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Created September 26, 2014 10:30
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Music by year histogram
from __future__ import division
import os
from mutagen import File
from mutagen.flac import FLAC, VCFLACDict
from mutagen.mp3 import MP3
from mutagen.apev2 import APEv2
from mutagen.m4a import M4A
from mutagen.oggvorbis import OggVorbis
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def get_tracks(start_path = '.'):
tracks, albums, flacs, cum_length = 0, 0, 0, 0.0
cum_bitrate = 0.0
scanned_tracks = 0
mp3s = 0
oggs = 0
flacs = 0
m4as = 0
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(start_path):
if dirnames == []:
albums += 1
for f in filenames:
ext = os.path.splitext(f)[1]
fullpath = os.path.join(dirpath, f)
musicextensions = ['.flac', '.mp3', '.mpc', '.wma', '.m4a', '.ogg']
if any(ext == musicext for musicext in musicextensions):
tracks += 1
if ext == '.flac':
flacs += 1
track = FLAC(fullpath)
if ext == '.mp3':
mp3s += 1
track = MP3(fullpath)
if ext == '.m4a':
m4as += 1
track = M4A(fullpath)
if ext == '.ogg':
oggs += 1
track = OggVorbis(fullpath)
length =
cum_length += length
scanned_tracks += 1
bitrate = os.path.getsize(fullpath) / length
cum_bitrate += bitrate
print cum_length
print scanned_tracks
print 8* cum_bitrate / scanned_tracks
print mp3s+flacs
print oggs
return (tracks, albums)
def years(start_path = '.'):
years = [str(x) for x in range(1960, 2015)]
histogram = {year: 0 for year in years}
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(start_path):
for f in filenames:
is_track = False
ext = os.path.splitext(f)[1]
fullpath = os.path.join(dirpath, f)
if ext in ['.flac', '.mp3', '.m4a', '.ogg', '.wma']:
is_track = True
track = File(fullpath)
if is_track:
date = ''
keys = track.keys()
if 'date' in keys:
date = track.get('date')[0]
if 'year' in keys:
date = track.get('year')[0]
if 'TDRC' in keys:
date = str(track.get('TDRC')[0])
if '\xa9day' in keys:
date = track.get('\xa9day')[0]
if 'WM/Year' in keys:
date = track.get('WM/Year')[0].value
for year in years:
if date.startswith(year):
histogram[year] += 1
return histogram
def plot_histogram(hist):
ymax = max(hist.values())
x = [int(x) for x in hist.keys()],hist.values())
plt.title('Zeitliche Verteilung Musiksammlung')
plt.ylabel('Anzahl Songs')
# plt.axis([0, xmax, 0, ymax])
if __name__ == '__main__':
hist = years('/home/psirus/Musik')
print hist
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