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PHP File System Wrapper DISC
* File System Functions
* File System Abstraction which automatically
* works in a given root path
* Can be added with composer by adding a composer.json file with:
*"autoload": {
* "files": ["src/disc.php"]
* }
class disc
protected static $rootPath = '';
protected static $rootLength = 0;
protected static $autoGenerateDirectories = true;
* set application root directory
* @param string $path [path to root directory]
* @return void
public static function root(string $path, bool $chdir = true): void
/* Returns canonicalized absolute pathname */
$realpath = \realpath($path);
if (!$realpath) {
throw new \FileSystemException(__METHOD__ . ' "' . $path . '" is not a valid directory.');
self::$rootPath = $realpath;
/* calculate it once here */
self::$rootLength = \strlen($realpath);
if ($chdir) {
/* default true */
* Method getRoot
* @return string
public static function getRoot(): string
return self::$rootPath;
* Method autoGenerateDirectories
* @param bool $bool [explicite description]
* @return void
public static function autoGenerateDirectories(bool $bool = true): void
self::$autoGenerateDirectories = $bool;
* Format a given path so it's based on the applications root folder __ROOT__.
* Either add or remove __ROOT__ from path
* @param string $path [path to file/directory]
* @param bool $remove false [remove the root path]
* @return string
public static function resolve(string $path, bool $remove = false): string
if (!self::$rootPath) {
throw new \FileSystemException(__METHOD__ . ' root path is not defined. Use disc::root(...).');
/* strip it if root path is already present */
$path = (\substr($path, 0, self::$rootLength) == self::$rootPath) ? \substr($path, self::$rootLength) : $path;
/* now resolve - stripped or added? */
return ($remove) ? \rtrim($path, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) : self::$rootPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . \trim($path, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
* Method stripRootPath
* @param string|array $files [array of file pathes or single file path]
* @param bool $remove [add or remove path to passed]
* @return string|array
public static function stripRootPath($files, bool $remove = true)
/* strip the root path */
if (is_array($files)) {
foreach ($files as $index => $file) {
$files[$index] = self::resolve($file, $remove);
} else {
$files = self::resolve($files, $remove);
return $files;
* Method required
* @param string $path [path to file/directory]
* @return bool
public static function required(string $path): bool
$success = \file_exists(self::resolve($path));
if (!$success) {
throw new \FileSystemException('No such file or directory. ' . $path);
return $success;
* @param string $path [path to file/directory]
* @return mixed
public static function require(string $requiredPath) /* mixed|bool */
return require self::resolve($requiredPath);
* @param string $path [path to file/directory]
* @return mixed
public static function requireOnce(string $requiredPath) /* mixed|bool */
return require_once self::resolve($requiredPath);
* @param string $path [path to file/directory]
* @return mixed
public static function include(string $requiredPath) /* mixed|bool */
return include self::resolve($requiredPath);
* Method includeOnce
* @param string $path [path to file/directory]
* @return mixed
public static function includeOnce(string $requiredPath) /* mixed|bool */
return include_once self::resolve($requiredPath);
* Find pathnames matching a pattern
* @param string $pattern
* @param int $flags
* @return array
public static function list(string $pattern, int $flags = 0): array
return self::stripRootPath(\glob(self::resolve($pattern), $flags));
* internal recursive loop for globr
* @param string $pattern
* @param int $flags
* @return array
public static function listAll(string $pattern, int $flags = 0): array
return self::stripRootPath(self::_listRecursive(self::resolve($pattern), $flags));
* Returns trailing name component of path
* @param string $path [path to file/directory]
* @param string $suffix
* @return string
public static function filename(string $path, string $suffix = ''): string
return \basename($path, $suffix);
* dirname — Returns a parent directory's path
* @param string $path [path to file/directory]
* @param int $levels The number of parent directories to go up.
* @return string
public static function directory(string $path, int $levels = 1): string
return \dirname($path, $levels);
* Method isDir
* @param string $path [path to file/directory]
* @return bool
public static function isDirectory(string $path): bool
return \is_dir(self::resolve($path));
* Method isWriteable
* @param string $path [path to file/directory]
* @return bool
public static function isWriteable(string $path): bool
return \is_writable(self::resolve($path));
* Method isFile
* @param string $path [path to file/directory]
* @return bool
public static function isFile(string $path): bool
return \is_file(self::resolve($path));
* Method isReadable
* @param string $path [path to file/directory]
* @return bool
public static function isReadable(string $path): bool
return \is_readable(self::resolve($path));
* filesize — Gets file size
* @param string $path [path to file/directory]
* @return mixed
public static function size(string $requiredPath, bool $formated = false) /* string|int */
$bytes = \filesize(self::resolve($requiredPath));
if ($formated) {
$bytes = self::bytesToString($bytes);
return $bytes;
* fileatime — Gets last access time of file
* @param string $path [path to file/directory]
* @return int
public static function accessTime(string $requiredPath, string $dateFormat = null) /* int|string */
return self::_time($requiredPath, $dateFormat, 'fileatime');
* filectime — Gets inode change time of file
* @param string $path [path to file/directory]
* @return int
public static function changeTime(string $requiredPath, string $dateFormat = null) /* int|string */
return self::_time($requiredPath, $dateFormat, 'filectime');
* filemtime — Gets file modification time
* @param string $path [path to file/directory]
* @return int
public static function modificationTime(string $requiredPath, string $dateFormat = null) /* int|string */
return self::_time($requiredPath, $dateFormat, 'filemtime');
* filegroup — Gets file group
* @param string $path [path to file/directory]
* @return mixed
public static function group(string $requiredPath, bool $details = false) /* array|int|false */
$id = \filegroup(self::resolve($requiredPath));
return ($id && $details) ? posix_getgrgid($id) : $id;
* fileowner — Gets file owner
* @param string $path [path to file/directory]
* @return int
public static function owner(string $requiredPath, bool $details = false) /* array|int|false */
$id = \fileowner(self::resolve($requiredPath));
return ($id && $details) ? posix_getpwuid($id) : $id;
* fileperms — Gets file permissions
* @param string $path [path to file/directory]
* @return int
public static function permissions(string $requiredPath, int $options = 0)
$success = \fileperms(self::resolve($requiredPath));
if ($options) {
$success = self::permissionsFormatted($success, $options);
return $success;
* Method changeMode
* @param string $path [path to file/directory]
* @param int $mode [explicite description]
* @return bool
public static function changePermissions(string $requiredPath, int $mode): bool
return \chmod(self::resolve($requiredPath), $mode);
* Method changeFileGroup
* @param string $path [path to file/directory]
* @param $group $group [explicite description]
* @return bool
public static function changeGroup(string $requiredPath, $group): bool
return \chgrp(self::resolve($requiredPath), $group);
* Method changeFileOwner
* @param string $path [path to file/directory]
* @param $user $user [explicite description]
* @return bool
public static function changeOwner(string $requiredPath, $user): bool
return \chown(self::resolve($requiredPath), $user);
* fileinode — Gets file inode
* @param string $path [path to file/directory]
* @return mixed
public static function inode(string $requiredPath) /* int|false */
return \fileinode(self::resolve($requiredPath));
* filetype — Gets file type
* @param string $path [path to file/directory]
* @return mixed
public static function type(string $requiredPath) /* string|false */
return \filetype(self::resolve($requiredPath));
* info — Gives information about a file
* @param string $path [path to file/directory]
* @return mixed
public static function info(string $requiredPath = '/', ?string $option = null, $arg1 = null) /* array|false */
$info = \stat(self::resolve($requiredPath));
$info += \pathInfo(self::resolve($requiredPath));
$info['dirname'] = self::resolve($info['dirname'], true);
$info['type'] = \filetype(self::resolve($requiredPath));
$dateFormat = ($arg1) ? $arg1 : 'r';
$info['atime_display'] = date($dateFormat, $info['atime']);
$info['mtime_display'] = date($dateFormat, $info['mtime']);
$info['ctime_display'] = date($dateFormat, $info['ctime']);
$info['permissions_display'] = self::permissions($requiredPath, 3);
$info['permissions_t'] = self::permissions($requiredPath, 1);
$info['permissions_ugw'] = self::permissions($requiredPath, 2);
$info['uid_display'] = self::owner($requiredPath, true)['name'];
$info['gid_display'] = self::group($requiredPath, true)['name'];
$info['size_display'] = self::size($requiredPath, true);
$info['isDirectory'] = (bool)self::isDirectory($requiredPath);
$info['isWritable'] = (bool)self::isWriteable($requiredPath);
$info['isReadable'] = (bool)self::isReadable($requiredPath);
$info['isFile'] = (bool)self::isFile($requiredPath);
$info['root'] = self::$rootPath;
if ($option) {
if (!in_array($option, $info)) {
throw new FileSystemException('Unknown option ' . $option);
$info = $info[$option];
return $info;
* Returns information about a file path
* @param string $path [path to file/directory]
* @param int $options
* @return mixed
public static function pathInfo(string $path, int $options = PATHINFO_DIRNAME | PATHINFO_BASENAME | PATHINFO_EXTENSION | PATHINFO_FILENAME) /* array|string */
$pathinfo = \pathinfo($path, $options);
/* resolve path */
if (\is_array($pathinfo) && isset($pathinfo['dirname'])) {
$pathinfo['dirname'] = self::resolve($pathinfo['dirname'], true);
} elseif ($options == PATHINFO_DIRNAME) {
$pathinfo = self::resolve($pathinfo, true);
return $pathinfo;
* Method fileExists
* @param string $path [path to file/directory]
* @return bool
public static function exists(string $path): bool
return \file_exists(self::resolve($path));
* file — Reads entire file into an array
* @param string $path [path to file/directory]
* @param int $flags
* @return mixed
public static function readAsArray(string $requiredPath, int $flags = 0): array
return \file(self::resolve($requiredPath), $flags);
* Reads a file and writes it to the output buffer.
* @param string $path [path to file/directory]
* @return mixed
public static function echo(string $requiredPath): int
return \readfile(self::resolve($requiredPath));
* fopen — Opens file or URL
* @param string $path [path to file/directory]
* @param string $mode
* @return resource
public static function open(string $path, string $mode = 'r') /* resource|false */
if (in_array($mode, ['r', 'r+'])) {
} else {
return \fopen(self::resolve($path), $mode);
* Method create
* @param string $path [explicite description]
* @param string $mode [explicite description]
* @return void
public static function create(string $path, string $mode = 'w') /* resource|false */
return self::open($path, $mode);
protected static function requiredStream($handle): void
if (\get_resource_type($handle) != 'stream') {
throw new FileSystemStreamException();
* Method fclose
* @param $handle $handle [explicite description]
* @return void
public static function close($handle): bool
return \fclose($handle);
* Method fwrite
* @param $handle $handle [explicite description]
* @param string $string [explicite description]
* @param int $length [explicite description]
* @return int
public static function write($handle, string $string, ?int $length = null) /* int|false */
$length = ($length) ?? strlen($string);
return \fwrite($handle, $string, $length);
* Method feof
* @param $stream $stream [explicite description]
* @return bool
public static function eof($handle): bool
return \feof($handle);
* Method fgetc
* @param $stream $stream [explicite description]
* @return void
public static function character($handle)
return \fgetc($handle);
* Method getCharacters
* @param $handle $handle [explicite description]
* @param int $length [explicite description]
* @return void
public static function characters($handle, $length = false)
return ($length > 0) ? \fread($handle, $length) : \fgets($handle);
* Method fgetcsv
* @param $stream $stream [explicite description]
* @param int $length [explicite description]
* @param string $separator [explicite description]
* @param " $enclosure [explicite description]
* @param string $escape [explicite description]
* @return array
public static function csvRow($handle, int $length = 0, string $separator = ",", string $enclosure = '"', string $escape = "\\"): array
return \fgetcsv($handle, $length, $separator, $enclosure, $escape);
* Method flock
* @param $stream $stream [explicite description]
* @param int $operation [explicite description]
* @param int $wouldBlock [explicite description]
* @return bool
public static function lock($handle, int $operation, int &$wouldBlock = null): bool
return \flock($handle, $operation, $wouldBlock);
* Method ftell
* @param $stream $stream [explicite description]
* @return int
public static function position($handle): int
return \ftell($handle);
public static function createMissingDirectory(string $path, int $mode = 0777): bool
return self::createDirectory(dirname($path), $mode, true);
* mkdir — Makes directory
* @param string $path
* @param int $mode
* @param bool $recursive
* @return bool
public static function createDirectory(string $path, int $mode = 0777, bool $recursive = true): bool
$path = self::resolve($path);
if (!\file_exists($path)) {
$umask = \umask(0);
$bool = \mkdir($path, $mode, $recursive);
} else {
$bool = true;
return $bool;
* Method touch
* @param string $path [explicite description]
* @return bool
public static function touch(string $path): bool
return \touch(self::resolve($path));
* rename — Renames a file or directory
* @param string $oldname
* @param string $newname
* @return bool
public static function move(string $oldname, string $newname): bool
return \rename(self::resolve($oldname), self::resolve($newname));
public static function rename(string $oldname, string $newname): bool
return self::move($oldname, $newname);
* Method remove
* @param string $path [explicite description]
* @return bool
public static function remove(string $path): bool
/* exists is tested in each function */
return self::isDirectory($path) ? self::removeDirectory($path) : self::removeFile($path);
* Method rmdirRecursive
* @param string $path [explicite description]
* @return bool
public static function removeDirectory(string $path): bool
$success = false;
if (self::exists($path)) {
$path = self::resolve($path);
$files = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path, \RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST);
foreach ($files as $fileinfo) {
if ($fileinfo->isDir()) {
} else {
$success = \rmdir($path);
return $success;
public static function removeFile(string $path): bool
return self::exists($path) ? \unlink(self::resolve($path)) : false;
* copy — Copies file
* @param string $source
* @param string $dest
* @return bool
public static function copy(string $source, string $destination): bool
return (self::isDirectory($source)) ? self::copyDirectory($source, $destination) : self::copyFile($source, $destination);
* Method copyFile
* @param string $source [explicite description]
* @param string $dest [explicite description]
* @return bool
public static function copyFile(string $source, string $destination): bool
return \copy(self::resolve($source), self::resolve($destination));
* Method copyFolder
* @param string $source [explicite description]
* @param string $dest [explicite description]
* @return bool
public static function copyDirectory(string $source, string $destination): bool
$source = self::resolve($source);
$destination = self::resolve($destination);
$dir = \opendir($source);
if (!is_dir($destination)) {
while (false !== ($file = \readdir($dir))) {
if (($file != '.') && ($file != '..')) {
if (\is_dir($source . '/' . $file)) {
self::copyDirectory($source . '/' . $file, $destination . '/' . $file);
} else {
\copy($source . '/' . $file, $destination . '/' . $file);
return true;
* Method varPhp
* @param $input $input [explicite description]
* @return string
public static function varPhp($input): string
$string = '';
if (\is_array($input) || \is_object($input)) {
$string = '<?php return ' . \str_replace(['Closure::__set_state', 'stdClass::__set_state'], '(object)', \var_export($input, true)) . ';';
} elseif (\is_scalar($input)) {
$string = '<?php return "' . \str_replace('"', '\"', $input) . '";';
} else {
throw new \FileSystemException('Unknown input type.');
return $string;
* Method varJson
* @param $input $input [explicite description]
* @param bool $pretty [explicite description]
* @param ?int $flags [explicite description]
* @param ?int $depth [explicite description]
* @return string
public static function varJson($input, bool $pretty = false, ?int $flags = null, ?int $depth = 512): string
$flags = ($flags) ?? self::JSONFLAGS;
$depth = ($depth) ?? 512;
if ($pretty) {
$flags = $flags | JSON_PRETTY_PRINT;
return json_encode($input, $flags, $depth);
* Method varIni
* @param array $array [explicite description]
* @param array $parent [explicite description]
* @return string
public static function varIni(array $array, array $parent = []): string
$ini = '';
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
if (\is_array($value)) {
//subsection case
//merge all the sections into one array...
$subsection = \array_merge((array) $parent, (array) $key);
//add section information to the output
$ini .= '[' . \join('.', $subsection) . ']' . PHP_EOL;
//recursively traverse deeper
$ini .= self::varIni($value, $subsection);
} else {
//plain key->value case
$ini .= "$key=$value" . PHP_EOL;
return $ini;
* Reads entire file into a string
* @param string $path
* @return string
public static function loadContent(string $requiredPath): string
return \file_get_contents(self::resolve($requiredPath));
* New
* var_import_file — import a var_export_file(...) file
* @param string $path
* @return mixed
* @throws Exception
public static function loadPhp(string $requiredPath)
return include self::resolve($requiredPath);
* Method getJson
* @param string $path [explicite description]
* @return void
public static function loadJson(string $requiredPath)
$json = json_decode(self::loadContent($requiredPath), true);
if (json_last_error() !== JSON_ERROR_NONE) {
throw new \FileSystemException('JSON file "' . $requiredPath . '" is not valid JSON.');
return $json;
* parse_ini_file — Parse a configuration file
* @param string $path
* @param bool $process_sections create a multidimensional array
* @return mixed
public static function loadIni(string $requiredPath, bool $processSections = false, int $scannerMode = INI_SCANNER_NORMAL) /* mixed */
$ini = false;
$ini = \parse_ini_file(self::resolve($requiredPath), $processSections, $scannerMode);
if (!$ini) {
throw new \FileSystemException('INI file "' . $requiredPath . '" is not valid.');
return $ini;
* Method get
* @param string $path [explicite description]
* @param $arg1 $arg1 [explicite description]
* @param $arg2 $arg2 [explicite description]
* @return void
public static function load(string $path, $arg1 = null, $arg2 = null) /* mixed */
$output = null;
switch (\pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) {
case 'ini':
$arg1 = ($arg1) ?? true;
$arg2 = ($arg2) ?? INI_SCANNER_TYPED;
$output = self::loadIni($path, $arg1, $arg2);
case 'json':
$output = self::loadJson($path);
case 'php':
$output = self::loadPhp($path);
$output = self::loadContent($path);
return $output;
* file_put_contents — Write data to a file
* This should have thrown an error before not being able to write a file_exists
* This writes the file in a atomic fashion unless you use $flags
* @param string $path
* @param mixed $content
* @param int $flags
* @return mixed returns the number of bytes that were written to the file, or FALSE on failure.
public static function saveContent(string $path, $content, ?int $flags = 0, ?int $chmod = null): int
$bytes = 0;
/* if they aren't using any special flags just make it atomic that way locks aren't needed or partially written files aren't read */
if ($flags > 0) {
$bytes = \file_put_contents(self::resolve($path), $content, $flags);
} else {
/* if no flags provided do it the atomic way */
$bytes = self::atomicSaveContent($path, $content);
return self::changeModeOnBytes($path, $bytes, $chmod);
* Method putPhp
* @param string $path [explicite description]
* @param $data $data [explicite description]
* @param ?int $chmod [explicite description]
* @return int
public static function savePhp(string $path, $data, ?int $chmod = null): int
$bytes = self::changeModeOnBytes($path, self::atomicSaveContent($path, self::varPhp($data)), $chmod);
/* if it's cached we need to flush it out so the old one isn't loaded */
return $bytes;
* Method putJson
* @param string $path [explicite description]
* @param $jsonObj $jsonObj [explicite description]
* @param bool $pretty [explicite description]
* @param ?int $flags [explicite description]
* @param ?int $depth [explicite description]
* @param ?int $chmod [explicite description]
* @return int
public static function saveJson(string $path, $jsonObj, bool $pretty = false, ?int $flags = null, ?int $depth = 512, ?int $chmod = null): int
return self::changeModeOnBytes($path, self::atomicSaveContent($path, self::varJson($jsonObj, $pretty, $flags, $depth)), $chmod);
* Method putIni
* @param string $path [explicite description]
* @param array $array [explicite description]
* @param ?int $chmod [explicite description]
* @return int
public static function saveIni(string $path, array $array, ?int $chmod = null): int
return self::changeModeOnBytes($path, self::atomicSaveContent($path, self::varIni($array)), $chmod);
* Method put
* @param string $path [explicite description]
* @param $input $input [explicite description]
* @param int $chmod [explicite description]
* @param $arg1 $arg1 [explicite description]
* @return int
public static function save(string $path, $input, int $chmod = null, $arg1 = null): int
switch (\pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) {
case 'ini':
$bytes = self::saveIni($path, (array)$input, $chmod);
case 'json':
$arg1 = ($arg1) ?? false;
$bytes = self::saveJson($path, $input, $arg1, null, null, $chmod);
case 'php':
$bytes = self::savePhp($path, $input, $chmod);
$bytes = self::saveContent($path, $input, (int)$arg1, $chmod);
return $bytes;
* New (but used automatically by file_put_contents when no flags are used)
* atomicFilePutContents - atomic file_put_contents
* @param string $path
* @param mixed $content
* @return int returns the number of bytes that were written to the file.
public static function atomicSaveContent(string $path, $content): int
/* create absolute path */
$path = self::resolve($path);
/* get the path where you want to save this file so we can put our file in the same directory */
$directory = \dirname($path);
/* is this directory writeable */
if (!is_writable($directory)) {
throw new \FileSystemException($directory . ' is not writable.');
/* create a temporary file with unique file name and prefix */
$temporaryFile = \tempnam($directory, 'afpc_');
/* did we get a temporary filename */
if ($temporaryFile === false) {
throw new \FileSystemException('Could not create temporary file ' . $temporaryFile . '.');
/* write to the temporary file */
$bytes = \file_put_contents($temporaryFile, $content, LOCK_EX);
/* did we write anything? */
if ($bytes === false) {
throw new \FileSystemException('No bytes written by file_put_contents');
/* move it into place - this is the atomic function */
if (\rename($temporaryFile, $path) === false) {
throw new \FileSystemException('Could not rename temporary file ' . $temporaryFile . ' ' . $path . '.');
/* return the number of bytes written */
return $bytes;
* Method changeModeOnBytes
* @param string $path [path to file/directory]
* @param int $bytes [bytes written]
* @param ?int $chmod [explicite description]
* @return int
public static function changeModeOnBytes(string $path, int $bytes, ?int $chmod): int
if ($bytes && $chmod) {
self::changePermissions($path, $chmod);
return $bytes;
* Method removePhpFileFromOpcache
* @param string $path [path to file/directory]
* @return bool
public static function removePhpFileFromOpcache(string $path): bool
return (\function_exists('opcache_invalidate')) ? \opcache_invalidate(self::resolve($path), true) : true;
* Method object
* @param string $path [path to file/directory]
* @return SplFileObject
public static function object(string $path): SplFileObject
return new SplFileObject(self::resolve($path));
* Method sizeFormatted
* @param int $bytes [explicite description]
* @return string
public static function bytesToString(int $bytes): string
if ($bytes >= 1073741824) {
$fileSize = round($bytes / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, 1) . 'GB';
} elseif ($bytes >= 1048576) {
$fileSize = round($bytes / 1024 / 1024, 1) . 'MB';
} elseif ($bytes >= 1024) {
$fileSize = round($bytes / 1024, 1) . 'KB';
} else {
$fileSize = $bytes . ' bytes';
return $fileSize;
* Method permissionsFormatted
* @param int $mode [explicite description]
* @param int $option [explicite description]
* @return string
public static function permissionsFormatted(int $mode, int $option = 3): string
$info = '';
if (1 & $option) {
switch ($mode & 0xF000) {
case 0xC000: // socket
$info = 's';
case 0xA000: // symbolic link
$info = 'l';
case 0x8000: // regular
$info = 'r';
case 0x6000: // block special
$info = 'b';
case 0x4000: // directory
$info = 'd';
case 0x2000: // character special
$info = 'c';
case 0x1000: // FIFO pipe
$info = 'p';
default: // unknown
$info = 'u';
if (2 & $option) {
// Owner
$info .= (($mode & 0x0100) ? 'r' : '-');
$info .= (($mode & 0x0080) ? 'w' : '-');
$info .= (($mode & 0x0040) ? (($mode & 0x0800) ? 's' : 'x') : (($mode & 0x0800) ? 'S' : '-'));
// Group
$info .= (($mode & 0x0020) ? 'r' : '-');
$info .= (($mode & 0x0010) ? 'w' : '-');
$info .= (($mode & 0x0008) ? (($mode & 0x0400) ? 's' : 'x') : (($mode & 0x0400) ? 'S' : '-'));
// World
$info .= (($mode & 0x0004) ? 'r' : '-');
$info .= (($mode & 0x0002) ? 'w' : '-');
$info .= (($mode & 0x0001) ? (($mode & 0x0200) ? 't' : 'x') : (($mode & 0x0200) ? 'T' : '-'));
return $info;
protected static function autoGenMissingDirectory(string $requiredPath)
if (self::$autoGenerateDirectories) {
* Method _time
* @param string $requiredPath [explicite description]
* @param string $dateFormat [explicite description]
* @param string $function [explicite description]
* @return void
protected static function _time(string $requiredPath, string $dateFormat = null, string $function) /* int|string */
$timestamp = $function(self::resolve($requiredPath));
return ($timestamp && $dateFormat) ? date($dateFormat, $timestamp) : $timestamp;
* Method _listRecursive
* @param string $pattern [explicite description]
* @param int $flags [explicite description]
* @return array
protected static function _listRecursive(string $pattern, int $flags = 0): array
$files = \glob($pattern, $flags);
foreach (\glob(\dirname($pattern) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*', GLOB_ONLYDIR | GLOB_NOSORT) as $directory) {
/* recursive loop */
$files = \array_merge($files, self::_listRecursive($directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . \basename($pattern), $flags));
return $files;
} /* end class */
class FileSystemException extends \Exception
class FileSystemStreamException extends \FileSystemException
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