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Monkey see, monkey do.

Valentin Robert Ptival

Monkey see, monkey do.
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Ptival / .gitignore
Last active October 28, 2021 10:40
Accompanying code for (NOTE: there should be a "Download ZIP" button in the top-right corner)
(** Preliminary definitions *)
Class SupportsFeature (E F : Set -> Set) :=
inject : forall (A : Set), F A -> E A;
Arguments inject {E F _ A}.
Notation "E 'supports' F" := (SupportsFeature E F) (at level 50).
Global Instance supports_Refl F
(** Our two extensible language feature definitions *)
Inductive Boolean (E : Set) : Set :=
| MkBoolean (b : bool)
| IfThenElse (condition thenBranch elseBranch : E)
Arguments MkBoolean {E}.
Arguments IfThenElse {E}.
Inductive Natural (E : Set) : Set :=