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Created August 23, 2015 11:48
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Set of extra functions and utilities for medoo database framework (
include_once "medoo.min.php"; // path to original medoo framework
class psydb extends medoo {
* usage:
* rquery($query): raw query. returns a simple mysql resource
* aquery($query): return a single line in one array
* mquery($query): return all results in a inception (array in array)
* rmrow($table,$column,$value): removes a row from table
* newtable($table,$array): creates a table from column=>type formatted array
* destroytable($table): delete a table
* insert($table,array): append a line from column=>value formatted array
* update($tablo, $array, $where, $value): update row from column=>value formatted array
* enum_fields($table): returns field list as array
* q2table($query,$id): returns sql output as html table
* duplicatecheck($table, $column): return duplicate entries
* duplicateremove($table, $column): remove duplicate entries
* applyuserfunc($table, $column, $func, $customquery=""):filter sql output with
* a custom user function which returns boolean
private $c;
private $p;
private $res;
private $buf;
private $opened = false;
private $prefix = "";
function __construct($details = []) {
if (count($details) > 0) {
$tmp = [
'database_type' => $details['type'],
'database_name' => $details['name'],
'server' => $details['host'],
'username' => $details['user'],
'password' => $details['pass']
if ($details['type'] == 'sqlite') {
$tmp['database_file'] = $details['host'];
$this->prefix = $details['prefix'];
$tmp['charset'] = $details['charset'];
if (__MODE__ == 'cli') {
kernel::loadextension('pdo_' . $details['type']);
function __destruct() {
public function rquery($sql) {
try {
$db = $this->query($sql);
return $db->fetchAll();
} catch (Exception $ex) {
throw new Exception($ex->getMessage());
private function multiparse($res) {
$cikti = [];
while ($this->buf = $res->fetch()) {
array_push($cikti, $this->buf);
return $cikti;
public function update($tablo, $array, $where, $value) {
$toplam = count($array);
$basliklar = array_keys($array);
$bstr = "SET ";
for ($i = 0; $i < $toplam - 1; $i++) {
$bstr.=mysql_escape_string($basliklar[$i]) . '=' . "'" . mysql_escape_string($array[$basliklar[$i]]) . "'" . ', ';
$bstr.=mysql_escape_string($basliklar[$i]) . '=' . "'" . mysql_escape_string($array[$basliklar[$i]]) . "'";
$cikti = $this->rquery("UPDATE " . $this->prefix . $tablo . " " . $bstr . " WHERE " . $where . "=" . "'" . $value . "'");
return $cikti;
/* basic read-write functions */
public function rmrow($table, $column, $value) {
return $this->rquery('DELETE FROM ' . $this->prefix . $table . ' WHERE ' . $column . '=' . chr(39) . $value . chr(39));
public function search($table, $field, $keyword) {
return $this->rquery("SELECT * FROM " . $table . " WHERE " . $field . " LIKE %" . $keyword . "%");
public function aquery($query) {
$data = $this->rquery($query);
$cikti = [];
if (count($data) > 1) {
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
if (!is_int($key)) {
$cikti[$key] = $value;
return $cikti;
public function mquery($query) {
$link = $this->rquery($query);
return $this->multiparse($link);
public function insert($tablo, $array) {
/* "column" => "value" formatli bir array'i tabloya basar
* array icinde en az 2 baslik bulunmali!
$toplam = count($array);
$basliklar = array_keys($array);
$bstr = "";
$vstr = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < $toplam - 1; $i++) {
$bstr.=mysql_escape_string($basliklar[$i]) . ', ';
$vstr.="'" . mysql_escape_string($array[$basliklar[$i]]) . "', ";
$bstr.=mysql_escape_string($basliklar[$toplam - 1]);
$vstr.="'" . mysql_escape_string($array[$basliklar[$toplam - 1]]) . "'";
$cikti = $this->rquery("INSERT INTO " . $this->prefix . $tablo . " (" . $bstr . ") VALUES (" . $vstr . ");");
return $cikti;
public function newtable($name, $array, $engine = 'InnoDB') {
/* "title" => "type" formatli bir array'den tablo olusturur
* array icinde en az 2 baslik bulunmali!
$sqlstr = "";
foreach (array_keys($array) as $caption) {
if ($array[$caption] == 'int' || 'integer') {
$array[$caption] = 'int(11) DEFAULT NULL';
$sqlstr.=$caption . " " . $array[$caption] . ', ';
$cikti = $this->rquery("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " . $this->prefix . $name . " (ID int AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, " . $sqlstr . "PRIMARY KEY (ID)) ENGINE = " . $engine . " AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;");
return $cikti;
public function cleartable($table) {
return $this->rquery('TRUNCATE TABLE ' . $this->prefix . $table);
public function destroytable($table) {
return $this->rquery('DROP TABLE ' . $this->prefix . $table);
/* Extra Stuff */
public function q2table($query, $id = "") {
$array = $this->mquery($query);
if ($id == "") {
$id = md5($query);
if (count($array) > 1) {
$output = '<table id="' . $id . '" border="1"><thead><tr>';
foreach (array_keys($array[0]) as $title) {
$output .= '<th>' . $title . '</th>';
$output .= '</tr></thead><tbody>';
foreach ($array as $inarray) {
foreach (array_keys($inarray) as $title) {
$output .= '<td>' . $inarray[$title] . '</td>';
return $output;
} else {
return "No Results";
/* Maintance Tools */
public function applyuserfunc($table, $column, $func, $customquery = "") {
* string analiz eden bir kullanici fonksiyonunu
* belirtilen tablodan gecirir
* true yada false ceviren tek parametreli bir fonksiyon olmali
* eger true cevirirse cikti verir
* $column must be a text field!
if ($customquery != "") {
$hede = $this->mquery($customquery);
} else {
$hede = $this->mquery("SELECT * FROM " . $this->prefix . $table);
$cikti = [];
foreach ($hede as $entry) {
$var = false;
eval('$var=' . $func . "('" . addslashes($entry[$column]) . "');");
if ($var == true) { // burasi duruma göre modifiye edilebilir
$cikti[] = $entry; // cikti alani
return $cikti;
public function duplicatecheck($table, $column) {
$hede = $this->mquery("SELECT DISTINCT(" . $column . ") AS entry, COUNT(" . $column . ") AS entrycount FROM " . $this->prefix . $table . " GROUP BY " . $column . " HAVING entrycount > 1");
return $hede;
public function duplicateremove($table, $column) {
* returns deleted line count
$hede = $this->mquery("SELECT DISTINCT(" . $column . ") AS entry, COUNT(" . $column . ") AS entrycount FROM " . $this->prefix . $table . " GROUP BY " . $column . " HAVING entrycount > 1");
$i = 0;
foreach ($hede as $entry) {
$this->rquery("DELETE FROM " . $this->prefix . $table . " WHERE " . $column . "='" . addslashes($entry['entry']) . "' LIMIT " . ($entry['entrycount'] - 1) . ";");
return $i;
public function import_sql($file) {
$delimiter = ';';
$file = fopen($file, 'r');
$isFirstRow = true;
$isMultiLineComment = false;
$sql = '';
while (!feof($file)) {
$row = fgets($file);
// remove BOM for utf-8 encoded file
if ($isFirstRow) {
$row = preg_replace('/^\x{EF}\x{BB}\x{BF}/', '', $row);
$isFirstRow = false;
// 1. ignore empty string and comment row
if (trim($row) == '' || preg_match('/^\s*(#|--\s)/sUi', $row)) {
// 2. clear comments
$row = trim(clearSQLcomment($row, $isMultiLineComment));
// 3. parse delimiter row
if (preg_match('/^DELIMITER\s+[^ ]+/sUi', $row)) {
$delimiter = preg_replace('/^DELIMITER\s+([^ ]+)$/sUi', '$1', $row);
// 4. separate sql queries by delimiter
$offset = 0;
while (strpos($row, $delimiter, $offset) !== false) {
$delimiterOffset = strpos($row, $delimiter, $offset);
if (isQuoted($delimiterOffset, $row)) {
$offset = $delimiterOffset + strlen($delimiter);
} else {
$sql = trim($sql . ' ' . trim(substr($row, 0, $delimiterOffset)));
$row = substr($row, $delimiterOffset + strlen($delimiter));
$offset = 0;
$sql = '';
$sql = trim($sql . ' ' . $row);
if (strlen($sql) > 0) {
return true;
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