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Created November 12, 2023 16:26
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Parser for a json dialect which supports tagged values/sums of the syntax: `< "key": value >`
module Abc (jsonWith') where
import Data.Aeson hiding (Value (..))
import Data.Aeson.Key qualified as Key
import Data.Aeson.KeyMap qualified as KM
import Data.Aeson.Parser.Internal hiding (jsonWith')
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString qualified as A
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 (Parser, char, string)
import Data.Function (fix)
import Data.Functor (($>))
import Data.Scientific (Scientific)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import Data.Vector qualified as Vector (empty, fromListN, reverse)
import Data.Word (Word8)
data Value
= Object (KM.KeyMap Value)
| Array (Vector Value)
| Tag (Key, Value)
| String Text
| Number Scientific
| Bool Bool
| Null
deriving stock (Show)
-- | Strict version of 'jsonWith'.
jsonWith' :: ([(Key, Value)] -> Either String (KM.KeyMap Value)) -> Parser Value
jsonWith' mkObject = fix $ \value_ -> do
w <- A.peekWord8'
case w of
!s <- A.anyWord8 *> jstring_
pure (String s)
W8_OPEN_CURLY -> A.anyWord8 *> object_' mkObject value_
W8_OPEN_SQUARE -> A.anyWord8 *> array_' value_
W8_OPEN_ANGLE -> A.anyWord8 *> tagged_' value_
W8_f -> string "false" $> Bool False
W8_t -> string "true" $> Bool True
W8_n -> string "null" $> Null
| w >= W8_0 && w <= W8_9 || w == W8_MINUS ->
!n <- scientific
pure (Number n)
| otherwise -> fail "not a valid json value"
{-# INLINE jsonWith' #-}
-- | The only valid whitespace in a JSON document is space, newline,
-- carriage return, and tab.
skipSpace :: Parser ()
skipSpace = A.skipWhile $ \w -> w == W8_SPACE || w == W8_NL || w == W8_CR || w == W8_TAB
{-# INLINE skipSpace #-}
-- | Parse a JSON Key
key :: Parser Key
key = Key.fromText <$> jstring
object_' :: ([(Key, Value)] -> Either String (KM.KeyMap Value)) -> Parser Value -> Parser Value
object_' mkObject val' = do
!vals <- objectValues mkObject key' val'
pure (Object vals)
key' = do
!s <- key
pure s
{-# INLINE object_' #-}
objectValues ::
([(Key, Value)] -> Either String (KM.KeyMap Value)) ->
Parser Key ->
Parser Value ->
Parser (KM.KeyMap Value)
objectValues mkObject str val = do
w <- A.peekWord8'
if w == W8_CLOSE_CURLY
then A.anyWord8 >> pure KM.empty
else loop []
-- Why use acc pattern here, you may ask? because then the underlying 'KM.fromList'
-- implementation can make use of mutation when constructing a map. For example,
-- 'HashMap` uses 'unsafeInsert' and it's much faster because it's doing in place
-- update to the 'HashMap'!
loop :: [(Key, Value)] -> Parser (KM.KeyMap Value)
loop acc = do
k <- (str A.<?> "object key") <* skipSpace <* (char ':' A.<?> "':'")
v <- (val A.<?> "object value") <* skipSpace
ch <- A.satisfy (\w -> w == W8_COMMA || w == W8_CLOSE_CURLY) A.<?> "',' or '}'"
let acc' = (k, v) : acc
if ch == W8_COMMA
then skipSpace >> loop acc'
else case mkObject acc' of
Left err -> fail err
Right obj -> pure obj
{-# INLINE objectValues #-}
array_' :: Parser Value -> Parser Value
array_' val = do
!vals <- arrayValues val
pure (Array vals)
{-# INLINE array_' #-}
arrayValues :: Parser Value -> Parser (Vector Value)
arrayValues val = do
w <- A.peekWord8'
then A.anyWord8 >> pure Vector.empty
else loop [] 1
loop acc !len = do
v <- (val A.<?> "json list value") <* skipSpace
ch <- A.satisfy (\w -> w == W8_COMMA || w == W8_CLOSE_SQUARE) A.<?> "',' or ']'"
if ch == W8_COMMA
then skipSpace >> loop (v : acc) (len + 1)
else pure (Vector.reverse (Vector.fromListN len (v : acc)))
{-# INLINE arrayValues #-}
tagged_' ::
Parser Value ->
Parser Value
tagged_' val = do
!vals <- taggedValues key' val
pure (Tag vals)
key' = do
!s <- key
pure s
{-# INLINE tagged_' #-}
taggedValues ::
Parser Key ->
Parser Value ->
Parser (Key, Value)
taggedValues str val = do
k <- (str A.<?> "json tag key") <* skipSpace <* (char ':' A.<?> "':'")
v <- (val A.<?> "Json tag value") <* skipSpace
_ch <- A.satisfy (== W8_CLOSE_ANGLE) A.<?> "'>'"
pure (k, v)
{-# INLINE taggedValues #-}
pattern W8_SPACE :: Word8
pattern W8_NL :: Word8
pattern W8_CR :: Word8
pattern W8_TAB :: Word8
pattern W8_SPACE = 0x20
pattern W8_NL = 0x0a
pattern W8_CR = 0x0d
pattern W8_TAB = 0x09
-- punctuation
pattern W8_DOUBLE_QUOTE :: Word8
pattern W8_COMMA :: Word8
pattern W8_COMMA = 44
pattern W8_DOUBLE_QUOTE = 34
-- parentheses
pattern W8_CLOSE_CURLY :: Word8
pattern W8_CLOSE_SQUARE :: Word8
pattern W8_OPEN_SQUARE :: Word8
pattern W8_OPEN_CURLY :: Word8
pattern W8_OPEN_CURLY = 123
pattern W8_OPEN_SQUARE = 91
pattern W8_CLOSE_CURLY = 125
pattern W8_CLOSE_SQUARE = 93
pattern W8_OPEN_ANGLE :: Word8
pattern W8_CLOSE_ANGLE :: Word8
pattern W8_OPEN_ANGLE = 60
pattern W8_CLOSE_ANGLE = 62
-- operators
pattern W8_MINUS :: Word8
pattern W8_MINUS = 45
-- digits
pattern W8_0 :: Word8
pattern W8_9 :: Word8
pattern W8_0 = 48
pattern W8_9 = 57
-- lower case
pattern W8_f :: Word8
pattern W8_n :: Word8
pattern W8_t :: Word8
pattern W8_f = 102
pattern W8_n = 110
pattern W8_t = 116
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