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Created February 20, 2018 05:51
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A Script to generate, sign. and upload an SSL cert to an Dell iDRAC for
#Requires -Version 5
#region Requirements
#Make sure you have DRAC tools installed, including racadm
If (!$(get-command racadm.exe -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {Write-Host "Exiting, racadm does not exist"; Exit }
If (!$(get-command certreq.exe -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {Write-Host "Exiting, certreq does not exist. Please install Certificate services tools."; Exit }
$IP = '' #Hostname also works if DNS is already setup
$idraccred = Get-Credential -Message "Please provide iDrac Login for $IP"
$idracuser = $idraccred.GetNetworkCredential().UserName
$idracpass = $idraccred.GetNetworkCredential().Password
$svcTag = $(& racadm.exe -r $IP -u $idracuser -p $idracpass getsvctag ).trim() -replace '[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '' #Get output, remove all spaces and smash together all letters and numbers
$svcTag = ($svcTag -match "^([A-Z0-9]{7})$")[-1] #Match each grouping of seven letters and numbers (like a service tag) and take the last one from the end, which should always be the service tag
$idracName = "idrac-$svcTag"
$domName = 'domain.local'
$CAname = 'CA.domain.local\CA1-CA'
$CSRContactEmail = ''
$CSROrgname = 'Consoto One'
$CsrCountryCode = 'US'
$csrLocality = 'Asheville'
$csrState = 'NC'
#Not really needed, but I'll set them to keep everything neat
& racadm.exe -r $IP -u $idracuser -p $idracpass set iDRAC.NIC.DNSRacName $idracName
& racadm.exe -r $IP -u $idracuser -p $idracpass set iDRAC.NIC.DNSDomainName $domName
#Setup CSR Fields
$idracoptions = @"
Out-File "$env:temp\$idracName.cfg" -InputObject $idracoptions -Encoding ascii
& racadm.exe -r $IP -u $idracuser -p $idracpass set -f "$env:temp\$idracName.cfg"
#region separate racadm commands to apply this config file's settings individually
# # & racadm.exe -r $IP -u $idracuser -p $idracpass set iDRAC.Security.CsrCommonName $idracName.$domName
# # & racadm.exe -r $IP -u $idracuser -p $idracpass set iDRAC.Security.CsrCountryCode US
# # & racadm.exe -r $IP -u $idracuser -p $idracpass set iDRAC.Security.CsrEmailAddr $CSRContactEmail
# # & racadm.exe -r $IP -u $idracuser -p $idracpass set iDRAC.Security.CsrKeySize 2048
# # & racadm.exe -r $IP -u $idracuser -p $idracpass set iDRAC.Security.CsrOrganizationName $CSROrgname
# # & racadm.exe -r $IP -u $idracuser -p $idracpass set iDRAC.Security.CsrOrganizationUnit IT
# # & racadm.exe -r $IP -u $idracuser -p $idracpass set iDRAC.Security.CsrLocalityName $csrLocality
# # & racadm.exe -r $IP -u $idracuser -p $idracpass set iDRAC.Security.CsrStateName $csrState
#Make sure we have our scratch directory to work in
If ( (Test-Path "$env:TEMP\Powershellssl\") -eq $false ) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$env:TEMP\Powershellssl\"}
#Build Filenames and have the idrac Generate the Cert
$csrPath = Join-Path "$Env:TEMP\PowerShellSSL\" -ChildPath ("$idracName-" + $( Get-Date -f "yyyyMMdd") + ".csr" )
$outCert = Join-Path "$Env:TEMP\PowerShellSSL\" -ChildPath ("$idracName-" + $( Get-Date -f "yyyyMMdd") + ".cer" )
& racadm -r $IP -u $idracuser -p $idracpass sslcsrgen -g -f $csrPath
#Sign the cert signing request with certreq
& certreq.exe -config $CAname -attrib ""CertificateTemplate:WebServer"" $csrPath $outCert
#Upload Signed cert to iDRAC
& racadm.exe -r $IP -u $idracuser -p $idracpass sslcertupload -t 1 -f $outCert
#Reload the idrac to have the fresh SSL cert show.
& racadm.exe -r $IP -u $idracuser -p $idracpass racreset #Reset as in Reload, not reset settings. racresetcfg will reset the settings too
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tough to say - could be trouble with resolving the CA name or Network connectivity to it.
I've also seen some similar problems from DCOM with CA services in some cases when the account doesn't have privileges to register the certificate

Make sure you're

  • running as Administrator
  • Double check your Domain Name & CA Location & Name on these lines
  • Run Certutil -Ping to see if it can talk to the CA
  • Check for Event Logs that might have more details (Probably the Application event log)

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Looks like this might have a good walkthrough

But beyond those suggestions - if you have questions, are having problems, or just want to chat over something, for the best response you can reach me and several other IT Pros on the WinAdmins Discord as @PsychoData

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