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Last active April 18, 2020 02:06
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decode georgia power outage map
function decodePos(t) {
var e = [];
try {
for (var n = t.length, r = 0, o = null, i = 0, u = 0; r < n;) {
var a = void 0,
c = 0,
s = 0;
do {
a = t.charCodeAt(r) - 63, r += 1, s |= (31 & a) << c, c += 5
} while (a >= 32);
i += 1 & s ? ~(s >> 1) : s >> 1, c = 0, s = 0;
do {
a = t.charCodeAt(r) - 63, r += 1, s |= (31 & a) << c, c += 5
} while (a >= 32);
o = [i / 1e5, (u += 1 & s ? ~(s >> 1) : s >> 1) / 1e5], e.push(o)
} catch (t) {}
return e
function e() {
var e = {};
e.getTiles = function (t, n) { for (var r = e.project(t.north, t.west, n), o = e.project(t.south, t.east, n), i = [], a = r.y; a <= o.y; a += 1)for (var s = r.x; s <= o.x; s += 1)i.push({ x: s, y: a, q: e.calculateQuadKey(s, a, n) }); return i }
e.calculateQuadKey = function (e, t, n) { for (var r = [], o = n; o > 0; o--) { var i = "0", a = 1 << o - 1; 0 != (e & a) && i++, 0 != (t & a) && (i++, i++), r.push(i) } return r.join("") }
e.project = function (e, t, n) { var r = Math.sin(e * (Math.PI / 180)), o = 1 << n; return r = Math.min(Math.max(r, -.9999), .9999), { x: Math.floor((.5 + t / 360) * o), y: Math.floor((.5 - Math.log((1 + r) / (1 - r)) / (4 * Math.PI)) * o) } }
return e;
/* Example:
659131,"east":-83.99163795309967}, 10)
{ x: 270, y: 408, q: '0320023110' },
{ x: 271, y: 408, q: '0320023111' },
{ x: 272, y: 408, q: '0320032000' },
{ x: 273, y: 408, q: '0320032001' },
{ x: 270, y: 409, q: '0320023112' },
{ x: 271, y: 409, q: '0320023113' },
{ x: 272, y: 409, q: '0320032002' },
{ x: 273, y: 409, q: '0320032003' },
{ x: 270, y: 410, q: '0320023130' },
{ x: 271, y: 410, q: '0320023131' },
{ x: 272, y: 410, q: '0320032020' },
{ x: 273, y: 410, q: '0320032021' }
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