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Last active November 8, 2023 12:44
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How to simplify debt among a bunch of users within a group
class Ledger {
users = new Set<string>(); // Holds unique users
balances: Record<string, number> = {}; // Balance of each user
transactions: Record<`${string}:${string}`, number> = {}; // person1:person2 -> amount
simplified = false;
#results: Record<
'simplified' | 'non_simplified',
payer_user_id: string;
payee_user_id: string;
amount: number;
> = {
simplified: [],
non_simplified: [],
constructor(simplified: boolean) {
this.simplified = simplified;
}: {
payer_user_id: string;
payee_user_id: string;
amount: number;
}) {
if (payer_user_id === payee_user_id) {
this.balances[payer_user_id] = (this.balances[payer_user_id] || 0) + amount;
this.balances[payee_user_id] = (this.balances[payee_user_id] || 0) - amount;
const payer_bias = `${payer_user_id}:${payee_user_id}` as const;
const payee_bias = `${payee_user_id}:${payer_user_id}` as const;
// Update transactions
if (payer_bias in this.transactions) {
this.transactions[payer_bias] += amount;
} else if (payee_bias in this.transactions) {
this.transactions[payee_bias] -= amount;
if (this.transactions[payee_bias] < 0) {
// if the balance tips in the other direction, flip the transaction
this.transactions[payer_bias] = -this.transactions[payee_bias];
delete this.transactions[payee_bias];
} else {
this.transactions[payer_bias] = amount;
get_transactions(simplified: boolean = this.simplified) {
let transactions: {
payer_user_id: string;
payee_user_id: string;
amount: number;
}[] = [];
if (simplified) {
const balances_arr = Object.entries(this.balances).map(([userId, amount]) => ({
// Sort the balances: creditors at the start (descending), debtors at the end (ascending)
balances_arr.sort((a, b) => b.amount - a.amount);
let i = 0; // Start pointer for creditors
let j = balances_arr.length - 1; // Start pointer for debtors
// Loop until all debts are settled
while (i < j) {
// The amount to be settled is the smaller of the two opposite balances
const settleAmount = Math.min(balances_arr[i].amount, -balances_arr[j].amount);
// Add the transaction
payer_user_id: balances_arr[j].userId,
payee_user_id: balances_arr[i].userId,
amount: settleAmount,
// Adjust the balances
balances_arr[i].amount -= settleAmount;
balances_arr[j].amount += settleAmount;
// Move the pointers
if (balances_arr[i].amount === 0) {
if (balances_arr[j].amount === 0) {
} else {
transactions = Object.entries(this.transactions).map(([key, value]) => {
const [payer, payee] = key.split(':');
return {
payer_user_id: payer,
payee_user_id: payee,
amount: -value,
// Centify
for (const transaction of transactions) {
transaction.amount = centify(transaction.amount);
this.#results[simplified ? 'simplified' : 'non_simplified'] = transactions;
return transactions;
get_ui() {
let transactions = this.simplified ? this.#results.simplified : this.#results.non_simplified;
if (!transactions.length) transactions = this.get_transactions(this.simplified);
const ui = new Map<string, { owes: Map<string, number>; owed_by: Map<string, number> }>();
for (const { payer_user_id, payee_user_id, amount } of transactions) {
if (!ui.has(payer_user_id)) ui.set(payer_user_id, { owes: new Map(), owed_by: new Map() });
if (!ui.has(payee_user_id)) ui.set(payee_user_id, { owes: new Map(), owed_by: new Map() });
if (amount > 0) {
ui.get(payer_user_id)!.owes.set(payee_user_id, amount);
ui.get(payee_user_id)!.owed_by.set(payer_user_id, amount);
} else {
ui.get(payer_user_id)!.owed_by.set(payee_user_id, -amount);
ui.get(payee_user_id)!.owes.set(payer_user_id, -amount);
const owed_by_sorted = Array.from(ui.entries()).sort(
([, a], [, b]) => -a.owed_by.size + b.owed_by.size,
const owes_sorted = Array.from(ui.entries()).sort(([, a], [, b]) => -a.owes.size + b.owes.size);
if (owes_sorted[0][1].owes.size > owed_by_sorted[0][1].owed_by.size) {
return new Map(owes_sorted);
} else {
return new Map(owed_by_sorted);
get_saved() {
let simplified = this.#results.simplified;
let non_simplified = this.#results.non_simplified;
if (!simplified.length) simplified = this.get_transactions(true);
if (!non_simplified.length) non_simplified = this.get_transactions(false);
return non_simplified.length - simplified.length;
const dummy = [
amount: 300000,
payer_user_id: 'gnhbpv70frh3pb6',
payee_user_id: 'rb9rts552oya2ni'
amount: 100000,
payer_user_id: 'gnhbpv70frh3pb6',
payee_user_id: '8l0z7sgnjawlen6'
amount: 100000,
payer_user_id: 'afsjr5daudcmyic',
payee_user_id: 'rb9rts552oya2ni'
amount: 300000,
payer_user_id: 'afsjr5daudcmyic',
payee_user_id: 'ff4zrxv88p3ev90'
amount: 100000,
payer_user_id: 'afsjr5daudcmyic',
payee_user_id: '8l0z7sgnjawlen6'
amount: 100000,
payer_user_id: 'afsjr5daudcmyic',
payee_user_id: 'k6ehx0g4ypvg0lt'
amount: 400000,
payer_user_id: 'rb9rts552oya2ni',
payee_user_id: 'ff4zrxv88p3ev90'
amount: 200000,
payer_user_id: 'ff4zrxv88p3ev90',
payee_user_id: '8l0z7sgnjawlen6'
amount: 500000,
payer_user_id: '8l0z7sgnjawlen6',
payee_user_id: 'k6ehx0g4ypvg0lt'
amount: 666667,
payer_user_id: 'gnhbpv70frh3pb6',
payee_user_id: 'gnhbpv70frh3pb6'
amount: 666667,
payer_user_id: 'gnhbpv70frh3pb6',
payee_user_id: 'afsjr5daudcmyic'
amount: 666667,
payer_user_id: 'gnhbpv70frh3pb6',
payee_user_id: 'rb9rts552oya2ni'
amount: 666667,
payer_user_id: 'gnhbpv70frh3pb6',
payee_user_id: 'ff4zrxv88p3ev90'
amount: 666666,
payer_user_id: 'gnhbpv70frh3pb6',
payee_user_id: '8l0z7sgnjawlen6'
amount: 666666,
payer_user_id: 'gnhbpv70frh3pb6',
payee_user_id: 'k6ehx0g4ypvg0lt'
amount: 4000000,
payer_user_id: 'gnhbpv70frh3pb6',
payee_user_id: 'afsjr5daudcmyic'
amount: 1000000,
payer_user_id: 'gnhbpv70frh3pb6',
payee_user_id: 'rb9rts552oya2ni'
// We want simplify debts to be on
const ledger = new Ledger(true);
// Add all entries to ledger
for (const row of rows) ledger.add(row);
console.log('balances', ledger.balances);
// Get the final transactions as array
// Get the final transactions for UI, in form of who pays who
console.log('UI', ledger.get_ui())
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