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Last active August 3, 2016 23:20
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play money to real money hand history converter
from functools import reduce
from glob import glob
import regex as re
import time
import os
file_count = 0
line_count = 0
first_run = True
hand = ""
def formatter(capture, multi=False):
# regex capture group 0 is the full match, e.g. "posts small blind 50"
full =
# regex capture group 1 and 2 are the numbers inside the match, e.g. "50"
num = if multi else
if num is None:
return ""
# "REPL~" is our dummy string while we convert between old play money string and new real money string
# bad code...
string = full.replace(num, "REPL~")
# Dividing all values by 100 to make it more realistic: 10 NL Play Money becomes $0.10 BB table
num = round(int(num) / 100, 2)
# Add 2 decimal places if necessary
num = "${:.2f}".format(num)
formatted = string.replace("REPL~", num)
# If there are multiple replacements, such as "raises 500 to 600"
if multi:
num_2 =
formatted = formatted.replace(num_2, "REPL2~")
num_2 = round(int(num_2) / 100, 2)
num_2 = "${:.2f}".format(num_2)
formatted.replace(num_2, "REPL2~")
return formatted.replace("REPL2~", num_2)
return formatted
def convert():
global file_count
global line_count
global hand
# For every .txt file found by glob, try and convert play money to real money
for file in hh:
existing_lines = 0
source = open(file, 'r', encoding='utf-8-sig')
# Converted files have their file name appended with "HM2" and are copied to a "HM" subdirectory
destination_file_name = "HM\HM2 " + file.replace("Play Money ", "")
# If file already exists, update new hands
# Get lines of existing file
destination_read = open(destination_file_name, 'r', encoding='utf-8-sig')
existing_lines = sum(1 for _ in destination_read)
except FileNotFoundError:
# Make "HM2" directory if it doesn't exist
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(destination_file_name), exist_ok=True)
destination = open(destination_file_name, 'a+', encoding='utf-8-sig')
# Skip to where we left off for an ongoing session
for i in range(existing_lines):
for line in source:
# Actions and events where we need to convert unit-less play money to "real" money
regex_sub = ("posts small blind (\d+)", lambda m: formatter(m)), \
("posts big blind (\d+)", lambda m: formatter(m)), \
("posts the ante (\d+)", lambda m: formatter(m)), \
("calls (\d+)", lambda m: formatter(m)), \
("bets (\d+)", lambda m: formatter(m)), \
("Main pot (\d+)", lambda m: formatter(m)), \
("Side pot (\d+)", lambda m: formatter(m)), \
("Total pot (\d+)", lambda m: formatter(m)), \
("| Rake (\d+)", lambda m: formatter(m)), \
("and received (\d+)", lambda m: formatter(m)), \
("and receives (\d+)", lambda m: formatter(m)), \
("(\d+) in chips", lambda m: formatter(m)), \
("\(((\d+)/(\d+))\)", lambda m: formatter(m, True)), \
("(raises (\d+) to (\d+))", lambda m: formatter(m, True)), \
("\((\d+)\)", lambda m: formatter(m)), \
("collected (\d+)", lambda m: formatter(m)), \
# Regex substitution
line = reduce(lambda a, kv: re.sub(*kv, a), regex_sub, line)
# Find latest hand
if line.startswith("Dealt to "):
hand ='\[([^]]*)\]', line).group(1)
line_count += 1
if line_count != 0:
file_count += 1
print("Hand history will be checked every 3 seconds\nNew hands will automatically be converted")
while True:
# Find any .txt file that starts with HH and convert it
hh = glob("HH*.txt")
if line_count != 0:
# Output number of conversions and time of conversion
file_string = "file" if file_count == 1 else "files"
current_time = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime(time.time()))
print(current_time + ": Converted {0} {1} updating {2} lines, last hand [{3}]".format(file_count, file_string, line_count, hand))
first_run = False
if first_run:
current_time = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime(time.time()))
print(current_time + ": No new hands found")
first_run = False
file_count = 0
line_count = 0
# 3 second delay between scans for new/updated files
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