sv", "launcher" : How long players get to vote to play again in a game with player controlled zombies.
sv_pz_endgame_vote_post_period : 5 : , "sv", "launcher" : Post period after end game vote.
sv_querycache_stats : cmd : , "sv" : Display status of the query cache (client only)
sv_ragdoll_maxcount : 75 : , "sv", "launcher" : Clients will only show this many ragdolls overall
sv_ragdoll_maxcount_boss : 3 : , "sv", "launcher" : Clients will only show this many boss ragdolls
sv_ragdoll_maxcount_generic : 60 : , "sv", "launcher" : Clients will only show this many generic infected ragdolls
sv_ragdoll_maxcount_gib : 30 : , "sv", "launcher" : Clients will only show this many gib ragdolls
sv_ragdoll_maxcount_special : 12 : , "sv", "launcher" : Clients will only show this many special ragdolls
sv_ragdoll_maxcount_survivor : 3 : , "sv", "launcher" : Clients will only show this many survivor ragdolls
sv_ragdoll_version : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
sv_rcon_banpenalty : 0 : , "launcher" : Number of minutes to ban users who fail rcon authentication
sv_rcon_log : 1 : , "launcher" : Enable/disable rcon logging.
sv_rcon_maxfailures : 10 : , "launcher" : Max number of times a user can fail rcon authentication before being banned
sv_rcon_minfailures : 5 : , "launcher" : Number of times a user can fail rcon authentication in sv_rcon_minfailuretime before being banned
sv_rcon_minfailuretime : 30 : , "launcher" : Number of seconds to track failed rcon authentications
sv_regeneration_force_on : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Cheat to test regenerative health systems
sv_regeneration_wait_time : 1.0 : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" :
sv_region : -1 : : The region of the world to report this server in.
sv_rescue_disabled : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : If set to 1, dead survivors will never be rescue-able.
sv_reservation_grace : 5 : , "launcher" : Time in seconds given for a lobby reservation.
sv_reservation_timeout : 120 : : Time in seconds before lobby reservation expires.
sv_rollangle : 0 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Max view roll angle
sv_rollspeed : 200 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
sv_runcmds : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
sv_script_think_interval : 0.1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
sv_search_key : : : When searching for a dedicated server from lobby, restrict search to only dedicated servers having the same sv_search_key.
sv_search_team_key : public : : When initiating team search, set this key to match with known opponents team
sv_sendtables : 0 : , "launcher" : Force full sendtable sending path.
sv_show_whitelist_msg : 0 : , "matsys", "launcher" :
sv_showanimstate : -1 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Show the (server) animation state for the specified entity (-1 for none).
sv_showanimstate_activities : 1 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Show activities in the (server) animation state display.
sv_showanimstate_log : 0 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : 1 to output sv_showanimstate to Msg(). 2 to store in AnimStateServer.log. 3 for both.
sv_showdamage : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Shows base damage below what sv_showimpacts would show, and if a player was hit he'll show the damage he took above it (as healthdamage (armorabsorbed)). 1 = show hits. 2 = show hits and misses
sv_showdebugtracers : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : 1: Shows a line following bullet path. Blue on client, red on server. (They should always match.) 2:Show autoaim candidates.
sv_showfootsteps : 0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Shows client (red) and server (green) footsteps (1=client-only, 2=server-only, 3=both)
sv_showhitboxes : -1 : , "sv", "cheat" : Send server-side hitboxes for specified entity to client (NOTE: this uses lots of bandwidth, use on listen server only).
sv_showhitboxes_cursor : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Show the hitboxes of the pointed-at entity
sv_showimpacts : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Shows client (red) and server (blue) bullet impact point (1=both, 2=client-only, 3=server-only)
sv_showladders : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Show bbox and dismount points for all ladders (must be set before level load.)
sv_showlagcompensation : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Show lag compensated hitboxes whenever a player is lag compensated.
sv_showonlyhitbox : -1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
sv_showplayerhitboxes : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Show lag compensated hitboxes for the specified player index whenever a player fires.
sv_showprecachedsounds : 0 : , "launcher" : Enumerate all sounds being precached (with index).
sv_showtags : cmd : : Describe current gametags.
sv_shutdown : cmd : , "cheat" : Sets the server to shutdown when all games have completed
sv_skyname : sky_l4d_c1_1_hdr : , "a", "rep", "cl" : Current name of the skybox texture
sv_sound_discardextraunreliable : 1 : , "launcher" :
sv_soundemitter_filecheck : cmd : , "sv", "launcher" : Report missing wave files for sounds and game_sounds files.
sv_soundemitter_flush : cmd : , "sv", "launcher" : Flushes the sounds.txt system (server only)
sv_soundemitter_reload : cmd : , "sv" : Flushes the sounds.txt system
sv_soundemitter_spew : cmd : , "sv", "launcher" : Print details about a sound.
sv_soundemitter_trace : -1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Show all EmitSound calls including their symbolic name and the actual wave file they resolved to. (-1 = for nobody, 0 = for everybody, n = for one entity)
sv_soundscape_printdebuginfo : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : print soundscapes
sv_specaccelerate : 5 : , "a", "nf", "rep", "cl" :
sv_specnoclip : 1 : , "a", "nf", "rep", "cl" :
sv_specspeed : 3 : , "a", "nf", "rep", "cl" :
sv_spectatoridletime : 3 : , "sv", "cheat" :
sv_stats : 1 : , "launcher" : Collect CPU usage stats
sv_steamgroup : : , "nf" : The ID of the steam group that this server belongs to. You can find your group's ID on the admin profile page in the steam community.
sv_steamgroup_exclusive : 0 : : If set, only members of Steam group will be able to join the server when it's empty, public people will be able to join the server only if it has players.
sv_stepsize : 18 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
sv_stickysprint_default : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
sv_stop_music : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Stop some music through the music engine
sv_stopspeed : 75 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Minimum stopping speed when on ground.
sv_stressbots : 0 : , "launcher" : If set to 1, the server calculates data and fills packets to bots. Used for perf testing.
sv_strict_notarget : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : If set, notarget will cause entities to never think they are in the pvs
sv_suppress_viewpunch : 0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
sv_sync_anims_spawn : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
sv_sync_client_updates : 0 : , "launcher" : (Only used when hosting xbox games). Send clients updates at the same time. This saves CPU because the server will encode and calc deltas on less frames.
sv_tags : : , "nf" : Server tags. Used to provide extra information to clients when they're browsing for servers. Separate tags with a comma.
sv_tankpropfade : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
sv_teststepsimulation : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
sv_thinktimecheck : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Check for thinktimes all on same timestamp.
sv_threaded_init : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
sv_timeout : 65 : , "launcher" : After this many seconds without a message from a client, the client is dropped
sv_tracereffects_limit_general : 15 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Limits the number of visible tracers per frame
sv_turbophysics : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Turns on turbo physics
sv_turbophysics_shadow : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : players have physics shadows even when sv_turbophysics is 1
sv_unlag : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" : Enables player lag compensation
sv_unlag_debug : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
sv_unlag_fixstuck : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Disallow backtracking a player for lag compensation if it will cause them to become stuck
sv_unlockedchapters : 1 : , "a" : Highest unlocked game chapter.
sv_useexplicitdelete : 1 : , "launcher" : Explicitly delete dormant client entities caused by AllowImmediateReuse().
sv_vehicle_autoaim_scale : 8 : , "sv", "launcher" :
sv_visiblemaxplayers : -1 : : Overrides the max players reported to prospective clients
sv_voicecodec : vaudio_speex : , "launcher" : Specifies which voice codec DLL to use in a game. Set to the name of the DLL without the extension.
sv_voiceenable : 1 : , "a", "nf" :
sv_vote_command_delay : 2 : , "sv", "launcher" : How long after a vote passes until the action happens
sv_vote_creation_timer : 30 : , "sv", "launcher" : How often someone can individually call a vote.
sv_vote_failure_timer : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : A vote that fails cannot be re-submitted for this long
sv_vote_issue_change_difficulty_allowed : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" : Can people hold votes to change the difficulty?
sv_vote_issue_change_map_later_allowed : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" : Can people hold votes to change the map after this round?
sv_vote_issue_change_map_now_allowed : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" : Can people hold votes to immediately change the map?
sv_vote_issue_change_mission_allowed : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" : Can people hold votes to change missions?
sv_vote_issue_kick_allowed : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" : Can people hold votes to kick players from the server?
sv_vote_issue_restart_game_allowed : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" : Can people hold votes to restart the game?
sv_vote_kick_ban_duration : 5 : , "sv", "launcher" : How long should a kick vote ban someone from the server? (in minutes)
sv_vote_timer_duration : 15 : , "sv", "launcher" : How long to allow voting on an issue
sv_wateraccelerate : 10 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
sv_waterdist : 12 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Vertical view fixup when eyes are near water plane.
sv_waterfriction : 1 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
sv_zoo_model_filter : : , "sv", "launcher" : Only models matching the substring will be displayed
sv_zoo_spacing : 64 : , "sv", "launcher" : How much space between models in a row
sv_zoo_spacing_rows : 192 : , "sv", "launcher" : How much space between subsequent rows
sv_zoo_spacing_wrap : 80 : , "sv", "launcher" : How much space between wrapped rows
sv_zoo_tint_clr : 153 153 153 255 : , "sv", "launcher" : Tint color to force on all model variations (needs sv_zoo_tint_loop 0)
sv_zoo_tint_loop : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" : 1: Tint colors will loop across model variations in a row, 0: will use sv_zoo_tint_clr
sv_zoo_wrap_skin : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" : Whether model rows wrap when changing skins
sys_attract_mode_timeout : 120 : , "cl", "launcher" :
sys_minidumpexpandedspew : 1 : , "launcher" :
sys_minidumpspewlines : 500 : : Lines of crash dump console spew to keep.
tank_attack_range : 50 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Distance from Survivor that tank triggers own swing.
tank_auto_swing : 0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
tank_burn_duration : 75 : , "sv", "cheat" : Number of seconds a burning Tank takes to die in easy, normal, versus and survival
tank_burn_duration_expert : 85 : , "sv", "cheat" : Number of seconds a burning Tank takes to die in expert
tank_burn_duration_hard : 80 : , "sv", "cheat" : Number of seconds a burning Tank takes to die in hard
tank_fist_radius : 15 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
tank_ground_pound_duration : 1.5 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
tank_ground_pound_reveal_distance : 500 : , "sv", "cheat" :
tank_pz_forward : -0.5 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
tank_raffle_debug : 0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Fill the tank raffle with dummy values for debugging
tank_rock_overhead_percent : 100 : , "sv", "launcher" : Percent of time the tank throws overhand (0-100)
tank_run_spawn_delay : 15 : , "sv", "cheat" :
tank_stasis_time_suicide : 30 : , "sv", "cheat" :
tank_stuck_failsafe : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
tank_stuck_time_choose_new_target : 2 : , "sv", "cheat" :
tank_stuck_time_suicide : 10 : , "sv", "cheat" :
tank_stuck_visibility_tolerance_choose_new_target : 5 : , "sv", "cheat" :
tank_stuck_visibility_tolerance_suicide : 15 : , "sv", "cheat" :
tank_swing_arc : 180 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
tank_swing_duration : 0.2 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Duration of the actual swing
tank_swing_fast_interval : 0.6 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Interval between tank swings when he is clearing zombies out of his path
tank_swing_interval : 1.5 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Interval between tank swings
tank_swing_miss_interval : 1.0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Interval between tank swings after a miss
tank_swing_physics_prop_force : 4.0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Multiplier for tank hitting a phys prop.
tank_swing_range : 56 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Range of the actual swing
tank_swing_yaw : 80 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
tank_throw_aim_error : 100 : , "sv", "cheat" : Margin of error for Easy mode Tank rock throws
tank_throw_allow_range : 250 : , "sv", "cheat" : How far away our victim must be before we'll try to throw debris at them
tank_throw_lead_time_factor : 0.5 : , "sv", "cheat" : How much to lead a moving target
tank_throw_loft_rate : .01 : , "sv", "cheat" : Beyond no-loft range, Tank adds this angle/distance when throwing
tank_throw_max_loft_angle : 30 : , "sv", "cheat" : Maximum loft angle for Tank throw angle adjustment
tank_throw_min_interval : 8 : , "sv", "cheat" : Minimum interval between Tank rock throws
tank_visibility_tolerance_suicide : 60 : , "sv", "cheat" :
tank_windup_time : .5 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Time from intent to swing that swing actually happens.
target_scan_use_query_cache : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
tauntfrequency : 1 : , "sv", "nf", "launcher" :
teamwork_event_display_time : 8.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
teamwork_event_fade_in_time : 0.25 : , "cl", "launcher" :
teamwork_event_fade_out_time : 2.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
teamwork_event_min_interval : 3.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
template_debug : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
terror_ammo_multiplier : 2 : , "sv", "cheat" :
terror_reload_team_display : cmd : , "cl", "launcher" : Reload team display
terror_test_hud_glow : cmd : , "cl", "launcher" : Tests hud glow
Test_CreateEntity : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" :
test_dispatcheffect : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Test a clientside dispatch effect. Usage: test_dispatcheffect <effect name> <distance away> <flags> <magnitude> <scale> Defaults are: <distance 1024> <flags 0> <magnitude 0> <scale 0>
Test_EHandle : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" :
test_entity_blocker : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Test command that drops an entity blocker out in front of the player.
test_freezeframe : cmd : , "cheat", "cl" : Test the freeze frame code.
Test_InitRandomEntitySpawner : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" :
Test_Loop : cmd : : Test_Loop <loop name> - loop back to the specified loop start point unconditionally.
Test_LoopCount : cmd : : Test_LoopCount <loop name> <count> - loop back to the specified loop start point the specified # of times.
Test_LoopForNumSeconds : cmd : : Test_LoopForNumSeconds <loop name> <time> - loop back to the specified start point for the specified # of seconds.
test_outtro_pzendgame : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" :
test_outtro_stats : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" :
test_point : cmd : , "sv" :
Test_ProxyToggle_EnableProxy : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" :
Test_ProxyToggle_EnsureValue : cmd : , "cheat", "cl" : Test_ProxyToggle_EnsureValue
Test_ProxyToggle_SetValue : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" :
Test_RandomChance : cmd : : Test_RandomChance <percent chance, 0-100> <token1> <token2...> - Roll the dice and maybe run the command following the percentage chance.
Test_RandomizeInPVS : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" :
Test_RandomPlayerPosition : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" :
Test_RemoveAllRandomEntities : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" :
Test_RunFrame : cmd : :
Test_SendKey : cmd : :
Test_SpawnRandomEntities : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" :
Test_StartLoop : cmd : : Test_StartLoop <loop name> - Denote the start of a loop. Really just defines a named point you can jump to.
Test_StartScript : cmd : : Start a test script running..
Test_Wait : cmd : :
Test_WaitForCheckPoint : cmd : :
testhudanim : cmd : , "cheat", "cl" : Test a hud element animation. Arguments: <anim name>
testscript_debug : 0 : , "launcher" : Debug test scripts.
texture_budget_background_alpha : 128 : , "a" : how translucent the budget panel is
texture_budget_panel_bottom_of_history_fraction : .25 : , "a" : number between 0 and 1
texture_budget_panel_global : 0 : , "launcher" : Show global times in the texture budget panel.
texture_budget_panel_height : 284 : , "a" : height in pixels of the budget panel
texture_budget_panel_width : 512 : , "a" : width in pixels of the budget panel
texture_budget_panel_x : 0 : , "a" : number of pixels from the left side of the game screen to draw the budget panel
texture_budget_panel_y : 450 : , "a" : number of pixels from the top side of the game screen to draw the budget panel
tf_arena_max_streak : 5 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Teams will be scrambled if one team reaches this streak
tf_arena_preround_time : 10 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Length of the Pre-Round time
tf_arena_round_time : 0 : , "cheat", "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
tf_escort_score_rate : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" : Score for escorting the train, in points per second
think_limit : 0 : , "rep", "cl" : Maximum think time in milliseconds, warning is printed if this is exceeded.
thirdperson : cmd : , "cheat", "cl" : Switch to thirdperson camera.
thirdperson_mayamode : cmd : , "cheat", "cl" : Switch to thirdperson Maya-like camera controls.
thirdperson_platformer : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Player will aim in the direction they are moving.
thirdperson_screenspace : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Movement will be relative to the camera, eg: left means screen-left
thirdpersonshoulder : cmd : , "cl" : Switch to thirdperson-shoulder camera.
thread_test_tslist : cmd : :
thread_test_tsqueue : cmd : :
threadpool_affinity : 1 : , "launcher" : Enable setting affinity
threadpool_cycle_reserve : cmd : : Cycles threadpool reservation by powers of 2
threadpool_reserve : 0 : , "launcher" : Consume the specified number of threads in the thread pool
threadpool_run_tests : cmd : :
timedemo : cmd : : Play a demo and report performance info.
timedemo_vprofrecord : cmd : : Play a demo and report performance info. Also record vprof data for the span of the demo
timedemoquit : cmd : : Play a demo, report performance info, and then exit
timeleft : cmd : :
timerefresh : cmd : , "cheat" : Profile the renderer.
tir_maxpitch : 15 : , "cheat", "cl" : TrackIR Max Pitch
tir_maxroll : 90 : , "cheat", "cl" : TrackIR Max Roll
tir_maxx : 4 : , "cheat", "cl" : TrackIR Max X
tir_maxy : 6 : , "cheat", "cl" : TrackIR Max Y
tir_maxyaw : 90 : , "cheat", "cl" : TrackIR Max Yaw
tir_maxz : 1 : , "cheat", "cl" : TrackIR Max Z
tir_start : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : TrackIR Start
tir_stop : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : TrackIR Stop
toggle : cmd : : Toggles a convar on or off, or cycles through a set of values.
toggle_duck : cmd : , "cl" :
toggleconsole : cmd : , "norecord" : Show/hide the console.
togglescores : cmd : , "clientcmd_can_execute", "cl" : Toggles score panel
tongue_allow_voluntary_release : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Can a Smoker let go with his tongue by clicking or turning away?
tongue_bend_point_deflection : 5 : , "sv", "cheat" : How far off the first obstacle the tongue bends.
tongue_bend_point_needs_LOS : 0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Does a bent tongue still need LOS from the bend point?
tongue_break_from_damage_amount : 50 : , "sv", "cheat" : How much damage to the smoker makes him let go of his victim.
tongue_bullet_radius : 6 : , "sv", "launcher" :
tongue_choke_damage_amount : 10 : , "sv", "cheat" : How much damage the choke does.
tongue_choke_damage_interval : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" : How often the choke does damage.
tongue_cone_start_tolerance : .1 : , "sv", "cheat" : How wide the cone is for a tongue hit.
tongue_debug : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Print debug info for tongue
tongue_drag_damage_amount : 3 : , "sv", "cheat" : How much damage the tongue drag does.
tongue_dropping_to_ground_time : 2 : , "sv", "cheat" : A miss or a wall hit will wait this long before pulling back.
tongue_fly_speed : 1000 : , "sv", "cheat" : How fast a tongue flies through the air.
tongue_force_break : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Force an existing attached tongue to break, for debugging
tongue_gravity_force : 4000 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : The speed that gravity tries to pull us downwards while being tongued.
tongue_health : 100 : , "sv", "cheat" : Tongue health
tongue_hit_delay : 20 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : How long a smoker must wait to shoot his tongue after a hit, from the time he lets go.
tongue_los_forgiveness_time : 1.0 : , "sv", "cheat" : A traveling tongue can lose LOS for this amount of time and still hit.
tongue_miss_delay : 15 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : How long a smoker must wait to shoot his tongue after a miss.
tongue_no_progress_break_interval : 10 : , "sv", "cheat" : How long of the victim making no progress until we break the tongue.
tongue_no_progress_choke_early_ambush_delay : 0.5 : , "sv", "cheat" : Use a smaller delay if the smoker started choking us from behind. So this plus TongueNoProgressChokeTime equals the earliest start of a ground choke in the event of an ambush.
tongue_no_progress_choke_early_delay : 1.5 : , "sv", "cheat" : We won't think about ground choking for this long after the hit. So this plus TongueNoProgressChokeTime equals the earliest start of a ground choke.
tongue_no_progress_choke_time : .5 : , "sv", "cheat" : If our victim doesn't make tongue_no_progress_tolerance progress towards in this time, start to hurt him.
tongue_no_progress_damage_interval : .5 : , "sv", "cheat" : How long of the victim making no progress until we start choking him.
tongue_no_progress_tolerance : 25 : , "sv", "cheat" : If our victim doesn't make this much progress in tongue_no_progress_release_time, start to hurt him.
tongue_player_dropping_to_ground_time : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" : How long after the tongue disconnects will a player need to wait.
tongue_range : 750 : , "sv", "cheat" : How far a smoker can shoot his tongue.
tongue_release_fatigue_penalty : 2500 : , "sv", "cheat" : How much fatigue the victim gets when released, to slow him down.
tongue_start_pull_delay : 0.1 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : How long from tongue contact to tongue pulling.
tongue_unbend : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" : Can the smoker tongue unbend?
tongue_vertical_choke_dot : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : DotProduct between tongue and vertical required to start choking.
tongue_vertical_choke_height : 40 : , "sv", "cheat" : Need to have victim this high off ground to choke him.
tongue_vertical_choke_time_off_ground : .5 : , "sv", "cheat" : Need to have victim off ground for this long to choke him.
tongue_victim_acceleration : 30 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Acceleration while tongued.
tongue_victim_accuracy_penalty : 0.133 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : How much someone's accuracy suffers while being dragged by a tongue.
tongue_victim_max_speed : 175 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : The fastest the tongue can get you going.
tongue_vs_cone_start_tolerance : 0.015 : , "sv", "cheat" : How wide the cone is for a tongue hit in versus.
toolload : cmd : : Load a tool.
tp_schedule_post_think : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" : Schedule post-think operations to run at 10hz
trace_report : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
tracer_extra : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
TransmitEvents : cmd : , "launcher" : Transmits Game Events to <address:port>
travel_distance : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Build the shortest path from the previously marked area to the currently selected one and print the length of that path.
tutor : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Enable the tutor to learn to play the game
tv_allow_camera_man : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" : Auto director allows spectators to become camera man
tv_allow_static_shots : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" : Auto director uses fixed level cameras for shots
tv_autorecord : 0 : , "launcher" : Automatically records all games as SourceTV demos.
tv_autoretry : 1 : , "launcher" : Relay proxies retry connection after network timeout
tv_chatgroupsize : 0 : , "launcher" : Set the default chat group size
tv_chattimelimit : 8 : , "launcher" : Limits spectators to chat only every n seconds
tv_clients : cmd : : Shows list of connected SourceTV clients.
tv_debug : 0 : , "launcher" : SourceTV debug info.
tv_delay : 30 : , "sv", "launcher" : SourceTV broadcast delay in seconds
tv_delaymapchange : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Delays map change until broadcast is complete
tv_deltacache : 2 : , "launcher" : Enable delta entity bit stream cache
tv_dispatchmode : 1 : , "launcher" : Dispatch clients to relay proxies: 0=never, 1=if appropriate, 2=always
tv_enable : 0 : , "nf", "launcher" : Activates SourceTV on server.
tv_maxclients : 128 : , "launcher" : Maximum client number on SourceTV server.
tv_maxrate : 8000 : , "launcher" : Max SourceTV spectator bandwidth rate allowed, 0 == unlimited
tv_msg : cmd : : Send a screen message to all clients.
tv_name : SourceTV : , "launcher" : SourceTV host name
tv_nochat : 0 : , "a", "user" : Don't receive chat messages from other SourceTV spectators
tv_overridemaster : 0 : , "launcher" : Overrides the SourceTV master root address.
tv_password : : , "nf", "prot", "norecord", "launcher" : SourceTV password for all clients
tv_port : 27020 : : Host SourceTV port
tv_record : cmd : : Starts SourceTV demo recording.
tv_relay : cmd : : Connect to SourceTV server and relay broadcast.
tv_relaypassword : : , "nf", "prot", "norecord", "launcher" : SourceTV password for relay proxies
tv_relayvoice : 1 : , "launcher" : Relay voice data: 0=off, 1=on
tv_retry : cmd : : Reconnects the SourceTV relay proxy.
tv_snapshotrate : 16 : , "launcher" : Snapshots broadcasted per second
tv_status : cmd : : Show SourceTV server status.
tv_stop : cmd : : Stops the SourceTV broadcast.
tv_stoprecord : cmd : : Stops SourceTV demo recording.
tv_timeout : 30 : , "launcher" : SourceTV connection timeout in seconds.
tv_title : SourceTV : , "launcher" : Set title for SourceTV spectator UI
tv_transmitall : 0 : , "rep", "launcher" : Transmit all entities (not only director view)
ui_blogpost_scroll_speed : 4 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_blogpost_upload_retry_time : 20 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_blogpost_upload_version : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_blogpost_vote_test : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_foundgames_fake_content : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_foundgames_fake_count : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_foundgames_spinner_time : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_foundgames_update_time : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_game_allow_create_public : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : When set user can create public lobbies instead of matching
ui_game_allow_create_random : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : When set, creating a game will pick a random mission
ui_l4d_debug : 0 : , "cl" :
ui_loading_tip_f1 : 0.05 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_loading_tip_f2 : 0.40 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_loading_tip_refresh : 5 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_lobby_idle_time : 300 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_lobby_noresults_create_msg_time : 2.5 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_lobby_start_enabled : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_lobby_stat_switch_time : 15 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_lobby_stat_team_search_max : 1800 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_mainmenu_blogpost_animation : 125 125 125 255 : 155 135 105 255 : 9.0 : 0 255 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_old_options_menu : 0 : , "cl", "matsys", "launcher" : Brings up the old tabbed options dialog from Keyboard/Mouse when set to 1.
ui_play_online_browser : 1 : , "cl" : Whether play online displays a browser or plain search dialog.
ui_posedebug_fade_in_time : 0.2 : , "cheat", "norecord", "cl" : Time during which a new pose activity layer is shown in green in +posedebug UI
ui_posedebug_fade_out_time : 0.8 : , "cheat", "norecord", "cl" : Time to keep a no longer active pose activity layer in red until removing it from +posedebug UI
ui_public_lobby_filter_campaign : : , "a", "cl" : Filter type for campaigns on the public lobby display
ui_public_lobby_filter_difficulty2 : : , "a", "cl" : Filter type for difficulty on the public lobby display
ui_public_lobby_filter_status : : , "a", "cl" : Filter type for game status on the public lobby display
ui_pump_dlc_mount_content : cmd : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_pump_dlc_mount_corrupt : cmd : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_pump_dlc_mount_stage : cmd : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_reloadscheme : cmd : , "cl" : Reloads the resource files for the active UI window
ui_start_dlc_time_corrupt : 300 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_start_dlc_time_loaded : 150 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_start_dlc_time_pump : 30 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_volume_max : 1.0 : , "launcher" :
unbind : cmd : : Unbind a key.
unbindall : cmd : : Unbind all keys.
unload_all_addons : cmd : , "notconnected" : Reloads the search paths for game addons.
unpause : cmd : : Unpause the game.
update_addon_paths : cmd : , "notconnected" : Reloads the search paths for game addons.
upgrade_add : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Adds an upgrade to the survivor
upgrade_explosive_bullet_force : 2 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
upgrade_explosive_slug_force : 4 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
upgrade_laser_sight_spread_factor : 0.4 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
upgrade_pack_use_duration : 1.9 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
upgrade_remove : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Removes an upgrade from the survivor
upgrade_show_explosive_ammo_radius : 0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
upgradepack_forward_dist : 30 : , "sv", "cheat" :
upgradepack_max_drop_dist : 30 : , "sv", "cheat" :
use : cmd : , "sv" : Use a particular weapon Arguments: <weapon_name>
+use : cmd : , "cl" :
-use : cmd : , "cl" :
user : cmd : : Show user data.
users : cmd : : Show user info for players on server.
v_centermove : 0.15 : , "cl", "launcher" :
v_centerspeed : 500 : , "cl", "launcher" :
vcollide_wireframe : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" : Render physics collision models in wireframe
vcr_verbose : 0 : , "launcher" : Write extra information into .vcr file.
vehicle_flushscript : cmd : , "sv" : Flush and reload all vehicle scripts
verbose_tank_music : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
version : cmd : : Print version info string.
versus_boss_buffer : 2200 : , "sv", "cheat" :
versus_boss_debug : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Enable debug output for versus tank/witch spawning logic
versus_boss_flow_max : 0.9 : , "sv", "cheat" : Max fraction of map flow for tank/witch spawn location
versus_boss_flow_max_finale : 0.6 : , "sv", "cheat" : Max fraction of map flow for tank/witch spawn location within the finale map of a campaign
versus_boss_flow_max_intro : 0.75 : , "sv", "cheat" : Max fraction of map flow for tank/witch spawn location within the first map of a campaign
versus_boss_flow_min : 0.1 : , "sv", "cheat" : Min fraction of map flow for tank/witch spawn location
versus_boss_flow_min_finale : 0.25 : , "sv", "cheat" : Min fraction of map flow for tank/witch spawn location within the finale map of a campaign
versus_boss_flow_min_intro : 0.5 : , "sv", "cheat" : Min fraction of map flow for tank/witch spawn location within the first map of a campaign
versus_boss_flow_test : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Force start the versus game, so PZs can spawn even if survivors are still in the safe room
versus_boss_padding_max : 0.3 : , "sv", "cheat" : How far apart the tank/witch have to be along the flow
versus_boss_padding_min : 0.1 : , "sv", "cheat" : How far apart the tank/witch have to be along the flow
versus_force_start_time : 90 : , "sv", "launcher" : Starts versus game after this amount of time, even if survivors are still inside the safe room
versus_level_restart_delay : 4 : , "sv", "cheat" : After a successful vote, restart the map after this many seconds.
versus_marker_num : 3 : , "sv", "launcher" : Number of travel markers we expose to survivors in Versus mode.
versus_round_restarttimer : 15 : , "sv", "launcher" :
versus_round_restarttimer_finale : 10 : , "sv", "launcher" :
versus_shove_hunter_fov : 90 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Angle that survivor shove will hit hunters
versus_shove_hunter_fov_pouncing : 45 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Angle that survivor shove will hit hunters while pouncing
versus_shove_jockey_fov_leaping : 45 : , "sv", "cheat", "rep" : Angle that survivor shove will hit jockeys while leaping
versus_special_respawn_interval : 20 : , "sv", "cheat" :
versus_stats_highlight_interval : 5 : , "cl", "launcher" : Interval between hightlight screens in the transition stats panel for versus mode
versus_tank_chance : 0.75 : , "sv", "cheat" : Chance of a tank spawning within a regular versus map
versus_tank_chance_finale : 0.1 : , "sv", "cheat" : Chance of a tank spawning within the finale map of a campaign
versus_tank_chance_intro : 0.3 : , "sv", "cheat" : Chance of a tank spawning within the first map of a campaign
versus_tank_flow_team_variation : 0.1 : , "sv", "cheat" : Window of flow distance that the tank can spawn in for the second team in versus
versus_wandering_zombie_density : 0.027 : , "sv", "cheat", "matsys" :
versus_winning_team_goes_last : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" : In versus mode, the team that is losing plays as survivors first
versus_witch_chance : 0.75 : , "sv", "cheat" : Chance of a witch spawning within a regular versus map
versus_witch_chance_finale : 0.1 : , "sv", "cheat" : Chance of a witch spawning within the finale map of a campaign
versus_witch_chance_intro : 0.3 : , "sv", "cheat" : Chance of a witch spawning within the first map of a campaign
versus_witch_flow_team_variation : 0.0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Window of flow distance that the witch can spawn in for the second team in versus
vgui_drawfocus : 0 : , "launcher" : Report which panel is under the mouse.
vgui_drawkeyfocus : 0 : , "launcher" : Report which panel has keyboard focus.
vgui_drawtree : 0 : , "cheat" : Draws the vgui panel hiearchy to the specified depth level.
+vgui_drawtree : cmd : :
-vgui_drawtree : cmd : :
vgui_drawtree_bounds : 0 : , "launcher" : Show panel bounds.
vgui_drawtree_clear : cmd : :
vgui_drawtree_draw_selected : 0 : , "launcher" : Highlight the selected panel
vgui_drawtree_freeze : 0 : , "launcher" : Set to 1 to stop updating the vgui_drawtree view.
vgui_drawtree_hidden : 0 : , "launcher" : Draw the hidden panels.
vgui_drawtree_panelalpha : 0 : , "launcher" : Show the panel alpha values in the vgui_drawtree view.
vgui_drawtree_panelptr : 0 : , "launcher" : Show the panel pointer values in the vgui_drawtree view.
vgui_drawtree_popupsonly : 0 : , "launcher" : Draws the vgui popup list in hierarchy(1) or most recently used(2) order.
vgui_drawtree_render_order : 0 : , "launcher" : List the vgui_drawtree panels in render order.
vgui_drawtree_scheme : 0 : , "launcher" : Show scheme file for each panel
vgui_drawtree_visible : 1 : , "launcher" : Draw the visible panels.
vgui_dump_panels : cmd : : vgui_dump_panels [visible]
vgui_show_glyph_miss : 0 : , "launcher" :
vgui_spew_fonts : cmd : :
vgui_togglepanel : cmd : : show/hide vgui panel by name.
view_offset : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
view_offset_down : 16 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
view_offset_forward : 8 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
view_offset_up : -16 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
viewanim_addkeyframe : cmd : , "cheat", "cl" :
viewanim_create : cmd : , "cl" : viewanim_create
viewanim_load : cmd : , "cl" : load animation from file
viewanim_reset : cmd : , "cheat", "cl" : reset view angles!
viewanim_save : cmd : , "cl" : Save current animation to file
viewanim_test : cmd : , "cl" : test view animation
viewmodel_fov : 50 : , "cheat", "cl" :
viewmodel_offset_x : 0.0 : , "a", "cl" :
viewmodel_offset_y : 0.0 : , "a", "cl" :
viewmodel_offset_z : 0.0 : , "a", "cl" :
violence_ablood : 1 : , "launcher" : Draw alien blood
violence_agibs : 1 : , "launcher" : Show alien gib entities
violence_hblood : 1 : , "launcher" : Draw human blood
violence_hgibs : 1 : , "launcher" : Show human gib entities
vis_debug : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
vis_force : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
vismon_poll_frequency : .5 : , "sv", "cheat" :
vismon_trace_limit : 12 : , "sv", "cheat" :
vm_camera : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
vm_camera_interp_speed : 8.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
vm_camera_no_roll : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
vm_camera_scale : 1.0f : , "cl", "launcher" :
vm_debug : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
vm_draw_addon : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
vm_draw_always : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
vm_fade : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
voice_all_icons : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Draw all players' voice icons
voice_avggain : 0.5 : , "launcher" :
voice_clientdebug : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
voice_debugfeedback : 0 : , "launcher" :
voice_debugfeedbackfrom : 0 : , "launcher" :
voice_enable : 1 : , "a" :
voice_fadeouttime : 0.1 : , "launcher" :
voice_forcemicrecord : 1 : , "a" :
voice_head_icon_height : 20 : , "cl", "launcher" : Voice icons are this many inches over player eye positions
voice_head_icon_size : 6 : , "cl", "launcher" : Size of voice icon over player heads in inches
voice_inputfromfile : 0 : : Get voice input from 'voice_input.wav' rather than from the microphone.
voice_local_icon : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Draw local player's voice icon
voice_loopback : 0 : , "user" :
voice_maxgain : 10 : , "launcher" :
voice_minimum_gain : 0.5 : , "launcher" :
voice_modenable : 1 : , "a", "clientcmd_can_execute", "cl" : Enable/disable voice in this mod.
voice_mute : cmd : : Mute a specific Steam user
voice_overdrive : 2 : , "launcher" :
voice_overdrivefadetime : 0.4 : , "launcher" :
voice_profile : 0 : , "launcher" :
voice_recordtofile : 0 : : Record mic data and decompressed voice data into 'voice_micdata.wav' and 'voice_decompressed.wav'
voice_reset_mutelist : cmd : : Reset all mute information for all players who were ever muted.
voice_scale : 0.7 : , "a" :
voice_serverdebug : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
voice_show_mute : cmd : : Show whether current players are muted.
voice_showchannels : 0 : , "launcher" :
voice_showincoming : 0 : , "launcher" :
voice_spatialize : 0 : , "user", "cl" : Spatializes voice chat
voice_steal : 2 : , "launcher" :
voice_threshold : 2000 : , "a" :
voice_unmute : cmd : : Unmute a specific Steam user, or `all` to unmute all connected players.
voice_vox : 0 : , "a", "cl" : Voice chat uses a vox-style always on
voice_writevoices : 0 : , "launcher" : Saves each speaker's voice data into separate .wav files
voice_xsend_debug : 0 : , "launcher" :
+voicerecord : cmd : :
-voicerecord : cmd : :
voicerecord_toggle : cmd : :
volume : 1.0 : , "a" : Sound volume
vomitjar_duration_infected_bot : 20 : , "sv", "cheat", "rep" :
vomitjar_duration_infected_pz : 20 : , "sv", "cheat", "rep" :
vomitjar_duration_survivor : 5 : , "sv", "cheat", "rep" :
vomitjar_radius : 110 : , "sv", "cheat", "rep" :
vomitjar_radius_survivors : 0 : , "sv", "cheat", "rep" :
vox_reload : cmd : , "cheat" : Reload sentences.txt file
voxeltree_box : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : View entities in the voxel-tree inside box <Vector(min), Vector(max)>.
voxeltree_playerview : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : View entities in the voxel-tree at the player position.
voxeltree_sphere : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : View entities in the voxel-tree inside sphere <Vector(center), float(radius)>.
voxeltree_view : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : View entities in the voxel-tree.
vphys_sleep_timeout : cmd : : set sleep timeout: large values mean stuff won't ever sleep
vphysics_client_threaded : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
vphysics_client_threaded_min_cpus : 4 : , "cl", "launcher" :
vprof : cmd : : Toggle VProf profiler
vprof_adddebuggroup1 : cmd : : add a new budget group dynamically for debugging
vprof_cachemiss : cmd : : Toggle VProf cache miss checking
vprof_cachemiss_off : cmd : : Turn off VProf cache miss checking
vprof_cachemiss_on : cmd : : Turn on VProf cache miss checking
vprof_child : cmd : :
vprof_collapse_all : cmd : : Collapse the whole vprof tree
vprof_counters : 0 : , "launcher" :
vprof_counters_show_minmax : 0 : , "launcher" :
vprof_dump_counters : cmd : : Dump vprof counters to the console
vprof_dump_groupnames : cmd : : Write the names of all of the vprof groups to the console.
vprof_dump_oninterval : 0 : , "launcher" : Interval (in seconds) at which vprof will batch up data and dump it to the console.
vprof_dump_spikes : 0 : , "launcher" : Framerate at which vprof will begin to dump spikes to the console. 0 = disabled, negative to reset after dump
vprof_dump_spikes_budget_group : : , "launcher" : Budget gtNode to start report from when doing a dump spikes
vprof_dump_spikes_hiearchy : 0 : , "launcher" : Set to 1 to get a hierarchy report whith vprof_dump_spikes
vprof_dump_spikes_node : : , "launcher" : Node to start report from when doing a dump spikes
vprof_dump_spikes_terse : 0 : , "launcher" : Whether to use most terse output
vprof_expand_all : cmd : : Expand the whole vprof tree
vprof_expand_group : cmd : : Expand a budget group in the vprof tree by name
vprof_generate_report : cmd : : Generate a report to the console.
vprof_generate_report_AI : cmd : : Generate a report to the console.
vprof_generate_report_AI_only : cmd : : Generate a report to the console.
vprof_generate_report_budget : cmd : : Generate a report to the console based on budget group.
vprof_generate_report_hierarchy : cmd : : Generate a report to the console.
vprof_generate_report_hierarchy_per_frame_and_count_only : cmd : : Generate a minimal hiearchical report to the console.
vprof_generate_report_map_load : cmd : : Generate a report to the console.
vprof_graph : 0 : , "launcher" : Draw the vprof graph.
vprof_graphheight : 256 : , "a" :
vprof_graphwidth : 512 : , "a" :
vprof_nextsibling : cmd : :
vprof_off : cmd : : Turn off VProf profiler
vprof_on : cmd : : Turn on VProf profiler
vprof_parent : cmd : :
vprof_playback_average : cmd : : Average the next N frames.
vprof_playback_start : cmd : : Start playing back a recorded .vprof file.
vprof_playback_step : cmd : : While playing back a .vprof file, step to the next tick.
vprof_playback_stepback : cmd : : While playing back a .vprof file, step to the previous tick.
vprof_playback_stop : cmd : : Stop playing back a recorded .vprof file.
vprof_prevsibling : cmd : :
vprof_record_start : cmd : : Start recording vprof data for playback later.
vprof_record_stop : cmd : : Stop recording vprof data
vprof_remote_start : cmd : : Request a VProf data stream from the remote server (requires authentication)
vprof_remote_stop : cmd : : Stop an existing remote VProf data request
vprof_reset : cmd : : Reset the stats in VProf profiler
vprof_reset_peaks : cmd : : Reset just the peak time in VProf profiler
vprof_scope : : , "launcher" : Set a specific scope to start showing vprof tree
vprof_scope_entity_gamephys : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
vprof_scope_entity_thinks : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
vprof_server_spike_threshold : 999.0 : , "launcher" :
vprof_server_thread : 0 : , "launcher" :
vprof_think_limit : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
vprof_to_csv : cmd : : Convert a recorded .vprof file to .csv.
vprof_unaccounted_limit : 0.3 : , "a" : number of milliseconds that a node must exceed to turn red in the vprof panel
vprof_verbose : 1 : , "a" : Set to one to show average and peak times
vprof_vtune_group : cmd : : enable vtune for a particular vprof group ("disable" to disable)
vprof_warningmsec : 10 : , "a" : Above this many milliseconds render the label red to indicate slow code.
vs_defib_penalty : 25 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Score penalty for each time a defibrillator is used
vs_incap_bonus : 10 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Bonus score for infected, per incap in a chapter
vs_max_team_switches : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
vs_score_pp_health : 0.5 : , "sv", "launcher" :
vs_score_pp_healthbuffer : 0.25 : , "sv", "launcher" :
vs_survival_bonus : 25 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Bonus score per survivor for completing a chapter
vs_survivor_damage_reduction : 0.8 : , "sv", "cheat" :
vs_tank_damage : 24 : , "sv", "cheat" : Amount of damage done by a vs tank's melee attack
vs_threat_initial_distance_first_map_max : 12000 : , "sv", "cheat" : Max distance of starting threat area in vs mode on the first map
vs_threat_initial_distance_first_map_min : 8000 : , "sv", "cheat" : Min distance of starting threat area in vs mode on the first map
vs_threat_initial_distance_max : 8000 : , "sv", "cheat" : Max distance of starting threat area in vs mode
vs_threat_initial_distance_min : 3000 : , "sv", "cheat" : Min distance of starting threat area in vs mode
vs_threat_radius : 200 : , "sv", "cheat" : Distance from the escape route for placing threats
vs_tiebreak_bonus : 25 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Score awarded for winning a versus tiebreaker
vtune : cmd : : Controls VTune's sampling.
+walk : cmd : , "cl" :
-walk : cmd : , "cl" :
warp_all_survivors_here : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Warp all survivors to the player's cursor
warp_all_survivors_to_battlefield : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Warp all Survivors to the battlefield
warp_all_survivors_to_checkpoint : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Warp all Survivors to the exit checkpoint
warp_all_survivors_to_finale : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Warp all Survivors to the finale radio
warp_far_survivor_here : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Teleport the farthest away Survivor to your cursor position
warp_to_start_area : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Warp yourself to a survivor spawn area
weapon_reparse_client : cmd : , "cheat", "cl" : Reloads the weapon script files
weapon_reparse_server : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Reloads the weapon script files
weapon_showproficiency : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
weapon_spawn_fade_distance : 1000 : , "cl", "launcher" : Maximum visible distance of weapon spawns
windows_speaker_config : 4 : , "a" :
wipe_attributes : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Clear all attributes of selected area.
wipe_nav_attributes : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Clear all nav attributes of selected area.
witch_force_wander : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
witch_rage_ramp_duration : 5.0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
writeid : cmd : : Writes a list of permanently-banned user IDs to banned_user.cfg.
writeip : cmd : : Save the ban list to banned_ip.cfg.
x360_audio_english : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Keeps track of whether we're forcing english in a localized language.
xbox_autothrottle : 1 : , "a", "sv" :
xbox_steering_deadzone : 0.0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
xbox_throttlebias : 100 : , "a", "sv" :
xbox_throttlespoof : 200 : , "a", "sv" :
xc_crouch_debounce : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
xload : cmd : : Load a saved game from a 360 storage device.
xlook : cmd : , "cl" :
xmove : cmd : , "cl" :
xsave : cmd : , "norecord" : Saves current game to a 360 storage device.
z_acquire_far_range : 2500 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_acquire_far_time : 5.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_acquire_near_range : 200 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_acquire_near_time : 0.5 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_acquire_time_variance_factor : 0.25 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_add : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Add an Infected - optional x y z arguments for world position to add them
z_added_light_debug : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
z_added_light_max : 0.25 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_added_light_min : 0.025 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_added_light_scale : 0.2 : , "cl", "launcher" : Scales added light after min/max clamping
z_alert_dot : 0.3 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_alert_range : 1000 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_allow_ai_to_use_abilities : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" : If zero, Hunters wont pounce, Tanks wont throw rocks, etc
z_anim_idle_speed_max : 85 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Players moving slower than this and not pressing any movement buttons use an ACT_IDLE variant
z_anim_idle_speed_min : 20 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Players moving slower than this use an ACT_IDLE variant
z_atomize_gibbed_limbs_probability : 100 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_attack_change_target_range : 100 : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" :
z_attack_flow_range : 1500 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_attack_incapacitated_damage : 10 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_attack_infected_it_damage : 10 : , "sv", "cheat" : Damage done per claw hit by infected on other infected who are IT
z_attack_interval : 1 : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" :
z_attack_max_range : 20 : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" :
z_attack_min_range : 10 : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" :
z_attack_movement_penalty : 0.5 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_attack_on_the_run_range : 35 : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" :
z_attack_pz_it_damage : 20 : , "sv", "cheat" : Damage done by infected on IT PZs
z_attention_range_lying_modifier : 0.15 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_attention_range_sitting_modifier : 0.35 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_avoid_max_range : 100 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_avoid_min_range : 30 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_avoid_power : 10 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_avoidforce : 2500 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_avoidteammates : 1 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_award_debug : 0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Get debugging info on all award calcs to the console. (0|1|2|3 for none|yes-no thoughts|every thought|every spammy calc)
z_background_limit : 20 : , "sv", "cheat" : How many common infected are on the background map at once.
z_backspeed : 450 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_bbq_min : 0.0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Min amount for the bbq effect
z_bbq_rate : 0.005 : , "sv", "launcher" : How fast the bbq effect grows on burning players
z_boomer_gibs : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
z_boomer_limit : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_boomer_near_dist : 180 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_boss_crouch : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Forces boss zombie bots to crouch
z_boundary_clear_type : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" : 0 = floodfill, 1 = new creep
z_boundary_max_range : 5000 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_boundary_spread_speed : 200 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_brawl_chance : 2 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_breakable_damage : 4 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_burn_decay_rate : 0.0 : , "cl", "launcher" : How fast the burn effect dies on burning ragdolls
z_burn_effect_duration : 10.0f : , "cheat", "cl" :
z_burn_effect_strength : 0.6f : , "cheat", "cl" :
z_burn_max : 0.85 : , "sv", "launcher" : Max amount for the burn effect
z_burn_rate : 0.01 : , "sv", "launcher" : How fast the burn effect grows on burning players
z_burning_lifetime : 30 : , "sv", "cheat" : Number of seconds a burning zombie takes to crisp
z_camo_decay_rate : 0.001 : , "cheat", "cl" : How fast the camouflage effect dies on ragdolls
z_carry_max_mass : 250 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_chance : 60 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_charge_duration : 2.5 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_charge_impact_angle : .7 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_charge_impact_radius : 120 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_charge_interval : 12 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_charge_max_damage : 10 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_charge_max_force : 800 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_charge_max_speed : 500 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_charge_min_force : 550 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_charge_prop_damage : 20 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_charge_start_speed : 250 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_charge_tooshort : 0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_charge_warmup : 0.5 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_charger_allow_shove : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : 0 = Cannot be shoved, 1 = Can be shoved
z_charger_health : 600 : , "sv", "cheat" : Charger max health
z_charger_impact_epsilon : 8 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_charger_limit : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_charger_max_prop_force : 3000 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_charger_pound_dmg : 15 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_charger_probe_alone : 6 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_charger_probe_attack : 24 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_checkpoint_debug : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_claw_hit_pitch_max : 20 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_claw_hit_pitch_min : -20 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_claw_hit_yaw_max : 20 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_claw_hit_yaw_min : -20 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_clear_area_range : 300 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_clear_max_time : 5 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_clear_min_time : 0.2 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_clear_min_time_range : 300 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_clear_range : 750 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_close_target_notice_distance : 60 : , "sv", "cheat" : How far an attacking zombie will look for a nearby target on their way to their chosen victim.
z_common_limit : 30 : , "sv", "cheat" : How many common infecteds we can have at once.
z_cooldown_spawn_safety_range : 1000 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_cough_cloud_expire : 14 : , "sv", "cheat" : You don't cough after a smoke cloud has existed this long.
z_cough_cloud_initial_cough_delay : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : You don't cough until smoke cloud exists for this long.
z_cough_cloud_radius : 175 : , "sv", "cheat" : How far from center of smoke cloud makes you cough.
z_credits_interval : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_crouch_speed : 75 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_cull_timeout : 5 : , "sv", "cheat" : Grace period before player zombie is culled for being too far away
z_damage_screen_fade_alpha : 30 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_damage_screen_fade_duration : 0.5 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_deafen_radius_one : 100 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_deafen_radius_three : 200 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_deafen_radius_two : 150 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_debug : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_debug_avoid : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_debug_breakables : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_debug_climb : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_debug_cull : : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_debug_escape_route : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : If nonzero, display information when escape route fails
z_debug_escape_scan : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_debug_falling_damage : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_debug_fog : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_debug_infected_anim : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_debug_infected_anim_report : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Prints the server's layer info for the specified infected
z_debug_infected_server_anim : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_debug_ledges : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_debug_mob_spawn : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_debug_neighbors : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_debug_path_stress_test : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Stress-tests Path::Compute() on an Infected. Optional argument is number of times to invoke Compute()
z_debug_population : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_debug_shared_random : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_debug_spawn_ahead : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_debug_spawn_set : -1 : , "sv", "cheat" : 0=Anywhere, 1=Behind, 2=IT, 3=Specials in front, 4=Specials anywhere, 5=Far Away, 6=Above
z_debug_spawnable_areas : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Draws areas mobs can spawn from in green (normal) or blue (marked as OBSCURED in the nav)
z_debug_stuck : : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_debug_tank_spawn : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" : When console spawning a tank automatically give it to a player.
z_decals : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Splat decals on all infected
z_density_region_length : 1500 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_destroy_on_attack : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : When an infected starts punching its victim, destroy it. Useful for demos.
z_difficulty : Normal : , "rep", "cl" : Difficulty of the current game (Easy, Normal, Hard, Impossible)
z_director_special_spawn_delay : 10 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_discard_min_range : 1000 : , "sv", "cheat" : Don't relocate PZs closer than this regardless of flow distance
z_discard_range : 2500 : , "sv", "cheat" : Discard Zombies farther away than this
z_do_tracers : 1 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Do we want tracers at all?
z_dont_clear : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_door_pound_damage : 60 : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" :
z_door_reopen_interval : 0.5 : , "sv", "cheat" : Closed doors can be re-opened after this amount of time
z_door_retry_interval : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" : Interval at which blocked doors will try to reopen
z_escape_route_alpha : 25 : , "cheat", "cl" :
z_escape_route_far : 500 : , "cl", "launcher" : Escape route draws segments that are this close to the local player
z_escape_route_force_visible : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
z_escape_route_near : 200 : , "cl", "launcher" : Escape route draws segments that are this far from the local player
z_escape_route_segment_fade_in_rate : 150 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_escape_route_segment_fade_out_rate : 150 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_experimental_blast_damage_probability : 100 : , "sv", "cheat" : Damage to zombie from explosion will use new cutouts - probability, %
z_exploding_force : 5000 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_exploding_health : 50 : , "sv", "cheat" : Exploding Zombie max health
z_exploding_inner_radius : 130 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_exploding_outer_radius : 200 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_exploding_shove_interval : 10 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_exploding_shove_max : 5 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_exploding_shove_min : 4 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_exploding_speed : 175 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_exploding_splat : 50 : , "sv", "cheat" : Boomers splat instead of making a thud when taking this much falling damage
z_exploding_splat_radius : 200 : , "sv", "cheat" : Boomers splattering on the ground make survivors inside this radius it
z_expressions : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_fallen_kill_suppress_time : 300 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_fallen_max_count : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_falling_land_forward_speed : 200 : , "sv", "cheat" : Minimum falling speed to cause a stumbling forward landing animation to occur
z_falling_land_hard_speed : 200 : , "sv", "cheat" : Minimum falling speed to cause a 'hard' landing animation to occur
z_falling_land_speed : 200 : , "sv", "cheat" : Minimum falling speed to cause a landing animation to occur
z_fatal_blast_incineration_probability : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_fatal_blast_max_ragdolls : 16 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_fatal_blast_min_ragdolls : 2 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_female_boomer_spawn_chance : 25 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_finale_chance : 100 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_finale_spawn_safety_range : 600 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_fog_spawn : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Set to 1 to use fogged areas as valid spawn areas
z_force_attack_from_sound_range : 750 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_forcezombiemodel : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : remove variability in infected models and instead use the specified model from z_zombieforcemodelname
z_forcezombiemodelname : common_male01 : , "sv", "cheat" : base name for the model from the models/infected directory to use for all infected if z_forcezombiemodel is set.
z_forwardspeed : 450 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_friendly_fire_forgiveness : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" : Ignore friendly fire that appears to be unintentional.
z_frustration : 1 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_frustration_blink_percent : 0.75 : , "cheat", "cl" :
z_frustration_blink_rate : 10 : , "cheat", "cl" :
z_frustration_lifetime : 20 : , "sv", "cheat" : Frustration will accumulate for this many seconds before forcing an AI tank takeover
z_frustration_los_delay : 2 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_frustration_spawn_delay : 10 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_gas_health : 250 : , "sv", "cheat" : Gas Zombie max health
z_gas_speed : 210 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_ghost_ahead_flow : 500 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Ghosts must be this far ahead of the survivors to materialize
z_ghost_checkpoint_spawn_interval : 30 : , "sv", "cheat" : Interval for spawning special zombies while survivors are in the checkpoint
z_ghost_cooldown : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_ghost_delay_max : 30 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_ghost_delay_min : 20 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_ghost_delay_minspawn : 3 : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" :
z_ghost_duration : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" : dead PZs will become ghosts when they are this close to being able to spawn
z_ghost_finale_spawn_interval : 20 : , "sv", "cheat" : Interval for spawning special zombies during the finale
z_ghost_friction : 1.5 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_ghost_group_spawn : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" : Should ghosts all spawn at once instead of a set time after death?
z_ghost_line_of_scrimmage_far : 2000 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_ghost_line_of_scrimmage_near : 1000 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_ghost_line_of_scrimmage_safety : 10 : , "sv", "launcher" : If the survivors are this close to the checkpoint, allow ghosts based on time
z_ghost_line_of_scrimmage_threat_bonus : 1000 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_ghost_los_expected_progress : 1500 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_ghost_offer_acceptance_time : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Ghosts who accept offers extend their timers to this much
z_ghost_offer_spawn_safety_time : 20 : , "sv", "launcher" : Ghost offers don't go to ghosts who spawn sooner than this
z_ghost_runner_spawn_multiplier : 0.5 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" :
z_ghost_runner_spawn_multiplier_dist : 3000 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" :
z_ghost_spawn_distance : 300 : , "sv", "launcher" : ghosts will be placed this far ahead of survivors when they cross the line of scrimmage
z_ghost_spawn_in_start : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Allow ghosts to materialize while players are in the start area
z_ghost_spawn_interval : 60 : , "sv", "cheat" : Interval for spawning special zombies
z_ghost_speed : 450 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_ghost_travel_distance : 1000 : , "sv", "cheat" : Ghosts this far away from survivors in travel distance can materialize regardless of linear distance from survivors
z_gib_despawn_time : 10.0f : , "cheat", "cl" :
z_gib_explosion_force_factor : 0.1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_gib_force_factor : 10.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_gib_limb_distance : 400 : , "cheat", "cl" : Rifles and sniper rifles can dismember at this range
z_gib_limb_distance_zoomed : 800 : , "cheat", "cl" : Sniper rifles can dismember at this range when zoomed
z_gib_spread_force : 10000 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_gib_spread_randomize : 0.1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_gib_spread_torque : 150 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_gibs_per_frame : 2 : , "cheat", "cl" :
z_grab_force : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : For testing - always grab ledges regardless of estimated falling damage
z_grab_ledges_solo : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : For testing - grab ledges even if you're the last survivor
z_gun_damage : 10 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_gun_debug_player_index : 0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_gun_debug_spread : 0 : , "sv", "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_gun_force : 300 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_gun_horiz_punch : 0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Toggles horizontal punchangles for guns
z_gun_kick : 0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Firing a gun can knock the player's view this amount of the current spread
z_gun_physics_force : 25 : , "sv", "cheat" : How hard we push things that aren't players or doors.
z_gun_range : 75 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_gun_stun_duration : 1.25 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_gun_survivor_force : 200 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_gun_survivor_friend_push : 1 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Allow survivors to push survivors with a right click.
z_gun_survivor_shove_dot : 0.95 : , "sv", "cheat" : Max dot of a shove swing that can push a fellow survivor
z_gun_swing_coop_max_penalty : 8 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_gun_swing_coop_min_penalty : 5 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_gun_swing_duration : 0.2 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_gun_swing_interval : 0.7 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_gun_swing_vs_amt_penalty : 1.0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_gun_swing_vs_cooldown : 1.0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_gun_swing_vs_max_penalty : 6 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_gun_swing_vs_min_penalty : 3 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_gun_swing_vs_restore_time : 4.0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_gun_vertical_punch : 1 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Toggles vertical punchangles for guns
z_head_damage_causes_wounds : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Head damage with any weapon can cause wounds. Used in realism mode.
z_health : 50 : , "sv", "cheat" : Zombie max health
z_hear_gunfire_range : 200 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_hear_runner_far_range : 750 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_hear_runner_near_range : 500 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_hit_chainsawer_factor : 0.5 : , "sv", "cheat" : Damage multiplier if zombie hits someone using a chainsaw
z_hit_from_behind_cosine : 0.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_hit_from_behind_factor : 0.5 : , "sv", "cheat" : Damage multiplier if zombie hits Survivor from behind
z_hit_incap_factor_easy : 0.1 : , "sv", "cheat" : Damage multiplier if zombie hits incapacitated Survivor
z_hit_incap_factor_expert : 1.0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Damage multiplier if zombie hits incapacitated Survivor
z_hit_incap_factor_hard : 1.0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Damage multiplier if zombie hits incapacitated Survivor
z_hit_incap_factor_normal : 1.0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Damage multiplier if zombie hits incapacitated Survivor
z_hunter_ground_normal : 0.2 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_hunter_health : 250 : , "sv", "cheat" : Zombie max health
z_hunter_limit : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_hunter_lunge_distance : 750 : , "sv", "launcher" : Distance at which bot hunters will try to lunge
z_hunter_lunge_pitch : 25 : , "sv", "launcher" : Extra pitch bot hunters will lunge with at their max range (goes to 0 when bots are lunging up close)
z_hunter_lunge_stagger_time : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_hunter_max_pounce_bonus_damage : 24 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" :
z_hunter_speed : 300 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_increment_head : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Switch to next head bodygroup
z_increment_lower : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Switch to next lower body bodygroup
z_increment_skin : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Switch to next skin
z_increment_upper : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Switch to next upper body bodygroup
z_infected_burn_strength : 0.9 : , "cheat", "cl" :
z_infected_damage_cutouts : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_Infected_debug : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_infected_decals : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_infected_flashlight : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_infected_gib_count : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_infected_gib_max_speed : 500 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_infected_gib_min_speed : 300 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_infected_invuln : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_infected_move : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_infected_shadows : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_infected_tinting : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_it_decay_rate : 0.001 : , "cl", "launcher" : How fast the IT effect dies
z_jockey_area_current_factor : 1.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_jockey_area_hazard_bonus : 3000.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_jockey_area_range_factor : 2.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_jockey_area_visibility_factor : 500.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_jockey_attach_delay : 0.2 : , "cheat", "cl" : Time between hitting a player and visually attaching
z_jockey_blend_rate : 1.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_jockey_control_max : 0.8 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_jockey_control_min : 0.8 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_jockey_control_variance : 0.7 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_jockey_debug : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_jockey_health : 325 : , "sv", "cheat" : Zombie max health
z_jockey_leap_again_timer : 5.0 : , "sv", "cheat" : How long after a dismount before the jockey can leap again.
z_jockey_leap_range : 200 : , "sv", "cheat" : If victim is this close, leap at them
z_jockey_leap_time : 1.0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Time allowed between jockey bot leaps.
z_jockey_limit : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_jockey_lookahead : 400.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_jockey_min_ledge_distance : 200.0f : , "sv", "cheat" : z-delta required for the jockey to try to run you off a ledge
z_jockey_min_mounted_speed : 0.6 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_jockey_pounced_surv_bark : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" : Select between behaviors for survivor shouts when pounced by jockey. 0 dispatches a SurvivorJockeyed concept to all players via THEN_ANY, 1 dispatches SurvivorJockeyed only to the pounced player and SurvivorJockeyedOther to all other players.
z_jockey_ride_damage : 4 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_jockey_ride_damage_delay : 1.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_jockey_ride_damage_interval : 1.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_jockey_ride_hazard_scan_distance : 500.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_jockey_ride_scan_distance : 800.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_jockey_ride_scan_interval : 3.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_jockey_speed : 250.0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_jockey_speed_blend : 2.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_jockey_stagger_amount : 0.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_jockey_stagger_speed : 2.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_kill : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Kill the pointed-at common infected
z_large_volume_mob_too_far_xy : 1600 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_large_volume_mob_too_far_z : 128 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_last_area_update_tolerance : 4.0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Distance a character needs to travel in order to invalidate cached area
z_last_man_run_interval : 3 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_lean_wall_align_speed : 300 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_leap_attach_distance : 60.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_leap_cooldown : 0.0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Cooldown after leap where zombies can't attack
z_leap_far_attach_delay : 0.4 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_leap_force_attach_distance : 40.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_leap_interval : 0.5 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_leap_interval_post_incap : 30.0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_leap_interval_post_ride : 6.0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_leap_max_distance : 200.0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_leap_power : 400 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_look_at_local_player : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : For demo purposes
z_lunge_cooldown : 0.1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Cooldown after lunge where zombies can't attack
z_lunge_interval : 0.1 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_lunge_power : 600 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_lunge_reflect : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Reflects wall-kick lunges
z_lunge_up : 200 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_max_blood_scale : 3 : , "cheat", "cl" : The biggest starting scale a blood puff can be.
z_max_hunter_pounce_stagger_duration : 0.5 : , "sv", "cheat" : Max time a PZ staggers when bashed by a survivor that was pounced by said hunter.
z_max_neighbor_range : 200 : , "sv", "cheat" : Max range for neighbor collection for avoidance
z_max_path_length : 5000 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_max_player_zombies : 4 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Max number of humans that can be controlling zombies at one time.
z_max_stagger_duration : 6 : , "sv", "cheat" : Max time a PZ staggers when bashed by a survivor.
z_max_survivor_damage : 300 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_mega_mob_size : 50 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_mega_mob_spawn_max_interval : 900 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_mega_mob_spawn_min_interval : 420 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_min_ladder_mount_dot : 0.5 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Minimum 2D dot product from player's view to a ladder to be able to grab it
z_minigun_atomize : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : minigun should atomize zombies
z_minigun_cooldown_time : 3 : , "sv", "cheat" : Minigun cooldown time
z_minigun_damage_rate : 48000 : , "sv", "cheat" : Minigun damage rate, in health/minute
z_minigun_debug : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_minigun_fire_anim_speed : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : cycle rate for main sequence when firing miniguns
z_minigun_fire_think_interval : 0.2 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_minigun_firing_speed : 15 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_minigun_overheat_time : 20 : , "sv", "cheat" : Minigun overheat time
z_minigun_particles : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : 1=attachment, 2=control points (like smoker_tongue drip)
z_minigun_rate_of_fire : 1500 : , "sv", "cheat" : Minigun rate of fire, in bullets/minute
z_minigun_spin_down_speed : 4 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_minigun_spin_up_speed : 15 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_minigun_spread : 7 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Minigun spray in degrees from forward
z_minigun_stand_distance : 36 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_minion_aim_tolerance : 0.05 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_minion_limit : 3 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_mob_min_notify_count : 10 : , "sv", "cheat" : Mobs at least this large trigger 'mob' events
z_mob_music_size : 2 : , "sv", "cheat" : Spotting a mob this large plays music
z_mob_population_density : 0.0064 : , "sv", "cheat" : Density of mob spawns, per square inch (0.0064 = 4 per 1x1 nav area)
z_mob_recharge_rate : 0.0025 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_mob_sacrifice_timeout : 5 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_mob_simple_shadows : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Control shadow quality on mobs: 0 - full shadows, 1 - blobby, 2 - no shadows
z_mob_spawn_finale_size : 20 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_mob_spawn_max_interval_easy : 240 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_mob_spawn_max_interval_expert : 180 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_mob_spawn_max_interval_hard : 180 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_mob_spawn_max_interval_normal : 180 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_mob_spawn_max_size : 30 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_mob_spawn_min_interval_easy : 120 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_mob_spawn_min_interval_expert : 90 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_mob_spawn_min_interval_hard : 90 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_mob_spawn_min_interval_normal : 90 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_mob_spawn_min_size : 10 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_mounted_gun_fire_think_interval : 0.05 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_must_wander : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : For testing. 0: default. 1: wandering zombies don't sit/lie down. -1: wandering zombies always sit/lie down.
z_mute_infected : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : If nonzero, common infected will not growl, yell, etc
z_nav_debug : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_network_compression : 1 : , "launcher" : Enables bz2 compression
z_nightvision_b : 128 : , "a", "cl" :
z_nightvision_g : 192 : , "a", "cl" :
z_nightvision_r : 255 : , "a", "cl" :
z_no_cull : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : If nonzero, the Director will not cull common infected
z_noise_level_display : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Show noise levels on players?
z_noise_level_fade_rate : 40 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : How much noise we lose each tick, after hold_time expires.
z_noise_level_footstep : 135 : , "sv", "cheat" : How much noise we make with a footstep.
z_noise_level_hold_time : 0.5 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : How long we hold a given noise level before it starts to fade.
z_noise_level_max : 135 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : The highest the noise level can go.
z_noise_level_vocalize : 135 : , "sv", "cheat" : How much noise we make when we say things.
z_non_head_damage_factor_easy : 2 : , "sv", "cheat" : Damage to zombie from non-headshots is multiplied by this factor
z_non_head_damage_factor_expert : 0.5 : , "sv", "cheat" : Damage to zombie from non-headshots is multiplied by this factor
z_non_head_damage_factor_hard : 0.75 : , "sv", "cheat" : Damage to zombie from non-headshots is multiplied by this factor
z_non_head_damage_factor_multiplier : 1.0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Damage to zombie from non-headshots is multiplied by this factor. Used in realism mode.
z_non_head_damage_factor_normal : 1.0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Damage to zombie from non-headshots is multiplied by this factor
z_notice_it_range : 1500 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_notice_near_range : 100 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_play_activity : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Play a specific activity on the pointed-at common infected
z_player_lunge_up : 150 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_player_zombie_debug : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_player_zombie_land_delay : 0.5 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_player_zombie_min_dead_time : 2 : , "sv", "cheat" : The minimum time a PC zombie must be dead before being eligible to respawn
z_population : c1streets : , "sv", "launcher" : Default population on the current map (saved/loaded in the nav mesh)
z_pounce_allow_partial_hidden : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_pounce_crouch_delay : 1 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_pounce_damage : 5 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_pounce_damage_delay : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_pounce_damage_interrupt : 50 : , "sv", "cheat" : Taking this much damage interrupts a pounce attempt
z_pounce_damage_interval : 0.5 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_pounce_delay : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_pounce_door_damage : 500 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_pounce_shake_amplitude : 4 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_pounce_shake_duration : 1.5 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_pounce_shake_radius : 250 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_pounce_silence_range : 500 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_pounce_stumble_force : 5 : , "sv", "cheat" : Force of the stumble effect when a hunter pounces on someone
z_pounce_stumble_radius : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Radius of the stumble effect when a hunter pounces on someone
z_prevent_burrowing : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" : Use extra tracelines to prevent burrowing zombies
z_puking_eye_height : 44 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_push_force : 2000 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_push_mass_max : 200 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_pushaway_force : 100 : , "sv", "cheat" : How hard the infected shove non-IT Survivors out of their way to reach the IT victim
z_ragdoll_discard_range : 2000 : , "sv", "launcher" : Discard ragdolls farther away than this
z_ragdoll_impact_strength : 500 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_randombodygroups : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" : Set to zero to disable random body groups on infected
z_randomskins : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" : Set to zero to disable random skins on infected
z_reload_chatter_debug : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Should we give devtext explanations of why we didn't say "Reloading"?
z_reload_chatter_intensity : 0.25 : , "sv", "cheat" : Intensity level at which players start saying "Reloading"
z_reload_chatter_nearby_friend_range : 600 : , "sv", "cheat" : A friend needs to be this close to say"Reloading"
z_reload_chatter_recent_enemy : 1.5 : , "sv", "cheat" : An enemy needs to have been seen this recently to say "Reloading"
z_reload_chatter_shotgun_ammo_threshold : 6 : , "sv", "cheat" : Players don't say "Reloading" when reloading a shotgun that has this many shells already
z_reload_chatter_shotgun_interval : 10 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_removeitems : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Removes all items from survivors
z_reserved_wanderers : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_reset_population_counter : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : For debugging
z_respawn_distance : 100 : , "sv", "cheat" : Infected can try a respawn within this far of their original spawn
z_respawn_interval : 10 : , "sv", "cheat" : Infected can try a respawn within this many seconds of spawning
z_restrict_team_change : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_round_start_attack_prevention : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : How many seconds after round start until a player is allowed to use a weapon.
z_round_start_replacement_time : 30 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_run_exertion_interval : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_safe_spawn_range : 250 : , "sv", "cheat" : Minimum range for spawning special zombies
z_scout_mob_spawn_range : 3000 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_scrimmage_a_far : 255 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_scrimmage_a_near : 10 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_scrimmage_b : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_scrimmage_creep_delay : 30 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_scrimmage_creep_rate : 50 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_scrimmage_debug : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_scrimmage_far : 3000 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_scrimmage_g : 255 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_scrimmage_height : 50 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_scrimmage_r : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_scrimmage_reset : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_scrimmage_sphere : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_scrimmage_yardline_a_far : 25 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_scrimmage_yardline_a_near : 15 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_scrimmage_yardline_b : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_scrimmage_yardline_far : 500 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_scrimmage_yardline_g : 255 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_scrimmage_yardline_height : 6 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_scrimmage_yardline_r : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_scrimmage_yardline_width : 12 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_shotgun_bonus_damage_multiplier : 5 : , "sv", "cheat" : The multiplier to damage from a shotgun pellet within z_shotgun_bonus_damage_range range.
z_shotgun_bonus_damage_range : 100 : , "sv", "cheat" : A shotgun pellet hitting a common infected within this distance will get the z_shotgun_bonus_damage_multiplier bonus.
z_shove_friend_speed : 130 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_show_bottlenecks : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_show_clear : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_show_completely_visible_to_survivor_team : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_show_damaging : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_show_escape_route : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_show_flow_delta : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_show_flow_distance : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_show_infected : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_show_last_area : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Draws a line from each player to the center of their last known nav area
z_show_mutually_visible_set : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_show_population_density : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_show_potentially_visible : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_show_potentially_visible_to_survivor_team : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_show_swings : 0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_show_traffic : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_sidespeed : 450 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_skip_wounds : 0 : , "sv" :
z_skirmish_spawn_max_interval : 90 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_skirmish_spawn_max_size : 4 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_skirmish_spawn_min_interval : 45 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_skirmish_spawn_min_size : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_smoker_limit : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_spawn : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : <tank|boomer|smoker|witch|hunter|spitter|jockey|charger|mob|common> <auto> <ragdoll> <area>. Spawns the specified zombie(s) under your cursor, or out in the world/in the targetted nav area if auto or area is specified.
z_spawn_const_ang : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : z_spawn will spawn new zombies at the yaw angle specified. Pass no arguments to disable.
z_spawn_const_distance : -1 : , "sv", "cheat" : If positive, it's the distance from the player where z_spawn spawns a character (as opposed to raycasting to the nearest obstacle)
z_spawn_const_pos : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : z_spawn will spawn new zombies at the x y z coordinates specified. Pass no arguments to disable.
z_spawn_flow_limit : 1500 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_spawn_health : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : If non-0, health given to a zombie spawned with z_spawn
z_spawn_height : 12 : , "sv", "cheat" : Height above ground z_spawn places new infected
z_spawn_mobs_behind_chance : 75 : , "sv", "cheat" : Percentage chance that a mob will spawn behind the Survivor team
z_spawn_mobs_from_selected_set : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Spawn subsequent mobs from the currently selected set via the nav mesh editor
z_spawn_range : 1500 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_spawn_safety_range : 550 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_spawn_speed : 450 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_spec_nightvision : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : In-eye spectators will see 0=no glow, 1=normal glow, 2=weak glow
z_special_burn_dmg_scale : 3 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_special_spawn_interval : 45 : , "sv", "cheat" : Interval for spawning special zombies
z_speed : 250 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_spew_areas : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_spit_detonate_delay : 0.1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_spit_interval : 20 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_spit_latency : 0.3 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_spit_range : 900 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_spit_spread_delay : 0.2 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_spit_velocity : 900 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_spitter_health : 100 : , "sv", "cheat" : Spitter zombie max health
z_spitter_high_chance : 10 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_spitter_limit : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_spitter_max_wait_time : 30 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_spitter_range : 850 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_spitter_speed : 210 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_splat_survivor_pitch_max : 25 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_splat_survivor_pitch_min : 15 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_splat_survivor_shake_amplitude : 50 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_splat_survivor_shake_duration : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_splat_survivor_shake_frequency : 150 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_splat_survivor_shake_radius : 10 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_splat_survivor_yaw_max : 10 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_splat_survivor_yaw_min : -10 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_splatter_delay : 0.25 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_splatter_delay_melee : 0.1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_splatterdistance : 100 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_stand_still : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : For testing. 0: default. 1: unalerted common infected will stand still instead of wandering, turning, sitting, etc.
z_state_debug : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Gives feedback on current zombie state.
z_stomp_always : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Force melee attacks on single infected to always be stomps.
z_stumble_max_curve_accel : 5 : , "sv", "cheat" : Rate of turn increase per second
z_stumble_max_curve_rate : 10 : , "sv", "cheat" : Maximum degrees/sec turning while stumbling forward
z_survivor_respawn_health : 50 : , "sv", "launcher" : How much health does a respawned survivor get?
z_tank_attack_interval : 1.5 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_tank_autoshotgun_dmg_scale : 0.85 : , "sv", "cheat" : percent damage taken by the tank from the autoshotgun
z_tank_damage_slow_max_range : 400 : , "sv", "cheat" : Range at which Tank is slowed by gunfire
z_tank_damage_slow_min_range : 200 : , "sv", "cheat" : Range at which Tank is slowed by gunfire
z_tank_footstep_shake_amplitude : 5 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_tank_footstep_shake_duration : 2 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_tank_footstep_shake_interval : 0.4 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_tank_footstep_shake_radius : 750 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_tank_grenade_damage : 750 : , "sv", "cheat" : How much damage a Tank takes from a grenade.
z_tank_grenade_launcher_dmg_scale : 3.0 : , "sv", "cheat" : percent increase in damage done to the tank by grenade launcher
z_tank_grenade_roll : -10 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_tank_grenade_slowdown : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : The speed setting put on a Tank when hit by a grenade.
z_tank_has_special_blood : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Does the Tank get his own blood effect instead of the normal infected one?
z_tank_health : 4000 : , "sv", "cheat" : Tank Zombie max health
z_tank_incapacitated_decay_rate : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" : How much health a dying Tank loses each update.
z_tank_incapacitated_health : 5000 : , "sv", "cheat" : Health Tank starts with in death throes.
z_tank_max_stagger_distance : 400 : , "sv", "cheat" : Max distance a Tank staggers when hurt by a grenade.
z_tank_max_stagger_duration : 6 : , "sv", "cheat" : Max time a Tank staggers when hit by a grenade.
z_tank_max_stagger_fade_duration : 6 : , "sv", "cheat" : Fade in time when a Tank is staggered by a grenade.
z_tank_rock_debug : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Show debug for the rock thinking about detonating on people.
z_tank_rock_radius : 100 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_tank_speed : 210 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_tank_speed_vs : 210 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_tank_stagger_fade_alpha : 192 : , "sv", "cheat" : How opaque the screen fade is when a Tank is hit by a grenade.
z_tank_stagger_fade_duration : 3 : , "sv", "cheat" : How long the screen fade lasts when a Tank is hit by a grenade.
z_tank_throw_fail_interval : 0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : How soon a tank can try again after failing to throw.
z_tank_throw_force : 800 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_tank_throw_health : 50 : , "sv", "cheat" : Health of the tank projectile (0 disables)
z_tank_throw_interval : 5 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : How often a tank can throw.
z_tank_walk_speed : 100 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_tanks_block_molotovs : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_throttle_hit_interval_easy : 0.5 : , "sv", "cheat" : Minimum time between damaging a Survivor from a mob
z_throttle_hit_interval_expert : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" : Minimum time between damaging a Survivor from a mob
z_throttle_hit_interval_hard : 0.5 : , "sv", "cheat" : Minimum time between damaging a Survivor from a mob
z_throttle_hit_interval_normal : 0.33 : , "sv", "cheat" : Minimum time between damaging a Survivor from a mob
z_tracer_particles : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_tracer_spacing : 1 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : One in how many bullets is a tracer in automatic weapons.
z_transitioning_player_addon_rebuild : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_transitioning_players_remove : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_unwound_all : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Clears all wounds from all infected
z_use_belt_item_tolerance : 0.98 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_use_next_difficulty_damage_factor : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : If set, uses the next higher difficulty mode for the purposes of damage factoring.
z_use_tolerance : 0.82 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_versus_boomer_limit : 1 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" :
z_versus_charger_limit : 1 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" :
z_versus_hunter_limit : 1 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" :
z_versus_jockey_limit : 1 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" :
z_versus_smoker_limit : 1 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" :
z_versus_spitter_limit : 1 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" :
z_view_distance : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" : Default camera distance when in-eye (non-zero is pulled back like staggering, hanging, etc)
z_vision_range : 500 : , "sv", "cheat" : How far a Zombie can see.
z_vision_range_alert : 1500 : , "sv", "cheat" : How far a Zombie can see when alert.
z_vision_range_daylight : 2400 : , "sv", "cheat" : How far a Zombie can see in daylight
z_vision_range_obscured : 500 : , "sv", "cheat" : How far a Zombie can see in OBSCURED areas.
z_vision_range_obscured_alert : 750 : , "sv", "cheat" : How far a Zombie can see in OBSCURED areas when alert.
z_vocalize_burn_max_interval : 3 : , "sv", "cheat" : The maximum time between vocalizing being burned
z_vocalize_burn_min_interval : 2 : , "sv", "cheat" : The minimum time between vocalizing being burned
z_vocalize_shot_interval : .5 : , "sv", "cheat" : The minimum time between vocalizing being shot
z_vomit : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_vomit_boxsize : 1.0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Size of vomit damage entities.
z_vomit_debug : 0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Visualize the vomit damage.
z_vomit_drag : 0.89 : , "sv", "cheat" : Air drag of vomit damage entities.
z_vomit_duration : 1.5 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : How long a puker continuously pukes for.
z_vomit_fade_duration : 5 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : How long the fade takes
z_vomit_fade_start : 5 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : When the vomit starts to fade away
z_vomit_fatigue : 3000 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Stamina impact of puking. High number will pin in place for a long time, lower will just slow.
z_vomit_float : -130.0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Upward float velocity of vomit damage entities.
z_vomit_hit_pitch_max : 15 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_vomit_hit_pitch_min : -15 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_vomit_hit_yaw_max : 10 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_vomit_hit_yaw_min : -10 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_vomit_interval : 30 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : How often a puker can puke.
z_vomit_lifetime : 0.5 : , "sv", "cheat" : Time to live of vomit damage entities.
z_vomit_maxdamagedist : 350.0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Maximum damage distance for vomit.
z_vomit_range : 300 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_vomit_slide_mult : 0.5 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Multiplier for second texture slide rate
z_vomit_slide_rate : 0.1 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Percentage of screen height per second
z_vomit_target_dot : 0.6 : , "cheat", "cl" :
z_vomit_target_range : 280 : , "cheat", "cl" :
z_vomit_vecrand : 0.05 : , "sv", "cheat" : Random vector added to initial velocity of vomit damage entities.
z_vomit_velocity : 1700.0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Initial velocity of vomit damage entities.
z_vomit_velocityfadeend : .5 : , "sv", "cheat" : Time at which attacker's velocity contribution finishes fading.
z_vomit_velocityfadestart : .3 : , "sv", "cheat" : Time at which attacker's velocity contribution starts to fade.
z_walk_speed : 85 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :
z_wandering_density : 0.03 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_wind_dir : cmd : , "cl" : sets wind direction and strength
z_witch_allow_change_victim : 1 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_witch_always_kills : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_witch_anger_rate : 0.2 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_witch_attack_range : 60 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_witch_berserk_range : 200 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_witch_burn_time : 15 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_witch_damage : 100 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_witch_damage_per_kill_hit : 30 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_witch_discard_range : 2000 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_witch_flashlight_range : 400 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_witch_health : 1000 : , "sv", "cheat" : Witch max health
z_witch_hostile_at_me_anger : 2 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_witch_max_retreat_range : 2000 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_witch_max_threat_time : 7 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_witch_min_retreat_range : 750 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_witch_min_threat_time : 5 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_witch_personal_space : 100 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_witch_rage_smoothing : 0.9 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_witch_relax_rate : 0.05 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_witch_retreat_exit_hidden_duration : 10 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_witch_retreat_exit_range : 1000 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_witch_retreat_min_duration : 10 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_witch_speed : 300 : , "sv", "cheat", "rep" :
z_witch_speed_inured : 200 : , "sv", "cheat", "rep" :
z_witch_threat_hostile_range : 600 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_witch_threat_normal_range : 300 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_witch_tongue_range : 100 : , "sv", "launcher" : If a tongue passes this close to a witch's head, she will snap it
z_witch_wander_hear_radius : 72 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_witch_wander_music_max_dist : 2000000 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_witch_wander_music_max_interval : 20.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_witch_wander_music_min_dist : 90000 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_witch_wander_music_min_interval : 3.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_witch_wander_personal_space : 240 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_witch_wander_personal_time : 10 : , "sv", "cheat" :
z_wound : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Cause a specified wound on the pointed-at common infected
z_wound_all : cmd : , "sv", "cheat" : Cause a random wound on every common infected
z_wound_client_disabled : 0 : , "a", "cl" :
z_wound_offset_enabled : 0 : , "cheat", "cl" :
z_wound_particles : 1 : , "cheat", "cl" :
z_zombie_knockoff_death : 0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Knocking off a pouncing zombie instantly kills them.
z_zombie_lunge_push : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" : Does the zombie lunge push players?
+zoom : cmd : , "cl" :
-zoom : cmd : , "cl" :
zoom_sensitivity_ratio : 1.0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Additional mouse sensitivity scale factor applied when FOV is zoomed in.
4992 total convars/concommands
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