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Created October 14, 2020 07:42
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使用人工智能优化 Golang 编译器 —— 最新生成代码
// Code generated by x. DO NOT EDIT.
package x
import (
type Example struct {
Data1 [][]int64 `thrift:"data1,1" json:"data1"`
Data2 map[int64][]int8 `thrift:"data2,2" json:"data2"`
Data3 []map[int64]int8 `thrift:"data3,3" json:"data3"`
func NewExample() *Example {
return &Example{}
func (p *Example) GetData1() [][]int64 {
return p.Data1
func (p *Example) GetData2() map[int64][]int8 {
return p.Data2
func (p *Example) GetData3() []map[int64]int8 {
return p.Data3
func (p *Example) SetData1(val [][]int64) {
p.Data1 = val
func (p *Example) SetData2(val map[int64][]int8) {
p.Data2 = val
func (p *Example) SetData3(val []map[int64]int8) {
p.Data3 = val
var fieldIDToName_Example = map[int16]string{
1: "data1",
2: "data2",
3: "data3",
func (p *Example) Read(iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
var err error
var fieldTypeId thrift.TType
var fieldId int16
if _, err = iprot.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil {
goto ReadStructBeginError
for {
_, fieldTypeId, fieldId, err = iprot.ReadFieldBegin()
if err != nil {
goto ReadFieldBeginError
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STOP {
switch fieldId {
case 1:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.LIST {
if err := p.ReadField1(iprot); err != nil {
goto ReadFieldError
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(fieldTypeId); err != nil {
goto SkipFieldError
case 2:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.MAP {
if err := p.ReadField2(iprot); err != nil {
goto ReadFieldError
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(fieldTypeId); err != nil {
goto SkipFieldError
case 3:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.LIST {
if err := p.ReadField3(iprot); err != nil {
goto ReadFieldError
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(fieldTypeId); err != nil {
goto SkipFieldError
if err := iprot.Skip(fieldTypeId); err != nil {
goto SkipFieldError
if err := iprot.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil {
goto ReadFieldEndError
if err := iprot.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil {
goto ReadStructEndError
return nil
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct begin error: ", p), err)
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read field %d begin error: ", p, fieldId), err)
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read field %d '%s' error: ", p, fieldId, fieldIDToName_Example[fieldId]), err)
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d skip type %d error: ", p, fieldId, fieldTypeId), err)
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read field end error", p), err)
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", p), err)
func (p *Example) ReadField1(iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
_, size, err := iprot.ReadListBegin()
if err != nil {
return err
p.Data1 = make([][]int64, 0, size)
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
_, size, err := iprot.ReadListBegin()
if err != nil {
return err
_elem := make([]int64, 0, size)
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
var _elem1 int64
if v, err := iprot.ReadI64(); err != nil {
return err
} else {
_elem1 = v
_elem = append(_elem, _elem1)
if err := iprot.ReadListEnd(); err != nil {
return err
p.Data1 = append(p.Data1, _elem)
if err := iprot.ReadListEnd(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (p *Example) ReadField2(iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
_, _, size, err := iprot.ReadMapBegin()
if err != nil {
return err
p.Data2 = make(map[int64][]int8, size)
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
var _key int64
if v, err := iprot.ReadI64(); err != nil {
return err
} else {
_key = v
_, size, err := iprot.ReadListBegin()
if err != nil {
return err
_val := make([]int8, 0, size)
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
var _elem int8
if v, err := iprot.ReadByte(); err != nil {
return err
} else {
_elem = v
_val = append(_val, _elem)
if err := iprot.ReadListEnd(); err != nil {
return err
p.Data2[_key] = _val
if err := iprot.ReadMapEnd(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (p *Example) ReadField3(iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
_, size, err := iprot.ReadListBegin()
if err != nil {
return err
p.Data3 = make([]map[int64]int8, 0, size)
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
_, _, size, err := iprot.ReadMapBegin()
if err != nil {
return err
_elem := make(map[int64]int8, size)
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
var _key int64
if v, err := iprot.ReadI64(); err != nil {
return err
} else {
_key = v
var _val int8
if v, err := iprot.ReadByte(); err != nil {
return err
} else {
_val = v
_elem[_key] = _val
if err := iprot.ReadMapEnd(); err != nil {
return err
p.Data3 = append(p.Data3, _elem)
if err := iprot.ReadListEnd(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (p *Example) Write(oprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
var err error
var fieldId int16
if err = oprot.WriteStructBegin("Example"); err != nil {
goto WriteStructBeginError
if p != nil {
if err = p.writeField1(oprot); err != nil {
fieldId = 1
goto WriteFieldError
if err = p.writeField2(oprot); err != nil {
fieldId = 2
goto WriteFieldError
if err = p.writeField3(oprot); err != nil {
fieldId = 3
goto WriteFieldError
if err := oprot.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil {
goto WriteFieldStopError
if err := oprot.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil {
goto WriteStructEndError
return nil
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", p), err)
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field %d error: ", p, fieldId), err)
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", p), err)
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", p), err)
func (p *Example) writeField1(oprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
var err error
var fieldId int16
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin("data1", thrift.LIST, 1); err != nil {
fieldId = 1
goto WriteFieldBeginError
if err := oprot.WriteListBegin(thrift.LIST, len(p.Data1)); err != nil {
return err
for _, v := range p.Data1 {
if err := oprot.WriteListBegin(thrift.I64, len(v)); err != nil {
return err
for _, v := range v {
if err := oprot.WriteI64(v); err != nil {
return err
if err := oprot.WriteListEnd(); err != nil {
return err
if err := oprot.WriteListEnd(); err != nil {
return err
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(); err != nil {
fieldId = 1
goto WriteFieldEndError
return nil
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field %d begin error: ", p, fieldId), err)
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field %d end error: ", p, fieldId), err)
func (p *Example) writeField2(oprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
var err error
var fieldId int16
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin("data2", thrift.MAP, 2); err != nil {
fieldId = 2
goto WriteFieldBeginError
if err := oprot.WriteMapBegin(thrift.I64, thrift.LIST, len(p.Data2)); err != nil {
return err
for k, v := range p.Data2 {
if err := oprot.WriteI64(k); err != nil {
return err
if err := oprot.WriteListBegin(thrift.BYTE, len(v)); err != nil {
return err
for _, v := range v {
if err := oprot.WriteByte(v); err != nil {
return err
if err := oprot.WriteListEnd(); err != nil {
return err
if err := oprot.WriteMapEnd(); err != nil {
return err
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(); err != nil {
fieldId = 2
goto WriteFieldEndError
return nil
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field %d begin error: ", p, fieldId), err)
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field %d end error: ", p, fieldId), err)
func (p *Example) writeField3(oprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
var err error
var fieldId int16
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin("data3", thrift.LIST, 3); err != nil {
fieldId = 3
goto WriteFieldBeginError
if err := oprot.WriteListBegin(thrift.MAP, len(p.Data3)); err != nil {
return err
for _, v := range p.Data3 {
if err := oprot.WriteMapBegin(thrift.I64, thrift.BYTE, len(v)); err != nil {
return err
for k, v := range v {
if err := oprot.WriteI64(k); err != nil {
return err
if err := oprot.WriteByte(v); err != nil {
return err
if err := oprot.WriteMapEnd(); err != nil {
return err
if err := oprot.WriteListEnd(); err != nil {
return err
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(); err != nil {
fieldId = 3
goto WriteFieldEndError
return nil
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field %d begin error: ", p, fieldId), err)
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field %d end error: ", p, fieldId), err)
func (p *Example) String() string {
if p == nil {
return "<nil>"
return fmt.Sprintf("Example(%+v)", *p)
type Serialize interface {
Method(ctx context.Context, req *Example) (r *Example, err error)
type SerializeClient struct {
c thrift.TClient
func NewSerializeClientFactory(t thrift.TTransport, f thrift.TProtocolFactory) *SerializeClient {
return &SerializeClient{
c: thrift.NewTStandardClient(f.GetProtocol(t), f.GetProtocol(t)),
func NewSerializeClientProtocol(t thrift.TTransport, iprot thrift.TProtocol, oprot thrift.TProtocol) *SerializeClient {
return &SerializeClient{
c: thrift.NewTStandardClient(iprot, oprot),
func NewSerializeClient(c thrift.TClient) *SerializeClient {
return &SerializeClient{
c: c,
func (p *SerializeClient) Client_() thrift.TClient {
return p.c
func (p *SerializeClient) Method(ctx context.Context, req *Example) (r *Example, err error) {
var _args SerializeMethodArgs
_args.Req = req
var _result SerializeMethodResult
if err = p.Client_().Call(ctx, "Method", &_args, &_result); err != nil {
return _result.GetSuccess(), nil
type SerializeProcessor struct {
processorMap map[string]thrift.TProcessorFunction
handler Serialize
func (p *SerializeProcessor) AddToProcessorMap(key string, processor thrift.TProcessorFunction) {
p.processorMap[key] = processor
func (p *SerializeProcessor) GetProcessorFunction(key string) (processor thrift.TProcessorFunction, ok bool) {
processor, ok = p.processorMap[key]
return processor, ok
func (p *SerializeProcessor) ProcessorMap() map[string]thrift.TProcessorFunction {
return p.processorMap
func NewSerializeProcessor(handler Serialize) *SerializeProcessor {
self := &SerializeProcessor{handler: handler, processorMap: make(map[string]thrift.TProcessorFunction)}
self.AddToProcessorMap("Method", &serializeProcessorMethod{handler: handler})
return self
func (p *SerializeProcessor) Process(ctx context.Context, iprot, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (success bool, err thrift.TException) {
name, _, seqId, err := iprot.ReadMessageBegin()
if err != nil {
return false, err
if processor, ok := p.GetProcessorFunction(name); ok {
return processor.Process(ctx, seqId, iprot, oprot)
x := thrift.NewTApplicationException(thrift.UNKNOWN_METHOD, "Unknown function "+name)
oprot.WriteMessageBegin(name, thrift.EXCEPTION, seqId)
return false, x
type serializeProcessorMethod struct {
handler Serialize
func (p *serializeProcessorMethod) Process(ctx context.Context, seqId int32, iprot, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (success bool, err thrift.TException) {
args := SerializeMethodArgs{}
if err = args.Read(iprot); err != nil {
x := thrift.NewTApplicationException(thrift.PROTOCOL_ERROR, err.Error())
oprot.WriteMessageBegin("Method", thrift.EXCEPTION, seqId)
return false, err
var err2 error
result := SerializeMethodResult{}
var retval *Example
if retval, err2 = p.handler.Method(ctx, args.Req); err2 != nil {
x := thrift.NewTApplicationException(thrift.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Internal error processing Method: "+err2.Error())
oprot.WriteMessageBegin("Method", thrift.EXCEPTION, seqId)
return true, err2
} else {
result.Success = retval
if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageBegin("Method", thrift.REPLY, seqId); err2 != nil {
err = err2
if err2 = result.Write(oprot); err == nil && err2 != nil {
err = err2
if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageEnd(); err == nil && err2 != nil {
err = err2
if err2 = oprot.Flush(ctx); err == nil && err2 != nil {
err = err2
if err != nil {
return true, err
type SerializeMethodArgs struct {
Req *Example `thrift:"req,1" json:"req"`
func NewSerializeMethodArgs() *SerializeMethodArgs {
return &SerializeMethodArgs{}
var SerializeMethodArgs_Req_DEFAULT *Example
func (p *SerializeMethodArgs) GetReq() *Example {
if !p.IsSetReq() {
return SerializeMethodArgs_Req_DEFAULT
return p.Req
func (p *SerializeMethodArgs) SetReq(val *Example) {
p.Req = val
var fieldIDToName_SerializeMethodArgs = map[int16]string{
1: "req",
func (p *SerializeMethodArgs) IsSetReq() bool {
return p.Req != nil
func (p *SerializeMethodArgs) Read(iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
var err error
var fieldTypeId thrift.TType
var fieldId int16
if _, err = iprot.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil {
goto ReadStructBeginError
for {
_, fieldTypeId, fieldId, err = iprot.ReadFieldBegin()
if err != nil {
goto ReadFieldBeginError
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STOP {
switch fieldId {
case 1:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STRUCT {
if err := p.ReadField1(iprot); err != nil {
goto ReadFieldError
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(fieldTypeId); err != nil {
goto SkipFieldError
if err := iprot.Skip(fieldTypeId); err != nil {
goto SkipFieldError
if err := iprot.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil {
goto ReadFieldEndError
if err := iprot.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil {
goto ReadStructEndError
return nil
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct begin error: ", p), err)
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read field %d begin error: ", p, fieldId), err)
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read field %d '%s' error: ", p, fieldId, fieldIDToName_SerializeMethodArgs[fieldId]), err)
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d skip type %d error: ", p, fieldId, fieldTypeId), err)
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read field end error", p), err)
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", p), err)
func (p *SerializeMethodArgs) ReadField1(iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
p.Req = NewExample()
if err := p.Req.Read(iprot); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (p *SerializeMethodArgs) Write(oprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
var err error
var fieldId int16
if err = oprot.WriteStructBegin("method_args"); err != nil {
goto WriteStructBeginError
if p != nil {
if err = p.writeField1(oprot); err != nil {
fieldId = 1
goto WriteFieldError
if err := oprot.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil {
goto WriteFieldStopError
if err := oprot.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil {
goto WriteStructEndError
return nil
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", p), err)
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field %d error: ", p, fieldId), err)
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", p), err)
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", p), err)
func (p *SerializeMethodArgs) writeField1(oprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
var err error
var fieldId int16
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin("req", thrift.STRUCT, 1); err != nil {
fieldId = 1
goto WriteFieldBeginError
if err := p.Req.Write(oprot); err != nil {
return err
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(); err != nil {
fieldId = 1
goto WriteFieldEndError
return nil
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field %d begin error: ", p, fieldId), err)
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field %d end error: ", p, fieldId), err)
func (p *SerializeMethodArgs) String() string {
if p == nil {
return "<nil>"
return fmt.Sprintf("SerializeMethodArgs(%+v)", *p)
type SerializeMethodResult struct {
Success *Example `thrift:"success,0" json:"success,omitempty"`
func NewSerializeMethodResult() *SerializeMethodResult {
return &SerializeMethodResult{}
var SerializeMethodResult_Success_DEFAULT *Example
func (p *SerializeMethodResult) GetSuccess() *Example {
if !p.IsSetSuccess() {
return SerializeMethodResult_Success_DEFAULT
return p.Success
func (p *SerializeMethodResult) SetSuccess(x interface{}) {
p.Success = x.(*Example)
var fieldIDToName_SerializeMethodResult = map[int16]string{
0: "success",
func (p *SerializeMethodResult) IsSetSuccess() bool {
return p.Success != nil
func (p *SerializeMethodResult) Read(iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
var err error
var fieldTypeId thrift.TType
var fieldId int16
if _, err = iprot.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil {
goto ReadStructBeginError
for {
_, fieldTypeId, fieldId, err = iprot.ReadFieldBegin()
if err != nil {
goto ReadFieldBeginError
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STOP {
switch fieldId {
case 0:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STRUCT {
if err := p.ReadField0(iprot); err != nil {
goto ReadFieldError
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(fieldTypeId); err != nil {
goto SkipFieldError
if err := iprot.Skip(fieldTypeId); err != nil {
goto SkipFieldError
if err := iprot.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil {
goto ReadFieldEndError
if err := iprot.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil {
goto ReadStructEndError
return nil
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct begin error: ", p), err)
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read field %d begin error: ", p, fieldId), err)
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read field %d '%s' error: ", p, fieldId, fieldIDToName_SerializeMethodResult[fieldId]), err)
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d skip type %d error: ", p, fieldId, fieldTypeId), err)
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read field end error", p), err)
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", p), err)
func (p *SerializeMethodResult) ReadField0(iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
p.Success = NewExample()
if err := p.Success.Read(iprot); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (p *SerializeMethodResult) Write(oprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
var err error
var fieldId int16
if err = oprot.WriteStructBegin("method_result"); err != nil {
goto WriteStructBeginError
if p != nil {
if err = p.writeField0(oprot); err != nil {
fieldId = 0
goto WriteFieldError
if err := oprot.WriteFieldStop(); err != nil {
goto WriteFieldStopError
if err := oprot.WriteStructEnd(); err != nil {
goto WriteStructEndError
return nil
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", p), err)
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field %d error: ", p, fieldId), err)
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field stop error: ", p), err)
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct end error: ", p), err)
func (p *SerializeMethodResult) writeField0(oprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
var err error
var fieldId int16
if p.IsSetSuccess() {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin("success", thrift.STRUCT, 0); err != nil {
fieldId = 0
goto WriteFieldBeginError
if err := p.Success.Write(oprot); err != nil {
return err
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(); err != nil {
fieldId = 0
goto WriteFieldEndError
return nil
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field %d begin error: ", p, fieldId), err)
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field %d end error: ", p, fieldId), err)
func (p *SerializeMethodResult) String() string {
if p == nil {
return "<nil>"
return fmt.Sprintf("SerializeMethodResult(%+v)", *p)
func (p *SerializeMethodArgs) GetFirstArgument() interface{} {
return p.Req
func (p *SerializeMethodResult) GetResult() interface{} {
return p.Success
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