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Created February 7, 2017 07:17
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Fast Artificial Neural Network C#
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace FANN
public class FANN
#region Properties
private Random rnd;
private int numInput;
private int numHidden;
private int numOutput;
private double[] inputs;
private double[][] ihWeights; // input-hidden
private double[] hBiases;
private double[] hOutputs;
private double[][] hoWeights; // hidden-output
private double[] oBiases;
private double[] outputs;
// back-prop specific arrays (these could be local to UpdateWeights)
private double[] oGrads; // output gradients for back-propagation
private double[] hGrads; // hidden gradients for back-propagation
// back-prop momentum specific arrays (necessary as class members)
private double[][] ihPrevWeightsDelta; // for momentum with back-propagation
private double[] hPrevBiasesDelta;
private double[][] hoPrevWeightsDelta;
private double[] oPrevBiasesDelta;
#region CTOR
public FANN(int numInput, int numHidden, int numOutput)
rnd = new Random(0);
this.numInput = numInput;
this.numHidden = numHidden;
this.numOutput = numOutput;
this.inputs = new double[numInput];
this.ihWeights = MakeMatrix(numInput, numHidden);
this.hBiases = new double[numHidden];
this.hOutputs = new double[numHidden];
this.hoWeights = MakeMatrix(numHidden, numOutput);
this.oBiases = new double[numOutput];
this.outputs = new double[numOutput];
// back-prop related arrays below
this.hGrads = new double[numHidden];
this.oGrads = new double[numOutput];
this.ihPrevWeightsDelta = MakeMatrix(numInput, numHidden);
this.hPrevBiasesDelta = new double[numHidden];
this.hoPrevWeightsDelta = MakeMatrix(numHidden, numOutput);
this.oPrevBiasesDelta = new double[numOutput];
#region Function Activation
private double f(double x)
return 1.0 / (1.0 + Math.Exp(-x));
private double derivative(double x)
return x * (1 - x);
#region View Matrix in Table
public void ShowMatrix(double[][] matrix, int numRows, int decimals, bool newLine)
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; ++i)
Console.Write(i.ToString().PadLeft(3) + ": ");
for (int j = 0; j < matrix[i].Length; ++j)
Console.Write(matrix[i][j].ToString("F" + decimals) + " ");
if (newLine == true) Console.WriteLine("");
#region Make Matrix
public double[][] MakeMatrix(int rows, int cols) // helper for ctor
double[][] result = new double[rows][];
for (int r = 0; r < result.Length; ++r)
result[r] = new double[cols];
return result;
#region View Weights
public void ShowVector(double[] vector, int valsPerRow, int decimals, bool newLine)
for (int i = 0; i < vector.Length; ++i)
if (i % valsPerRow == 0) Console.WriteLine("");
Console.Write(vector[i].ToString("F" + decimals).PadLeft(decimals + 4) + " ");
if (newLine == true) Console.WriteLine("");
#region SetWeights
public void SetWeights(double[] weights)
int numWeights = (numInput * numHidden) + (numHidden * numOutput) + numHidden + numOutput;
if (weights.Length!=numWeights)
throw new Exception("Bad weights array lenght");
int k = 0;
/*1. Retrieve Weight input to hidden*/
for (int i = 0; i < numInput; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < numHidden; ++j)
ihWeights[i][j] = weights[k++];
/*2. Retrieve bias weight to hidden */
for (int i = 0; i < numHidden; ++i)
hBiases[i] = weights[k++];
/*3. Retrieve weights hidden to output*/
for (int i = 0; i < numHidden; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < numOutput; ++j)
hoWeights[i][j] = weights[k++];
/*4. Retrieve bias weights to output*/
for (int i = 0; i < numOutput; ++i)
oBiases[i] = weights[k++];
#region Initialized weight from DB
public void InitializedWeightsDB(double[] oldWeights)
int numweights = (numInput * numHidden) + (numHidden * numOutput) + numHidden + numOutput;
double[] initialWeights = new double[numweights];
for (int i = 0; i < initialWeights.Length; ++i)
initialWeights[i] = oldWeights[i];
#region Initialized Weights Random Value
public void InitializedWeights()
int numweights = (numInput * numHidden) + (numHidden * numOutput) + numHidden + numOutput;
double[] initialWeights = new double[numweights];
for (int i = 0; i < initialWeights.Length; ++i)
initialWeights[i] = (0.001 - 0.0001) * rnd.NextDouble() + 0.0001;
#region Get Weights after Training
public double[] Getweights()
int numWeights = (numInput * numHidden) + (numHidden * numOutput) + numHidden + numOutput;
double[] result = new double[numWeights];
int k = 0;
/*1. Get Weights input to hidden*/
for (int i = 0; i < ihWeights.Length; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < ihWeights[0].Length; ++j)
result[k++] = ihWeights[i][j];
/*2. Get bias Weights to Hidden */
for (int i = 0; i < hBiases.Length; ++i)
result[k++] = hBiases[i];
/*3. Get Weights hidden to output*/
for (int i = 0; i < hoWeights.Length; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < hoWeights[0].Length; ++j)
result[k++] = hoWeights[i][j];
/*4. Get bias Weights */
for (int i = 0; i < oBiases.Length; ++i)
result[k++] = oBiases[i];
return result;
#region Compute Outputs
private double[] ComputeOutputs(double[] xValues)
if (xValues.Length !=numInput)
throw new Exception("Bad xValues array length");
double[] hsums = new double[numHidden];
double[] oSums = new double[numOutput];
for (int i = 0; i < xValues.Length; ++i)
this.inputs[i] = xValues[i];
/*1.Compute Total (input*weights) */
for (int j = 0; j < numHidden; ++j)
for (int i = 0; i < numInput; ++i)
hsums[j] += this.inputs[i] * this.ihWeights[i][j];
/*2. Compute Total (Bias*biasweights)*/
for (int i = 0; i < numHidden; ++i)
hsums[i] += this.hBiases[i];
/*3. Compute Z apply activation sogmoid*/
for (int i = 0; i < numHidden; ++i)
this.hOutputs[i] = f(hsums[i]);
/*4. Compute Sum Hidden to Output*/
for (int j = 0; j < numOutput; ++j)
for (int i = 0; i < numHidden; ++i)
oSums[j] += hOutputs[i] * hoWeights[i][j];
/*5. Compute Sum Bias Hidden to Ouput*/
for (int i = 0; i < numOutput; ++i)
oSums[i] += oBiases[i];
/*6. Compute yValues*/
double[] _y = new double[oSums.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < numOutput; ++i)
_y[i] = f(oSums[i]);
double[] retResults = new double[numOutput];
Array.Copy(this.outputs, retResults, retResults.Length);
return retResults;
#region Update Weights
private void UpdateWeights(double[]tValues,double learnRate,double momentum) {
if (tValues.Length!=numOutput)
throw new Exception("Target values not same length as output");
/*1. Compute Ouput Gradients (Teta)*/
for (int i = 0; i < oGrads.Length; ++i)
oGrads[i] = derivative(outputs[i]) * (tValues[i]-outputs[i]);
/*2. Compute Hidden Gradien (Teta)*/
for (int i = 0; i < hGrads.Length; ++i)
double sum = 0.0;// Teta In Z
for (int j = 0; j < numOutput; ++j)
double x = oGrads[j] * hoWeights[i][j];
sum += x;
hGrads[i] = derivative(hOutputs[i]) * sum;
/*3. Update Input-Hidden Weights (Gradients must be Compute)*/
for (int i = 0; i < ihWeights.Length; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < ihWeights[0].Length; ++j)
double delta = learnRate * hGrads[j] * inputs[i];
ihWeights[i][j] += delta;// Update
ihWeights[i][j] += momentum * ihPrevWeightsDelta[i][j];
ihPrevWeightsDelta[i][j] = delta;
/*4. Update Hidden Biases*/
for (int i = 0; i < hBiases.Length; ++i)
double delta = learnRate * hGrads[i] * 1.0;//1.0 is the constant input biases
hBiases[i] += delta;
hBiases[i] += momentum * hPrevBiasesDelta[i];// add Momentum
hPrevBiasesDelta[i] = delta;
/*5. Update Hidden- Ouput weights*/
for (int i = 0; i < hoWeights.Length; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < hoWeights[0].Length; ++j)
double delta = learnRate * oGrads[j] * hOutputs[i];
hoWeights[i][j] += delta;
hoWeights[i][j] += momentum * hoPrevWeightsDelta[i][j];// Momentum
hoPrevWeightsDelta[i][j] = delta;
/*6. Update Ouput Biases*/
for (int i = 0; i < oBiases.Length; ++i)
double delta = learnRate * oGrads[i] * 1.0;
oBiases[i] += delta;
oBiases[i] += momentum * oPrevBiasesDelta[i];//Momentum
oPrevBiasesDelta[i] = delta;
#region Compute MSE
private double MSE(double[][] trainData)
double sumError = 0.0;
double[] xValues = new double[numInput];
double[] tValues = new double[numOutput];
for (int i = 0; i < trainData.Length; ++i)
Array.Copy(trainData[i], xValues, numInput);
Array.Copy(trainData[i], numInput, tValues, 0, numOutput);
double[] yValues = this.ComputeOutputs(xValues);
for (int j = 0; j < numOutput; ++j)
double err = tValues[j] - yValues[j];
sumError += Math.Pow(err, 2);
return sumError / trainData.Length;
catch (ArgumentNullException ex)
return 0.0;
#region Shuffle Data Training
private void Shuffle(int[] sequence)
for (int i = 0; i < sequence.Length; ++i)
int r = rnd.Next(1, sequence.Length);
int tmp = sequence[r];
sequence[r] = sequence[i];
sequence[i] = tmp;
#region Accuracy Training Data
public double Accuracy(double[][] testData)
int numCorrect = 0;
int numWrong = 0;
double[] xValues = new double[numInput];
double[] tValues = new double[numOutput];
double[] yValues;
for (int i = 0; i < testData.Length; ++i)
Array.Copy(testData[i], xValues, numInput);
Array.Copy(testData[i], numInput, tValues, 0, numOutput);
yValues = this.ComputeOutputs(xValues);
int maxIndex = MaxIndex(yValues);
if (tValues[maxIndex] == 1.0)
return (numCorrect * 1.0) / (numCorrect + numWrong);
#region MaxIndex
private int MaxIndex(double[] vector)
int bigIndex = 0;
double biggestVal = vector[0];
for (int i = 0; i < vector.Length; ++i)
if (vector[i]>biggestVal)
biggestVal = vector[i];bigIndex = 1;
return bigIndex;
#region Train Backpropagation
public void TrainBP(double[][]trainData,double maxError,int maxEpoch,double learnRate,double momentum)
int epoch = 0;
double mse = 0;
double[] xValues = new double[numInput];// Input Values
double[] tValues = new double[numOutput];//Target Values
int[] sequence = new int[trainData.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < sequence.Length; ++i)
sequence[i] = i;
mse = MSE(trainData);
for (int i = 0; i < trainData.Length; ++i)
int idx = sequence[i];
Array.Copy(trainData[idx], xValues, numInput);
Array.Copy(trainData[idx], numInput, tValues, 0, numOutput);
UpdateWeights(tValues, learnRate, momentum);
Console.WriteLine("Epoch: {0}, SSE: {1}", epoch, mse);
} while ((epoch < maxEpoch) && (mse > maxError));
catch (ArgumentNullException ex)
#region Test Backpropagation
public void TestBP(double[][] testData)
double[] xValues = new double[numInput];
double[] tValues = new double[numOutput];
double[] yValues;
for (int i = 0; i < testData.Length; ++i)
Array.Copy(testData[i], xValues, numInput);
yValues = this.ComputeOutputs(xValues);
for (int j = 0; j < numOutput; j++)
Console.Write("yValues{0} = {1}", j, yValues[j].ToString("F4"));
catch (ArgumentNullException ex)
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