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Last active October 12, 2023 23:52
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RAUI retained mode experiments
// Example of retained mode UI on top of RAUI.
// It's goals are very similar to Unreal's UMG on top of Slate.
// Evolution of this approach allows to use retained mode views
// within declarative mode widgets and vice versa - they
// interleave quite seamingly.
use raui::prelude::*;
use raui_quick_start::RauiQuickStartBuilder;
use raui_retained::*;
use std::any::Any;
const FONT: &str = "./demos/hello-world/resources/verdana.ttf";
// root view of an application.
struct AppView {
pub counter: View<CounterView>,
pub increment_button: View<Button<LabelView>>,
pub decrement_button: View<Button<LabelView>>,
impl ViewState for AppView {
// `on_render` method constructs declarative nodes out of
// retained node. this is similar to how Unreal's UMG builds
// Slate widgets tree. you can do here whatever you would do
// normally in RAUI widget component functions.
fn on_render(&self, mut context: WidgetContext) -> WidgetNode {
// as usual, at least root view should produce navigable
// container to enable navigation on the UI, here navigation
// being button clicks.
.with_props(FlexBoxItemLayout {
basis: Some(48.0),
grow: 0.0,
shrink: 0.0,
.with_props(FlexBoxItemLayout {
basis: Some(48.0),
grow: 0.0,
shrink: 0.0,
.with_props(HorizontalBoxProps {
separation: 50.0,
fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any {
fn as_any_mut(&mut self) -> &mut dyn Any {
// counter view stores value that can notify RAUI about this
// widget being changed, so it will get re-renderred.
// if we don't wrap data that has to be observed in `ViewValue`,
// then we would need to find other way to notify RAUI app
// about the change in data whenever it happen, usually manually.
// alternatively we could use View-Model feature as we would
// normally do with RAUI, if we don't want to store host data in
// views (which is always good approach to take).
struct CounterView {
pub counter: ViewValue<usize>,
impl ViewState for CounterView {
fn on_render(&self, _: WidgetContext) -> WidgetNode {
// to allow `ViewValue` notify RAUI app about changes,
// we need to pass its widget ref to RAUI component.
// `ViewValue` pass that widget id to change notifications.
.with_props(TextBoxProps {
text: self.counter.to_string(),
font: TextBoxFont {
name: FONT.to_owned(),
size: 32.0,
color: Color {
r: 0.0,
g: 0.0,
b: 0.0,
a: 1.0,
fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any {
fn as_any_mut(&mut self) -> &mut dyn Any {
struct LabelView {
pub text: String,
impl LabelView {
fn new(text: impl ToString) -> Self {
Self {
text: text.to_string(),
impl ViewState for LabelView {
fn on_render(&self, _: WidgetContext) -> WidgetNode {
.with_props(TextBoxProps {
text: self.text.to_owned(),
font: TextBoxFont {
name: FONT.to_owned(),
size: 32.0,
color: Color {
r: 0.0,
g: 0.0,
b: 0.0,
a: 1.0,
fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any {
fn as_any_mut(&mut self) -> &mut dyn Any {
// button that can store `on click` callback that
// gets called whenever RAUI button detects click.
struct Button<T: ViewState> {
pub content: View<T>,
on_click: Option<Box<dyn Fn() + Send + Sync>>,
impl<T: ViewState> Button<T> {
fn new(content: View<T>) -> Self {
Self {
on_click: None,
fn on_click(mut self, on_click: impl Fn() + Send + Sync + 'static) -> Self {
self.on_click = Some(Box::new(on_click));
impl<T: ViewState> ViewState for Button<T> {
fn on_change(&mut self, context: WidgetMountOrChangeContext) {
// as usual, we listen for button messages sent to this
// widget and call stored callback.
if let Some(on_click) = self.on_click.take() {
for message in context.messenger.messages {
if let Some(message) = message.as_any().downcast_ref::<ButtonNotifyMessage>() {
if message.trigger_start() {
self.on_click = Some(on_click);
fn on_render(&self, context: WidgetContext) -> WidgetNode {
// this enables RAUI interaction system to send button
// events to same widget
.listed_slot(make_widget!(image_box).with_props(ImageBoxProps {
material: ImageBoxMaterial::Color(ImageBoxColor {
color: Color {
r: 0.75,
g: 0.75,
b: 0.75,
a: 1.0,
fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any {
fn as_any_mut(&mut self) -> &mut dyn Any {
// here we construct application view tree out of view objects.
fn create_app(ui: &mut Application) -> View<AppView> {
// create counter view and get lazy handles to it for buttons to use.
// nice thing about lazy views is that they can be shared across
// entire application - think of them just as handles/references to
// any view you create, that can be accessed from whatever place.
let counter = View::new(CounterView {
counter: ViewValue::new(0).with_notifier(ui.notifier()),
let lazy_counter_increment = counter.lazy();
let lazy_counter_decrement = counter.lazy();
let increment_button = View::new(Button::new(View::new(LabelView::new("Add"))).on_click(
move || {
// we can access other views using lazy views.
*lazy_counter_increment.write().unwrap().counter += 1;
let decrement_button = View::new(Button::new(View::new(LabelView::new("Subtract"))).on_click(
move || {
let mut access = lazy_counter_decrement.write().unwrap();
*access.counter = access.counter.saturating_sub(1);
View::new(AppView {
fn main() {
// we keep screen shared view in application scope
// to keep views tree alive for entire app lifetime.
// this somewhat simulates having UI manager storing views tree.
let mut screen = View::new(SharedView::<AppView>::default());
.window_title("Retained mode UI".to_owned())
.run_with(|app| {
// create app views tree and put it into screen root
// to extend its lifetime to application.
// finally send screen widget component to RAUI app.
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