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nixos options json schema
pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {};
lib = pkgs.lib;
allOptions = (import <nixpkgs/nixos> {}).options;
# ** some helpers
# Like mapAttrs, but if `null` is returned from the mapping function,
# the element is removed from the attrset.
# mapAttrsMaybe :: (k -> v -> a) -> Attrs k v -> Attrs k a
# Examples:
# mapAttrsMaybe (_: v: v) { foo = null; bar = 42; }
# => { bar = 42; }
# mapAttrsMaybe (_: v: if lib.isList v then null else v)
# { foo = []; bar = 42; baz = null; }
# => { bar = 42; }
mapAttrsMaybe = f: attrs: lib.pipe attrs [
(lib.mapAttrsToList (k: v: { name = k; value = f k v; }))
(builtins.filter ({name, value}: if value == null then false else true))
# Takes a tag, checks whether it is an attrset with one element,
# if so sets `isTag` to `true` and sets the name and value.
# If not, sets `isTag` to `false` and sets `errmsg`.
verifyTag = tag:
cases = builtins.attrNames tag;
len = builtins.length cases;
if builtins.length cases == 1
let name = builtins.head cases; in {
isTag = true;
name = name;
val = tag.${name};
errmsg = null;
else {
isTag = false;
errmsg =
("match: an instance of a sum is an attrset "
+ "with exactly one element, yours had ${toString len}"
+ ", namely: ${lib.generators.toPretty {} cases}");
name = null;
val = null;
# like `verifyTag`, but throws the error message if it is not a tag.
assertIsTag = tag:
let res = verifyTag tag; in
assert res.isTag || throw res.errmsg;
{ inherit (res) name val; };
# Discriminator for values.
# Goes through a list of tagged predicates `{ <tag> = <pred>; }`
# and returns the value inside the tag
# for which the first predicate applies, `{ <tag> = v; }`.
# They can then later be matched on with `match`.
# `defTag` is the tag that is assigned if there is no match.
# Examples:
# discrDef "smol" [
# { biggerFive = i: i > 5; }
# { negative = i: i < 0; }
# ] (-100)
# => { negative = -100; }
# discrDef "smol" [
# { biggerFive = i: i > 5; }
# { negative = i: i < 0; }
# ] 1
# => { smol = 1; }
discrDef = defTag: fs: v:
res = lib.findFirst
(t: t.val v)
(map assertIsTag fs);
if res == null
then { ${defTag} = v; }
else { ${} = v; };
# Like `discrDef`, but fail if there is no match.
discr = fs: v:
let res = discrDef null fs v; in
assert lib.assertMsg (res != { })
"tag.discr: No predicate found that matches ${lib.generators.toPretty {} v}";
# The canonical pattern matching primitive.
# A sum value is an attribute set with one element,
# whose key is the name of the variant and
# whose value is the content of the variant.
# `matcher` is an attribute set which enumerates
# all possible variants as keys and provides a function
# which handles each variant’s content.
# You should make an effort to return values of the same
# type in your matcher, or new sums.
# Example:
# let
# success = { res = 42; };
# failure = { err = "no answer"; };
# matcher = {
# res = i: i + 1;
# err = _: 0;
# };
# in
# match success matcher == 43
# && match failure matcher == 0;
match = sum: matcher:
let cases = builtins.attrNames sum;
in assert
let len = builtins.length cases; in
lib.assertMsg (len == 1)
("match: an instance of a sum is an attrset "
+ "with exactly one element, yours had ${toString len}"
+ ", namely: ${lib.generators.toPretty {} cases}");
let case = builtins.head cases;
in assert
lib.assertMsg (matcher ? ${case})
("match: \"${case}\" is not a valid case of this sum, "
+ "the matcher accepts: ${lib.generators.toPretty {}
(builtins.attrNames matcher)}");
matcher.${case} sum.${case};
# A `match` with the arguments flipped.
# “Lam” stands for “lambda”, because it can be used like the
# `\case` LambdaCase statement in Haskell, to create a curried
# “matcher” function ready to take a value.
# Example:
# lib.pipe { foo = 42; } [
# (matchLam {
# foo = i: if i < 23 then { small = i; } else { big = i; };
# bar = _: { small = 5; };
# })
# (matchLam {
# small = i: "yay it was small";
# big = i: "whoo it was big!";
# })
# ]
# => "whoo it was big!";
matchLam = matcher: sum: match sum matcher;
# ** nixos options to json schema
optionSchema = opt: {
type = simpletype opt;
description = opt.description.text or "";
simpletype = option: lib.pipe option [
({type,...}: let n =; in
if n == "bool" then "boolean"
else if n == "int" then "number"
else if n == "str" then "string"
# TODO: more simple option types
else "undefined")
# Discriminate options based on what they do
optionDiscr = discr [
# if an option has no _type field, it is a namespace for more options
{ namespace = v: !(v ? _type); }
# this option is invisible
{ invisibleOption = v:
# Apparently "shallow" is also an option for `visible`.
(v.visible or true)
== false; }
# it’s a normal option with a type
{ option = _: true; }
# for a namespace in an options schema, recursively create json-schema
# for each nested namespace and option
# (the toplevel of `nixos.options` is a namespace as well)
optionNamespaceSchema = nsName: ns: lib.pipe ns [
(mapAttrsMaybe (name: val: lib.pipe val [
(matchLam {
namespace = optionNamespaceSchema name;
invisibleOption = v: lib.traceSeqN 2 (v.type) null;
option = optionSchema;
# TODO: submodules? I guess?
(vals: {
type = "object";
description = "Option namespace ${nsName}";
properties = vals;
in optionNamespaceSchema "toplevel" allOptions
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@DavHau I inlined all the helper functions from depot, so you can just nix-instantiate --eval --strict --json the file now.

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DavHau commented Jan 3, 2024

Hey, thanks for that. In the mean time I created my own implementation which supports most of the nixos types by now:

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