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Last active August 6, 2018 21:01
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Generic Touch Gesture Recognizer

Whenever a touch state changes this Gesture Recognizer will fire an Updated event. This allows for a raw feed of touch data that a user could essentially use for anything.


Supporting APIs

In order to provide the user with as much available information as possible, we are going to add additional information about all currently active touches.


Additional Touch Data Attached to Updated events


public class TouchGestureRecognizer : GestureRecognizer
	public event EventHandler<TouchEventArgs> TouchUpdated;
	public IList<TouchPoint> TouchPoints {get; set;}


API Description
TouchPoints A list that provides the ability to articulate events and commands for each individual touch occurring against the given target.


API Description
TouchUpdated Occurs whenever there is a change is state for anything touching the view.


GestureEventArgs will contain whatever data is needed to interpret the event

public class TouchEventArgs : GestureEventArgs


public sealed class TouchPoint
	public static readonly BindableProperty TouchIndexProperty;
	public int TouchIndex {get; set;}
	public static readonly BindableProperty IsTouchingProperty;
	public bool IsTouching {get; set;}
	// Bindable Property will live on GestureRecognizer
	public ICommand CancelledCommand { get; set; }
	public object CancelledCommandParameter { get; set; }
	// Bindable Property will live on GestureRecognizer
	public ICommand StartedCommand { get; set; }
	public object StartedCommandParameter { get; set; }
	public ICommand CompletedCommand { get; set; }
	public object CompleteCommandParameter { get; set; }	
	public event EventHandler<TouchPointEventArgs> TouchPointUpdated {get;}
API Description
TouchIndex First touch is index 0, second touch is index 1, etc. This indicates the touch index that updates and commands will listen to
IsTouching If the defined Touch Index is currently in contact with target view
StartedCommand When the touch first hits the screen
CompletedCommand When the touch is lifted
CancelledCommand The touch is still on the screen but it's been cancelled and no longer reporting gesture changes


API Description
TouchPointUpdated Occurs whenever there is a change is state for any touch point currently interacting with the target view


public class TouchPointEventArgs : GestureEventArgs
	public Touch TouchData {get;}


public class TouchContainer : ContentView
  public TouchContainer ()
    var touchGesture = new TouchGestureRecognizer ();
    touchGesture.TouchUpdated += OnTouchUpdated;
    GestureRecognizers.Add (touchGesture);

  void OnTouchUpdated (object sender, TouchUpdatedEventArgs e)
    IReadOnlyList<Touch> data = e.TouchEvent.ChangedTouches;
    	if(data[0].StatusType == GestureStatus.Started)
		//new touch on screen
	else if(data[0].StatusType == GestureStatus.Running)
		//new position data for touch
	else if(data[0].StatusType == GestureStatus.Completed)
		//touch has left the screen
	else if(data[0].StatusType == GestureStatus.Canceled)
		//touch is most likely still on the screen but something has cancelled this touch from being reported anymore

This demonstrates listening to the TouchUpdated event and then where the user could provide behavior based on the changing states of the touch

<Image Source="TwoFingers.jpg">
			<TouchPoint TouchIndex="0" IsTouching="{Binding IsTouching}"/>
			<TouchPoint TouchIndex="1" 

This demonstrates binding various Touch Points to a View Model

<Image Source="ThreeFingers.jpg">
			<TouchPoint TouchIndex="2" IsTouching="{Binding ThreeFingersTouching}"/>

This demonstrates setting up an image that will only fire IsTouching when three fingers have made contact with the view

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