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import taichi as ti
import taichi.math as tm
import pygame as pg
ti.init(arch=ti.gpu, default_fp=ti.f64, fast_math=False)
clock = pg.time.Clock()
n = 1200
pixels = ti.Vector.field(3, dtype=float, shape=(n // 2, n))
def complex_sqr(z): # complex square of a 2D vector
return tm.vec2(z[0] * z[0] - z[1] * z[1], 2 * z[0] * z[1])
def paint(max_iter: int, offset_x: float, offset_y: float, thezoom: float):
zoom = 1.0 / (thezoom + 0.0001)
for i, j in pixels: # Parallelized over all pixels
c = tm.vec2(
zoom * 4.0 * (i / n) - (2.0 * zoom) + offset_x / 100.0,
zoom * 4 * (j / n) - (zoom * 2.0) + offset_y / 100.0,
z = tm.vec2(0.0, 0.0)
iterations = 0
while z.norm() < 2 and iterations < max_iter:
z = complex_sqr(z) + c
iterations += 1
pixels[i, j][0] = 255.0 * (1 - (iterations / float(max_iter)))
pixels[i, j][1] = 55.0 * (iterations / float(max_iter))
pixels[i, j][2] = 128.0 * (1 - (iterations / float(max_iter)))
# gui = ti.GUI("Mandelbrot Set", res=(n * 2, n))
def get_output():
paint(iterations, center_x, center_y, zoom)
arr = pixels.to_numpy()
return pg.surfarray.make_surface(arr)
# while True:
# gui.set_image(pixels)
screen = pg.display.set_mode((n // 2, n), pg.HWACCEL)
running = True
iterations = 100
center_x = 0.0
center_y = 0.0
zoom = 1.0
output = get_output()
fps = clock.get_fps()
while running:
for event in pg.event.get():
if event.type == pg.QUIT:
running = False
if event.type == pg.KEYDOWN and event.key == pg.K_DOWN:
iterations = max(iterations - 1, 0)
output = get_output()
elif event.type == pg.KEYDOWN and event.key == pg.K_UP:
iterations = min(iterations + 1, 280)
output = get_output()
elif event.type == pg.KEYDOWN and event.key == pg.K_r:
zoom = 100.0
output = get_output()
pressed = pg.key.get_pressed()
if pressed[pg.K_a]:
center_x -= 1 * zoom
output = get_output()
elif pressed[pg.K_d]:
center_x += 1 / zoom
output = get_output()
elif pressed[pg.K_w]:
center_y -= 1 / zoom
output = get_output()
elif pressed[pg.K_s]:
center_y += 1 / zoom
output = get_output()
elif pressed[pg.K_PAGEUP]:
zoom += 0.1
output = get_output()
elif pressed[pg.K_PAGEDOWN]:
zoom -= 0.1
zoom = max(zoom, 0.000001)
output = get_output()
screen.fill((200, 200, 200))
screen.blit(output, (0, 0))
fps = 0.9 * fps + 0.1 * clock.get_fps()
pg.display.set_caption("Mandelbrot [FPS:" + str(fps) + "]")
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