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Last active July 11, 2019 08:11
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RN iOS fastlane setup

What you need

  • fastlane
  • private git repo to store certificates and profiles on
  • access to app store and to developer account
  • set your phone number as trusted phone number in Apple ID managmend for your developer account.

How to do it

  1. Add SPACESHIP_2FA_SMS_DEFAULT_PHONE_NUMBER env variable to your shell with your phone number. The one you added as trusted phone number in Apple ID. This will ensure that code for 2FA will be send to your phone. This step is optional but in case you have more phones in the company it will save you a lot of time.
  2. Go to ios folder and run match init and paste git URL (SSH type used to pull/push etc.)
  3. Open newly created matchfile and uncomment line with username, paste you developer account id (email) there.
  4. Follow rest of the steps in Code signing guide (after match init).
  5. Now run fastlane init and follow the instructions
  6. Turn off automatic code signing in XCode and set it to match provisioning profiles.
  7. Deploy

Joining already setup project

What you need

  • fastlane
  • access to private git repo where the store certificates and profiles are
  • access to app store and to developer account
  • set your phone number as trusted phone number in Apple ID managmend for your developer account.

How to do it


Additional resources

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