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Created July 6, 2018 07:36
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function Test-Array {
param (
[string[]] $other = @(),
[bool[]] $thisValue = @(),
[bool[]] $Bold = @(),
[bool[]] $Italic = @()
foreach ($value in $thisValue) {
#Test-Array -thisValue $value
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $thisValue.Count; $i++) {
function Set-WordText1 {
[parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter[]] $Paragraph,
[alias ("C")] [System.Drawing.Color[]]$Color = @(),
[alias ("S")] [double[]] $FontSize = @(),
[alias ("FontName")] [string[]] $FontFamily = @(),
[bool[]] $Bold = @(),
[bool[]] $Italic = @(),
[bool[]] $diff = @(),
[alias ("U")] [UnderlineStyle[]] $UnderlineStyle = @(),
[alias ('UC')] [System.Drawing.Color[]]$UnderlineColor = @(),
[alias ("SA")] [double[]] $SpacingAfter = @(),
[alias ("SB")] [double[]] $SpacingBefore = @(),
[alias ("SP")] [double[]] $Spacing = @(),
[alias ("H")] [highlight[]] $Highlight = @(),
[alias ("CA")] [CapsStyle[]] $CapsStyle = @(),
[alias ("ST")] [StrikeThrough[]] $StrikeThrough = @(),
[alias ("HT")] [HeadingType[]] $HeadingType = @(),
[int[]] $PercentageScale = @(), # "Value must be one of the following: 200, 150, 100, 90, 80, 66, 50 or 33"
[Misc[]] $Misc = @(),
[string[]] $Language = @(),
[int[]]$Kerning = @(), # "Value must be one of the following: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 36, 48 or 72"
[bool[]]$Hidden = @(),
[int[]]$Position = @(), # "Value must be in the range -1585 - 1585"
[bool[]] $NewLine = @(),
[switch] $KeepLinesTogether,
[switch] $KeepWithNextParagraph,
[single[]] $IndentationFirstLine = @(),
[single[]] $IndentationHanging = @(),
[Alignment[]] $Alignment = @(),
[Direction[]] $Direction = @(),
[ShadingType[]] $ShadingType = @(),
[Script[]] $Script = @(),
[bool] $Supress = $true
Write-Verbose "Set-WordText - Paragraph Count: $($Paragraph.Count)"
Write-Verbose "Set-WordText - $($diff.GetType())"
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Paragraph.Count; $i++) {
Write-Verbose "Set-WordText - Loop: $($i)"
# $Paragraph[$i] = $Paragraph[$i] | Set-WordTextBold -Bold $Bold[$i] -Supress $false
# $Paragraph[$i] = $Paragraph[$i] | Set-WordTextItalic -Italic $Italic[$i] -Supress $false
Set-WordText1 -Paragraph $null, $null -Bold $null, $null -Verbose
Test-Array -thisValue $null, $null
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