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// Type definitions for react-native 0.19
// Project:
// Definitions by: Bruno Grieder <>
// Definitions:
// USING: these definitions are meant to be used with the TSC compiler target set to ES6
// USAGE EXAMPLES: check the RNTSExplorer project at
// CONTRIBUTING: please open pull requests and make sure that the changes do not break RNTSExplorer (they should not)
// Do not hesitate to open a pull request against RNTSExplorer to provide an example for a case not covered by the current App
// CREDITS: This work is based on an original work made by Bernd Paradies:
/// <reference path="../react/react.d.ts" />
//so we know what is "original" React
import React = __React;
//react-native "extends" react
declare namespace __React {
* Represents the completion of an asynchronous operation
* @see lib.es6.d.ts
export interface Promise<T> {
* Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.
* @param onfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.
* @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
* @returns A Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.
then<TResult>( onfulfilled?: ( value: T ) => TResult | Promise<TResult>, onrejected?: ( reason: any ) => TResult | Promise<TResult> ): Promise<TResult>;
* Attaches a callback for only the rejection of the Promise.
* @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
* @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
catch( onrejected?: ( reason: any ) => T | Promise<T> ): Promise<T>;
// not in lib.es6.d.ts but called by react-native
done( callback?: ( value: T ) => void ): void;
export interface PromiseConstructor {
* A reference to the prototype.
prototype: Promise<any>;
* Creates a new Promise.
* @param init A callback used to initialize the promise. This callback is passed two arguments:
* a resolve callback used resolve the promise with a value or the result of another promise,
* and a reject callback used to reject the promise with a provided reason or error.
new <T>( init: ( resolve: ( value?: T | Promise<T> ) => void, reject: ( reason?: any ) => void ) => void ): Promise<T>;
<T>( init: ( resolve: ( value?: T | Promise<T> ) => void, reject: ( reason?: any ) => void ) => void ): Promise<T>;
* Creates a Promise that is resolved with an array of results when all of the provided Promises
* resolve, or rejected when any Promise is rejected.
* @param values An array of Promises.
* @returns A new Promise.
all<T>( values: (T | Promise<T>)[] ): Promise<T[]>;
* Creates a Promise that is resolved with an array of results when all of the provided Promises
* resolve, or rejected when any Promise is rejected.
* @param values An array of values.
* @returns A new Promise.
all( values: Promise<void>[] ): Promise<void>;
* Creates a Promise that is resolved or rejected when any of the provided Promises are resolved
* or rejected.
* @param values An array of Promises.
* @returns A new Promise.
race<T>( values: (T | Promise<T>)[] ): Promise<T>;
* Creates a new rejected promise for the provided reason.
* @param reason The reason the promise was rejected.
* @returns A new rejected Promise.
reject( reason: any ): Promise<void>;
* Creates a new rejected promise for the provided reason.
* @param reason The reason the promise was rejected.
* @returns A new rejected Promise.
reject<T>( reason: any ): Promise<T>;
* Creates a new resolved promise for the provided value.
* @param value A promise.
* @returns A promise whose internal state matches the provided promise.
resolve<T>( value: T | Promise<T> ): Promise<T>;
* Creates a new resolved promise .
* @returns A resolved promise.
resolve(): Promise<void>;
// @see lib.es6.d.ts
export var Promise: PromiseConstructor;
module NativeMethodsMixin {
type MeasureOnSuccessCallback = (
x: number,
y: number,
width: number,
height: number,
pageX: number,
pageY: number
) => void
type MeasureInWindowOnSuccessCallback = (
x: number,
y: number,
width: number,
height: number
) => void
type MeasureLayoutOnSuccessCallback = (
left: number,
top: number,
width: number,
height: number
) => void
* @see
// export class Component<P, S> extends React.Component<P, S> {
export interface NativeComponent {
* Determines the location on screen, width, and height of the given view and
* returns the values via an async callback. If successful, the callback will
* be called with the following arguments:
* - x
* - y
* - width
* - height
* - pageX
* - pageY
* Note that these measurements are not available until after the rendering
* has been completed in native. If you need the measurements as soon as
* possible, consider using the [`onLayout`
* prop](docs/view.html#onlayout) instead.
measure(callback: NativeMethodsMixin.MeasureOnSuccessCallback): void;
* Determines the location of the given view in the window and returns the
* values via an async callback. If the React root view is embedded in
* another native view, this will give you the absolute coordinates. If
* successful, the callback will be called with the following
* arguments:
* - x
* - y
* - width
* - height
* Note that these measurements are not available until after the rendering
* has been completed in native.
measureInWindow(callback: NativeMethodsMixin.MeasureInWindowOnSuccessCallback): void;
* Like [`measure()`](#measure), but measures the view relative an ancestor,
* specified as `relativeToNativeNode`. This means that the returned x, y
* are relative to the origin x, y of the ancestor view.
* As always, to obtain a native node handle for a component, you can use
* `React.findNodeHandle(component)`.
relativeToNativeNode: number,
onSuccess: NativeMethodsMixin.MeasureLayoutOnSuccessCallback,
onFail: () => void /* currently unused */
): void;
* This function sends props straight to native. They will not participate in
* future diff process - this means that if you do not include them in the
* next render, they will remain active (see [Direct
* Manipulation](docs/direct-manipulation.html)).
setNativeProps(nativeProps: Object): void;
* Requests focus for the given input or view. The exact behavior triggered
* will depend on the platform and type of view.
focus(): void;
* Removes focus from an input or view. This is the opposite of `focus()`.
blur(): void;
refs: {
[key: string]: Component<any, any>
//TODO: BGR: Replace with ComponentClass ?
// node_modules/react-tools/src/classic/class/ReactClass.js
export interface ReactClass<D, P, S> {
// TODO:
// see react-jsx.d.ts
export function createElement<P>( type: React.ReactType,
props?: P,
...children: React.ReactNode[] ): React.ReactElement<P>;
export type Runnable = ( appParameters: any ) => void;
// Similar to React.SyntheticEvent except for nativeEvent
interface NativeSyntheticEvent<T> {
bubbles: boolean
cancelable: boolean
currentTarget: EventTarget
defaultPrevented: boolean
eventPhase: number
isTrusted: boolean
nativeEvent: T
preventDefault(): void
stopPropagation(): void
target: EventTarget
timeStamp: Date
type: string
export interface NativeTouchEvent {
* Array of all touch events that have changed since the last event
changedTouches: NativeTouchEvent[]
* The ID of the touch
identifier: string
* The X position of the touch, relative to the element
locationX: number
* The Y position of the touch, relative to the element
locationY: number
* The X position of the touch, relative to the screen
pageX: number
* The Y position of the touch, relative to the screen
pageY: number
* The node id of the element receiving the touch event
target: string
* A time identifier for the touch, useful for velocity calculation
timestamp: number
* Array of all current touches on the screen
touches : NativeTouchEvent[]
export interface GestureResponderEvent extends NativeSyntheticEvent<NativeTouchEvent> {
export interface PointProperties {
x: number
y: number
export interface Insets {
top?: number
left?: number
bottom?: number
right?: number
* //FIXME: need to find documentation on which compoenent is a native (i.e. non composite component)
export interface NativeComponent {
* //FIXME: need to find documentation on which component is a TTouchable and can implement that interface
* @see React.DOMAtributes
export interface Touchable {
onTouchStart?: ( event: GestureResponderEvent ) => void
onTouchMove?: ( event: GestureResponderEvent ) => void
onTouchEnd?: ( event: GestureResponderEvent ) => void
onTouchCancel?: ( event: GestureResponderEvent ) => void
onTouchEndCapture?: ( event: GestureResponderEvent ) => void
export type AppConfig = {
appKey: string;
component: ReactClass<any, any, any>;
run?: Runnable;
export class AppRegistry {
static registerConfig( config: AppConfig[] ): void;
static registerComponent( appKey: string, getComponentFunc: () => React.ComponentClass<any> ): string;
static registerRunnable( appKey: string, func: Runnable ): string;
static getAppKeys(): string[];
static unmountApplicationComponentAtRootTag(rootTag: number): void;
static runApplication( appKey: string, appParameters: any ): void;
export interface LayoutAnimationTypes {
spring: string
linear: string
easeInEaseOut: string
easeIn: string
easeOut: string
export interface LayoutAnimationProperties {
opacity: string
scaleXY: string
export interface LayoutAnimationAnim {
duration?: number
delay?: number
springDamping?: number
initialVelocity?: number
type?: string //LayoutAnimationTypes
property?: string //LayoutAnimationProperties
export interface LayoutAnimationConfig {
duration: number
create?: LayoutAnimationAnim
update?: LayoutAnimationAnim
delete?: LayoutAnimationAnim
export interface LayoutAnimationStatic {
configureNext: ( config: LayoutAnimationConfig, onAnimationDidEnd?: () => void, onError?: ( error?: any ) => void ) => void
create: ( duration: number, type?: string, creationProp?: string ) => LayoutAnimationConfig
Types: LayoutAnimationTypes
Properties: LayoutAnimationProperties
configChecker: ( conf: {config: LayoutAnimationConfig}, name: string, next: string ) => void
Presets : {
easeInEaseOut: LayoutAnimationConfig
spring: LayoutAnimationConfig
export type FlexAlignType = "flex-start" | "flex-end" | "center" | "stretch";
export type FlexJustifyType = "flex-start" | "flex-end" | "center" | "space-between" | "space-around";
* Flex Prop Types
* @see
* @see LayoutPropTypes.js
export interface FlexStyle {
alignItems?: FlexAlignType;
alignSelf?: "auto" | FlexAlignType;
borderBottomWidth?: number
borderLeftWidth?: number
borderRightWidth?: number
borderTopWidth?: number
borderWidth?: number
bottom?: number
flex?: number
flexDirection?: "row" | "column"
flexWrap?: "wrap" | "nowrap"
height?: number
justifyContent?: FlexJustifyType
left?: number
margin?: number
marginBottom?: number
marginHorizontal?: number
marginLeft?: number
marginRight?: number
marginTop?: number
marginVertical?: number
padding?: number
paddingBottom?: number
paddingHorizontal?: number
paddingLeft?: number
paddingRight?: number
paddingTop?: number
paddingVertical?: number
position?: "absolute" | "relative"
right?: number
top?: number
width?: number
export interface ShadowPropTypesIOSStatic {
shadowColor: string
shadowOffset: {width: number, height: number}
shadowOpacity: number
shadowRadius: number
type GetCurrentPositionOptions = {
timeout: number
maximumAge: number
enableHighAccuracy: boolean
distanceFilter: number
type WatchPositionOptions = {
timeout: number
maximumAge: number
enableHighAccuracy: boolean
distanceFilter: number
type GeolocationReturnType = {
coords: {
latitude: number
longitude: number
export interface TransformsStyle {
transform?: [{perspective: number}, {rotate: string}, {rotateX: string}, {rotateY: string}, {rotateZ: string}, {scale: number}, {scaleX: number}, {scaleY: number}, {translateX: number}, {translateY: number}, {skewX: string}, {skewY: string}]
transformMatrix?: Array<number>
rotation?: number
scaleX?: number
scaleY?: number
translateX?: number
translateY?: number
export interface StyleSheetProperties {
hairlineWidth: number
flatten<T extends string>(style: T): T
export interface LayoutRectangle {
x: number;
y: number;
width: number;
height: number;
// @see TextProperties.onLayout
export interface LayoutChangeEvent {
nativeEvent: {
layout: LayoutRectangle
export interface TextStyleIOS extends ViewStyle {
letterSpacing?: number
textDecorationColor?: string
textDecorationStyle?: "solid" | "double" | "dotted" | "dashed"
writingDirection?: "auto" | "ltr" | "rtl"
export interface TextStyleAndroid extends ViewStyle {
textAlignVertical?: "auto" | "top" | "bottom" | "center"
// @see
export interface TextStyle extends TextStyleIOS, TextStyleAndroid, ViewStyle {
color?: string
fontFamily?: string
fontSize?: number
fontStyle?: "normal" | "italic"
fontWeight?: "normal" | "bold" | "100" | "200" | "300" | "400" | "500" | "600" | "700" | "800" | "900"
letterSpacing?: number
lineHeight?: number
textAlign?: "auto" | "left" | "right" | "center"
textDecorationLine?: "none" | "underline" | "line-through" | "underline line-through"
textDecorationStyle?: "solid" | "double" | "dotted" | "dashed"
textDecorationColor?: string
textShadowColor?: string
textShadowOffset?: {width: number, height: number}
textShadowRadius?: number
testID?: string
export interface TextPropertiesIOS {
allowFontScaling: boolean
* When true, no visual change is made when text is pressed down.
* By default, a gray oval highlights the text on press down.
suppressHighlighting?: boolean
export interface TextProperties extends React.Props<TextProperties> {
* Specifies should fonts scale to respect Text Size accessibility setting on iOS.
allowFontScaling?: boolean
* Used to truncate the text with an elipsis after computing the text layout, including line wrapping, such that the total number of lines does not exceed this number.
numberOfLines?: number
* Invoked on mount and layout changes with
* {nativeEvent: { layout: {x, y, width, height}}}.
onLayout?: ( event: LayoutChangeEvent ) => void
* This function is called on press.
* Text intrinsically supports press handling with a default highlight state (which can be disabled with suppressHighlighting).
onPress?: () => void
* @see
style?: TextStyle
* Used to locate this view in end-to-end tests.
testID?: string
* A React component for displaying text which supports nesting, styling, and touch handling.
export interface TextStatic extends React.ComponentClass<TextProperties> {
* IOS Specific properties for TextInput
* @see
export interface TextInputIOSProperties {
* enum('never', 'while-editing', 'unless-editing', 'always')
* When the clear button should appear on the right side of the text view
clearButtonMode?: string
* If true, clears the text field automatically when editing begins
clearTextOnFocus?: boolean
* If true, the keyboard disables the return key when there is no text and automatically enables it when there is text.
* The default value is false.
enablesReturnKeyAutomatically?: boolean
* Callback that is called when a key is pressed.
* Pressed key value is passed as an argument to the callback handler.
* Fires before onChange callbacks.
onKeyPress?: () => void
* enum('default', 'go', 'google', 'join', 'next', 'route', 'search', 'send', 'yahoo', 'done', 'emergency-call')
* Determines how the return key should look.
returnKeyType?: "default" | "go" | "google" | "join" | "next" | "route" | "search" | "send" | "yahoo" | "done" | "emergency-call"
* //FIXME: requires typing
* See DocumentSelectionState.js, some state that is responsible for maintaining selection information for a document
selectionState?: any
* Android Specific properties for TextInput
* @see
export interface TextInputAndroidProperties {
* Sets the number of lines for a TextInput.
* Use it with multiline set to true to be able to fill the lines.
numberOfLines?: number
* enum('start', 'center', 'end')
* Set the position of the cursor from where editing will begin.
textAlign?: string
* enum('top', 'center', 'bottom')
* Aligns text vertically within the TextInput.
textAlignVertical?: string
* The color of the textInput underline.
underlineColorAndroid?: string
* @see
export interface TextInputProperties extends TextInputIOSProperties, TextInputAndroidProperties, React.Props<TextInputStatic> {
* Can tell TextInput to automatically capitalize certain characters.
* characters: all characters,
* words: first letter of each word
* sentences: first letter of each sentence (default)
* none: don't auto capitalize anything
autoCapitalize?: "none" | "sentences" | "words" | "characters"
* If false, disables auto-correct.
* The default value is true.
autoCorrect?: boolean
* If true, focuses the input on componentDidMount.
* The default value is false.
autoFocus?: boolean
* If true, the text field will blur when submitted.
* The default value is true.
blurOnSubmit?: boolean
* Provides an initial value that will change when the user starts typing.
* Useful for simple use-cases where you don't want to deal with listening to events
* and updating the value prop to keep the controlled state in sync.
defaultValue?: string
* If false, text is not editable. The default value is true.
editable?: boolean
* enum("default", 'numeric', 'email-address', "ascii-capable", 'numbers-and-punctuation', 'url', 'number-pad', 'phone-pad', 'name-phone-pad', 'decimal-pad', 'twitter', 'web-search')
* Determines which keyboard to open, e.g.numeric.
* The following values work across platforms: - default - numeric - email-address
keyboardType?: "default" | "email-address" | "numeric" | "phone-pad" | "ascii-capable" | "numbers-and-punctuation" | "url" | "number-pad" | "name-phone-pad" | "decimal-pad" | "twitter" | "web-search"
* Limits the maximum number of characters that can be entered.
* Use this instead of implementing the logic in JS to avoid flicker.
maxLength?: number
* If true, the text input can be multiple lines. The default value is false.
multiline?: boolean
* Callback that is called when the text input is blurred
onBlur?: () => void
* Callback that is called when the text input's text changes.
onChange?: ( event: {nativeEvent: {text: string}} ) => void
* Callback that is called when the text input's text changes.
* Changed text is passed as an argument to the callback handler.
onChangeText?: ( text: string ) => void
* Callback that is called when text input ends.
onEndEditing?: ( event: {nativeEvent: {text: string}} ) => void
* Callback that is called when the text input is focused
onFocus?: () => void
* Invoked on mount and layout changes with {x, y, width, height}.
onLayout?: ( event: {nativeEvent: {x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number}} ) => void
onSelectionChange?: () => void
* Callback that is called when the text input's submit button is pressed.
onSubmitEditing?: ( event: {nativeEvent: {text: string}} ) => void
* //FIXME: Not part of the doc but found in examples
password?: boolean
* The string that will be rendered before text input has been entered
placeholder?: string
* The text color of the placeholder string
placeholderTextColor?: string
* If true, the text input obscures the text entered so that sensitive text like passwords stay secure.
* The default value is false.
secureTextEntry?: boolean
* If true, all text will automatically be selected on focus
selectTextOnFocus?: boolean
selectionColor?: string
* Styles
style?: TextStyle
* Used to locate this view in end-to-end tests
testID?: string
* The value to show for the text input. TextInput is a controlled component,
* which means the native value will be forced to match this value prop if provided.
* For most uses this works great, but in some cases this may cause flickering - one common cause is preventing edits by keeping value the same.
* In addition to simply setting the same value, either set editable={false},
* or set/update maxLength to prevent unwanted edits without flicker.
value?: string
export interface TextInputStatic extends NativeComponent, React.ComponentClass<TextInputProperties> {
isFocused: () => boolean
clear: () => void
// Not found in documentation?
blur: () => void
focus: () => void
export type ToolbarAndroidAction = {
title: string
icon?: any
show?: "always" | "ifRoom" | "never"
showWithText?: boolean
export interface ToolbarAndroidProperties extends React.Props<ToolbarAndroidStatic> {
actions?: ToolbarAndroidAction[]
contentInsetEnd?: number
contentInsetStart?: number
logo?: any
navIcon?: any
onActionSelected?: (position: number) => void
onIconClicked?: () => void
overflowIcon?: any
rtl?: boolean
subtitle?: string
subtitleColor?: string
testID?: string
title?: string
titleColor?: string
export interface ToolbarAndroidStatic extends React.ComponentClass<ToolbarAndroidProperties> {
* Gesture recognition on mobile devices is much more complicated than web.
* A touch can go through several phases as the app determines what the user's intention is.
* For example, the app needs to determine if the touch is scrolling, sliding on a widget, or tapping.
* This can even change during the duration of a touch. There can also be multiple simultaneous touches.
* The touch responder system is needed to allow components to negotiate these touch interactions
* without any additional knowledge about their parent or child components.
* This system is implemented in ResponderEventPlugin.js, which contains further details and documentation.
* Best Practices
* Users can feel huge differences in the usability of web apps vs. native, and this is one of the big causes.
* Every action should have the following attributes:
* Feedback/highlighting- show the user what is handling their touch, and what will happen when they release the gesture
* Cancel-ability- when making an action, the user should be able to abort it mid-touch by dragging their finger away
* These features make users more comfortable while using an app,
* because it allows people to experiment and interact without fear of making mistakes.
* TouchableHighlight and Touchable*
* The responder system can be complicated to use.
* So we have provided an abstract Touchable implementation for things that should be "tappable".
* This uses the responder system and allows you to easily configure tap interactions declaratively.
* Use TouchableHighlight anywhere where you would use a button or link on web.
export interface GestureResponderHandlers {
* A view can become the touch responder by implementing the correct negotiation methods.
* There are two methods to ask the view if it wants to become responder:
* Does this view want to become responder on the start of a touch?
onStartShouldSetResponder?: ( event: GestureResponderEvent ) => boolean
* Called for every touch move on the View when it is not the responder: does this view want to "claim" touch responsiveness?
onMoveShouldSetResponder?: ( event: GestureResponderEvent ) => boolean
* If the View returns true and attempts to become the responder, one of the following will happen:
* The View is now responding for touch events.
* This is the time to highlight and show the user what is happening
onResponderGrant?: ( event: GestureResponderEvent ) => void
* Something else is the responder right now and will not release it
onResponderReject?: ( event: GestureResponderEvent ) => void
* If the view is responding, the following handlers can be called:
* The user is moving their finger
onResponderMove?: ( event: GestureResponderEvent ) => void
* Fired at the end of the touch, ie "touchUp"
onResponderRelease?: ( event: GestureResponderEvent ) => void
* Something else wants to become responder.
* Should this view release the responder? Returning true allows release
onResponderTerminationRequest?: ( event: GestureResponderEvent ) => boolean
* The responder has been taken from the View.
* Might be taken by other views after a call to onResponderTerminationRequest,
* or might be taken by the OS without asking (happens with control center/ notification center on iOS)
onResponderTerminate?: ( event: GestureResponderEvent ) => void
* onStartShouldSetResponder and onMoveShouldSetResponder are called with a bubbling pattern,
* where the deepest node is called first.
* That means that the deepest component will become responder when multiple Views return true for *ShouldSetResponder handlers.
* This is desirable in most cases, because it makes sure all controls and buttons are usable.
* However, sometimes a parent will want to make sure that it becomes responder.
* This can be handled by using the capture phase.
* Before the responder system bubbles up from the deepest component,
* it will do a capture phase, firing on*ShouldSetResponderCapture.
* So if a parent View wants to prevent the child from becoming responder on a touch start,
* it should have a onStartShouldSetResponderCapture handler which returns true.
onStartShouldSetResponderCapture?: ( event: GestureResponderEvent ) => boolean
* onStartShouldSetResponder and onMoveShouldSetResponder are called with a bubbling pattern,
* where the deepest node is called first.
* That means that the deepest component will become responder when multiple Views return true for *ShouldSetResponder handlers.
* This is desirable in most cases, because it makes sure all controls and buttons are usable.
* However, sometimes a parent will want to make sure that it becomes responder.
* This can be handled by using the capture phase.
* Before the responder system bubbles up from the deepest component,
* it will do a capture phase, firing on*ShouldSetResponderCapture.
* So if a parent View wants to prevent the child from becoming responder on a touch start,
* it should have a onStartShouldSetResponderCapture handler which returns true.
onMoveShouldSetResponderCapture?: () => void;
// @see
export interface ViewStyle extends FlexStyle, TransformsStyle {
backfaceVisibility?: "visible" | "hidden"
backgroundColor?: string;
borderBottomColor?: string;
borderBottomLeftRadius?: number;
borderBottomRightRadius?: number;
borderBottomWidth?: number;
borderColor?: string;
borderLeftColor?: string;
borderRadius?: number;
borderRightColor?: string;
borderRightWidth?: number;
borderStyle?: "solid" | "dotted" | "dashed"
borderTopColor?: string;
borderTopLeftRadius?: number;
borderTopRightRadius?: number;
borderTopWidth?: number
opacity?: number;
overflow?: "visible" | "hidden"
shadowColor?: string;
shadowOffset?: {width: number, height: number};
shadowOpacity?: number;
shadowRadius?: number;
elevation?: number;
testID?: string;
export interface ViewPropertiesIOS {
* Provides additional traits to screen reader.
* By default no traits are provided unless specified otherwise in element
* @enum('none', 'button', 'link', 'header', 'search', 'image', 'selected', 'plays', 'key', 'text','summary', 'disabled', 'frequentUpdates', 'startsMedia', 'adjustable', 'allowsDirectInteraction', 'pageTurn')
accessibilityTraits?: string | string[];
* Whether this view should be rendered as a bitmap before compositing.
* On iOS, this is useful for animations and interactions that do not modify this component's dimensions nor its children;
* for example, when translating the position of a static view, rasterization allows the renderer to reuse a cached bitmap of a static view
* and quickly composite it during each frame.
* Rasterization incurs an off-screen drawing pass and the bitmap consumes memory.
* Test and measure when using this property.
shouldRasterizeIOS?: boolean
export interface ViewPropertiesAndroid {
* Indicates to accessibility services to treat UI component like a native one.
* Works for Android only.
* @enum('none', 'button', 'radiobutton_checked', 'radiobutton_unchecked' )
accessibilityComponentType?: string
* Indicates to accessibility services whether the user should be notified when this view changes.
* Works for Android API >= 19 only.
* See for references.
accessibilityLiveRegion?: string
* Views that are only used to layout their children or otherwise don't draw anything
* may be automatically removed from the native hierarchy as an optimization.
* Set this property to false to disable this optimization and ensure that this View exists in the native view hierarchy.
collapsable?: boolean
* Controls how view is important for accessibility which is if it fires accessibility events
* and if it is reported to accessibility services that query the screen.
* Works for Android only. See for references.
* Possible values:
* 'auto' - The system determines whether the view is important for accessibility - default (recommended).
* 'yes' - The view is important for accessibility.
* 'no' - The view is not important for accessibility.
* 'no-hide-descendants' - The view is not important for accessibility, nor are any of its descendant views.
importantForAccessibility?: string
* Whether this view needs to rendered offscreen and composited with an alpha in order to preserve 100% correct colors and blending behavior.
* The default (false) falls back to drawing the component and its children
* with an alpha applied to the paint used to draw each element instead of rendering the full component offscreen and compositing it back with an alpha value.
* This default may be noticeable and undesired in the case where the View you are setting an opacity on
* has multiple overlapping elements (e.g. multiple overlapping Views, or text and a background).
* Rendering offscreen to preserve correct alpha behavior is extremely expensive
* and hard to debug for non-native developers, which is why it is not turned on by default.
* If you do need to enable this property for an animation,
* consider combining it with renderToHardwareTextureAndroid if the view contents are static (i.e. it doesn't need to be redrawn each frame).
* If that property is enabled, this View will be rendered off-screen once,
* saved in a hardware texture, and then composited onto the screen with an alpha each frame without having to switch rendering targets on the GPU.
needsOffscreenAlphaCompositing?: boolean
* Whether this view should render itself (and all of its children) into a single hardware texture on the GPU.
* On Android, this is useful for animations and interactions that only modify opacity, rotation, translation, and/or scale:
* in those cases, the view doesn't have to be redrawn and display lists don't need to be re-executed. The texture can just be
* re-used and re-composited with different parameters. The downside is that this can use up limited video memory, so this prop should be set back to false at the end of the interaction/animation.
renderToHardwareTextureAndroid?: boolean;
* @see
export interface ViewProperties extends ViewPropertiesAndroid, ViewPropertiesIOS, GestureResponderHandlers, Touchable, React.Props<ViewStatic> {
* Overrides the text that's read by the screen reader when the user interacts with the element. By default, the label is constructed by traversing all the children and accumulating all the Text nodes separated by space.
accessibilityLabel?: string;
* When true, indicates that the view is an accessibility element.
* By default, all the touchable elements are accessible.
accessible?: boolean;
* This defines how far a touch event can start away from the view.
* Typical interface guidelines recommend touch targets that are at least
* 30 - 40 points/density-independent pixels. If a Touchable view has
* a height of 20 the touchable height can be extended to 40 with
* hitSlop={{top: 10, bottom: 10, left: 0, right: 0}}
* NOTE The touch area never extends past the parent view bounds and
* the Z-index of sibling views always takes precedence if a touch
* hits two overlapping views.
hitSlop?: {top: number, left: number, bottom: number, right: number}
* When `accessible` is true, the system will try to invoke this function when the user performs accessibility tap gesture.
onAcccessibilityTap?: () => void;
* Invoked on mount and layout changes with
* {nativeEvent: { layout: {x, y, width, height}}}.
onLayout?: ( event: LayoutChangeEvent ) => void;
* When accessible is true, the system will invoke this function when the user performs the magic tap gesture.
onMagicTap?: () => void;
* In the absence of auto property, none is much like CSS's none value. box-none is as if you had applied the CSS class:
* .box-none {
* pointer-events: none;
* }
* .box-none * {
* pointer-events: all;
* }
* box-only is the equivalent of
* .box-only {
* pointer-events: all;
* }
* .box-only * {
* pointer-events: none;
* }
* But since pointerEvents does not affect layout/appearance, and we are already deviating from the spec by adding additional modes,
* we opt to not include pointerEvents on style. On some platforms, we would need to implement it as a className anyways. Using style or not is an implementation detail of the platform.
pointerEvents?: "box-none" | "none" | "box-only" | "autoViewStyle"
* This is a special performance property exposed by RCTView and is useful for scrolling content when there are many subviews,
* most of which are offscreen. For this property to be effective, it must be applied to a view that contains many subviews that extend outside its bound.
* The subviews must also have overflow: hidden, as should the containing view (or one of its superviews).
removeClippedSubviews?: boolean
style?: ViewStyle;
* Used to locate this view in end-to-end tests.
testID?: string;
* The most fundamental component for building UI, View is a container that supports layout with flexbox, style, some touch handling,
* and accessibility controls, and is designed to be nested inside other views and to have 0 to many children of any type.
* View maps directly to the native view equivalent on whatever platform React is running on,
* whether that is a UIView, <div>, android.view, etc.
export interface ViewStatic extends NativeComponent, React.ComponentClass<ViewProperties> {
* @see
export interface ViewPagerAndroidOnPageScrollEventData {
position: number;
offset: number;
export interface ViewPagerAndroidOnPageSelectedEventData {
position: number;
export interface ViewPagerAndroidProperties extends ViewProperties {
initialPage?: number;
onPageScroll?: ( event: NativeSyntheticEvent<ViewPagerAndroidOnPageScrollEventData> ) => void;
onPageSelected?: ( event: NativeSyntheticEvent<ViewPagerAndroidOnPageSelectedEventData> ) => void;
onPageScrollStateChanged?: (state: "Idle" | "Dragging" | "Settling") => void
keyboardDismissMode?: "none" | "on-drag"
pageMargin?: number
export interface ViewPagerAndroidStatic extends NativeComponent, React.ComponentClass<ViewPagerAndroidProperties> {
setPage: (selectedPage: number) => void
setPageWithoutAnimation: (selectedPage: number) => void
* //FIXME: No documentation extracted from code comment on WebView.ios.js
export interface NavState {
url?: string
title?: string
loading?: boolean
canGoBack?: boolean
canGoForward?: boolean;
[key: string]: any
export interface WebViewPropertiesAndroid {
* Used for android only, JS is enabled by default for WebView on iOS
javaScriptEnabled?: boolean
domStorageEnabled?: boolean
export interface WebViewPropertiesIOS {
allowsInlineMediaPlayback?: boolean
bounces?: boolean
decelerationRate?: any
onShouldStartLoadWithRequest?: () => boolean
scrollEnabled?: boolean
export interface WebViewUriSource {
uri: string;
method?: string;
headers?: any;
body?: string;
export interface WebViewHtmlSource {
html: string;
baseUrl?: string;
* @see
export interface WebViewProperties extends WebViewPropertiesAndroid, WebViewPropertiesIOS, React.Props<WebViewStatic> {
automaticallyAdjustContentInsets?: boolean
bounces?: boolean
contentInset?: Insets
html?: string
* Sets the JS to be injected when the webpage loads.
injectedJavaScript?: string
onNavigationStateChange?: ( event: NavState ) => void
* Allows custom handling of any webview requests by a JS handler.
* Return true or false from this method to continue loading the request.
onShouldStartLoadWithRequest?: () => boolean
* view to show if there's an error
renderError?: () => ViewStatic
* loading indicator to show
renderLoading?: () => ViewStatic
scrollEnabled?: boolean
startInLoadingState?: boolean
style?: ViewStyle
url?: string
source?: WebViewUriSource | WebViewHtmlSource | number
mediaPlaybackRequiresUserAction?: boolean
* sets whether the webpage scales to fit the view and the user can change the scale
scalesPageToFit?: boolean
export interface WebViewStatic extends React.ComponentClass<WebViewProperties> {
goBack: () => void
goForward: () => void
reload: () => void
getWebViewHandle: () => any
* @see
* @see SegmentedControlIOS.ios.js
export interface NativeSegmentedControlIOSChangeEvent {
value: string
selectedSegmentIndex: number
target: number
export interface SegmentedControlIOSProperties extends React.Props<SegmentedControlIOSStatic> {
enabled?: boolean
momentary?: boolean
onChange?: (event: NativeSyntheticEvent<NativeSegmentedControlIOSChangeEvent>) => void
onValueChange?: (value: string) => void
selectedIndex?: number
tintColor?: string
values?: string[]
export interface SegmentedControlIOSStatic extends React.ComponentClass<SegmentedControlIOSProperties> {
export interface NavigatorIOSProperties extends React.Props<NavigatorIOSStatic> {
* NavigatorIOS uses "route" objects to identify child views, their props, and navigation bar configuration.
* "push" and all the other navigation operations expect routes to be like this
initialRoute?: Route
* The default wrapper style for components in the navigator.
* A common use case is to set the backgroundColor for every page
itemWrapperStyle?: ViewStyle
* A Boolean value that indicates whether the navigation bar is hidden
navigationBarHidden?: boolean
* A Boolean value that indicates whether to hide the 1px hairline shadow
shadowHidden?: boolean
* The color used for buttons in the navigation bar
tintColor?: string
* The text color of the navigation bar title
titleTextColor?: string
* A Boolean value that indicates whether the navigation bar is translucent
translucent?: boolean
style?: ViewStyle
* A navigator is an object of navigation functions that a view can call.
* It is passed as a prop to any component rendered by NavigatorIOS.
* Navigator functions are also available on the NavigatorIOS component:
* @see
export interface NavigationIOS {
* Navigate forward to a new route
push: ( route: Route ) => void
* Go back one page
pop: () => void
* Go back N pages at once. When N=1, behavior matches pop()
popN: ( n: number ) => void
* Replace the route for the current page and immediately load the view for the new route
replace: ( route: Route ) => void
* Replace the route/view for the previous page
replacePrevious: ( route: Route ) => void
* Replaces the previous route/view and transitions back to it
replacePreviousAndPop: ( route: Route ) => void
* Replaces the top item and popToTop
resetTo: ( route: Route ) => void
* Go back to the item for a particular route object
popToRoute( route: Route ): void
* Go back to the top item
popToTop(): void
export interface NavigatorIOSStatic extends NavigationIOS, React.ComponentClass<NavigatorIOSProperties> {
* @see
export interface ActivityIndicatorIOSProperties extends React.Props<ActivityIndicatorIOSStatic> {
* Whether to show the indicator (true, the default) or hide it (false).
animating?: boolean
* The foreground color of the spinner (default is gray).
color?: string
* Whether the indicator should hide when not animating (true by default).
hidesWhenStopped?: boolean
* Invoked on mount and layout changes with
onLayout?: ( event: {nativeEvent: { layout: {x: number, y: number , width: number, height: number}}} ) => void
* Size of the indicator.
* Small has a height of 20, large has a height of 36.
* enum('small', 'large')
size?: string
style?: ViewStyle
export interface ActivityIndicatorIOSStatic extends React.ComponentClass<ActivityIndicatorIOSProperties> {
export interface DatePickerIOSProperties extends React.Props<DatePickerIOSStatic> {
* The currently selected date.
date?: Date
* Maximum date.
* Restricts the range of possible date/time values.
maximumDate?: Date
* Maximum date.
* Restricts the range of possible date/time values.
minimumDate?: Date
* enum(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30)
* The interval at which minutes can be selected.
minuteInterval?: number
* enum('date', 'time', 'datetime')
* The date picker mode.
mode?: "date" | "time" | "datetime"
* Date change handler.
* This is called when the user changes the date or time in the UI.
* The first and only argument is a Date object representing the new date and time.
onDateChange?: ( newDate: Date ) => void
* Timezone offset in minutes.
* By default, the date picker will use the device's timezone. With this parameter, it is possible to force a certain timezone offset.
* For instance, to show times in Pacific Standard Time, pass -7 * 60.
timeZoneOffsetInMinutes?: number
export interface DatePickerIOSStatic extends React.ComponentClass<DatePickerIOSProperties> {
export interface DrawerSlideEvent extends NativeSyntheticEvent<NativeTouchEvent> {
* @see
export interface DrawerLayoutAndroidProperties extends React.Props<DrawerLayoutAndroidStatic> {
drawerBackgroundColor?: any;
drawerLockMode?: "unlocked" | "locked-closed" | "locked-open";
// enum(DrawerConsts.DrawerPosition.Left, DrawerConsts.DrawerPosition.Right)
drawerPosition?: any;
drawerWidth?: number;
keyboardDismissMode?: "none" | "on-drag"
onDrawerClose?: () => void
onDrawerOpen?: () => void
onDrawerSlide?: (event: DrawerSlideEvent) => void
onDrawerStateChanged?: (event: "Idle" | "Dragging" | "Settling") => void
renderNavigationView?: () => View
statusBarBackgroundColor?: any
export interface DrawerLayoutAndroidStatic extends React.ComponentClass<DrawerLayoutAndroidProperties> {
openDrawer(): void
closeDrawer(): void
* @see PickerIOS.ios.js
export interface PickerIOSItemProperties extends React.Props<PickerIOSItemStatic> {
value?: string | number
label?: string
* @see PickerIOS.ios.js
export interface PickerIOSItemStatic extends React.ComponentClass<PickerIOSItemProperties> {
* @see Picker.js
export interface PickerItemProperties extends React.Props<PickerItemStatic> {
label: string
value?: any
color?: string /* See ColorPropType.js for details */
testID?: string
export interface PickerItemStatic extends React.ComponentClass<PickerItemProperties> {
export interface PickerPropertiesIOS extends React.Props<PickerStatic> {
itemStyle?: ViewStyle
export interface PickerPropertiesAndroid extends React.Props<PickerStatic> {
enabled?: boolean
mode?: "dialog" | "dropdown"
prompt?: string
* @see
* @see Picker.js
export interface PickerProperties extends PickerPropertiesIOS, PickerPropertiesAndroid, React.Props<PickerStatic> {
onValueChange?: ( itemValue: any, itemPosition: number ) => void
selectedValue?: any
style?: ViewStyle
testId?: string
* @see
* @see Picker.js
export interface PickerStatic extends React.ComponentClass<PickerProperties> {
Item: PickerItemStatic
* @see
* @see PickerIOS.ios.js
export interface PickerIOSProperties extends React.Props<PickerIOSStatic> {
onValueChange?: ( value: string | number ) => void
selectedValue?: string | number
itemStyle?: ViewStyle
* @see
* @see PickerIOS.ios.js
export interface PickerIOSStatic extends React.ComponentClass<PickerIOSProperties> {
Item: PickerIOSItemStatic
* @see
* @see
export interface ProgressBarAndroidProperties extends React.Props<ProgressBarAndroidStatic> {
style?: ViewStyle
styleAttr?: "Horizontal" | "Normal" | "Small" | "Large" | "Inverse" | "SmallInverse" | "LargeInverse"
indeterminate?: boolean
progress?: number
color?: string
testID?: string
export interface ProgressBarAndroidStatic extends React.ComponentClass<ProgressBarAndroidProperties> {
* @see
* @see ProgressViewIOS.ios.js
export interface ProgressViewIOSProperties extends React.Props<ProgressViewIOSStatic> {
style?: ViewStyle
progressViewStyle?: "default" | "bar"
progress?: number
progressTintColor?: string
trackTintColor?: string
progressImage?: any
trackImage?: any
export interface ProgressViewIOSStatic extends React.ComponentClass<ProgressViewIOSProperties> {
export interface RefreshControlPropertiesIOS extends React.Props<RefreshControlStatic> {
tintColor?: string
title?: string
titleColor?: string
export interface RefreshControlPropertiesAndroid extends React.Props<RefreshControlStatic> {
colors?: string[]
enabled?: boolean
progressBackgroundColor?: string
size?: number
export interface RefreshControlProperties extends RefreshControlPropertiesIOS, RefreshControlPropertiesAndroid, React.Props<RefreshControl> {
onRefresh?: () => void
refreshing?: boolean
export interface RefreshControlStatic extends React.ComponentClass<RefreshControlProperties> {
export interface SliderPropertiesIOS extends React.Props<SliderStatic> {
maximumTrackImage?: any
maximumTrackTintColor?: string
minimumTrackImage?: string
minimumTrackTintColor?: string
thumbImage?: any
trackImage?: any
export interface SliderProperties extends SliderPropertiesIOS, React.Props<SliderStatic> {
disabled?: boolean
maximumValue?: number
minimumValue?: number
onSlidingComplete?: (value: number) => void
onValueChange?: (value: number) => void
step?: number
style?: ViewStyle
testID?: string
value?: number
export interface SliderStatic extends React.ComponentClass<SliderProperties> {
* @see
export interface SliderIOSProperties extends React.Props<SliderIOSStatic> {
* If true the user won't be able to move the slider. Default value is false.
disabled?: boolean
* Initial maximum value of the slider. Default value is 1.
maximumValue?: number
* The color used for the track to the right of the button. Overrides the default blue gradient image.
maximumTrackTintColor?: string
* Initial minimum value of the slider. Default value is 0.
minimumValue?: number
minimumTrackImage?: any
* The color used for the track to the left of the button. Overrides the default blue gradient image.
minimumTrackTintColor?: string
* Callback called when the user finishes changing the value (e.g. when the slider is released).
onSlidingComplete?: () => void
* Callback continuously called while the user is dragging the slider.
onValueChange?: ( value: number ) => void
* Step value of the slider.
* The value should be between 0 and (maximumValue - minimumValue).
* Default value is 0.
step?: number
* Used to style and layout the Slider.
* @see StyleSheet.js and ViewStylePropTypes.js for more info.
style?: ViewStyle
* Initial value of the slider.
* The value should be between minimumValue and maximumValue, which default to 0 and 1 respectively.
* Default value is 0.
* This is not a controlled component, e.g. if you don't update the value, the component won't be reset to its inital value.
value?: number
export interface SliderIOSStatic extends React.ComponentClass<SliderIOSProperties> {
* //FIXME: no dcumentation, inferred
* @see SwitchIOS.ios.js
export interface SwitchIOSStyle extends ViewStyle {
height?: number
width?: number
export interface SwitchIOSProperties extends React.Props<SwitchIOSStatic> {
* If true the user won't be able to toggle the switch. Default value is false.
disabled?: boolean
* Background color when the switch is turned on.
onTintColor?: string
* Callback that is called when the user toggles the switch.
onValueChange?: ( value: boolean ) => void
* Background color for the switch round button.
thumbTintColor?: string
* Background color when the switch is turned off.
tintColor?: string
* The value of the switch, if true the switch will be turned on. Default value is false.
value?: boolean
style?: SwitchIOSStyle
* Use SwitchIOS to render a boolean input on iOS.
* This is a controlled component, so you must hook in to the onValueChange callback and update the value prop in order for the component to update,
* otherwise the user's change will be reverted immediately to reflect props.value as the source of truth.
* @see
export interface SwitchIOSStatic extends React.ComponentClass<SwitchIOSProperties> {
* @see ImageResizeMode.js
export interface ImageResizeModeStatic {
* contain - The image will be resized such that it will be completely
* visible, contained within the frame of the View.
contain: string
* cover - The image will be resized such that the entire area of the view
* is covered by the image, potentially clipping parts of the image.
cover: string
* stretch - The image will be stretched to fill the entire frame of the
* view without clipping. This may change the aspect ratio of the image,
* distoring it. Only supported on iOS.
stretch: string
* Image style
* @see
export interface ImageStyle extends FlexStyle, TransformsStyle {
resizeMode?: string //Object.keys(ImageResizeMode)
backfaceVisibility?: "visible" | "hidden"
borderBottomLeftRadius?: number
borderBottomRightRadius?: number
backgroundColor?: string
borderColor?: string
borderWidth?: number
borderRadius?: number
borderTopLeftRadius?: number
borderTopRightRadius?: number
overflow?: "visible" | "hidden"
overlayColor?: string
tintColor?: string
opacity?: number
export interface ImagePropertiesIOS {
* The text that's read by the screen reader when the user interacts with the image.
accessibilityLabel?: string;
* When true, indicates the image is an accessibility element.
accessible?: boolean;
* When the image is resized, the corners of the size specified by capInsets will stay a fixed size,
* but the center content and borders of the image will be stretched.
* This is useful for creating resizable rounded buttons, shadows, and other resizable assets.
* More info on Apple documentation
capInsets?: Insets
* A static image to display while downloading the final image off the network.
defaultSource?: {uri: string} | number
* Invoked on load error with {nativeEvent: {error}}
onError?: ( error: {nativeEvent: any} ) => void
* Invoked on download progress with {nativeEvent: {loaded, total}}
onProgress?: ()=> void
* @see
export interface ImageProperties extends ImagePropertiesIOS, React.Props<Image> {
* onLayout function
* Invoked on mount and layout changes with
* {nativeEvent: { layout: {x, y, width, height}}}.
onLayout?: ( event: LayoutChangeEvent ) => void;
* Invoked when load completes successfully
onLoad?: () => void
* Invoked when load either succeeds or fails
onLoadEnd?: () => void
* Invoked on load start
onLoadStart?: () => void
* Determines how to resize the image when the frame doesn't match the raw image dimensions.
* enum('cover', 'contain', 'stretch')
resizeMode?: "cover" | "contain" | "stretch"
* uri is a string representing the resource identifier for the image,
* which could be an http address, a local file path,
* or the name of a static image resource (which should be wrapped in the require('image!name') function).
source: {uri: string} | string;
* Style
style?: ImageStyle;
* A unique identifier for this element to be used in UI Automation testing scripts.
testID?: string;
export interface ImageStatic extends React.ComponentClass<ImageProperties> {
uri: string;
resizeMode: ImageResizeModeStatic
getSize(uri: string, success: (width: number, height: number) => void, failure: (error: any) => void): any
prefetch(url: string): any
* @see
export interface ListViewProperties extends ScrollViewProperties, React.Props<ListViewStatic> {
dataSource?: ListViewDataSource
enableEmptySections?: boolean
* How many rows to render on initial component mount. Use this to make
* it so that the first screen worth of data apears at one time instead of
* over the course of multiple frames.
initialListSize?: number
* (visibleRows, changedRows) => void
* Called when the set of visible rows changes. `visibleRows` maps
* { sectionID: { rowID: true }} for all the visible rows, and
* `changedRows` maps { sectionID: { rowID: true | false }} for the rows
* that have changed their visibility, with true indicating visible, and
* false indicating the view has moved out of view.
onChangeVisibleRows?: ( visibleRows: Array<{[sectionId: string]: {[rowID: string]: boolean}}>, changedRows: Array<{[sectionId: string]: {[rowID: string]: boolean}}> ) => void
* Called when all rows have been rendered and the list has been scrolled
* to within onEndReachedThreshold of the bottom. The native scroll
* event is provided.
onEndReached?: () => void
* Threshold in pixels for onEndReached.
onEndReachedThreshold?: number
* Number of rows to render per event loop.
pageSize?: number
* An experimental performance optimization for improving scroll perf of
* large lists, used in conjunction with overflow: 'hidden' on the row
* containers. Use at your own risk.
removeClippedSubviews?: boolean
* () => renderable
* The header and footer are always rendered (if these props are provided)
* on every render pass. If they are expensive to re-render, wrap them
* in StaticContainer or other mechanism as appropriate. Footer is always
* at the bottom of the list, and header at the top, on every render pass.
renderFooter?: () => React.ReactElement<any>
* () => renderable
* The header and footer are always rendered (if these props are provided)
* on every render pass. If they are expensive to re-render, wrap them
* in StaticContainer or other mechanism as appropriate. Footer is always
* at the bottom of the list, and header at the top, on every render pass.
renderHeader?: () => React.ReactElement<any>
* (rowData, sectionID, rowID) => renderable
* Takes a data entry from the data source and its ids and should return
* a renderable component to be rendered as the row. By default the data
* is exactly what was put into the data source, but it's also possible to
* provide custom extractors.
renderRow?: ( rowData: any, sectionID: string | number, rowID: string | number, highlightRow?: boolean ) => React.ReactElement<any>
* A function that returns the scrollable component in which the list rows are rendered.
* Defaults to returning a ScrollView with the given props.
renderScrollComponent?: ( props: ScrollViewProperties ) => React.ReactElement<ScrollViewProperties>
* (sectionData, sectionID) => renderable
* If provided, a sticky header is rendered for this section. The sticky
* behavior means that it will scroll with the content at the top of the
* section until it reaches the top of the screen, at which point it will
* stick to the top until it is pushed off the screen by the next section
* header.
renderSectionHeader?: ( sectionData: any, sectionId: string | number ) => React.ReactElement<any>
* (sectionID, rowID, adjacentRowHighlighted) => renderable
* If provided, a renderable component to be rendered as the separator below each row
* but not the last row if there is a section header below.
* Take a sectionID and rowID of the row above and whether its adjacent row is highlighted.
renderSeparator?: ( sectionID: string | number, rowID: string | number, adjacentRowHighlighted?: boolean ) => React.ReactElement<any>
* How early to start rendering rows before they come on screen, in
* pixels.
scrollRenderAheadDistance?: number
export interface ListViewStatic extends React.ComponentClass<ListViewProperties> {
DataSource: ListViewDataSource;
export interface MapViewAnnotation {
latitude?: number
longitude?: number
animateDrop?: boolean
title?: string
subtitle?: string
hasLeftCallout?: boolean
hasRightCallout?: boolean
onLeftCalloutPress?: () => void
onRightCalloutPress?: () => void
id?: string
export interface MapViewRegion {
latitude: number
longitude: number
latitudeDelta?: number
longitudeDelta?: number
export interface MapViewOverlay {
coordinates: ({latitude: number, longitude: number})[]
lineWidth?: number
strokeColor?: Object
fillColor?: Object
id?: string
export interface MapViewPropertiesIOS {
* If false points of interest won't be displayed on the map.
* Default value is true.
showsPointsOfInterest?: boolean
* Map annotations with title/subtitle.
annotations?: MapViewAnnotation[]
followUserLocation?: boolean
* Insets for the map's legal label, originally at bottom left of the map. See EdgeInsetsPropType.js for more information.
legalLabelInsets?: Insets
* The map type to be displayed.
* standard: standard road map (default)
* satellite: satellite view
* hybrid: satellite view with roads and points of interest overlayed
* enum('standard', 'satellite', 'hybrid')
mapType?: string
* Maximum size of area that can be displayed.
maxDelta?: number
* Minimum size of area that can be displayed.
minDelta?: number
overlays: MapViewOverlay[]
showsCompass?: boolean
export interface MapViewPropertiesAndroid {
active?: boolean
export interface MapViewProperties extends MapViewPropertiesIOS, MapViewPropertiesAndroid, Touchable, React.Props<MapViewStatic> {
* Callback that is called once, when the user taps an annotation.
onAnnotationPress?: () => void
* Callback that is called continuously when the user is dragging the map.
onRegionChange?: ( region: MapViewRegion ) => void
* Callback that is called once, when the user is done moving the map.
onRegionChangeComplete?: ( region: MapViewRegion ) => void
* When this property is set to true and a valid camera is associated with the map,
* the camera’s pitch angle is used to tilt the plane of the map.
* When this property is set to false, the camera’s pitch angle is ignored and
* the map is always displayed as if the user is looking straight down onto it.
pitchEnabled?: boolean
* The region to be displayed by the map.
* The region is defined by the center coordinates and the span of coordinates to display.
region?: MapViewRegion
* When this property is set to true and a valid camera is associated with the map,
* the camera’s heading angle is used to rotate the plane of the map around its center point.
* When this property is set to false, the camera’s heading angle is ignored and the map is always oriented
* so that true north is situated at the top of the map view
rotateEnabled?: boolean
* If false the user won't be able to change the map region being displayed.
* Default value is true.
scrollEnabled?: boolean
* If true the app will ask for the user's location and focus on it.
* Default value is false.
* NOTE: You need to add NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription key in Info.plist to enable geolocation,
* otherwise it is going to fail silently!
showsUserLocation?: boolean
* Used to style and layout the MapView.
* See StyleSheet.js and ViewStylePropTypes.js for more info.
style?: ViewStyle
* If false the user won't be able to pinch/zoom the map.
* Default value is true.
zoomEnabled?: boolean
* @see
export interface MapViewStatic extends React.ComponentClass<MapViewProperties> {
export interface ModalProperties extends React.Props<ModalStatic> {
animated?: boolean
transparent?: boolean
visible?: boolean
onRequestClose?: () => void
onShow?: (event: NativeSyntheticEvent<any>) => void
export interface ModalStatic extends React.ComponentClass<ModalProperties> {
export interface TouchableWithoutFeedbackAndroidProperties {
* Indicates to accessibility services to treat UI component like a native one.
* Works for Android only.
* @enum('none', 'button', 'radiobutton_checked', 'radiobutton_unchecked' )
accessibilityComponentType?: string
export interface TouchableWithoutFeedbackIOSProperties {
* Provides additional traits to screen reader.
* By default no traits are provided unless specified otherwise in element
* @enum('none', 'button', 'link', 'header', 'search', 'image', 'selected', 'plays', 'key', 'text','summary', 'disabled', 'frequentUpdates', 'startsMedia', 'adjustable', 'allowsDirectInteraction', 'pageTurn')
accessibilityTraits?: string | string[];
* @see
export interface TouchableWithoutFeedbackProperties extends TouchableWithoutFeedbackAndroidProperties, TouchableWithoutFeedbackIOSProperties {
* Called when the touch is released, but not if cancelled (e.g. by a scroll that steals the responder lock).
accessible?: boolean
* Delay in ms, from onPressIn, before onLongPress is called.
delayLongPress?: number;
* Delay in ms, from the start of the touch, before onPressIn is called.
delayPressIn?: number;
* Delay in ms, from the release of the touch, before onPressOut is called.
delayPressOut?: number;
disabled?: boolean
hitSlop?: {top: number, left: number, bottom: number, right: number}
* Invoked on mount and layout changes with
* {nativeEvent: {layout: {x, y, width, height}}}
onLayout?: ( event: LayoutChangeEvent ) => void
onLongPress?: () => void;
* Called when the touch is released,
* but not if cancelled (e.g. by a scroll that steals the responder lock).
onPress?: () => void;
onPressIn?: () => void;
onPressOut?: () => void;
* //FIXME: not in doc but available in exmaples
style?: ViewStyle
pressRetentionOffset?: {top: number, left: number, bottom: number, right: number}
export interface TouchableWithoutFeedbackProps extends TouchableWithoutFeedbackProperties, React.Props<TouchableWithoutFeedbackStatic> {
* Do not use unless you have a very good reason.
* All the elements that respond to press should have a visual feedback when touched.
* This is one of the primary reason a "web" app doesn't feel "native".
* @see
export interface TouchableWithoutFeedbackStatic extends React.ComponentClass<TouchableWithoutFeedbackProps> {
* @see
export interface TouchableHighlightProperties extends TouchableWithoutFeedbackProperties, React.Props<TouchableHighlightStatic> {
* Determines what the opacity of the wrapped view should be when touch is active.
activeOpacity?: number
* Called immediately after the underlay is hidden
onHideUnderlay?: () => void
* Called immediately after the underlay is shown
onShowUnderlay?: () => void
* @see
style?: ViewStyle
* The color of the underlay that will show through when the touch is active.
underlayColor?: string
* A wrapper for making views respond properly to touches.
* On press down, the opacity of the wrapped view is decreased,
* which allows the underlay color to show through, darkening or tinting the view.
* The underlay comes from adding a view to the view hierarchy,
* which can sometimes cause unwanted visual artifacts if not used correctly,
* for example if the backgroundColor of the wrapped view isn't explicitly set to an opaque color.
* NOTE: TouchableHighlight supports only one child
* If you wish to have several child components, wrap them in a View.
* @see
export interface TouchableHighlightStatic extends React.ComponentClass<TouchableHighlightProperties> {
* @see
export interface TouchableOpacityProperties extends TouchableWithoutFeedbackProperties, React.Props<TouchableOpacityStatic> {
* Determines what the opacity of the wrapped view should be when touch is active.
* Defaults to 0.2
activeOpacity?: number
* A wrapper for making views respond properly to touches.
* On press down, the opacity of the wrapped view is decreased, dimming it.
* This is done without actually changing the view hierarchy,
* and in general is easy to add to an app without weird side-effects.
* @see
export interface TouchableOpacityStatic extends React.ComponentClass<TouchableOpacityProperties> {
setOpacityTo: (value: number) => void
* @see
export interface TouchableNativeFeedbackProperties extends TouchableWithoutFeedbackProperties, React.Props<TouchableNativeFeedbackStatic> {
* Determines the type of background drawable that's going to be used to display feedback.
* It takes an object with type property and extra data depending on the type.
* It's recommended to use one of the following static methods to generate that dictionary:
* 1) TouchableNativeFeedback.SelectableBackground() - will create object that represents android theme's default background for selectable elements (?android:attr/selectableItemBackground)
* 2) TouchableNativeFeedback.SelectableBackgroundBorderless() - will create object that represent android theme's default background for borderless selectable elements (?android:attr/selectableItemBackgroundBorderless). Available on android API level 21+
* 3) TouchableNativeFeedback.Ripple(color, borderless) - will create object that represents ripple drawable with specified color (as a string). If property borderless evaluates to true the ripple will render outside of the view bounds (see native actionbar buttons as an example of that behavior). This background type is available on Android API level 21+
background?: any
* A wrapper for making views respond properly to touches (Android only).
* On Android this component uses native state drawable to display touch feedback.
* At the moment it only supports having a single View instance as a child node,
* as it's implemented by replacing that View with another instance of RCTView node with some additional properties set.
* Background drawable of native feedback touchable can be customized with background property.
* @see
export interface TouchableNativeFeedbackStatic extends React.ComponentClass<TouchableNativeFeedbackProperties> {
SelectableBackground: () => TouchableNativeFeedbackStatic
SelectableBackgroundBorderless: () => TouchableNativeFeedbackStatic
Ripple: ( color: string, borderless?: boolean ) => TouchableNativeFeedbackStatic
export interface LeftToRightGesture {
export interface AnimationInterpolator {
// see /NavigatorSceneConfigs.js
export interface SceneConfig {
// A list of all gestures that are enabled on this scene
gestures: {
pop: LeftToRightGesture,
// Rebound spring parameters when transitioning FROM this scene
springFriction: number;
springTension: number;
// Velocity to start at when transitioning without gesture
defaultTransitionVelocity: number;
// Animation interpolators for horizontal transitioning:
animationInterpolators: {
into: AnimationInterpolator,
out: AnimationInterpolator
// see /NavigatorSceneConfigs.js
export interface SceneConfigs {
FloatFromBottom: SceneConfig;
FloatFromRight: SceneConfig;
PushFromRight: SceneConfig;
FloatFromLeft: SceneConfig;
HorizontalSwipeJump: SceneConfig;
export interface Route {
component?: React.ComponentClass<ViewProperties>
id?: string
title?: string
passProps?: Object;
//anything else
[key: string]: any
//Commonly found properties
backButtonTitle?: string
content?: string
message?: string;
index?: number
onRightButtonPress?: () => void
rightButtonTitle?: string
sceneConfig?: SceneConfig
wrapperStyle?: any
* @see
export interface NavigatorProperties extends React.Props<Navigator> {
* Optional function that allows configuration about scene animations and gestures.
* Will be invoked with the route and should return a scene configuration object
* @param route
configureScene?: ( route: Route ) => SceneConfig
* Specify a route to start on.
* A route is an object that the navigator will use to identify each scene to render.
* initialRoute must be a route in the initialRouteStack if both props are provided.
* The initialRoute will default to the last item in the initialRouteStack.
initialRoute?: Route
* Provide a set of routes to initially mount.
* Required if no initialRoute is provided.
* Otherwise, it will default to an array containing only the initialRoute
initialRouteStack?: Route[]
* Optionally provide a navigation bar that persists across scene transitions
navigationBar?: React.ReactElement<NavigatorStatic.NavigationBarProperties>
* Optionally provide the navigator object from a parent Navigator
navigator?: Navigator
* @deprecated Use navigationContext.addListener('willfocus', callback) instead.
onDidFocus?: Function
* @deprecated Use navigationContext.addListener('willfocus', callback) instead.
onWillFocus?: Function
* Required function which renders the scene for a given route.
* Will be invoked with the route and the navigator object
* @param route
* @param navigator
renderScene?: ( route: Route, navigator: Navigator ) => React.ReactElement<ViewProperties>
* Styles to apply to the container of each scene
sceneStyle?: ViewStyle
* //FIXME: not found in doc but found in examples
debugOverlay?: boolean
* Use Navigator to transition between different scenes in your app.
* To accomplish this, provide route objects to the navigator to identify each scene,
* and also a renderScene function that the navigator can use to render the scene for a given route.
* To change the animation or gesture properties of the scene, provide a configureScene prop to get the config object for a given route.
* See Navigator.SceneConfigs for default animations and more info on scene config options.
* @see
export interface NavigatorStatic extends React.ComponentClass<NavigatorProperties> {
SceneConfigs: SceneConfigs;
NavigationBar: NavigatorStatic.NavigationBarStatic;
BreadcrumbNavigationBar: NavigatorStatic.BreadcrumbNavigationBarStatic
getContext( self: any ): NavigatorStatic;
* returns the current list of routes
getCurrentRoutes(): Route[];
* Jump backward without unmounting the current scen
jumpBack(): void;
* Jump forward to the next scene in the route stack
jumpForward(): void;
* Transition to an existing scene without unmounting
jumpTo( route: Route ): void;
* Navigate forward to a new scene, squashing any scenes that you could jumpForward to
push( route: Route ): void;
* Transition back and unmount the current scene
pop(): void;
* Replace the current scene with a new route
replace( route: Route ): void;
* Replace a scene as specified by an index
replaceAtIndex( route: Route, index: number ): void;
* Replace the previous scene
replacePrevious( route: Route ): void;
* Reset every scene with an array of routes
immediatelyResetRouteStack( routes: Route[] ): void;
* Pop to a particular scene, as specified by its route. All scenes after it will be unmounted
popToRoute( route: Route ): void;
* Pop to the first scene in the stack, unmounting every other scene
popToTop(): void;
namespace NavigatorStatic {
export interface NavState {
routeStack: Route[]
idStack: number[]
presentedIndex: number
export interface NavigationBarStyle {
//TODO @see NavigationBarStyle.ios.js
export interface NavigationBarRouteMapper {
Title: ( route: Route, nav: Navigator, index: number, navState: NavState ) => React.ReactElement<any>;
LeftButton: ( route: Route, nav: Navigator, index: number, navState: NavState )=> React.ReactElement<any>;
RightButton: ( route: Route, nav: Navigator, index: number, navState: NavState )=> React.ReactElement<any>;
* @see NavigatorNavigationBar.js
export interface NavigationBarProperties extends React.Props<NavigationBarStatic> {
navigator?: Navigator
routeMapper?: NavigationBarRouteMapper
navState?: NavState
style?: ViewStyle
export interface NavigationBarStatic extends React.ComponentClass<NavigationBarProperties> {
Styles: NavigationBarStyle
export type NavigationBar = NavigationBarStatic
export var NavigationBar: NavigationBarStatic
export interface BreadcrumbNavigationBarStyle {
//TODO &see NavigatorBreadcrumbNavigationBar.js
export interface BreadcrumbNavigationBarRouteMapper {
rightContentForRoute: ( route: Route, navigator: Navigator ) => React.ReactElement<any>
titleContentForRoute: ( route: Route, navigator: Navigator ) => React.ReactElement<any>
iconForRoute: ( route: Route, navigator: Navigator ) => React.ReactElement<any>
//in samples...
separatorForRoute: ( route: Route, navigator: Navigator ) => React.ReactElement<any>
* @see NavigatorNavigationBar.js
export interface BreadcrumbNavigationBarProperties extends React.Props<BreadcrumbNavigationBarStatic> {
navigator?: Navigator
routeMapper?: BreadcrumbNavigationBarRouteMapper
navState?: NavState
style?: ViewStyle
export interface BreadcrumbNavigationBarStatic extends React.ComponentClass<BreadcrumbNavigationBarProperties> {
Styles: BreadcrumbNavigationBarStyle
export type BreadcrumbNavigationBar = BreadcrumbNavigationBarStatic
var BreadcrumbNavigationBar: BreadcrumbNavigationBarStatic
export interface StyleSheetStatic extends React.ComponentClass<StyleSheetProperties> {
create<T>( styles: T ): T;
* //FIXME: Could not find docs. Inferred from examples and jscode : ListViewDataSource.js
export interface DataSourceAssetCallback {
rowHasChanged?: ( r1: any, r2: any ) => boolean
sectionHeaderHasChanged?: ( h1: any, h2: any ) => boolean
getRowData?: <T>( dataBlob: any, sectionID: number | string, rowID: number | string ) => T
getSectionHeaderData?: <T>( dataBlob: any, sectionID: number | string ) => T
* //FIXME: Could not find docs. Inferred from examples and js code: ListViewDataSource.js
export interface ListViewDataSource {
new( onAsset: DataSourceAssetCallback ): ListViewDataSource;
* Clones this `ListViewDataSource` with the specified `dataBlob` and
* `rowIdentities`. The `dataBlob` is just an aribitrary blob of data. At
* construction an extractor to get the interesting informatoin was defined
* (or the default was used).
* The `rowIdentities` is is a 2D array of identifiers for rows.
* ie. [['a1', 'a2'], ['b1', 'b2', 'b3'], ...]. If not provided, it's
* assumed that the keys of the section data are the row identities.
* Note: This function does NOT clone the data in this data source. It simply
* passes the functions defined at construction to a new data source with
* the data specified. If you wish to maintain the existing data you must
* handle merging of old and new data separately and then pass that into
* this function as the `dataBlob`.
cloneWithRows<T>( dataBlob: Array<any> | {[key: string ]: any}, rowIdentities?: Array<string | number> ): ListViewDataSource
* This performs the same function as the `cloneWithRows` function but here
* you also specify what your `sectionIdentities` are. If you don't care
* about sections you should safely be able to use `cloneWithRows`.
* `sectionIdentities` is an array of identifiers for sections.
* ie. ['s1', 's2', ...]. If not provided, it's assumed that the
* keys of dataBlob are the section identities.
* Note: this returns a new object!
cloneWithRowsAndSections( dataBlob: Array<any> | {[key: string]: any}, sectionIdentities?: Array<string | number>, rowIdentities?: Array<Array<string | number>> ): ListViewDataSource
getRowCount(): number
* Gets the data required to render the row.
getRowData( sectionIndex: number, rowIndex: number ): any
* Gets the rowID at index provided if the dataSource arrays were flattened,
* or null of out of range indexes.
getRowIDForFlatIndex( index: number ): string
* Gets the sectionID at index provided if the dataSource arrays were flattened,
* or null for out of range indexes.
getSectionIDForFlatIndex( index: number ): string
* Returns an array containing the number of rows in each section
getSectionLengths(): Array<number>
* Returns if the section header is dirtied and needs to be rerendered
sectionHeaderShouldUpdate( sectionIndex: number ): boolean
* Gets the data required to render the section header
getSectionHeaderData( sectionIndex: number ): any
* @see
export interface TabBarItemProperties extends React.Props<TabBarItemStatic> {
* Little red bubble that sits at the top right of the icon.
badge?: string | number
* A custom icon for the tab. It is ignored when a system icon is defined.
icon?: {uri: string} | string
* Callback when this tab is being selected,
* you should change the state of your component to set selected={true}.
onPress?: () => void
* It specifies whether the children are visible or not. If you see a blank content, you probably forgot to add a selected one.
selected?: boolean
* A custom icon when the tab is selected.
* It is ignored when a system icon is defined. If left empty, the icon will be tinted in blue.
selectedIcon?: {uri: string} | string;
* React style object.
style?: ViewStyle
* Items comes with a few predefined system icons.
* Note that if you are using them, the title and selectedIcon will be overriden with the system ones.
* enum('bookmarks', 'contacts', 'downloads', 'favorites', 'featured', 'history', 'more', 'most-recent', 'most-viewed', 'recents', 'search', 'top-rated')
systemIcon: string
* Text that appears under the icon. It is ignored when a system icon is defined.
title?: string
export interface TabBarItemStatic extends React.ComponentClass<TabBarItemProperties> {
* @see
export interface TabBarIOSProperties extends React.Props<TabBarIOSStatic> {
* Background color of the tab bar
barTintColor?: string
style?: ViewStyle
* Color of the currently selected tab icon
tintColor?: string
* A Boolean value that indicates whether the tab bar is translucent
translucent?: boolean
export interface TabBarIOSStatic extends React.ComponentClass<TabBarIOSProperties> {
Item: TabBarItemStatic;
export interface PixelRatioStatic {
get(): number;
getFontScale(): number
getPixelSizeForLayoutSize(layoutSize: number): number
roundToNearestPixel(layoutSize: number): number
startDetecting(): void
export interface PlatformStatic {
OS: string,
export interface DeviceEventSubscriptionStatic {
remove(): void;
export interface DeviceEventEmitterStatic {
addListener<T>( type: string, onReceived: ( data: T ) => void ): DeviceEventSubscription;
// Used by Dimensions below
export interface ScaledSize {
width: number;
height: number;
scale: number;
fontScale: number;
* Initial dimensions are set before `runApplication` is called so they should
* be available before any other require's are run, but may be updated later.
* Note: Although dimensions are available immediately, they may change (e.g
* due to device rotation) so any rendering logic or styles that depend on
* these constants should try to call this function on every render, rather
* than caching the value (for example, using inline styles rather than
* setting a value in a `StyleSheet`).
* Example: `var {height, width} = Dimensions.get('window');`
* @param {string} dim Name of dimension as defined when calling `set`.
* @returns {Object?} Value for the dimension.
* @see
export interface Dimensions {
get( what: "window" | "screen" ): ScaledSize;
set( dims: {[key: string]: any}[] ): void
export type PromiseTask = {
gen: () => Promise<any>
export type Handle = number
export interface InteractionManagerStatic {
runAfterInteractions( fn: () => void | PromiseTask): Promise<any>
createInteractionHandle(): Handle
clearInteractionHandle(handle: Handle): void
setDeadline(deadline: number): void
export interface ScrollViewStyle extends FlexStyle, TransformsStyle {
backfaceVisibility?: "visible" | "hidden"
backgroundColor?: string
borderColor?: string
borderTopColor?: string
borderRightColor?: string
borderBottomColor?: string
borderLeftColor?: string
borderRadius?: number
borderTopLeftRadius?: number
borderTopRightRadius?: number
borderBottomLeftRadius?: number
borderBottomRightRadius?: number
borderStyle?: "solid" | "dotted" | "dashed"
borderWidth?: number
borderTopWidth?: number
borderRightWidth?: number
borderBottomWidth?: number
borderLeftWidth?: number
opacity?: number
overflow?: "visible" | "hidden"
shadowColor?: string
shadowOffset?: {width: number; height: number}
shadowOpacity?: number
shadowRadius?: number
elevation?: number
export interface ScrollViewPropertiesIOS {
* When true the scroll view bounces horizontally when it reaches the end
* even if the content is smaller than the scroll view itself. The default
* value is true when `horizontal={true}` and false otherwise.
alwaysBounceHorizontal?: boolean
* When true the scroll view bounces vertically when it reaches the end
* even if the content is smaller than the scroll view itself. The default
* value is false when `horizontal={true}` and true otherwise.
alwaysBounceVertical?: boolean
* Controls whether iOS should automatically adjust the content inset for scroll views that are placed behind a navigation bar or tab bar/ toolbar.
* The default value is true.
automaticallyAdjustContentInsets?: boolean // true
* When true the scroll view bounces when it reaches the end of the
* content if the content is larger then the scroll view along the axis of
* the scroll direction. When false it disables all bouncing even if
* the `alwaysBounce*` props are true. The default value is true.
bounces?: boolean
* When true gestures can drive zoom past min/max and the zoom will animate
* to the min/max value at gesture end otherwise the zoom will not exceed
* the limits.
bouncesZoom?: boolean
* When false once tracking starts won't try to drag if the touch moves.
* The default value is true.
canCancelContentTouches?: boolean
* When true the scroll view automatically centers the content when the
* content is smaller than the scroll view bounds; when the content is
* larger than the scroll view this property has no effect. The default
* value is false.
centerContent?: boolean
* The amount by which the scroll view content is inset from the edges of the scroll view.
* Defaults to {0, 0, 0, 0}.
contentInset?: Insets // zeros
* Used to manually set the starting scroll offset.
* The default value is {x: 0, y: 0}
contentOffset?: PointProperties // zeros
* A floating-point number that determines how quickly the scroll view
* decelerates after the user lifts their finger. Reasonable choices include
* - Normal: 0.998 (the default)
* - Fast: 0.9
decelerationRate?: "fast" | "normal" | number
* When true the ScrollView will try to lock to only vertical or horizontal
* scrolling while dragging. The default value is false.
directionalLockEnabled?: boolean
indicatorStyle?: "default" | "black" | "white"
* The maximum allowed zoom scale. The default value is 1.0.
maximumZoomScale?: number
* The minimum allowed zoom scale. The default value is 1.0.
minimumZoomScale?: number
onRefreshStart?: () => void
* Called when a scrolling animation ends.
onScrollAnimationEnd?: () => void
* When true the scroll view stops on multiples of the scroll view's size
* when scrolling. This can be used for horizontal pagination. The default
* value is false.
pagingEnabled?: boolean
* When false, the content does not scroll. The default value is true
scrollEnabled?: boolean // true
* This controls how often the scroll event will be fired while scrolling (in events per seconds).
* A higher number yields better accuracy for code that is tracking the scroll position,
* but can lead to scroll performance problems due to the volume of information being send over the bridge.
* The default value is zero, which means the scroll event will be sent only once each time the view is scrolled.
scrollEventThrottle?: number // null
* The amount by which the scroll view indicators are inset from the edges of the scroll view.
* This should normally be set to the same value as the contentInset.
* Defaults to {0, 0, 0, 0}.
scrollIndicatorInsets?: Insets //zeroes
* When true the scroll view scrolls to top when the status bar is tapped.
* The default value is true.
scrollsToTop?: boolean
* When snapToInterval is set, snapToAlignment will define the relationship of the the snapping to the scroll view.
* - start (the default) will align the snap at the left (horizontal) or top (vertical)
* - center will align the snap in the center
* - end will align the snap at the right (horizontal) or bottom (vertical)
snapToAlignment?: string
* When set, causes the scroll view to stop at multiples of the value of snapToInterval.
* This can be used for paginating through children that have lengths smaller than the scroll view.
* Used in combination with snapToAlignment.
snapToInterval?: number
* An array of child indices determining which children get docked to the
* top of the screen when scrolling. For example passing
* `stickyHeaderIndices={[0]}` will cause the first child to be fixed to the
* top of the scroll view. This property is not supported in conjunction
* with `horizontal={true}`.
stickyHeaderIndices?: number[]
* The current scale of the scroll view content. The default value is 1.0.
zoomScale?: number
export interface ScrollViewPropertiesAndroid {
endFillColor?: string
export interface ScrollViewProperties extends ScrollViewPropertiesIOS, ScrollViewPropertiesAndroid, Touchable {
* These styles will be applied to the scroll view content container which
* wraps all of the child views. Example:
* return (
* <ScrollView contentContainerStyle={styles.contentContainer}>
* </ScrollView>
* );
* ...
* var styles = StyleSheet.create({
* contentContainer: {
* paddingVertical: 20
* }
* });
contentContainerStyle?: ViewStyle
* When true the scroll view's children are arranged horizontally in a row
* instead of vertically in a column. The default value is false.
horizontal?: boolean
* Determines whether the keyboard gets dismissed in response to a drag.
* - 'none' (the default) drags do not dismiss the keyboard.
* - 'onDrag' the keyboard is dismissed when a drag begins.
* - 'interactive' the keyboard is dismissed interactively with the drag
* and moves in synchrony with the touch; dragging upwards cancels the
* dismissal.
keyboardDismissMode?: string
* When false tapping outside of the focused text input when the keyboard
* is up dismisses the keyboard. When true the scroll view will not catch
* taps and the keyboard will not dismiss automatically. The default value
* is false.
keyboardShouldPersistTaps?: boolean
* Fires at most once per frame during scrolling.
* The frequency of the events can be contolled using the scrollEventThrottle prop.
onScroll?: (event?: { nativeEvent: NativeScrollEvent }) => void
* Experimental: When true offscreen child views (whose `overflow` value is
* `hidden`) are removed from their native backing superview when offscreen.
* This canimprove scrolling performance on long lists. The default value is
* false.
removeClippedSubviews?: boolean
* When true, shows a horizontal scroll indicator.
showsHorizontalScrollIndicator?: boolean
* When true, shows a vertical scroll indicator.
showsVerticalScrollIndicator?: boolean
* Style
style?: ScrollViewStyle
refreshControl?: RefreshControl
export interface ScrollViewProps extends ScrollViewProperties, React.Props<ScrollViewStatic> {
interface ScrollViewStatic extends React.ComponentClass<ScrollViewProps> {
endRefreshing?: () => void
* Scrolls to a given x, y offset, either immediately or with a smooth animation.
* Syntax:
* scrollTo(options: {x: number = 0; y: number = 0; animated: boolean = true})
* Note: The weird argument signature is due to the fact that, for historical reasons,
* the function also accepts separate arguments as as alternative to the options object.
* This is deprecated due to ambiguity (y before x), and SHOULD NOT BE USED.
y?: number | { x?: number, y?: number, animated?: boolean },
x?: number,
animated?: boolean
): void;
// TODO: investigate return type
getMetrics?: () => any
scrollWithoutAnimationTo?: (y: number, x: number) => void
export interface NativeScrollRectangle {
left: number;
top: number;
bottom: number;
right: number;
export interface NativeScrollPoint {
x: number;
y: number;
export interface NativeScrollSize {
height: number;
width: number;
export interface NativeScrollEvent {
contentInset: NativeScrollRectangle;
contentOffset: NativeScrollPoint;
contentSize: NativeScrollSize;
layoutMeasurement: NativeScrollSize;
zoomScale: number;
// A P I s
* @see:
export interface ActionSheetIOSOptions {
title?: string
options?: string[]
cancelButtonIndex?: number
destructiveButtonIndex?: number
message?: string
* //FIXME: no documentation - inferred from RCTACtionSheetManager.m
export interface ShareActionSheetIOSOptions {
message?: string
url?: string
* @see
* //FIXME: no documentation - inferred from RCTACtionSheetManager.m
export interface ActionSheetIOSStatic {
showActionSheetWithOptions: ( options: ActionSheetIOSOptions, callback: ( buttonIndex: number ) => void ) => void
showShareActionSheetWithOptions: ( options: ShareActionSheetIOSOptions, failureCallback: ( error: Error ) => void, successCallback: ( success: boolean, method: string ) => void ) => void
export interface AlertButton {
text?: string
onPress?: () => void
style?: "default" | "cancel" | "destructive"
export interface AlertStatic {
alert: (title: string, message?: string, buttons?: AlertButton[], type?: string) => void
* //FIXME: No documentation - inferred from RCTAdSupport.m
export interface AdSupportIOSStatic {
getAdvertisingId: ( onSuccess: ( deviceId: string ) => void, onFailure: ( err: Error ) => void ) => void
getAdvertisingTrackingEnabled: ( onSuccess: ( hasTracking: boolean ) => void, onFailure: ( err: Error ) => void ) => void
interface AlertIOSButton {
text: string
onPress?: () => void
style?: "default" | "cancel" | "destructive"
* Launches an alert dialog with the specified title and message.
* Optionally provide a list of buttons.
* Tapping any button will fire the respective onPress callback and dismiss the alert.
* By default, the only button will be an 'OK' button
* The last button in the list will be considered the 'Primary' button and it will appear bold.
* @see
export interface AlertIOSStatic {
alert: ( title: string, message?: string, callbackOrButtons?: (value: string) => void| Array<AlertIOSButton>, type?: string ) => void
prompt: ( title: string, value?: string, callbackOrButtons?: (value: string) => void | Array<AlertIOSButton>, type?: string, defaultValue?: string ) => void
* AppStateIOS can tell you if the app is in the foreground or background,
* and notify you when the state changes.
* AppStateIOS is frequently used to determine the intent and proper behavior
* when handling push notifications.
* iOS App States
* active - The app is running in the foreground
* background - The app is running in the background. The user is either in another app or on the home screen
* inactive - This is a transition state that currently never happens for typical React Native apps.
* For more information, see Apple's documentation:
* @see
export type AppStateEvent = "change" | "memoryWarning"
export type AppStateStatus = "active" | "background" | "inactive"
export interface AppStateStatic {
currentState: string
addEventListener( type: AppStateEvent, listener: ( state: AppStateStatus ) => void ): void
removeEventListener( type: AppStateEvent, listener: ( state: AppStateStatus ) => void ): void
* AsyncStorage is a simple, asynchronous, persistent, key-value storage system that is global to the app.
* It should be used instead of LocalStorage.
* It is recommended that you use an abstraction on top of AsyncStorage
* instead of AsyncStorage directly for anything more than light usage since it operates globally.
* @see
export interface AsyncStorageStatic {
* Fetches key and passes the result to callback, along with an Error if there is any.
getItem( key: string, callback?: ( error?: Error, result?: string ) => void ): Promise<string>
* Sets value for key and calls callback on completion, along with an Error if there is any
setItem( key: string, value: string, callback?: ( error?: Error ) => void ): Promise<string>
removeItem( key: string, callback?: ( error?: Error ) => void ): Promise<string>
* Merges existing value with input value, assuming they are stringified json. Returns a Promise object.
* Not supported by all native implementation
mergeItem( key: string, value: string, callback?: ( error?: Error ) => void ): Promise<string>
* Erases all AsyncStorage for all clients, libraries, etc. You probably don't want to call this.
* Use removeItem or multiRemove to clear only your own keys instead.
clear( callback?: ( error?: Error ) => void ): Promise<string>
* Gets all keys known to the app, for all callers, libraries, etc
getAllKeys( callback?: ( error?: Error, keys?: string[] ) => void ): Promise<string>
* multiGet invokes callback with an array of key-value pair arrays that matches the input format of multiSet
multiGet( keys: string[], callback?: ( errors?: Error[], result?: string[][] ) => void ): Promise<string>
* multiSet and multiMerge take arrays of key-value array pairs that match the output of multiGet,
* multiSet([['k1', 'val1'], ['k2', 'val2']], cb);
multiSet( keyValuePairs: string[][], callback?: ( errors?: Error[] ) => void ): Promise<string>
* Delete all the keys in the keys array.
multiRemove( keys: string[], callback?: ( errors?: Error[] ) => void ): Promise<string>
* Merges existing values with input values, assuming they are stringified json.
* Returns a Promise object.
* Not supported by all native implementations.
multiMerge( keyValuePairs: string[][], callback?: ( errors?: Error[] ) => void ): Promise<string>
export interface BackAndroidStatic {
exitApp(): void;
addEventListener(eventName: string, handler: () => void): void;
removeEventListener(eventName: string, handler: () => void): void;
export interface CameraRollFetchParams {
first: number;
after?: string;
groupTypes: string; // 'Album','All','Event','Faces','Library','PhotoStream','SavedPhotos'
groupName?: string
assetType?: string
export interface CameraRollNodeInfo {
image: Image;
group_name: string;
timestamp: number;
location: any;
export interface CameraRollEdgeInfo {
node: CameraRollNodeInfo;
export interface CameraRollAssetInfo {
edges: CameraRollEdgeInfo[];
page_info: {
has_next_page: boolean;
end_cursor: string;
export interface GetPhotosParamType {
first: number
after: string
groupTypes: "Album" | "All" | "Event" | "Faces" | "Library" | "PhotoStream" | "SavedPhotos"
groupName: string
assetType: "All" | "Videos" | "Photos"
mimeTypes: string[]
export interface GetPhotosReturnType {
edges: {
node: {
type: string
group_name: string
image: {
uri: string
height: number
width: number
isStored?: boolean
page_info: {
has_next_page: boolean
start_cursor?: string
end_cursor?: string
* CameraRoll provides access to the local camera roll / gallery.
export interface CameraRollStatic {
GroupTypesOptions: string[] //'Album','All','Event','Faces','Library','PhotoStream','SavedPhotos'
* Saves the image to the camera roll / gallery.
* The CameraRoll API is not yet implemented for Android.
* @tag On Android, this is a local URI, such as "file:///sdcard/img.png".
* On iOS, the tag can be one of the following:
* local URI
* assets-library tag
* a tag not maching any of the above, which means the image data will be stored in memory (and consume memory as long as the process is alive)
* @param successCallback Invoked with the value of tag on success.
* @param errorCallback Invoked with error message on error.
saveImageWithTag( tag: string ): Promise<string>
* Invokes callback with photo identifier objects from the local camera roll of the device matching shape defined by getPhotosReturnChecker.
* @param {object} params See getPhotosParamChecker.
getPhotos(params: GetPhotosParamType): Promise<GetPhotosReturnType>;
export interface ClipboardStatic {
getString(): Promise<string>;
setString(content: string): void;
export interface DatePickerAndroidOpenOption {
date?: Date | number
minDate?: Date | number
maxDate?: Date | number
export interface DatePickerAndroidOpenReturn {
action: string // Deduced from
year?: number
month?: number
day?: number
export interface DatePickerAndroidStatic {
open(options?: DatePickerAndroidOpenOption): Promise<DatePickerAndroidOpenReturn>
dateSetAction: string
dismissedAction: string
export interface FetchableListenable<T> {
fetch: () => Promise<T>
* eventName is expected to be `change`
* //FIXME: No doc - inferred from NetInfo.js
addEventListener: ( eventName: string, listener: ( result: T ) => void ) => void
* eventName is expected to be `change`
* //FIXME: No doc - inferred from NetInfo.js
removeEventListener: ( eventName: string, listener: ( result: T ) => void ) => void
export interface IntentAndroidStatic {
openURL(url: string): void
canOpenURL(url: string, callback: (supported: boolean) => void): void
getInitialURL(callback: (url: string) => void):void
export interface LinkingStatic {
addEventListener(type: string, handler: (event: {url: string}) => void): void
removeEventListener(type: string, handler: (event: {url: string}) => void): void
openURL(url: string): Promise<boolean>
canOpenURL(url: string): Promise<boolean>
getInitialURL(): Promise<string>
export interface LinkingIOSStatic {
addEventListener(type: string, handler: (event: {url: string}) => void): void
removeEventListener(type: string, handler: (event: {url: string}) => void): void
openURL(url: string): void
canOpenURL(url: string, callback: (supported: boolean) => void): void
popInitialURL(): string;
* NetInfo exposes info about online/offline status
* Asynchronously determine if the device is online and on a cellular network.
* - `none` - device is offline
* - `wifi` - device is online and connected via wifi, or is the iOS simulator
* - `cell` - device is connected via Edge, 3G, WiMax, or LTE
* - `unknown` - error case and the network status is unknown
* @see
// This is from code, a few items more than documentation@0.25
export type NetInfoReturnType = "none" | "wifi" | "cell" | "unknown" |
export interface NetInfoStatic extends FetchableListenable<NetInfoReturnType> {
* Available on all platforms.
* Asynchronously fetch a boolean to determine internet connectivity.
isConnected: FetchableListenable<boolean>
isConnectionExpensive: FetchableListenable<boolean>
export interface PanResponderGestureState {
* ID of the gestureState- persisted as long as there at least one touch on
stateID: number
* the latest screen coordinates of the recently-moved touch
moveX: number
* the latest screen coordinates of the recently-moved touch
moveY: number
* the screen coordinates of the responder grant
x0: number
* the screen coordinates of the responder grant
y0: number
* accumulated distance of the gesture since the touch started
dx: number
* accumulated distance of the gesture since the touch started
dy: number
* current velocity of the gesture
vx: number
* current velocity of the gesture
vy: number
* Number of touches currently on screeen
numberActiveTouches: number
// All `gestureState` accounts for timeStamps up until:
_accountsForMovesUpTo: number
* @see documentation of GestureResponderHandlers
export interface PanResponderCallbacks {
onMoveShouldSetPanResponder?: ( e: GestureResponderEvent, gestureState: PanResponderGestureState ) => boolean
onStartShouldSetPanResponder?: ( e: GestureResponderEvent, gestureState: PanResponderGestureState ) => void
onPanResponderGrant?: ( e: GestureResponderEvent, gestureState: PanResponderGestureState ) => void
onPanResponderMove?: ( e: GestureResponderEvent, gestureState: PanResponderGestureState ) => void
onPanResponderRelease?: ( e: GestureResponderEvent, gestureState: PanResponderGestureState ) => void
onPanResponderTerminate?: ( e: GestureResponderEvent, gestureState: PanResponderGestureState ) => void
onMoveShouldSetPanResponderCapture?: ( e: GestureResponderEvent, gestureState: PanResponderGestureState ) => boolean
onStartShouldSetPanResponderCapture?: ( e: GestureResponderEvent, gestureState: PanResponderGestureState ) => boolean
onPanResponderReject?: ( e: GestureResponderEvent, gestureState: PanResponderGestureState ) => void
onPanResponderStart?: ( e: GestureResponderEvent, gestureState: PanResponderGestureState ) => void
onPanResponderEnd?: ( e: GestureResponderEvent, gestureState: PanResponderGestureState ) => void
onPanResponderTerminationRequest?: ( e: GestureResponderEvent, gestureState: PanResponderGestureState ) => boolean
export interface PanResponderInstance {
panHandlers: GestureResponderHandlers
* PanResponder reconciles several touches into a single gesture.
* It makes single-touch gestures resilient to extra touches,
* and can be used to recognize simple multi-touch gestures.
* It provides a predictable wrapper of the responder handlers provided by the gesture responder system.
* For each handler, it provides a new gestureState object alongside the normal event.
export interface PanResponderStatic {
* @param config Enhanced versions of all of the responder callbacks
* that provide not only the typical `ResponderSyntheticEvent`, but also the
* `PanResponder` gesture state. Simply replace the word `Responder` with
* `PanResponder` in each of the typical `onResponder*` callbacks. For
* example, the `config` object would look like:
* - `onMoveShouldSetPanResponder: (e, gestureState) => {...}`
* - `onMoveShouldSetPanResponderCapture: (e, gestureState) => {...}`
* - `onStartShouldSetPanResponder: (e, gestureState) => {...}`
* - `onStartShouldSetPanResponderCapture: (e, gestureState) => {...}`
* - `onPanResponderReject: (e, gestureState) => {...}`
* - `onPanResponderGrant: (e, gestureState) => {...}`
* - `onPanResponderStart: (e, gestureState) => {...}`
* - `onPanResponderEnd: (e, gestureState) => {...}`
* - `onPanResponderRelease: (e, gestureState) => {...}`
* - `onPanResponderMove: (e, gestureState) => {...}`
* - `onPanResponderTerminate: (e, gestureState) => {...}`
* - `onPanResponderTerminationRequest: (e, gestureState) => {...}`
* In general, for events that have capture equivalents, we update the
* gestureState once in the capture phase and can use it in the bubble phase
* as well.
* Be careful with onStartShould* callbacks. They only reflect updated
* `gestureState` for start/end events that bubble/capture to the Node.
* Once the node is the responder, you can rely on every start/end event
* being processed by the gesture and `gestureState` being updated
* accordingly. (numberActiveTouches) may not be totally accurate unless you
* are the responder.
create( config: PanResponderCallbacks ): PanResponderInstance
export interface PushNotificationPermissions {
alert?: boolean
badge?: boolean
sound?: boolean
export interface PushNotification {
* An alias for `getAlert` to get the notification's main message string
getMessage(): string | Object
* Gets the sound string from the `aps` object
getSound(): string
* Gets the notification's main message from the `aps` object
getAlert(): string | Object
* Gets the badge count number from the `aps` object
getBadgeCount(): number
* Gets the data object on the notif
getData(): Object
type PresentLocalNotificationDetails = {
alertBody: string
alertAction: string
soundName?: string
category?: string
userInfo?: Object
type ScheduleLocalNotificationDetails = {
fireDate: Date
alertBody: string
alertAction: string
soundName?: string
category?: string
userInfo?: Object
* Handle push notifications for your app, including permission handling and icon badge number.
* @see
* //FIXME: BGR: The documentation seems completely off compared to the actual js implementation. I could never get the example to run
export interface PushNotificationIOSStatic {
presentLocalNotification(details: PresentLocalNotificationDetails): void
scheduleLocalNotification(details: ScheduleLocalNotificationDetails): void
cancelAllLocalNotifications(): void
cancelLocalNotifications(userInfo: Object): void
* Sets the badge number for the app icon on the home screen
setApplicationIconBadgeNumber( number: number ): void
* Gets the current badge number for the app icon on the home screen
getApplicationIconBadgeNumber( callback: ( badge: number ) => void ): void
* Attaches a listener to remote notifications while the app is running in the
* foreground or the background.
* The handler will get be invoked with an instance of `PushNotificationIOS`
* The type MUST be 'notification'
addEventListener( type: string, handler: ( notification: PushNotification ) => void ):void
* Requests all notification permissions from iOS, prompting the user's
* dialog box.
requestPermissions( permissions?: PushNotificationPermissions[] ): void
abandonPermissions(): void
* See what push permissions are currently enabled. `callback` will be
* invoked with a `permissions` object:
* - `alert` :boolean
* - `badge` :boolean
* - `sound` :boolean
checkPermissions( callback: ( permissions: PushNotificationPermissions ) => void ): void
* Removes the event listener. Do this in `componentWillUnmount` to prevent
* memory leaks
removeEventListener( type: string, handler: ( notification: PushNotification ) => void ): void
* An initial notification will be available if the app was cold-launched
* from a notification.
* The first caller of `popInitialNotification` will get the initial
* notification object, or `null`. Subsequent invocations will return null.
popInitialNotification(): PushNotification
* @enum('default', 'light-content')
export type StatusBarStyle = string
* @enum('none','fade', 'slide')
type StatusBarAnimation = string
export interface StatusBarPropertiesIOS extends React.Props<StatusBarStatic> {
barStyle?: "default" | "light-content"
networkActivityIndicatorVisible?: boolean
showHideTransition?: "fade" | "slide"
export interface StatusBarPropertiesAndroid extends React.Props<StatusBarStatic> {
backgroundColor?: any
translucent?: boolean
export interface StatusBarProperties extends StatusBarPropertiesIOS, StatusBarPropertiesAndroid, React.Props<StatusBarStatic> {
animated?: boolean
hidden?: boolean
export interface StatusBarStatic extends React.ComponentClass<StatusBarProperties> {
setHidden: (hidden: boolean, animation: 'none' | 'fade' | 'slide') => void
setBarStyle: (style: 'default' | 'light-content', animated: boolean) => void
setNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible: (visible: boolean) => void
setBackgroundColor: (color: string, animated: boolean) => void
setTranslucent: (translucent: boolean) => void
* //FIXME: No documentation is available (although this is self explanatory)
* @see
export interface StatusBarIOSStatic {
setStyle(style: StatusBarStyle, animated?: boolean): void
setHidden(hidden: boolean, animation?: StatusBarAnimation): void
setNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible(visible: boolean): void
type TimePickerAndroidOpenOptions = {
hour?: number
minute?: number
is24Hour?: boolean
export interface TimePickerAndroidStatic {
open(options: TimePickerAndroidOpenOptions): Promise<{action: string, hour: number, minute: number}>
timeSetAction: string
dismissedAction: string
export interface ToastAndroidStatic {
show(message: string, duraction: number): void
SHORT: number
LONG: number
export interface SwitchPropertiesIOS extends React.Props<SwitchStatic> {
onTintColor?: any
thumbTintColor?: any
tintColor?: any
export interface SwitchProperties extends React.Props<SwitchStatic> {
disabled?: boolean
onValueChange?: (value: boolean) => void
testID?: string
value?: boolean
export interface SwitchStatic extends React.ComponentClass<SwitchProperties> {
* The Vibration API is exposed at VibrationIOS.vibrate().
* On iOS, calling this function will trigger a one second vibration.
* The vibration is asynchronous so this method will return immediately.
* There will be no effect on devices that do not support Vibration, eg. the iOS simulator.
* Vibration patterns are currently unsupported.
* @see
export interface VibrationIOSStatic {
vibrate(): void
export interface VibrationStatic {
vibrate(): void
cancel(): void
* This class implements common easing functions. The math is pretty obscure,
* but this cool website has nice visual illustrations of what they represent:
export type EasingFunction = (value: number) => number;
export interface EasingStatic {
step0: EasingFunction;
step1: EasingFunction;
linear: EasingFunction;
ease: EasingFunction;
quad: EasingFunction;
cubic: EasingFunction;
poly: EasingFunction;
sin: EasingFunction;
circle: EasingFunction;
exp: EasingFunction;
elastic: EasingFunction;
back(s: number): EasingFunction;
bounce: EasingFunction;
bezier( x1: number,
y1: number,
x2: number,
y2: number): EasingFunction;
in(easing: EasingFunction): EasingFunction;
out(easing: EasingFunction): EasingFunction;
inOut(easing: EasingFunction): EasingFunction;
export module Animated {
// Most (all?) functions where AnimatedValue is used any subclass of Animated can be used as well.
type AnimatedValue = Animated;
type AnimatedValueXY = ValueXY;
type Base = Animated;
class Animated {
// Internal class, no public API.
class AnimatedWithChildren extends Animated {
// Internal class, no public API.
class AnimatedInterpolation extends AnimatedWithChildren {
interpolate(config: InterpolationConfigType): AnimatedInterpolation;
type ExtrapolateType = 'extend' | 'identity' | 'clamp';
type InterpolationConfigType = {
inputRange: number[];
outputRange: (number[] | string[]);
easing?: ((input: number) => number);
extrapolate?: ExtrapolateType;
extrapolateLeft?: ExtrapolateType;
extrapolateRight?: ExtrapolateType;
type ValueListenerCallback = (state: {value: number}) => void;
* Standard value for driving animations. One `Animated.Value` can drive
* multiple properties in a synchronized fashion, but can only be driven by one
* mechanism at a time. Using a new mechanism (e.g. starting a new animation,
* or calling `setValue`) will stop any previous ones.
export class Value extends AnimatedWithChildren {
constructor(value: number);
setValue(value: number): void;
* Sets an offset that is applied on top of whatever value is set, whether via
* `setValue`, an animation, or `Animated.event`. Useful for compensating
* things like the start of a pan gesture.
setOffset(offset: number): void;
* Merges the offset value into the base value and resets the offset to zero.
* The final output of the value is unchanged.
flattenOffset(): void;
* Adds an asynchronous listener to the value so you can observe updates from
* animations. This is useful because there is no way to
* synchronously read the value because it might be driven natively.
addListener(callback: ValueListenerCallback): string;
removeListener(id: string): void;
removeAllListeners(): void;
* Stops any running animation or tracking. `callback` is invoked with the
* final value after stopping the animation, which is useful for updating
* state to match the animation position with layout.
stopAnimation(callback?: (value: number) => void): void;
* Interpolates the value before updating the property, e.g. mapping 0-1 to
* 0-10.
interpolate(config: InterpolationConfigType): AnimatedInterpolation;
type ValueXYListenerCallback = (value: {x: number; y: number}) => void;
* 2D Value for driving 2D animations, such as pan gestures. Almost identical
* API to normal `Animated.Value`, but multiplexed. Contains two regular
* `Animated.Value`s under the hood.
export class ValueXY extends AnimatedWithChildren {
x: AnimatedValue;
y: AnimatedValue;
constructor(valueIn?: {x: number | AnimatedValue; y: number | AnimatedValue});
setValue(value: {x: number; y: number}): void;
setOffset(offset: {x: number; y: number}): void;
flattenOffset(): void
stopAnimation(callback?: () => number): void;
addListener(callback: ValueXYListenerCallback): string;
removeListener(id: string): void;
* Converts `{x, y}` into `{left, top}` for use in style, e.g.
* style={this.state.anim.getLayout()}
getLayout(): { left: AnimatedValue, top: AnimatedValue };
* Converts `{x, y}` into a useable translation transform, e.g.
* style={{
* transform: this.state.anim.getTranslateTransform()
* }}
getTranslateTransform(): {[key: string]: AnimatedValue}[];
type EndResult = {finished: boolean};
type EndCallback = (result: EndResult) => void;
interface CompositeAnimation {
start: (callback?: EndCallback) => void;
stop: () => void;
interface AnimationConfig {
isInteraction?: boolean;
useNativeDriver?: boolean;
* Animates a value from an initial velocity to zero based on a decay
* coefficient.
export function decay(
value: AnimatedValue | AnimatedValueXY,
config: DecayAnimationConfig
): CompositeAnimation;
interface DecayAnimationConfig extends AnimationConfig {
velocity: number | {x: number, y: number};
deceleration?: number;
* Animates a value along a timed easing curve. The `Easing` module has tons
* of pre-defined curves, or you can use your own function.
export var timing: (
value: AnimatedValue | AnimatedValueXY,
config: TimingAnimationConfig
) => CompositeAnimation;
interface TimingAnimationConfig extends AnimationConfig {
toValue: number | AnimatedValue | {x: number, y: number} | AnimatedValueXY;
easing?: (value: number) => number;
duration?: number;
delay?: number;
interface SpringAnimationConfig extends AnimationConfig {
toValue: number | AnimatedValue | {x: number, y: number} | AnimatedValueXY;
overshootClamping?: boolean;
restDisplacementThreshold?: number;
restSpeedThreshold?: number;
velocity?: number | {x: number, y: number};
bounciness?: number;
speed?: number;
tension?: number;
friction?: number;
* Creates a new Animated value composed from two Animated values added
* together.
export function add(
a: Animated,
b: Animated
): AnimatedAddition;
class AnimatedAddition extends AnimatedInterpolation {}
* Creates a new Animated value composed from two Animated values multiplied
* together.
export function multiply(
a: Animated,
b: Animated
): AnimatedMultiplication;
class AnimatedMultiplication extends AnimatedInterpolation {}
* Creates a new Animated value that is the (non-negative) modulo of the
* provided Animated value
export function modulo(
a: Animated,
modulus: number
): AnimatedModulo;
class AnimatedModulo extends AnimatedInterpolation {}
* Starts an animation after the given delay.
export function delay(time: number): CompositeAnimation;
* Starts an array of animations in order, waiting for each to complete
* before starting the next. If the current running animation is stopped, no
* following animations will be started.
export function sequence(
animations: Array<CompositeAnimation>
): CompositeAnimation;
* Array of animations may run in parallel (overlap), but are started in
* sequence with successive delays. Nice for doing trailing effects.
export function stagger(
time: number,
animations: Array<CompositeAnimation>
): CompositeAnimation
* Spring animation based on Rebound and Origami. Tracks velocity state to
* create fluid motions as the `toValue` updates, and can be chained together.
export var spring: (
value: AnimatedValue | AnimatedValueXY,
config: SpringAnimationConfig
) => CompositeAnimation;
type ParallelConfig = {
stopTogether?: boolean; // If one is stopped, stop all. default: true
* Starts an array of animations all at the same time. By default, if one
* of the animations is stopped, they will all be stopped. You can override
* this with the `stopTogether` flag.
var parallel: (
animations: Array<CompositeAnimation>,
config?: ParallelConfig
) => CompositeAnimation;
type Mapping = {[key: string]: Mapping} | AnimatedValue;
interface EventConfig {
listener?: Function
* Takes an array of mappings and extracts values from each arg accordingly,
* then calls `setValue` on the mapped outputs. e.g.
* onScroll={Animated.event(
* [{nativeEvent: {contentOffset: {x: this._scrollX}}}]
* {listener}, // Optional async listener
* )
* ...
* onPanResponderMove: Animated.event([
* null, // raw event arg ignored
* {dx: this._panX}, // gestureState arg
* ]),
var event: (
argMapping: Mapping[],
config?: EventConfig
) => (...args: any[]) => void;
* Animated variants of the basic native views. Accepts Animated.Value for
* props and style.
export var View: any;
export var Image: any;
export var Text: any;
export interface GeolocationStatic {
getCurrentPosition(geo_success: (position: GeolocationReturnType) => void, geo_error?: (error: Error) => void, geo_options?: GetCurrentPositionOptions): void
watchPosition(success: (position: Geolocation) => void, error?: (error: Error) => void, options?: WatchPositionOptions): void
clearWatch(watchID: number): void
stopObserving(): void
// TODO: Add proper support
export type fetch = (url: string, options?: Object) => Promise<any>
export type timedScheduler = (fn: string | Function, time: number) => number
export type untimedScheduler = (fn: string | Function) => number
export type setTimeout = timedScheduler
export type setInterval = timedScheduler
export type setImmediate = untimedScheduler
export type requestAnimationFrame = untimedScheduler
export type schedulerCanceller = (id: number) => void
export type clearTimeout = schedulerCanceller
export type clearInterval = schedulerCanceller
export type clearImmediate = schedulerCanceller
export type cancelAnimationFrame = schedulerCanceller
export interface TabsReducerStatic {
JumpToAction(index: number): any;
export type TabsReducerFunction = (params:any) => any;
export interface NavigationReducerStatic {
TabsReducer: any; // (TabsReducerFunction | TabsReducerStatic);
export interface NavigationTab
key: string;
export interface NavigationContainerProps {
tabs: NavigationTab[];
index: number;
export interface NavigationContainerStatic extends React.ComponentClass<NavigationContainerProps> {
create(inClass: any): any;
export interface NavigationAction
type: string;
export interface NavigationState {
key: string;
export interface NavigationParentState extends NavigationState {
index: number;
children: NavigationState[];
export type NavigationRenderer = (
navigationState: NavigationParentState,
onNavigate: (action: NavigationAction) => boolean
) => JSX.Element;
export interface NavigationRootContainerProps extends React.Props<NavigationRootContainerStatic> {
renderNavigation: NavigationRenderer;
reducer: NavigationReducerStatic;
persistenceKey?: string;
export interface NavigationRootContainerStatic extends React.ComponentClass<NavigationRootContainerProps> {
getBackAction(): NavigationAction;
handleNavigation( action: NavigationAction ): boolean;
export interface NavigationExperimentalStatic {
Container: NavigationContainerStatic;
Reducer: NavigationReducerStatic;
RootContainer: NavigationRootContainerStatic;
// R E - E X P O R T S
// export var AppRegistry: AppRegistryStatic;
export var ActivityIndicatorIOS: ActivityIndicatorIOSStatic
export type ActivityIndicatorIOS = ActivityIndicatorIOSStatic
export var DatePickerIOS: DatePickerIOSStatic
export type DatePickerIOS = DatePickerIOSStatic
export var DrawerLayoutAndroid: DrawerLayoutAndroidStatic
export type DrawerLayoutAndroid = DrawerLayoutAndroidStatic
export var Image: ImageStatic
export type Image = ImageStatic
export var LayoutAnimation: LayoutAnimationStatic
export type LayoutAnimation = LayoutAnimationStatic
export var ListView: ListViewStatic
export type ListView = ListViewStatic
export var MapView: MapViewStatic
export type MapView = MapViewStatic
export var Modal: ModalStatic
export type Modal = ModalStatic
export var Navigator: NavigatorStatic
export type Navigator = NavigatorStatic
export var NavigatorIOS: NavigatorIOSStatic
export type NavigatorIOS = NavigatorIOSStatic
export var Picker: PickerStatic
export type Picker = PickerStatic
export var PickerIOS: PickerIOSStatic
export type PickerIOS = PickerIOSStatic
export var ProgressBarAndroid: ProgressBarAndroidStatic
export type ProgressBarAndroid = ProgressBarAndroidStatic
export var ProgressViewIOS: ProgressViewIOSStatic
export type ProgressViewIOS = ProgressViewIOSStatic
export var RefreshControl: RefreshControlStatic
export type RefreshControl = RefreshControlStatic
export var Slider: SliderIOS
export type Slider = SliderIOS
export var SliderIOS: SliderIOSStatic
export type SliderIOS = SliderIOSStatic
export var StatusBar: StatusBarStatic
export type StatusBar = StatusBarStatic
export var ScrollView: ScrollViewStatic
export type ScrollView = ScrollViewStatic
export var StyleSheet: StyleSheetStatic
export type StyleSheet = StyleSheetStatic
export var SwitchIOS: SwitchIOSStatic
export type SwitchIOS = SwitchIOSStatic
export var TabBarIOS: TabBarIOSStatic
export type TabBarIOS = TabBarIOSStatic
export var Text: TextStatic
export type Text = TextStatic
export var TextInput: TextInputStatic
export type TextInput = TextInputStatic
export var ToolbarAndroid: ToolbarAndroidStatic
export type ToolbarAndroid = ToolbarAndroidStatic
export var TouchableHighlight: TouchableHighlightStatic
export type TouchableHighlight = TouchableHighlightStatic
export var TouchableNativeFeedback: TouchableNativeFeedbackStatic
export type TouchableNativeFeedback = TouchableNativeFeedbackStatic
export var TouchableOpacity: TouchableOpacityStatic
export type TouchableOpacity = TouchableOpacityStatic
export var TouchableWithoutFeedback: TouchableWithoutFeedbackStatic
export type TouchableWithoutFeedback= TouchableWithoutFeedbackStatic
export var View: ViewStatic
export type View = ViewStatic
export var ViewPagerAndroid: ViewPagerAndroidStatic
export type ViewPagerAndroid = ViewPagerAndroidStatic
export var WebView: WebViewStatic
export type WebView = WebViewStatic
//////////// APIS //////////////
export var ActionSheetIOS: ActionSheetIOSStatic
export type ActionSheetIOS = ActionSheetIOSStatic
export var AdSupportIOS: AdSupportIOSStatic
export type AdSupportIOS = AdSupportIOSStatic
export var Alert: AlertStatic
export type Alert = AlertStatic
export var AlertIOS: AlertIOSStatic
export type AlertIOS = AlertIOSStatic
export var AppState : AppStateStatic;
export type AppState = AppStateStatic;
export var AppStateIOS: AppStateStatic
export type AppStateIOS = AppStateStatic
export var AsyncStorage: AsyncStorageStatic
export type AsyncStorage = AsyncStorageStatic
export var BackAndroid: BackAndroidStatic
export type BackAndroid = BackAndroidStatic
export var CameraRoll: CameraRollStatic
export type CameraRoll = CameraRollStatic
export var Clipboard: ClipboardStatic
export type Clipboard = ClipboardStatic
export var DatePickerAndroid: DatePickerAndroidStatic
export type DatePickerAndroid = DatePickerAndroidStatic
export var IntentAndroid: IntentAndroidStatic
export type IntentAndroid = IntentAndroidStatic
export var Linking: LinkingStatic
export type Linking = LinkingStatic
export var LinkingIOS: LinkingIOSStatic
export type LinkingIOS = LinkingIOSStatic
export var NetInfo: NetInfoStatic
export type NetInfo = NetInfoStatic
export var PanResponder: PanResponderStatic
export type PanResponder = PanResponderStatic
export var PushNotificationIOS: PushNotificationIOSStatic
export type PushNotificationIOS = PushNotificationIOSStatic
export var StatusBarIOS: StatusBarIOSStatic
export type StatusBarIOS = StatusBarIOSStatic
export var TimePickerAndroid: TimePickerAndroidStatic
export type TimePickerAndroid = TimePickerAndroidStatic
export var ToastAndroid: ToastAndroidStatic
export type ToastAndroid = ToastAndroidStatic
export var VibrationIOS: VibrationIOSStatic
export type VibrationIOS = VibrationIOSStatic
export var Vibration: VibrationStatic
export type Vibration = VibrationStatic
export var Dimensions: Dimensions;
export var ShadowPropTypesIOS: ShadowPropTypesIOSStatic;
export type NavigationExperimental = NavigationExperimentalStatic;
export var NavigationExperimental: NavigationExperimentalStatic;
export type NavigationContainer = NavigationContainerStatic;
export var NavigationContainer: NavigationContainerStatic;
export type NavigationRootContainer = NavigationRootContainerStatic;
export var NavigationRootContainer: NavigationRootContainerStatic;
export type NavigationReducer = NavigationReducerStatic;
export var NavigationReducer: NavigationReducerStatic;
export type Easing = EasingStatic;
export var Easing: EasingStatic;
// /TODO: BGR: These are leftovers of the initial port that must be revisited
export var SegmentedControlIOS: SegmentedControlIOSStatic
export type SegmentedControlIOS = SegmentedControlIOSStatic
export var PixelRatio: PixelRatioStatic
export var Platform: PlatformStatic
export var DeviceEventEmitter: DeviceEventEmitterStatic
export var DeviceEventSubscription: DeviceEventSubscriptionStatic
export type DeviceEventSubscription = DeviceEventSubscriptionStatic
export var InteractionManager: InteractionManagerStatic
export var Geolocation: GeolocationStatic
export type Geolocation = GeolocationStatic
// Additional ( and controversial)
export function __spread( target: any, ...sources: any[] ): any;
export interface GlobalStatic {
* Accepts a function as its only argument and calls that function before the next repaint.
* It is an essential building block for animations that underlies all of the JavaScript-based animation APIs.
* In general, you shouldn't need to call this yourself - the animation API's will manage frame updates for you.
* @see
requestAnimationFrame( fn: () => void ) : void;
// Add-Ons
namespace addons {
//FIXME: Documentation ?
export interface TestModuleStatic {
verifySnapshot: ( done: ( indicator?: any ) => void ) => void
markTestPassed: ( indicator: any ) => void
markTestCompleted: () => void
export var TestModule: TestModuleStatic
export type TestModule = TestModuleStatic
declare module "react-native" {
import ReactNative = __React
export = ReactNative
declare var global: __React.GlobalStatic
declare function require( name: string ): any
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