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Last active October 9, 2018 21:50
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  • Save PseudoSky/816cd61cf9978ec6aec2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save PseudoSky/816cd61cf9978ec6aec2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Javascript function that will export all current css arrtibutes on a dom element = (function () {
// Mapping between tag names and css default values lookup tables. This allows to exclude default values in the result.
var defaultStylesByTagName = {};
// Styles inherited from style sheets will not be rendered for elements with these tag names
var noStyleTags = {"BASE":true,"HEAD":true,"META":true,"NOFRAME":true,"NOSCRIPT":true,"PARAM":true,"SCRIPT":true,"STYLE":true,"TITLE":true};
// This list determines which css default values lookup tables are precomputed at load time
// Lookup tables for other tag names will be automatically built at runtime if needed
// Precompute the lookup tables.
for (var i = 0; i < tagNames.length; i++) {
if(!noStyleTags[tagNames[i]]) {
defaultStylesByTagName[tagNames[i]] = computeDefaultStyleByTagName(tagNames[i]);
function computeDefaultStyleByTagName(tagName) {
var defaultStyle = {};
var element = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement(tagName));
var computedStyle = getComputedStyle(element);
for (var i = 0; i < computedStyle.length; i++) {
defaultStyle[computedStyle[i]] = computedStyle[computedStyle[i]];
return defaultStyle;
function getDefaultStyleByTagName(tagName) {
tagName = tagName.toUpperCase();
if (!defaultStylesByTagName[tagName]) {
defaultStylesByTagName[tagName] = computeDefaultStyleByTagName(tagName);
return defaultStylesByTagName[tagName];
return function es() {
if (this.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
return -1;
// throw new TypeError("The es method only works on elements, not on " + this.nodeType + " nodes.");
if (noStyleTags[this.tagName]) {
return -1;
throw new TypeError("The es method does not work on " + this.tagName + " elements.");
var styles = {};
var computedStyle = getComputedStyle(this);
var defaultStyle = getDefaultStyleByTagName(this.tagName);
for (var i = 0; i < computedStyle.length; i++) {
var cssPropName = computedStyle[i];
if (computedStyle[cssPropName] !== defaultStyle[cssPropName]) {
styles[cssPropName] = computedStyle[cssPropName];
var a = ["{"];
for(var i in styles) {
a[a.length] = i + ": " + styles[i] + ";";
a[a.length] = "}"
return a.join("\r\n");
Grabs a HTMLElement's computed style from the es() function above,
Creates a string from it compatible with the element's inline style attribute.
Then sets the elements style attribute to that string.
e => HTML Element
max => Int (terminal depth)
depth => Int current depth
function inline(e,max,depth){
max=max || 0;
depth=depth || 0;
if(typeof e === typeof ''){'Inline passed a selector')
ele = $$(e)
if (ele.length) {
return ele.forEach((d) => inline(d, max, depth))
console.log((new Array(depth*2).join(' '))+e.nodeName);
if(style!=-1){ // The style computed successfully
if(max>depth && e.children){
Runs the inline function for all css capable elements,
Resulting in a page with complete css.
function inline_errything(){
var all = document.body.getElementsByTagName("*");
for (var i=0, max=all.length; i < max; i++) {
StyleExport = {
//TODO: add pseudo selector simulation with set difference
baseStyle = $$('#element')[0].es()
classLines = new Set(baseStyle.split('\n'))
focusStyle = $$('#element')[0].es()
focusClass = focusStyle.split('\n').filter(line => !classLines.has(line)).join('\n')
baseClass = classLines.toJSON().join('\n')
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screen shot 2016-02-10 at 1 03 33 am

Not too sure yet why the highlighting goes away, but overall success.

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