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Last active August 26, 2019 18:38
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JavaScript – Convert a timestamp to a string "X days X hours X minutes X seconds X milliseconds". Useful to show elapsed time since [event]
function timestampToString(timestamp, useMilliseconds) {
const periods = {
day: 86400000,
hour: 3600000,
minute: 60000,
second: 1000,
millisecond: 1,
if (!useMilliseconds) {
timestamp *= 1000;
delete periods.millisecond;
return Object.entries(periods)
.reduce((result, [period, value]) => {
const num = Math.floor(timestamp / value);
const plural = num === 1 ? '' : 's';
const str = `${num} ${period}${plural} `;
timestamp -= num * value;
return `${result}${num === 0 ? '' : str}`;
}, '')
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Pustur commented Apr 26, 2016


timestampToString(1);             // 1 second
timestampToString(1, true);       // 1 millisecond

timestampToString(1001);          // 16 minutes 41 seconds
timestampToString(1001, true);    // 1 second 1 millisecond

timestampToString(1492471);       // 17 days 6 hours 34 minutes 31 seconds
timestampToString(1492471, true); // 24 minutes 52 seconds 471 milliseconds

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