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Last active October 4, 2017 17:48
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walk through of the beta 0.1 mercantis smartContract
pragma solidity ^0.4.4; //specify solidity version
Mapper Contract - holds mapping & structs for market participants
contract mapper { //init a contract
Structs and Variables
//holds demographic data for each user
struct demographicsData { //* some basic data, to be expanded and moved off the chain later
uint race;
uint16 location;
bool gender;
uint dob; //year of birth
//holds researcher
struct researcher { //* research institution and researcher/study ID, so anyone can verify integrity of uploaded data
uint institution;
//holds buyer
struct buyer { //* keeps tracks of buyers this would be a institution/reseracher ID to help reduce data leak/theft
uint institution;
//* addresses of the study participant, tied to demographic data but not identity, this is also the address to which the participant receives payment
mapping(address => demographicsData) public participants;
mapping (address => researcher) public researchers;
//add participants to the participants mapping
function addParticipants(address _addy, uint _dob, bool _gender, uint _location, uint _race) public {
participants[_addy] = demographicsData(_dob, _gender, _location, _race);
// add researcher to the researcher mapping
function addResearcher(address _addy, uint _institution) public {
researchers[_addy] = researcher(_institution);
// add buyer to the buyer mapping
function addBuyer(address _addy, uint _institution) public {
researchers[_addy] = researcher(_institution);
Data Contract - maintains object holding medical research data
contract data is mapper {
Structs and Variables
mapping (uint => mapping(uint => dataPoint)) public coreData;
uint dataPointIter = 1; //iterator pointer for dataPoint
struct dataPoint {
uint id;
address owner;
address participant;
bytes32 meta;
uint256 price;
uint data;
// Researcher submits data
function submitData(uint _id, address _address,bytes32 _meta, uint256 _price, uint _data) returns(bool success) {
dataPoint memory newDataPoint; = dataPointIter;
newDataPoint.owner = msg.sender; //this is the address of the uploader
newDataPoint.participant = _address;
newDataPoint.meta = _meta;
newDataPoint.price = _price; = _data;
coreData[_id][dataPointIter] = newDataPoint; //changes state, stick data point into coreData via lab/measurement code
dataPointIter += 1; //update pointer
//add event
return true;
//return data for typeID
//* buying researcher would search the datapoint ID, inspect demographic data without the actual data point values and select which subset to purchase
//* to expand to more advanced queries later
function query (uint typeID) constant returns (uint[] prices_,bytes32[] meta_, uint[] id_) {
uint length = dataPointIter;
uint[] memory prices = new uint[](length);
bytes32[] memory meta = new bytes32[](length);
uint[] memory id = new uint[](length);
for (uint i = 0; i<length; i++) {
if(coreData[typeID][i].id > 0) {
prices[i] = coreData[typeID][i].price;
meta[i] = coreData[typeID][i].meta;
id[i] = coreData[typeID][i].id;
//Confirms that only researcher is uploading data
modifier checkResearcher(address _researcher)
require(msg.sender == _researcher);
function buy (uint typeID, uint _id, uint val) payable returns (uint id_,bytes32 meta_, uint price_, uint data_) {
coreData[typeID][_id].owner.transfer((msg.value * 9) / 10 ); //send 90% to researcher
coreData[typeID][_id].participant.transfer((msg.value * 1) / 10 ); //send 10% to participant
Marketplace Contract - Define buy functionality
contract marketplace is data {
// buyer sends ether to contract to purchase data
function buy (uint typeID, uint _id, uint val) payable returns (uint id_,bytes32 meta_, uint price_, uint data_) {
// add check val > requirement
coreData[typeID][_id].owner.transfer((val * 9) / 10 ); //send 90% to researcher
coreData[typeID][_id].participant.transfer((val * 1) / 10 ); //send 10% to participant
//* data is returned and made available to the buyer, to be hashed and send as a msg later.
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