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Forked from nacho4d/insertString.m
Created December 15, 2012 12:29
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insert a string using UIKeyInput methods in UITextView in iOS5
- (void)insertString:(NSString *)inputKey
// Insert text (doing delegate calls appropiately)
NSRange changeRange = target.selectedRange;
if (!target.delegate || ([target.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(textView:shouldChangeTextInRange:replacementText:)] &&
[target.delegate textView:target shouldChangeTextInRange:changeRange replacementText:inputKey])) {
// MarkedText could happen in multi-stage input languages
// In iOS5 several methods of UITextInput and UIKeyInput are badly implemented in UITextView
// setMarkedText:selectedRange: method seems to delete current markedText.
// Unmarking the text before inserting it is better than nothing.
UITextRange *markedTextRange = [target markedTextRange];
if (markedTextRange) {
if ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] hasPrefix:@"5."]) {
// In iOS5 setMarkedText:selectedRange: is buggy and pretty useless in iOS5
// rdar://10867047
[target unmarkText];
[target insertText:inputKey];
} else {
// According to Apple, rdar://10867047 is solved in iOS6b1
// Yeah setMarkedText:selectedRange: itself works but it brakes current
// multi-stage input session. In other words it still useless.
// Ideally below code would work but it doesn't :(
NSMutableString *markedText = [[target textInRange:markedTextRange] mutableCopy];
NSInteger markedTextStart = [target offsetFromPosition:target.beginningOfDocument toPosition:markedTextRange.start];
NSRange curSelection = [target selectedRange];
NSInteger loc = curSelection.location - markedTextStart;
[markedText insertString:inputKey atIndex:loc];
[target setMarkedText:markedText selectedRange:NSMakeRange(loc + inputKey.length, 0)];
[markedText release];
} else {
[target insertText:inputKey];
[[UIDevice currentDevice] playInputClick];
if ([target.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(textViewDidChange:)]) {
[target.delegate textViewDidChange:target];
// Do not call textViewDidChangeSelection:, it is not called through text insertion/deletion
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