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Created November 16, 2014 05:09
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Notes on Hive and Shark
# Notes on Hive and Shark
## Usage Instructions
1. Unpack .tar to home directory (not ready yet)
2. `qsub hive-and-shark.pbs`
3. `ssh <job root node`
4. `cd ~/hive-and-shark`
5. `source ./` or `source ./`
- Make sure to use `source`: don't just execute the script. `source` will add environment variables to your session.
## Files I had to edit
Not really mentioning steps outlined in [Running Shark on a Cluster](
1. `hive-and-shark.pbs`
2. `` and ``
3. `etc/core-site.xml` (fixed hadoop.tmp.dir value)
4. `spark-0.8.0/conf/` (point to scala library)
5. `shark-0.8.0/conf/` (env variables, etc)
6. `hive/conf/` (point to configuration directory)
## Files that need to be updated per run
1. `spark-0.8.0/conf/` (memory) (done with sed)
2. `shark-0.8.0/conf/` (memory) (done with sed)
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