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Created August 4, 2019 09:57
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Those who do not feel in control of their lives fell less successful, and less psychologically and physically healthy than those who do feel in control.
Know exactly where to tap.
1. Happiness
> Happiness CAUSES success. Not the other way round.
> We quickly fall back to our pre-purchase/pre-something-good levels of happiness as soon as we readjust
> Research shows 50% is genetic, 10% is general circumstanes and 40% is day-to-day activity
> Suppression does not work, distraction does result in short-term benefit
> WRITE the diary for a week and repeat sometimes
> Talking about negative experiences to a sympathetic-but-untrained individual is a waste of time. WRITE in a diary instead.
Organizes thought and takes you to a more systematic, solution-based approach
> Gratitude attitude
> Thinking about success may not increase your chances, but it will make you happier
> Affectionate Writing
> BUY EXPERIENCES, rather than material things
//Hedonistic Habituation
//As an aside, matertialism has its root in early childhood, and is generated by low self-esteem
> If you want some retail therapy, buy sth FOR OTHERS. Also, a few random acts of kindness helps keep happy.
> Grin for 15-30 seconds every couple of hours (while imagining something happy)
> Sit Up
> Act happy
> Find things you enjoy doing, strip to core elements and do similar stuff to avoid hedonistic habituation
//Also change what you do and when you do it. Making it routine will only decrease the happiness
2. Persuasion
> Average enjoyment rating of the handsomely paid group was low. This is because when you offer them too much compensation, they automatically think the work must be not that enjoyable
//Surprise sometimes, praise for labour and the fruits
> How to beat interviews
>> Come off as a pleasant person
>> Tell them about your weakness first-off, tell them about your awards last
//Ignore the Spotlight Bias
//Take advantage of the CENTRE STAGE EFFECT
//Simpler Language + Better Handwriting = more intelligence perceived
//Easier Acronyms for project names = easier persuasion
> Being Likable is to your advantage
//Use the methods of Carnegie
>> People like you more if THEY did something for YOU - Franklin Effect
>> Make a mistake to seem more humane and likable - pratfall effect
>> What you say about people is TRANSFERRED to you in perception by listener. Say nice stuff, or do not talk at all.
> Make it personal
> Idea over Lunch
> Rhyme your ideas
> Matching names help
> Lighten up/Humour during final offer (pet frog)
> Cut through the Bystander effect
>> Make it personal by addressing them individually
> Make sure they know that no offering is too small (every penny helps)
> principal of reciprocity - We like other who help us and who we help.
//The degree varies from culture to culture
//Want the favour soon, otherwise they forget
> Baby-aww linkage is evolutionary and can be exploited (less wallets stolen)
3. Motivation
> day dreaming isnt gonna motivate you or prepare you more
>> Make a solid plan - concrete, measurable, time-based
>> Make the goal public (outsourcing motivation)
> Work on it JUST a few minutes
>> Mind will not give closure
>> More likely to come back and finish the task
> Orwellian doublethink
> Diet (See pictures)
>> Start at normal speed but then savour every mouthful
>> Tall, thin glasses make you drink less
>> To cut intake, keep the tempting food out of sight and not easily accessible
>> Distractions while eating make you eat more
>> Smaller crockery makes you eat less
>> Keep a food diary
>> Avoid mirrors at the gym
>> Use more energy in day to day tasks
>> Keep a mirror in the kitcen. Makes you more aware of your body.
>> diet bags end up making you have more
> Write your own eulogy and live accordingly
4. Creativity
> Working/BrainStorming in groups is less effective because of social loafing and/or bystander effect
> Listen to your subconcious more often
>> Very hard to hear
>> Distract the loud guy (concious mind) with another task after tinkering over target task
>> Try Relaxation
> Bonus
>> Prime your brain; do something new and see what you can come up with
>> Perspective: think of different ones, if only for fun
>> Play or do something fun when you think you're too serious
>> Perceive: ask stupid questions and find out the answer
> Nature and Color
>> Have some plants around
>> Use green color more
>> Avoid Red color
> Team Building
>> Play musical chairs
>> Even though they may have been excellent together in the past, change some members
> The small stuff
>> Giving someone cold coffee during an interview makes them think you're cold
>> Showing then $$$ will make them act more selfish
>> Make them feel more safe and motivated
>> PULL on the table instead of PUSHING
//Cross your arms to feel stubborn and persevering
>> Show them unconventional pictures
5. Attraction
> Biscuits from an empty jar taste better than ones from full jars
> "toucher" is more dominant than the "touchee"
> Couples having the same loving style has more chances of ending up together
> Speed Liking
>> Talk about pizza toppings
>> make them open up and feel more close
>> Mirror manners and speech
>> Too handsome and too successful means too good to be true
>> Courage and Willingness to take risks > Kindness and altruism
>> Go somewhere scary and intimate. Heart faster = likes more
> Dating
>> Hungrier = likes more what is in front
>> Agreeing about dislikes = more love; Disagree then agree.
>> Smile and head tilt towards the person
6. Stress
> Benefit Finding
> Pray for others
> Spend more than 30 mins in the Sun
> Laugh for at least 15 mins a day
7. Relationships
> Few minutes doing something new and fun is effective
> Pictures
> Surround yourself with things from your partner, at least 5 in your room
8. Decision Making
> Decisions taken in a group are far riskier, because initial inclinations polarize, and better able to justify irrational actions
> 75 cents and FREE cookie
> Disrupt then reframe
> Foot in the door and Door in the face
// "Of all the saddest words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: it might have been."
> Happiness is wanting what you have, not having what you want.
> Maximizers are more successful, satisficers are more happy
> Liars do these because calculate network of lies:
>> Tend not to move hands and legs too much
>> Cut down on gesturing
>> Repeat the same phrases
>> Give shorter less detailed answers
>> Pause and hesitate more
>> Make it impersonal by reducing the use of "I", "me" and "mine"
++ Less lies on email
9. Parenting
> Learn how to play an instrument
> Name with earlier letters judge themselves as more successful, and so do people
> Don't tell them they're intelligent; tell them their hard work is appreciated; also builds ego, no challenge taking and lies
> Softer wording and less threats
10. Personality
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