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Created July 16, 2022 13:16
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A simple record-based capability system in Haskell
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Permissions
( Permission,
-- * Creating permissions
-- * Requiring permissions
-- * Managing permissions
-- * displaying permissions
-- * Re-exports From superrecord
import Data.Kind (Type)
import GHC.TypeLits (KnownNat, KnownSymbol, Symbol, type (+))
import PossehlAnalyticsPrelude
import qualified SuperRecord as Rec
-- | A Permission is a simple token that contains a set of required permissions to call a function/method.
-- Each permission should have a unique name, and creating them
-- must depend on actually checking whether this permission exists for the given context/user.
-- For example, a the @createUser@ method will take an argument @Permission '["CreateUser" := ()]@.
-- This permission can only be created by running the @assertUserPermissions@ function,
-- which checks the actual permissions of a user, and returns @Maybe (Permission '["CreateUser" := ()]@).
-- This way, if you want to call the @createUser@ method, you can /only/ do so if you have
-- checked for the required permission beforehand.
-- Permissions can also carry more data, for example a @Permission ("CanAccessDevices" := [DeviceId])@
-- would carry the ids of all devices that are accessible.
newtype Permission (perms :: [Type]) = Permission (Rec.Rec (Rec.Sort perms))
( rec ~ Rec.Sort perms,
Rec.RecApply rec rec (Rec.ConstC Show)
) =>
Show (Permission perms)
show (Permission perms) = "Permission " <> show perms
-- | Create a new permission token from “nothing”.
-- This must /only/ be done after checking that the permission is actually given.
createPermission ::
forall name value.
KnownSymbol name =>
value ->
Permission '[name Rec.:= value]
createPermission val =
( Rec.rnil
& Rec.rcons ((Rec.FldProxy @name) Rec.:= val)
-- | A 'Permission' where all Permission values are empty (@()@).
-- Can be constructed with a simple list of strings:
-- @SimplePermission '["perm1", "perm2"]@
type SimplePermission permList = Permission (AllValuesUnit permList)
-- | Takes a type level list of strings and returns a 'Rec.Rec' with the given keys, where all values are @()@.
type family AllValuesUnit (perms :: [Symbol]) where
AllValuesUnit '[] = '[]
AllValuesUnit (perm : perms) = perm Rec.:= () : AllValuesUnit perms
-- | Create a multiple simple permission tokens from “nothing”.
-- This must /only/ be done after checking that the permissions are actually given.
createSimplePermissions ::
forall (permList :: [Symbol]) perms.
( Rec.UnsafeRecBuild (Rec.Sort perms) (Rec.Sort perms) ConstUnit
) =>
Proxy permList ->
Permission perms
createSimplePermissions Proxy =
Permission $ Rec.recBuildPure @ConstUnit @perms (\_key _proxy -> ())
-- | Helper Constraint for 'createSimplePermissions', asserts that all values in the given Permission are equal to @()@.
class val ~ () => ConstUnit lbl val
instance val ~ () => ConstUnit lbl val
-- | “Consume” some @SimplePermission@s, this will put the burden on callers to pass @Permission@ tokens
-- with all the permissions required here.
-- This is intended to be called like
-- @requirePermissions (Proxy @'["CreateUser", "DeleteUser"]) perms@
-- which asserts that perms has to be @Permission '["CreateUser" := (), "DeleteUser" := ()]@.
requirePermissions :: forall permList m. (Applicative m) => Proxy permList -> SimplePermission permList -> m ()
requirePermissions Proxy (Permission _perms) = pure ()
-- | Read a single value out of the given permission.
-- Which value to read should be specified with a type application, like so:
-- @permissionValue @"thispermission" perms@
permissionValue ::
forall perm val perms recFields.
( -- The fields of the inner record
recFields ~ Rec.Sort perms,
Rec.Has recFields perm val
) =>
Permission perms ->
permissionValue (Permission perms) = Rec.get (Rec.FldProxy @perm) perms
-- | "Consume" some @Permission@s, this will put the burden on callers to pass @Permission@ tokens
-- with all the permissions required here.
-- The internal record is then made accessible to the inner function, so that the fields can be accessed.
withPermissions :: forall perms a. Permission perms -> (Rec.Rec (Rec.Sort perms) -> a) -> a
withPermissions (Permission perms) inner = inner perms
-- | Combine the given permissions into one permission.
combinePermissions ::
( KnownNat (Rec.RecSize (Rec.Sort perms1)),
KnownNat (Rec.RecSize (Rec.Sort perms2)),
KnownNat (Rec.RecSize (Rec.Sort perms1) + Rec.RecSize (Rec.Sort perms2)),
Rec.RecCopy (Rec.Sort perms1) (Rec.Sort perms1) (Rec.Sort combinedPerms),
Rec.RecCopy (Rec.Sort perms2) (Rec.Sort perms2) (Rec.Sort combinedPerms),
Rec.Sort (Rec.RecAppend (Rec.Sort perms1) (Rec.Sort perms2)) ~ Rec.Sort combinedPerms
) =>
Permission perms1 ->
Permission perms2 ->
Permission combinedPerms
combinePermissions (Permission p1) (Permission p2) =
Permission (Rec.combine p1 p2)
-- | Get a subset of the given permission.
-- This can be used if the function you want to pass a 'Permission' to needs *less* permissions.
permissionSubset ::
(Rec.Sort permsSubset)
(Rec.Sort permsSubset)
(Rec.Has (Rec.Sort permsBigger)) =>
Permission permsBigger ->
Permission permsSubset
permissionSubset (Permission perm) = Permission $ Rec.project perm
-- | Get the names (keys) of the given permissions.
-- This is useful for e.g. displaying in log messages.
permissionNames ::
forall perms permission.
Rec.RecKeys perms =>
-- |  This can be a @Permission perms@, but you can pass any @[Type] -> [Type]@, for example a @Proxy perms@.
permission perms ->
permissionNames perms = Rec.recKeys perms <&> stringToText
-- | Test that all our permission-based logic typechecks.
-- This is a “unit test” in the sense that the permission stuff
-- is nearly all on the type level, so if this typechecks it works.
_testHandler :: ()
_testHandler = do
-- A permission with a single field
let mypermission = (createPermission @"mypermission" ())
-- test that we can combine multiple permissions
let morepermission :: SimplePermission '["mypermission", "otherpermission", "thirdpermission"] =
( combinePermissions
(createPermission @"otherpermission" ())
(createPermission @"thirdpermission" ()) ::
-- Hm, we have to give this type signature, otherwise GHC can’t infer the list of permissions for this combinePermissions.
-- It has to do with `Rec.Sort`, maybe it would be solved if we didn’t require `Permission` to be a `Rec.Sort (Rec.Rec perms)`.
-- I put the `Sort` there because I hoped it would speed up a lot of the type-checker comparisons, but maybe that’s not necessary?
SimplePermission '["otherpermission", "thirdpermission"]
let _m = _testRequirePermissions @Identity mypermission
-- check
let _m2 = _testRequirePermissions @Identity (permissionSubset morepermission)
let _deviceIds :: [Int] = _testWithPermissions (createPermission @"deviceAccess" [123, 456])
-- maybe easier, you can access the permission directly with getPermissionValue. Might want to remove `withPermissions`.
let _deviceIds' :: [Int] = permissionValue @"deviceAccess" (createPermission @"deviceAccess" [123, 456])
-- | Test
_testRequirePermissions ::
(Applicative m) =>
Permission '["mypermission" Rec.:= ()] ->
m ()
_testRequirePermissions perms = requirePermissions (Proxy @'["mypermission"]) perms
_testWithPermissions ::
forall perms.
(perms ~ '["deviceAccess" Rec.:= [Int]]) =>
Permission perms ->
_testWithPermissions perms = withPermissions perms (Rec.get #deviceAccess)
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