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Created March 25, 2024 18:54
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  • Save ProgramCrafter/2b56bb38f502ed1bfdb660a1e0ef3009 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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/d/Rust/webrtc (master)
$ cargo clippy --fix --lib --all --allow-dirty
Checking webrtc-util v0.8.1 (D:\Rust\webrtc\util)
Checking sdp v0.6.1 (D:\Rust\webrtc\sdp)
Checking examples v0.5.0 (D:\Rust\webrtc\examples)
Checking webrtc-constraints v0.1.0 (D:\Rust\webrtc\constraints)
Checking signal v0.1.0 (D:\Rust\webrtc\examples\examples\signal)
Fixed util\src\ifaces\ffi\windows\ (4 fixes)
Fixed util\src\vnet\ (2 fixes)
warning: variant name starts with the enum's name
--> util\src\ifaces\ffi\windows\
186 | IpPrefixOriginOther = 0,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::enum_variant_names)]` on by default
warning: variant name starts with the enum's name
--> util\src\ifaces\ffi\windows\
187 | IpPrefixOriginManual,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
warning: variant name starts with the enum's name
--> util\src\ifaces\ffi\windows\
188 | IpPrefixOriginWellKnown,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
warning: variant name starts with the enum's name
--> util\src\ifaces\ffi\windows\
189 | IpPrefixOriginDhcp,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
warning: variant name starts with the enum's name
--> util\src\ifaces\ffi\windows\
190 | IpPrefixOriginRouterAdvertisement,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
warning: variant name starts with the enum's name
--> util\src\ifaces\ffi\windows\
191 | IpPrefixOriginUnchanged = 16,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
warning: all variants have the same prefix: `IpPrefixOrigin`
--> util\src\ifaces\ffi\windows\
185 | / pub enum IpPrefixOrigin {
186 | | IpPrefixOriginOther = 0,
187 | | IpPrefixOriginManual,
188 | | IpPrefixOriginWellKnown,
... |
191 | | IpPrefixOriginUnchanged = 16,
192 | | }
| |_^
= help: remove the prefixes and use full paths to the variants instead of glob imports
= help: for further information visit
warning: variant name starts with the enum's name
--> util\src\ifaces\ffi\windows\
196 | IpSuffixOriginOther = 0,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
warning: variant name starts with the enum's name
--> util\src\ifaces\ffi\windows\
197 | IpSuffixOriginManual,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
warning: variant name starts with the enum's name
--> util\src\ifaces\ffi\windows\
198 | IpSuffixOriginWellKnown,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
warning: variant name starts with the enum's name
--> util\src\ifaces\ffi\windows\
199 | IpSuffixOriginDhcp,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
warning: variant name starts with the enum's name
--> util\src\ifaces\ffi\windows\
200 | IpSuffixOriginLinkLayerAddress,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
warning: variant name starts with the enum's name
--> util\src\ifaces\ffi\windows\
201 | IpSuffixOriginRandom,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
warning: variant name starts with the enum's name
--> util\src\ifaces\ffi\windows\
202 | IpSuffixOriginUnchanged = 16,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
warning: all variants have the same prefix: `IpSuffixOrigin`
--> util\src\ifaces\ffi\windows\
195 | / pub enum IpSuffixOrigin {
196 | | IpSuffixOriginOther = 0,
197 | | IpSuffixOriginManual,
198 | | IpSuffixOriginWellKnown,
... |
202 | | IpSuffixOriginUnchanged = 16,
203 | | }
| |_^
= help: remove the prefixes and use full paths to the variants instead of glob imports
= help: for further information visit
warning: variant name starts with the enum's name
--> util\src\ifaces\ffi\windows\
208 | IpDadStateInvalid = 0,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
warning: variant name starts with the enum's name
--> util\src\ifaces\ffi\windows\
209 | IpDadStateTentative,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
warning: variant name starts with the enum's name
--> util\src\ifaces\ffi\windows\
210 | IpDadStateDuplicate,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
warning: variant name starts with the enum's name
--> util\src\ifaces\ffi\windows\
211 | IpDadStateDeprecated,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
warning: variant name starts with the enum's name
--> util\src\ifaces\ffi\windows\
212 | IpDadStatePreferred,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
warning: all variants have the same prefix: `IpDadState`
--> util\src\ifaces\ffi\windows\
207 | / pub enum IpDadState {
208 | | IpDadStateInvalid = 0,
209 | | IpDadStateTentative,
210 | | IpDadStateDuplicate,
211 | | IpDadStateDeprecated,
212 | | IpDadStatePreferred,
213 | | }
| |_^
= help: remove the prefixes and use full paths to the variants instead of glob imports
= help: for further information visit
warning: variant name starts with the enum's name
--> util\src\ifaces\ffi\windows\
217 | IfOperStatusUp = 1,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
warning: variant name starts with the enum's name
--> util\src\ifaces\ffi\windows\
218 | IfOperStatusDown = 2,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
warning: variant name starts with the enum's name
--> util\src\ifaces\ffi\windows\
219 | IfOperStatusTesting = 3,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
warning: variant name starts with the enum's name
--> util\src\ifaces\ffi\windows\
220 | IfOperStatusUnknown = 4,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
warning: variant name starts with the enum's name
--> util\src\ifaces\ffi\windows\
221 | IfOperStatusDormant = 5,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
warning: variant name starts with the enum's name
--> util\src\ifaces\ffi\windows\
222 | IfOperStatusNotPresent = 6,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
warning: variant name starts with the enum's name
--> util\src\ifaces\ffi\windows\
223 | IfOperStatusLowerLayerDown = 7,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
warning: all variants have the same prefix: `IfOperStatus`
--> util\src\ifaces\ffi\windows\
216 | / pub enum IfOperStatus {
217 | | IfOperStatusUp = 1,
218 | | IfOperStatusDown = 2,
219 | | IfOperStatusTesting = 3,
... |
223 | | IfOperStatusLowerLayerDown = 7,
224 | | }
| |_^
= help: remove the prefixes and use full paths to the variants instead of glob imports
= help: for further information visit
warning: all variants have the same prefix: `NetIfConnection`
--> util\src\ifaces\ffi\windows\
227 | / pub enum NetIfConnectionType {
228 | | NetIfConnectionDedicated = 1,
229 | | NetIfConnectionPassive = 2,
230 | | NetIfConnectionDemand = 3,
231 | | NetIfConnectionMaximum = 4,
232 | | }
| |_^
= help: remove the prefixes and use full paths to the variants instead of glob imports
= help: for further information visit
warning: variant name starts with the enum's name
--> util\src\ifaces\ffi\windows\
236 | TunnelTypeNone = 0,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
warning: variant name starts with the enum's name
--> util\src\ifaces\ffi\windows\
237 | TunnelTypeOther = 1,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
warning: variant name starts with the enum's name
--> util\src\ifaces\ffi\windows\
238 | TunnelTypeDirect = 2,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
warning: variant name starts with the enum's name
--> util\src\ifaces\ffi\windows\
239 | TunnelType6To4 = 11,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
warning: variant name starts with the enum's name
--> util\src\ifaces\ffi\windows\
240 | TunnelTypeIsatap = 13,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
warning: variant name starts with the enum's name
--> util\src\ifaces\ffi\windows\
241 | TunnelTypeTeredo = 14,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
warning: variant name starts with the enum's name
--> util\src\ifaces\ffi\windows\
242 | TunnelTypeIpHttps = 15,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
warning: `webrtc-util` (lib) generated 37 warnings
Checking rtp v0.10.0 (D:\Rust\webrtc\rtp)
Checking rtcp v0.10.1 (D:\Rust\webrtc\rtcp)
Checking stun v0.5.1 (D:\Rust\webrtc\stun)
Checking webrtc-dtls v0.9.0 (D:\Rust\webrtc\dtls)
Checking webrtc-sctp v0.9.1 (D:\Rust\webrtc\sctp)
Checking webrtc-mdns v0.6.1 (D:\Rust\webrtc\mdns)
Fixed sdp\src\description\ (1 fix)
Checking webrtc-media v0.7.1 (D:\Rust\webrtc\media)
Checking webrtc-srtp v0.12.0 (D:\Rust\webrtc\srtp)
Checking turn v0.7.1 (D:\Rust\webrtc\turn)
Fixed dtls\src\handshake\ (1 fix)
Fixed dtls\src\handshake\ (1 fix)
Checking hub v0.1.0 (D:\Rust\webrtc\dtls\examples\hub)
Checking webrtc-data v0.8.1 (D:\Rust\webrtc\data)
Checking interceptor v0.11.0 (D:\Rust\webrtc\interceptor)
Fixed turn\src\allocation\ (1 fix)
Checking webrtc-ice v0.10.1 (D:\Rust\webrtc\ice)
Fixed ice\src\udp_mux\ (2 fixes)
Checking webrtc v0.10.1 (D:\Rust\webrtc\webrtc)
warning: failed to automatically apply fixes suggested by rustc to crate `webrtc`
after fixes were automatically applied the compiler reported errors within these files:
* webrtc\src\rtp_transceiver\rtp_receiver\
This likely indicates a bug in either rustc or cargo itself,
and we would appreciate a bug report! You're likely to see
a number of compiler warnings after this message which cargo
attempted to fix but failed. If you could open an issue at
quoting the full output of this command we'd be very appreciative!
Note that you may be able to make some more progress in the near-term
fixing code with the `--broken-code` flag
The following errors were reported:
error[E0308]: mismatched types
--> webrtc\src\rtp_transceiver\rtp_receiver\
496 | tracks.first().cloned()
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected `Option<Arc<TrackRemote>>`, found `Option<TrackStreams>`
= note: expected enum `std::option::Option<std::sync::Arc<track::track_remote::TrackRemote>>`
found enum `std::option::Option<track::TrackStreams>`
error: aborting due to 1 previous error
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0308`.
Original diagnostics will follow.
warning: you are explicitly cloning with `.map()`
--> webrtc\src\rtp_transceiver\rtp_receiver\
496 | tracks.first().map(|t| Arc::clone(&t.track))
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider calling the dedicated `cloned` method: `tracks.first().cloned()`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::map_clone)]` on by default
warning: you are explicitly cloning with `.map()`
--> webrtc\src\rtp_transceiver\
304 | self.mid.get().map(Clone::clone)
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider calling the dedicated `cloned` method: `self.mid.get().cloned()`
= help: for further information visit
warning: `webrtc` (lib) generated 2 warnings (run `cargo clippy --fix --lib -p webrtc` to apply 2 suggestions)
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 18.22s
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