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Created July 28, 2011 02:29
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//x,y,zOffset are either -4, 0, or 4, depending on fan facing.
if (!(e instanceof ju)) //e = Entity, ju = EntityFallingSand
double dist = e.h(i + 0.5D, j + 0.5D, k + 0.5D) * Math.abs(xOffset + yOffset + zOffset) / 4.0D;//e.h = distance from entity
e.d(0.07000000000000001D * xOffset / dist, 0.07000000000000001D * yOffset / dist, 0.07000000000000001D * zOffset / dist);//e.d = add velocity
if (((e instanceof gs)) && (((gs)e).usingUmbrella()))//gs = EntityPlayer
e.d(0.07000000000000001D * xOffset / dist, 0.07000000000000001D * yOffset / dist, 0.07000000000000001D * zOffset / dist);
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