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Last active March 9, 2018 17:24
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Solve AoC 2016 Day 12.1, 12.2, 25.1 using LLVM
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from llvmlite import ir, binding as llvm
def compile_assembunny(instructions):
instructions = tuple(instructions)
program_size = len(instructions)
char = ir.IntType(8)
int32 = ir.IntType(32)
int64 = ir.IntType(64)
module = ir.Module(name="assembunny")
main_type = ir.FunctionType(int32, ())
main_func = ir.Function(module, main_type, name="main")
entry = main_func.append_basic_block(name="entry")
printf_type = ir.FunctionType(int32, (char.as_pointer(),), var_arg=True)
printf = ir.Function(module, printf_type, name="printf")
builder = ir.IRBuilder(entry)
fmt_contents = bytearray(b"%ld\n")
fmt_type = ir.ArrayType(char, len(fmt_contents))
fmt_const = fmt_type(fmt_contents)
fmt_var = ir.GlobalVariable(module, fmt_type, name="fmt")
fmt_var.initializer = fmt_const
registers = {}
for name in "abcd":
registers[name] = builder.alloca(int64, name=name), registers[name])
def get_value(operand):
# Most instructions that take in a "source" operand can either take a
# constant value or a register. We don't really care which it takes, so
# we just abstract over it with this function. The LLVM optimizer
# handles removing dead code, so we don't even have to care about some
# constants always being zero or not zero.
if operand in registers:
register_value = builder.load(registers[operand],
name=operand + "_value")
return register_value
return int64(int(operand))
# A list of blocks that don't have a terminator yet paired with the
# information needed to construct that terminator. This is needed because
# we don't have all the information needed to construct a jump when we
# encounter it, due to having to know which block to jump to. This isn't an
# issue for backwards jumps, but it is for forward jumps.
jump_from = []
# A dictionary that maps instruction indices to a block that starts with
# that instructions. This is for building jumps, seeing as we can only jump
# to the start of a block and from the end of a block.
jump_to = {}
for index, instruction in enumerate(instructions):
mnemonic, *args = instruction
# For efficiency's sake, we create a block only at locations which are
# jumped at by one or more jump instructions.
if mnemonic == "jnz":
(_, delta) = args
jump_to[index + int(delta)] = None
for index, instruction in enumerate(instructions):
mnemonic, *args = instruction
# If this is an instruction that something jumps to, we need to create
# a new block that starts with this instruction.
if index in jump_to:
assert jump_to[index] is None
new_block = builder.append_basic_block(name="instr_%s" % index)
jump_to[index] = new_block
if mnemonic == "cpy":
(source, destination) = args
value = get_value(source), registers[destination])
elif mnemonic == "inc" or mnemonic == "dec":
(register,) = args
register_value = builder.load(registers[register],
name=source + "_value")
if mnemonic == "inc":
register_value = builder.add(register_value, int64(1))
elif mnemonic == "dec":
register_value = builder.sub(register_value, int64(1))
raise "your dongers", registers[register])
elif mnemonic == "jnz":
(source, delta) = args
delta = int(delta)
destination = index + delta
# XXX: Instead of creating a new block, we should just do some
# trickery with `jump_to`, and make an index >= program_size map to
# the end of the program.
if destination >= program_size:
destination_block = None
destination_block = jump_to[destination]
next_block = builder.append_basic_block(name="nonzero")
# If we already know where to jump (i.e. if we're jumping
# backwards) , we can just insert a conditional branch.
# If we don't, we add it to `jump_from` so we know we
# need to build a jump there.
if destination_block is not None:
value = get_value(source)
is_zero = builder.icmp_signed("==", value, int64(0))
builder.cbranch(is_zero, next_block, destination_block)
source, destination, next_block))
raise ValueError("Unknown memonic %r" % mnemonic)
# We're at the end of the bitcode, so we just return from main and print
# our 'a' register.
end_block = builder.append_basic_block(name="finish")
fmt_ptr = builder.bitcast(fmt_var, char.as_pointer()), (fmt_ptr, get_value("a")))
for (block, source, destination, next_block) in jump_from:
with builder.goto_block(block):
value = get_value(source)
is_zero = builder.icmp_signed("==", value, int64(0))
if destination >= program_size:
destination_block = end_block
destination_block = jump_to[destination]
builder.cbranch(is_zero, next_block, destination_block)
return module
def main():
with open("input.txt") as input_file:
instructions = map(str.split,
ir_module = compile_assembunny(instructions)
binding_module = llvm.parse_assembly(str(ir_module))
with open("output.bc", "wb") as output_file:
if __name__ == "__main__":
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# This just compiles the assembunny to a bitcode file. To actually solve the challenge,
# you'll need to just give a few different values (as a command line argument) to the
# script (e.g. `./output 189`) and check if it looks correct.
# You can very easily do this with a simple Python, Perl or Bash script.
from llvmlite import ir, binding as llvm
def compile_assembunny(instructions):
instructions = tuple(instructions)
program_size = len(instructions)
char = ir.IntType(8)
int32 = ir.IntType(32)
int64 = ir.IntType(64)
module = ir.Module(name="assembunny")
main_type = ir.FunctionType(int32, (int32, char.as_pointer().as_pointer()))
main_func = ir.Function(module, main_type, name="main")
entry = main_func.append_basic_block(name="entry")
printf_type = ir.FunctionType(int32, (char.as_pointer(),), var_arg=True)
printf = ir.Function(module, printf_type, name="printf")
atol_type = ir.FunctionType(int64, (char.as_pointer(),))
atol = ir.Function(module, atol_type, name="atol")
builder = ir.IRBuilder(entry)
fmt_contents = bytearray(b"%ld\n")
fmt_type = ir.ArrayType(char, len(fmt_contents))
fmt_const = fmt_type(fmt_contents)
fmt_var = ir.GlobalVariable(module, fmt_type, name="fmt")
fmt_var.initializer = fmt_const
registers = {}
for name in "abcd":
registers[name] = builder.alloca(int64, name=name), registers[name])
outs = builder.alloca(int64, name="outs"), outs)
def get_value(operand):
# Most instructions that take in a "source" operand can either take a
# constant value or a register. We don't really care which it takes, so
# we just abstract over it with this function. The LLVM optimizer
# handles removing dead code, so we don't even have to care about some
# constants always being zero or not zero.
if operand in registers:
register_value = builder.load(registers[operand],
name=operand + "_value")
return register_value
return int64(int(operand))
# A list of blocks that don't have a terminator yet paired with the
# information needed to construct that terminator. This is needed because
# we don't have all the information needed to construct a jump when we
# encounter it, due to having to know which block to jump to. This isn't an
# issue for backwards jumps, but it is for forward jumps.
jump_from = []
# A dictionary that maps instruction indices to a block that starts with
# that instructions. This is for building jumps, seeing as we can only jump
# to the start of a block and from the end of a block.
jump_to = {}
argc, argv = main_func.args
arg_given = builder.icmp_unsigned(">=", argc, int32(2))
with builder.if_else(arg_given) as (then, otherwise):
with then:
arg_ptr = builder.gep(argv, (int32(1),))
arg_value = builder.load(arg_ptr)
arg_value =, (arg_value,)), registers["a"])
with otherwise:
for index, instruction in enumerate(instructions):
mnemonic, *args = instruction
# For efficiency's sake, we create a block only at locations which are
# jumped at by one or more jump instructions.
if mnemonic == "jnz":
(_, delta) = args
jump_to[index + int(delta)] = None
for index, instruction in enumerate(instructions):
mnemonic, *args = instruction
# If this is an instruction that something jumps to, we need to create
# a new block that starts with this instruction.
if index in jump_to:
assert jump_to[index] is None
new_block = builder.append_basic_block(name="instr_%s" % index)
jump_to[index] = new_block
if mnemonic == "cpy":
(source, destination) = args
value = get_value(source), registers[destination])
elif mnemonic == "inc" or mnemonic == "dec":
(register,) = args
register_value = builder.load(registers[register],
name=source + "_value")
if mnemonic == "inc":
register_value = builder.add(register_value, int64(1))
elif mnemonic == "dec":
register_value = builder.sub(register_value, int64(1))
raise "your dongers", registers[register])
elif mnemonic == "jnz":
(source, delta) = args
delta = int(delta)
destination = index + delta
# XXX: Instead of creating a new block, we should just do some
# trickery with `jump_to`, and make an index >= program_size map to
# the end of the program.
if destination >= program_size:
destination_block = None
destination_block = jump_to[destination]
next_block = builder.append_basic_block(name="nonzero")
# If we already know where to jump (i.e. if we're jumping
# backwards) , we can just insert a conditional branch.
# If we don't, we add it to `jump_from` so we know we
# need to build a jump there.
if destination_block is not None:
value = get_value(source)
is_zero = builder.icmp_signed("==", value, int64(0))
builder.cbranch(is_zero, next_block, destination_block)
source, destination, next_block))
elif mnemonic == "out":
(source,) = args
outs_value = builder.load(outs, name="outs_value")
over_limit = builder.icmp_unsigned(">=", outs_value, int64(OUT_LIMIT))
with builder.if_else(over_limit) as (then, otherwise):
with then:
with otherwise:
fmt_ptr = builder.bitcast(fmt_var, char.as_pointer()), (fmt_ptr, get_value(source)))
outs_value = builder.add(outs_value, int64(1)), outs)
raise ValueError("Unknown memonic %r" % mnemonic)
# We're at the end of the bitcode, so we just return from main and print
# our 'a' register.
end_block = builder.append_basic_block(name="finish")
for (block, source, destination, next_block) in jump_from:
with builder.goto_block(block):
value = get_value(source)
is_zero = builder.icmp_signed("==", value, int64(0))
if destination >= program_size:
destination_block = end_block
destination_block = jump_to[destination]
builder.cbranch(is_zero, next_block, destination_block)
return module
def main():
with open("input.txt") as input_file:
instructions = map(str.split,
ir_module = compile_assembunny(instructions)
binding_module = llvm.parse_assembly(str(ir_module))
with open("output.bc", "wb") as output_file:
if __name__ == "__main__":
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