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Created October 22, 2022 16:07
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity 0.8.16;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/security/ReentrancyGuard.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/utils/SafeERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Counters.sol";
import "./tokens/ASIC.sol";
import "./tokens/ATM.sol";
import "@uniswap/v3-core/contracts/interfaces/IUniswapV3Pool.sol";
import "@uniswap/v3-core/contracts/libraries/FixedPoint96.sol";
import "./lib/TickMath.sol";
import "./lib/FullMath.sol";
/// @title PulseBitcoin smart contract
/// @author 01101000 01100101 01111000 01101001 01101110 01100110 01101111 00100000 00100110 00100000 01101011 01101111 01100100 01100101
/// @notice PulseBitcoin is a premier store of value that is mined through the process of a 30 day timelock deposit of ASIC.
contract PulseBitcoin is ERC20, ReentrancyGuard {
using SafeERC20 for IERC20;
using Counters for Counters.Counter;
// ASIC Token
ASIC private immutable _asic;
address public asic;
// ASIC Token Miner NFT
ATM private immutable _atm;
address public atm;
// constants
uint256 private immutable LAUNCH_TIME;
uint8 private constant TWAP_INTERVAL = 15;
uint256 private constant MAX_MINER_SIZE = 140 * 1e6 * 1e12;
uint256 private constant MIN_MINING_DURATION = 30;
uint256 private constant WITHDRAW_GRACE_PERIOD = 30;
uint256 private constant ATM_EVENT_LENGTH = 30;
uint256 private constant SCALE_FACTOR = 1e6;
uint256 private constant MIN_MINING_BITOSHIS = 1 * 1e12;
uint256 private constant DECIMAL_RESOLUTION = 1e18;
uint256 private constant TOTAL_MINTABLE_SUPPLY = 21 * 1e6 * 1e12; // 21 million
// address constants
address private constant WETH_ADDRESS = address(0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2);
address private constant USDC_ADDRESS = address(0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48);
address private constant USDT_ADDRESS = address(0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7);
address private constant DAI_ADDRESS = address(0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F);
address private constant HEX_ADDRESS = address(0x2b591e99afE9f32eAA6214f7B7629768c40Eeb39);
address private constant HDRN_ADDRESS = address(0x3819f64f282bf135d62168C1e513280dAF905e06);
address private constant DEAD_ADDRESS = address(0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD);
address payable private constant BA_ADDRESS = payable(address(0x7686640F09123394Cd8Dc3032e9927767aD89344));
// variables
Counters.Counter private _globalMinerId;
uint256 public miningRate;
uint256 public miningFee;
uint256 public totalpSatoshisMined;
uint256 public previousHalvingThresold;
uint256 public currentHalvingThreshold;
uint256 public numOfHalvings;
uint256 public atmMultiplier;
// mappings
mapping(address => MinerStore[]) public minerList;
mapping(uint256 => ATMStore) public atmList;
mapping(address => address) private _uniswapPools;
// structs
struct MinerStore {
uint128 bitoshisMiner;
uint128 bitoshisReturned;
uint96 pSatoshisMined;
uint96 bitoshisBurned;
uint40 minerId;
uint24 day;
struct MinerCache {
uint256 _bitoshisMiner;
uint256 _bitoshisReturned;
uint256 _pSatoshisMined;
uint256 _bitoshisBurned;
uint256 _minerId;
uint256 _day;
struct ATMStore {
uint248 points;
bool isActive;
struct ATMCache {
uint256 _points;
bool _isActive;
// errors
error ATMEventIsOver(uint256 eventLength, uint256 currentDay);
error InvalidToken();
error ATMPointsToSmall();
error NotOwnerOfATM();
error ATMNotActive();
error AsicMinerToLarge();
error CannotEndATMWithinEventPeriod(uint256 eventLength, uint256 currentDay);
error InsufficientBalance(uint256 available, uint256 required);
error InvalidAmount(uint256 sent, uint256 minRequired);
error InvalidMinerId(uint256 sentId, uint256 expectedId);
error MinerListEmpty();
error InvalidMinerIndex(uint256 sentIndex, uint256 lastIndex);
error CannotEndMinerEarly(uint256 servedDays, uint256 requiredDays);
// events
event MinerStart(uint256 data0, uint256 data1, address indexed account, uint40 indexed minerId);
event MinerEnd(uint256 data0, uint256 data1, address indexed accountant, uint40 indexed minerId);
event ATMStart(uint256 data0, address indexed account, uint40 indexed atmId, address indexed tokenAddress);
event ATMEnd(uint256 data0, address indexed account, uint40 indexed atmId);
constructor() ERC20("PulseBitcoin", "PLSB") {
asic = address(new ASIC());
_asic = ASIC(asic);
atm = address(new ATM());
_atm = ATM(atm);
LAUNCH_TIME = block.timestamp;
previousHalvingThresold = 0; // initialize @ 0
currentHalvingThreshold = TOTAL_MINTABLE_SUPPLY / 2; // initialize @ 10.5 Million
atmMultiplier = 1; // initialize @ 1x
miningRate = (75 * DECIMAL_RESOLUTION) / 1000; // initialize @ 7.5% Mine Rate
miningFee = (25 * DECIMAL_RESOLUTION) / 10000; // initialize @ 0.25% Burn Rate
// uniswap mappings
_uniswapPools[USDT_ADDRESS] = address(0x3416cF6C708Da44DB2624D63ea0AAef7113527C6); // USDT/USDC V3 0.01%
_uniswapPools[DAI_ADDRESS] = address(0x5777d92f208679DB4b9778590Fa3CAB3aC9e2168); // DAI/USDC V3 0.01%
_uniswapPools[WETH_ADDRESS] = address(0x88e6A0c2dDD26FEEb64F039a2c41296FcB3f5640); // WETH/USDC V3 0.05%
_uniswapPools[HEX_ADDRESS] = address(0x69D91B94f0AaF8e8A2586909fA77A5c2c89818d5); // HEX/USDC V3 0.3%
_uniswapPools[HDRN_ADDRESS] = address(0xE859041c9C6D70177f83DE991B9d757E13CEA26E); // HDRN/USDC V3 1.0%
/// @dev Overrides the ERC-20 decimals function
function decimals() public view virtual override returns (uint8) {
return 12;
/// @dev Public getter function for _currentDay
function currentDay() external view returns (uint256) {
return _currentDay();
/// @dev Public function to return the number of active miners
/// @param minerAddress The address of the miner owner
function minerCount(address minerAddress) external view returns (uint256) {
return minerList[minerAddress].length;
/// @dev Calculate the payout and fee amounts for a miner instance
/// @param bitoshis The size of the miner instance (in bitoshis)
/// @return pSatoshisMine The PLSB (in pSatoshis) mined from the miner instance
/// @return bitoshisBurn The ASIC (in bitoshis) burned from the miner instance
/// @return bitoshisReturn The ASIC (in bitoshis) returned from the miner instance
/// @return isHalving Does the miner instance cause a halving event
function calcPayoutAndFee(uint256 bitoshis)
returns (
uint256 pSatoshisMine,
uint256 bitoshisBurn,
uint256 bitoshisReturn,
bool isHalving
if (bitoshis > MAX_MINER_SIZE) {
revert AsicMinerToLarge();
pSatoshisMine = (bitoshis * miningRate) / DECIMAL_RESOLUTION;
// Halving Event
if (totalpSatoshisMined + pSatoshisMine > currentHalvingThreshold) {
isHalving = true;
pSatoshisMine =
(((((pSatoshisMine - ((totalpSatoshisMined + pSatoshisMine) - currentHalvingThreshold)) * bitoshis) /
pSatoshisMine) * miningRate) / DECIMAL_RESOLUTION) +
(((bitoshis -
(((pSatoshisMine - ((totalpSatoshisMined + pSatoshisMine) - currentHalvingThreshold)) * bitoshis) /
pSatoshisMine)) * (miningRate / 2)) / DECIMAL_RESOLUTION);
bitoshisBurn =
(((((pSatoshisMine - ((totalpSatoshisMined + pSatoshisMine) - currentHalvingThreshold)) * bitoshis) /
pSatoshisMine) * miningFee) / DECIMAL_RESOLUTION) +
(((bitoshis -
(((pSatoshisMine - ((totalpSatoshisMined + pSatoshisMine) - currentHalvingThreshold)) * bitoshis) /
pSatoshisMine)) * (miningFee / 2)) / DECIMAL_RESOLUTION);
} else {
bitoshisBurn = (bitoshis * miningFee) / DECIMAL_RESOLUTION;
bitoshisReturn = bitoshis - bitoshisBurn;
return (pSatoshisMine, bitoshisBurn, bitoshisReturn, isHalving);
/// @dev Start PulseBitcoin (PLSB) time lock mining instance
/// @param bitoshisMiner The amount of ASIC (in bitoshis) that are used to create a miner instance
function minerStart(uint256 bitoshisMiner) external nonReentrant {
// Validations
if (bitoshisMiner < MIN_MINING_BITOSHIS) {
revert InvalidAmount({sent: bitoshisMiner, minRequired: MIN_MINING_BITOSHIS});
if (bitoshisMiner > _asic.balanceOf(msg.sender))
revert InsufficientBalance({available: _asic.balanceOf(msg.sender), required: bitoshisMiner});
(uint256 pSatoshisMined, uint256 bitoshisBurned, uint256 bitoshisReturned, bool isHalving) = calcPayoutAndFee(
_asic.burn(msg.sender, bitoshisMiner);
totalpSatoshisMined += pSatoshisMined;
// halving event
if (isHalving) {
uint256 newPreviousHalvingThresold = currentHalvingThreshold;
currentHalvingThreshold =
currentHalvingThreshold +
((currentHalvingThreshold - previousHalvingThresold) / 2);
previousHalvingThresold = newPreviousHalvingThresold;
miningRate = miningRate / 2;
miningFee = miningFee / 2;
uint256 day = _currentDay();
uint256 newMinerId = _globalMinerId.current();
emit MinerStart(
uint256(uint40(block.timestamp)) |
(uint256(uint24(day)) << 40) |
(uint256(uint96(pSatoshisMined)) << 64) |
(uint256(uint96(bitoshisBurned)) << 160),
uint256(uint128(bitoshisMiner)) | (uint256(uint128(bitoshisReturned)) << 128),
/// @dev End PulseBitcoin (PLSB) time lock mining instance
/// @param minerIndex Index of the existing miner in the wallet's miner list
/// @param minerId ID of the miner instance
/// @param minerAddr The account address of the miner
function minerEnd(
uint256 minerIndex,
uint256 minerId,
address minerAddr
) external nonReentrant {
MinerStore[] storage minerListStore = minerList[minerAddr];
/* Ensure caller's MinerList is not empty */
if (minerListStore.length == 0) {
revert MinerListEmpty();
/* minerIndex within the valid range */
if (minerIndex >= minerListStore.length) {
revert InvalidMinerIndex({sentIndex: minerIndex, lastIndex: minerListStore.length - 1});
/* minerIndex is still current */
if (minerId != minerListStore[minerIndex].minerId) {
revert InvalidMinerId({sentId: minerId, expectedId: minerListStore[minerIndex].minerId});
MinerCache memory minerCache;
_minerLoad(minerListStore[minerIndex], minerCache);
uint256 servedDays = _currentDay() - minerCache._day;
/* miner instance has been active for minimum mining duration */
if (servedDays < MIN_MINING_DURATION) {
revert CannotEndMinerEarly({servedDays: servedDays, requiredDays: MIN_MINING_DURATION});
/* late end miner instance, caller address gets 1/2 of ASIC and PLSB minted to dead address */
if (servedDays > DAYS_FOR_PENALTY) {, minerCache._bitoshisReturned / 2);, minerCache._bitoshisReturned / 2);
// burn PLSB
_mint(DEAD_ADDRESS, minerCache._pSatoshisMined);
} else {
// return ASIC, minerCache._bitoshisReturned);
// mine PLSB
_mint(minerAddr, minerCache._pSatoshisMined);
_minerRemove(minerListStore, minerIndex);
emit MinerEnd(
uint256(uint40(block.timestamp)) |
(uint256(uint24(servedDays)) << 40) |
(uint256(uint96(minerCache._pSatoshisMined)) << 64) |
(uint256(uint96(minerCache._bitoshisBurned)) << 160),
uint256(uint128(minerCache._bitoshisMiner)) | (uint256(uint128(minerCache._bitoshisReturned)) << 128),
/// @dev Starts and determines the point value of a new ATM instance
/// @param amount The amount of tokens sent
/// @param tokenAddress The address of the coin/token that is sent
function atmStart(uint256 amount, address tokenAddress) external nonReentrant returns (uint256) {
// validation
if (_currentDay() > ATM_EVENT_LENGTH) {
revert ATMEventIsOver({eventLength: ATM_EVENT_LENGTH, currentDay: _currentDay()});
uint256 tokenPrice;
uint256 atmPoints;
IERC20 token = IERC20(tokenAddress);
address uniswapPool = _uniswapPools[tokenAddress];
// invalid token; revert.
if (tokenAddress != USDC_ADDRESS && uniswapPool == address(0)) {
revert InvalidToken();
if (tokenAddress != USDC_ADDRESS) {
// weth pools are backwards for some reason.
if (tokenAddress == WETH_ADDRESS) {
tokenPrice = getPriceX96FromSqrtPriceX96(getSqrtTwapX96(uniswapPool));
atmPoints = (amount * (2**96)) / tokenPrice;
} else {
tokenPrice = getPriceX96FromSqrtPriceX96(getSqrtTwapX96(uniswapPool));
atmPoints = (amount * tokenPrice) / (2**96);
} else {
atmPoints = amount;
token.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, BA_ADDRESS, amount);
if (atmPoints == 0) {
revert ATMPointsToSmall();
uint256 atmId =;
atmPoints = atmPoints * SCALE_FACTOR;
// add ATM entry
_atmAdd(atmPoints, atmId);
emit ATMStart(
uint256(uint40(block.timestamp)) | (uint256(uint216(atmPoints)) << 40),
return atmPoints;
/// @dev Ends and determines the payout of an existing ATM instance
/// @param atmId The unique NTF ID of the ATM
/// @return payout The amount of reward ASIC tokens
function atmEnd(uint256 atmId) external nonReentrant returns (uint256) {
// check valid end day
if (_currentDay() <= ATM_EVENT_LENGTH) {
revert CannotEndATMWithinEventPeriod({eventLength: ATM_EVENT_LENGTH, currentDay: _currentDay()});
// load ATM into memory
ATMCache memory atmCache;
_atmLoad(atmList[atmId], atmCache);
// check if ATM has been burned
if (atmCache._isActive != true) {
revert ATMNotActive();
// check valid owner
if (_atm.ownerOf(atmId) != msg.sender) {
revert NotOwnerOfATM();
uint256 payout = (atmCache._points * atmMultiplier);
atmCache._points = 0;
atmCache._isActive = false;
_atmUpdate(atmList[atmId], atmCache);
// mint ASIC
if (payout > 0) {, payout);
// burn ATM
emit ATMEnd(uint256(uint40(block.timestamp)) | (uint256(uint216(payout)) << 40), msg.sender, uint40(atmId));
return payout;
/// @dev Returns the current payout for an ATM
/// @param atmId The unique NTF ID of the ATM
/// @return payout The amount of reward ASIC tokens
function atmCurrentPayout(uint256 atmId) external view returns (uint256 payout) {
return (atmList[atmId].points * atmMultiplier);
/// @dev Private function to determine the current day
function _currentDay() internal view returns (uint256) {
return ((block.timestamp - LAUNCH_TIME) / 1 days);
/// @dev Loads the miner instance from storage into memory
/// @param minerStore Miner store to a wallet's miner list
/// @param minerCache The miner instance in memory
function _minerLoad(MinerStore storage minerStore, MinerCache memory minerCache) internal view {
minerCache._minerId = minerStore.minerId;
minerCache._bitoshisMiner = minerStore.bitoshisMiner;
minerCache._pSatoshisMined = minerStore.pSatoshisMined;
minerCache._bitoshisBurned = minerStore.bitoshisBurned;
minerCache._bitoshisReturned = minerStore.bitoshisReturned;
minerCache._day =;
/// @dev Add a new miner instance to a wallet's miner list
/// @param minerListRef Memory reference to a wallet's miner list
/// @param newMinerId ID of the new miner
/// @param bitoshisMiner Amount of tokens added to the miner
/// @param pSatoshisMined Amount of tokens mined
/// @param bitoshisBurned Amount of tokens burned
/// @param bitoshisReturned Amount of tokens returned
/// @param day The day the mining instance is started
function _minerAdd(
MinerStore[] storage minerListRef,
uint256 bitoshisMiner,
uint256 bitoshisReturned,
uint256 pSatoshisMined,
uint256 bitoshisBurned,
uint256 newMinerId,
uint256 day
) internal {
/// @dev Remove a miner instance from a wallet's miner list
/// @param minerListRef Memory reference to a wallet's miner list
/// @param minerIndex Index of the existing miner in the wallet's miner list
function _minerRemove(MinerStore[] storage minerListRef, uint256 minerIndex) internal {
uint256 lastIndex = minerListRef.length - 1;
if (minerIndex != lastIndex) {
minerListRef[minerIndex] = minerListRef[lastIndex];
/// @dev Adds a new ATM instance to the list of ATMs
/// @param points The number of ATM points associated with the ATM
/// @param atmId The unique NTF ID of the ATM
function _atmAdd(uint256 points, uint256 atmId) internal {
atmList[atmId] = ATMStore(uint248(points), true);
/// @dev Loads the ATM instance from storage into memory
/// @param atmStore The ATM store struct
/// @param atmCache The ATM cache
function _atmLoad(ATMStore storage atmStore, ATMCache memory atmCache) internal view {
atmCache._points = atmStore.points;
atmCache._isActive = atmStore.isActive;
/// @dev Updates the ATM instance
/// @param atmStore The ATM store struct
/// @param atmCache The ATM cache
function _atmUpdate(ATMStore storage atmStore, ATMCache memory atmCache) internal {
atmStore.points = uint96(atmCache._points);
atmStore.isActive = atmCache._isActive;
/// @dev Fetches time weighted price square root (scaled 2 ** 96) from a uniswap v3 pool.
/// @param uniswapV3Pool Address of the uniswap v3 pool.
/// @return sqrtPriceX96 Time weighted square root token price (scaled 2 ** 96).
function getSqrtTwapX96(address uniswapV3Pool) internal view returns (uint160 sqrtPriceX96) {
uint32[] memory secondsAgos = new uint32[](2);
secondsAgos[0] = TWAP_INTERVAL;
secondsAgos[1] = 0;
(int56[] memory tickCumulatives, ) = IUniswapV3Pool(uniswapV3Pool).observe(secondsAgos);
sqrtPriceX96 = TickMath.getSqrtRatioAtTick(
int24((tickCumulatives[1] - tickCumulatives[0]) / int8(TWAP_INTERVAL))
return sqrtPriceX96;
/// @dev Converts a uniswap v3 square root price into a token price (scaled 2 ** 96).
/// @param sqrtPriceX96 Square root uniswap pool price (scaled 2 ** 96).
/// @return priceX96 Token price (scaled 2 ** 96).
function getPriceX96FromSqrtPriceX96(uint160 sqrtPriceX96) internal pure returns (uint256 priceX96) {
return FullMath.mulDiv(sqrtPriceX96, sqrtPriceX96, FixedPoint96.Q96);
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