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Created December 15, 2019 09:47
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This script can be use to update app config in azure pipeline using octopus variable set
[string] $octopusUrl,
[string] $octopusAPIKey,
[string] $environmentName = 'DEV',
[string] $octopusSpaceName = 'Default',
[string] $octopusProjectName,
[string] $appConfigFilePath,
[string] $azureAccoutUser,
[string] $azureAccoutUserPwd,
[string] $azureSubscriptionId
$header = @{ "X-Octopus-ApiKey" = $octopusAPIKey }
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop";
$notLoggedOntoAz = $true;
Write-Host ("Get content of " + $appConfigFilePath +"...")
# Read the App.config content
$doc = ((Get-Content -path $appConfigFilePath) -replace "`0", "") -as [xml];
# Find the space
$spaceList = Invoke-RestMethod "$OctopusUrl/api/spaces?Name=$spaceName" -Headers $header
$spaceFilter = @($spaceList.Items | Where {$_.Name -eq $octopusSpaceName})
$spaceId = $spaceFilter[0].Id
Write-Host "The spaceId for Space Name $octopusSpaceName is $spaceId"
# Find the environment
$environmentList = Invoke-RestMethod "$OctopusUrl/api/$spaceId/environments?skip=0&take=1000&name=$environmentName" -Headers $header
$environmentFilter = @($environmentList.Items | Where {$_.Name -eq $environmentName})
$environmentId = $environmentFilter[0].Id
Write-Host "The environmentId for Environment Name $environmentName in space $octopusSpaceName is $environmentId"
# Find the project
$projects = Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing "$OctopusUrl/api/$spaceId/projects/all?skip=0&take=1000&name=$projectName&" -Headers $header
$projectFilter = @($projects | Where {$_.Name -eq $octopusProjectName})
$projectId = $projectFilter[0].Id
Write-Host "The projectId for Project Name $octopusProjectName in space $octopusSpaceName is $projectId"
# Get the evaluated variables for the provided scope
$evaluatedVariables = (Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing "$OctopusURL/api/$spaceId/variables/preview?project=$projectId&environment=$environmentId" -Headers $header).Variables
# Loop each of variable from octopus - begin
foreach($octopusVariable in $evaluatedVariables)
#check if the app.config has a key by name of the variable
Write-Host ("Processing variable " + $variableName +"...")
$appConfigEntry = $doc.configuration.appSettings.add | where {$_.Key -eq $variableName}
#if app config has the key with the variable name -begin
if(-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($appConfigEntry)))
Write-Host ("App Config entry found for variable " + $variableName)
# Assign octopus variable value to a $variableValue
#Check if the variable name starts with @Microsoft.KeyVault - begin
Write-Host ("Variable need to be obtained from KV")
if ($notLoggedOntoAz)
Write-Host ("Log on to Azure")
$notLoggedOntoAz = $false;
az login --username $azureAccoutUser --password $azureAccoutUserPwd
az account set --subscription $azureSubscriptionId
Write-Host ("Log on to Azure sucess.")
$keyVaultName = $splitSections[0].Replace("@Microsoft.KeyVault(VaultName=","");
#read the variable value from KV and assign to $variableValue
$variableValue = (az keyvault secret show -n $secretName --vault-name $keyVaultName --version $secretVersion | ConvertFrom-Json).value
Write-Host ("Obtained value from KV for varaible " + $variableName)
#Check if the variable name starts with @Microsoft.KeyVault - end
#Update app .config entry with $variableValue
$appConfigEntry.value = $variableValue
Write-Host ("Updated app config entry.")
}#if app config has the key with the variable name -end
Write-Host ("Processed variable " + $variableName +".")
}# Loop each of variable from octopus - end
Write-Host ("Saving config file " + $appConfigFilePath)
#save the app.config
Write-Host ("Done.")
Write-Host $Error[0] -ForegroundColor Red
exit 1
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