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Created November 2, 2018 22:18
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VBA Model for ListBox
Option Explicit
Private Const MODULE_NAME As String = "ListModel"
Private Type TListModel
Data() As Variant
Selected() As Boolean
Columns As Integer
Count As Integer
Index As Integer
End Type
Private this As TListModel
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
this.Columns = 1
this.Index = -1
End Sub
Public Sub Clear()
With this
Erase .Data
Erase .Selected
.Count = 0
'Columns = 0
.Index = -1
End With
End Sub
Public Sub AddItem(Optional Item As Variant, Optional Index As Integer = -1)
Dim r As Integer, C As Integer
With this
If Index < -1 Or Index > .Count Then
Err.Raise 5, , "Invalid argument."
ReDim Preserve .Data(.Columns - 1, .Count)
ReDim Preserve .Selected(.Count)
If Index >= 0 Then
' Move all the data after the Index row, up one row.
For r = .Count To Index + 1 Step -1
For C = 0 To .Columns - 1
.Data(C, r) = .Data(C, r - 1)
.Selected(r) = .Selected(r - 1)
' Clear all the data in the Index row
For C = 0 To .Columns - 1
Set .Data(C, Index) = Nothing
.Selected(Index) = False
Else ' Set the Index to the next row
Index = .Count
End If
If Not IsMissing(Item) Then .Data(0, Index) = Item
.Count = .Count + 1
End If
End With
End Sub
Public Sub RemoveItem(Index As Integer)
Dim r As Integer, C As Integer
With this
If Index < 0 Or Index >= .Count Then
Err.Raise 5, , "Invalid argument."
' Move all the data after the Index row, up one row.
For r = Index + 1 To .Count - 1
For C = 0 To .Columns - 1
.Data(C, r - 1) = .Data(C, r)
.Selected(r - 1) = .Selected(r)
.Count = .Count - 1
ReDim Preserve .Data(.Columns - 1, .Count - 1)
ReDim Preserve .Selected(.Count - 1)
End If
End With
End Sub
Public Property Get List(Row As Integer, Optional Column As Integer = 0) As Variant
With this
If Row < 0 Or Row >= .Count Then
Err.Raise 381, , "Could not get the List property. Invalid property-array row index."
ElseIf Column < 0 Or Column >= .Columns Then
Err.Raise 381, , "Could not get the List property. Invalid property-array column index."
List = .Data(Column, Row)
End If
End With
End Property
Public Property Let List(Row As Integer, Column As Integer, Value As Variant)
With this
If Row < 0 Or Row >= .Count Then
Err.Raise 381, , "Could not get the List property. Invalid property-array row index."
ElseIf Column < 0 Or Column >= .Columns Then
Err.Raise 381, , "Could not get the List property. Invalid property-array column index."
.Data(Column, Row) = Value
End If
End With
End Property
Public Property Get Selected(Index As Integer) As Boolean
With this
If Index < 0 Or Index >= .Count Then
Err.Raise 381, , "Could not get the List property. Invalid property-array index."
Selected = .Selected(Index)
End If
End With
End Property
Public Property Let Selected(Index As Integer, Value As Boolean)
With this
If Index < 0 Or Index >= .Count Then
Err.Raise 381, , "Could not get the List property. Invalid property-array index."
.Selected(Index) = Value
End If
End With
End Property
Public Property Get ListCount() As Integer
ListCount = this.Count
End Property
Public Property Get ListIndex() As Integer
ListIndex = this.Index
End Property
Public Property Let ListIndex(Value As Integer)
With this
If Value < -1 Or Value >= .Count Then
Err.Raise 5, , "Invalid argument."
.Index = Value
End If
End With
End Property
Public Property Get ColumnCount() As Integer
ColumnCount = this.Columns
End Property
Public Property Let ColumnCount(Value As Integer)
Dim NewData() As Variant
Dim r As Integer, C As Integer
With this
If Value <= 0 Then
Err.Raise 5, , "Invalid argument."
If .Count > 0 And .Columns <> Value Then
' If the columns change, we can't redim the array, we need to create a new Data array
ReDim NewData(Value - 1, .Count - 1)
For r = 0 To .Count - 1
For C = 0 To Value - 1
NewData(C, r) = .Data(C, r)
.Data = NewData
Erase NewData
End If
.Columns = Value
End If
End With
End Property
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