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Created August 29, 2020 15:08
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hidden client cvars from 2041 dump l4d2
_fov : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Automates fov command to server.
achievement_evaluate : cmd : , "cl", "launcher" : <internal name> Causes failable achievement to be evaluated
achievement_mark_dirty : cmd : , "cl", "launcher" : Mark achievement data as dirty
achievement_notification_test : cmd : , "cheat", "cl", "launcher" : Test the hud notification UI
achievement_reset : cmd : , "cl", "launcher" : <internal name> Clears specified achievement
achievement_reset_all : cmd : , "cl", "launcher" : Clears all achievements
achievement_status : cmd : , "cl", "launcher" : Shows status of all achievement
achievement_test_clan_count : cmd : , "cl", "launcher" : Determines if specified # of teammates belong to same clan w/local player
achievement_test_friend_count : cmd : , "cl", "launcher" : Counts the # of teammates on local player's friends list
achievement_unlock : cmd : , "cl", "launcher" : <internal name> Unlocks achievement
achievement_unlock_all : cmd : , "cl", "launcher" : Unlocks all achievements
addons_eclipse_content : FORCERELOAD : , "matsys", "launcher" :
adsp_alley_min : 122 : , "launcher" :
adsp_courtyard_min : 126 : , "launcher" :
adsp_door_height : 112 : , "launcher" :
adsp_duct_min : 106 : , "launcher" :
adsp_hall_min : 110 : , "launcher" :
adsp_low_ceiling : 108 : , "launcher" :
adsp_opencourtyard_min : 126 : , "launcher" :
adsp_openspace_min : 130 : , "launcher" :
adsp_openstreet_min : 118 : , "launcher" :
adsp_openwall_min : 130 : , "launcher" :
adsp_room_min : 102 : , "launcher" :
adsp_street_min : 118 : , "launcher" :
adsp_tunnel_min : 114 : , "launcher" :
adsp_wall_height : 128 : , "launcher" :
ai_debug_ragdoll_magnets : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
ai_debug_speech : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
ai_expression_frametime : 0.05 : , "sv", "launcher" : Maximum frametime to still play background expressions.
ai_expression_optimization : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Disable npc background expressions when you can't see them.
ai_force_serverside_ragdoll : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
ai_LOS_mode : 0 : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" :
ai_post_frame_navigation : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
ai_sequence_debug : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
ai_setupbones_debug : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Shows that bones that are setup every think
ai_shot_bias_max : 1.0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ai_shot_bias_min : -1.0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ai_show_hull_attacks : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
ai_use_visibility_cache : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
allow_all_bot_survivor_team : : , "sv", "launcher" : Allow a survivor team of nothing but bots. Human players are still required for the game to be active.
ammo_adrenaline_max : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ammo_ammo_pack_max : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ammo_assaultrifle_max : 360 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ammo_autoshotgun_max : 90 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ammo_chainsaw_max : 20 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ammo_firstaid_max : -1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ammo_grenadelauncher_max : 30 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ammo_huntingrifle_max : 150 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ammo_m60_max : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ammo_minigun_max : 800 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ammo_molotov_max : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ammo_painpills_max : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ammo_pipebomb_max : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ammo_pistol_max : -2 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ammo_shotgun_max : 56 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ammo_smg_max : 650 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ammo_sniperrifle_max : 180 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ammo_turret_infected_damage : 15 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Turret damage per shot against the horde (turret fires at 10Hz)
ammo_turret_max : 300 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ammo_turret_pz_damage : 8 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Turret damage per shot against player zombies (turret fires at 10Hz)
ammo_turret_survivor_damage : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Turret damage per shot against survivors (turret fires at 10Hz)
ammo_turret_tank_damage : 40 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Turret damage per shot against tanks (turret fires at 10Hz)
ammo_turret_witch_damage : 16 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Turret damage per shot against witches (turret fires at 10Hz)
ammo_vomitjar_max : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
anim_3wayblend : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Toggle the 3-way animation blending code.
anim_dumpstate : cmd : , "cheat", "cl", "launcher" : Dump the animation state for all the player classes.
anim_showstate : -1 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Show the (client) animation state for the specified entity (-1 for none).
anim_showstatelog : 0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl", "launcher" : 1 to output anim_showstate to Msg(). 2 to store in AnimState.log. 3 for both.
async_allow_held_files : 1 : , "launcher" : Allow AsyncBegin/EndRead()
async_mode : 0 : , "launcher" : Set the async filesystem mode (0 = async, 1 = synchronous)
async_serialize : 0 : , "launcher" : Force async reads to serialize for profiling
async_simulate_delay : 0 : , "launcher" : Simulate a delay of up to a set msec per file operation
autoaim_max_deflect : 0.99 : , "sv", "launcher" :
autoaim_max_dist : 2160 : , "sv", "launcher" :
autoaim_viewing_client : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
blackbox : 1 : , "launcher" :
BlendBonesMode : 2 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
blink_duration : 0.2 : , "cl", "launcher" : How many seconds an eye blink will last.
breakable_disable_gib_limit : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
breakable_multiplayer : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
bugreporter_console_bytes : 15000 : , "launcher" : Max # of console bytes to put into bug report body (full text still attached).
bugreporter_includebsp : 1 : , "launcher" : Include .bsp for internal bug submissions.
bugreporter_snapshot_delay : 15 : , "launcher" : Frames to delay before taking snapshot
building_cubemaps : 0 : , "launcher" :
bullet_ff_through_walls : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
car_alarm_chirp_distance : 350 : , "sv", "launcher" :
car_alarm_chirp_duration : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
car_alarm_chirp_interval : 3 : , "sv", "launcher" :
car_alarm_distance : 750 : , "sv", "launcher" :
car_alarm_duration : 15 : , "sv", "launcher" :
cc_captiontrace : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Show missing closecaptions (0 = no, 1 = devconsole, 2 = show in hud)
cc_minvisibleitems : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Minimum number of caption items to show.
cc_norepeat : 5 : , "sv", "launcher" : In multiplayer games, don't repeat captions more often than this many seconds.
cc_sentencecaptionnorepeat : 4 : , "cl", "launcher" : How often a sentence can repeat.
cc_showmissing : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Show missing closecaption entries.
chet_debug_idle : 0 : , "a", "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : If set one, many debug prints to help track down the TLK_IDLE issue. Set two for super verbose info
cl__ragdoll_max_remove_per_frame : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_addon_debug : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_addon_fade_max : 1000 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_addon_fade_min : 800 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_aggregate_particles : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_anglespeedkey : 0.67 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_blurClearAlpha : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : 0-255, but 0 has errors at the moment
cl_blurDebug : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_blurPasses : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_blurTapSize : 0.5 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_burninggibs : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : A burning player that gibs has burning gibs.
cl_c4dynamiclight : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Draw dynamic light when planted c4 flashes
cl_chat_active : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_clientmenudistancecap : 10 : , "cl", "launcher" : Furthest the client menu will think the mouse has gone.
cl_clientmenuscalefactor : 0.05 : , "cl", "launcher" : Multiplier to the mouse's units to get the client menu's units.
cl_cloud_settings : 0 : , "matsys", "launcher" : Cloud enabled from (from HKCU\Software\Valve\Steam\Apps\appid\Cloud)
cl_color_survivor : 138 182 220 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_color_zombie : 209 199 151 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_colorfastpath : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_consistencycheck_interval : 180.0 : , "rep", "launcher" : Perform a consistency check after this amount of time (seconds) has passed since the last.
cl_crosshair_circle_alpha : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Crosshair circle alpha
cl_crosshair_circle_mode : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Crosshair circle mode (0=actual aim error + pellet scatter, 1=green is aim error, red is pellet scatter, 2=inside of crosshair lines
cl_customsounds : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Enable customized player sound playback
cl_cycle_latch_tolerance : 0.125 : , "cl", "launcher" : How close an incoming Cycle reminder can be for us to ignore the input and trust the value we have.
cl_debug_entity : : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_debug_player_use : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Visualizes +use logic for the given range. Green cross=trace success, Red cross=trace too far, Green box=radius success
cl_demoviewoverride : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Override view during demo playback
cl_detaildist : 400 : , "cl", "launcher" : Distance at which detail props are no longer visible
cl_detailfade : 250 : , "cl", "launcher" : Distance across which detail props fade in
cl_drawescaperoute : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_drawmonitors : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_drawprogressbar : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Draw progress bar when healing
cl_ejectbrass : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_elevator_physics : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_failremoteconnections : 0 : , "launcher" : Force connection attempts to time out
cl_fastradial : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : If 1, releasing the button on a radial menu executes the highlighted button
cl_fasttempentcollision : 5 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_flesh_sound_frequency : 0.120 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_footstep_fx : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_foundry_ShowEntityHighlights : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_fov : 90 : , "cl", "launcher" : Client-side fov control that is global for all splitscreen players on this machine. This gets overriden via splitscreen_config.txt for splitscreen.
cl_glow_debug : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_glow_physics_props : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_glow_range_end : 1500 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_glow_range_exp : 1.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_glow_range_start : 100 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_impacteffects : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_impacteffects_limit_exit : 3 : , "cl", "launcher" : Limits the number of exit impact effects per frame
cl_impacteffects_limit_general : 10 : , "cl", "launcher" : Limits the number of impact effects per frame
cl_impacteffects_limit_water : 2 : , "cl", "launcher" : Limits the number of water impact effects per frame
cl_infected_animinsim : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_interp_all : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Disable interpolation list optimizations.
cl_interp_npcs : 0.0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Interpolate NPC positions starting this many seconds in past (or cl_interp, if greater)
cl_interp_threadmodeticks : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Additional interpolation ticks to use when interpolating with threaded engine mode set.
cl_interpolate : 1.0 : , "user", "launcher" : Interpolate entities on the client.
cl_jiggle_bone_sanity : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Prevent jiggle bones from pointing directly away from their target in case of numerical instability.
cl_lagcomp_errorcheck : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Player index of other player to check for position errors.
cl_left_hand_ik : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Attach player's left hand to rifle with IK.
cl_localnetworkbackdoor : 1 : , "launcher" : Enable network optimizations for single player games.
cl_modelfastpath : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_music_debug : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_names_debug : 0 : , "launcher" :
cl_new_impact_effects : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_particle_batch_mode : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_particle_fallback_base : 3 : , "cl", "launcher" : Base for falling back to cheaper effects under load.
cl_particle_fallback_multiplier : 2 : , "cl", "launcher" : Multiplier for falling back to cheaper effects under load.
cl_particle_max_count : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_particle_sim_fallback_base_multiplier : 5 : , "cl", "launcher" : How aggressive the switch to fallbacks will be depending on how far over the cl_particle_sim_fallback_threshold_ms the sim time is. Higher numbers are more aggressive.
cl_particle_sim_fallback_threshold_ms : 6.0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Amount of simulation time that can elapse before new systems start falling back to cheaper versions
cl_phys_block_dist : 1.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_phys_block_fraction : 0.1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_phys_maxticks : 2 : , "cl", "launcher" : Sets the max number of physics ticks allowed for client-side physics (ragdolls)
cl_pitchspeed : 225 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_playback_screenshots : 0 : , "launcher" : Allows the client to playback screenshot and jpeg commands in demos.
cl_player_max_decal_count : 4 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_player_max_separation_force : 500 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_player_shadow_dist : 1000 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_pred_checkstuck : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Perform the additional 'stuck' traces on the client side during prediction.
cl_pred_doresetlatch : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_pred_error_verbose : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Show more field info when spewing prediction errors.
cl_pred_optimize : 2 : , "cl", "launcher" : Optimize for not copying data if didn't receive a network update (1), and also for not repredicting if there were no errors (2).
cl_quick_join_panel_accel : 0.025 : , "cl", "launcher" : Acceleration for the y position of the panel when items are added or removed.
cl_quick_join_panel_fakecount : -1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_quick_join_panel_tall : 18 : , "cl", "launcher" : The spacing between panels.
cl_quick_join_scroll_max : 4 : , "cl", "launcher" : Max players shown in the friend scrolling ticker.
cl_quick_join_scroll_offset : 16 : , "cl", "launcher" : Offset of the friend scrolling ticker from the title.
cl_quick_join_scroll_rate : 90 : , "cl", "launcher" : Rate of the friend scrolling ticker.
cl_quick_join_scroll_start : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Number of players available to start friend scrolling ticker.
cl_ragdoll_default_scale : 1.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_ragdoll_force_multiplier : 8 : , "cl", "launcher" : Multiplies the damage force applied to new ragdolls
cl_ragdoll_maxcount : 80 : , "cl", "launcher" : Clients will only show this many ragdolls overall
cl_ragdoll_maxcount_boss : 3 : , "cl", "launcher" : Clients will only show this many boss ragdolls
cl_ragdoll_maxcount_generic : 60 : , "cl", "launcher" : Clients will only show this many generic infected ragdolls
cl_ragdoll_maxcount_gib : 30 : , "cl", "launcher" : Clients will only show this many gib ragdolls
cl_ragdoll_maxcount_special : 12 : , "cl", "launcher" : Clients will only show this many special ragdolls
cl_ragdoll_maxcount_survivor : 3 : , "cl", "launcher" : Clients will only show this many survivor ragdolls
cl_ragdoll_physics_enable : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Enable/disable ragdoll physics.
cl_ragdoll_reload : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_ragdoll_version : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_rematch_vote_in_progress : : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_retire_low_priority_lights : 0 : , "launcher" : Low priority dlights are replaced by high priority ones
cl_ricochet_percent : 3 : , "cl", "launcher" : Percent chance a bullet will create a ricochet tracer (0..10)
cl_ricochet_percent_shotgun : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Percent chance a shotgun pellet will create a ricochet tracer (0..10)
cl_rosetta_debug : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_rosetta_line_inner_radius : 25 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_rosetta_line_outer_radius : 45 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_sceneentity_debug : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Display all thinking scene entities and its data.
cl_screenshotname : : , "launcher" : Custom Screenshot name
cl_session : : , "user", "server_can_execute", "matsys", "launcher" :
cl_SetupAllBones : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_show_bounds_errors : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_show_splashes : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_show_tickets : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_showanimstate_log : 0 : , "cheat", "cl", "launcher" : 1 to output cl_showanimstate to Msg(). 2 to store in AnimStateClient.log. 3 for both.
cl_ShowBoneSetupEnts : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Show which entities are having their bones setup each frame.
cl_showdemooverlay : 0 : , "launcher" : How often to flash demo recording/playback overlay (0 - disable overlay, -1 - show always)
cl_showerror : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Show prediction errors, 2 for above plus detailed field deltas.
cl_showpausedimage : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Show the 'Paused' image when game is paused.
cl_ShowSunVectors : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_showtextmsg : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Enable/disable text messages printing on the screen.
cl_simdbones : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Use SIMD bone setup.
cl_smoke_alpha : 0.4 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_smoke_far : 150 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_smoke_fog_percent : 0 : , "cheat", "cl", "launcher" :
cl_smoke_near : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_smooth : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Smooth view/eye origin after prediction errors
cl_smoothtime : 0.1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Smooth client's view after prediction error over this many seconds
cl_spoof_official_ip : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Used to spoof connecting to an official IP address
cl_survivor_light_brightness : 4 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_survivor_light_cone : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_survivor_light_debug : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_survivor_light_enable : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_survivor_light_offset_x : 5 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_survivor_light_offset_y : 2 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_survivor_light_offset_z : 5 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_survivor_light_radius : 12 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_survivor_light_rot : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_temp_health_fade : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : temp health fades top to bottom
cl_temp_health_pulse_incap : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : incap health pulses in the same fashion as temp health
cl_temp_health_pulse_rate : 2.5 : , "cl", "launcher" : temp health pulses this many times per second
cl_threaded_bone_setup : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Enable parallel processing of C_BaseAnimating::SetupBones()
cl_threaded_init : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_tlucfastpath : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_tracer_whiz_distance : 72 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_tracers : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_transition_blur_fade_time : 2.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_use_simd_bones : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : 1 use SIMD bones 0 use scalar bones.
cl_viewbob : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : enables view bob
cl_viewbob_cyclerate_duck : 0.6 : , "cl", "launcher" : Speed of view bob while ducked
cl_viewbob_cyclerate_run : 0.4 : , "cl", "launcher" : Speed of view bob while running
cl_viewbob_cyclerate_walk : 0.8 : , "cl", "launcher" : Speed of view bob while walking
cl_viewbob_scale : 0.01 : , "cl", "launcher" : Size of view bob
cl_viewbob_scale_duck : 0.02 : , "cl", "launcher" : Size of view bob while ducked
cl_viewbob_up : 0.5 : , "cl", "launcher" : Percent of view bob that is above the eye pos
cl_viewmodelfovboomer : 50 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_viewmodelfovhunter : 50 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_viewmodelfovsmoker : 50 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_viewmodelfovtank : 50 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_viewmodelsclonedasworld : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_viewtarget_clamp : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_voice_filter : : , "launcher" : Filter voice by name substring
cl_vote_active : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_wpn_sway_interp : 0.1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
cl_yawspeed : 210 : , "cl", "launcher" :
collision_shake_amp : 0.2 : , "sv", "launcher" :
collision_shake_freq : 0.5 : , "sv", "launcher" :
collision_shake_time : 0.5 : , "sv", "launcher" :
commentary_available : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" : Automatically set by the game when a commentary file is available for the current map.
common_dps_spew : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
common_dps_window : 2.0f : , "sv", "launcher" :
con_drawnotify : 1 : , "launcher" : Disables drawing of notification area (for taking screenshots).
con_filter_enable : 0 : , "launcher" : Filters console output based on the setting of con_filter_text. 1 filters completely, 2 displays filtered text brighter than other text.
con_filter_text : : , "launcher" : Text with which to filter console spew. Set con_filter_enable 1 or 2 to activate.
con_filter_text_out : : , "launcher" : Text with which to filter OUT of console spew. Set con_filter_enable 1 or 2 to activate.
con_logfile : : , "launcher" : Console output gets written to this file
con_notifytime : 8 : , "launcher" : How long to display recent console text to the upper part of the game window
con_nprint_bgalpha : 50 : , "launcher" : Con_NPrint background alpha.
con_nprint_bgborder : 5 : , "launcher" : Con_NPrint border size.
con_timestamp : 0 : , "launcher" : Prefix console.log entries with timestamps
con_trace : 0 : , "launcher" : Print console text to low level printout.
connect_lobby : : , "cl", "matsys", "launcher" : Sets the lobby ID to connect to on start.
contimes : 8 : , "launcher" : Number of console lines to overlay for debugging.
coop : 0 : , "nf", "launcher" : Cooperative play.
cpu_level : 2 : , "launcher" : CPU Level - Default: High
CreateHairball : cmd : , "cheat", "cl", "launcher" :
datacachesize : 32 : , "launcher" : Size in MB.
deathmatch : 1 : , "nf", "launcher" : Running a deathmatch server.
debug_l4dverbose : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" : Add more l4d specific data to the bug report.
debug_materialmodifycontrol : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
debug_materialmodifycontrol_client : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
debug_overlay_fullposition : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
debug_physimpact : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
debug_touchlinks : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Spew touch link activity
decalfrequency : 10 : , "sv", "nf", "launcher" :
demo_avellimit : 2000 : , "launcher" : Angular velocity limit before eyes considered snapped for demo playback.
demo_campaign_name : L4D2C5 : , "cl", "launcher" : Short name of campaign (i.e. L4D2C5), used to show correct poster in demo mode.
demo_connect_string : : , "cl", "launcher" : Connect string for demo UI
demo_debug : 0 : , "launcher" : Demo debug info.
demo_fastforwardfinalspeed : 20 : , "launcher" : Go this fast when starting to hold FF button.
demo_fastforwardramptime : 5 : , "launcher" : How many seconds it takes to get to full FF speed.
demo_fastforwardstartspeed : 2 : , "launcher" : Go this fast when starting to hold FF button.
demo_interplimit : 4000 : , "launcher" : How much origin velocity before it's considered to have 'teleported' causing interpolation to reset.
demo_interpolateview : 1 : , "launcher" : Do view interpolation during dem playback.
demo_legacy_rollback : 1 : , "launcher" : Use legacy view interpolation rollback amount in demo playback.
demo_pauseatservertick : 0 : , "launcher" : Pauses demo playback at server tick
demo_quitafterplayback : 0 : , "launcher" : Quits game after demo playback.
demo_ui_enable : : , "cl", "launcher" : Suffix for the demo UI
developer : 0 : , "launcher" : Set developer message level
director_afk_timeout : 45 : , "sv", "nf", "launcher" : Humans idle longer than this many seconds will be forced to spectator mode
director_log_scavenge_items : cmd : , "sv", "launcher" : Writes out a log of the scavenge items on this map (for debugging)
director_min_start_players : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" : Freezes players until this # of players have joined, then starts mission
director_report_screen_delay : 10 : , "sv", "launcher" :
director_survival_setup_time : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Time limit to set up before the round auto-starts.
director_vs_convert_pills : 0.5 : , "sv", "launcher" : What fraction of pain pills should be converted to health kits in vs mode
disp_dynamic : 0 : , "launcher" :
dispcoll_drawplane : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
displaysoundlist : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
dlc_bypass_ownership_check : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
dsp_automatic : 0 : , "demo", "launcher" :
dsp_db_min : 80 : , "demo", "launcher" :
dsp_db_mixdrop : 0.5 : , "demo", "launcher" :
dsp_facingaway : 0 : , "demo", "launcher" :
dsp_mix_max : 0.8 : , "demo", "launcher" :
dsp_mix_min : 0.2 : , "demo", "launcher" :
dsp_room : 0 : , "demo", "launcher" :
dsp_spatial : 0 : , "demo", "launcher" :
dsp_speaker : 0 : , "demo", "launcher" :
dsp_vol_2ch : 1.0 : , "demo", "launcher" :
dsp_vol_4ch : 0.5 : , "demo", "launcher" :
dsp_vol_5ch : 0.5 : , "demo", "launcher" :
dsp_water : 0 : , "demo", "launcher" :
dt_ShowPartialChangeEnts : 0 : , "launcher" : (SP only) - show entities that were copied using small optimized lists (FL_EDICT_PARTIAL_CHANGE).
dt_UsePartialChangeEnts : 1 : , "launcher" : (SP only) - enable FL_EDICT_PARTIAL_CHANGE optimization.
dtwarning : 0 : , "launcher" : Print data table warnings?
dtwatchclass : : , "launcher" : Watch all fields encoded with this table.
dtwatchent : -1 : , "launcher" : Watch this entities data table encoding.
dtwatchvar : : , "launcher" : Watch the named variable.
elevator_movedelay : 0.75 : , "sv", "launcher" : Time delay for elevator movement start.
ent_debugkeys : : , "sv", "launcher" :
ent_show_contexts : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Show entity contexts in ent_text display
ent_steadystate_batchsize : 20 : , "sv", "launcher" : Max number of entities to transmit to player
ent_steadystate_cooldown : 5.0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Time in seconds after player state changes before steady state changes can occur.
ent_steadystate_delay : 5 : , "sv", "launcher" : Time in seconds without network state changes until an entity is considered for trickle updates
ent_steadystate_enable : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
ent_steadystate_interval : 0.1 : , "sv", "launcher" : Rate at which entities can be trickled to players
er_colwidth : 100 : , "launcher" :
er_graphwidthfrac : 0.2 : , "launcher" :
er_maxname : 14 : , "launcher" :
fall_speed_fatal : 720 : , "sv", "launcher" :
fall_speed_safe : 560 : , "sv", "launcher" :
fast_fogvolume : 0 : , "launcher" :
fidget_max_interval : 20 : , "sv", "launcher" :
fidget_min_interval : 10 : , "sv", "launcher" :
filesystem_buffer_size : 0 : , "launcher" : Size of per file buffers. 0 for none
filesystem_max_stdio_read : 16 : , "launcher" :
filesystem_native : 1 : , "launcher" : Use native FS or STDIO
filesystem_report_buffered_io : 0 : , "launcher" :
filesystem_unbuffered_io : 1 : , "launcher" :
filesystem_use_overlapped_io : 1 : , "launcher" :
fire_absorbrate : 3 : , "sv", "launcher" :
fire_dmgbase : 3 : , "sv", "launcher" :
fire_dmginterval : 1.0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
fire_dmgscale : 0.1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
fire_extabsorb : 5 : , "sv", "launcher" :
fire_extscale : 12 : , "sv", "launcher" :
fire_growthrate : 1.0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
fire_heatscale : 1.0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
fire_incomingheatscale : 0.1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
fire_maxabsorb : 50 : , "sv", "launcher" :
first_aid_kit_view_duration : 0.5 : , "cl", "launcher" : time it takes to rotate the view when healing others
flex_expression : - : , "sv", "launcher" :
flex_rules : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Allow flex animation rules to run.
flex_smooth : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Applies smoothing/decay curve to flex animation controller changes.
flex_talk : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
fly_speed : 200 : , "cl", "launcher" :
fog_max_brightness_after_tonemapping : 1.0 : , "launcher" :
fps_max : 300 : , "launcher" : Frame rate limiter
fps_max_splitscreen : 300 : , "launcher" : Frame rate limiter, splitscreen
fs_monitor_read_from_pack : 0 : , "launcher" : 0:Off, 1:Any, 2:Sync only
fs_report_sync_opens : 0 : , "launcher" : 0:Off, 1:Always, 2:Not during load
fs_warning_mode : 0 : , "launcher" : 0:Off, 1:Warn main thread, 2:Warn other threads
func_break_reduction_factor : .5 : , "sv", "launcher" :
func_breakdmg_bullet : 0.5 : , "sv", "launcher" :
func_breakdmg_club : 1.5 : , "sv", "launcher" :
func_breakdmg_explosive : 1.25 : , "sv", "launcher" :
fx_drawimpactdebris : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Draw impact debris effects.
fx_drawimpactdust : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Draw impact dust effects.
fx_drawmetalspark : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Draw metal spark effects.
fx_glass_velocity_cap : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Maximum downwards speed of shattered glass particles
g_cv_phys2_freeze_ragdolls : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
g_debug_doors : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
g_debug_npc_vehicle_roles : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
g_debug_transitions : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Set to 1 and restart the map to be warned if the map has no trigger_transition volumes. Set to 2 to see a dump of all entities & associated results during a transition.
g_Language : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
g_ragdoll_fadespeed : 600 : , "cl", "launcher" :
g_ragdoll_lvfadespeed : 100 : , "cl", "launcher" :
g_ragdoll_max_fps : 30 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Clients with framerates less than this will reduce the ideal number of ragdolls to display
g_ragdoll_min_fps : 10 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Clients with framerates less than this will only show 1 ragdoll of each type
gameinstructor_start_sound_cooldown : 4.0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Number of seconds forced between similar lesson start sounds.
gameui_ingame_menu_active : : , "cl", "launcher" : Holds the state of the in game menu. Do not set this manually.
gameui_xbox : 0 : , "launcher" :
gl_clear : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
gpu_level : 1 : , "launcher" : GPU Level - Default: High
gpu_mem_level : 2 : , "launcher" : Memory Level - Default: High
grenadelauncher_damage : 400 : , "sv", "cheat" :
grenadelauncher_ff_scale : 0.12 : , "sv", "cheat" : ff scale for grenade launcher damage to other players
grenadelauncher_ff_scale_self : 0.12 : , "sv", "cheat" : ff scale for grenade launcher damage to other players
grenadelauncher_force_kill : 2000.0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
grenadelauncher_radius_kill : 180 : , "sv", "cheat" :
grenadelauncher_radius_stumble : 250 : , "sv", "cheat" :
grenadelauncher_show_radius : 0 : , "sv", "cheat" :
grenadelauncher_startpos_forward : 16.0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
grenadelauncher_startpos_right : 4.0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
grenadelauncher_startpos_up : 0.0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
grenadelauncher_vel_up : 100.0f : , "sv", "launcher" :
grenadelauncher_vel_variance : 10.0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
grenadelauncher_velocity : 1200 : , "sv", "cheat" :
helping_hand_debug : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
hl2_episodic : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
host_limitlocal : 0 : , "launcher" : Apply cl_cmdrate and cl_updaterate to loopback connection
host_profile : 0 : , "launcher" :
host_showcachemiss : 0 : , "launcher" : Print a debug message when the client or server cache is missed.
host_ShowIPCCallCount : 0 : , "launcher" : Print # of IPC calls this number of times per second. If set to -1, the # of IPC calls is shown every frame.
host_speeds : 0 : , "launcher" : Show general system running times.
host_syncfps : 0 : , "launcher" : Synchronize real render time to host_framerate if possible.
host_thread_mode : 0 : , "launcher" : Run the host in threaded mode, (0 == off, 1 == if multicore, 2 == force)
host_threaded_sound : 0 : , "launcher" : Run the sound on a thread (independent of mix)
hud_autoreloadscript : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Automatically reloads the animation script each time one is ran
hud_deathnotice_bots : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Show death notices for bots
hud_deathnotice_threats : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Show death notices for Tanks and Threats
hud_dmgrecord_persisttime_deaths : 4.0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Time to show death related lines in the damage record.
hud_dmgrecord_persisttime_other : 2.0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Time to show non-death related lines in the damage record.
hud_drawhistory_time : 5 : , "cl", "launcher" :
hud_saytext_time : 12 : , "cl", "launcher" :
hud_scavenge_timer_warning_range : 10 : , "cl", "launcher" :
hud_showtargetid : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
hud_survival_target_time_range : 5 : , "cl", "launcher" :
hud_targetid_health : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
hud_targetid_name_height : 12 : , "cl", "launcher" : Player names are this many inches over player eye positions
hud_targetid_name_height_boomer : 12 : , "cl", "launcher" : Player names are this many inches over player eye positions
hud_targetid_name_height_hunter : 10 : , "cl", "launcher" : Player names are this many inches over player eye positions
hud_targetid_name_height_smoker : 25 : , "cl", "launcher" : Player names are this many inches over player eye positions
hud_targetid_name_height_tank : 12 : , "cl", "launcher" : Player names are this many inches over player eye positions
hud_targetid_player_view_cone : 0.92 : , "cl", "launcher" : View cone for survivors seeing names of other survivors
hud_targetid_pz_ss_view_cone : 0.98 : , "cl", "launcher" : View cone for seeing player names as a PZ in splitscreen
hud_targetid_skill : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
hud_targetid_upgrades : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
hud_winpanel_scoreanim_chingdelay : 0.2 : , "cl", "launcher" :
hud_winpanel_scoreanim_effectdelay : 1.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
hud_winpanel_scoreanim_effectdelay_mult : 0.7 : , "cl", "launcher" :
hud_winpanel_scoreanim_scoredelay : 1.8 : , "cl", "launcher" :
hud_winpanel_tiebreak_anim : 2.5 : , "cl", "launcher" :
hud_winpanel_tiebreak_intro : 0.5 : , "cl", "launcher" :
hud_winpanel_tiebreak_outro : 1.5 : , "cl", "launcher" :
IgnoreReflectGlassFrustumCheck : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
in_usekeyboardsampletime : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Use keyboard sample time smoothing.
inferno_dlights : 30 : , "cl", "launcher" : Min FPS at which molotov dlights will be created
inferno_entity_flame_scale : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
inferno_fire : 2 : , "cl", "launcher" :
inferno_max_trace_per_tick : 16 : , "sv", "launcher" :
joy_accel_filter : 0.2 : , "cl", "launcher" :
joy_autosprint : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Automatically sprint when moving with an analog joystick
joy_cfg_preset : 0 : , "cl", "ss", "launcher" :
joy_cfg_preset2 : 0 : , "cl", "ss_added", "launcher" :
joy_lookspin_default : 0.35 : , "cl", "launcher" :
joy_pegged : 0.75 : , "cl", "launcher" :
joy_pitchsensitivity_default : -1.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
joy_response_move_vehicle : 6 : , "cl", "launcher" :
joy_variable_frametime : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
joy_vehicle_turn_lowend : 0.7 : , "cl", "launcher" :
joy_vehicle_turn_lowmap : 0.4 : , "cl", "launcher" :
joy_virtual_peg : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
joy_xcontroller_cfg_loaded : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : If 0, the 360controller.cfg file will be executed on startup & option changes.
joy_xcontroller_found : 0 : , "launcher" : Automatically set to 1 if an xcontroller has been detected.
joy_yawsensitivity_default : -1.25 : , "cl", "launcher" :
jpeg_quality : 90 : , "launcher" : jpeg screenshot quality.
l4d1_survivor_give_item : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
l4d_show_incapupdate : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
l4d_show_weaponequip : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
l4d_stats_nogameplaycheck : 0 : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" : Disable normal check for valid gameplay, send stats regardless.
l4d_stats_track : 1 : , "sv", "matsys", "launcher" : Turn on//off L4D stats tracking.
ladder_autocenter : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Auto-center players on ladders.
ladder_console_controls : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Use absolute (up is always up and down always down) ladder controls.
ladder_horizon : -0.3 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
leaderboard_force_rank_show_interval : 10 : , "cl", "launcher" :
loader_defer_non_critical_jobs : 0 : , "launcher" :
loader_spew_info : 0 : , "launcher" : 0:Off, 1:Timing, 2:Completions, 3:Late Completions, 4:Creations/Purges, -1:All
loader_throttle_io : 1 : , "launcher" :
locator_fade_time : 0.3 : , "cl", "launcher" : Number of seconds it takes for a lesson to fully fade in/out.
locator_lerp_rest : 2.25f : , "cl", "launcher" : Number of seconds before moving from the center.
locator_lerp_speed : 5.0f : , "cl", "launcher" : Speed that static lessons move along the Y axis.
locator_lerp_time : 1.75f : , "cl", "launcher" : Number of seconds to lerp before reaching final destination
locator_pulse_time : 1.0f : , "cl", "launcher" : Number of seconds to pulse after changing icon or position
lower_body : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
lower_body_hulk_layers : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
lservercfgfile : listenserver.cfg : , "sv", "launcher" :
map_noareas : 0 : , "launcher" : Disable area to area connection testing.
mapcyclefile : mapcycle.txt : , "sv", "launcher" : Name of the .txt file used to cycle the maps on multiplayer servers
mat_360_aa_override : 0.0 : , "launcher" :
mat_aaquality : 2 : , "launcher" :
mat_alphacoverage : 1 : , "launcher" :
mat_antialias : 4 : , "launcher" :
mat_autoexposure_max : 8 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_autoexposure_min : 0.1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_bloomscale : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_bufferprimitives : 1 : , "launcher" :
mat_bumpmap : 0 : , "launcher" :
mat_clipz : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_colcorrection_disableentities : 0 : , "launcher" : Disable map color-correction entities
mat_colcorrection_editor : 0 : , "launcher" :
mat_colorcorrection : 1 : , "launcher" :
mat_compressedtextures : 1 : , "launcher" :
mat_debug_postprocessing_effects : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : 0 = off, 1 = show post-processing passes in quadrants of the screen, 2 = only apply post-processing to the centre of the screen
mat_debugdepth : 0 : , "launcher" :
mat_debugdepthmode : 0 : , "launcher" :
mat_debugdepthval : 128.0f : , "launcher" :
mat_debugdepthvalmax : 256.0f : , "launcher" :
mat_depthbias_decal : -262144 : , "cheat", "launcher" :
mat_depthbias_normal : 0.0f : , "cheat", "launcher" :
mat_depthbias_shadowmap : 0.002 : , "cheat", "launcher" :
mat_depthfeather_enable : 0 : , "launcher" :
mat_diffuse : 1 : , "launcher" :
mat_disable_bloom : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_disable_fancy_blending : 0 : , "launcher" :
mat_disable_lightwarp : 0 : , "launcher" :
mat_disablehwmorph : 1 : , "launcher" : Disables HW morphing for particular mods
mat_dof_enabled : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_dof_far_blur_depth : 1000.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_dof_far_blur_radius : 5.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_dof_far_focus_depth : 250.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_dof_max_blur_radius : 10 : , "launcher" :
mat_dof_near_blur_depth : 20.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_dof_near_blur_radius : 10.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_dof_near_focus_depth : 100.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_dof_override : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_dof_quality : 0 : , "launcher" :
mat_drawTexture : : , "cl", "launcher" : Enable debug view texture
mat_drawTextureScale : 1.0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Debug view texture scale
mat_drawTitleSafe : 0 : , "launcher" : Enable title safe overlay
mat_dump_rts : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_dxlevel : 100 : , "launcher" :
mat_envmapsize : 128 : , "launcher" :
mat_envmaptgasize : 32.0 : , "launcher" :
mat_excludetextures : 0 : , "launcher" :
mat_fastspecular : 1 : , "launcher" : Enable/Disable specularity for visual testing. Will not reload materials and will not affect perf.
mat_filterlightmaps : 1 : , "launcher" :
mat_filtertextures : 1 : , "launcher" :
mat_force_vertexfog : 1 : , "launcher" :
mat_forceaniso : 8 : , "launcher" :
mat_forcehardwaresync : 1 : , "launcher" :
mat_forcemanagedtextureintohardware : 0 : , "cheat", "launcher" :
mat_framebuffercopyoverlaysize : 128 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_grain_enable : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_hdr_level : 2 : , "launcher" : Set to 0 for no HDR, 1 for LDR+bloom on HDR maps, and 2 for full HDR on HDR maps.
mat_hdr_manual_tonemap_rate : 1.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_leafvisforceleaf : -1 : , "cheat", "launcher" : Force the leaf used by mat_leafvis to a particular leaf number.
mat_levelflush : 1 : , "launcher" :
mat_lightmap_pfms : 0 : , "launcher" : Outputs .pfm files containing lightmap data for each lightmap page when a level exits.
mat_local_contrast_edge_scale_override : -1000.0 : , "launcher" :
mat_local_contrast_enable : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_local_contrast_midtone_mask_override : -1.0 : , "launcher" :
mat_local_contrast_scale_override : 0.0 : , "launcher" :
mat_local_contrast_vignette_end_override : -1.0 : , "launcher" :
mat_local_contrast_vignette_start_override : -1.0 : , "launcher" :
mat_max_worldmesh_vertices : 65536 : , "launcher" :
mat_maxframelatency : 1 : , "launcher" :
mat_mipmaptextures : 1 : , "launcher" :
mat_monitorgamma_tv_exp : 2.5 : , "launcher" :
mat_monitorgamma_tv_range_max : 255 : , "launcher" :
mat_monitorgamma_tv_range_min : 16 : , "launcher" :
mat_motion_blur_enabled : 0 : , "launcher" :
mat_motion_blur_falling_intensity : 1.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_motion_blur_falling_max : 20.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_motion_blur_falling_min : 10.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_motion_blur_forward_enabled : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_motion_blur_percent_of_screen_max : 4.0 : , "launcher" :
mat_motion_blur_rotation_intensity : 1.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_motion_blur_strength : 1.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_non_hdr_bloom_scalefactor : .3 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_parallaxmap : 1 : , "launcher" :
mat_parallaxmapsamplesmax : 50 : , "launcher" :
mat_parallaxmapsamplesmin : 12 : , "launcher" :
mat_phong : 0 : , "launcher" :
mat_picmip : -1 : , "launcher" :
mat_postprocess_x : 4 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_postprocess_y : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_queue_mode : -1 : , "launcher" : The queue/thread mode the material system should use: -1=default, 0=synchronous single thread, 1=queued single thread, 2=queued multithreaded
mat_reducefillrate : 0 : , "launcher" :
mat_reduceparticles : 0 : , "launcher" :
mat_report_queue_status : 0 : , "launcher" :
mat_shadowstate : 1 : , "launcher" :
mat_show_ab_hdr_hudelement : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : HDR Demo HUD Element toggle.
mat_show_histogram : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_showenvmapmask : 0 : , "launcher" :
mat_showlightmappage : -1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_skybox_reflection_clip : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_skybox_water_reflection : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_slopescaledepthbias_decal : -0.5 : , "cheat", "launcher" :
mat_slopescaledepthbias_normal : 0.0f : , "cheat", "launcher" :
mat_slopescaledepthbias_shadowmap : 8 : , "cheat", "launcher" :
mat_software_aa_blur_one_pixel_lines : 0.5 : , "cl", "launcher" : How much software AA should blur one-pixel thick lines: (0.0 - none), (1.0 - lots)
mat_software_aa_debug : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Software AA debug mode: (0 - off), (1 - show number of 'unlike' samples: 0->black, 1->red, 2->green, 3->blue), (2 - show anti-alias blend strength), (3 - show averaged 'unlike' colour)
mat_software_aa_edge_threshold : 1.0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Software AA - adjusts the sensitivity of the software AA shader's edge detection (default 1.0 - a lower value will soften more edges, a higher value will soften fewer)
mat_software_aa_quality : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Software AA quality mode: (0 - 5-tap filter), (1 - 9-tap filter)
mat_software_aa_strength : -1.0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Software AA - perform a software anti-aliasing post-process (an alternative/supplement to MSAA). This value sets the strength of the effect: (0.0 - off), (1.0 - full)
mat_software_aa_strength_vgui : -1.0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Same as mat_software_aa_strength, but forced to this value when called by the post vgui AA pass.
mat_software_aa_tap_offset : 1.0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Software AA - adjusts the displacement of the taps used by the software AA shader (default 1.0 - a lower value will make the image sharper, higher will make it blurrier)
mat_softwarelighting : 0 : , "launcher" :
mat_specular : 0 : , "launcher" : Enable/Disable specularity for perf testing. Will cause a material reload upon change.
mat_spew_long_frames : 0 : , "launcher" : warn about frames that go over 66ms for CERT purposes.
mat_supportflashlight : 1 : , "cheat", "launcher" : 0 - do not support flashlight (don't load flashlight shader combos), 1 - flashlight is supported
mat_texture_limit : -1 : , "numeric", "launcher" : If this value is not -1, the material system will limit the amount of texture memory it uses in a frame. Useful for identifying performance cliffs. The value is in kilobytes.
mat_texture_list : 0 : , "launcher" : For debugging, show a list of used textures per frame
mat_texture_list_all : 0 : , "numeric", "launcher" : If this is nonzero, then the texture list panel will show all currently-loaded textures.
mat_texture_list_all_frames : 2 : , "launcher" : How many frames to sample texture memory for all textures.
mat_texture_list_exclude_editing : 0 : , "launcher" :
mat_texture_list_view : 1 : , "numeric", "launcher" : If this is nonzero, then the texture list panel will render thumbnails of currently-loaded textures.
mat_tonemapping_occlusion_use_stencil : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_treesway : 0 : , "launcher" : Enable/disable vertex shader tree sway
mat_triplebuffered : 1 : , "launcher" : This means we want triple buffering if we are fullscreen and vsync'd
mat_use_compressed_hdr_textures : 1 : , "launcher" :
mat_vignette_enable : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mat_vsync : 1 : , "launcher" : Force sync to vertical retrace
mat_wateroverlaysize : 128 : , "cl", "launcher" :
mem_dumpstats : 0 : , "launcher" : Dump current and max heap usage info to console at end of frame ( set to 2 for continuous output )
mem_force_flush : 0 : , "launcher" : Force cache flush of unlocked resources on every alloc
mem_force_flush_section : : , "launcher" : Cache section to restrict mem_force_flush
mem_level : 2 : , "launcher" : Memory Level - Default: High
mem_max_heapsize : 256 : , "launcher" : Maximum amount of memory to dedicate to engine hunk and datacache (in mb)
mem_max_heapsize_dedicated : 64 : , "launcher" : Maximum amount of memory to dedicate to engine hunk and datacache, for dedicated server (in mb)
mem_min_heapsize : 48 : , "launcher" : Minimum amount of memory to dedicate to engine hunk and datacache (in mb)
mem_periodicdumps : 0 : , "launcher" : Write periodic memstats dumps every n seconds.
mem_test_each_frame : 0 : , "launcher" : Run heap check at end of every frame
mem_test_every_n_seconds : 0 : , "launcher" : Run heap check at a specified interval
mem_test_quiet : 0 : , "launcher" : Don't print stats when memtesting
miniprofiler_dump : 0 : , "launcher" :
mission_debug_print : cmd : , "launcher" : Print all mission metadata
mm_datacenter_delay_mount_frames : 6 : , "launcher" : How many frames to delay before attempting to mount the xlsp patch.
mm_datacenter_query_delay : 5 : , "launcher" : Delay after datacenter update is enabled before data is actually queried.
mm_datacenter_report_version : 5 : , "launcher" : Data version to report to DC.
mm_datacenter_retry_infochunks_attempts : 3 : , "launcher" : How many times can we retry retrieving each info chunk before failing.
mm_datacenter_retry_interval : 75 : , "launcher" : Interval between datacenter stats retries.
mm_datacenter_update_interval : 3600 : , "launcher" : Interval between datacenter stats updates.
mm_dedicated_allow : 1 : , "launcher" : 1 = allow searches for dedicated servers
mm_dedicated_fake : 0 : , "launcher" : 1 = pretend like search is going, but abort after some time
mm_dedicated_ip : : , "launcher" : IP address of dedicated servers to consider available
mm_dedicated_min_request_time : 4 : , "launcher" :
mm_dedicated_search_maxresults : 75 : , "launcher" :
mm_dedicated_timeout_request : 20 : , "launcher" :
mm_dlcs_mask_extras : : , "launcher" :
mm_dlcs_mask_fake : : , "launcher" :
mm_events_listeners_validation : 0 : , "launcher" :
mm_heartbeat_seconds : 300 : , "launcher" :
mm_heartbeat_seconds_xlsp : 60 : , "launcher" :
mm_heartbeat_timeout : 10 : , "launcher" :
mm_heartbeat_timeout_legacy : 15 : , "launcher" :
mm_ignored_sessions_forget_pass : 2 : , "launcher" :
mm_ignored_sessions_forget_time : 120 : , "launcher" :
mm_match_search_update_interval : 10 : , "launcher" : Interval between matchsearcher updates.
mm_matchmaking_dlcsquery : 2 : , "launcher" :
mm_matchmaking_version : 10 : , "launcher" :
mm_player_search_count : 5 : , "launcher" :
mm_player_search_lan_ping_duration : 3.5 : , "launcher" : Duration of LAN discovery ping phase.
mm_player_search_lan_ping_interval : 0.5 : , "launcher" : Interval between LAN discovery pings.
mm_player_search_update_interval : 10 : , "launcher" : Interval between players searches.
mm_server_search_inet_ping_interval : 1.0 : , "launcher" : How long to wait between pinging internet server details.
mm_server_search_inet_ping_refresh : 15 : , "launcher" : How often to refresh a listed server.
mm_server_search_inet_ping_timeout : 3.0 : , "launcher" : How long to wait for internet server details.
mm_server_search_inet_ping_window : 10 : , "launcher" : How many servers can be pinged for server details in a batch.
mm_server_search_lan_ping_duration : 1.0 : , "launcher" : Duration of LAN discovery ping phase.
mm_server_search_lan_ping_interval : 0.4 : , "launcher" : Interval between LAN discovery pings.
mm_server_search_server_lifetime : 180 : , "launcher" : How long until a server is no longer returned by the master till we remove it.
mm_server_search_update_interval : 60 : , "launcher" : Interval between servers updates.
mm_session_search_num_results : 50 : , "launcher" :
mm_session_search_ping_limit : 200 : , "launcher" :
mm_session_search_qos_timeout : 8.0 : , "launcher" :
mm_session_sys_delay_create : 0 : , "launcher" :
mm_session_sys_timeout : 3 : , "launcher" :
mm_teamsearch_errortime : 3.0 : , "launcher" : Time team search is in error state until it self-cancels
mm_teamsearch_nostart : 0 : , "launcher" : Team search will fake cancel before searching for server
mm_tu_string : 00000000 : , "launcher" :
mod_check_vcollide : 0 : , "launcher" : Check all vcollides on load
mod_dont_load_vertices : 0 : , "launcher" : For the dedicated server, supress loading model vertex data
mod_forcedata : 1 : , "launcher" : Forces all model file data into cache on model load.
mod_forcetouchdata : 1 : , "launcher" : Forces all model file data into cache on model load.
mod_load_anims_async : 0 : , "launcher" :
mod_load_fakestall : 0 : , "launcher" : Forces all ANI file loading to stall for specified ms
mod_load_mesh_async : 0 : , "launcher" :
mod_load_showstall : 0 : , "launcher" : 1 - show hitches , 2 - show stalls
mod_load_vcollide_async : 0 : , "launcher" :
mod_lock_mdls_on_load : 1 : , "launcher" :
mod_lock_meshes_on_load : 1 : , "launcher" :
mod_test_mesh_not_available : 0 : , "launcher" :
mod_test_not_available : 0 : , "launcher" :
mod_test_verts_not_available : 0 : , "launcher" :
mod_touchalldata : 1 : , "launcher" : Touch model data during level startup
mod_trace_load : 0 : , "launcher" :
morph_debug : 0 : , "launcher" :
morph_path : 7 : , "launcher" :
mp_allowNPCs : 1 : , "sv", "nf", "launcher" :
mp_allowspectators : 1.0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : toggles whether the server allows spectator mode or not
mp_autocrosshair : 1 : , "sv", "nf", "launcher" :
mp_autokick : 0 : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" : Kick idle/team-killing players
mp_autoteambalance : 1 : , "sv", "nf", "launcher" :
mp_blockstyle : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Sets the style of capture point blocking used. 0 = Blocks break captures completely. 1 = Blocks only pause captures.
mp_bonusroundtime : 15 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Time after round win until round restarts
mp_buytime : 1.5 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : How many minutes after round start players can buy items for.
mp_c4timer : 45 : , "sv", "nf", "rep", "launcher" : how long from when the C4 is armed until it blows
mp_capdeteriorate_time : 90.0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Time it takes for a full capture point to deteriorate.
mp_capstyle : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Sets the style of capture points used. 0 = Fixed players required to cap. 1 = More players cap faster, but longer cap times.
mp_chattime : 10 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : amount of time players can chat after the game is over
mp_clan_ready_signal : ready : , "sv", "launcher" : Text that team leader from each team must speak for the match to begin
mp_clan_readyrestart : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : If non-zero, game will restart once someone from each team gives the ready signal
mp_defaultteam : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
mp_disable_respawn_times : 0 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_enableroundwaittime : 1 : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" : Enable timers to wait between rounds.
mp_facefronttime : 2 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : After this amount of time of standing in place but aiming to one side, go ahead and move feet to face upper body.
mp_fadetoblack : 0 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" : fade a player's screen to black when he dies
mp_falldamage : 0 : , "sv", "nf", "launcher" :
mp_feetyawrate : 180 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : How many degrees per second that we can turn our feet or upper body.
mp_feetyawrate_max : 360 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : How many degrees per second that we can turn our feet or upper body when we're outside the max body yaw.
mp_flashlight : 1 : , "sv", "nf", "launcher" :
mp_footsteps : 1 : , "sv", "nf", "launcher" :
mp_forcecamera : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Restricts spectator modes for dead players
mp_forcerespawn : 1 : , "sv", "nf", "launcher" :
mp_fraglimit : 0 : , "sv", "nf", "launcher" :
mp_freezetime : 6 : , "sv", "nf", "rep", "launcher" : how many seconds to keep players frozen when the round starts
mp_friendlyfire : 1 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Allows team members to injure other members of their team
mp_gamemode : coop : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Current game mode, acceptable values are coop, realism, versus, survival, and scavenge; changed using map command, eg: map mapname versus
mp_humanteam : any : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" : Restricts human players to a single team {any, CT, T}
mp_ik : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Use IK on in-place turns.
mp_limitteams : 2 : , "sv", "nf", "rep", "launcher" : Max # of players 1 team can have over another (0 disables check)
mp_logdetail : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Logs attacks. Values are: 0=off, 1=enemy, 2=teammate, 3=both)
mp_maxrounds : 0 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" : max number of rounds to play before server changes maps
mp_playerid : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Controls what information player see in the status bar: 0 all names; 1 team names; 2 no names
mp_playerid_delay : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Number of seconds to delay showing information in the status bar
mp_playerid_hold : 0.25 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Number of seconds to keep showing old information in the status bar
mp_restartgame : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : If non-zero, game will restart in the specified number of seconds
mp_roundtime : 5 : , "sv", "nf", "rep", "launcher" : How many minutes each round takes.
mp_showcleanedupents : 0 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Show entities that are removed on round respawn.
mp_showgestureslots : 0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Show multiplayer client/server gesture slot information for the specified player index (-1 for no one).
mp_showroundtransitions : 0 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Show gamestate round transitions.
mp_slammoveyaw : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Force movement yaw along an animation path.
mp_spawnprotectiontime : 5 : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" : Kick players who team-kill within this many seconds of a round restart.
mp_stalemate_at_timelimit : 0 : , "sv", "nf", "launcher" : Allow the match to end when mp_timelimit hits instead of waiting for the end of the current round.
mp_stalemate_enable : 0 : , "sv", "nf", "launcher" : Enable/Disable stalemate mode.
mp_stalemate_timelimit : 240 : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" : Timelimit (in seconds) of the stalemate round.
mp_startmoney : 800 : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" : amount of money each player gets when they reset
mp_teamlist : hgrunt;scientist : , "sv", "nf", "launcher" :
mp_teamoverride : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
mp_teamplay : 0 : , "sv", "nf", "launcher" :
mp_teams_unbalance_limit : 1 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Teams are unbalanced when one team has this many more players than the other team. (0 disables check)
mp_timelimit : 0 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" : game time per map in minutes
mp_tkpunish : 0 : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" : Will a TK'er be punished in the next round? {0=no, 1=yes}
mp_tournament : 0 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_usehwmmodels : -1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Enable the use of the hw morph models. (-1 = never, 1 = always, 0 = based upon GPU)
mp_usehwmvcds : -1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Enable the use of the hw morph vcd(s). (-1 = never, 1 = always, 0 = based upon GPU)
mp_waitingforplayers_cancel : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Set to 1 to end the WaitingForPlayers period.
mp_waitingforplayers_restart : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Set to 1 to start or restart the WaitingForPlayers period.
mp_waitingforplayers_time : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : WaitingForPlayers time length in seconds
mp_weapon_ak47_price : 2500 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_aug_price : 3500 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_awp_price : 4750 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_deagle_price : 650 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_elite_price : 800 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_famas_price : 2250 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_fiveseven_price : 750 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_g3sg1_price : 5000 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_galil_price : 2000 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_glock_price : 400 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_m249_price : 5750 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_m3_price : 1700 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_m4a1_price : 3100 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_mac10_price : 1400 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_mp5navy_price : 1500 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_p228_price : 600 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_p90_price : 2350 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_scout_price : 2750 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_sg550_price : 4200 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_sg552_price : 3500 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_tmp_price : 1250 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_ump45_price : 1700 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_usp_price : 500 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weapon_xm1014_price : 3000 : , "print", "log", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
mp_weaponstay : 0 : , "sv", "nf", "launcher" :
mp_winlimit : 0 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Max score one team can reach before server changes maps
music_bank_max_duration : 900 : , "sv", "launcher" :
music_bank_min_duration : 900 : , "sv", "launcher" :
music_master_latency_report : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
music_master_spew : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
nav_drag_selection_volume_zmax_offset : 32 : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" : The offset of the nav drag volume top from center
nav_drag_selection_volume_zmin_offset : 32 : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" : The offset of the nav drag volume bottom from center
nav_save_history : 10 : , "sv", "launcher" : Keep this many backup copies of nav files.
nb_avoid : 2 : , "sv", "launcher" : 0=no avoidance, 1=avoid nearest, 2=avoid all
nb_avoid_interval : 0.5 : , "sv", "launcher" : Interval to update nearest for avoidance
nb_player_move_direct : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
nb_shadow_blobby_dist : 400 : , "cl", "launcher" :
nb_shadow_cull_dist : 1600 : , "cl", "launcher" :
net_allow_syslink : 1 : , "launcher" :
net_chokeloop : 0 : , "launcher" : Apply bandwidth choke to loopback packets
net_compresspackets : 1 : , "launcher" : Use lz compression on game packets.
net_compresspackets_minsize : 1000 : , "launcher" : Don't bother compressing packets below this size.
net_compressvoice : 0 : , "launcher" : Attempt to compress out of band voice payloads (360 only).
net_drawslider : 0 : , "launcher" : Draw completion slider during signon
net_dumptest : 0 : , "launcher" :
net_maxcleartime : 4.0 : , "launcher" : Max # of seconds we can wait for next packets to be sent based on rate setting (0 == no limit).
net_maxfilesize : 16 : , "launcher" : Maximum allowed file size for uploading in MB
net_maxfragments : 1200 : , "launcher" : Max fragment bytes per packet
net_megasnapshot : 1 : , "launcher" :
net_minroutable : 16 : , "launcher" : Forces larger payloads.
net_paranoid : 1 : , "launcher" :
net_queue_trace : 0 : , "launcher" :
net_queued_packet_thread : 1 : , "launcher" : Use a high priority thread to send queued packets out instead of sending them each frame.
net_reloadgameevents : cmd : , "launcher" : Reload the game events
net_showdrop : 0 : , "launcher" : Show dropped packets in console
net_showeventlisteners : 0 : , "launcher" : Show listening addition/removals
net_showevents : 0 : , "launcher" : Dump game events to console (1=client only, 2=all).
net_showfragments : 0 : , "launcher" : Show netchannel fragments
net_showmsg : 0 : , "launcher" : Show incoming message: <0|1|name>
net_showpeaks : 0 : , "launcher" : Show messages for large packets only: <size>
net_showtcp : 0 : , "launcher" : Dump TCP stream summary to console
net_showusercmd : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Show user command encoding
net_steamcnx_debug : 1 : , "launcher" : Show debug spew for steam based connections, 2 shows all network traffic for steam sockets.
net_usesocketsforloopback : 0 : , "launcher" : Use network sockets layer even for listen server local player's packets (multiplayer only).
next_scavenge_cluster : cmd : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : spawn the next scavenge cluster
nextlevel : : , "sv", "nf", "launcher" : If set to a valid map name, will trigger a changelevel to the specified map at the end of the round
npc_vphysics : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
old_radiusdamage : 0.0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
particle_sim_alt_cores : 2 : , "cl", "launcher" :
perf_fire_bullet_firstpredictedonly : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Only do effects tracing, etc., first time a CUserCmd is predicted.
perf_fire_bullet_single : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
peril_notice_timer : 5.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
phonemedelay : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Phoneme delay to account for sound system latency.
phonemefilter : 0.08 : , "cl", "launcher" : Time duration of box filter to pass over phonemes.
phonemesnap : 2 : , "cl", "launcher" : Lod at level at which visemes stops always considering two phonemes, regardless of duration.
phys2_air_density : 2 : , "launcher" :
phys2_angular_damping : 0.05 : , "launcher" :
phys2_angular_damping_in_water : 0.5 : , "launcher" :
phys2_artificial_acceleration : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_async : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_async_server : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_buoyancy_damping : 0.5 : , "launcher" :
phys2_buoyancy_factor : 1.2 : , "launcher" :
phys2_buoyancy_version : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_buoyant_damping_multiplier : 50 : , "launcher" :
phys2_buoyant_sleep_energy_threshold : 0.5 : , "launcher" :
phys2_ccd_epsilon : 0.01 : , "launcher" :
phys2_clamp_velocity : 10 : , "launcher" :
phys2_cmodels : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_contact_report_threshold : 1000 : , "launcher" :
phys2_continuous_cd : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_debug_draw : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
phys2_debug_draw_scale : 1.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
phys2_debug_dump_entities : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
phys2_debug_traceray : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_debug_wakeup : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_dedicated_thread_pool : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_default_friction : 0.75 : , "launcher" :
phys2_default_wakeup_counter : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_dump_exclude_list : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_dump_ray_counts : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_enable : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_enable_breakable_constraints : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_enable_buoyancy : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_enable_deferred_calls : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_enable_drives : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_enable_energy_sleep_test : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_enable_sap_multi : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_enable_variable_timestep : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_expensive_sync_warning : 320000 : , "launcher" :
phys2_force_apply_magnitude : 1.0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_global_ccd_motion_threshold_multiplier : 0.5 : , "launcher" :
phys2_global_skin_width_multiplier : 1.0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_hack_ignore_level_collision : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_hack_ignore_models : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_hack_ignore_rays : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_hack_print_rays : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_hack_replace_bboxes : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_level_prefer_polytopes : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_linear_damping : 0.0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_linear_damping_in_water : 0.5 : , "launcher" :
phys2_mass_exponent : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_max_angular_velocity : 25 : , "launcher" :
phys2_max_substeps : 2 : , "launcher" :
phys2_max_timestep : 0.02 : , "launcher" :
phys2_merge_static_props : 1 : , "rep", "launcher" :
phys2_num_threads : 4 : , "launcher" :
phys2_ragdoll_ccd : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_ragdoll_clamp_angular_velocity : 30 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
phys2_ragdoll_clamp_linear_velocity : 600 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
phys2_ragdoll_convert_to_capsules : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_ragdoll_create_constraints : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
phys2_ragdoll_default_friction : 0.2 : , "launcher" :
phys2_ragdoll_drive_damping : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_ragdoll_drive_spring : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_ragdoll_force_magnitude : 5 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
phys2_ragdoll_iterations : 4 : , "launcher" :
phys2_ragdoll_joint_damping : 0.01 : , "launcher" :
phys2_ragdoll_joint_or : 1.2 : , "launcher" :
phys2_ragdoll_log : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
phys2_ragdoll_projection_angle : 0.05 : , "launcher" :
phys2_ragdoll_projection_distance : 0.1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_ragdoll_projection_mode : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_ragdoll_self_collision : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_ragdoll_torque_magnitude : 0.03 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
phys2_ragdoll_use_boxes : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_ragdoll_use_d6_joints : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_ragdoll_velocity : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
phys2_report_asserts : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_report_errors : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_report_messages : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_report_warnings : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_res_mgr_break : : , "launcher" :
phys2_scheduler_enable : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_scheduler_manual_pools : 0 : , "cheat", "launcher" : 0 - auto-balance heuristic, frame sync points aware 1024 - sync-execute +1 - use thread 1 pool +2 - use main thread pool +4 - use alternate pool +8 - always allow all pools, don't mind frame sync points
phys2_scheduler_stats : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_scheduler_yield : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_shoot_speed : 250 : , "sv", "launcher" :
phys2_sim_hw : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_sim_thread_mask_client : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_sim_thread_mask_server : 4 : , "launcher" :
phys2_sim_thread_stack : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_sleep_angular_velocity : 0.1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_sleep_damping : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_sleep_energy_threshold : 0.02 : , "launcher" :
phys2_sleep_linear_velocity : 0.1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_solver_batch_size : 16 : , "launcher" :
phys2_support_level : 3 : , "launcher" :
phys2_thread_mask_client : 3 : , "launcher" :
phys2_thread_mask_server : 6 : , "launcher" :
phys2_thread_stack : 256000 : , "launcher" :
phys2_version : Version 2.2 (w/scheduler), built Oct 1 2010 11:25:53 : , "launcher" :
phys2_visualize : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_water_density_multiplier : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_water_single_actor : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys2_water_wakeup_counter : 0.4 : , "launcher" :
phys2_xbox_scheduler : 0 : , "launcher" :
phys2_xbox_scheduler_thread_mask : 62 : , "launcher" :
phys2_xbox_sim_thread_priority : 2 : , "launcher" : 0 is high, 2 is normal, 4 is low
phys2ui_mouse_wheel_scale : 10 : , "launcher" :
phys_debug_check_contacts : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
phys_enable_experimental_optimizations : 0 : , "launcher" : enable some experimental SIMD/VMX128 optimizations in physics and collision
phys_enable_PIX_counters : 1 : , "cheat", "launcher" : enable PIX counters
phys_enable_query_cache : 1 : , "launcher" :
phys_enable_simd_optimizations : 1 : , "launcher" : enable some additional SIMD/VMX128 optimizations in physics and collision
phys_impactforcescale : 1.0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
phys_penetration_error_time : 10 : , "sv", "launcher" : Controls the duration of vphysics penetration error boxes.
phys_pushscale : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
phys_ragdoll_force_magnitude : 0.3 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
phys_shoot_torque : 100000000 : , "sv", "launcher" :
phys_speeds : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
phys_stressbodyweights : 5.0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
phys_timescale : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" : Scale time for physics
phys_upimpactforcescale : 0.375 : , "sv", "launcher" :
physics2_polytope_radius_factor : 1 : , "launcher" :
physicsshadowupdate_render : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
PhysPMC : 0 : , "launcher" :
physx_subdir : : , "launcher" :
ping_max_green : 70 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ping_max_red : 250 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ping_max_yellow : 140 : , "cl", "launcher" :
pipe_bomb_beep_interval_delta : 0.025 : , "sv", "launcher" :
pipe_bomb_beep_min_interval : 0.1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
pipe_bomb_initial_beep_interval : 0.5 : , "sv", "launcher" :
pipe_bomb_shake_amplitude : 50 : , "sv", "launcher" :
pipe_bomb_shake_radius : 750 : , "sv", "launcher" :
pipe_bomb_timer_duration : 6 : , "sv", "launcher" :
pipeline_static_props : 1 : , "launcher" :
player_old_armor : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
Print_Steam_Stats : cmd : , "cl", "launcher" : Prints the current state of the steam stats to file.
prop_active_gib_limit : 999999 : , "sv", "launcher" :
prop_active_gib_max_fade_time : 999999 : , "sv", "launcher" :
prop_use : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
props_break_max_pieces : 50 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Maximum prop breakable piece count (-1 = model default)
props_break_max_pieces_perframe : -1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Maximum prop breakable piece count per frame (-1 = model default)
punch_angle_decay_rate : 20 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
r_3dsky : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Enable the rendering of 3d sky boxes
r_ambientboost : 1 : , "launcher" : Set to boost ambient term if it is totally swamped by local lights
r_ambientfactor : 5 : , "launcher" : Boost ambient cube by no more than this factor
r_ambientmin : 0.3 : , "launcher" : Threshold above which ambient cube will not boost (i.e. it's already sufficiently bright
r_aspectratio : 0 : , "launcher" :
r_bloomtintb : 0.11 : , "launcher" :
r_bloomtintexponent : 2.2 : , "launcher" :
r_bloomtintexponent_ghost : 0.1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_bloomtintg : 0.59 : , "launcher" :
r_bloomtintr : 0.3 : , "launcher" :
r_clip3Dskyboxneartoworldfar : -1 : , "cheat", "cl", "launcher" : -1: do whatever the sky_camera clip_3D_skybox_near_to_world_far says, 0: force no clip, 1: force clip
r_clip3Dskyboxneartoworldfarfudge : 0.0 : , "cheat", "cl", "launcher" : offset to pull the near clip plane in for the 3dskybox when using r_clip3Dskyboxneartoworldfar. This ensures that there is some overlap between the 3dskybox and the world, PROFIT!
r_debug_sequencesets : -2 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_decal_cover_count : 4 : , "launcher" :
r_decal_overlap_area : 0.4 : , "launcher" :
r_decal_overlap_count : 1 : , "launcher" :
r_decals : 512 : , "launcher" :
r_decalstaticprops : 1 : , "launcher" : Decal static props test
r_dopixelvisibility : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_draw_flashlight_3rd_person : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Draw flashlight beams for other players
r_draw_lasersight_1st_person : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Draw laser sight for the local player
r_draw_lasersight_3rd_person : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Draw laser sights for other players
r_drawbatchdecals : 1 : , "launcher" : Render decals batched.
r_DrawDetailProps : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : 0=Off, 1=Normal, 2=Wireframe
r_drawflecks : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_drawmodeldecals : 1 : , "launcher" :
r_drawpixelvisibility : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Show the occlusion proxies
r_DrawSpecificStaticProp : -1 : , "launcher" :
r_drawtracers_firstperson : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_drawunderwaterfogblocker : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_emulategl : 0 : , "launcher" :
r_entity : -1 : , "cheat", "launcher" :
r_entityclips : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_eyeglintlodpixels : 20.0 : , "launcher" : The number of pixels wide an eyeball has to be before rendering an eyeglint. Is a floating point value.
r_eyes : 1 : , "launcher" :
r_fade360style : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_fastzreject : 0 : , "launcher" : Activate/deactivates a fast z-setting algorithm to take advantage of hardware with fast z reject. Use -1 to default to hardware settings
r_fastzrejectdisp : 0 : , "launcher" : Activates/deactivates fast z rejection on displacements (360 only). Only active when r_fastzreject is on.
r_flashlight_3rd_person_range : 60 : , "cl", "launcher" : Distance to draw flashlight beams for other players
r_flashlight_topdown : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_flashlightculldepth : 1 : , "launcher" :
r_flashlightdepthres : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_flashlightdepthtexture : 0 : , "launcher" :
r_FlashlightDetailProps : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Enable a flashlight drawing pass on detail props. 0 = off, 1 = single pass, 2 = multipass (multipass is PC ONLY)
r_flashlightdrawdepth : 0 : , "launcher" :
r_flashlightdrawfrustum : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_flashlightdrawfrustumbbox : 0 : , "launcher" :
r_flashlightdrawsweptbbox : 0 : , "launcher" :
r_flashlightinfectedfar : 750 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_flashlightinfectedfov : 90 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_flashlightinfectedlinear : 100 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_flashlightinfectedshadows : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_flashlightmodels : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_flashlightmuzzleflash : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_flashlightnodraw : 0 : , "launcher" :
r_flashlightrender : 1 : , "launcher" :
r_flashlightrendermodels : 1 : , "launcher" :
r_flashlightrenderworld : 1 : , "launcher" :
r_flashlightscissor : 1 : , "launcher" :
r_flashlightupdatedepth : 1 : , "launcher" :
r_flashlightvolumetrics : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_flashlightvolumetricsdrawnatend : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_flex : 1 : , "launcher" :
r_ForceRestore : 0 : , "launcher" :
r_ForceWaterLeaf : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Enable for optimization to water - considers view in leaf under water for purposes of culling
r_frustumcullworld : 1 : , "launcher" :
r_glint_alwaysdraw : 0 : , "launcher" :
r_glint_procedural : 0 : , "launcher" :
r_hunkalloclightmaps : 1 : , "launcher" :
r_impactparticles : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_jiggle_bones : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_lightaverage : 1 : , "launcher" : Activates/deactivate light averaging
r_lightcache_zbuffercache : 0 : , "launcher" :
r_lod : -1 : , "launcher" :
r_maxdlights : 32 : , "launcher" :
r_maxmodeldecal : 50 : , "launcher" :
r_maxnewsamples : 6 : , "launcher" :
r_maxsampledist : 128 : , "launcher" :
r_minlightmap : 0 : , "launcher" :
r_minnewsamples : 3 : , "launcher" :
r_norefresh : 0 : , "launcher" :
r_occludeemaxarea : 0 : , "launcher" : Prevents occlusion testing for entities that take up more than X% of the screen. 0 means use whatever the level said to use.
r_occluderminarea : 0 : , "launcher" : Prevents this occluder from being used if it takes up less than X% of the screen. 0 means use whatever the level said to use.
r_occludermincount : 0 : , "launcher" : At least this many occluders will be used, no matter how big they are.
r_occlusion : 1 : , "launcher" : Activate/deactivate the occlusion system.
r_overlayfadeenable : 0 : , "launcher" :
r_overlayfademax : 2000 : , "launcher" :
r_overlayfademin : 1750 : , "launcher" :
r_overlaywireframe : 0 : , "launcher" :
r_particle_sim_spike_threshold_ms : 5 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_particle_timescale : 1.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_pix_recordframes : 0 : , "launcher" :
r_pix_start : 0 : , "launcher" :
r_pixelfog : 1 : , "launcher" :
r_pixelvisibility_partial : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_pixelvisibility_spew : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_portalscloseall : 0 : , "launcher" :
r_proplightingfromdisk : 1 : , "launcher" : 0=Off, 1=On, 2=Show Errors
r_propsmaxdist : 1200 : , "cl", "launcher" : Maximum visible distance
r_queued_decals : 0 : , "launcher" : Offloads a bit of decal rendering setup work to the material system queue when enabled.
r_queued_post_processing : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_queued_ropes : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_RainAllowInSplitScreen : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Allows rain in splitscreen
r_RainParticleDensity : 0.300000 : , "cl", "launcher" : Density of Particle Rain 0-1
r_renderoverlayfragment : 1 : , "launcher" :
r_rootlod : 0 : , "launcher" : Root LOD
r_ropetranslucent : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_sequence_debug : : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_shader_srgb : 0 : , "launcher" : -1 = use hardware caps. 0 = use hardware srgb. 1 = use shader srgb(software lookup)
r_shadow_half_update_rate : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Updates shadows at half the framerate
r_shadow_lightpos_lerptime : 0.5 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_shadow_shortenfactor : 2 : , "cl", "launcher" : Makes shadows cast from local lights shorter
r_shadowfromworldlights : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Enable shadowing from world lights
r_shadowlod : -1 : , "launcher" :
r_shadowlodbias : 2 : , "launcher" :
r_shadowmaxrendered : 64 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_shadowrendertotexture : 1 : , "launcher" :
r_shadows : 1 : , "launcher" :
r_shadows_on_renderables_enable : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Support casting RTT shadows onto other renderables
r_ShowViewerArea : 0 : , "launcher" :
r_snapportal : -1 : , "launcher" :
r_spray_lifetime : 10 : , "launcher" : Number of rounds player sprays are visible
r_staticlight_streams : 1 : , "launcher" :
r_staticprop_lod : -1 : , "launcher" :
r_staticpropinfo : 0 : , "launcher" :
r_teeth : 1 : , "launcher" :
r_threaded_particles : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_threaded_shadow_clip : 0 : , "launcher" :
r_threadeddetailprops : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : enable threading of detail prop drawing
r_unlimitedrefract : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_unloadlightmaps : 0 : , "launcher" :
r_visambient : 0 : , "launcher" : Draw leaf ambient lighting samples. Needs mat_leafvis 1 to work
r_visualizeproplightcaching : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_WaterDrawReflection : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Enable water reflection
r_WaterDrawRefraction : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Enable water refraction
r_waterforceexpensive : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_waterforcereflectentities : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
r_worldlightmin : 0.000200 : , "launcher" :
r_worldlights : 2 : , "launcher" : number of world lights to use per vertex
r_worldlistcache : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ragdoll_collide : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ragdoll_door_uncollide_time : 4.0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ragdoll_force_to_sleep_time : 10 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ragdoll_self_collision : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ragdoll_sleepaftertime : 5 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : After this many seconds of being basically stationary, the ragdoll will go to sleep.
ragdoll_slowdown : 1.0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
ragdoll_slowdown_time : 5.0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
rcon_address : : , "norecord", "launcher" : Address of remote server if sending unconnected rcon commands (format x.x.x.x:p)
reload_materials : 0 : , "launcher" :
res_restrict_access : 0 : , "launcher" :
Reset_Steam_Stats : cmd : , "cl", "launcher" : Resets your currently signed in Steam stats!!!
room_type : 0 : , "demo", "launcher" :
rope_averagelight : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Makes ropes use average of cubemap lighting instead of max intensity.
rope_collide : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Collide rope with the world
rope_rendersolid : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
rope_shake : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
rope_smooth : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Do an antialiasing effect on ropes
rope_smooth_enlarge : 1.4 : , "cl", "launcher" : How much to enlarge ropes in screen space for antialiasing effect
rope_smooth_maxalpha : 0.5 : , "cl", "launcher" : Alpha for rope antialiasing effect
rope_smooth_maxalphawidth : 1.75 : , "cl", "launcher" :
rope_smooth_minalpha : 0.2 : , "cl", "launcher" : Alpha for rope antialiasing effect
rope_smooth_minwidth : 0.3 : , "cl", "launcher" : When using smoothing, this is the min screenspace width it lets a rope shrink to
rope_solid_maxalpha : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
rope_solid_maxwidth : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
rope_solid_minalpha : 0.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
rope_solid_minwidth : 0.3 : , "cl", "launcher" :
rope_subdiv : 2 : , "cl", "launcher" : Rope subdivision amount
rope_wind_dist : 1000 : , "cl", "launcher" : Don't use CPU applying small wind gusts to ropes when they're past this distance.
rpt_vprof_time : 0.25 : , "norecord", "matsys", "launcher" :
rr_debugplayer : -1 : , "sv", "launcher" : Player entindex for which to print speech attempts (0 for all)
rr_debugresponseconcept : : , "sv", "launcher" : If set, rr_debugresponses will print only responses testing for the specified concept
rr_debugresponses : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Show verbose matching output (1 for simple, 2 for rule scoring, 3 for noisy). If set to 4, it will only show response success/failure for npc_selected NPCs.
rr_debugrule : : , "sv", "launcher" : If set to the name of the rule, that rule's score will be shown whenever a concept is passed into the response rules system.
rr_dumpresponses : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Dump all response_rules.txt and rules (requires restart)
save_async : 1 : , "launcher" :
save_asyncdelay : 0 : , "launcher" : For testing, adds this many milliseconds of delay to the save operation.
save_console : 0 : , "launcher" : Autosave on the PC behaves like it does on the consoles.
save_disable : 0 : , "launcher" :
save_history_count : 1 : , "launcher" : Keep this many old copies in history of autosaves and quicksaves.
save_huddelayframes : 1 : , "launcher" : Number of frames to defer for drawing the Saving message.
save_in_memory : 0 : , "launcher" : Set to 1 to save to memory instead of disk (Xbox 360)
save_noxsave : 0 : , "launcher" :
save_screenshot : 1 : , "launcher" : 0 = none, 1 = non-autosave, 2 = always
save_spew : 0 : , "launcher" :
sb_allow_leading : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : If nonzero, SurvivorBots can take the lead and won't always wait behind the lead human player
sb_firstopentime : 0 : , "launcher" : Indicates the time the server browser was first opened.
sb_melee_approach_victim : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
sb_numtimesopened : 0 : , "launcher" : Indicates the number of times the server browser was opened this session.
sb_perf_collect : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Collect perf for Steam stats
sb_perf_dump_low : 40 : , "cl", "launcher" : Low perf threshold
sb_perf_dump_low_dist : 64 : , "cl", "launcher" : Dump low perf points at least this distance apart
sb_reachable_cache_paranoia : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
sb_skill : survivor : , "sv", "launcher" :
sb_temp_health_consider_factor : 0.5 : , "sv", "launcher" : Temporary health is multiplied by this when SurvivorBots consider who needs healing
sb_toughness_buffer : 15 : , "sv", "launcher" : How much more SurvivorBots must be hurt to conider themselves equally valid as a healing target
sb_transition : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" : If true, survivor bots will be used as placeholders for survivors who are still changing levels
scavenge_cluster_bonus_time : 15 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Time added to the clock every time a cluster is cleared (in linear scavenge)
scavenge_cluster_range_squared : 100000 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Cans closer than this range will be combined into a single cluster.
scavenge_cluster_remove_on_pour : 1 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" :
scavenge_increment_score : cmd : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Increment the scavenge team score
scavenge_match_finished_delay : 5 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : After a match ends, move on to post-round state after this many seconds.
scavenge_overtime_grace_time : 1 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : How long survivors can go without a scavenge item before overtime will end.
scavenge_round_initial_time : 90 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Initial time on the clock when a scavenge round starts
scavenge_round_restart_delay : 10 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : After a round, restart the round after this many seconds.
scavenge_round_restart_delay_tied : 15 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : After a tie, restart the round after this many seconds.
scavenge_round_setup_time : 45 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Setup time before the round starts
scavenge_score_bonus_time : 20 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Time added to the clock every time a team scores
scavenge_scoreboard_round_sound_effect_interval : 0.1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
scavenge_scoreboard_round_time_effect_delay : 0.05 : , "cl", "launcher" :
scavenge_scoreboard_round_time_effect_duration : 3.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
scavenge_scoreboard_survivor_score_effect_delay : 0.25 : , "cl", "launcher" :
scavenge_start : cmd : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Force the scavenge round to start
scenario_end : cmd : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Force the current scenario to end
scene_async_prefetch_spew : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Display async .ani file loading info.
scene_clientflex : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Do client side flex animation.
scene_clientplayback : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" : Play all vcds on the clients.
scene_forcecombined : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : When playing back, force use of combined .wav files even in english.
scene_maxcaptionradius : 1200 : , "sv", "launcher" : Only show closed captions if recipient is within this many units of speaking actor (0==disabled).
scene_print : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : When playing back a scene, print timing and event info to console.
scene_vcdautosave : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Create a savegame before VCD playback
scr_centertime : 2 : , "cl", "launcher" :
screenfademaxsize : cmd : , "cheat", "cl", "launcher" : Modify global screen fade max size in pixels
screenfademinsize : cmd : , "cheat", "cl", "launcher" : Modify global screen fade min size in pixels
servercfgfile : server.cfg : , "sv", "launcher" :
sfm_record_hz : 30 : , "cl", "launcher" :
shake_show : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Displays a list of the active screen shakes.
shotgun_reload_cancel_delay : 0.5 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : On reload from empty, time before a fire command is recognized to cancel the reload.
showbudget_texture_global_sum : 0.0f : , "launcher" :
showparticlecounts : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Display number of particles drawn per frame
+showstats : cmd : , "cl", "launcher" :
-showstats : cmd : , "cl", "launcher" :
ShowSteamStatsSessionID : cmd : , "cl", "launcher" : Prints out the client and server session ID's (developer convar must be set to non-zero).
sk_player_arm : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
sk_player_chest : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
sk_player_head : 2 : , "sv", "launcher" :
sk_player_leg : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
sk_player_stomach : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
smoothstairs : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Smooth player eye z coordinate when traversing stairs.
snd_async_fullyasync : 1 : , "launcher" : All playback is fully async (sound doesn't play until data arrives).
snd_async_minsize : 262144 : , "launcher" :
snd_async_spew_blocking : 0 : , "launcher" : Spew message to console any time async sound loading blocks on file i/o.
snd_async_stream_fail : 0 : , "launcher" : Spew stream pool failures.
snd_async_stream_spew : 0 : , "launcher" : Spew streaming info ( 0=Off, 1=streams, 2=buffers
snd_cull_duplicates : 0 : , "launcher" : If nonzero, aggressively cull duplicate sounds during mixing. The number specifies the number of duplicates allowed to be played.
snd_debug_gaincurve : 0 : , "launcher" : Visualize sound gain fall off
snd_debug_gaincurvevol : 1.0 : , "launcher" : Visualize sound gain fall off
snd_defer_trace : 1 : , "launcher" :
snd_delay_sound_shift : 0.03 : , "launcher" :
snd_disable_mixer_duck : 0 : , "launcher" :
snd_disable_mixer_solo : 0 : , "launcher" :
snd_list : : , "launcher" :
snd_lockpartial : 1 : , "launcher" :
snd_max_same_sounds : 4 : , "launcher" :
snd_max_same_weapon_sounds : 3 : , "launcher" :
snd_mergemethod : 1 : , "launcher" : Sound merge method (0 == sum and clip, 1 == max, 2 == avg).
snd_mix_async : 0 : , "launcher" :
snd_mix_minframetime : 0.010 : , "launcher" :
snd_mixer_master_dsp : 1.0 : , "launcher" :
snd_mixer_master_level : 1.0 : , "launcher" :
snd_moviefix : 1 : , "launcher" : Defer sound recording until next tick when laying off movies.
snd_noextraupdate : 0 : , "launcher" :
snd_profile : 0 : , "demo", "launcher" :
snd_show : 0 : , "launcher" : Show sounds info
snd_showclassname : 0 : , "launcher" :
snd_showmixer : 0 : , "launcher" :
snd_ShowThreadFrameTime : 0 : , "launcher" :
snd_soundmixer : Default_Mix : , "launcher" :
snd_soundmixer_parse_debug : 0 : , "launcher" :
snd_soundmixer_version : 2 : , "launcher" :
snd_spatialize_roundrobin : 0 : , "launcher" : Lowend optimization: if nonzero, spatialize only a fraction of sound channels each frame. 1/2^x of channels will be spatialized per frame.
snd_store_filepaths : 0 : , "launcher" :
snd_surround_speakers : 2 : , "launcher" :
snd_vox_captiontrace : 0 : , "launcher" : Shows sentence name for sentences which are set not to show captions.
snd_vox_globaltimeout : 300 : , "launcher" :
snd_vox_sectimetout : 300 : , "launcher" :
snd_vox_seqtimetout : 300 : , "launcher" :
soundpatch_captionlength : 2.0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : How long looping soundpatch captions should display for.
soundscape_message : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
spec_autodirector : 1 : , "clientcmd_can_execute", "cl", "launcher" : Auto-director chooses best view modes while spectating
spec_chasedistance : 96 : , "cl", "launcher" : Chase cam's ideal distance from target
spec_closeup_range : 10 : , "cl", "launcher" : Range at which we framing the head of our subject
spec_filter : any : , "sv", "launcher" : Spectate a subset of all players (any|human|bot|survivor|infected)
spec_filter_infected : any : , "sv", "launcher" : Spectate filter for infected players (any|human|bot|survivor|infected)
spec_filter_survivors : survivor : , "sv", "launcher" : Spectate filter for survivor players (any|human|bot|survivor|infected)
spec_lockedchasecam : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : Spectator chase camera centers behind the spectated player
spec_lockedchasecam_center_speed : 1.5 : , "cl", "launcher" : Controls rate that camera is centered on the target
spec_lockedchasecam_delay : 3 : , "cl", "launcher" : Locked chasecam doesn't auto-center this many seconds after mouse movement
spec_lockedchasecam_pitch : 15 : , "cl", "launcher" :
spec_lockedchasecam_yaw : 15 : , "cl", "launcher" :
spec_longshot_range : 75 : , "cl", "launcher" : Range at which we framing the whole body of our subject
spec_max_tracking_error : 1000 : , "cl", "launcher" :
spec_track : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Tracks an entity in spec mode
spec_tracking_power : 5 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ss_connect : cmd : , "launcher" : If connected with available split screen slots, connects a split screen player to this machine.
ss_debug_draw_player : -1 : , "cheat", "cl", "launcher" :
ss_disconnect : cmd : , "launcher" : If connected with available split screen slots, connects a split screen player to this machine.
ss_mimic : 0 : , "cheat", "cl", "launcher" : Split screen users mimic base player's CUserCmds
ss_teleport : cmd : , "cheat", "cl", "launcher" : Teleport other splitscreen player to my location.
ss_verticalsplit : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Two player split screen uses vertical split (do not set this directly, use ss_splitmode instead).
ss_voice_hearpartner : 0 : , "launcher" : Route voice between splitscreen players on same system.
stats_highlight_interval : 10 : , "cl", "launcher" : Interval between hightlight screens in the transition stats panel
steam_stats_write_to_keyvalue : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : If enabled, steam stats will be written to a keyvalue.
steamworks_client_sessionid : 0 : , "cl", "matsys", "launcher" : The client session ID for the new steam works gamestats.
steamworks_immediate_upload : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "matsys", "launcher" : If set to zero the stats will only be uploaded at the end of the session. If set to non-zero, stats will immediately be uploaded.
steamworks_server_sessionid : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "matsys", "launcher" : The server session ID for the new steam works gamestats.
steamworks_show_uploads : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : If set to non-zero, will show when submitting tables.
steamworks_stats_disable : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "matsys", "launcher" : If set to non-zero then no steam works game stats will be used.
step_spline : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
still_vel_limit : 5 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : if player velocity is lower than this, he is 'still'
still_view_accel_limit : 1500 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : if player's view is accelerating less than this, his view is 'still'
stringtable_alwaysrebuilddictionaries : 0 : , "launcher" : Rebuild dictionary file on every level load
stringtable_usedictionaries : 1 : , "launcher" : Use dictionaries for string table networking
studio_queue_mode : 1 : , "launcher" :
survival_boomer_limit_increase : 0 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : After each special wave, increase max boomers by this amount.
survival_charger_limit_increase : 0 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : After each special wave, increase max chargers by this amount.
survival_generate_fake_times : 1 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
survival_horde_stage_interval : 60 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Seconds between horde attacks
survival_horde_stage_interval_decay : 2 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : After each horde attack, reduce the interval by this many seconds
survival_hunter_limit_increase : 1 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : After each special wave, increase max hunters by this amount.
survival_jockey_limit_increase : 1 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : After each special wave, increase max jockeys by this amount.
survival_lull_time : 15 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Lull duration between survival waves.
survival_lull_time_increment : 15 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Increment for the lull time per wave.
survival_lull_time_max : 60 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Max lull duration.
survival_max_boomers : 2 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Max boomers alive at one time.
survival_max_chargers : 2 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Max chargers alive at one time.
survival_max_hunters : 3 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Max hunters alive at one time.
survival_max_jockeys : 2 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Max jockeys alive at one time.
survival_max_smokers : 4 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Max smokers alive at one time.
survival_max_specials : 8 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Max number of special zombies alive at one time.
survival_max_spitters : 3 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Max spitters alive at one time.
survival_round_restart_delay : 15 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : After a loss, restart the round after this many seconds.
survival_smoker_limit_increase : 1 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : After each special wave, increase max smokers by this amount.
survival_special_limit_increase : 1 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : After each special wave, increase max specials by this amount.
survival_special_spawn_interval : 20 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Seconds between special spawn waves
survival_special_spawn_interval_decay : 1 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : After each special wave, reduce the spawn interval by this many seconds
survival_special_stage_interval : 60 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : After this many seconds, increase special zombie limits
survival_spitter_limit_increase : 1 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : After each special wave, increase max spitters by this amount.
survival_start : cmd : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Force the survival round to start
survival_tank_multiple_spawn_delay : 10 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Delay between the two tanks during double spawns.
survival_tank_stage_interval : 80 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Seconds between tank attacks
survival_tank_stage_interval_decay : 20 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : After some number of waves, reduce the interval by this many seconds
survivor_allow_crawling : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
survivor_death_anims : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
survivor_drag_continuous_fire : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Survivors need to hold +attack2 to drag incapacitated survivors
survivor_expressions : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
survivor_expressions_anger : -1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
survivor_expressions_fear : -1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
survivor_incap_decay_rate : 3 : , "sv", "launcher" :
survivor_incap_health : 300 : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" :
survivor_incap_hopeless_decay_rate : 12 : , "sv", "launcher" : If all survivors are incapacitated, their health decays at this speed
survivor_incap_max_fall_damage : 200 : , "sv", "launcher" : Taking falling damage greater than this will kill survivors outright instead of incapacitating them
survivor_incap_tongued_decay_rate : 12 : , "sv", "launcher" :
survivor_it_fade_in_interval : 0.2 : , "cl", "launcher" :
survivor_it_fade_out_interval : 2 : , "cl", "launcher" :
survivor_lean : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
survivor_ledge_grab_health : 300 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
survivor_limit : 4 : , "sv", "nf", "launcher" : Max # of survivors
survivor_model_selection : -1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
survivor_respawn_with_guns : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" : 0: Just a pistol, 1: Downgrade of last primary weapon, 2: Last primary weapon.
survivor_revive_after_drag : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Standing still after dragging someone will start reviving him
survivor_revive_continuous_fire : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Players need to hold +attack to revive
survivor_teammatefocus_enabled : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Enable or disable focusing on teammates via the use key
survivor_teammatefocus_speed : 10.0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Scalar speed for locking on a teammate in focus
survivor_teammatefocus_stickyness : 5 : , "cl", "launcher" : Amount the look controller must move before unlocking a teammate in focus
survivor_upgrade_reload_duration : 0.5 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Upgraded survivors reload in this fraction of the base time.
sv__ragdoll_max_remove_per_frame : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
sv_accelerate : 5 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
sv_airaccelerate : 10 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
sv_allow_votes : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" : Allow voting? (Requires mod's support first.)
sv_allowdownload : 1 : , "launcher" : Allow clients to download files
sv_allowupload : 1 : , "launcher" : Allow clients to upload customizations files
sv_anim_dumpstate : cmd : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Dump the animation state for all the player classes.
sv_autosave : 1 : , "launcher" : Set to 1 to autosave game on level transition. Does not affect autosave triggers.
sv_backspeed : 0.6 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : How much to slow down backwards motion
sv_banid_dev_enabled : 0 : , "launcher" :
sv_benchmark_autovprofrecord : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : If running a benchmark and this is set, it will record a vprof file over the duration of the benchmark with filename benchmark.vprof.
sv_benchmark_numticks : 3300 : , "sv", "launcher" : If > 0, then it only runs the benchmark for this # of ticks.
sv_bonus_challenge : 0 : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" : Set to values other than 0 to select a bonus map challenge type.
sv_bounce : 0 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Bounce multiplier for when physically simulated objects collide with other objects.
sv_cacheencodedents : 1 : , "launcher" : If set to 1, does an optimization to prevent extra SendTable_Encode calls.
sv_client_cmdrate_difference : 20 : , "rep", "launcher" : cl_cmdrate is moved to within sv_client_cmdrate_difference units of cl_updaterate before it is clamped between sv_mincmdrate and sv_maxcmdrate.
sv_client_max_interp_ratio : 5 : , "rep", "launcher" : This can be used to limit the value of cl_interp_ratio for connected clients (only while they are connected). If sv_client_min_interp_ratio is -1, then this cvar has no effect.
sv_client_min_interp_ratio : 1 : , "rep", "launcher" : This can be used to limit the value of cl_interp_ratio for connected clients (only while they are connected). -1 = let clients set cl_interp_ratio to anything any other value = set minimum value for cl_interp_ratio
sv_client_predict : -1 : , "rep", "launcher" : This can be used to force the value of cl_predict for connected clients (only while they are connected). -1 = let clients set cl_predict to anything 0 = force cl_predict to 0 1 = force cl_predict to 1
sv_clockcorrection_msecs : 60 : , "sv", "launcher" : The server tries to keep each player's m_nTickBase withing this many msecs of the server absolute tickcount
sv_creationtickcheck : 1 : , "cheat", "launcher" : Do extended check for encoding of timestamps against tickcount
sv_debug_entity : : , "sv", "launcher" :
sv_debug_player_use : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Visualizes +use logic. Green cross=trace success, Red cross=trace too far, Green box=radius success
sv_debugmanualmode : 0 : , "launcher" : Make sure entities correctly report whether or not their network data has changed.
sv_debugtempentities : 0 : , "launcher" : Show temp entity bandwidth usage.
sv_deltaprint : 0 : , "launcher" : Print accumulated CalcDelta profiling data (only if sv_deltatime is on)
sv_deltatime : 0 : , "launcher" : Enable profiling of CalcDelta calls
sv_disable_glow_faritems : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Disable glows around items that are too far away to pickup.
sv_disable_glow_survivors : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Disable glows around Survivors.
sv_disable_querycache : 0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl", "launcher" : debug - disable trace query cache
sv_enableoldqueries : 0 : , "launcher" : Enable support for old style (HL1) server queries
sv_extra_client_connect_time : 15.0 : , "launcher" : Seconds after client connect during which extra frames are buffered to prevent non-delta'd update
sv_filterban : 1 : , "launcher" : Set packet filtering by IP mode
sv_findsoundname : cmd : , "sv", "launcher" : Find sound names which reference the specified wave files.
sv_footsteps : 1 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Play footstep sound for players
sv_force_transmit_ents : 0 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Will transmit all entities to client, regardless of PVS conditions (will still skip based on transmit flags, however).
sv_friction : 4 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" : World friction.
sv_gameinstructor_disable : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Force all clients to disable their game instructors.
sv_glowenable : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Turns on and off the terror glow highlight effects
sv_gravity : 800 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" : World gravity.
sv_hibernate_ms : 20 : , "launcher" : # of milliseconds to sleep per frame while hibernating
sv_hibernate_ms_vgui : 20 : , "launcher" : # of milliseconds to sleep per frame while hibernating but running the vgui dedicated server frontend
sv_hibernate_postgame_delay : 5 : , "launcher" : # of seconds to wait after final client leaves before hibernating.
sv_hibernate_when_empty : 1 : , "launcher" : Puts the server into extremely low CPU usage mode when no clients connected
sv_hosting_lobby : 0 : , "rep", "launcher" :
sv_infected_scale_max : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
sv_infected_scale_min : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
sv_instancebaselines : 1 : , "launcher" : Enable instanced baselines. Saves network overhead.
sv_lagflushbonecache : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" : Flushes entity bone cache on lag compensation
sv_lagpushticks : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Push computed lag compensation amount by this many ticks.
sv_logblocks : 0 : , "launcher" : If true when log when a query is blocked (can cause very large log files)
sv_logdownloadlist : 0 : , "launcher" :
sv_massreport : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
sv_master_legacy_mode : 0 : , "launcher" : Use (outside-of-Steam) code to communicate with master servers.
sv_master_share_game_socket : 1 : , "launcher" : Use the game's socket to communicate to the master server. If this is 0, then it will create a socket on -steamport + 1 to communicate to the master server on.
sv_max_queries_sec : 3.0 : , "launcher" : Maximum queries per second to respond to from a single IP address.
sv_max_queries_sec_global : 60 : , "launcher" : Maximum queries per second to respond to from anywhere.
sv_max_queries_window : 30 : , "launcher" : Window over which to average queries per second averages.
sv_max_usercmd_future_ticks : 8 : , "sv", "launcher" : Prevents clients from running usercmds too far in the future. Prevents speed hacks.
sv_maxclientframes : 128 : , "launcher" :
sv_maxreplay : 0 : , "launcher" : Maximum replay time in seconds
sv_maxroutable : 1200 : , "launcher" : Server upper bound on net_maxroutable that a client can use.
sv_maxspeed : 1000.000000 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
sv_maxunlag : 1.0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Maximum lag compensation in seconds
sv_maxupdaterate : 60 : , "rep", "launcher" : Maximum updates per second that the server will allow
sv_maxvelocity : 3500 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Maximum speed any ballistically moving object is allowed to attain per axis.
sv_minupdaterate : 10 : , "rep", "launcher" : Minimum updates per second that the server will allow
sv_multiplayer_maxtempentities : 32 : , "launcher" :
sv_multiplayer_sounds : 20 : , "launcher" :
sv_music_debug : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
sv_netvisdist : 10000 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Test networking visibility distance
sv_new_delta_bits : 1 : , "launcher" :
sv_no_navmesh : 0 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Block loading of the navmesh. Unplayable, only used for memory sampling.
sv_noclipfriction : 4 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Friction during noclip move.
sv_optimizedmovement : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
sv_parallel_packentities : 1 : , "launcher" :
sv_parallel_sendsnapshot : 1 : , "launcher" :
sv_pausable_dev : 1 : , "launcher" : Whether listen server is pausable when running -dev and playing solo against bots
sv_pausable_dev_ds : 0 : , "launcher" : Whether dedicated server is pausable when running -dev and playing solo against bots
sv_player_max_separation_force : 500 : , "sv", "launcher" :
sv_playerperfhistorycount : 20 : , "sv", "launcher" : Number of samples to maintain in player perf history
sv_pushaway_clientside : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Clientside physics push away (0=off, 1=only localplayer, 1=all players)
sv_pushaway_clientside_size : 15 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Minimum size of pushback objects
sv_pushaway_force : 300000 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : How hard physics objects are pushed away from the players on the server.
sv_pushaway_max_force : 2000 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Maximum amount of force applied to physics objects by players.
sv_pushaway_max_player_force : 10000 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Maximum of how hard the player is pushed away from physics objects.
sv_pushaway_min_force : 500 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Minimum amount of force applied to physics objects by players.
sv_pushaway_min_player_speed : 75 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : If a player is moving slower than this, don't push away physics objects (enables ducking behind things).
sv_pushaway_player_force : 200000 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl", "launcher" : How hard the player is pushed away from physics objects (falls off with inverse square of distance).
sv_pz_endgame_vote_period : 12 : , "sv", "launcher" : How long players get to vote to play again in a game with player controlled zombies.
sv_pz_endgame_vote_post_period : 5 : , "sv", "launcher" : Post period after end game vote.
sv_ragdoll_maxcount : 75 : , "sv", "launcher" : Clients will only show this many ragdolls overall
sv_ragdoll_maxcount_boss : 3 : , "sv", "launcher" : Clients will only show this many boss ragdolls
sv_ragdoll_maxcount_generic : 60 : , "sv", "launcher" : Clients will only show this many generic infected ragdolls
sv_ragdoll_maxcount_gib : 30 : , "sv", "launcher" : Clients will only show this many gib ragdolls
sv_ragdoll_maxcount_special : 12 : , "sv", "launcher" : Clients will only show this many special ragdolls
sv_ragdoll_maxcount_survivor : 3 : , "sv", "launcher" : Clients will only show this many survivor ragdolls
sv_ragdoll_version : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
sv_rcon_banpenalty : 0 : , "launcher" : Number of minutes to ban users who fail rcon authentication
sv_rcon_log : 1 : , "launcher" : Enable/disable rcon logging.
sv_rcon_maxfailures : 10 : , "launcher" : Max number of times a user can fail rcon authentication before being banned
sv_rcon_minfailures : 5 : , "launcher" : Number of times a user can fail rcon authentication in sv_rcon_minfailuretime before being banned
sv_rcon_minfailuretime : 30 : , "launcher" : Number of seconds to track failed rcon authentications
sv_regeneration_wait_time : 1.0 : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" :
sv_rescue_disabled : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : If set to 1, dead survivors will never be rescue-able.
sv_reservation_grace : 5 : , "launcher" : Time in seconds given for a lobby reservation.
sv_rollangle : 0 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Max view roll angle
sv_rollspeed : 200 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
sv_runcmds : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
sv_script_think_interval : 0.1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
sv_sendtables : 0 : , "launcher" : Force full sendtable sending path.
sv_show_whitelist_msg : 0 : , "matsys", "launcher" :
sv_showanimstate : -1 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Show the (server) animation state for the specified entity (-1 for none).
sv_showanimstate_activities : 1 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : Show activities in the (server) animation state display.
sv_showanimstate_log : 0 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" : 1 to output sv_showanimstate to Msg(). 2 to store in AnimStateServer.log. 3 for both.
sv_showdamage : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Shows base damage below what sv_showimpacts would show, and if a player was hit he'll show the damage he took above it (as healthdamage (armorabsorbed)). 1 = show hits. 2 = show hits and misses
sv_showdebugtracers : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : 1: Shows a line following bullet path. Blue on client, red on server. (They should always match.) 2:Show autoaim candidates.
sv_showimpacts : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Shows client (red) and server (blue) bullet impact point (1=both, 2=client-only, 3=server-only)
sv_showladders : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Show bbox and dismount points for all ladders (must be set before level load.)
sv_showplayerhitboxes : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Show lag compensated hitboxes for the specified player index whenever a player fires.
sv_showprecachedsounds : 0 : , "launcher" : Enumerate all sounds being precached (with index).
sv_sound_discardextraunreliable : 1 : , "launcher" :
sv_soundemitter_filecheck : cmd : , "sv", "launcher" : Report missing wave files for sounds and game_sounds files.
sv_soundemitter_flush : cmd : , "sv", "launcher" : Flushes the sounds.txt system (server only)
sv_soundemitter_spew : cmd : , "sv", "launcher" : Print details about a sound.
sv_soundemitter_trace : -1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Show all EmitSound calls including their symbolic name and the actual wave file they resolved to. (-1 = for nobody, 0 = for everybody, n = for one entity)
sv_stats : 1 : , "launcher" : Collect CPU usage stats
sv_stepsize : 18 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
sv_stickysprint_default : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
sv_stopspeed : 75 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Minimum stopping speed when on ground.
sv_stressbots : 0 : , "launcher" : If set to 1, the server calculates data and fills packets to bots. Used for perf testing.
sv_strict_notarget : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : If set, notarget will cause entities to never think they are in the pvs
sv_suppress_viewpunch : 0 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
sv_sync_client_updates : 0 : , "launcher" : (Only used when hosting xbox games). Send clients updates at the same time. This saves CPU because the server will encode and calc deltas on less frames.
sv_teststepsimulation : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
sv_thinktimecheck : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Check for thinktimes all on same timestamp.
sv_threaded_init : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
sv_timeout : 65 : , "launcher" : After this many seconds without a message from a client, the client is dropped
sv_tracereffects_limit_general : 15 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Limits the number of visible tracers per frame
sv_turbophysics : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Turns on turbo physics
sv_unlag : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" : Enables player lag compensation
sv_unlag_debug : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
sv_unlag_fixstuck : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Disallow backtracking a player for lag compensation if it will cause them to become stuck
sv_useexplicitdelete : 1 : , "launcher" : Explicitly delete dormant client entities caused by AllowImmediateReuse().
sv_vehicle_autoaim_scale : 8 : , "sv", "launcher" :
sv_voicecodec : vaudio_speex : , "launcher" : Specifies which voice codec DLL to use in a game. Set to the name of the DLL without the extension.
sv_vote_command_delay : 2 : , "sv", "launcher" : How long after a vote passes until the action happens
sv_vote_creation_timer : 30 : , "sv", "launcher" : How often someone can individually call a vote.
sv_vote_failure_timer : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : A vote that fails cannot be re-submitted for this long
sv_vote_issue_change_difficulty_allowed : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" : Can people hold votes to change the difficulty?
sv_vote_issue_change_map_later_allowed : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" : Can people hold votes to change the map after this round?
sv_vote_issue_change_map_now_allowed : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" : Can people hold votes to immediately change the map?
sv_vote_issue_change_mission_allowed : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" : Can people hold votes to change missions?
sv_vote_issue_kick_allowed : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" : Can people hold votes to kick players from the server?
sv_vote_issue_restart_game_allowed : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" : Can people hold votes to restart the game?
sv_vote_kick_ban_duration : 5 : , "sv", "launcher" : How long should a kick vote ban someone from the server? (in minutes)
sv_vote_timer_duration : 15 : , "sv", "launcher" : How long to allow voting on an issue
sv_wateraccelerate : 10 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
sv_waterdist : 12 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Vertical view fixup when eyes are near water plane.
sv_waterfriction : 1 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
sv_zoo_model_filter : : , "sv", "launcher" : Only models matching the substring will be displayed
sv_zoo_spacing : 64 : , "sv", "launcher" : How much space between models in a row
sv_zoo_spacing_rows : 192 : , "sv", "launcher" : How much space between subsequent rows
sv_zoo_spacing_wrap : 80 : , "sv", "launcher" : How much space between wrapped rows
sv_zoo_tint_clr : 153 153 153 255 : , "sv", "launcher" : Tint color to force on all model variations (needs sv_zoo_tint_loop 0)
sv_zoo_tint_loop : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" : 1: Tint colors will loop across model variations in a row, 0: will use sv_zoo_tint_clr
sv_zoo_wrap_skin : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" : Whether model rows wrap when changing skins
sys_attract_mode_timeout : 120 : , "cl", "launcher" :
sys_minidumpexpandedspew : 1 : , "launcher" :
tank_pz_forward : -0.5 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
tank_rock_overhead_percent : 100 : , "sv", "launcher" : Percent of time the tank throws overhand (0-100)
target_scan_use_query_cache : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
tauntfrequency : 1 : , "sv", "nf", "launcher" :
teamwork_event_display_time : 8.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
teamwork_event_fade_in_time : 0.25 : , "cl", "launcher" :
teamwork_event_fade_out_time : 2.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
teamwork_event_min_interval : 3.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
template_debug : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
terror_reload_team_display : cmd : , "cl", "launcher" : Reload team display
terror_test_hud_glow : cmd : , "cl", "launcher" : Tests hud glow
testscript_debug : 0 : , "launcher" : Debug test scripts.
texture_budget_panel_global : 0 : , "launcher" : Show global times in the texture budget panel.
tf_arena_max_streak : 5 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Teams will be scrambled if one team reaches this streak
tf_arena_preround_time : 10 : , "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Length of the Pre-Round time
tf_arena_round_time : 0 : , "cheat", "nf", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
thirdperson_platformer : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Player will aim in the direction they are moving.
thirdperson_screenspace : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Movement will be relative to the camera, eg: left means screen-left
threadpool_affinity : 1 : , "launcher" : Enable setting affinity
threadpool_reserve : 0 : , "launcher" : Consume the specified number of threads in the thread pool
tir_start : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : TrackIR Start
tir_stop : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : TrackIR Stop
tongue_bullet_radius : 6 : , "sv", "launcher" :
trace_report : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
tracer_extra : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
TransmitEvents : cmd : , "launcher" : Transmits Game Events to <address:port>
tutor : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Enable the tutor to learn to play the game
tv_allow_camera_man : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" : Auto director allows spectators to become camera man
tv_allow_static_shots : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" : Auto director uses fixed level cameras for shots
tv_autorecord : 0 : , "launcher" : Automatically records all games as SourceTV demos.
tv_autoretry : 1 : , "launcher" : Relay proxies retry connection after network timeout
tv_chatgroupsize : 0 : , "launcher" : Set the default chat group size
tv_chattimelimit : 8 : , "launcher" : Limits spectators to chat only every n seconds
tv_debug : 0 : , "launcher" : SourceTV debug info.
tv_delay : 30 : , "sv", "launcher" : SourceTV broadcast delay in seconds
tv_delaymapchange : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Delays map change until broadcast is complete
tv_deltacache : 2 : , "launcher" : Enable delta entity bit stream cache
tv_dispatchmode : 1 : , "launcher" : Dispatch clients to relay proxies: 0=never, 1=if appropriate, 2=always
tv_enable : 0 : , "nf", "launcher" : Activates SourceTV on server.
tv_maxclients : 128 : , "launcher" : Maximum client number on SourceTV server.
tv_maxrate : 8000 : , "launcher" : Max SourceTV spectator bandwidth rate allowed, 0 == unlimited
tv_name : SourceTV : , "launcher" : SourceTV host name
tv_overridemaster : 0 : , "launcher" : Overrides the SourceTV master root address.
tv_password : : , "nf", "prot", "norecord", "launcher" : SourceTV password for all clients
tv_relaypassword : : , "nf", "prot", "norecord", "launcher" : SourceTV password for relay proxies
tv_relayvoice : 1 : , "launcher" : Relay voice data: 0=off, 1=on
tv_snapshotrate : 16 : , "launcher" : Snapshots broadcasted per second
tv_timeout : 30 : , "launcher" : SourceTV connection timeout in seconds.
tv_title : SourceTV : , "launcher" : Set title for SourceTV spectator UI
tv_transmitall : 0 : , "rep", "launcher" : Transmit all entities (not only director view)
ui_blogpost_scroll_speed : 4 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_blogpost_upload_retry_time : 20 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_blogpost_upload_version : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_blogpost_vote_test : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_foundgames_fake_content : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_foundgames_fake_count : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_foundgames_spinner_time : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_foundgames_update_time : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_game_allow_create_public : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : When set user can create public lobbies instead of matching
ui_game_allow_create_random : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : When set, creating a game will pick a random mission
ui_loading_tip_f1 : 0.05 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_loading_tip_f2 : 0.40 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_loading_tip_refresh : 5 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_lobby_idle_time : 300 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_lobby_noresults_create_msg_time : 2.5 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_lobby_start_enabled : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_lobby_stat_switch_time : 15 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_lobby_stat_team_search_max : 1800 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_mainmenu_blogpost_animation : 125 125 125 255 : 155 135 105 255 : 9.0 : 0 255 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_old_options_menu : 0 : , "cl", "matsys", "launcher" : Brings up the old tabbed options dialog from Keyboard/Mouse when set to 1.
ui_pump_dlc_mount_content : cmd : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_pump_dlc_mount_corrupt : cmd : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_pump_dlc_mount_stage : cmd : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_start_dlc_time_corrupt : 300 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_start_dlc_time_loaded : 150 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_start_dlc_time_pump : 30 : , "cl", "launcher" :
ui_volume_max : 1.0 : , "launcher" :
v_centermove : 0.15 : , "cl", "launcher" :
v_centerspeed : 500 : , "cl", "launcher" :
vcr_verbose : 0 : , "launcher" : Write extra information into .vcr file.
verbose_tank_music : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
versus_force_start_time : 90 : , "sv", "launcher" : Starts versus game after this amount of time, even if survivors are still inside the safe room
versus_marker_num : 3 : , "sv", "launcher" : Number of travel markers we expose to survivors in Versus mode.
versus_round_restarttimer : 15 : , "sv", "launcher" :
versus_round_restarttimer_finale : 10 : , "sv", "launcher" :
versus_stats_highlight_interval : 5 : , "cl", "launcher" : Interval between hightlight screens in the transition stats panel for versus mode
vgui_drawfocus : 0 : , "launcher" : Report which panel is under the mouse.
vgui_drawkeyfocus : 0 : , "launcher" : Report which panel has keyboard focus.
vgui_drawtree_bounds : 0 : , "launcher" : Show panel bounds.
vgui_drawtree_draw_selected : 0 : , "launcher" : Highlight the selected panel
vgui_drawtree_freeze : 0 : , "launcher" : Set to 1 to stop updating the vgui_drawtree view.
vgui_drawtree_hidden : 0 : , "launcher" : Draw the hidden panels.
vgui_drawtree_panelalpha : 0 : , "launcher" : Show the panel alpha values in the vgui_drawtree view.
vgui_drawtree_panelptr : 0 : , "launcher" : Show the panel pointer values in the vgui_drawtree view.
vgui_drawtree_popupsonly : 0 : , "launcher" : Draws the vgui popup list in hierarchy(1) or most recently used(2) order.
vgui_drawtree_render_order : 0 : , "launcher" : List the vgui_drawtree panels in render order.
vgui_drawtree_scheme : 0 : , "launcher" : Show scheme file for each panel
vgui_drawtree_visible : 1 : , "launcher" : Draw the visible panels.
vgui_show_glyph_miss : 0 : , "launcher" :
view_offset : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
violence_ablood : 1 : , "launcher" : Draw alien blood
violence_agibs : 1 : , "launcher" : Show alien gib entities
violence_hblood : 1 : , "launcher" : Draw human blood
violence_hgibs : 1 : , "launcher" : Show human gib entities
vm_camera : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
vm_camera_interp_speed : 8.0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
vm_camera_no_roll : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
vm_camera_scale : 1.0f : , "cl", "launcher" :
vm_draw_addon : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
vm_draw_always : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
vm_fade : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
voice_all_icons : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Draw all players' voice icons
voice_avggain : 0.5 : , "launcher" :
voice_clientdebug : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
voice_debugfeedback : 0 : , "launcher" :
voice_debugfeedbackfrom : 0 : , "launcher" :
voice_fadeouttime : 0.1 : , "launcher" :
voice_head_icon_height : 20 : , "cl", "launcher" : Voice icons are this many inches over player eye positions
voice_head_icon_size : 6 : , "cl", "launcher" : Size of voice icon over player heads in inches
voice_local_icon : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Draw local player's voice icon
voice_maxgain : 10 : , "launcher" :
voice_minimum_gain : 0.5 : , "launcher" :
voice_overdrive : 2 : , "launcher" :
voice_overdrivefadetime : 0.4 : , "launcher" :
voice_profile : 0 : , "launcher" :
voice_serverdebug : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
voice_showchannels : 0 : , "launcher" :
voice_showincoming : 0 : , "launcher" :
voice_steal : 2 : , "launcher" :
voice_writevoices : 0 : , "launcher" : Saves each speaker's voice data into separate .wav files
voice_xsend_debug : 0 : , "launcher" :
vphysics_client_threaded : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
vphysics_client_threaded_min_cpus : 4 : , "cl", "launcher" :
vprof_counters : 0 : , "launcher" :
vprof_counters_show_minmax : 0 : , "launcher" :
vprof_dump_oninterval : 0 : , "launcher" : Interval (in seconds) at which vprof will batch up data and dump it to the console.
vprof_dump_spikes : 0 : , "launcher" : Framerate at which vprof will begin to dump spikes to the console. 0 = disabled, negative to reset after dump
vprof_dump_spikes_budget_group : : , "launcher" : Budget gtNode to start report from when doing a dump spikes
vprof_dump_spikes_hiearchy : 0 : , "launcher" : Set to 1 to get a hierarchy report whith vprof_dump_spikes
vprof_dump_spikes_node : : , "launcher" : Node to start report from when doing a dump spikes
vprof_dump_spikes_terse : 0 : , "launcher" : Whether to use most terse output
vprof_graph : 0 : , "launcher" : Draw the vprof graph.
vprof_scope : : , "launcher" : Set a specific scope to start showing vprof tree
vprof_scope_entity_gamephys : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
vprof_scope_entity_thinks : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
vprof_server_spike_threshold : 999.0 : , "launcher" :
vprof_server_thread : 0 : , "launcher" :
vprof_think_limit : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
vs_score_pp_health : 0.5 : , "sv", "launcher" :
vs_score_pp_healthbuffer : 0.25 : , "sv", "launcher" :
weapon_showproficiency : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
weapon_spawn_fade_distance : 1000 : , "cl", "launcher" : Maximum visible distance of weapon spawns
witch_rage_ramp_duration : 5.0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
x360_audio_english : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Keeps track of whether we're forcing english in a localized language.
xbox_steering_deadzone : 0.0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
xc_crouch_debounce : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_added_light_max : 0.25 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_added_light_min : 0.025 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_added_light_scale : 0.2 : , "cl", "launcher" : Scales added light after min/max clamping
z_anim_idle_speed_max : 85 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Players moving slower than this and not pressing any movement buttons use an ACT_IDLE variant
z_anim_idle_speed_min : 20 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Players moving slower than this use an ACT_IDLE variant
z_atomize_gibbed_limbs_probability : 100 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_attack_change_target_range : 100 : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" :
z_attack_interval : 1 : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" :
z_attack_max_range : 20 : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" :
z_attack_min_range : 10 : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" :
z_attack_movement_penalty : 0.5 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_attack_on_the_run_range : 35 : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" :
z_bbq_min : 0.0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Min amount for the bbq effect
z_bbq_rate : 0.005 : , "sv", "launcher" : How fast the bbq effect grows on burning players
z_burn_decay_rate : 0.0 : , "cl", "launcher" : How fast the burn effect dies on burning ragdolls
z_burn_max : 0.85 : , "sv", "launcher" : Max amount for the burn effect
z_burn_rate : 0.01 : , "sv", "launcher" : How fast the burn effect grows on burning players
z_checkpoint_debug : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_damage_screen_fade_alpha : 30 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_damage_screen_fade_duration : 0.5 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_debug_infected_anim : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_debug_infected_server_anim : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_debug_shared_random : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_debug_stuck : : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_door_pound_damage : 60 : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" :
z_escape_route_far : 500 : , "cl", "launcher" : Escape route draws segments that are this close to the local player
z_escape_route_near : 200 : , "cl", "launcher" : Escape route draws segments that are this far from the local player
z_escape_route_segment_fade_in_rate : 150 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_escape_route_segment_fade_out_rate : 150 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_exploding_force : 5000 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_exploding_inner_radius : 130 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_exploding_outer_radius : 200 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_fatal_blast_incineration_probability : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_fatal_blast_max_ragdolls : 16 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_fatal_blast_min_ragdolls : 2 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_ghost_ahead_flow : 500 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Ghosts must be this far ahead of the survivors to materialize
z_ghost_cooldown : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_ghost_delay_max : 30 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_ghost_delay_min : 20 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_ghost_delay_minspawn : 3 : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" :
z_ghost_duration : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" : dead PZs will become ghosts when they are this close to being able to spawn
z_ghost_friction : 1.5 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_ghost_group_spawn : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" : Should ghosts all spawn at once instead of a set time after death?
z_ghost_line_of_scrimmage_far : 2000 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_ghost_line_of_scrimmage_near : 1000 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_ghost_line_of_scrimmage_safety : 10 : , "sv", "launcher" : If the survivors are this close to the checkpoint, allow ghosts based on time
z_ghost_line_of_scrimmage_threat_bonus : 1000 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_ghost_los_expected_progress : 1500 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_ghost_offer_acceptance_time : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Ghosts who accept offers extend their timers to this much
z_ghost_offer_spawn_safety_time : 20 : , "sv", "launcher" : Ghost offers don't go to ghosts who spawn sooner than this
z_ghost_runner_spawn_multiplier : 0.5 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" :
z_ghost_runner_spawn_multiplier_dist : 3000 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" :
z_ghost_spawn_distance : 300 : , "sv", "launcher" : ghosts will be placed this far ahead of survivors when they cross the line of scrimmage
z_gib_spread_force : 10000 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_gib_spread_randomize : 0.1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_gib_spread_torque : 150 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_gun_swing_coop_max_penalty : 8 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_gun_swing_coop_min_penalty : 5 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_gun_swing_vs_amt_penalty : 1.0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_gun_swing_vs_cooldown : 1.0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_gun_swing_vs_max_penalty : 6 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_gun_swing_vs_min_penalty : 3 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_gun_swing_vs_restore_time : 4.0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_head_damage_causes_wounds : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Head damage with any weapon can cause wounds. Used in realism mode.
z_hunter_lunge_distance : 750 : , "sv", "launcher" : Distance at which bot hunters will try to lunge
z_hunter_lunge_pitch : 25 : , "sv", "launcher" : Extra pitch bot hunters will lunge with at their max range (goes to 0 when bots are lunging up close)
z_hunter_max_pounce_bonus_damage : 24 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" :
z_infected_damage_cutouts : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_infected_decals : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_infected_gib_count : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_infected_gib_max_speed : 500 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_infected_gib_min_speed : 300 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_infected_shadows : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_infected_tinting : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_it_decay_rate : 0.001 : , "cl", "launcher" : How fast the IT effect dies
z_leap_cooldown : 0.0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Cooldown after leap where zombies can't attack
z_lunge_cooldown : 0.1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Cooldown after lunge where zombies can't attack
z_lunge_reflect : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Reflects wall-kick lunges
z_max_player_zombies : 4 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Max number of humans that can be controlling zombies at one time.
z_max_survivor_damage : 300 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_minigun_atomize : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : minigun should atomize zombies
z_minigun_debug : 0 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_minigun_fire_anim_speed : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : cycle rate for main sequence when firing miniguns
z_minigun_firing_speed : 15 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_minigun_particles : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" : 1=attachment, 2=control points (like smoker_tongue drip)
z_minigun_spin_down_speed : 4 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_minigun_spin_up_speed : 15 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_minigun_spread : 7 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : Minigun spray in degrees from forward
z_minigun_stand_distance : 36 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_mob_simple_shadows : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Control shadow quality on mobs: 0 - full shadows, 1 - blobby, 2 - no shadows
z_network_compression : 1 : , "launcher" : Enables bz2 compression
z_non_head_damage_factor_multiplier : 1.0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Damage to zombie from non-headshots is multiplied by this factor. Used in realism mode.
z_population : c1streets : , "sv", "launcher" : Default population on the current map (saved/loaded in the nav mesh)
z_pounce_shake_amplitude : 4 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_pounce_shake_duration : 1.5 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_pounce_shake_radius : 250 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_pounce_stumble_radius : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : Radius of the stumble effect when a hunter pounces on someone
z_ragdoll_discard_range : 2000 : , "sv", "launcher" : Discard ragdolls farther away than this
z_ragdoll_impact_strength : 500 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_round_start_attack_prevention : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : How many seconds after round start until a player is allowed to use a weapon.
z_scrimmage_a_far : 255 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_scrimmage_a_near : 10 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_scrimmage_b : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_scrimmage_creep_delay : 30 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_scrimmage_creep_rate : 50 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_scrimmage_debug : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_scrimmage_far : 3000 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_scrimmage_g : 255 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_scrimmage_height : 50 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_scrimmage_r : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_scrimmage_reset : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_scrimmage_sphere : 1 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_scrimmage_yardline_a_far : 25 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_scrimmage_yardline_a_near : 15 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_scrimmage_yardline_b : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_scrimmage_yardline_far : 500 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_scrimmage_yardline_g : 255 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_scrimmage_yardline_height : 6 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_scrimmage_yardline_r : 0 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_scrimmage_yardline_width : 12 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_spec_nightvision : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : In-eye spectators will see 0=no glow, 1=normal glow, 2=weak glow
z_splatter_delay : 0.25 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_splatter_delay_melee : 0.1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_splatterdistance : 100 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_survivor_respawn_health : 50 : , "sv", "launcher" : How much health does a respawned survivor get?
z_tank_footstep_shake_amplitude : 5 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_tank_footstep_shake_duration : 2 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_tank_footstep_shake_interval : 0.4 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_tank_footstep_shake_radius : 750 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_tank_grenade_launcher_dmg_scale : 3.0 : , "sv", "cheat" : percent increase in damage done to the tank by grenade launcher
z_tracer_particles : 1 : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_transitioning_player_addon_rebuild : 1 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_use_belt_item_tolerance : 0.98 : , "cheat", "rep", "cl", "launcher" :
z_use_next_difficulty_damage_factor : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" : If set, uses the next higher difficulty mode for the purposes of damage factoring.
z_versus_boomer_limit : 1 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" :
z_versus_charger_limit : 1 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" :
z_versus_hunter_limit : 1 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" :
z_versus_jockey_limit : 1 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" :
z_versus_smoker_limit : 1 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" :
z_versus_spitter_limit : 1 : , "sv", "cheat", "launcher" :
z_witch_always_kills : 0 : , "sv", "launcher" :
z_witch_rage_smoothing : 0.9 : , "cl", "launcher" :
z_witch_tongue_range : 100 : , "sv", "launcher" : If a tongue passes this close to a witch's head, she will snap it
zoom_sensitivity_ratio : 1.0 : , "cl", "launcher" : Additional mouse sensitivity scale factor applied when FOV is zoomed in.
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